Look at the stat for monthly visit. It's crazy number.
Yeah incredible how a simple site could generate traffic, 1.5m! Simple and useful
Probably error that you got was from cached version of website.
At first I thought there is a problem with the site but after refreshing it worked and tried with another browser and whether it is only me site and it was fine so yes, you are right, it is the cached version that caused this
I doubt it is an issue of whether or not the owner can maintain it, but rather the owner hasn't set a reminder as the when it will expire. I don't know if theymos would even consider buying the site either as there are money other alternatives.
Yeah I am aware of the forums expenses. For theymos 1 BTC = 1 BTC so it is almost impossible to see a banner in the forums talking about FIAT/altcoins prices to BTC. A script could be made but it won't be popular imo. So the easiest alternative to all of that is preev since it is easy to visit, simple and without ads.
As mentioned, if the owner add non annoying ads, he could generate a lot of money I assume, this thing could be done by the forums too if they acquire it.
I am relieved that the site is back and I hope there won't be a new topic about this issue in 2023!