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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Wilikon on December 19, 2015, 02:05:17 PM

Title: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 19, 2015, 02:05:17 PM

Increasingly, the modern perversion of “rights” leads to little but wrongs. And one of the best current examples is the movement to legitimize pedophilia. InfoWars reported on the subject just recently, writing:

Leftist media is now promoting “pedophile rights” as the next “social justice” movement….

Numerous political commentators predicted that pedophiles would try to hijack the June 26 Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriages to argue that they too are “suffering” discrimination over their “normal” sexual orientation.

“Using the same tactics used by ‘gay’ rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals [sic],” wrote Jack Minor for the Northern Colorado Gazette.

In reality, though, the pedophilia-acceptance movement greatly predates the unconstitutional Obergefell marriage ruling. As I wrote in the 2013 piece “The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia”:

On January 14 of this year, the Los Angeles Times ran an article entitled, “Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia: Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.” (Emphasis in original.) The piece starts out with a story about one Paul Christiano, who, as a young child, was fascinated by girls and loved “how their spindly bodies tumbled in gymnastics,” wrote the paper. We’re then told that while Christiano grew up, his sexual tastes didn’t: He remained tormented by an attraction to pre-pubescent girls. Christiano is the “sympathetic character,” mind you, the hapless soul meant to put a human face on pedophilia. But now consider what he said about unsuccessful court-ordered therapy he was forced to undergo after being caught with child pornography in 1999. As the Times reported, “‘These people felt they could snuff out the desire, or shame me into denying it existed,’ he said. ‘But it’s as intrinsic as the next person’s heterosexuality.’”

“As intrinsic as the next person’s heterosexuality… ” Where have we heard that before?

The paper then did something else that should sound familiar. Giving Christiano’s claim the imprimatur of science, it wrote, “In the laboratory, researchers are coming to the same conclusion.” Many experts now view pedophilia as “a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality…, a deep-rooted predisposition … that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.... Scientists at the Toronto center [Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto] have uncovered a series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biological roots.”

The problem? If we lived in a eugenicist time (e.g., the early 20th-century), the above would be used as further justification for selective breeding. Today, mainly due to the effort to legitimize homosexuality, the notion that “it’s okay if I was born that way” has taken hold. Often articulated as “God doesn’t make mistakes,” it’s rhetorically very effective. Of course, whether an atheist who considers the world naturally flawed or a theist believing it supernaturally fallen, cleft lip, Spina bifida, Down syndrome, club foot, Tay-Sachs disease, and other abnormalities make clear that God’s perfection isn’t enjoyed by man. And is it logical to consider the brain the one organ immune from this imperfection? Note also that the same psychologists telling us homosexuality is innate also say that psychopaths are born and not made. Now, if some people were born with homicidal instincts, would it be alright for them to commit murder?

A silly question? No more so than asking “If some people are born with homosexual feelings, is it alright for them to engage in homosexual behavior?” It may or may not be alright, but this has nothing whatsoever to do with inborn status. For genetics does not determine “morality.” Saying otherwise is to eliminate morality and replace it with biological determinism, which reduces man to animal.

Also realize that discriminating among inborn-urge driven behaviors — saying some are “right” and some “wrong” — means judging them with a yardstick (be it God’s law, social codes, etc.); this means that the yardstick is being placed above biology, thus contravening the biological-determinism argument.

The problem, however, is that the above reasoning (the nerd) has trouble competing in a popularity contest with the popular kids: sound-bite slogans and emotional appeals. As to this, just as recent decades have seen a “conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of [homosexual] propaganda fed to the nation via the media” — as prescribed in the homosexual-activist book After the Ball — so has entertainment already been placed in the service of pedophilia.

Just consider the film For a Lost Soldier (1993), which quite vividly and sympathetically relates the true story of a WWII-era sexual relationship between a Canadian serviceman and a 13-year-old European boy. The New York Times' review of the movie was entitled “Treating a Delicate Story of a Soldier and a Boy Tenderly” and actually stated that the work “takes up … a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child, and invests it with an aching tenderness.” Then there was 2001’s LIE, which featured a pederast named Big John. About it the Times wrote, compared “with Howie’s [the 15-year-old main character’s] well-meaning but clueless guidance counselor, Big John seems like a benign, common-sensical uncle.”

Of course, such films and their reviews are still rare, but the relativism justifying them — and a whole lot more — is anything but. Note that a Barna Group research study found that in 2002 already only six percent of teens (now all adults who can vote) believed in moral absolutes. And is it any surprise? We now live in a time when some of the most popular refrains are “Who is to judge?” “Everything is a matter of perspective,” “That’s your truth; someone else’s may be different,” and “If it feels good, do it.”

It may be hard to believe that pedophilia is following the well-worn path of homosexuality. But know that not only is there great historical precedent for the sexualization of minors — pederasty was widely accepted in ancient Athens and Sparta — we already see tolerance for pedophilia among our “elites.” Consider the following:

• Obama’s military brass has ordered American soldiers in Afghanistan to ignore the sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan “allies” — even on U.S. military bases — partially in deference to “cultural sensitivity.”

• The media have largely ignored child sex abuse in government schools, despite a 2004 government-sponsored study indicating that it is 100 times the magnitude of the Catholic Church sex scandal.

• Hollywood pedophiles are apparently “everywhere, like vultures,” as former child actor Cory Feldman put it, but are protected by power and privilege.

• Likewise, the powers-that-be have long protected pedophiles within the British government.

• Also in the U.K., politically correct authorities have ignored Muslim child sex-trafficking rings for fear of being called “racist.”

Of course, there’s a difference between the “elites” and the man of the street. But realize that the homosexuality agenda’s embrace also began among the former, finding a home in academia and then being mainstreamed by media and entertainment. Also realize that the “Who’s to judge?” mantra may be convenient when justifying one’s favored sins. But if the things we like are all relative, the things we dislike are relative, too. As novelist Walter Scott might agree, “What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive” — ourselves with fashionable philoso-babble.

What about the rights of the children? Not victims anymore? Tragic. Disgusting.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 02:22:15 PM
Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include beastiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 19, 2015, 02:53:46 PM
Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include bestiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.

Having a conversation about the rights of adults taking away the rights of children is insane. And yet this will be the next battle. Some taboos are almost universal. Almost I said because in some countries or religion, 7 is an appropriate age...  :-[

PETA should be against bestiality, in theory.

Why would gays to be associated with those people? They believe people are born gay. But do they believe some are born to be rapped too?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 03:43:42 PM
Well yeah, what a surprise. Take a look at the weirdos and deviants and fruitcakes in charge both sides of the Atlantic. Of course it´s unfair to those screwballs - and the people that for some mysterious reasons vote for them in so called elections - to mention the connection between cause and effect, but still...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bitsmichel on December 19, 2015, 03:54:06 PM
Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include beastiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.
Why are these groups even legal?

Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include bestiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.

Having a conversation about the rights of adults taking away the rights of children is insane. And yet this will be the next battle. Some taboos are almost universal. Almost I said because in some countries or religion, 7 is an appropriate age...  :-[

In some Islamic countries pedophilia is not illegal and not a taboo. Marry a 10 year old is normal there.. but they are backwards.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 03:58:03 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bitsmichel on December 19, 2015, 04:18:26 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?
Can you link to the source of this article?   These ideas come from one or more people who have money to donate to the media.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 04:29:10 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?
Can you link to the source of this article?   These ideas come from one or more people who have money to donate to the media.

Link to the source? Have you been on another freakin planet lately?

You´re on the internet, try searching for it

transgender father seven children - put that in the address bar and hit enter.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: croato on December 19, 2015, 04:54:55 PM
In western world fagots, pedos and all that twisted dudes with wide range of sexual deviations were hiding for centuries. In that time they got to satisfy their needs secretly so they develop sort of secret organization helping each other just like freemasons. At some point lot of them got on top, become very influential, used their influence and now we have this. Before few decades, it was shame to be fagot and now it is sort of fashion in western world. What to fuck is next? Looks like in next few decades straight ppl will have to hide.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 05:02:46 PM
Can you link to the source of this article?   These ideas come from one or more people who have money to donate to the media.


This story doesn't surprise me much. Canada is the bastion of LGBT activism and political correctness in the North American continent. If you speak anything against these deviants, then you will be put behind bars and your children will be taken away from you and placed in the custody of homosexual foster parents.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 05:08:42 PM
At some point you´ll get demands for rights of people that like torturing others to death. The ground has already been prepared, psychopaths in power have been employing their ilk in "legally" abusing and torturing captives. It´s business as usual and it´s obvious where it´s heading.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 05:47:24 PM
At some point you´ll get demands for rights of people that like torturing others to death. The ground has already been prepared, psychopaths in power have been employing their ilk in "legally" abusing and torturing captives. It´s business as usual and it´s obvious where it´s heading.

In some of the Western countries, it is just impossible to lead a religious heterosexual lifestyle. Home education is banned, and the children are under constant brainwashing in the schools and colleges from extreme left-wing teachers and professors. Anyone who disagrees with their views is being branded as racist, xenophobic, and homophobic.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 19, 2015, 06:17:49 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 06:26:24 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

I think they should be taken out of circulation in the interests of public safety. Same goes for homicidal maniacs and other deviants that idiots vote into office in so-called democracies. And all the psychopaths around them, their baggage, that nobody voted for in any elections. This was already desperately urgent a decade or more ago and is way beyond a crisis by now.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 19, 2015, 06:33:50 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

I think they should be taken out of circulation in the interests of public safety. Same goes for homicidal maniacs and other deviants that idiots vote into office in so-called democracies. And all the psychopaths around them, their baggage, that nobody voted for in any elections. This was already desperately urgent a decade or more ago and is way beyond a crisis by now.

And afterwards kill everyone with a iq under 130.

My world will be paradise then ^_^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 06:37:55 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

I think they should be taken out of circulation in the interests of public safety. Same goes for homicidal maniacs and other deviants that idiots vote into office in so-called democracies. And all the psychopaths around them, their baggage, that nobody voted for in any elections. This was already desperately urgent a decade or more ago and is way beyond a crisis by now.

And afterwards kill everyone with a iq under 130.

My world will be paradise then ^_^

I can understand that the concept public safety is totally foreign to people that have been brainwashed by these nutballs in charge and their ilk in garbage media. Obviously they don´t give the connection between cause and effect much thought either, maybe they think that these nuts just appear somehow randomly into positions of power.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 19, 2015, 06:47:44 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

I think they should be taken out of circulation in the interests of public safety. Same goes for homicidal maniacs and other deviants that idiots vote into office in so-called democracies. And all the psychopaths around them, their baggage, that nobody voted for in any elections. This was already desperately urgent a decade or more ago and is way beyond a crisis by now.

And afterwards kill everyone with a iq under 130.

My world will be paradise then ^_^

I can understand that the concept public safety is totally foreign to people that have been brainwashed by these nutballs in charge and their ilk in garbage media. Obviously they don´t give the connection between cause and effect much thought either, maybe they think that these nuts just appear somehow randomly into positions of power.

You see if everyone would have atleast a iq of 130 you think we would have something like religious fundamentalism?
People that vote bush?  Nobel peace prize for obama? Brainwashed google and youtube internet warriors, conspiracy nutjobs and a trillion other crazy things?

Public safety would have the most from that eugenics program....

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 19, 2015, 06:49:12 PM
This is a delicate manner but I always tried to put myself in the shoes of many of these persons who didn't commit any crime but had always to restraint this primal instinct that they were born with or acquired at an early age (possibly from abuse on themselves). We may want to think of them as complete evil persons but deep down I think we are afraid of them because we know most of them are real persons with the same emotions as the rest of us. The act of raping children is completely wrong and out of the question here of course, there should be no rights or discussion about that. But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

I think they should be taken out of circulation in the interests of public safety. Same goes for homicidal maniacs and other deviants that idiots vote into office in so-called democracies. And all the psychopaths around them, their baggage, that nobody voted for in any elections. This was already desperately urgent a decade or more ago and is way beyond a crisis by now.

And afterwards kill everyone with a iq under 130.

My world will be paradise then ^_^

I can understand that the concept public safety is totally foreign to people that have been brainwashed by these nutballs in charge and their ilk in garbage media. Obviously they don´t give the connection between cause and effect much thought either, maybe they think that these nuts just appear somehow randomly into positions of power.

You see if everyone would have atleast a iq of 130 you think we would have something like religious fundamentalism?
People that vote bush?  Nobel peace prize for obama? Brainwashed google and youtube internet warriors aka conspiracy nutjobs and a trillion other crazy things?

This is totally devoid of any meaningful content. Bye.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 19, 2015, 06:59:05 PM
Sorry if i hit a tender spot of yours  :'(

But it is fine if you have a iq under 130... as long i dont come into power  ;D

My advice is exactly as meaningful as yours, just that it doesnt support your agenda and would put you into the death row too.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: rokkyroad on December 19, 2015, 07:01:14 PM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 19, 2015, 07:08:22 PM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

It is not.
What is more dangerous to public safety/society?
The handfull pedos or the 80+% of humanity that destroys our planet and other live forms?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 07:11:08 PM
But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

WTF boy? You must have fell and bumped your head.

Do you feel the same about rapists, murderers, thieves, and terrorists? You can say that some people are having a primal attraction towards committing terrorist attacks against civilians. Some others are having a primal attraction towards robbing other people's homes.etc. So what is your solution. When some guy comes to my house to rob my belongings, I should welcome him?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: nichlahghe5 on December 19, 2015, 07:13:25 PM
This op just made me sick and want to throw up. I cant believe this shit. WOW!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: rokkyroad on December 19, 2015, 07:20:18 PM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

It is not.
What is more dangerous to public safety/society?
The handfull pedos or the 80+% of humanity that destroys our planet and other live forms?

Where does killing everyone with an iq under 130 fit in with your latest post?  I'm not following your train of thought. *maybe because my iq is under 130?*

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 19, 2015, 07:26:11 PM
This op just made me sick and want to throw up. I cant believe this shit. WOW!

It makes you throw up? If so, what will you do after 4-5 years, when the government legalizes pedophilia? The LGBT groups are trying quite hard to legalize this mental disease. After a few years, you will face prosecution if you dare to criticize the pedophiles (just like what happens today, when you criticize the homosexuals).

Where does killing everyone with an iq under 130 fit in with your latest post?  I'm not following your train of thought. *maybe because my iq is under 130?*

Just add the idiot to the ignore list, as most of the users seems to have done here. Anyway... I don't think that he was very serious about killing everyone with an IQ less than 130. Because he himself seems to be having a sub-30 (yes 30, not 130) IQ. Or perhaps he could set the example by self-exterminating himself.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: rokkyroad on December 19, 2015, 07:34:46 PM
Just add the idiot to the ignore list, as most of the users seems to have done here. Anyway... I don't think that he was very serious about killing everyone with an IQ less than 130. Because he himself seems to be having a sub-30 (yes 30, not 130) IQ. Or perhaps he could set the example by self-exterminating himself.

Oh shit, I'm rolling on the floor here ... LOL LOL.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 19, 2015, 07:46:36 PM
This op just made me sick and want to throw up. I cant believe this shit. WOW!

It makes you throw up? If so, what will you do after 4-5 years, when the government legalizes pedophilia? The LGBT groups are trying quite hard to legalize this mental disease. After a few years, you will face prosecution if you dare to criticize the pedophiles (just like what happens today, when you criticize the homosexuals).

Where does killing everyone with an iq under 130 fit in with your latest post?  I'm not following your train of thought. *maybe because my iq is under 130?*

Just add the idiot to the ignore list, as most of the users seems to have done here. Anyway... I don't think that he was very serious about killing everyone with an IQ less than 130. Because he himself seems to be having a sub-30 (yes 30, not 130) IQ. Or perhaps he could set the example by self-exterminating himself.

Its funny but this is actually what is your problem and fortunately i dont have it:)

How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

It is not.
What is more dangerous to public safety/society?
The handfull pedos or the 80+% of humanity that destroys our planet and other live forms?

Where does killing everyone with an iq under 130 fit in with your latest post?  I'm not following your train of thought. *maybe because my iq is under 130?*

It could be a possible reason - your iq under 130 it is.
But to your question: i was replying to the quote in which galdur was talking that it would be best for public safety(society) to kill pedos, terrorist, people that vote so-called democracies etc. pp.
Just thinking the idea further, not so hard to understand or?
Iq definitely far under 130 ^^"

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 19, 2015, 09:30:36 PM
But having a primal attraction for them and not acting out seems to me more like tragic than evil, I don't think they want to be that way or have that feeling but they just do. Modern medicine can't give them a pill, theraphy doesn't work, they won't go away and they will always exist.

