ok.. nice ann bumping today so far...
about IRC #Munnecoin : To all of you guys reading this, come on irc now and i will tell you one or two good stuff I know about Munne, while we are all waiting on official news.
why not just post it here ?
Why do we need to get on IRC to get info that should be publicly available ?
Status #MunnecoinX
[I am back from holidays, sorry for my absense. I have the tip-bot ready, just a few bugs with the tipping (node.js peeps PM me). If there is something you would like to see here, please PM me (Mistercoin, Xeddmc), Also, PM me if you need to talk to me, as that is the only way I get notified. --http://munnetalk.com --]
[17:23] == hilbillypirate[5882e832@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #Munnecoin
[17:24] <+_gnargnar_> yes.. probably that i won't say much or as much as you would like, but what i know will still be better than nothing ;-)
[17:24] <+_gnargnar_> i will wait 5 minutes more so to wait for more ppl if any...
[17:25] <hdeva> okay cant wait.......
[17:25] <+_gnargnar_> you can't ?
[17:26] <hilbillypirate> hillbilly pirate in da house
[17:26] <Levole11> hey have lured me to this irc, of whch i didnt know it existed before, to tell me you aint gonna say muchj???
[17:27] <Levole11> are you a marketing dude?
[17:27] <+_gnargnar_> hmm.. any news is news, right?
[17:27] <hilbillypirate> looking to loot some precious mne
[17:27] <Levole11>
[17:27] <+_gnargnar_> nope.. not a marketing nor affiliated with the munne dev team..
[17:28] <hilbillypirate> how did you get this Intel?
[17:28] <+_gnargnar_> ok.. here's what i can tell.. because, like you, i'm tired to wait
[17:28] <+_gnargnar_> because i've talked with mchrono on skype..
[17:29] <hilbillypirate> very strange he can't say anything
[17:29] <+_gnargnar_> 1. some of the recent buys of mne were done by the munne dev.
[17:29] <+_gnargnar_> 2. i've got presented the munne university the weekend before christmas.
[17:30] <+_gnargnar_> so yeah, i've got access to the university to test and to let them know if i saw any bugs or anything..
[17:30] <+_gnargnar_> mchrono contacted me to ask for my ip to give me access to it.
[17:31] <+_gnargnar_> i've not seen any bugs at all and the tests gone smooth..
[17:31] <hilbillypirate> so they are using our btc to make profit
[17:31] <+_gnargnar_> what?
[17:31] <hilbillypirate> no development funds
[17:31] <+_gnargnar_> i don't know man.
[17:31] <hilbillypirate> don't like it
[17:31] <+_gnargnar_> you insinuate that based on what?
[17:31] <Levole11> have you got an answer as well on the question why it is so hard to inform ppl on btctalk.. It's caused a lot of unnecessary shit.. Do they think its worth all that?
[17:32] <+_gnargnar_> tell me how you come to 1 + 1 = 3
[17:32] <hilbillypirate> they are buying mne with their own btc?
[17:32] <hilbillypirate> I don't think so
[17:32] <+_gnargnar_> guys... i'm here only to share with you what i know... even if you insinuate thing or attack me it won't serve anything.. anything. capiche?
[17:32] <hdeva> so when is offical news then?
[17:33] <hilbillypirate> we are the investors and they share this with us once they already bought mne
[17:33] <hilbillypirate> why not work together?
[17:33] <+_gnargnar_> you let me continue.. or you prefer to act like angry kids ?
[17:33] <Levole11> \gnargnar, its not an attack.. I am genuinely interested in the 'why'without meaning to attack you
[17:34] <hdeva> okay next update....plz gnargnar continue
[17:34] <Levole11> and i understand if you cant answer, i thought that maybe it was something you guys spoke of as well
[17:34] <+_gnargnar_> so shut the fuck up... because i don't even have to do that with you guys. i've made my own research, creating my own links to get the news..
[17:35] <+_gnargnar_> what i've learning or know, i've worked for.
[17:35] <+_gnargnar_> i'm sharing this because i too find it really bad to be kept in the unknown.
[17:35] <Levole11> who do you tell to shut the fuck up dude?\
[17:36] <+_gnargnar_> should i continue?
[17:36] <hdeva> ya
[17:36] <hilbillypirate> yes
[17:36] <+_gnargnar_> ok.. so i experienced munne university..
[17:36] <+_gnargnar_> the platform is nice.
[17:37] <+_gnargnar_> you have multiple kind of courses, some free, some with a fee..
[17:37] <+_gnargnar_> you can also submit courses, in the like of youtube of kinda..
[17:38] <+_gnargnar_> but what i've tested was with "test" courses.. so no real courses
[17:38] <+_gnargnar_> mchrono wanted to make it public between christmas and new year but i didn't recommended them to do that.
[17:39] <+_gnargnar_> because on a cms like that ( content management system), if people don't see usuability instantly (by already having many courses and content) then they will only bash the stuff.
[17:41] <+_gnargnar_> so they told me that they listened to my suggestion to report it and will make content and will anyway wait after the holidays to (like mchrono said last time) to coordinate with the marketing firm.
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