Hi there!
Our service abides by the law, therefore we do our best to ensure that no illegal funds go through our platform to mitigate risks of money laundering.
Once you complete the verification, the funds will be returned to you at the rate you confirmed when initiating the transaction. You will also be whitelisted and won’t have to go through the whole process again.
Wow, I have an insane proposal that would hit three or twenty rabbits in the head at the same time...you ask for KYC before the user sends the funds
- the user is
protected- you don't dirty your hands with dirty coins
- you don't have to return the money, it will save you a lot of fees and calculations
- there won't be any more scam accusations because of this KYC crap from now on
What say you? We implemented the AML/KYC procedure to protect customers
Yeah right, it's all for our protection!!!! How nice of you!