Maybe we can accept and be open to the ones that exist but refrain to do any harm? I recently saw in a documentary there is a forum for them and that got me thinking.

WTF boy? You must have fell and bumped your head.

Do you feel the same about rapists, murderers, thieves, and terrorists? You can say that some people are having a primal attraction towards committing terrorist attacks against civilians. Some others are having a primal attraction towards robbing other people's homes.etc. So what is your solution. When some guy comes to my house to rob my belongings, I should welcome him?

I think it's more complicated than that. Rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists are either psychopaths or deeply trouble individuals/deranged and it's based on choice if you ask me. I don't think pedophiles fall in the same category. The subject is not really black and white in my opinion. From what I know these people have urges similar to homosexuality, it's not a choice for them, they never do the transition and want to have sex with women or men, just boys and girls. Maybe it's not the same case for every one of them but that's what doctors say. These are the times we are living, in simpler times they would all be burning at the stake.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 20, 2015, 05:13:59 AM
I think it's more complicated than that. Rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists are either psychopaths or deeply trouble individuals/deranged and it's based on choice if you ask me. I don't think pedophiles fall in the same category.

OK.. so what you are saying is that raping an adult is a crime, but raping a kid is not so. Rather than a criminal activity, you argue that it is a mental condition. Sorry... I can't agree with you.

From what I know these people have urges similar to homosexuality, it's not a choice for them, they never do the transition and want to have sex with women or men, just boys and girls.

This the argument given out by pro-Pedophile groups such as NAMbLA, to legalize sex with underage children. They claim that pedophilia is a way of living, just like homosexuality.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 20, 2015, 02:13:50 PM
Well, it´s interesting that societies that are obsessed with tolerance don´t seem to be very concerned about glaring double standards and runaway conflicts of interests. I guess the former works to make the latter more acceptable.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 20, 2015, 03:02:13 PM
I think it's more complicated than that. Rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists are either psychopaths or deeply trouble individuals/deranged and it's based on choice if you ask me. I don't think pedophiles fall in the same category.

OK.. so what you are saying is that raping an adult is a crime, but raping a kid is not so. Rather than a criminal activity, you argue that it is a mental condition. Sorry... I can't agree with you.

From what I know these people have urges similar to homosexuality, it's not a choice for them, they never do the transition and want to have sex with women or men, just boys and girls.

This the argument given out by pro-Pedophile groups such as NAMbLA, to legalize sex with underage children. They claim that pedophilia is a way of living, just like homosexuality.

No that's exactly what I'm not saying of course, raping a child is completely out of the question, read my post again. If this is a debate then there should be something more to it than pedos are evil. Surely not all pedophiles are the same, is it a crime to be attracted to boys/girls? I don't think they can incarcerate you for that. But they will in a second if you rape one hopefully. I think the debate is actually examining how complex this problem is. You don't see many terrorists don't wanting to be terrorists, or rapists don't wanting to be rapists. They just are or they are not. Many of these people may have all these urges from being abused themselves, think about how sad and tragic that is. I'm not saying give them a medal, it's completely repulsive but to say they are all evil is too simplistic and stupid, sorry. Underage sex should never be legalized that we agree, I'm just saying that I see the point they are raising.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 20, 2015, 04:17:41 PM
Is it a crime to be attracted to boys/girls? I don't think they can incarcerate you for that.

Yes. It is a crime according to me. Have you ever heard about the age of consent? Having sex with a kid of 5-years or 6-years in age is called "rape", no matter whether the accused claim that the consent was issued or not. Because children below the legal age of consent can't take independent decisions regarding sex on their own.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 20, 2015, 04:32:43 PM
This op just made me sick and want to throw up. I cant believe this shit. WOW!

Let me remind you that feeling sick and wanting to throw up is the natural reaction. Trying to explain away that it is ok for pedos to have the rights to think about abusing children, as long as they do not act on it, is not the natural reaction.

It is that simple. Black. White. Not grey.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 20, 2015, 07:16:51 PM
Well then we should start incarcerating people for thinking about murder? Thinking about something it's not a crime. I recommend a documentary about that cop who had fantasies about killing and raping women.

Anyway, like I said, a terrorist doesn't struggle with the fact, he's convinced what he's doing it's right for whatever crazy reason. But pedophiles (not all of course sadly) as many studies say are deeply conflicted about it and many of them never act on it, they even end up killing themselves. They are not "crazy" or "evil" in medical sense, that's why it's hard to find counterpoints in this day where a woman can turn gender but not sexual preference...

Either way, if thinking about it is a crime, then we should conduct studies before it happens and throw them in jail. But with the same rule we should then incarcerate all who harbor all evil thoughts.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: saddampbuh on December 20, 2015, 07:24:40 PM

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 20, 2015, 07:40:41 PM
Well then we should start incarcerating people for thinking about murder? Thinking about something it's not a crime. I recommend a documentary about that cop who had fantasies about killing and raping women.

Anyway, like I said, a terrorist doesn't struggle with the fact, he's convinced what he's doing it's right for whatever crazy reason. But pedophiles (not all of course sadly) as many studies say are deeply conflicted about it and many of them never act on it, they even end up killing themselves. They are not "crazy" or "evil" in medical sense, that's why it's hard to find counterpoints in this day where a woman can turn gender but not sexual preference...

Either way, if thinking about it is a crime, then we should conduct studies before it happens and throw them in jail. But with the same rule we should then incarcerate all who harbor all evil thoughts.

I agree Self Euthanasia should not be crime either... (

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: UliJonHoth on December 20, 2015, 08:13:15 PM
Most have no clue just what is and has been going on. There are those that are actually pushing to normalize not only child molestation, but is beyond warped and bizarre.

From 2011, the conference to "normalize" pedophilia...

While I was on a brief vacation in Wyoming, Johns Hopkins University’s Dr. Fred Berlin gave the keynote address at a Baltimore conference hosted by the latest pedophilia-acceptance group, called B4U-ACT.

This new organization differs from the North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, in that it comprises not only pedophiles, but also those who are not in that sexual orientation and want it to be publicly acceptable.

Among the 50 people who were in attendance at this outrageous event were two from Virginia’s Liberty University, Matt Barber and Dr. Judith Reisman, who exposed it.

The Baltimore Sun, Washington Post and New York Times had no coverage of this event, which was attended by a number of admitted pedophiles – or, as this conference re-labeled them, “minor-attracted persons.”

Among “highlights” of this conference, as reported by Barber and Reisman:

Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society.
“Anglo-Americans’ standard on age of consent is new (and ‘puritanical’). In Europe, it was always set at 10 or 12. Ages of consent beyond that are relatively new and very strange, especially for boys. They’ve always been able to have sex at any age.”

“An adult’s desire to have sex with children is ‘normative.’”

Our society should “maximize individual liberty. We have a highly moralistic society that is not consistent with liberty.”

Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to that witnessed at the conference, rather than scientific considerations that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

“The majority of pedophiles are gentle and rational.”

The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders should “focus on the needs” of the pedophile, and should have “a minimal focus on social control,” rather than obsessing about “the need to protect children.”

Self-described “gay activist” and speaker Jacob Breslow said that children can properly be “the object of our attention.” He further objectified children, suggesting that pedophiles needn’t gain consent from a child to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. He then used graphic, slang language to favorably describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child. No one in attendance objected to this explicit depiction of child sexual assault.
And from 2013 at Yale...
Yale hosted its annual sex conference in which bestiality was apparently labeled merely one form of “sexual diversity.”

Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in “consensual pain” during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Event director Giuliana Berry ’14 told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday that the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.” ”People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.” McDevitt referred to the range of activities discussed in the workshop as “sexual diversity.”

Over the years, I have documented several similar efforts to normalize bestiality. For example: Peter Singer has notoriously claimed that bestiality is okay, essentially just two animals rubbing intimate body parts. A review in the New York Times Book Review applauded the graphic depiction of chimp/woman sex; The Huffington Post’s resident bioethicist, Jacob Appel, similarly sought to debunk opposition to bestiality by comparing zoophilia to playing Frisbee with a dog;

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 20, 2015, 08:47:13 PM
Most have no clue just what is and has been going on. There are those that are actually pushing to normalize not only child molestation, but is beyond warped and bizarre.

From 2011, the conference to "normalize" pedophilia...

While I was on a brief vacation in Wyoming, Johns Hopkins University’s Dr. Fred Berlin gave the keynote address at a Baltimore conference hosted by the latest pedophilia-acceptance group, called B4U-ACT.

This new organization differs from the North American Man/Boy Love Association, or NAMBLA, in that it comprises not only pedophiles, but also those who are not in that sexual orientation and want it to be publicly acceptable.

Among the 50 people who were in attendance at this outrageous event were two from Virginia’s Liberty University, Matt Barber and Dr. Judith Reisman, who exposed it.

The Baltimore Sun, Washington Post and New York Times had no coverage of this event, which was attended by a number of admitted pedophiles – or, as this conference re-labeled them, “minor-attracted persons.”

Among “highlights” of this conference, as reported by Barber and Reisman:

Pedophiles are “unfairly stigmatized and demonized” by society.
“Anglo-Americans’ standard on age of consent is new (and ‘puritanical’). In Europe, it was always set at 10 or 12. Ages of consent beyond that are relatively new and very strange, especially for boys. They’ve always been able to have sex at any age.”

“An adult’s desire to have sex with children is ‘normative.’”

Our society should “maximize individual liberty. We have a highly moralistic society that is not consistent with liberty.”

Dr. Fred Berlin acknowledged that it was political activism, similar to that witnessed at the conference, rather than scientific considerations that successfully led to the declassification of homosexuality as a mental disorder.

“The majority of pedophiles are gentle and rational.”

The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders should “focus on the needs” of the pedophile, and should have “a minimal focus on social control,” rather than obsessing about “the need to protect children.”

Self-described “gay activist” and speaker Jacob Breslow said that children can properly be “the object of our attention.” He further objectified children, suggesting that pedophiles needn’t gain consent from a child to have sex with “it” any more than we need consent from a shoe to wear it. He then used graphic, slang language to favorably describe the act of climaxing (ejaculating) “on or with” a child. No one in attendance objected to this explicit depiction of child sexual assault.
And from 2013 at Yale...
Yale hosted its annual sex conference in which bestiality was apparently labeled merely one form of “sexual diversity.”

Survey responses revealed that nine percent of attendees had been paid for sex, 3 percent had engaged in bestiality, and 52 percent had participated in “consensual pain” during sex, according to an article published in the Yale Daily News on Event director Giuliana Berry ’14 told Campus Reform in an interview on Monday that the workshop was brought to campus to teach students not to automatically judge people who may have engaged in these sorts of activities, but rather to respond with “understanding” and “compassion.” ”People do engage in some of these activities that we believe only for example perverts engage in,” she said. “What the goal is is to increase compassion for people who may engage in activities that are not what you would personally consider normal.” McDevitt referred to the range of activities discussed in the workshop as “sexual diversity.”

Over the years, I have documented several similar efforts to normalize bestiality. For example: Peter Singer has notoriously claimed that bestiality is okay, essentially just two animals rubbing intimate body parts. A review in the New York Times Book Review applauded the graphic depiction of chimp/woman sex; The Huffington Post’s resident bioethicist, Jacob Appel, similarly sought to debunk opposition to bestiality by comparing zoophilia to playing Frisbee with a dog;

That was pretty clear. For them (lots them humans with college degrees or teachers) a child is no more than an object, like a shoe. Objects can't have rights, nor children...

How to rationalize this?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: BADecker on December 20, 2015, 09:09:11 PM
I think it's more complicated than that. Rapists, murderers, thieves and terrorists are either psychopaths or deeply trouble individuals/deranged and it's based on choice if you ask me. I don't think pedophiles fall in the same category.

OK.. so what you are saying is that raping an adult is a crime, but raping a kid is not so. Rather than a criminal activity, you argue that it is a mental condition. Sorry... I can't agree with you.

From what I know these people have urges similar to homosexuality, it's not a choice for them, they never do the transition and want to have sex with women or men, just boys and girls.

This the argument given out by pro-Pedophile groups such as NAMbLA, to legalize sex with underage children. They claim that pedophilia is a way of living, just like homosexuality.

No that's exactly what I'm not saying of course, raping a child is completely out of the question, read my post again. If this is a debate then there should be something more to it than pedos are evil. Surely not all pedophiles are the same, is it a crime to be attracted to boys/girls? I don't think they can incarcerate you for that. But they will in a second if you rape one hopefully. I think the debate is actually examining how complex this problem is. You don't see many terrorists don't wanting to be terrorists, or rapists don't wanting to be rapists. They just are or they are not. Many of these people may have all these urges from being abused themselves, think about how sad and tragic that is. I'm not saying give them a medal, it's completely repulsive but to say they are all evil is too simplistic and stupid, sorry. Underage sex should never be legalized that we agree, I'm just saying that I see the point they are raising.

This is a top point. Almost never, up to the point of a strong NEVER, punish someone for what they think, or for their nature, unless they do something to harm someone else.

Thoughts and urges and limited abilities live in all of us in one way or another. Yet, thoughts and urges that are not displayed don't matter to anyone other than the person who has those thoughts and urges.  What right do we have to meddle in the life of someone else if he/she is harming no one else?

Further, if we can meddle in the lives of others, then they can meddle in our lives as well. AND THIS IS WHAT WE ARE TALKING ABOUT IN THIS WHOLE TOPIC. We are talking about people meddling in the lives of others, even though the focus is adults meddling with children.

Here is what the standard should always be. Everything we are talking about needs to be judged based on WHAT SOMEONE HAS DONE... never based on thoughts and urges and limited abilities. Why? Because any other standard gives us what we have today... people who can meddle in the lives of others without cause. And you might be the next one to legally have your rights messed with for no reason, in the name of protecting society from what you think, even though you have done no wrong to anyone.

After all, if someone hasn't meddled in the life of someone else, be the other person a child or an adult, how do you know that he/she ever WILL meddle in the life of someone else? If you punish based on "no harm done" rather than based on the kind of harm that was done, then YOU become the meddler doing the harm.

When it has been proven that someone did wrong to someone else, then punish based on the wrong. The only way that is just is, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, life for life. And make the wrong doer pay 4 times over if it is reimbursement for some wrong he did.

If we had a society that used the above simple measurement for punishing someone, and if we used it all the time rather than all the stupid laws and slaps on hand that we have now, society and life would clean itself up.

This is not to say that crime would be gone. But petty crime almost would be gone. And major crime would be greatly reduced. The fact that we don't have a society with law that works this way, shows that meddlesome thinking crime has taken over in government long ago.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 21, 2015, 01:21:41 AM
1-minute of biting truth from comedian and talk show host, Adam Hills, with the punchline, “Politicians are fucking children, in every sense”:

Adam Hills Rant About UK Government Cuts - The Last Leg

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 21, 2015, 02:17:34 AM
It´s probably safely under the carpet by now...

It’s shaping up to be the biggest political scandal in Britain’s history. There is new evidence that some of the country’s most respected men were in fact depraved paedophiles. Leaders that were preying on children as young as eight and nine. Many of the kids were trafficked from state-run homes and other institutions to be abused by MPs, Lords, and spies. They were protected from on high by a secret code, and have never been held to account for their horrific crimes. 60 Minutes investigates the scandal and the cover up, speaks to the victims and the witnesses, and confronts a member of the notorious paedophile information exchange. Reporter Ross Coulthart also reveals how children were killed in order to protect this network of predators – and how the driver to the Australian High Commissioner could hold the key to blowing this case wide open.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 25, 2015, 02:25:28 PM
It´s probably safely under the carpet by now...

It’s shaping up to be the biggest political scandal in Britain’s history. There is new evidence that some of the country’s most respected men were in fact depraved paedophiles. Leaders that were preying on children as young as eight and nine. Many of the kids were trafficked from state-run homes and other institutions to be abused by MPs, Lords, and spies. They were protected from on high by a secret code, and have never been held to account for their horrific crimes. 60 Minutes investigates the scandal and the cover up, speaks to the victims and the witnesses, and confronts a member of the notorious paedophile information exchange. Reporter Ross Coulthart also reveals how children were killed in order to protect this network of predators – and how the driver to the Australian High Commissioner could hold the key to blowing this case wide open.


The saddest part is to read how bitcoiners are explaining away this monstrosity...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 25, 2015, 03:21:48 PM
It´s probably safely under the carpet by now...

