November 26, 2018, 04:23:39 AM |
Quite an interesting project and most importantly, unlike other projects, you continue to work and coordinate with the community many steps. And of course it is very important that the topic continues to remain informative.
Thank you. I really appreciate your words. It is important to focus on the project and find alternative ways to reach the community. The ICO wave last year has destroyed the picture of crypto online. It's a necessary channel but offline is important, too. Besides promoting the project offline, participants of meetups, fair visitors, cloak members, and crypto enthusiasts are getting informed as wll about the security of funds, the importance of data and moreover privacy. if the team involved is always active in promoting this project, there is no doubt that this project will run smoothly and find out what has been planned, we pray always the best for this project.
Sr. Member
Activity: 1078
Merit: 310
AKA RJF - Member since '13
November 29, 2018, 08:10:30 PM |
I've held CLOAK since the beginning, been through all the crap and changes and I can tell you this, this team has their game on for sure. The way you have structured the operation with different reps in various countries is genius. Great marketing gentlemen, nice work.
Question: Do you have a list of current merchants that accept CLOAK both online and real world? Especially in North America?
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
November 30, 2018, 09:07:59 PM |
 Greetings to the entire Cloak community!
Outside there is always raining and it's the best time for active work! November was a productive month for events. Summarizing results of November:
- Made a list of topics for presentations that i will use during my speech in upcoming 2019y. conferences.
- Continue my work on “Crypto Adoption Alliance” - an alliance of crypto projects that are interested in the mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. At this stage, i’ve set rules and conditions, and working on recruiting other project coordinators.
- Made a verbal agreement with the project, which work on the system installation that allows traders and merchants to accept cryptocurrencies. An announcement of cooperation will be announced immediately after the first seller starts accepting CLOAK through this system.
- Worked and still working on testing of the final version of the visual marketing material kit.
- Managing translators team - translating the CloakCoin project and its blogs into various languages.
- Polish translator joined the translators team.
- Wrote an article about cryptocurrencies. You can check this article here.
Plans for December-January:
- Printing a final version of presentation and draft version of visual marketing material.
- Publishing videos from which you will learn how to make an anonymous ENIGMA transaction and how to participate as a Cloaker.
- Continue my work on the massive adoption of CLOAK and development of the Crypto Adoption Alliance. Alliance website development.
- Weekly activities (blogs translation, translation team management, social media administration)
That's all for now! And yes, if you always want to be aware of the latest updates, join our social networks!
Twitter: Vkontakte: Telegram:
With respect,
Cloak Community
Russian Coordinator Igor (Telegram: @IgorsLAT)
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 03, 2018, 09:42:25 PM |
DownUnder The Cloak Volume 01, Issue 07Recently the crypto markets took a big hit to the downside, but I’m feeling more positive than ever about the upside. Our team is expanding and we’ve built some great foundations to work our way towards mass adoption. There’s so much good news in the pipeline. Around The Cloak Keeps Getting BetterI’m really enjoying putting together our monthly video updates on progress and developments from the CloakCoin team. It’s really rewarding to share with the world what we are doing to make untraceable cryptocurrency more accessible to the world.
Working With NEM, Tenzorum and Bitfwd — APAC Blockchain ConferenceIn the lead up to next year’s APAC Blockchain Conference, we have commenced working on the content for our full day workshop. I am doing this in collaboration with Thanh Le, the Australian lead for the NEM Foundation.
I recently had the pleasure of adding Daniel Bar to our program. Daniel is a visionary entrepreneur, leader of Bitfwd community, a member of the Edmund Hillary Fellowship New Zealand and CEO of Tenzorum. He has one seriously impressive resume!
Really looking forward to this event. We will be engaging with over 500 attendees from over 250 different companies across enterprise. Trading Crypto With Cointree Event — Stone & Chalk SydneyBig thanks to Beau Stoner from Cryptocurrency Australia for recommending me to Cointree as a speaker for their event. It was a great turnout, about 70 people showed up for pizza, beers and learning.

I got to spend some valuable time with Thanh from NEM to discuss upcoming collaborations. Always a pleasure to talk crypto and big ideas for adoption.

Also had an amazing discussion with Shane Stevenson, the CEO of Cointree who hosted the event. They’re a leading exchange based in Melbourne, Australia and have been in business since 2013.

