BTW, dogmatic servility of the kind you're proposing has never done anyone any good.
It’s depressing that the overwhelming majority of posts in this thread are praising the crackdown in lockstep. Worse is the chorus of virtue-signalling about the bogey of people so evil that (gasp!) they potentially may not pay taxes, if they don’t have a nicely licenced “KYC/AML” financial mass-surveillance régime watching them at all times. What unspeakable sin!
PSA: You need the permission and supervision of your masters to use “your” money—OR ELSE! Like Carlton says, it isn't exactly fresh news. AMLD5 had always been looming and I said in some other thread they had been doing the same in Netherlands. Should have been earlier if not for Covid, which gave them an unexpected grace period.
It could be a slight miswording too, not a ban, but a hold on the machines till they implement kyc/aml procedures. That's how it is in NL.
Keywords rendered in bold.
Il est bien malaisé (puisqu’il faut enfin m’expliquer) d’ôter à des insensés des chaînes qu’ils révèrent. tell sheep to be “free”, LOL
I give up. If people on the Bitcoin Forum, of all places, demand that governments close those awful loopholes which may let people use their own money without permission, there is not much hope.
that mush be rich person by now unregulated things mean no taxes right
some of them, fortunately just a minority,are installing those just as money laundering scheme [...]
The same companies that scream about laws and regulations to boost their business are the same that are trying to ditch them to avoid paying taxes.
And this is going to be a huge problem. People will then be using those ATMs to launder money and evade taxes. [...] Death and taxes, both are inevitable.
[N.b. the absurd brainwashing cliché.]I mean if they aren't licensed, they don't have documents or permit to operate such thing, why would the authorities let them run and evade taxes?
chase those tax evaders
The crackdown on illegal and unregulated bitcoin ATM is understandable because as a government, you do not want your taxes/lifeline of your country getting cut short.
[!!!]After all, the government is very interested in all regulations atm bitcoin that can be regulated in such a way because the prospect exists, of course, they know that not a little circulation occurs and if the government can take taxes from each transaction it is an advantage in itself.
That is exactly my Point mate,How about the legal operator whos paying right taxes while there are these illegal one who's just taking profit out of their business
without spending evena penny.
Probably these ATM machines are owned by a
rich daddy in the government somewhere around the country
. This can only be a business from
the rich just to boycott the
tax process in the country, also,
not to make known his or her identity. The government should by matter of urgency shutdown the entire illegal ATM machines around the country and confiscate them.
* nullius checks the address... yes, this is
May I most modestly propose the following additional talking points for the majority of tax-paying animals in this thread:
- We need a licencing requirement for all cash transactions of any kind, with “KYC/AML” rules that require all participants in a cash transaction to report the transaction and the identities of their counterparties. This will help to protect consumers from shady cash deals. After all, who uses cash but criminals?
- Governments must seize of all real, tangible money with intrinsic value. Of course, all goodthinkful citizens must not want evil tax evaders and other sundry Horsemen to hide their money in unlicenced, unregulated, untraceable gold coins.
- Bitcoin needs taint tracing and coin blacklisting, as first persuasively advocated by the visionary Mike Hearn. And we must ban the Lightning Network, which, as “Dr.” Craig Faketoshi Blight so helpfully pointed out, removes from the blockchain the information that governments need to trace financial transactions.
- Bitcoin ATMs must require a scan of an ID card, a fingerprint, and a DNA sample. This must be enforced by the enforcement of ATM licencing. All objections will be stopped by screaming the magic words, “tax evasion” and “money laundering”. What, do you want for tax-evading money launderers and other Official Bogeymen to be able to swap between BTC and local fiat anonymously!?
- Utopia: The cashless society! With all financial transactions of any kind under proper supervision, wicked wights will find it impossible to commit tax evasion and other unapproved uses of money. Anybody who dislikes this can feel free to starve, for want of any unsupervised, unregulated, unlicenced means to buy food. What, do you want for tax-evading terrorist financiers, child dealers, and drug pornographers to be able to buy food anonymously!? Indeed, what kind of
political dissident ungoodthinkful unperson would even want to buy food without showing ID plus proper documentation of source of funds and payment of taxes?
Here’s to a future of financial surveillance so total and inescapable that nobody will even dare to
think about unapproved use of money!
at risk of in certainty of wasting even more of my life by arguing sound reason to such graceless witlings as quoted in the above litany, here is a protip: In terms of taxes, both rich people and professional criminals will not be significantly affected by this. Taxes are primarily paid by the poor, and most of all, by the upwardly mobile middle-class. Rich people have lawyers and accountants to minimize and avoid taxes “legally”, while professional criminals have black-market infrastructure and underground connections to avoid taxes “illegally”.
It is only people with neither fancy lawyers nor black-market access who cannot escape being crushed by a system that promises everybody free ponies through the deadly cycle of creating inflationary debt-based money, then taxing the beasts of burden who are forced to use it.
Money printer go brrr. Taxes are the “lifeline of your country” (quoted above).Thus is real wealth drained from the overwhelming majority of people into the pockets of the richest 0.0001%, as stupid poor proles cheer the abject impoverishment of anybody who has anything more than basic animal subsistence. This must be terribly amusing to the 0.0001%.
After all,
Das Kapital is the Holy Writ of plutocrats.
Naturally, I expect that what I just said was a waste of words, and will have no impact whatsoever.