It’s shaping up to be the biggest political scandal in Britain’s history. There is new evidence that some of the country’s most respected men were in fact depraved paedophiles. Leaders that were preying on children as young as eight and nine. Many of the kids were trafficked from state-run homes and other institutions to be abused by MPs, Lords, and spies. They were protected from on high by a secret code, and have never been held to account for their horrific crimes. 60 Minutes investigates the scandal and the cover up, speaks to the victims and the witnesses, and confronts a member of the notorious paedophile information exchange. Reporter Ross Coulthart also reveals how children were killed in order to protect this network of predators – and how the driver to the Australian High Commissioner could hold the key to blowing this case wide open.


The saddest part is to read how bitcoiners are explaining away this monstrosity...

Yeah, they´re being brainwashed by "new normal" spin, which of course originates with  deviants in high places that have become increasing annoyed as their crimes are exposed.

Everything is about "tolerance" and so you end up tolerating everything. Which gets rid of big headaches for all sorts of deviants and fruitcakes.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 25, 2015, 03:32:43 PM
I don't think anyone here defended or tried to sugarcoat the rape of children, consenting or the act of covering up these crimes. What we are debating is a whole different concept but maybe it's still hard to comprehend. You can't lock up young little Hitler for having weird thoughts. You can definitely lock him up the minute he commits a crime. Like bryant.coleman said, you can't condemn someone for their very own nature or for having thoughts or sexual fantasies.

There are plenty of psychopaths that should be locked up if that was the case, but we welcome them in society. But we need them in positions where emotions interfere with the work itself. Lawyers, surgeons, etc. They may be great professionals but I'm sure they are very hard individuals to live with.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bitsmichel on December 25, 2015, 03:36:46 PM
I don't think anyone here defended or tried to sugarcoat the rape of children, consenting or the act of covering up these crimes. What we are debating is a whole different concept but maybe it's still hard to comprehend. You can't lock up young little Hitler for having weird thoughts. You can definitely lock him up the minute he commits a crime. Like bryant.coleman said, you can't condemn someone for their very own nature or for having thoughts or sexual fantasies.
The government can lock up people here under the patriot act by suspect of terror. No legal court neccesary

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 25, 2015, 03:44:06 PM
Yes well that's the problem we are debating and how full measures like that are actually how it all goes to hell really quick. Either way, you need proof, having murderous thoughts is not enough. If that was the case Marilyn Manson, Judas Priest or Ozzy Osbourne would all be handed life in prison already.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 25, 2015, 03:51:07 PM

One that differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards.

Closely related: increasing din of "new normal".

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: legendster on December 26, 2015, 04:02:34 PM
To put Pedos and Gays in the same perspective is in itself a very offensive thought. But let guess what? Being offensive and hurting other people's sentiments has become a trend for you americans.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mtnsaa on December 26, 2015, 09:40:03 PM
I'm not sure if anyone here is putting them in the same bag. Some users here I think are talking in general terms because the LGBTM is doing activism on the rights of pedophiles. But I also see the word "gay" throw out everywhere without any care (and with malevolence if you ask me) when it has nothing to do with the subject.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: gentlemand on December 26, 2015, 11:34:03 PM
This isn't a new thing. Look up the paedophile information exchange which started in the 70s and had links to British politicians who are still active. There comes a time where 'diversity', victimhood and entitlement need to be told to shut the fuck up in the name of common decency.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 27, 2015, 04:25:44 AM
To put Pedos and Gays in the same perspective is in itself a very offensive thought. But let guess what? Being offensive and hurting other people's sentiments has become a trend for you americans.

The question earlier was why would the gay right movement so inclined to defend the "rights" of pedos. Yes it is offensive.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on December 27, 2015, 05:52:44 AM
To put Pedos and Gays in the same perspective is in itself a very offensive thought. But let guess what? Being offensive and hurting other people's sentiments has become a trend for you americans.

The question earlier was why would the gay right movement so inclined to defend the "rights" of pedos. Yes it is offensive.

I think the obvious answer is nobody should defend such crap.
The people who do dont have a normal functioning brain regardless if they are homo or heterosexual.

This thread and op only serves the agenda to show that homosexuality equals pedophilia....
Srsly ppl

Wrong thread my bad^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 27, 2015, 07:28:15 AM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 27, 2015, 03:28:22 PM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

The ultimate goal is to kill free speech and put in place a borg like unique vision, controlled by them. Bitcoin is free speech, their anathema.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 27, 2015, 04:01:18 PM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

The ultimate goal is to kill free speech and put in place a borg like unique vision, controlled by them. Bitcoin is free speech, their anathema.

Well, those traditional opinion designers for the masses have been fast losing credibility and influence in recent times so yes, I can understand that they´re getting desperate. Add that the financial system is fast heading for the next crash. I guess they´ll pile on more wars and chaos. One thing you can always count on from these nutballs, being reactive never proactive.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 27, 2015, 04:25:34 PM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

The ultimate goal is to kill free speech and put in place a borg like unique vision, controlled by them. Bitcoin is free speech, their anathema.

Well, those traditional opinion designers for the masses have been fast losing credibility and influence in recent times so yes, I can understand that they´re getting desperate. Add that the financial system is fast heading for the next crash. I guess they´ll pile on more wars and chaos. One thing you can always count on from these nutballs, being reactive never proactive.

Their mission is to turn into rust anything they touch. By nature they cannot be proactive as they need something to exist first (ideas, inventions...), before moving into action to control, then to destroy...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on December 27, 2015, 04:42:49 PM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

The ultimate goal is to kill free speech and put in place a borg like unique vision, controlled by them. Bitcoin is free speech, their anathema.

Well, those traditional opinion designers for the masses have been fast losing credibility and influence in recent times so yes, I can understand that they´re getting desperate. Add that the financial system is fast heading for the next crash. I guess they´ll pile on more wars and chaos. One thing you can always count on from these nutballs, being reactive never proactive.

Their mission is to turn into rust anything they touch. By nature they cannot be proactive as they need something to exist first (ideas, inventions...), before moving into action to control, then to destroy...

I was forced to go see Star Wars (which really should be banned over age 10) and was about to fall asleep after 15 minutes so I tried to read something on the phone about subliminal messages in this nonsense from the control freaks in charge. But that didn´t help. Was a good nap, although it was disturbed and had to endure the last 20 minutes or so. Maybe I´ll download it later but I doubt it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on December 27, 2015, 08:15:04 PM
If you can´t hurt anybody´s sentiments where will that end? You´ll refrain from hurting the feelings of psychopaths and homicidal maniacs? Maybe you´ll vote them into political office to make them feel better and enjoy their favorite pastime to the extremes and on a truly grand scale - murder and mayhem and power over other people. Take a look at the leadership both sides of the Atlantic this century so far. Then take a look at yourself in the mirror.

The ultimate goal is to kill free speech and put in place a borg like unique vision, controlled by them. Bitcoin is free speech, their anathema.

Well, those traditional opinion designers for the masses have been fast losing credibility and influence in recent times so yes, I can understand that they´re getting desperate. Add that the financial system is fast heading for the next crash. I guess they´ll pile on more wars and chaos. One thing you can always count on from these nutballs, being reactive never proactive.

Their mission is to turn into rust anything they touch. By nature they cannot be proactive as they need something to exist first (ideas, inventions...), before moving into action to control, then to destroy...

I was forced to go see Star Wars (which really should be banned over age 10) and was about to fall asleep after 15 minutes so I tried to read something on the phone about subliminal messages in this nonsense from the control freaks in charge. But that didn´t help. Was a good nap, although it was disturbed and had to endure the last 20 minutes or so. Maybe I´ll download it later but I doubt it.

It is good you took a nap and was forced to see it

A little smile break for this sad, unfunny, disturbing thread.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on January 14, 2016, 02:38:23 AM
Self-Proclaimed Pedophile Argues Against Human Rights Ordinance at City Council Meeting, Is Applauded

Rich Juzwiak
Today 6:07pm

“I lived most of my life sexually assaulting kids—I never went to jail,” said 56-year-old Roy Bay at last night’s Jacksonville City Council meeting in Florida. During the meeting, many spoke in favor and against expanding the city’s Human Rights Ordinance to include LGBT people. Bay (and possibly his church*) apparently thought sharing his horrific story of preying on children (for 20 years, according to a follow-up interview by Jacksonville’s Action News) would bolster the side against expanding the HRO. The idiocy is nauseating.

The conceit of Bay’s reveal was to conflate pedophilia with homosexuality. He claimed he was sexually assaulted between the ages of 10 and 12 “by the homosexual community.”

“I entered into the life of homosexuality and did the same thing, because that’s what I thought life was all about: going into bathrooms of places and businesses and sexually assaulting kids,” he continued.

Bay claimed that “this happens in the homosexual lifestyle, over and over, OK?” “It’s been happening for years,” he added. Bay said after becoming a “born-again child of God, God set me free from that lifestyle.” And then people cheered and were reprimanded for doing so.

“If this bill does pass, it will unfortunately become more acceptable than what it is now,” is how Bay, a liar who molested children for 20 years by his account, concluded.

To Action News, Bay claimed to have done his molesting in St. Louis. Additionally, according to the site:

We reached out to police in St. Louis and emailed them the man’s picture. We are waiting to hear if they have any record of him or the attacks.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was at the council meeting and say they are now investigating, but the man was allowed to leave the meeting.
Regarding the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, current Missouri law states:

Prosecutions for unlawful sexual offenses involving a person eighteen years of age or under must be commenced within thirty years after the victim reaches the age of eighteen unless the prosecutions are for rape in the first degree, forcible rape, attempted rape in the first degree, attempted forcible rape, sodomy in the first degree, forcible sodomy, kidnapping, attempted sodomy in the first degree, or attempted forcible sodomy in which case such prosecutions may be commenced at any time.
In other words, Bay could be charged for at least some of his offenses (he claims he changed his ways in 1985).

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 03, 2016, 01:56:06 PM
Self-Proclaimed Pedophile Argues Against Human Rights Ordinance at City Council Meeting, Is Applauded

Rich Juzwiak
Today 6:07pm

“I lived most of my life sexually assaulting kids—I never went to jail,” said 56-year-old Roy Bay at last night’s Jacksonville City Council meeting in Florida. During the meeting, many spoke in favor and against expanding the city’s Human Rights Ordinance to include LGBT people. Bay (and possibly his church*) apparently thought sharing his horrific story of preying on children (for 20 years, according to a follow-up interview by Jacksonville’s Action News) would bolster the side against expanding the HRO. The idiocy is nauseating.

The conceit of Bay’s reveal was to conflate pedophilia with homosexuality. He claimed he was sexually assaulted between the ages of 10 and 12 “by the homosexual community.”

“I entered into the life of homosexuality and did the same thing, because that’s what I thought life was all about: going into bathrooms of places and businesses and sexually assaulting kids,” he continued.

Bay claimed that “this happens in the homosexual lifestyle, over and over, OK?” “It’s been happening for years,” he added. Bay said after becoming a “born-again child of God, God set me free from that lifestyle.” And then people cheered and were reprimanded for doing so.

“If this bill does pass, it will unfortunately become more acceptable than what it is now,” is how Bay, a liar who molested children for 20 years by his account, concluded.

To Action News, Bay claimed to have done his molesting in St. Louis. Additionally, according to the site:

We reached out to police in St. Louis and emailed them the man’s picture. We are waiting to hear if they have any record of him or the attacks.

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office was at the council meeting and say they are now investigating, but the man was allowed to leave the meeting.
Regarding the statute of limitations for child sex abuse, current Missouri law states:

Prosecutions for unlawful sexual offenses involving a person eighteen years of age or under must be commenced within thirty years after the victim reaches the age of eighteen unless the prosecutions are for rape in the first degree, forcible rape, attempted rape in the first degree, attempted forcible rape, sodomy in the first degree, forcible sodomy, kidnapping, attempted sodomy in the first degree, or attempted forcible sodomy in which case such prosecutions may be commenced at any time.
In other words, Bay could be charged for at least some of his offenses (he claims he changed his ways in 1985).


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: jak1 on February 03, 2016, 02:02:26 PM
Nothing can surprise me more...pedophiles should be in prisons for the rest of life. Must be isolated from people,children,community..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 03, 2016, 02:27:21 PM
Nothing can surprise me more...pedophiles should be in prisons for the rest of life. Must be isolated from people,children,community..

... Unless they are protected by the pink mafia.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 03, 2016, 04:44:54 PM
Now I've read a lot of crap over time but this must be in the top 3. Pedophile rights? What does that even mean? How about my right to detonate explosive nuclear devices in highly populated areas? I mean is this even real? Are they going to have a march too? Because I have a new baseball bat I need to break in.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: jak1 on February 03, 2016, 04:49:03 PM
And where are children rights? Those raped,slaved,destroyed children..because of insane minds..what kind of right can have creature that had intentions with child? only to be dead

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 03, 2016, 04:59:23 PM
Denmark passes law to ban bestiality


Denmark has become one of the last European countries to ban bestiality.
Until the new law was passed on Tuesday, sex with animals was still legal in the country as long as the animal was unharmed.
Activists claimed the strange law was difficult to prove, and was making Denmark a hotspot for animal sex tourists.
Hungary, Finland and Romania are now the only EU countries where bestiality, or zoophilia, is legal.
Farming Minister Dan Jorgensen introduced the bill in October, arguing the previous laws didn't offer animals enough protection.
At the time, he told the Danish Parliament: "An animal by its very nature cannot say no.
"An animal by its very nature also has a hard time proving that the animal has been hurt by a sexual act.
"Therefore, we need new legislation that ensures that the consideration of the animal comes first."

People convicted of bestiality now face up to one year in prison for a first offence, and two years for repeat offenders.
Parliamentarians who voted in favour of the bill said they did not want Denmark to be the last northern European country where bestiality was permitted, as the country was attracting animal sex tourists.
"There are frequent reports of the occurrence of organised animal sex shows, clubs and animal brothels in Denmark," the Danish Ethical Council for Animals said in a report, though the group admitted it didn't have direct evidence itself.

Only one party, Liberal Alliance, voted against the ban, saying it was at best a waste of time and at worst the state imposing a moral code.
A 2011 report by the Danish Justice Ministry found 17% of vets suspected an animal they treated had been involved in sex with a human.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Ernstew on February 03, 2016, 11:27:25 PM
All pedophiles should be in jail. Also people watching video and pictures of that should be in prision too. So they can not claim any rights, they are not people

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: TheGr33k on February 04, 2016, 01:09:54 AM
It's just abnormal. I don't mind pedophiles, as long as they don't go out raping children or coaxing them into sleeping with them. It's wrong to me, but that's just my opinion.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Lethn on February 04, 2016, 07:28:41 AM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?
Can you link to the source of this article?   These ideas come from one or more people who have money to donate to the media.

Link to the source? Have you been on another freakin planet lately?

You´re on the internet, try searching for it

transgender father seven children - put that in the address bar and hit enter.

When you make claims like this it's down to you to post the fucking source so that we know it's legitimate, it's your job to back up your claims, not ours, why the hell have people on this forum gotten so fucking lazy about this?

By the way, do any of you know about this guy called Milo Yiannopoulos? He actually had a theory awhile back that feminists and the left would try to redeem peadophiles, now I'm not one of those people who thinks we should put people in for thought crimes, not in the fucking slightest, because that sets a dangerous precedent but to go around acting as if genuine peadophiles who have raped children are somehow not a danger to society I think is very wrong.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: salinizm on February 04, 2016, 07:38:54 AM

Increasingly, the modern perversion of “rights” leads to little but wrongs. And one of the best current examples is the movement to legitimize pedophilia. InfoWars reported on the subject just recently, writing:

Leftist media is now promoting “pedophile rights” as the next “social justice” movement….

Numerous political commentators predicted that pedophiles would try to hijack the June 26 Supreme Court decision on same-sex marriages to argue that they too are “suffering” discrimination over their “normal” sexual orientation.

“Using the same tactics used by ‘gay’ rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals [sic],” wrote Jack Minor for the Northern Colorado Gazette.

In reality, though, the pedophilia-acceptance movement greatly predates the unconstitutional Obergefell marriage ruling. As I wrote in the 2013 piece “The Slippery Slope to Pedophilia”:

On January 14 of this year, the Los Angeles Times ran an article entitled, “Many researchers taking a different view of pedophilia: Pedophilia once was thought to stem from psychological influences early in life. Now, many experts view it as a deep-rooted predisposition that does not change.” (Emphasis in original.) The piece starts out with a story about one Paul Christiano, who, as a young child, was fascinated by girls and loved “how their spindly bodies tumbled in gymnastics,” wrote the paper. We’re then told that while Christiano grew up, his sexual tastes didn’t: He remained tormented by an attraction to pre-pubescent girls. Christiano is the “sympathetic character,” mind you, the hapless soul meant to put a human face on pedophilia. But now consider what he said about unsuccessful court-ordered therapy he was forced to undergo after being caught with child pornography in 1999. As the Times reported, “‘These people felt they could snuff out the desire, or shame me into denying it existed,’ he said. ‘But it’s as intrinsic as the next person’s heterosexuality.’”