They’re also tightly integrated with Gobbill, allowing users to pay any bill with their chosen crypto. Some really exciting news to come, really proud to be working with Cointree on events and future developments.
Shoutout to Robert Joseph from MySMSF for all the insights around tax and self managed superannuation funds. What a fascinating guy, looking forward to working together mate! We’ve Been Working SO Hard On AdoptionI want to extend a huge thank you to show my appreciation to our growing team of coordinators. They’re from all over the globe and are making waves! We now have a total of 7 coordinators and our fortnightly coordinator video calls are now running super smoothly. We have a set meeting agenda, sharing and discussing all sorts of ideas. We also take time to discuss our efforts in our respective markets and provide feedback to one another.
You may have noticed lately what we have been signing up heaps of new merchants. This is due to the hard work and dedication of our amazing coordinators. We’ve been taking all of our insights and carefully creating systems within our CRM to monitor our success.
We are already making tweaks to our communications to improve our results.Mentioned on Crypto Clothesline with Tone VaysThe lovely ladies from Crypto Clothesline recently had Tone Vays on their podcast. They reached out to me for some insights on the Coinsbank Blockchain cruise. They featured myself and CloakCoin as part of the episode notes on their website too! Thanks to Abheeti and Amy-Rose for their support. If you haven’t seen my interview with Omar from Crypt0’s News, be sure to check it out below. Checkout With CloakCoin On Flubit.comTalk about adoption! Much to my delight, I was able to pay using CloakCoin on, an online store offering over 70 million products. It’s quite a bit like Amazon! I simply clicked on the pay with crypto button at checkout and selected CloakCoin. In fact the site accepts quite a few different cryptocurrencies, of which we are proud to have been selected amongst. Since announcing the acquisition of the marketplace, (who had over 3 million shoppers through its doors last year), MonetaryUnit’s $MUE coin has shot up 37% in value. The coins available at the launch of crypto offering are: BitCoin, BitCoin Cash, Dash, DogeCoin, Ethereum, Ethereum Classic, Komodo, LiteCoin, Ripple XRP, XMR Monero, Beancash, BlackCoin, Bitcoin gold, CloakCoin, Crown, Decred, DigiByte, Game credits, Groestlcoin, Lisk, MaidSafeCoin, NavCoin, Neo, Namecoin, Nxt, Peercoin, Pura, Qtum, SmartCash, Stratis, Syscoin, TokenPay, Tron, Ubiq, Vertcoin, Waves, NEM, Verge, ZCoin, Zcash and Horizen It’s also worth mentioning that Flubit is no small-fry. They’re a major retailer with a big push for cryptocurrency use this Christmas with over 1 million Xmas deals on offer. You can see the scale of these guys for yourself on SimilarWeb. Pay With CloakCoin, Not Your PrivacyWhile I’m busy forming new partnerships, attending events and mentoring our team of coordinators, make sure you’re using your CloakCoins. Especially be sure to embrace Enigma and make the most of our long established privacy coin.
 I don’t always go to conferences. But when I do, I make the most of it! You’ve seen the places you can spend $CLOAK growing steadily and I can assure you, that growth is going to explode. Especially with some exciting partnerships in the works and with all of the video tutorials and training materials I’ve created to make our coordinators jobs easier.
 Can’t believe I’m alongside Jeffrey Tucker and Ron Paul! Until next time, I’ll be busy signing up merchants, new payment solutions and working on my presentation for my speaking gig at Anarchapulco on 14–17 February 2019. Here’s a sneak peek of the title slide. When it’s comes to privacy, Mark has been ‘Zuckerpunched’ Merry Christmas everyone!CloakBlog:
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 04, 2018, 03:37:51 PM |
 Dear CLOAK Community,
We're glad to announce that CloakCoin has been listed on CryptoWolf an instant cryptocurrency exchange!
You can easily exchange cryptocurrencies in a fast, secure, and cheap way.
Buy CloakCoin anonymously without user registration or verification!

