sparkcoin (silk reference, but not related to silkcoin), perfect from shade
* MINOR: Stake modifier checkpoints appear to wrongly be using a 64bit number, not a 32 bit number... might lead to a stuck PoS chain
* MODERATE: Somewhat unfair launch. Reports of source being released after binaries, and the official pool before source was released
* MINOR: 2 blocks were premined and undisclosed
For some reason, checkpoints.cpp has a ton of weird reformatting
Unknown why this is like this.. seems like it'll probbaly cause random problems
unsigned int GetNextTargetRequired(const CBlockIndex* pindexLast, bool fProofOfStake)
return GetNextTargetRequired_(pindexLast, fProofOfStake);
bool IS_POW = (pindexLast->nHeight < 10001) || (pindexLast->nHeight > 50000 && pindexLast->nHeight < 60001);
if (IS_POW) {
return GetNextTargetRequiredV1(pindexLast, fProofOfStake);
} else {
return GetNextTargetRequiredV2(pindexLast, fProofOfStake);
fairly recent news event as genesis seed
Seems to be a copypaste error
static std::map<int, unsigned int> mapStakeModifierCheckpoints =
- ( 0, 0xfd11f4e7 )
+ ( 0, 0xbfa1d8e4fd11f4e7 )
// Hard checkpoints of stake modifiers to ensure they are deterministic (testNet)
static std::map<int, unsigned int> mapStakeModifierCheckpointsTestNet =
- ( 0, 0xfd11f4e7 )
+ ( 0, 0xbfa1d8e4fd11f4e7 )
Watermarks: uint64_t, pos, smsg, drm-like
Good Job Earl. this you can trust.