“As intrinsic as the next person’s heterosexuality… ” Where have we heard that before?

The paper then did something else that should sound familiar. Giving Christiano’s claim the imprimatur of science, it wrote, “In the laboratory, researchers are coming to the same conclusion.” Many experts now view pedophilia as “a sexual orientation as immutable as heterosexuality or homosexuality…, a deep-rooted predisposition … that becomes clear during puberty and does not change.... Scientists at the Toronto center [Center for Mental Health and Addiction in Toronto] have uncovered a series of associations that suggest pedophilia has biological roots.”

The problem? If we lived in a eugenicist time (e.g., the early 20th-century), the above would be used as further justification for selective breeding. Today, mainly due to the effort to legitimize homosexuality, the notion that “it’s okay if I was born that way” has taken hold. Often articulated as “God doesn’t make mistakes,” it’s rhetorically very effective. Of course, whether an atheist who considers the world naturally flawed or a theist believing it supernaturally fallen, cleft lip, Spina bifida, Down syndrome, club foot, Tay-Sachs disease, and other abnormalities make clear that God’s perfection isn’t enjoyed by man. And is it logical to consider the brain the one organ immune from this imperfection? Note also that the same psychologists telling us homosexuality is innate also say that psychopaths are born and not made. Now, if some people were born with homicidal instincts, would it be alright for them to commit murder?

A silly question? No more so than asking “If some people are born with homosexual feelings, is it alright for them to engage in homosexual behavior?” It may or may not be alright, but this has nothing whatsoever to do with inborn status. For genetics does not determine “morality.” Saying otherwise is to eliminate morality and replace it with biological determinism, which reduces man to animal.

Also realize that discriminating among inborn-urge driven behaviors — saying some are “right” and some “wrong” — means judging them with a yardstick (be it God’s law, social codes, etc.); this means that the yardstick is being placed above biology, thus contravening the biological-determinism argument.

The problem, however, is that the above reasoning (the nerd) has trouble competing in a popularity contest with the popular kids: sound-bite slogans and emotional appeals. As to this, just as recent decades have seen a “conversion of the average American’s emotions, mind, and will, through a planned psychological attack, in the form of [homosexual] propaganda fed to the nation via the media” — as prescribed in the homosexual-activist book After the Ball — so has entertainment already been placed in the service of pedophilia.

Just consider the film For a Lost Soldier (1993), which quite vividly and sympathetically relates the true story of a WWII-era sexual relationship between a Canadian serviceman and a 13-year-old European boy. The New York Times' review of the movie was entitled “Treating a Delicate Story of a Soldier and a Boy Tenderly” and actually stated that the work “takes up … a romantic relationship between a grown-up and a child, and invests it with an aching tenderness.” Then there was 2001’s LIE, which featured a pederast named Big John. About it the Times wrote, compared “with Howie’s [the 15-year-old main character’s] well-meaning but clueless guidance counselor, Big John seems like a benign, common-sensical uncle.”

Of course, such films and their reviews are still rare, but the relativism justifying them — and a whole lot more — is anything but. Note that a Barna Group research study found that in 2002 already only six percent of teens (now all adults who can vote) believed in moral absolutes. And is it any surprise? We now live in a time when some of the most popular refrains are “Who is to judge?” “Everything is a matter of perspective,” “That’s your truth; someone else’s may be different,” and “If it feels good, do it.”

It may be hard to believe that pedophilia is following the well-worn path of homosexuality. But know that not only is there great historical precedent for the sexualization of minors — pederasty was widely accepted in ancient Athens and Sparta — we already see tolerance for pedophilia among our “elites.” Consider the following:

• Obama’s military brass has ordered American soldiers in Afghanistan to ignore the sexual abuse of young boys by Afghan “allies” — even on U.S. military bases — partially in deference to “cultural sensitivity.”

• The media have largely ignored child sex abuse in government schools, despite a 2004 government-sponsored study indicating that it is 100 times the magnitude of the Catholic Church sex scandal.

• Hollywood pedophiles are apparently “everywhere, like vultures,” as former child actor Cory Feldman put it, but are protected by power and privilege.

• Likewise, the powers-that-be have long protected pedophiles within the British government.

• Also in the U.K., politically correct authorities have ignored Muslim child sex-trafficking rings for fear of being called “racist.”

Of course, there’s a difference between the “elites” and the man of the street. But realize that the homosexuality agenda’s embrace also began among the former, finding a home in academia and then being mainstreamed by media and entertainment. Also realize that the “Who’s to judge?” mantra may be convenient when justifying one’s favored sins. But if the things we like are all relative, the things we dislike are relative, too. As novelist Walter Scott might agree, “What a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive” — ourselves with fashionable philoso-babble.

What about the rights of the children? Not victims anymore? Tragic. Disgusting.

this is so insane .. this is disgusting.. pedophilia is a brutal crime now and it always will be..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: jak1 on February 04, 2016, 11:16:52 AM
zoophilia, pedophilia..all worse and worse one of i saw on tv something about legalisation of raping in private property: if woman enters freely in your property-home,flat,garden..than is not ilegal to rape her and that act would not be consider as raping, because if she entered freely than she accepted that sex can happen..I don't understand why all those insane people are free on streets and why this insane ideas are considered in town hall, on goes mad

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 04, 2016, 11:50:27 AM
zoophilia, pedophilia..all worse and worse one of i saw on tv something about legalisation of raping in private property: if woman enters freely in your property-home,flat,garden..than is not ilegal to rape her and that act would not be consider as raping, because if she entered freely than she accepted that sex can happen..I don't understand why all those insane people are free on streets and why this insane ideas are considered in town hall, on goes mad

Well, I´m sure that morons voting psychopaths into office for years, even decades has something to do with these unfortunate developments. The ruling establishment both sides of the Atlantic is one big shitpile of deviants and weirdos after all.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 04, 2016, 02:58:54 PM
You're all spitting on this like it's crazy and all...

Well yeah it's crazy. A bit too much crazy. I didn't see even one source or one link to such a story and never heard of it.

Please when you claim things like that, provide sources or don't say anything at all.

I can't really believe such thing exists. It seems rather obvious that the main difference between pedophilia and zoophilia and homosexuality is consent.
I don't care for the "degenerated" aspect because it's very subjective. I don't think it's a real argument. But what's a real argument is the lack of consent! A child is not able to integrate his consent! Neither is an animal!

Yes it's disgusting but some people could say "you find this disgusting but it's only a matter of taste and culture" but no. It's a matter of consent. Any sexual act towards an animal or a child is an agression, nothing more, and should be heavily punished!

Anyway I don't believe you OP when you're saying that people are currently promoting rights of pedophilia and zoophilia. Not until you give sources of that. I still have some faith in humanity.

PS. I don't want to make a google research for rather obvious reasons...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 04, 2016, 03:00:30 PM
zoophilia, pedophilia..all worse and worse one of i saw on tv something about legalisation of raping in private property: if woman enters freely in your property-home,flat,garden..than is not ilegal to rape her and that act would not be consider as raping, because if she entered freely than she accepted that sex can happen..I don't understand why all those insane people are free on streets and why this insane ideas are considered in town hall, on goes mad

That's crazy, you're completely making crappy statements. It's not because you saw it on the internet or on tv that it's true you know?

Don't believe things just because they confort you in the idea that our world is degenerated. Such a law doesn't exist!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bizerinm on February 04, 2016, 03:04:46 PM
Pedophiles can not have any rights..only to be in jail..this is disease. But ok they sholud be separated from children

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 04, 2016, 03:43:37 PM
Pedophilia: A Disorder, Not a Crime


Typical. Watering down the issue., business as usual in garbage media.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 04, 2016, 03:46:09 PM
That was FAST: Yesterday it was gay marriage; Now look who wants “equal rights”

Written by Ashley Edwardson on June 27, 2015

I am not adding much commentary to this, because I really think little is necessary. I am busy trying to find a hand hold on our slippery slope, because I fear my nation is falling into an abyss.

Excerpted from the Northern Colorado Gazette:

Using the same tactics used by “gay” rights activists, pedophiles have begun to seek similar status arguing their desire for children is a sexual orientation no different than heterosexual or homosexuals.

Critics of the homosexual lifestyle have long claimed that once it became acceptable to identify homosexuality as simply an “alternative lifestyle” or sexual orientation, logically nothing would be off limits.

“Gay” advocates have taken offense at such a position insisting this would never happen. However, psychiatrists are now beginning to advocate redefining pedophilia in the same way homosexuality was redefined several years ago.

In 1973 the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality from its list of mental disorders. A group of psychiatrists with B4U-Act recently held a symposium proposing a new definition of pedophilia in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders of the APA.

B4U-Act calls pedophiles “minor-attracted people.” The organization’s website states its purpose is to, “help mental health professionals learn more about attraction to minors and to consider the effects of stereotyping, stigma and fear.”

In 1998 The APA issued a report claiming “that the ‘negative potential’ of adult sex with children was ‘overstated’ and that ‘the vast majority of both men and women reported no negative sexual effects from childhood sexual abuse experiences.”

Pedophilia has already been granted protected status by the Federal Government. The Matthew Shephard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act lists “sexual orientation” as a protected class; however, it does not define the term.

Republicans attempted to add an amendment specifying that “pedophilia is not covered as an orientation;” however, the amendment was defeated by Democrats. Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-Fl) stated that all alternative sexual lifestyles should be protected under the law. “This bill addresses our resolve to end violence based on prejudice and to guarantee that all Americans, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability or all of these ‘philias’ and fetishes and ‘isms’ that were put forward need not live in fear because of who they are. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor of this rule.”

The White House praised the bill saying, “At root, this isn’t just about our laws; this is about who we are as a people. This is about whether we value one another – whether we embrace our differences rather than allowing them to become a source of animus.”

Earlier this year two psychologists in Canada declared that pedophilia is a sexual orientation just like homosexuality or heterosexuality.

Van Gijseghem, psychologist and retired professor of the University of Montreal, told members of Parliament, “Pedophiles are not simply people who commit a small offense from time to time but rather are grappling with what is equivalent to a sexual orientation just like another individual may be grappling with heterosexuality or even homosexuality.”

He went on to say, “True pedophiles have an exclusive preference for children, which is the same as having a sexual orientation. You cannot change this person’s sexual orientation. He may, however, remain abstinent.”

When asked if he should be comparing pedophiles to homosexuals, Van Gijseghem replied, “If, for instance, you were living in a society where heterosexuality is proscribed or prohibited and you were told that you had to get therapy to change your sexual orientation, you would probably say that that is slightly crazy. In other words, you would not accept that at all. I use this analogy to say that, yes indeed, pedophiles do not change their sexual orientation.”

Dr. Quinsey, professor emeritus of psychology at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, agreed with Van Gijseghem. Quinsey said pedophiles’ sexual interests prefer children and, “There is no evidence that this sort of preference can be changed through treatment or through anything else.”

In July, 2010 Harvard health Publications said, “Pedophilia is a sexual orientation and unlikely to change. Treatment aims to enable someone to resist acting on his sexual urges.”
Linda Harvey, of Mission America, said the push for pedophiles to have equal rights will become more and more common as LGBT groups continue to assert themselves. “It’s all part of a plan to introduce sex to children at younger and younger ages; to convince them that normal friendship is actually a sexual attraction.”

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

Diamond is a distinguished lecturer for the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality in San Francisco. The IASHS openly advocated for the repeal of the Revolutionary war ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

The IASHS lists, on its website, a list of “basic sexual rights” that includes “the right to engage in sexual acts or activities of any kind whatsoever, providing they do not involve nonconsensual acts, violence, constraint, coercion or fraud.” Another right is to, “be free of persecution, condemnation, discrimination, or societal intervention in private sexual behavior” and “the freedom of any sexual thought, fantasy or desire.” The organization also says that no one should be “disadvantaged because of age.”

[Note: the website also says in its mission statement: The Institute is dedicated to the belief that sexual rights are basic human rights and it is appropriate to help students understand that many people have been hurt, falsely imprisoned, harassed and persecuted because of laws and misinformation about the role and place of sexuality and its many expressions by individuals in our society.

Sex offender laws protecting children have been challenged in several states including California, Georgia and Iowa. Sex offenders claim the laws prohibiting them from living near schools or parks are unfair because it penalizes them for life.

Now here’s the scary part: This article from the Greeley Gazette was originally published in 2011. But now, there’s actually a constitutional argument that can be made in its favor. As we said yesterday, the ruling on same sex marriage has many unintended consequences.

Please pray for our nation.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Daniel91 on February 04, 2016, 03:51:04 PM
There is no reason for the shock and disbelief here.
First we heard that homosexuality is not a disease but a mental disorder.
Later we had to correct and say that this is normal sexual behavior.
The same is true for pedophilia.
First we heard that pedophilia is not a disease but a mental disorder.
Later we will have to correct and say that this is normal sexual behavior.
All in the name of absolute human rights.
How far will it go?
As long as your own child is raped by a pedophile?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 04, 2016, 03:52:11 PM
You're all spitting on this like it's crazy and all...

Well yeah it's crazy. A bit too much crazy. I didn't see even one source or one link to such a story and never heard of it.

Please when you claim things like that, provide sources or don't say anything at all.

I can't really believe such thing exists. It seems rather obvious that the main difference between pedophilia and zoophilia and homosexuality is consent.
I don't care for the "degenerated" aspect because it's very subjective. I don't think it's a real argument. But what's a real argument is the lack of consent! A child is not able to integrate his consent! Neither is an animal!

Yes it's disgusting but some people could say "you find this disgusting but it's only a matter of taste and culture" but no. It's a matter of consent. Any sexual act towards an animal or a child is an agression, nothing more, and should be heavily punished!

Anyway I don't believe you OP when you're saying that people are currently promoting rights of pedophilia and zoophilia. Not until you give sources of that. I still have some faith in humanity.

PS. I don't want to make a google research for rather obvious reasons...

I agreee with you. It's too easy to come in and say "yeah it's not good everything is degenerated and all...

Never heard of that. It would be crazy, I don't even think that the association of such persons is legal...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 04, 2016, 04:05:33 PM
Monday, 28 September 2015

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On

Don´t forget to check out the links in this article to other stories

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 04, 2016, 07:12:57 PM
I hope they'll try and have a parade of some sorts. That'll gather them all in one spot, and then they can be "pacified".

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 04, 2016, 08:03:37 PM
Equality and rights is very good but where do you draw the line? As far as I´m concerned it´s at what consenting adults do and doesn´t harm anybody else. Men can marry men and women other women for all I care, it simply isn´t my business. It doesn´t seem to be much of a problem where I am, quite the contrary if anything.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 05, 2016, 08:08:52 AM
Equality and rights is very good but where do you draw the line? As far as I´m concerned it´s at what consenting adults do and doesn´t harm anybody else. Men can marry men and women other women for all I care, it simply isn´t my business. It doesn´t seem to be much of a problem where I am, quite the contrary if anything.

It's only a matter of mutual consent.
You can get fucked by same sex person, I don't care. You can do 50 persons orgies with candles and satanic music, not my problem.

But children and animals have no personal consent. That's the main point of the innocence of children.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 05, 2016, 09:11:30 AM
Equality and rights is very good but where do you draw the line? As far as I´m concerned it´s at what consenting adults do and doesn´t harm anybody else. Men can marry men and women other women for all I care, it simply isn´t my business. It doesn´t seem to be much of a problem where I am, quite the contrary if anything.

It's only a matter of mutual consent.
You can get fucked by same sex person, I don't care. You can do 50 persons orgies with candles and satanic music, not my problem.

But children and animals have no personal consent. That's the main point of the innocence of children.

Yeah sure everything you say is great and all.

But again can't find any fucking source for anything you're saying!

I see no trace of a pedophilia movement! Just a random dude claiming some people are asking for legislation on pedophilia.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: salinizm on February 05, 2016, 01:11:37 PM
Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include beastiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.
Why are these groups even legal?

Some of the LGBT activists want to extend the term to include bestiality and pedophilia. "LGBTBP" is the term proposed by them. There are pro-pedophile groups in various Western European countries, and these organizations receive legal and financial support from the LGBT lobbying groups. Vereniging Martijn of the Netherlands and the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMbLA) are examples.

