now frist
Below is a list of coins that we are considering adding. Please vote for the selected coin below.
We allow 1 vote per day on each coin from IP address. Registration/login are not required.
Your vote will be worth more if you login -3 +3 There is no coin on the list for which you want to vote? Add new coin
25/08/14 - This Week's Winner is HamRadioCoin (445 points)
22/08/14 - ARCoin wins with 546 points and distribution -102/+648
16/08/14 - Welcome CAPTcoin (415 points)
11/08/14 - Orbitcoin listed on exchange
11/08/14 - Bulbacoin, sorry, deleted threads, fake votes, "networkhashps": 2667643 (POW), "connections": 1
29/07/14 - Virtacoin is a winner
Rank Coin Name Direct Link Points Distribution
1 BIGBullion (BIG) 286 (-192/+478) -3 +3
2 Bulbacoin (BULB) 285 (-272/+557) -3 +3
3 Stellar (STR) 270 (-33/+303) -3 +3
4 RescueCoin (RSCC) 190 (-239/+429) -3 +3
5 Moneta (MNTA) 129 (-62/+191) -3 +3
6 RipoffCoin (RIPO) 116 (-295/+411) -3 +3
7 Popular coin (POP) 94 (-40/+134) -3 +3
8 LemurCoin (LMR) 93 (-22/+115) -3 +3
9 Mystery coin (MYST) 85 (-21/+106) -3 +3