Peace & Love
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
Sr. Member
Activity: 1078
Merit: 310
AKA RJF - Member since '13
December 05, 2018, 11:25:47 PM |
CLOAK team member and Charlie Lee from Litecoin project. It is very stimulating image. Well done, CLOAK team.
I second that, well done!
"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Ben Franklin
December 08, 2018, 08:41:21 AM Last edit: December 11, 2018, 12:34:09 PM by cloakteam |
 Hey everyone,
I'm very glad to be a part of this awesome team and the coordinator program! Let me introduce my efforts:
General Updates
- Finished CloakCoin Wiki Vietnamese page
- Keep updated about the news/updates via bitcoingarden and local forum:,
- Discuss with several exchanges and vendors for Cloak and crypto adoption
- I am in discussing with some KoLs (big local influencers) to team up a group for crypto adoption. And need to do more researches about crypto adoption in Vietnam, this could be hard since the law is not very clear.
Community Updates
- The community grows is quite good: up to now, the group has 338 members but not that many discussions in the group, most of the chats are about the market since they are traders. I will encourage people to do Cloaking rather than only trading.
Marketing and Events
- Discussed with Bitcoinworld, a Dapp online game platform to accept Cloak as a payment method and already got an agreement.
- Contacted with 55 exchange, a new exchange which registered in Singapore to list CloakCoin. They will contact back to Cloak Team for listing. But currently they’re doing OTC exchange, so they’re quite busy.
Ideas and Suggestions
- Most of the Vietnamese community members are traders, so some of them don’t understand much about Cloak. Hopefully, CloakWiki will help. Also, I would like to hold a weekly trivia quiz in Cloak VN group to educate community via trivia.
- Wisepass is a promising project which is currently having about 200+ merchants/customers in Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines and Thailand, accepting crypto payment. My friend is working on their marketing division. So I will have some talks with her but need to figure out what’s the benefits on marketing and sale aspects for merchants. Also, need helps from Cloak Team and Joshua on this.
Join the Vietnamese Telegram Group
Greetings from Vietnam
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 11, 2018, 08:38:57 AM |
 Hello Community,
This month I concentrated on the task of increasing the numbers of the Portuguese speaking community members. In conjunction with having vendors accepting CloakCoin it’s essential to have an engaged and relevant community to drive the adoption of our currency project. I believe it's important to increase the recognition of CloakCoin, but also meet the people that make up the crypto environment we operate in. These people are the future base of volunteers, early adopters, and supporters of our project.
CloakCoin was present at BitConf Brasil 2018 in partnership with Marcos Nascimento. CloakCoin gathered substancial interest and curiosity, on the following discussions a lot of questions about the project were answered.
The social media Campaign was a success, our Portuguese language telegram group had an x12 increase in members and we now have a solid active user base from where we can build our community. Competitions with small prizes were launched to increase the participation rate of users on different platforms.
- Published an article on about passive income with CloakCoin’s POS staking.
- Subtitled in Portuguese the project’s monthly video update ‘Around the Cloak ep03’
- A video tutorial on how to install and use the wallet was published on Luan Italo’s youtube channel

Started talks with 2 Brasilian exchanges for listing to increase the market presence of CloakCoin.
This month I also ventured out of the Portuguese speaking market and started reaching out to Spanish South America and made the first contacts with Venezuelan Crypto enthusiasts in an effort to understand the issues that affect them the most and why is crypto adoption there on full throttle. Preliminary contacts with African Crypto influencers have also been made and we hope to have some content published in December.
Telegram: Facebook: Twitter:
Cloak Community
Portuguese Language Coordinator Exslave
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
Sr. Member
Activity: 432
Merit: 254
December 12, 2018, 01:50:12 PM |
We have officially joined Binance Info’s transparency initiative. By sharing project-related information such as news and progress reports on Binance Info, we are contributing to keeping the community informed. Binance Info aims to provide users with the most trusted information on crypto projects — check out our page here:

Binance Info is a cryptocurrency information platform, providing users with accurate and comprehensive crypto market data, news, and project rating reports. As an open information platform, Binance Info encourages all users to participate in maintaining accurate information on crypto projects by creating token profiles, editing missing or incorrect project information, contributing to news sources, and more. Users can help the community better understand coins and tokens.
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| CloakCoin | Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digital Currency| Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 12, 2018, 06:35:40 PM |
 Dear Cloak Community,
We are happy to announce the fourth episode of Around The Cloak, your monthly video update on progress and developments from the Cloak Team.

Peace & Love
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 14, 2018, 06:00:53 PM |

