We already have
this list here on this forum * which is checked everyday, by not just me but many members who participate in this thread giving their feedback.
There is also the forum moderators who act as an additional safety mechanism to make sure scammy/spammy links don't get posted.
All the faucets listed here get checked out before they are added to this list and are removed if something changes with them to make them
untrustworthy. There aren't referral links and so one can be reasonably sure that they are not posted here for any other reason than to
provide safe and reliable faucets for newbies to gather in some Bitcoin to try things out for themselves.
If you or anybody knows of any Bitcoin faucets that should be on this list then feel free to submit them for inclusion in
this list here.
We don't need any submissions of sites which have their own lists, and who no doubt have those lists on their own sites in order to
get some ad revenue or to make something off of referral links and/or adfly(etc.) redirections etc., which makes them less trustworthy
than a moderated list here... I, and others here, have seen many examples of websites offering links to suspect sites, because they
perhaps don't care if the linked site works or not as long as they get visitors to their site and there is a chance to make a little bit of money
somehow from clicks, referrals, redirections or what have you. ( some of the "complete offers for money" sites are even worse and people have
downloaded programs full of viruses, or have given up personal information in order to participate, resulting in spam or worse... )
I am not singling that site out as a dubious one. It is just that a
moderated list here on this forum, where all members and moderators
have input into its makeup, will always be more trustworthy than one of the many websites one comes across on the internet.
* and the
list here on this forum has a lot more than 40 verified faucets.