Having a conversation about the rights of adults taking away the rights of children is insane. And yet this will be the next battle. Some taboos are almost universal. Almost I said because in some countries or religion, 7 is an appropriate age...  :-[

In some Islamic countries pedophilia is not illegal and not a taboo. Marry a 10 year old is normal there.. but they are backwards.

yes you are definitely right but something must be changed ...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: gregyoung14 on February 05, 2016, 01:41:11 PM
Before going too far. I think those who are assessing this idea should consider how the "secrecy" adds up to the excitement. This sexual ideations are misconstrued and on its own is a clear manifestation of a 'miss' when these people are growing up.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 05, 2016, 02:15:05 PM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 05, 2016, 02:20:41 PM
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The U.K. Government Pedophiles Who Got Away With Spiritual Murder

Written by  Selwyn Duke

We’ve heard much recently about the Muslim-run child sex-trafficking rings that have plagued Britain and that, for most of the last 15 years, had been covered up by the nation’s authorities. But it appears U.K. officials are old hands at protecting pedophiles, as a shocking story about powerful child molesters embedded deep within the British government reveals.

The story dates back to the 1980s and involves politicians, judges, intelligence officers, staff at royal palaces, and figures from private schools, big business, and the Church of England — and more than 100 government files on the pedophile network that have mysteriously gone missing. Writes the Daily Beast’s Nico Hines:

A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next in the summer of 1984 helps to explain how shocking allegations of rape and murder against some of the country’s most powerful men went unchecked for decades.

Less than 24 hours after starting to inquire about the dossier presented to him by a senior Labour Party politician, the editor was confronted in his office by a furious member of parliament who threatened him and demanded the documents. “He was frothing at the mouth and really shouting and spitting in my face,” Don Hale told The Daily Beast. “He was straight at me like a raging lion; he was ready to knock me through the wall.”

Despite the MP’s explosive intervention, Hale refused to hand over the papers which appeared to show that Leon Brittan, Margaret Thatcher’s Home Secretary, was fully aware of a pedophile network that included top politicians.

The editor’s resistance was futile; the following morning, police officers from the counter-terror and intelligence unit known as Special Branch burst into the newspaper office, seized the material and threatened to have Hale arrested if he ever reported what had been found.

The volcanic politician demanding the papers was Liberal Party MP Cyril Smith. Known as “Big Cyril,” he stood over six feet tall and, tipping the scales at more than 400 pounds, is said to have been the heaviest British parliamentarian in history. And he certainly carried weight. Despite allegedly being a predatory child molester with approximately 140 complaints filed against him, he eluded justice and, in 2010, died a free man of natural causes at age 82.

The same could be said of Smith’s pal Jimmy Savile. After the flamboyant and eccentric BBC television host passed away in 2011 at age 84, it emerged that he was not only a prolific pedophile, he sexually abused older people as well — including the elderly — and even descended into necrophilia.

Then there was Leon Brittan — head of the Home Office, the U.K. department responsible for immigration, security, and law and order — who oversaw the pedophilia investigation in what could have been a prime example of the fox guarding the henhouse. It was revealed early last year that he himself was accused of raping a woman and sexually abusing boys. And, you might have guessed it, he also died early last year a free man, at the age of 75. As is so often the case, justice is not a thing of this world.

It’s not that there weren’t heroes in this story. Late Member of Parliament (MP) Barbara Anne Castle was the figure who collated the smoking-gun documents and handed them to Don Hale, then editor of her local newspaper, the Bury Messenger. Then there was MP Geoffrey Dickens. Referencing him, the Washington Post wrote July 7 of last year that the information about “Big Cyril”

was one of many in a dossier prepared 30 years ago by a crusading member of Parliament who warned of a powerful pedophile ring of “big, big names.” At the time, the man told his family the allegations were “explosive,” according to the BBC. It would, he told his son, “blow the lid off” of the pedophile ring and perhaps take down powerful, famous sex abusers who had infiltrated the highest reaches of British life.

Despite the purported power of the allegations, they weren’t aggressively pursued and no arrests or prosecutions followed. “My father [Geoffrey Dickens] thought that the dossier at the time was the most powerful thing that had ever been produced, with the names that were involved and the power that they had,” son Barry told the BBC late last week after it emerged that the document has since gone missing. “It just seems so suspicious that something so important could just go missing.”

Over the weekend, as its disappearance ballooned into a national scandal, the Guardian reported it may be worse than that. An additional 114 documents relevant to allegations involving the ring are also missing.

Brittan was central to this coverup, it appears. In 1983, Dickens gave the soon-to-disappear dossier to the home secretary to jump-start an investigation; Brittan would later claim he passed it on to underlings tasked with pursuing the matter and that he subsequently heard nothing more about it. But Hale contends Brittan actually played puppeteer in the investigation. Writes the Beast’s Hines, “‘Leon Brittan was mentioned in everything you picked up, his fingerprints were over everything, he was the instigator,’ Hale said. ‘He really had his finger on the pulse, he wanted to know everything about it; all the documents were cc’d back to Leon Brittan or it was an instruction directly from Leon Brittan.’”

Not surprisingly, Barbara Anne Castle never trusted Brittan to conduct the pedophilia investigation, Hale relates, as she implied to the journalist that the home secretary was involved. Thus did she attempt to interest major media; they were afraid to investigate, however, which is why she ultimately brought the story to Hale.

It also appears that a striking number of the rich and powerful were members of a British group tantamount to the United States' North American Man-boy Love Association (NAMbLA). Hines writes of this and of how British law itself might have facilitated the coverup:

Great Britain’s notoriously tough libel laws insured that obviously he [Hale] couldn’t repeat the allegations included in the Home Office papers that about 16 MPs and members of the House of Lords, and 30 high-profile figures from the Church of England, private schools, and big business, were members of, and advocates for, the Paedophile Information Exchange. The shadowy group, which operated partly in the open, campaigned for the age of consent to be abolished and incest to be legalized. It also allowed pedophiles to send each other secure mail and to meet in person.

So, partially handcuffed, Hale decided to simply run a story on how these men were under investigation and cite Castle’s concerns; he then contacted some of them and the Home Office for comment. It was the very next day that he received the unwelcome visit from Cyril Smith. And when the portly politician’s efforts at intimidation failed, Hale’s office was subsequently raided by 15 Special Branch officers, two of whom thrust him against a wall as they displayed a search warrant. As a pretext for seizing his papers, they cited a “D-notice,” which can be used when a news story supposedly threatens national security. Hale was told, reports Hines, “We’re not here to negotiate. Hand them [the documents] over or we’ll arrest you now.” And so the story died.

And now, a generation later and with many if not most of the major players dead, it has been reopened. Among the recent revelations, it has been disclosed that police were prohibited from investigating and charging perennial offender Smith, even when indecent images were discovered in his vehicle. As to this, another politician, MP Tim Fortescue, admitted in a 1995 BBC interview that a quid pro quo standard was operative, with elites rescuing their criminal fellows with the knowledge that the favors would later be returned.

Hines reports that the British security services, MI5 and MI6, were complicit as well. This may be no surprise, as longtime director of MI6 Peter Hayman was himself an accused pedophile who was caught with “explicit” material in 1978 — but escaped being charged (and, yes, Hayman is dead, too). And this scandal went all the way to the top, says Hines, with Prime Minister Thatcher ordering “his depravity to be concealed from the public.”

As to this, a former minister in Thatcher’s government, Norman Tebbit, acknowledged last year that there might have been a cover-up and blamed a prevailing “Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil” attitude in government. Wrote the International Business Times in 2014, “Speaking to Andrew Marr on BBC One's Marr Show, he said: ‘At that time I think most people would have thought that the establishment, the system, was to be protected and if a few things had gone wrong here and there that it was more important to protect the system than to delve too far into it.’”

And so it goes, from pedophilia among the silk-and-satin set decades ago, and beyond, to pedophilia among the Sharia set today — all condoned by immoral authorities.

But there is some good news. The current home secretary, Theresa May, announced earlier this month that an independent, four-person panel headed by an official from outside the British establishment — New Zealand high court judge Justice Lowell Goddard — has been created for the purpose of sifting the pedophilia scandal to the very bottom. It has been given new powers, sufficiently formidable so that Goddard will be able to follow “the evidence wherever it takes her,” wrote May in the Telegraph.

May also said that the “trail will lead into our schools and hospitals, our churches, our youth clubs and many other institutions” and “that what we have seen so far is only the tip of [the] iceberg” of abuse that is “woven, covertly, into the fabric of our society.” And she also vowed, “If perpetrators of child sexual abuse are found, they will be brought to justice.”

[[[don´t forget to check the links in this story]]]

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 05, 2016, 03:36:08 PM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Not that it bother me, but you're saying that their is an official movement for pedophile rights.
I say it's bullshit that such a movement doesn't exist (for rather obvious reasons) and you doesn't provide any proof of it, just because such movement doesn't (and shouldn't exist).

So in the end all that you're saying in this thread is "pedophilia is wrong and shouldn't be allowed".

Well... Ok.... And?
I mean that's plain obvious and absolutely no one will ever say the contrary on this thread because no one believes it's "normal" or "good".

So I think this thread is a bit useless that's all I said...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 05, 2016, 03:42:38 PM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Not that it bother me, but you're saying that their is an official movement for pedophile rights.
I say it's bullshit that such a movement doesn't exist (for rather obvious reasons) and you doesn't provide any proof of it, just because such movement doesn't (and shouldn't exist).

So in the end all that you're saying in this thread is "pedophilia is wrong and shouldn't be allowed".

Well... Ok.... And?
I mean that's plain obvious and absolutely no one will ever say the contrary on this thread because no one believes it's "normal" or "good".

So I think this thread is a bit useless that's all I said...

no one believes it's "normal" or "good". Oh yeah? What about the pedophiles? What about political refuse that´s up to their eyeballs in this shit and retards vote into power?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 06, 2016, 04:11:51 AM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Not that it bother me, but you're saying that their is an official movement for pedophile rights.
I say it's bullshit that such a movement doesn't exist (for rather obvious reasons) and you doesn't provide any proof of it, just because such movement doesn't (and shouldn't exist).

So in the end all that you're saying in this thread is "pedophilia is wrong and shouldn't be allowed".

Well... Ok.... And?
I mean that's plain obvious and absolutely no one will ever say the contrary on this thread because no one believes it's "normal" or "good".

So I think this thread is a bit useless that's all I said...

no one believes it's "normal" or "good". Oh yeah? What about the pedophiles? What about political refuse that´s up to their eyeballs in this shit and retards vote into power?

Pedophiles are not people they don't count. I got no idea if it's possible to cure them or if we should just shoot them but someone being sexually attracted by a 8 years old child isn't right in his feet.

And I don't know what you're talking about, never seen a politician not condemning harshly pedophilia.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 06, 2016, 04:20:51 AM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Not that it bother me, but you're saying that their is an official movement for pedophile rights.
I say it's bullshit that such a movement doesn't exist (for rather obvious reasons) and you doesn't provide any proof of it, just because such movement doesn't (and shouldn't exist).

So in the end all that you're saying in this thread is "pedophilia is wrong and shouldn't be allowed".

Well... Ok.... And?
I mean that's plain obvious and absolutely no one will ever say the contrary on this thread because no one believes it's "normal" or "good".

So I think this thread is a bit useless that's all I said...

no one believes it's "normal" or "good". Oh yeah? What about the pedophiles? What about political refuse that´s up to their eyeballs in this shit and retards vote into power?

Pedophiles are not people they don't count. I got no idea if it's possible to cure them or if we should just shoot them but someone being sexually attracted by a 8 years old child isn't right in his feet.

And I don't know what you're talking about, never seen a politician not condemning harshly pedophilia.

Yeah, and I guess you think that there are no psychopaths in politics or business because they don´t announce it on freakin TV.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 06, 2016, 04:32:20 AM
This is why I'm glad death penalty can still be applied in the USA.

You can say whatever you want, but for a pedophile, prison is not enough. He might escape or just be released for good behaviour.

But those people are totally sick, can't let them out.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: designerusa on February 06, 2016, 03:01:44 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?

this is the weirdest thing that i have ever heart... this world is so insane .. something must be done for this stupid ongoing things.. so creepy and disgusting..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 06, 2016, 08:26:44 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?

this is the weirdest thing that i have ever heart... this world is so insane .. something must be done for this stupid ongoing things.. so creepy and disgusting..

A fish rots from the head down it is said. I think it´s an ongoing process of desensitization, corruption and it benefits the source, especially by making its own rot the norm.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bizerinm on February 07, 2016, 12:21:53 AM
Sick people with sadistic mind and ideas...I mean who can be attracted sexually to a 6 or 8 years boy or girl..only mad people, and should be in jail or so

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 07, 2016, 12:19:22 PM
This is why I'm glad death penalty can still be applied in the USA.

You can say whatever you want, but for a pedophile, prison is not enough. He might escape or just be released for good behaviour.

But those people are totally sick, can't let them out.

Yeah! I know there is always a chance the person is innocent but comon! Here it's obviously retarded degenerated people!

They can say whatever they want! But don't they dare touch our children! Gonna burn them alive!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 07, 2016, 02:02:22 PM
Well, this subject seems to bother some people on these threads so it definitely should be kept alive. Keep bumping it.

Not that it bother me, but you're saying that their is an official movement for pedophile rights.
I say it's bullshit that such a movement doesn't exist (for rather obvious reasons) and you doesn't provide any proof of it, just because such movement doesn't (and shouldn't exist).

So in the end all that you're saying in this thread is "pedophilia is wrong and shouldn't be allowed".

Well... Ok.... And?
I mean that's plain obvious and absolutely no one will ever say the contrary on this thread because no one believes it's "normal" or "good".

So I think this thread is a bit useless that's all I said...

no one believes it's "normal" or "good". Oh yeah? What about the pedophiles? What about political refuse that´s up to their eyeballs in this shit and retards vote into power?

Pedophiles are not people they don't count. I got no idea if it's possible to cure them or if we should just shoot them but someone being sexually attracted by a 8 years old child isn't right in his feet.

And I don't know what you're talking about, never seen a politician not condemning harshly pedophilia.

Yeah, and I guess you think that there are no psychopaths in politics or business because they don´t announce it on freakin TV.

That's not what I said...

It's just that your post suggests there are actual pedophilia movements asking for having the right to fuck children!
I'm not saying pedophiles don't exist, I'm saying that there is no "association of pedophiles".
Or at least no official ones. Because they wouldn't have the right to regroup themselves that's all.

But of course there are pedophiles and even more certainly groups of pedophiles (though I suspect half of them being FBI agents xD)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: hugoworld on February 10, 2016, 01:11:09 PM
Equality and rights is very good but where do you draw the line? As far as I´m concerned it´s at what consenting adults do and doesn´t harm anybody else. Men can marry men and women other women for all I care, it simply isn´t my business. It doesn´t seem to be much of a problem where I am, quite the contrary if anything.

yes , you are right.. adults have right to choose people to marry .whether they are same gender or not but child abuse is intolerable.. this is so insane

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: jak1 on February 10, 2016, 09:59:01 PM
Can not understand how child can sexually attract anyone?? One innocent creature full of joy who deserve all best in the life.this people are insane

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 11, 2016, 10:54:12 AM
Can not understand how child can sexually attract anyone?? One innocent creature full of joy who deserve all best in the life.this people are insane

Hmmm... Children are not always innocent and full of life xD

But anyway, it's like zoophilia or BDSM hard. Things like this exist don't ask why. There is no reason behind it, it's just like that.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 11, 2016, 11:01:42 AM
Equality and rights is very good but where do you draw the line? As far as I´m concerned it´s at what consenting adults do and doesn´t harm anybody else. Men can marry men and women other women for all I care, it simply isn´t my business. It doesn´t seem to be much of a problem where I am, quite the contrary if anything.

yes , you are right.. adults have right to choose people to marry .whether they are same gender or not but child abuse is intolerable.. this is so insane

Funny how mentalities and "moral" change hey?

A few decades ago marrying a cousin was totally fine and acceptable.
A few centuries ago marrying a child was fine and common.

Now it seems like it's intolerable. Things change.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Losvienleg on February 11, 2016, 08:39:31 PM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: FxProBITcoin on February 11, 2016, 11:02:35 PM
In western world fagots, pedos and all that twisted dudes with wide range of sexual deviations were hiding for centuries. In that time they got to satisfy their needs secretly so they develop sort of secret organization helping each other just like freemasons. At some point lot of them got on top, become very influential, used their influence and now we have this. Before few decades, it was shame to be fagot and now it is sort of fashion in western world. What to fuck is next? Looks like in next few decades straight ppl will have to hide.

You are right, especially in the Church.  You see, it is natural for the human animal to want sex.  If he is denied sex, he becomes perverse.  This is what happens to priests.

