Anybody has any idea on how to fix : Error: Extranonce2 size is 3 (minimum is 4) for nicehash pool
make sure that in your .conf - the extranonce subscription is on ( 'true' ) ...
it doesnt always work if you have a miner that doesnt support it either ... in which case you just turn it off and make do with rejected shares every time the extranonce2 bit changes ...
My configuration :
"logDirectory" : "",
"logLevel" : "INFO",
"disableLogAppend": false,
"stratumListenPort" : 3333,
"stratumListenAddress" : "",
"disableStratum": false,
"getworkListenPort" : 8332,
"getworkListenAddress" : "",
"disableGetwork": false,
"apiListenPort" : 8888,
"apiListenAddress" : "",
"disableApi": false,
"poolConnectionRetryDelay" : 5,
"poolReconnectStabilityPeriod" : 5,
"poolNoNotifyTimeout" : 240,
"rejectReconnectOnDifferentHost" : false,
"poolHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
"userHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
"connectionHashrateSamplingPeriod" : 600,
"isScrypt" : false,
"databaseDirectory": "",
"hashrateDatabaseSamplingPeriod": 60,
"hashrateDatabaseHistoryDepth": 7,
"noMidstate": false,
"apiLogLevel": "INFO",
"validateGetworkShares": false, // Validate the shares submitted by Getwork w$
"poolSwitchingStrategy": "priorityFailover",
"weightedRoundRobinRoundDuration": 60,
"apiUser": "",
"apiPassword": "",
"apiReadOnlyAccessEnabled": false, // If an apiUser is set and this option is$
// The apiEnableSsl should be set to true or left commented if an apiUser is $
//"apiEnableSsl": false,
"logRealShareDifficulty": false, // Take care, it is CPU intensive and it work$
"workerNumberLimit": 1, // Only 1, 256 and 65536 values are supported.
"ipVersion": "auto", // Valid values: auto, v4, v6. Force the use of the IP p$
"suggestedPoolDifficulty": 0.01, // Suggest this difficulty to the pool. The $
"pools" : [ {
"name" : "Nicehash Lyra",
"host" : "",
"user" : "12kJnGaN6TdmvkjZSf5Yc2nuxq6bx4nkKy",
"password" : "d=0.02;p=0.24",
"enableExtranonceSubscribe" : true,
"appendWorkerNames" : false,
"workerNameSeparator" : ".",
"useWorkerPassword" : false,
"weight" : 9,
"isEnabled": true