... we do also need a proper developer.
You might (collectively) want to have a go at thrashing out an operational definition of the otherwise-rather-vague "proper developer".
In the meantime, I'll point to some independent work I've been doing which happens to include Fuguecoin.
My overarching interest is in understanding the pressures (for and against) improved transparency; one of my analysis techniques is to disassemble an original monolithic commit (of rebranding changes, parameter changes and assorted tweaks) into separate commits, one for the rebranding and one for the parameterisation and tweaks. I find this technique helps me to get a clearer understanding of the core “genetics” of the clone.
Aaaanyway, I have a github repos containing a Bitcoin 0.8.6 update of Fuguecoin in a separate branch:
This is probably the main interest:
https://github.com/gjhiggins/fuguecoin/commit/70cb651e53929d43ecaa920127c443870f8d2736it's all the changes to the original, minus the rebranding. (I'll add the remaining checkpoint a little later, after some sleep).
For comparison, this is the original lump'n'dump:
https://github.com/fuguecoin/fuguecoin/commit/7aab885ee994017fe2ae3144a2f6e9cbb130d556I used the updated code as a springboard for an experimental sub-branch in which I integrated BountyCoin's rather nice dynamic difficulty plot.
https://github.com/gjhiggins/fuguecoin/tree/bonusThere's clearly a small amount of polishing required to embed the feature fully and seamlessly but it's triv.
Admittedly, it's pretty but I'm asking myself whether it might actually be a waste of resources and screen real estate - I have a hard time convincing myself that it'll be of much interest to shibes, f'rinstance.
In terms of thinking about attracting more non-miners to the coin, there are other experiments to try. Kris Borodiansky has added some nice tab-based services to Bellacoin and Mike Zuo is going great guns with a few solid months of continual upgrades to his BLAKE2B-based AllAgesCoin, adding tabbed functionality to the wallet (chat, forum, various markets, gambling). Adding HTTP-provided services to wallet tabs is sorta running against the decentralisation grain but I think there is room for some creativity and inventiveness in opening up the functionality of the wallet.