Now, there is a deliberate effort to bend genders and redefine people.  No more men and women.  No more his and her, it is hxs.  It is unnatural and will not last.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 12, 2016, 05:13:07 AM
GAY ANAL SEX Now Taught To 5th Graders In Chicago Public School Curriculum.....

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 12, 2016, 05:40:23 AM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Damn, here I am enjoying a snack and I learn that I'm hurting the well-being of the world.  Sorry about that guys

You are right, especially in the Church.  You see, it is natural for the human animal to want sex.  If he is denied sex, he becomes perverse.  This is what happens to priests.

Now, there is a deliberate effort to bend genders and redefine people.  No more men and women.  No more his and her, it is hxs.  It is unnatural and will not last.

Most trans people would just like to live their lives as their assigned gender and get the transition over with, not do anything about someone elses life.

GAY ANAL SEX Now Taught To 5th Graders In Chicago Public School Curriculum.....
5th grade does seem a bit early for this kind of sex-ed, but I don't see why they shouldn't cover it any more than normal sex.  Upper middleschool would probably be a more appropriate time.

Fuck pedos, but LGBT is completely unrelated.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 12, 2016, 06:05:23 AM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Damn, here I am enjoying a snack and I learn that I'm hurting the well-being of the world.  Sorry about that guys

You are right, especially in the Church.  You see, it is natural for the human animal to want sex.  If he is denied sex, he becomes perverse.  This is what happens to priests.

Now, there is a deliberate effort to bend genders and redefine people.  No more men and women.  No more his and her, it is hxs.  It is unnatural and will not last.

Most trans people would just like to live their lives as their assigned gender and get the transition over with, not do anything about someone elses life.

GAY ANAL SEX Now Taught To 5th Graders In Chicago Public School Curriculum.....
5th grade does seem a bit early for this kind of sex-ed, but I don't see why they shouldn't cover it any more than normal sex.  Upper middleschool would probably be a more appropriate time.

Fuck pedos, but LGBT is completely unrelated.

Yes, but people seem to miss the point or refuse to see it. One is used as cover for the other. Why else would they push anal sex on 10-12 yr old kids? If you watch that video it´s clear that this goes way beyond just teaching.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 12, 2016, 06:25:55 AM

Yes, but people seem to miss the point or refuse to see it. One is used as cover for the other. Why else would they push anal sex on 10-12 yr old kids? If you watch that video it´s clear that this goes way beyond just teaching.
I had skimmed over the video, but oh lord that was entertaining... let's break down everything that was wrong with it:

-The school system said that the content being included was a mistake.  They very easily could have sent it home for the wrong grade.

-CPS stands for Chicago Public Schools, not Child Protective Services which he mentioned later in the video.

-Claims to not be homophobic, yet didn't flip his shit nearly as much at the idea of a condom demonstration for heterosexual sex.

-Freaks out about very young children being taught anything when it's important for their safety at the minimum they have an idea of when to report sexual abuse.

-Being that 12% of students from his own source have had sex before 13, they are gonna need to know what's going on at least to a decent extent.

-Paranoid NWO/GMO/etc ranting

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: clangtrump on February 12, 2016, 06:39:21 AM
God damn. Inhumane acts for inhumane peoples why is this even debatable? What if t'was your child?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 12, 2016, 06:40:37 AM

Yes, but people seem to miss the point or refuse to see it. One is used as cover for the other. Why else would they push anal sex on 10-12 yr old kids? If you watch that video it´s clear that this goes way beyond just teaching.
I had skimmed over the video, but oh lord that was entertaining... let's break down everything that was wrong with it:

-The school system said that the content being included was a mistake.  They very easily could have sent it home for the wrong grade.

-CPS stands for Chicago Public Schools, not Child Protective Services which he mentioned later in the video.

-Claims to not be homophobic, yet didn't flip his shit nearly as much at the idea of a condom demonstration for heterosexual sex.

-Freaks out about very young children being taught anything when it's important for their safety at the minimum they have an idea of when to report sexual abuse.

-Being that 12% of students from his own source have had sex before 13, they are gonna need to know what's going on at least to a decent extent.

-Paranoid NWO/GMO/etc ranting

Well, good luck with your co-dependency. Don´t take it too far though, there have to be limits somewhere.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 12, 2016, 08:22:43 AM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 12, 2016, 04:44:19 PM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 12, 2016, 05:48:48 PM
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 12, 2016, 06:15:16 PM
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.
Is the idea of consent that lost on you?  Anything that consensual adults do between themselves is fair game, whereas bringing children or animals that can't say yes or understand the implications of what they're doing is a different story.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 16, 2016, 11:10:18 AM
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.

Homosexuality is not seen as a progress... The right for homosexuals to be considered as normal human beings is considered as a progress. And yeah maybe in a few decades pedophilia and bestiality acceptation will be considered as a progress.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 16, 2016, 02:16:06 PM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 16, 2016, 02:17:17 PM
Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

Who knows? That is how the liberals are defining evolution. A few decades ago, homosexuality was being considered as a mental disease. In the USSR, people with homosexual orientation used to be sentenced to death without the right to appeal against their sentences. Now, homosexuality is being viewed as a sign of progress in the Western nations. May be in two or three decades from now, pedophilia and bestiality will also be viewed as signs of progress.

Well maybe you can't know.

Two thousands years ago homosexuality and pedophilia were considered as rather normal.

Two centuries ago incest was rather normal too.

It's all a matter of perspective, moral isn't static it keeps changing.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 16, 2016, 02:19:54 PM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...

The point being made is that the normalization of that culture is being used to push the normalization of other things much more unsavory.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 16, 2016, 02:25:14 PM
That's simple : everything that exit the well-being have to exterminated, and this include, in this long list, LGBT, which is one of the worst abominations of the World.

Yeah! Let's destroy everything out of our culture so we don't have neither to change or evolve!!!

Our culture? Raping defenseless children is a sign of Evolution now?

LGBT has nothing to do with raping children man...

The point being made is that the normalization of that culture is being used to push the normalization of other things much more unsavory.

Bah, it's always the case. That's like saying bitcoin shouldn't exist because it's used for normalisation of peer to peer sharing...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 16, 2016, 02:31:36 PM
Shocking news! A new discovery was made with the promise to cure pedophilia. Scientists from a top renowned university have discovered that a small dose of assault grenades work 99.99% in curing pedophilia. Try it! It does work!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 16, 2016, 02:33:01 PM
Shocking news! A new discovery was made with the promise to cure pedophilia. Scientists from a top renowned university have discovered that a small dose of assault grenades work 99.99% in curing pedophilia. Try it! It does work!

It's like bacteria? It lets the 0.01% Live in order to warn the others? ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 16, 2016, 04:40:46 PM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 16, 2016, 06:07:56 PM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 17, 2016, 11:46:23 AM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

Where did you see homosexuals defend pedophiles dude? Where did you see ANYONE defending pedophiles? Oo

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 17, 2016, 04:27:50 PM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet Voice of Revolution |

November 15th, 2011 by Michael L. Brown

While millions of Americans are rightly sickened and outraged over the alleged pedophile acts of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State, millions more are totally unaware that gay activists have conveniently swept homosexual pedophilia under the rug.

To be clear, I personally believe that the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.”

During a radio interview earlier this year on the Rick Amato show, Jimmy LaSalvia of GOProud stated, “I happen to think that a good school teacher, when they’re teaching literature, would mention that Oscar Wilde, when they’re teaching his work, would mention that Oscar Wilde was locked in an asylum because he was gay.”

Would they also mention that he was a boy lover and that he wrote about his passionate sexual encounters with young teens no older than some of the boys allegedly molested by Sandusky?

As noted by Jim Kepner, formerly curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles, “If we reject the boylovers in our midst today we’d better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, [and others]. We’d better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today.” (There is, of course, dispute about the sexuality of some of these men on the list, but if, in fact, they were homosexual, they were also pederasts.)

And remember that SB 48, mandating the celebration of LGBT history in all California schools for all children in all grades, is now law.

The outrage over the alleged pedophile acts of Sandusky is only matched by the gay silence over the alleged pedophile (or pederast) acts of Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, and others.

There is already a Harvey Milk Day in California, commemorating the life and death of this gay pioneer politician who has also been celebrated in an Academy Award winning film, but there’s more to the Harvey Milk story.

According to the acclaimed gay journalist Randy Shilts, at age eleven, Milk began attending performances of the New York Metropolitan Opera where he met with “wandering hands,” and soon was engaged in “brief trysts [with grown men] after the performances.” While still in junior high, he “dove headfirst into the newly discovered subculture,” and by the age of fourteen, Milk was “leading an active homosexual life.” As he grew older, the pattern reversed itself to the point that, at age thirty-three, Milk hooked up with a sixteen-year-old named Jack McKinley, one of a number of younger men with whom he was intimate.

And our kids celebrate Harvey Milk Day in their schools? Will they also celebrate the memory of Harry Hay, widely considered to be the founder of America’s gay liberation movement and another well-known friend of NAMBLA? When a gay pride parade in Los Angeles banned NAMBLA from participating, Hay decided to march in the parade carrying a sign that said, “NAMBLA walks with me.”

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this?

And what are we to make of these statements by Kramer, proudly quoted by NAMBLA? “In those cases where children do have sex with their homosexual elders . . . I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity . . . or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it.” He even claimed that, “And unlike girls or women forced into rape or traumatized, most gay men have warm memories of their earliest and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with each other, they are invariably positive ones.”

This is despicable, deplorable, and disgusting, yet Kramer remains a revered figure in gay activist circles.

And I haven’t said a word about gay activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

(Everything cited in this article is carefully and painfully documented in A Queer Thing Happened to America.)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 17, 2016, 05:19:54 PM

Your artice is clearly made in order to mix everything...
Let's take things in order:
1/ They say it's not good to talk about great people saying they were gays and forgetting they were pedophiles. Well if you have to say everything about everyone we shall take much more time for each and every historical person! Currently nobody talks about Oscar Wilde while saying he was a pedophile, I didn't even know it! Neither the gays nor the straights! Why should the gays say it if no one else is bothering explaining it?
2/ They talk about ONE journalist who happened to have a complicated sexualty in which he was in relationships with older men while young and with young adults (16 is NOT pedophilia, at least no in Europe maybe you have a different definition in the US). The journalist doesn't say he supports pedophilia, he mainly talks about himself.
3/ The LGBT movement only says that if you have to judge historical personalities through their sexuality you should never talk about ancient civilisations as they were all more or less both gays and pedophiles... Which is perfectly true so I don't see the problem here.

Though your article is putting a lot of effort to confuse the reader, it never shows that LGBT supports pedophilia.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: UliJonHoth on February 17, 2016, 06:51:44 PM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?

The Pedophile Elephant in the Gay Activist Closet Voice of Revolution |

November 15th, 2011 by Michael L. Brown

While millions of Americans are rightly sickened and outraged over the alleged pedophile acts of Jerry Sandusky at Penn State, millions more are totally unaware that gay activists have conveniently swept homosexual pedophilia under the rug.

To be clear, I personally believe that the great majority of homosexual men also deplore Sandusky’s alleged acts. At the same time, there is a very large pedophile elephant that is hiding in the gay activist closet. Dare we expose it?

Let’s start with our children’s schools, where GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight, Education Network, has long advocated for the celebration of homosexual history, using tools like “North American History Game Cards,” where elementary school children learn that famous Americans like Allen Ginsberg and Walt Whitman were gay.

What the children don’t learn is that if Whitman was a homosexual, he was also a pederast, that Ginsberg was a defender of NAMBLA, the notorious North American Man Boy Love Association, and that he (in)famously said, “Attacks on NAMBLA stink of politics, witchhunting for profit, humorlessness, vanity, anger and ignorance. . . . I’m a member of NAMBLA because I love boys too — everybody does, who has a little humanity.”

During a radio interview earlier this year on the Rick Amato show, Jimmy LaSalvia of GOProud stated, “I happen to think that a good school teacher, when they’re teaching literature, would mention that Oscar Wilde, when they’re teaching his work, would mention that Oscar Wilde was locked in an asylum because he was gay.”

Would they also mention that he was a boy lover and that he wrote about his passionate sexual encounters with young teens no older than some of the boys allegedly molested by Sandusky?

As noted by Jim Kepner, formerly curator of the International Gay and Lesbian Archives in Los Angeles, “If we reject the boylovers in our midst today we’d better stop waving the banner of the Ancient Greeks, of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, [and others]. We’d better stop claiming them as part of our heritage unless we are broadening our concept of what it means to be gay today.” (There is, of course, dispute about the sexuality of some of these men on the list, but if, in fact, they were homosexual, they were also pederasts.)

And remember that SB 48, mandating the celebration of LGBT history in all California schools for all children in all grades, is now law.

The outrage over the alleged pedophile acts of Sandusky is only matched by the gay silence over the alleged pedophile (or pederast) acts of Oscar Wilde, Walt Whitman, and others.

There is already a Harvey Milk Day in California, commemorating the life and death of this gay pioneer politician who has also been celebrated in an Academy Award winning film, but there’s more to the Harvey Milk story.

According to the acclaimed gay journalist Randy Shilts, at age eleven, Milk began attending performances of the New York Metropolitan Opera where he met with “wandering hands,” and soon was engaged in “brief trysts [with grown men] after the performances.” While still in junior high, he “dove headfirst into the newly discovered subculture,” and by the age of fourteen, Milk was “leading an active homosexual life.” As he grew older, the pattern reversed itself to the point that, at age thirty-three, Milk hooked up with a sixteen-year-old named Jack McKinley, one of a number of younger men with whom he was intimate.

And our kids celebrate Harvey Milk Day in their schools? Will they also celebrate the memory of Harry Hay, widely considered to be the founder of America’s gay liberation movement and another well-known friend of NAMBLA? When a gay pride parade in Los Angeles banned NAMBLA from participating, Hay decided to march in the parade carrying a sign that said, “NAMBLA walks with me.”

From 2001-2006, Yale University’s LGBT program was greatly helped by the Larry Kramer Initiative for Lesbian and Gay Studies, named after the famous gay activist and author. Kramer too was a NAMBLA supporter, and in a 2004 speech in New York City, he spoke of a “sweet young boy who didn’t know anything and was in awe of me. I was the first man who [had sex with] him. I think I murdered him” (meaning, by infecting him with AIDS). Where is the gay outcry over this?

And what are we to make of these statements by Kramer, proudly quoted by NAMBLA? “In those cases where children do have sex with their homosexual elders . . . I submit that often, very often, the child desires the activity, and perhaps even solicits it, either because of a natural curiosity . . . or because he or she is homosexual and innately knows it.” He even claimed that, “And unlike girls or women forced into rape or traumatized, most gay men have warm memories of their earliest and early sexual encounters; when we share these stories with each other, they are invariably positive ones.”

This is despicable, deplorable, and disgusting, yet Kramer remains a revered figure in gay activist circles.

And I haven’t said a word about gay activist attempts to reduce (or repeal!) the age of consent in different countries, including America (see, for example, the 1972 Gay Rights Platform), but the inescapable truth is clear: The gay activist closet has been opened, and the pedophile elephant is there.

Let gay activists demonstrate their categorical rejection of all forms of pedophilia and pederasty by denouncing its very obvious presence in gay history (from the ancient Greeks to Harvey Milk), by renouncing all gay attempts to lower (or eliminate) the age of consent, and by agreeing not to sexualize our children’s education.

Will they do that, or will they attack the messenger? We shall see.

(Everything cited in this article is carefully and painfully documented in A Queer Thing Happened to America.)

Anyone who supports NAMBLA should be removed from society. I remember the first time I ever heard of NAMBLA (the North American Man/Boy Love Association, how warped is that?) was on the old Geraldo show in the early 90s and thought it had to be a sick joke, but no, it is very real. And is sick he is lauded as such a great poet and activist when he was a truly warped individual. When I was in college and taking a literature class, we had a discussion on Howl and as luck would have it the professor picked me to speak first on it  - I made it a point to share the truth on Ginsberg and his association with NAMBLA, most people have no clue and would have just gone about thinking this guy was some great poet of his time when in fact he was an insane pedophile.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 17, 2016, 07:28:12 PM

 NAMBLA: Out of the Movement's Bounds
by Richard J. Rosendall

The current controversy over the membership of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA) raises in sharp relief the question of what boundaries, if any, should be drawn around the Gay and Lesbian civil rights movement. The predicament is prompted by the Clinton Administration's threat to seek the revocation of ILGA's consultative status in the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) if ILGA does not oust NAMBLA at ILGA's 16th World Conference in New York next June. ILGA's leadership has stated its intention to seek NAMBLA's ouster, which under ILGA voting rules requires an 80% supermajority.

