So, repeat offence.
Ukrainian army has confirmed that russian terrorists used russian anti-aircraft system but failed, there was an ukrainian military plane flying near the malaysian one. Simple mistake, great anti-aircraft btw.
What a bullshit? Pro-russian terrorists has gotten russian anti-aircraft system(a lot of proofs), as i said before they just failed, they wanted to shoot down ukrainian plane of military which was flying near that region... This is what happens when monkeys get modern weapon.
You actually think Russia is behind this? Why would Putin purposely do something to hurt the appearances of the rebels? It's more likely that the Ukrainians shot it down to blame Russia.
Pretty much this. The only ones who will get the blame from the "world community" will either be the freedom fighters or Russia. The only ones who gain from this are US and West-Ukraine. My bet is that someone in Washington decided to repeat the Sakhalin incident.
Some news on the topic:
Black boxes have been discovered. Representatives of the republic say they intend to hand them over to Moscow for analysis.: 100 bodies discovered around the crash site: Aeroflot and Transaero, as well as French Air France and German Lufthansa stopped flights over Ukraine: People's Republic puts the blame for downing of the plane on Kiev. They don't have weaponry to down anything at that altitude. They've sent officials to the crash tite: were 9 British on board: Ministry of Internal Affairs reports of over 300 dead in the crash: Putin's plane might have been the target for Ukrainian missile - sources“I can say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the Malaysian aircraft - 15:44 Moscow time,” a source told the news agency on condition of anonymity.