From IRC, a moment ago
<tf2honeybadger> We're going to probably roll back the blockchain to before the point
<HONEYBOOBOO> some body either really wants some WC or really doesnt want WC to take off! the coin get that gets knocked down 7 times but stands up 8!
<Gouou> tf2honeybadger: is his confirmed?
<tf2honeybadger> so DO NOT MOVE ANY COINS
* pmallek has quit (Client Quit)
<nate-wc> g2g back to work - deadlines to meet today - so much drama surrounding this coin it's almost untrue and hard not to watch!
<tf2honeybadger> Spread the word: DO NOT MOVE COINS UNTIL WE SAY IT IS SAFE
<Moondusk> tf2honeybadger: gotcha
<equex> holy shit balls
<Gouou> serious fuck dumping is going to sttart?
<equex> ahaha lol
<Nexby> chuncky is back online
<tf2honeybadger> asoom, LynchyAU, majika_afk, mculp, mogonzo, OdinYggd, spread this: do not move coins until we say it is safe to do so again
* markus_lol (b52e4b4c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined #whitecoinfoundation
<tf2honeybadger> Gouou: aLl the exchanges should be frozen
<tf2honeybadger> someone email cryptsy please
* sfdfasdasf (62a5659a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #whitecoinfoundation
<HONEYBOOBOO> cryptsy are idiots
<tf2honeybadger> and tweet @cryptsy
<tf2honeybadger> Get them to freeze the goddamn market and stop profiting off tx fees
<Moondusk> That explains the 1 satoshi trades
<nate-wc> cant update wallet as firewall blocks it (working on site today - lunch break atm)
<tf2honeybadger> they're being irresponsible
<Gouou> im @cryptsy ..should i sell ..or wait?
<Gouou> cmon guys
<tf2honeybadger> I really have to go now, I'm sorry