It was actually like this in the past, but it didn't make sense (or match) with the current layout of the main page and how it displays ranks (via the shared rank table). Would need to do some serious reconstruction on the front page if we wanted to do it this way.
I'm sorry to say I don't understand your answer - perhaps you could walk me through it...
It's quite simple... the main page has a 'rank' table that lists a static 1-100 which is shared among the other tables. Originally, each table had its own 'rank' but this was requested by Vod at one point in the design process to get a cleaner look, which I actually liked. Unfortunately, it makes sharing ranks across multiple tables somewhat difficult/impossible with the way it is currently designed. So, as I said, it would need some reconstruction, which I'm not opposed to, but it is not at the top of the priority list at this point.
You posting a link to is completely different than a google doc, but keep trollin'!
Likely a resource issue that caused a time-out, should have resolved itself.
no free time during this friggin' pandemic.
It's amazing how not going out still eats up time
Ya, I really thought I would have more time... my presence at home seems to indicate I have to do *every* house project I'm behind on in the house, not to mention the majority of my job, which can be done remotely, plus appeasing kids who need attention 24x7. lol, this shit is crazy... nonetheless, I'm doing what I can do protect others, and myself.
Stay safe & healthy everyone!!
edit: I should also mention there was an issue with the
flaglog.aspx which I corrected recently, seems my formula for parsing the prior 2 days worth of flags more frequently fails when it stalls for 2 days.. or maybe there was no new flags for 2 days?... and then it returned 'null'. Hopefully this is corrected now.