so now...
some numbers first:
my wallet shows me, at the moment there should be
2.164.130 SPARK already distributed
- which would be
close to 9% of
- a
total supply of 25.000.000 SPARK.
and fact is, currently there's almost no new block beeing generated by pure staking.
that would change, if we'd
turn on POW again... I'd go and distribute them like so:
27623 - 36000 - ~5 days* @ 1 SPARK -> max. ~7.200 SPARK (warmup phase)
36001 - 165000 - ~3 months @ 12 SPARK -> max. ~1.548.000 SPARK / ~3.6% tot.
165001 - 300000 - ~3 months @ 8 SPARK -> max. ~1.080.000 SPARK / ~2.5% tot.
300001 - 560000 - ~6 months @ 4 SPARK -> max. ~1.040.000 SPARK / ~2.5% tot.
560001 - 1000000 - ~1 year @ 2 SPARK -> max. ~960.000 SPARK / ~2.4% tot.
1000001 - 2000000 - ~2 year @ 1 SPARK -> max. ~1.000.000 SPARK / ~2.5% tot.
2000000 - max supply - ~? years. @ .2 SPARK -> max. ~100.000 SPARK/y / ~0.25% tot./y
*the ~days calculations are at most something like a very rough estimation,
as the total amount of blocks generated at the specific height, will consist
of both, POW and POS blocks.
so, about
5.500.000 SPARK - that'd be
~20% of the total supply - could be created
via POW within that next 4 years. so much for the theory... the practical side will
show that this amount
in fact will be somewhat lower, as some blocks are
well beeing created via POS... whereas this should be max. 17.5% of the already yielded
coin supply every year.
however, POW will work indefinitely and could be used to generate new blocks,
yet every block just yields another 0.2 SPARK until the maximum coin supply of
25mio SPARK has been finaly worn out.
conclusion: - final amount stays the same
- distribution allows for auxiliary mining to engage every time
- staking still is more profitable in the long run
- POW distribution of only 20% over a 4 year period doesn't exhaust coin supply
- after 4 years, POW can only generate max. 100.000 SPARK / year. that's 0.25% of the total supply
that is the only solution I could find, that actually could work and wouldn't even touch coin scarcity after all.
this is the one and only last chance I see.other option would be to drop that thing completely, as I don't see a chance to get SPARK online with POS only.
not any time soon, not even in a hundred years
well... that been said...
In theory, I'm ready to release the code, as well as to provide a windows .exe (w/o needing some additional .dll's anymore)
but I want to get in touch with bittrex and bter beforehand...
(I think I remember that c-cex already did close their spark market...*)
and I want to make sure, someone still is in this thread here and interrested in an update...
...I still get connections to the presumeably dominant network, consisting of 1.2 as well as 1.0 clients...
however, to enable POW, obviously those clients need to be updated as well or any POW block will become
rejected eventually.
please leave some feedback,
at least to show you're still here and somehow ready to make an update within a few days.
the code changes will be supported with proper comments and so should be easy to verify...
*) cannot confirm, as with my smashed cellphone, as well my 2fa to enter the site is not available atm. but maybe I can fix that in the same turn...