Affiliate slot.
Address: 16EpLTWyjcJatFunQhb3yyHngd15UPSKbC
Post Count: 675
Affiliate slot
Btc Address: 17mTmAmR4euUHdFyxBgrUhkdM73x5UVKor
Post count: 181
Declined and blacklisted. This applicant is highly unlikely to be a desired enrollment. Specifically,
- You are not on the whitelist, and therefore can only apply for a Supporter slot;
- You did not adjust your signature, personal message, or avatar;
- You actively display a different campaign's signature;
- Your history doesn't indicate you will meet the requirements of this campaign, due to:
- A large percentage of contest entry posts
- A significant number of nonconstructive, "signature spam" posts
- You previously submitted an invalid application to this campaign under similar circumstances