Hi everybody,
personally this was a great month for me, although the market went really down. Good things often don’t come easy. Keep your emotions in check and lets ride this wave together. A lot of interesting people started accepting Cloak as a payment option this month - and what makes me especially proud is the diversity of those businesses and artists I got to know, appreciating the influence they have over their supporters and clients. A sincere thank you for all of those accepting Cloak now - you guys are amazing! You help us to get more attention to the project and are really valuable. If you are a business owner or an influencer, feel free to contact us.
Completed tasks:
CloakCoin adoption in November:
- - - - - - - - - -
Future plans:
- Contacting influencers and speakers and invite them to our first official Dutch meet up.
- Contacting sponsors, and search for a good location in the beautiful Dutch capital Amsterdam.
- Contacting companies for Cloak acceptance and widen the list.
- Completing the Cloak presentation, that can be held on conferences etc.
- Cloak core team members Lasvegas83, Sidi25, Ares89 and our global spokes person and Australian coordinator Joshua will attend the first official Dutch Cloak meet up in Amsterdam.
I wish everybody a nice ending of 2018, enjoy it with your loved ones. I see you all in 2019! Join the Dutch Cloak community on Telegram or follow me on Tw
Join the Dutch Cloak community on Telegram
CloakCoinDutch - iwidepiwi Twitter -
Greetings from the Netherlands
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 17, 2018, 08:31:57 PM |
 Hello everybody,
Even this month has come to an end, this time taking the whole year with it. This December may seem very distant compared to the previous one in the eyes of a crypto enthusiast, 2018 in fact it was not a big positive year, but we can’t say that it was not exciting. December somehow portrays the fears and capital losses of this year, but the Cloak Team continues on its own way.
This month I focused on making lists of possible partners, gathering information for a possible Cloak conference and trying to find a path to improve our project locally and internationally:
- Continue my research for information and partners to organize a conference with Cloak as a guest. Trying to organize something special in Milan with Joshua, our Australian coordinator, as a speaker. Things are getting clear now!
- I have compiled a list with more than 30 possible Cloak partners and I started contacting them one by one. On this list I put some special focus on businesses whose customers are requiring more privacy than others.
- Communication with various influencers, groups and specialized local and international pages for hypothetical interviews and appearances of the Cloak project.
Future Plans:
- New market research to broaden the horizons of Cloak in various fields and for various uses.
- Continue my research on all the possible businesses interested in a partnership with Cloak.
- Continue the process of creating a crypto conference with Cloak as a guest/have Cloak as a guest in an important crypto conference/meeting.
Join the Cloak Italian Community on Telegram: Greetings,
The Italian Coordinator Emanuele
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 19, 2018, 01:57:10 PM |
 Dear CLOAK Community,
we are very proud to announce that CloakCoin has been listed on Cointree! Cointree is a Melbourne-based cryptocurrency exchange that aims to provide users with a simple and secure crypto trading experience.

Cointree collaborates with Gobbill™ a Microsoft Startup sponsored company, with a digital finance assistant that automates bill payments using artificial intelligence for households and small businesses in Australia.
This collaboration means your everyday household or company bills can be paid with CloakCoin as well as traditional fiat.
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram

Activity: 322
Merit: 10
December 19, 2018, 02:01:55 PM |
Cointree and CLOAK made a good partnership. Together, both Cointree and CLOAK might move and grow well next year. Happy Xmast and New Year to come, everyone.
December 24, 2018, 03:27:58 PM |

Dear Cloak Community,
Season's greetings and a sincere thank you for your confidence in us and your interest in our work.
Merry Christmas and may you live a long and happy life filled with goodwill and friendship.
Peace, Love and Togetherness,
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 29, 2018, 07:53:10 PM Last edit: December 30, 2018, 03:10:52 PM by cloakteam |
Dear Cloak Community,
We are very pleased to announce that CloakCoin has been listed on!
MyCryptoCheckcout is a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency payment gateway with currently more than 500+ vendors.
You can send CloakCoin directly into the wallet of the vendor with 0% transaction fees, fully automated and peer-to-peer.
One of our greatest tasks is to build up the CloakCoin adoption for the next coming years and looking forward to see more vendors and users joining the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
Check them out here:

Peace, Love & Happy shopping!
Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
December 31, 2018, 03:59:23 PM |
Dear Cloak Community, 2018 has been an incredible year for CLOAK! Along the way, there have been highs and lows as well as breakthroughs! We are very grateful to every member of our community had has contributed to our successes.
May this New Year brings you a peace filled life, warmth and togetherness in your family and much prosperity!
Happy New Year!

Team Cloak
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
January 04, 2019, 10:05:18 PM |
 Dear Cloak Community,
I am happy to greet you with my first ever CloakCoin monthly report. Even though this report is monthly based, since it is my first report, I have included some works that I’ve done starting from my official announcement from November 18.
The first thing that I have done is to create a Cloak survey to the Turkish community to understand the brand awareness which aims to decide upcoming communication strategy based on the results. The survey was conducted among active investors even though they have not invested in Cloak yet. Findings have been really helpful and helped me for further interactions with the Turkish community and underline the major points to speak about. The detailed survey results and recommendations were reported to the Cloak core team.
Above all, I have recorded videos for new Cloak users in Turkish about
"How to Install Cloak Wallet"

"How to send and receive CloakCoin via official Cloak Wallet"

Before I joined the team, the CloakCoin Whitepaper was already translated into the Turkish language, but there were some grammatical improvements necessary.
During my first long-month, I have started conversations with local exchanges for CLOAK/TRY pair listing, up to now, even though talks are not ended yet, my passion is to make this topic one of my next month goals.
To interact with the local community, Telegram channel and Twitter account have been created where content is in the Turkish language. To be updated about progress, please join the official Turkish Telegram and follow Cloak Turkey on Twitter.
In December, I have attended two local Fintech meetups called "Tech Talks Istanbul 2018" and "Fintech & PropTech Meetup" to discuss Cloak's approach to data privacy as a Fintech blockchain project and attended to "Binance Istanbul Meetup" to interact with the investors.

