This may have been explained, by why are there so many transactions? I get so many tiny incoming transactions from staking and it seems it would be better to simply have a few per day? If someone has a link to why there are so many PoS transactions so I can read up on it that would be cool. Thanks.
its just a POS thing all pos coins work like this
if you have a block of 30000 coins it will mint and then split into 2 blocks of 15000 coins then the 2 will mint and create 4 blocks of 7500 coins then 8 x 3750 then 16 x .............etc etc etc
this is what keeps a pos network running
if blocks didn't split the network wouldn't have enough blocks being minted to secure the network and keep it running
when your getting too many small transactions group them back up with icecoldtommys advice