This guy the OP is hilarious no matter how bad he has been exposed for scammy shit and no matter how many times he plows forwards pushing new schemes LOL
This guy reminds me of Oldminer and his collection of scammy projects, sites and services such as Carbon Coin LOL
There is no getting rid of these guys and they desperately want to worm their way into a position to exploit hard..
This OP is busted with scammy shit and lies then cooks up a POD - Proof Of developer award scheme
and before that he had made all kinds of Scammy IPO clone coins hahhahahha
so duhhhh uuhhhh why would some sleazy coin cloner want to be in charge of handing out coin certifications and awards ?
Wouldn't have anything to do with his scammy shit he has been pounding this place with since December 2013 huh ?
I hope you all are smart enough not to fall for this scammy fuckers antics because people get tired of explaining..
Guys like this OP wear the honest guys down until they give up.. the maggots don't leave and never let up.. they push and on and on and on and on and on
He wants your Bitcoin.. and he is going to have it one way or the other LOL
You guys are all dumb.. he makes shit loads of account to kiss his own ass here pushing his own topic along
creating a fake crowd and you all buy into it and join.. hahhahah
You guys here are like dumb flying rats ROFL
Place a pile of fake pigeons in a crowd on the ground and more idiots start wandering over.. ready for the trap.
it's funny because this method is a classic around here and no matter how many times it's pointed out you guys still for all for it
One coin cloner i seen posted here he created more 60+ accounts to do that he said.
Good luck keeping your bitcoin guys
And remember the easiest way to rip you off is to let you profit and get some cash in your hand first now so they can take it ALL