Hello everyone!
We strive to make it as comfortable as possible for everyone.
We are honest with our customers and expect our customers to be honest with us.
I cannot go into too much detail about this situation, but I can explain the situation and give arguments for or decision.
First, I would like to emphasize that everyone who has won fair is always paid by us.
There is always a delay when retrieving data from matches with regard to scores and odds. Then we talk about seconds.
For that reason, last week we increased the sync time of the bet slip with the server to 10 seconds, so that the transmitted data would in no way determine a player's stake.
If a value has changed after 10 seconds, the player must confirm this. We then built in a feature that the user can choose to always accept a odds, regardless of whether the odds are rising or falling.
Users thought the 10 seconds loading time was too long, so we reduced it to 5 seconds. However, this turned out to be too short, as there was also a 5 second delay in scores and odds in certain matches.
For this reason, user MishaYo was able to place a bet when the goal was going to be scored. If he did this on purpose or not can not be prooven.
This may have been a coincidence, but after our unpleasant experience with aribtrage betters last week, we are wary and unfortunately have to conclude that there are also users who are deliberately trying to take advantage of this delay. This is not a personal accusation but MishaYo, but a general comment.
In these situations we reserve the right to cancel a bet at any time. This happens exactly last week, and there we decided to pay out the winnings.
At the end, we have simply refunded this user's MishaYo deposit to his account. We have now set the delay of the bet slip back to 10 seconds, because unfortunately there are players who do not deal with the system fairly.
it is very good that you are not trying to say directly that I was deceiving you.
however, there is a general rule for everyone:
2. fix poor website performance (if this is the reason)
what happened to me:
1. canceled the bet
2.said that they fixed the poor performance of the site
I have to say "thank you" for giving me the deposit?
I really hope that you just buy software from the 1xbet site and you have nothing to do with them. But already at the very beginning of your work, you can see that you are doing the same as 1xbet!
My post is just the beginning. Very soon people will write how all their bets will be canceled and they will also receive a deposit. This is how 1xbet works if someone wins from them.
Maybe it won't. I really hope so.
Adkinsbet tell your dogs not to write anything bad about me! I have already written enough about my case and no longer want to support the discussion.
I just want the general rules to be followed! Just like bookmakers take money from people, sometimes they have to pay for their reputation!
I think you have a little understanding of gambling and business. 1xbet has rented software from BETB2B. That company leases its platform to companies. If you did a little more research, you would see that every platform from BETB2B looks exactly the same. 1xbet does not supply software, they rent software. The range of games on this site is very different from 1xbet.
So if I understand correctly, you as a gambler can just try to exploit wrong odds, and then bookmakers should just pay? It doesn't work like that. This will also be stated in their general terms and conditions.
You tried to cheat at Adkinsbet, and they caught you and indeed you should be glad you got your money back. Players like you are ruining the entire gambling industry and honest customers are the brunt of you too.
I recently saw a person offering live stream here, claiming that his matches would be up to 10 seconds faster than certain bookmakers.
Do you sometimes have something to do with that?
You are not an honest gambler. You are a manipulator deliberately looking for wrong odds due to odds delay.
This user is a cheater and a clown