Going to any institution with 'covid-19' seems very risky if said institution gets extra money for treating such patients. Seems like if they are running out of room they'll kill you as quickly as possible to make room for other $39,000 government checks. Seems like that was what was happening at Elmhurst in NYC, but they were doing mostly homeless and indigent people with no family that way.
you are reading debunked and outdated scripts from march-may
you are fuy out of date and debunked.
ill explain this once more although i feel i have explained this to you and the other conspiracy nuts several times in different topics
hospitals do not get $39k for just scribbling down covid.
they get paid per task. EG set amounts for using meds, or doing scans or putting on ventilators
those diagnostics are logged. the scans are linked and the procedures are signed off and done and witnessed.
the amounts accumilate depending on how severe the patient gets and how many procedures are needed to be done. .. its not a set fee
so if a patient has just a cough and fever they would not be put onto ards. and no ards procedures done so no ards payment.
yes in some hospitals in february some untrained doctors from the ER department were put onto ICU wards and done wrong things. but those doctors were reprimanded and made to leave the ICU within hours.
i debunked this back before summer when badecker quoted an american ER doctor temporarilly on a ICU ward putting patients onto ARDS protocol. and he was soon dismissed due to it
screw it ill even give you the conspiracy quote and how its been further hihjacked deeper into fantasy land
"typically, the diagnosis-related group lump sum payment would be $5,000. But if it's COVID-19 pneumonia, then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."
the diagnostics section can add upt to $5k if everything is done. but can be cheaper if less is done
if it is then proceded to then do lung xrays and using a nasel canular. and having that oygen therapy for upto 2 weeks. then that can add upto $13k. but less time on oxygen means less cost
if they then need full ventilation. then again this can add more costs whereby each day on it accumilates more cost. where the max total of smeone having every procedure/test/diagnostic. and then needing all the treatments and ards protocol for a length of say 1 month.. could total $39k
as a separate note. just to put some facts infront you of
if 2 patients where sick. and one had covid and someone had say MERS but both had the same symptom severity and end of life result. where all diagnostics and all scans and all treatments were the same and for the exact same time length.
then and only then if a hospital is classed as a rural hospital(not easy access to diagnostics tools) they would only get a 20% extra on their charges if the patient had covid
in no cases in no hospitals do they automatically get $39k just for writing 'covid' on a report
doctors dont just write covid. their diagnosis have to be backed up by known symptoms/tests/scans/treatments. and its these tests/scans/treatments that have individual costings and also policies in place as to whats acceptable to perform or not