March 18, 2014, 04:27:49 PM |
Difficulty has been at 39 for a bit now. Something doesn't seem right, or is it just me?
I think it's ok. The pool (which btw I also can't connect to with GPU miner) says: Network Info Difficulty 39.77203979 Est Next Difficulty 86.33714905 (Change in 73 Blocks) Est. Avg. Time per Block 1 minutes 9 seconds Current Block 16060 Same as my wallet (now 16065). Have you found any blocks yet solo mining?
March 18, 2014, 04:38:48 PM |
Difficulty has been at 39 for a bit now. Something doesn't seem right, or is it just me?
I think it's ok. The pool (which btw I also can't connect to with GPU miner) says: Network Info Difficulty 39.77203979 Est Next Difficulty 86.33714905 (Change in 73 Blocks) Est. Avg. Time per Block 1 minutes 9 seconds Current Block 16060 Same as my wallet (now 16065). Have you found any blocks yet solo mining? Yep. I got one 10 minutes ago, and other 1hr 20mins (approx) ago, using a single R9 270 at ~76 Mh/s. Was also lucky enough to pick up a couple CPU mining from the wallet just after launch.
March 18, 2014, 04:44:58 PM |
Difficulty has been at 39 for a bit now. Something doesn't seem right, or is it just me?
I think it's ok. The pool (which btw I also can't connect to with GPU miner) says: Network Info Difficulty 39.77203979 Est Next Difficulty 86.33714905 (Change in 73 Blocks) Est. Avg. Time per Block 1 minutes 9 seconds Current Block 16060 Same as my wallet (now 16065). Have you found any blocks yet solo mining? Yep. I got one 10 minutes ago, and other 1hr 20mins (approx) ago, using a single R9 270 at ~76 Mh/s. Was also lucky enough to pick up a couple CPU mining from the wallet just after launch. Yeah, I had a couple CPU mining as well after launch, but I've been running solo with 3 - R9 270's ~ 74 MH each, and nada.... Just hope I have this set up properly.... I'll give it a couple hours and see what happens...
March 18, 2014, 04:46:55 PM |
Yesterday i found 5 blocks for 4 hours of CPU mining, at 6 MH/s
And today i use GPU miner but 0 blocks for 1 hours of mining, at 50 MH/s.
Careful XC anonymous coin is a scam
March 18, 2014, 04:48:57 PM |
Yesterday i found 5 blocks for 4 hours of CPU mining, at 6 MH/s
And today i use GPU miner but 0 blocks for 1 hours of mining, at 50 MH/s.
Yesterday the difficulty was way lower. Normal.
March 18, 2014, 04:52:49 PM |
What? 26k coins/day #1 on that pool? 600MHash/s? on what hardware? Be good and don't hide your GPU-miner guys :-) It's called a CPU farm, probably an Amazon EC2, in both case there is a cost behind that kind of hash power Could be... Sure I belive, so its on Windows, without miner source avaiable to public, 1 day before making GPU-miner, such profit wow! edit: I refreshed and its 1,2GHash/s and going up, sure I belive some1 was able to copy like 500 instances in less than minute :-D Now I can say safely: it was GPU miner :-]
March 18, 2014, 04:53:35 PM |
Yesterday i found 5 blocks for 4 hours of CPU mining, at 6 MH/s
And today i use GPU miner but 0 blocks for 1 hours of mining, at 50 MH/s.
Yesterday the difficulty was way lower. Normal. i know  It was 3 yesterday (when i started :d) and now it's 40.
Careful XC anonymous coin is a scam
Activity: 14
Merit: 0
March 18, 2014, 04:54:10 PM |
Both CPU and GPU can be minable?
March 18, 2014, 04:55:12 PM |
Well, found my first block, but it was rejected.... :/
Hmmm, it's in my wallet as immature though.... Let's see what happens...
March 18, 2014, 04:56:19 PM |
pool is down? 
March 18, 2014, 04:56:55 PM |
pool is down?  Affirmative. Solo mining only, ATM 
Careful XC anonymous coin is a scam
March 18, 2014, 05:00:10 PM |
Nvidia miner coming later tonight guys. Mine while the going is good  A CUDA based heavycoin and fuguecoin miner will be released some time tonight (CET), as both of these coins are AMD GPU mineable now. This is not the cudaminer project, so it doesn't haveall the bells and whistles like autotune or automatic GPU architecture selection. It was fun to hold 50% of the fuguecoin network's hash rate with a small pool of nVidia cards. But fun seldom lasts forever  Christian
March 18, 2014, 05:04:02 PM |
Now I can say safely: it was GPU miner :-]
Indeed!, bad bad buchner ;D
March 18, 2014, 05:04:51 PM |
I just had a stale share mining solo. Didn't even know that was possible...
March 18, 2014, 05:06:00 PM |
First GPU solo mining block found! That work fine 
Careful XC anonymous coin is a scam
March 18, 2014, 05:13:57 PM |
First GPU solo mining block found! That work fine  A pool is down, easier, lucky you, congrats. Enjoy it while you still can! In a couple hours after the CUDA release, you'll have hard time to do a solo. GOD o_o i found another block omg... i actually use my nvidia GTX690 (6MH/s x2 at -I 14) i have another computer using HD 6970 and 6990, 40 MH/s, but no one block found  
Careful XC anonymous coin is a scam

Activity: 61
Merit: 10
March 18, 2014, 05:16:41 PM |
This is the next coin heading to the moon! Much profits to be made.
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
March 18, 2014, 05:17:08 PM |
Guys pls help me.This is my bat
setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100 setx GPU_USE_SYNC_OBJECTS 1 sgminer.exe -o -u shurik29 -p x -I 16
sgminer 4.0.0
I can`t set "-k fuguercoin" setup so it works as darkcoin 1,3 mh/s 270x.
i should download another version of sgminer(tried 4.1.0)? How can i get ~50 mh/s like you?
March 18, 2014, 05:25:04 PM |
First GPU solo mining block found! That work fine  A pool is down, easier, lucky you, congrats. Enjoy it while you still can! In a couple hours after the CUDA release, you'll have hard time to do a solo. GOD o_o i found another block omg... i actually use my nvidia GTX690 (6MH/s x2 at -I 14) i have another computer using HD 6970 and 6990, 40 MH/s, but no one block found   Haha, that's impressive with only 12 MH.

Activity: 95
Merit: 10
woké michel
March 18, 2014, 05:25:41 PM |
First GPU solo mining block found! That work fine  A pool is down, easier, lucky you, congrats. Enjoy it while you still can! In a couple hours after the CUDA release, you'll have hard time to do a solo. GOD o_o i found another block omg... i actually use my nvidia GTX690 (6MH/s x2 at -I 14) i have another computer using HD 6970 and 6990, 40 MH/s, but no one block found   en mettant l'attribut -k fuguecoin dans le bat ?
one coin for eat, please