I guess you are not aware that I have the whole entire convo saved.
Some highlights:
gh0st: are you guys multiaccounts cuz sometimes you guys say the same thing
fox19891989: my time 3AM
SyGambler96: my time 3AM
gh0st: like that
gh0st: you are a multiaccount?
fox19891989: lol
gh0st: look im gonna be cool, but don't play together ok?
SyGambler96: lol
gh0st: if i dont see it again i wont like report it. but if i do....fish will take away both accounts
gh0st: so thats a official warning
SyGambler96: ok i will change the smile
gh0st: no seriously
gh0st: do you agree to what i just told you?
mk1803: whom ru talking to ghost??
gh0st: fox and sy
SyGambler96: ok ok boss
gh0st: thank you
but it drags on after that conclusion for some reason......
and more highlights:
gh0st: ive never given a warning out for that before
SyGambler96: how is ur snake
gh0st: its usually just direct kick
SyGambler96: yeah let them kick us
gh0st: snake?
gh0st: ok consider it done
sleepy024: the snake u had in your house last night i think? lol
gh0st: oh
SyGambler96: yeah
SyGambler96: not in your something else
SyGambler96: come on fox
sleepy024: u dont know her very well to be sayin that....lmao
gh0st: do you know im a mod here or u just dont care you broke the rules in front of me?
and thus continues even longer down the freeroll
and more highlights:
SyGambler96: i won tourneys more than u all
gh0st: wanna compare wallets? cuz i doubt that
fox19891989: fish is my good friend
SyGambler96: i didnt deposit
fox19891989: he won't trust you
gh0st: he made me a moderator
sleepy024: lol
gh0st: and i screen capped you saying this whole convo
And even more highlights: This was prob more than halfway through the convo when suddenly he was "kidding".
gh0st: i asked you when you started double typing the same thing from both accounts like you did in front of other players who reported you yesterday
gh0st: and i was nice about it...
fox19891989: cheaters never admit. he was just kidding
SyGambler96: seriously
SyGambler96: !!
gh0st: how did ya'll type the same thing from different keyboards several times over the past few days
gh0st: forgetting almost which person was supposed to say what thing....
SyGambler96: u think if i am a cheater i will tell that i m a cheater ?
gh0st: ok look
gh0st: fish is ultimatly going to make the decision
but still, this continues......still even more time passes...
gh0st: i asked you a few times if you were a multi to be clear
gh0st: and you said ok, and lots of things that confirmed we were on the same page about the question
SyGambler96: u r just an idiot
sleepy024: no obviosly u r...lol
SyGambler96: u think cheater will approve their cheating ??
<this is a really weird suspicious comment, but I didnt really understand clearly his reference>gh0st: no i think you are upset becuase i warned you and said i was a mod...and then you changed your story
The conversation is actually like 4x longer. But if you can see where the confusion came from, it was you, not me. This was reported several times before I even approached you about it. It was your choice to respond how you responded. So I conclude with two things:
1. You and someone else are sharing accounts and at times they are being played by one person (per the several complaints of people saying you mix your keyboards up responding from the wrong alt as if you were the same person - when I finally saw this for myself with the 3am comment I decided to finally ask you and warn you. I was not even going to report this to fish. I told you ppl make mistakes and it was cool. If you were kidding, at this point you should have said you were kidding - but you chose not to)
2. You are not a multiaccount, but you decided to troll a mod for over 45 when clearly they were being completely polite to you and asking you a simple question.
Either way, that is your bad...not mine. People know I'm pretty much BS free so, whatever you were doing - that was your choice to make it appear how you made it appear. I simply followed what bigfish told me to do; make sure you were aware that I was a mod, and then report it to fish.
The point isnt that you multiaccounted. I dont even care about multiaccounters personally because they rarely win IMO. FISH is the one who made some big deal about multiaccounters on his site one day around the Fourms. I was under impression he took this more seriously than any other site and that made his site a little different. Weather or not you were a multi is besides the point after you dragged this out so long.
point is that as a member of the site, you dragged out unnecessary drama while implying for half of it that you were admitting you were a multiaccount rather than just simply saying you were not - then 45 min later changing your story to you were kidding and expecting me to care. I asked you a simple question. Gave you benefit of the doubt. You played game. You "defamed" yourself. Other people were in that room too, and those people were under the same impression I was as you were speaking.
I think anyone with a sane mind would probably be compelled to sympathize with my personal perception that you afforded me in this situation. Anyone who knows me around these parts would validate I'm not a random jerk who was giving you some hard time for no reason (like you did to me for no reason)- and honestly - on various other sites I've been a long time mod for - I think I've kicked a total of one person (thats how super laid back I am).
So now that I got that out of the way.....I'll leave the last word for whatever trolls are lurking who feel the need to troll.
Other than that, I wish you all the best and nothing but good vibes and lucky grinds.
I'm off.
PS. Just for the record, this whole topic was dropped and forgotten about till I saw you harping on about it in the thread here....if you don't want to bring it up, dont bring it up.