For adoption, the list of possible vendors is ready and I started to talk to vendors about the advantages of accepting Cloak as a payment method. Since the general crypto adoption is low in Turkey, this is the most challenging part of my duty, but everybody knows that Istanbul was not conquered in a day nor the first attempt. Hopefully, hustle-work will pay off sooner.
Future Plans for January 2019:
- Listing on Turkish exchange is my priority. - Working on mass adoption. Educating vendors how to accept Cloak as a payment method. - Weekly YouTube videos will be uploaded to explain and talk about Cloak attributes - Cloak developments on official CloakCoin YouTube Channel (in Turkish) - Recording the Turkish Whitepaper as an audiobook - Attending at least four local Fintech/Startup/Blockchain events in Turkey per month - To interact with University departments for Blockchain/Computer Science clubs to support CloakCoin's open-source mission and to create a base community about Cloak's tech. - Showing peope all over the world how the project Cloak cares about its Community with possible partnerships for new tech projects that have a social impact. - To create an annual local strategy for 2019.
Thank you for reading my report. I hope all of you will have a great year in 2019.
Peace & Love
Asertin- Turkish Coordinator
Contact and Follow info: Asertin Twitter
Cloak Turkey Twitter Cloak Turkey Telegram Channel
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram
January 07, 2019, 07:47:46 PM |
DownUnder The Cloak Volume 01, Issue 08A brutal year comes to a close as we set the stage for a fruitful 2019.What a year it has been. So many challenges, so many lessons learned and CloakCoin has survived yet another crypto crash. So proud of our team and how well we’ve improved our strategy going into a new year.Subscribe to Cloak TVIf you want to keep up to date with CloakCoin, make sure you’ve subscribed to our YouTube channel. All of our most important news is shared via our monthly video update on progress and developments from the team.

CloakCoin listed by Cointree
Following my involvement at the Cointree Crypto Trading event, where I spoke to around 70 people, Cointree were kind enough to list $CLOAK!

They’re a very well established exchange in Australia who have been in business since 2013. They’re integrated with Gobbill to allow Australians to pay any bill with crypto.

Currently the integration includes Bitcoin, but during early 2019, they will enable CloakCoin. Yes, that’s right, Aussies will be able to pay bills using $CLOAK!
End Of Year Wrap — New Kids On The Blockchain
There are some amazing content creators in Crypto. Ash and Lisa from New Kids On The Blockchain are among some of the very best! I was delighted to provide them with a quick roundup of CloakCoin’s 2018.

I was visiting my mother for Christmas, around 1600km from my home in Sydney. So unfortunately all I had with me was the bare essentials for filming, but I came through in the end and even shared some of our plans for 2019.
While in Vegas for World Crypto Summit, I was honoured to film a short message in support of Ross Ulbricht with his amazing mother Lyn.

Please join us in showing your support to the #FreeRoss campaign by heading to and signing the petition.
Big Dreams Behind The Scenes
As we all know, the Christmas and New Year period are notoriously difficult for business development. Not a great time to be engaging with the media or signing up new merchants.
But, it is most certainly the best time of year to reflect, appreciate your achievement, recognise your strength and identify where you can best focus your time for the year ahead.
Myself and the entire CloakCoin team are feeling refreshed and energised to make 2019 our biggest year yet. We have found so much clarity during the festive season and we are communicating as a team like never before.
I can’t wait to show our community how well prepared we are for the year ahead.
Binance Blockchain Week — Singapore!
We are kicking the new year off with a bang and I will be flying to Singapore for Binance Blockchain Week. If you’re gonna be there, come say hi, ask me about CloakCoin. The event runs from January 19–22 and we can’t wait to rub shoulders with the Binance team. We are so proud to be a part of their ecosystem.

PS. If anyone notices I have a new piercing, perhaps it’s because I’m feeling bullish. ;-)
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| CloakCoin | CloakCoin Private, Secure, Untraceable & Decentralized Digitalcurrency | Enigma Telegram | Bitcointalk | Twitter | Facebook | Steemit | Reddit | CloakTV | Instagram