Isracoin- a cryptocurrency for Israel (Sybmol: ISR).
Isracoin Airdrop Phase-I
Integration as means of payment in businesses
Phase-I of the Isracoin plan has begun on May 6th 2014 at Midnight GMT+2.
THE ISR MULTIPOOLThe ISR Multipool (Alpha Version) is now open to the public. (Currently supported algos: Scrypt, X11)
There's still plenty of work to be done on it but we'd love for you to start testing it out.
We'd like to stress the point that this is just a tool for the ISR miners, to help stabilize the ISR market against dumpers and other multipools.
This is by no means the main driver for the coin. Sometimes you just need stopgap measures and so here we are.
Check the multipool out here: Isracoin Phase-II Staggered Release ModelThe Isracoin national coin allocation will proceed slowly and in a staggered manner
putting coins in the hands of more people than allocation by way of mining.
This will greatly increase the amount of users and the actual value of the network
while significantly increasing market stability.
Read the full text of the Staggered Release Model announcement RELEASED FOR PUBLIC MINING MARCH 26th 23:00 (GMT+2)
Isracoin is a cryptocurrency for Israel. It is based on scrypt and is 10% premined for Airdrop distribution, has a maximum of 4.8 billion coins, block rewards of 50 coins every 1 minute and DigiShield difficulty retarget every 1 minute as well.
The premined coins will be distributed to the population of Israel and Israeli businesses, commencing on May 6th and in accordance with the plan set forth in the official website.
Isracoin was announced March 24th 2014 and its website opened to the public for the first time. The official launch announcement in Israel took place during a TV segment about the coin, in one of the most prominent economic TV shows in the country.
Israel has one of the highest levels of centralization of wealth and assets, with about 20 families controlling most of the industry and 5 banks controlling a whopping 93% of banking assets in the country.
Since 1962 not a single new bank has been established in Israel and lack of competition means the public pays high fees and rates and receives unfavorable terms in their day to day banking. Credit card clearance is also controlled by one body, which has a vested interest in keeping credit card processing fees high. The Israeli banking system is rife with interest over-charging on credit, low interest on deposits and high fees and charges for no apparent reason. The public has no choice but to endure this, while the cost of living skyrockets. Isracoin will help change that.
The purpose of the Airdrop is to put a significant quantity of Isracoins in the hands of as many Israeli citizens and businesses as possible, within a relatively short timespan, in order to jumpstart a strong economy that is based on real-world commerce.
The Airdrop distribution to businesses is an incentive to adopt and implement Isracoin as means of payment, to make the currency geared more towards real commerce.
Airdrop Blueprint
Discussion Forums
Isracoin's launch TV segment, with english subtitles.WALLET DOWNLOADS:
Android Wallet AppHTML5 Web Wallet for iPhones and any other device4/13/2014 - v1.6.1 released with openssl Heartbleed fix and some minor other fixes
Windows WalletMac WalletLinux Wallet 64bit(note: QT for linux is statically compiled and should work out of the box. isracoind currently compiled Dynamic instead of static - you will need to install some libraries. If neeed pls clone and compile the source for isracoind )
Source CodeIsracoin P2POOL Source Code(With clear instructions in the README and support from OmarG who is maintaining the repo,
we would love anyone to establish a p2pool node and help improve the network's security. Thank you Omar!)
THE ISR MULTIPOOL (Alpha Version) P2POOLS: - THE MORE HASHPOWER ON P2POOLS, THE MORE SECURE THE NETWORK BECOMES- NODE SCANNER: (helps you find a node closer to you) POOLS: - please help spread the hash
www.bittrex.comwww.swisscex.comc-cex.comexarena.netwww.coin-swap.netbleutrade.comwww.europex.euLINK TO BOUNTIES LISTBLOCK EXPLORERS:
crypto-prices.comRPC: 21947
P2P: 21948
All premine coins have been further consolidated from blocks 1-6000 -> 32 addresses -> <10 addresses.
This was done in order to improve transparency of the premine to the general public.
The premine addresses are now structured according to the distribution plan phases and divided to cold storage addresses and live addresses.
Cold storage will always contain the bulk of the coins, for when they are called upon as needed by the different plan stages to refill the live wallets. The live addresses will be much smaller chunks of coins that are being distributed as the plan moves forward.
For the live operational budget wallet, we plan on adding a spreadsheet (most likely a public read-only google doc) that will contain information on the various expenses from the budget.
Cold storage:Phase-I
Long term operations budget
Live wallets:
Operations budget
Click here to view expenses spreadhsheet