It is a fact the pink mafia was in full support of nambla... until it wasn't politically correct to do so anymore...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 17, 2016, 07:40:25 PM
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 21:02:41 -0500
From: Roy Radow
Subject: NAMBLA Replies to ILGA Secretariat (Revised)

Dear Tommy-tom,

    Please replace the NAMBLA-ILGA statement which currently appears
in the QRD with this revised statement. Thanks.

   NAMBLA has been a member of the International Lesbian and Gay
Association for 10 years. We've been continuously active in ILGA longer
than any other US organization. NAMBLA delegates to ILGA helped write
ILGA's constitution, its official positions on the sexual rights of
youth, and its stands against sexual coercion and corporal punishment.
We are proud of our contributions in making ILGA a stronger voice for the
international gay and lesbian movement and for sexual justice.
   In spite of this proud history, four of ILGA's six secretariats,
meeting in New York, November 5-7, have request NAMBLA to resign and stated
that they will seek its expulsion by the general membership this summer
unless it complies. This small administrative body individuals issued press
releases on November 7 stating that ILGA "condemns pedophilia" and that
NAMBLA's "political aims... are in direct contradiction" to those of ILGA.
In particular, the statement cites NAMBLA's opposition to age-of-consent
laws as a tool for protecting young people from sexual coercion.
      These statements by the secretariats' committee are a craven and
dishonest attempt to satisfy demands by the US Mission to the UN. On
October 16, the US Mission's Bisa Williams-Manigault sent a letter to
ILGA stating that the US will seek ILGA's removal from the UN's Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC) unless ILGA "dissociates itself from NAMBLA
and other affiliate organizations whose objectives," in the opinion of the
US government, "are not consonant with UN human rights activities." In
addition, Williams-Manigault has told the press that to meet US demands,
ILGA would have to expel at least two other organizations. The Dutch
Vereniging Martijn and a US group called Project Truth along with any
other member organization that has expressed support for NAMBLA's
   The ILGA secretariats' statement contradicts the positions
ILGA has adopted over the course of a decade, and greatly distorts
NAMBLA's platform.
   ILGA's current positions on man/boy love and pedophilia are
   -- In 1985, ILGA adopted a position on "Age of Consent/Paedophilia/
   Children's Rights" that urged member organizations to "lobby their
   governments to abolish the age of consent law" so long as there is
   "adequate protection for youth from being sexually abused without
   the age of consent law."
   -- In 1986, ILGA adopted a position that says the group "supports
   the right of young people to sexual and social self-determination."
   -- In 1988, ILGA declared "this conference recognizes that existing
   same-sex age-of-consent laws often operate to oppress and not to
   protect; that in many countries, existing laws on sexual coercion
   and rules of evidence also often operate to oppress and not to
   protect; that therefore member organizations are urged to consider
   how best children, adolescents, and people of all ages can be
   empowered and supported against both sexual coercion and sexual
   oppression and to work towards that end."
   -- In 1990, ILGA "calls on all members to treat all sexual
   minorities with respect and to engage in constructive dialogue
   with them. In another position adopted that year, ILGA declared
   that it "supports the right of every individual, regardless of
   age, to explore and develop her or his sexuality."

   ILGA has also taken strong stands against sexual coercion. NAMBLA
helped write these positions, and our delegates supported them in the General
Assembly, contrary to what the ILGA secretariats imply.
   -- In 1990 ILGA adopted as an official position that "Major power
   imbalances create the potential for child abuse. ILGA condemns the
   exploitative use of power differences to coerce others into sexual
   Every one of the resolutions cited above was adopted by at least
an 80 percent majority of ILGA delegates; many were adopted unanimously.
Their status as official ILGA positions is a matter of public record. Not
one of these positions has ever been revoked by ILGA's membership, and all
have been distributed to the media as recently two months ago by ILGA's
Information Secretariat as official positions.
   NAMBLA fully supports ILGA's efforts to achieve consultative status
on the UN's ECOSOC, though we did not play any role in attaining that status.

       Any attempt to link NAMBLA or ILGA with child abuse is dishonest and
malicious. But in an effort to save ILGA's ECOSOC status, one small project
of ILGA, its secretariats have taken a dangerous step toward destroying what
ILGA is at essence: a diverse, democratic coalition controlled by its members,
not a small group of leaders.
   The following are quotes from NAMBLA position papers adopted at the
indicated times by NAMBLA's membership. The reader can determine whether or
not an "extreme divergence" exists between the views of NAMBLA and ILGA.

     "NAMBLA condemns those who exploit children and others for
   profit and pornography... NAMBLA condemns pornography which furthers
   racial and sexual stereotypes." [adopted November 11, 1981]
     "NAMBLA supports economic and racial justice for youth, especially
   for gay youth, who are often doubly oppressed. Wherever forms of
   hustling thrive on racial or economic inequality-- especially in
   third- world countries, where imperialism is involved-- NAMBLA
   condemns the inequality and imperialism and calls on men and boys to
   work actively against them." [adopted November 11, 1981]
     "NAMBLA... calls for the adoption of laws that both protect
   children from unwanted sexual experiences and at the same time leave
   them free to determine the content of their own sexual experiences."
   [adopted December 4, 1983]
    "NAMBLA has always opposed any form of abuse or coercion... and       
   NAMBLA condemns rape and sexual assault." [adopted December 4, 1983]
    "Exploitation, sexual or otherwise, is neither approved of nor
   practiced by NAMBLA. NAMBLA recognizes that exploitation occurs in
   the area of hustling, and the publication of erotica, and has called
   on its members to help eliminate exploitation in these areas."
   [adopted December 4, 1983]
     "NAMBLA condemns corporal punishment, kidnapping, rape, and
   sexual exploitation. Participation in corporal punishment, kidnapping,
   rape, and sexual exploitation is contrary to NAMBLA'S statement of
   purpose. It is grounds for expulsion from NAMBLA." [adopted December
   4, 1983]

   As the above positions detail, NAMBLA has no difficulty supporting
in its entirety the 1990 statement of ILGA on the protection of children.
We reaffirm our support of that ILGA statement now. NAMBLA believes that
the attitude of the 1990 ILGA conference is also shown by the resolution
calling on "all members to treat all sexual minorities with respect and to
engage in constructive dialog with them."

   Already, several ILGA activists and member organizations have
condemned the secretariats' actions and reaffirmed their support for the
participation in ILGA of man/boy lovers. The national German gay coalition
Bundesverband Homosexualitat has declared that it is "astonished and
embarrassed" at the secretariats' actions. "We are convinced that any
attempt to expel NAMBLA and others from ILGA will be rejected by the
vast majority of ILGA members," writes BVH executive committee member
Wolfram Setz. Another German group, Verein for Sexuelle Gleichberechtigung
adds, "The fight for... fundamental human rights must not be relinquished
or reduced because of the political pressure from any government. Where
would we end up if we made concessions in this respect? NAMBLA's objectives
are as far we know absolutely in agreement with... the UN declarations of
human rights and children's rights."
   The Secretariats, by their actions, are seeking to transform ILGA
from being a "parliament" of the international lesbian and gay movement--
a place where real discussion and compromise takes place among groups with
varied focuses and approaches-- and instead turn it into a public relations
showcase for a few leaders.
   We value our participation in ILGA in part because of how we
ourselves have been challenged and have grown by talking and working
with lesbian and gay people with different experiences and perspectives
than our own. We have been gratified and encouraged at seeing others
change their feelings and perceptions about man/boy love through working
with us. Growth and understanding of this kind should continue.


In Liberation For All,


Roy Radow

Historical facts. Until it was not politically correct to do so anymore.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: popcorn1 on February 18, 2016, 01:55:45 AM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 18, 2016, 07:13:47 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 18, 2016, 08:14:30 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Thank you. That's what I keep thinking, and I don't see how anything any kind of association can exist defending pedophilia...
I know that freedom of expression is important in USA but still, there got to be some limits ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 18, 2016, 04:22:24 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Thank you. That's what I keep thinking, and I don't see how anything any kind of association can exist defending pedophilia...
I know that freedom of expression is important in USA but still, there got to be some limits ^^

You had the freedom to ask me a simple question. There was no historical time or speech limits in it. I answered with Historical facts, directly from nambla and glaad. This gay lobby DID not vonluntary pushed nambla out. They were forced to do so. It was NOT an issue, not until it was not politically correct for the gay lobby.

Accept the past, and deal with the truth. I am so glad I live in the USA, so I can answer to you without the fear you have of correcting your speech on past factual, historical events.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 18, 2016, 04:27:48 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 18, 2016, 05:28:33 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 12:28:04 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 19, 2016, 02:29:51 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 19, 2016, 10:45:05 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

It was decades ago and concerns only a few crazy people. Do you have to talk a "movement" that is "marching on"?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 19, 2016, 10:46:26 AM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

And again it seems you don't have the good definition of pedophilia. The articles seem to talk about young people indeed, but 16 is no longer childish. It's something totally different and has nothing to do with pedophilia!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 19, 2016, 12:00:56 PM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Though I'd say the insults and capitals are useless, the stats are rather intelligent and useful to see that LGBT have nothing in particular to do here ;)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: adverbelly on February 19, 2016, 07:03:12 PM

My question you is simple: why would the pink mafia lobby defend the rights of pedophiles if you know what they do to defenseless children is not the same as gay sex?

My question to you is simple too: Where did you see that anyone defended the rights of pedophiles?

yes, i am asking same question ? if anyone do this, he or she is definitely crazy or mentally ill..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 07:12:05 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

I'll keep updating this thread forever. Not to worry.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 07:16:25 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

It was decades ago and concerns only a few crazy people. Do you have to talk a "movement" that is "marching on"?

Those few crazy people are not crazy at all. They have a goal and they are still among us. Re read the first post of this thread if you care.

Media Promotes “Pedophile Rights”
Not long after same-sex marriage ruling, leftists now demand rights for pedophiles

You are free to reject the idea they exist still.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 07:24:17 PM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Though I'd say the insults and capitals are useless, the stats are rather intelligent and useful to see that LGBT have nothing in particular to do here ;)

I believe insults and capitals are very useful defining who you are dealing with in life: level of education, social skills, mental age versus a date of birth on a ID card, etc, etc...

I welcome authenticity. If someone seems too annoying I never see their posts anyway. Everything is cool



Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 19, 2016, 07:25:43 PM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Though I'd say the insults and capitals are useless, the stats are rather intelligent and useful to see that LGBT have nothing in particular to do here ;)

I believe insults and capitals are very useful defining who you are dealing with in life: level of education, social skills, mental age versus a date of birth on a ID card, etc, etc...

I welcome authenticity. If someone seems too annoying I never see their posts anyway. Everything is cool



Well I gotta say I find you a bit pedantic though ;)
But you're a cool dude; though I find your beliefs more or less all horrible ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 19, 2016, 07:34:34 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

I'll keep updating this thread forever. Not to worry.

As you wish but please take care about your way of interpreting things. And give only objective facts please...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 07:38:24 PM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Though I'd say the insults and capitals are useless, the stats are rather intelligent and useful to see that LGBT have nothing in particular to do here ;)

I believe insults and capitals are very useful defining who you are dealing with in life: level of education, social skills, mental age versus a date of birth on a ID card, etc, etc...

I welcome authenticity. If someone seems too annoying I never see their posts anyway. Everything is cool



Well I gotta say I find you a bit pedantic though ;)
But you're a cool dude; though I find your beliefs more or less all horrible ^^

 /* I find this Wilikon dude hugely pedentic.
  * Alas, I have to deal with my creation and keep smiling


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 19, 2016, 07:47:52 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

I'll keep updating this thread forever. Not to worry.

As you wish but please take care about your way of interpreting things. And give only objective facts please...

I do not interpret things. I copy paste. Your role is to interpret and make a judgement, accept it or reject it and move on. I do not judge people, calling them a bunch of crazies for example. I believe, according to the article, they have an objective and are still influential.

Obviously all my threads have a theme, but it is based on the vision of the original author, vision I share or not share.

It is not my role to give objective facts please... You do this withing your conscience.

Abusing children and be associated with people abusing children is criminal. I do not understand why it is so hard for some people to compute this.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 19, 2016, 08:21:16 PM

Those few crazy people are not crazy at all. They have a goal and they are still among us. Re read the first post of this thread if you care.

Media Promotes “Pedophile Rights”
Not long after same-sex marriage ruling, leftists now demand rights for pedophiles

You are free to reject the idea they exist still.

None of the people in the source you linked are fighting for the right to be able to act on their pedophillac (sp) desires.  They are expressing that they have no intentions on committing anything related to it, and/or that we should be focusing on treating it as a disorder instead of stigmatizing it and letting it be until something happens.  I think that chemical castration is a great option in these cases, where medication can be used to permanently kill the sex drive so there is no desire to act on these urges.

Of course Infowars is going to try to twist what's going on, Alex Jones loves to go on Christian rants so he has a vested interest in relating LGBT people to bad shit.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 19, 2016, 08:22:58 PM
This Wilikon person is a DICK

Man get your facts straight more children are abused by the opposite sex
I.E mum son.. dad daughter.. older brother younger sister.. uncle niece.. neighbour in the street..
8 out of 10 times its someone close who abuses your children FACT
very rare someone you don't know grabs your child to abuse.. mostly you will know them FACT..

To blame gays for all of it plus the fact its not gays who mostly abuse children its straight people
what you say is total bullshit

Because you sure sound like you do at least get your facts right You horrible little man

Though I'd say the insults and capitals are useless, the stats are rather intelligent and useful to see that LGBT have nothing in particular to do here ;)

I believe insults and capitals are very useful defining who you are dealing with in life: level of education, social skills, mental age versus a date of birth on a ID card, etc, etc...

I welcome authenticity. If someone seems too annoying I never see their posts anyway. Everything is cool



Well I gotta say I find you a bit pedantic though ;)
But you're a cool dude; though I find your beliefs more or less all horrible ^^

 /* I find this Wilikon dude hugely pedentic.
  * Alas, I have to deal with my creation and keep smiling


Ahah! Not to this point no xD
But a bit pedantic and I hate what you think that's all ;)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 19, 2016, 11:00:34 PM
The ILGA fucked up big time there, no denying that.  Had they not kicked them out when they did, the organization could have easily crumbled and fell down under the scrutiny that it did.  The majority of the LGBT community does not support pedophilia, and the staff now on the board is vastly different.  

The LGBT community is not a hivemind that supports something because a single organization fucked up over 20 years ago.  The majority of LGBT organizations didn't even exist back then, much less support it.  You'll always have some shit outliers, this one cleaned them out instead of just getting shut down by lack of support.

The title of this thread is not highlighting something that happened 20+ years ago, it's that the movements for pedo rights "marches on".

Can you tell us how all the people quoted and involved in this catastrophic gay-nambla cosy relation 20 years ago is not relevant now because you know for a fact they are all dead, with no direct political influence anymore?

"Marches on": in progress. No to be confused with "starting now". No time limits on when the movement started the march, and with whom...

"In progress" would mean they are currently progressing right now, and you brought no proof of that!

Why would anyone defend the rights of adults to abuse children is beyond me.

The same is beyond me, but the fact that nambla exists in the first place shows that there are people that would.  Statistically there's gonna be pedos from every background and orientation.  The church is a great example, I don't say every Christian supports pedophilia because of child porn going around in the Vatican, and it would be looked at as history if 25 years from now the issue is mostly gone except for some Christian people that also happen to be pedos.

I didn't say they were ALL dead, you twisted my words.  Really the march for pedo rights is always going to be attempted by a few crazy fucks that want to be able to get with kids, what matters here is whether there are any signs of success and whether the attempts are in any way associated with LGBT people, in this example.  So back on topic, find some sign that the march is actually doing 'going on' instead of having their feet stuck in the mud.

I'll keep updating this thread forever. Not to worry.

As you wish but please take care about your way of interpreting things. And give only objective facts please...

I do not interpret things. I copy paste. Your role is to interpret and make a judgement, accept it or reject it and move on. I do not judge people, calling them a bunch of crazies for example. I believe, according to the article, they have an objective and are still influential.

Obviously all my threads have a theme, but it is based on the vision of the original author, vision I share or not share.

It is not my role to give objective facts please... You do this withing your conscience.

Abusing children and be associated with people abusing children is criminal. I do not understand why it is so hard for some people to compute this.

