The trouble with ASIC is that it doesnt exist yet. You can take the deposits and pre order and have no idea when it will arrive, or you can buy proven technology until something else is availiable. BFL may still not be the first to produce ASIC, so it is probably prudent to wait and see!
My impression so far has also been that pyramining wants to develop its own ASIC chips similarly to how it worked out its own FPGA stuff. So when BFL or anyone else comes out with their chips isn't relevant to when Pyramining does. Besides, ordering from anyone at this point puts Pyramining closer to the back of the line, no point in getting stuck there.
My worry is mostly that the ASICs that trickle in during new deposits will keep hash rates lower while everything is on hold waiting for new deposits, which would then discourage new deposits since they'd be paying to help upgrade everyone else. Which sticks everyone in a lose-lose situation if I'm correct and pyramining hasn't already figured out how to deal with it.
So, it is quite interesting that, in the end, it seems that between BFL and Avalon asic race, Pyraminng will get the technology first!
Haha, wouldn't that be awesome?