The Proof-of-Work algorithm and the Proof-of-Stake algorithms are scams. Proof-of-Work algorithm actually costs more than it makes. This is why every single Proof-of-Work algorithm crypto has to be supported with FIAT money, which honestly speaking makes them all hybrid PoW/PoS. Proof-of-Stake is a scam because it's just money backed with money.
Are you aware that the main objective of any algo, either POW or POS or any other is to prevent 51% attack? And only the one-single metric could be appropriate for convicting them in "scamming" i.e. how effectively the given algo does so. Everything else is a pure rubbish.
The algo does not prevent that attack. That algo is the only algo which is susceptible to the 51% attack. Only thing that prevents 51% attack on Bitcoin is the cots of performing that attack, because Bitcoin is so large, but because Bitcoin doesn't really scale, it's really slow and expensive.