Whatever happened to our air drop ribbits? Was that a marketing scam???
That was over a year ago...OP hasn't been updated in a long while due to the fact OP dosnt come here but spends time on social media.
You mean living off the 100% insta-mine
Or the $1.5 mill in 1st round seed money they received.
You can say and belive what you want about the project. But it's one of the few project that has actualy broke threw to the rest of the world. Not just crypto nerds and traders like you and I.
Dont even put me in your catagory of being a nerd. Just because you hold dust, keep trying. The seed money was a joke also. Zero cryptocurrency was used.
RR devs are using the money to travel the world and post expensive meals and vacations. They quit their jobs and are living off of suckers like you.
Look everyone, a troll in it's natural habitat.
If you have any clue you know alot of RBR sold below 30-20 sat. In no way can they make money of that.
Now that the price is up the daily volume is not nearly enough to live from. Last price drop? I caused it! Needed some extra BTC for another project.
I bet you they are not even trading and you're just a frustrated kid that missed the low buyin and airdrop. (yes, there was one!
If you had any second clue you wouldn't post 'expensive meals'... Who does that? Why would they? Again: Even if they took home 100% of the daily volume they wouldn' be making enough to get rich or even live comfortably from. Devided by the whole team even they would be very VERY hungry
I'm betting you're not even above 18y old trying to plummit the price. I suggest you get A CLUE first.
People like you are the reason this team is not even giving any attention to this forum and posting everything on fb, twitter and other media.
You're just a sad little man... Or woman. Nobody cares really, just keep your ignorance to yourself. Thanks!