It's not hard to understand this. It's hard to understand why you're not trying to give some objective things...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: blackbird307 on February 20, 2016, 04:30:59 AM
It's all going downhill from here. What else can we expect to hear more?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 04:38:08 AM

Why are such groups legal in the USA?
I cant find something similar in europe.
Seems pedophilia is a big topic in the US?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: tvbcof on February 20, 2016, 05:02:30 AM

Why are such groups legal in the USA?
I cant find something similar in europe.
Seems pedophilia is a big topic in the US?

I have a hypothesis that in a basically corrupt corp/gov environment you will find a relatively high percentage of people in key positions who have leveragable character flaws.  The simple reason for this is that such people are selected specifically for this reason.  While I started to develop this hypothesis prior, the story about the 14 degenerates at NASA who were buying pedo material out of Eastern Europe but were shielded and not fired by NASA really added to my suspicions in part because I had been also trying to figure out how 'scientists' could be induced to take such obscene liberties with climate data.

Anyway, after a period of time of stuffing key positions with perverts, you end up with an organization which is functioning inefficiently generally (which is somewhat desirable in a lot of ways) and pretty much non-functional for your goals if you purge your functionaries.  What to do?  One possibility would be to 'normalize' the perversion so 'your guys' can remain in place.  I wonder if that is what we are seeing with the recent push to add a 'P' to the now-normalized 'LGBT' tag.

Why you would not see it in Europe I have no idea, but as far as I can tell there are no shortage of degenerates over there either.  Indeed, it almost seems like it is more normalized there already thus obviating the need for a formal special interest group (and we here on this side of the pond are chronically painted with the 'prude' label.)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 20, 2016, 05:25:37 AM

Why are such groups legal in the USA?
I cant find something similar in europe.
Seems pedophilia is a big topic in the US?
Oh it's been a big topic for a long time.  I think it's been mentioned in this thread already that NAMBLA used to tag along with the fags at parades and gatherings, vying along with them for equal treatment and so forth.  There's a great documentary on this called "Chicken Hawk", and you can watch the whole thing in its crazy entirety on Youtube:

What do you expect when all of these sexual minorities stand up for their rights (fags, transgenders, etc.) and their argument--that they were born with this sexual preference that they shouldn't be discriminated against for--is accepted by society?  The pedophiles are saying the same goddamned thing!  But as the targets are kids there is obviously a huge difference.  But it should be no surprise at all that it's not "shocking times".  The movement for pedophile rights should be expected.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 05:27:56 AM

Why are such groups legal in the USA?
I cant find something similar in europe.
Seems pedophilia is a big topic in the US?

I have a hypothesis that in a basically corrupt corp/gov environment you will find a relatively high percentage of people in key positions who have leveragable character flaws.  The simple reason for this is that such people are selected specifically for this reason.  While I started to develop this hypothesis prior, the story about the 14 degenerates at NASA who were buying pedo material out of Eastern Europe but were shielded and not fired by NASA really added to my suspicions in part because I had been also trying to figure out how 'scientists' could be induced to take such obscene liberties with climate data.

Anyway, after a period of time of stuffing key positions with perverts, you end up with an organization which is functioning inefficiently generally (which is somewhat desirable in a lot of ways) and pretty much non-functional for your goals if you purge your functionaries.  What to do?  One possibility would be to 'normalize' the perversion so 'your guys' can remain in place.  I wonder if that is what we are seeing with the recent push to add a 'P' to the now-normalized 'LGBT' tag.

Why you would not see it in Europe I have no idea, but as far as I can tell there are no shortage of degenerates over there either.  Indeed, it almost seems like it is more normalized there already thus obviating the need for a formal special interest group (and we here on this side of the pond are chronically painted with the 'prude' label.)

I looked shortly over political groups who pushed for legalizing pedophilia in europe.
It seems all of them were either banned by law between 1980-199x or disbanded.

Today the existings groups in europe seem to advocate no sexual intercourse with children.

I just wondered about the fact that their exists organisations on political level in the USA(western nations) that wants to legalize pedophilia.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 06:35:31 AM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 20, 2016, 12:59:02 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

It's right, it's not a crime but a way of life. But it's a non compatible way of life with our societies xD
A bit like Shariah!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 20, 2016, 01:11:50 PM

Why are such groups legal in the USA?
I cant find something similar in europe.
Seems pedophilia is a big topic in the US?

Well free speech isn't important in Europe. At least not as much than in USA.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: blackbird307 on February 20, 2016, 01:12:47 PM
Is this thing still going on? Pedophile rights? How about serial killer rights? Incredible.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 20, 2016, 01:42:37 PM
Is this thing still going on? Pedophile rights? How about serial killer rights? Incredible.

No, nothing is going on they're just saying shit that's all...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 20, 2016, 06:03:41 PM
Is this thing still going on? Pedophile rights? How about serial killer rights? Incredible.

No, nothing is going on they're just saying shit that's all...

Yep. This still marches on.

Chickenhawk (men who loves boys) 1994

(Thanks for the youtube video link posting)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: UliJonHoth on February 20, 2016, 06:05:10 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

You are not wrong and these are shocking times we are living in, indeed. I thought I'd do a new search and take a look at this, one of the first damn things I saw was this insanity:

In the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay marriage throughout the land, Austin, Texas City Council Member Don Zimmerman took to Twitter Friday night to make comparisons between same-sex marriages and pedophilia, not surprisingly inspiring some emotional responses.
According to the Statesman, a person identified as Austin Council Member Zimmerman was participating in a Facebook conversation touching on the subject of gay marriage when he told another in the conversation to replace “gay” with “pedophile.” Doing so, surmised Zimmerman would lead to the conclusion that “there is no such thing as pedophilia, only (inter-generational) love.”

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: UliJonHoth on February 20, 2016, 06:13:02 PM
Is this thing still going on? Pedophile rights? How about serial killer rights? Incredible.

No, nothing is going on they're just saying shit that's all...

Yep. This still marches on.

Chickenhawk (men who loves boys) 1994

(Thanks for the youtube video link posting)


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 20, 2016, 06:29:03 PM
Is this thing still going on? Pedophile rights? How about serial killer rights? Incredible.

No, nothing is going on they're just saying shit that's all...

Yep. This still marches on.

Chickenhawk (men who loves boys) 1994

(Thanks for the youtube video link posting)


Yeah. Don't you worry though. Pedophiles and their lobby to accept the abuse of children is no way part of any conversations, anywhere, after december 31th, 1994....


September 29, 2015

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 06:32:38 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

It's right, it's not a crime but a way of life. But it's a non compatible way of life with our societies xD
A bit like Shariah!

Nope. I can't still agree with you. It is not a way of life. IMO, pedophilia is a criminal activity. It has nothing to do with lifestyle. If we describe pedophilia as a way of life, then tomorrow rapists will claim that violent rape is their way of life, and they are compelled (or forced) to rape someone due to their mental condition.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 06:33:09 PM
It seems really particularly a US problem.
Seems the USA is the last stronghold of (political) pedophiles :/

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 20, 2016, 06:38:07 PM
It seems really particularly a US problem.
Seems the USA is the last stronghold of (political) pedophiles :/

Specifically Hollyweird, CA

As the thread title says: "Marches on..."

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 20, 2016, 09:29:42 PM
It seems really particularly a US problem.
Seems the USA is the last stronghold of (political) pedophiles :/

It's more because of the free speech nearly absolute ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 20, 2016, 09:59:36 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

It's right, it's not a crime but a way of life. But it's a non compatible way of life with our societies xD
A bit like Shariah!

Nope. I can't still agree with you. It is not a way of life. IMO, pedophilia is a criminal activity. It has nothing to do with lifestyle. If we describe pedophilia as a way of life, then tomorrow rapists will claim that violent rape is their way of life, and they are compelled (or forced) to rape someone due to their mental condition.
That's great except for this exact reasoning has been applied to homosexuality, oral sex, being black, etc. etc.  If being a pedophile isn't a choice, then we have to acknowledge that.  It's the acting on it that's criminal.

This is typical.  I'm definitely not going to sit here and defend pedophilia but any discussion on the topic always turns into a contest to see who can be the most outraged.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 10:01:57 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

It's right, it's not a crime but a way of life. But it's a non compatible way of life with our societies xD
A bit like Shariah!

Nope. I can't still agree with you. It is not a way of life. IMO, pedophilia is a criminal activity. It has nothing to do with lifestyle. If we describe pedophilia as a way of life, then tomorrow rapists will claim that violent rape is their way of life, and they are compelled (or forced) to rape someone due to their mental condition.
That's great except for this exact reasoning has been applied to homosexuality, oral sex, being black, etc. etc.  If being a pedophile isn't a choice, then we have to acknowledge that.  It's the acting on it that's criminal.

This is typical.  I'm definitely not going to sit here and defend pedophilia but any discussion on the topic always turns into a contest to see who can be the most outraged.

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 20, 2016, 10:41:39 PM
This is a worrying signal. Already I am hearing some of the pro-LGBT activists arguing that the sexual preference for children is not a crime and it is a way of life. These people argue that pedophiles need rehabilitation and not punishment. I am not in favor of any of this. In my opinion, the pedos need to be removed from the society.

It's right, it's not a crime but a way of life. But it's a non compatible way of life with our societies xD
A bit like Shariah!

Nope. I can't still agree with you. It is not a way of life. IMO, pedophilia is a criminal activity. It has nothing to do with lifestyle. If we describe pedophilia as a way of life, then tomorrow rapists will claim that violent rape is their way of life, and they are compelled (or forced) to rape someone due to their mental condition.
That's great except for this exact reasoning has been applied to homosexuality, oral sex, being black, etc. etc.  If being a pedophile isn't a choice, then we have to acknowledge that.  It's the acting on it that's criminal.

This is typical.  I'm definitely not going to sit here and defend pedophilia but any discussion on the topic always turns into a contest to see who can be the most outraged.

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 20, 2016, 10:57:55 PM

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.
Yes, and that is all the difference in the world, though pedophiles will argue this to the hilt, that adolescents can consent.  Take a look at that chicken hawk documentary.  Some of these people are extremely delusional and as I said I'm not going to defend pedophilia.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Exactly.  That's what I'm saying.  I think what society probably needs to do is realize that for pedophiles it's not a choice (I don't think, anyway), that pedophiles need to be trained not to act on those impulses else there will be consequences.  But I don't believe in these extreme responses, like they all have to be killed or sterilized or whatever.  People used to--and some still do--think the same way about fags, trannys, horse-fuckers, blowjobbers, and everyone else.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 20, 2016, 11:07:16 PM

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.
Yes, and that is all the difference in the world, though pedophiles will argue this to the hilt, that adolescents can consent.  Take a look at that chicken hawk documentary.  Some of these people are extremely delusional and as I said I'm not going to defend pedophilia.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Exactly.  That's what I'm saying.  I think what society probably needs to do is realize that for pedophiles it's not a choice (I don't think, anyway), that pedophiles need to be trained not to act on those impulses else there will be consequences.  But I don't believe in these extreme responses, like they all have to be killed or sterilized or whatever.  People used to--and some still do--think the same way about fags, trannys, horse-fuckers, blowjobbers, and everyone else.

Wasn't that the reason why nambla was a member of the gay lobby, until the gay lobby kicked all them out?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on February 20, 2016, 11:12:47 PM
Wasn't that the reason why nambla was a member of the gay lobby, until the gay lobby kicked all them out?
Lol, I don't know.  You'll have to ask NAMBLA and it probably shouldn't be hard to do so, since they only have about 10 members now.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 20, 2016, 11:14:42 PM

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.
Yes, and that is all the difference in the world, though pedophiles will argue this to the hilt, that adolescents can consent.  Take a look at that chicken hawk documentary.  Some of these people are extremely delusional and as I said I'm not going to defend pedophilia.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Exactly.  That's what I'm saying.  I think what society probably needs to do is realize that for pedophiles it's not a choice (I don't think, anyway), that pedophiles need to be trained not to act on those impulses else there will be consequences.  But I don't believe in these extreme responses, like they all have to be killed or sterilized or whatever.  People used to--and some still do--think the same way about fags, trannys, horse-fuckers, blowjobbers, and everyone else.

Writing with your left hand might be something you don't have a choice.

Having sex with children, I don't think that's something they can't help themselves. It's too much.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 20, 2016, 11:25:58 PM
Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 11:33:45 PM

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.
Yes, and that is all the difference in the world, though pedophiles will argue this to the hilt, that adolescents can consent.  Take a look at that chicken hawk documentary.  Some of these people are extremely delusional and as I said I'm not going to defend pedophilia.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Exactly.  That's what I'm saying.  I think what society probably needs to do is realize that for pedophiles it's not a choice (I don't think, anyway), that pedophiles need to be trained not to act on those impulses else there will be consequences.  But I don't believe in these extreme responses, like they all have to be killed or sterilized or whatever.  People used to--and some still do--think the same way about fags, trannys, horse-fuckers, blowjobbers, and everyone else.

i agree. pedophiles should be educated to not have sexual intercourse with minors, but for rapist i think it is fine to sterilize them.

Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

i dont think so.
kids are kids and it probaly wont change in the next 1000 years.

consent has nothing to do with society views - like how rape can never be ok.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 20, 2016, 11:40:51 PM

Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

i dont think so.
kids are kids and it probaly wont change in the next 1000 years.

consent has nothing to do with society views - like how rape can never be ok.

Rape was perfectly fine a few centuries ago.
So was pedophilia! 800 years ago marrying a 11 years old was ok.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 20, 2016, 11:42:36 PM

Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

i dont think so.
kids are kids and it probaly wont change in the next 1000 years.

consent has nothing to do with society views - like how rape can never be ok.

Rape was perfectly fine a few centuries ago.
So was pedophilia! 800 years ago marrying a 11 years old was ok.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 20, 2016, 11:43:05 PM

I think the biggest/main difference is consent.
I just cannot think that a kid is mature enough to give his consent to sexual intercourse with an adult.

In contrast your examples are usually about sex methods used by consenting adults.
Yes, and that is all the difference in the world, though pedophiles will argue this to the hilt, that adolescents can consent.  Take a look at that chicken hawk documentary.  Some of these people are extremely delusional and as I said I'm not going to defend pedophilia.

That is why you have laws defending defenseless children and defining what a pedophile is...

Exactly.  That's what I'm saying.  I think what society probably needs to do is realize that for pedophiles it's not a choice (I don't think, anyway), that pedophiles need to be trained not to act on those impulses else there will be consequences.  But I don't believe in these extreme responses, like they all have to be killed or sterilized or whatever.  People used to--and some still do--think the same way about fags, trannys, horse-fuckers, blowjobbers, and everyone else.

Writing with your left hand might be something you don't have a choice.

Having sex with children, I don't think that's something they can't help themselves. It's too much.

I don't care if they can't help themselves.

We can.
*go take his scissors*

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 20, 2016, 11:53:59 PM

Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

i dont think so.
kids are kids and it probaly wont change in the next 1000 years.

consent has nothing to do with society views - like how rape can never be ok.

Rape was perfectly fine a few centuries ago.
So was pedophilia! 800 years ago marrying a 11 years old was ok.

yes i understood your argument and used it to explain why it doesnt work:

No consent of the other party.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 21, 2016, 12:34:47 AM

Bah, you're all braging about everything like moral and all...

It doesn't matter. Maybe in 100 years pedophilia will be a normal thing.

i dont think so.
kids are kids and it probaly wont change in the next 1000 years.

consent has nothing to do with society views - like how rape can never be ok.

Rape was perfectly fine a few centuries ago.
So was pedophilia! 800 years ago marrying a 11 years old was ok.

yes i understood your argument and used it to explain why it doesnt work:

No consent of the other party.

Why is consent important?
It was not before. It might not be in a few centuries.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 21, 2016, 12:38:58 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 21, 2016, 12:44:03 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 21, 2016, 12:46:35 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

This movement is about the right to move while moving in motion.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 21, 2016, 12:52:04 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

This whole theard is just troll then or what?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 21, 2016, 12:58:04 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

This whole theard is just troll then or what?

More or less. That's an old thing that has neither power nor follower.
It's a bit like a strange secte, not dangerous cause too bizarre and small.

You clearly can't call that a movement!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 21, 2016, 01:06:27 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

This whole theard is just troll then or what?

More or less. That's an old thing that has neither power nor follower.
It's a bit like a strange secte, not dangerous cause too bizarre and small.

You clearly can't call that a movement!

Nambla is not a movement yet they do have demands.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mrflibblehat on February 21, 2016, 01:12:28 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

This whole theard is just troll then or what?

More or less. That's an old thing that has neither power nor follower.
It's a bit like a strange secte, not dangerous cause too bizarre and small.

You clearly can't call that a movement!

Nambla is not a movement yet they do have demands.

We want girls!
I mean boys! Yeah, that's it! (stupid mistake, so ashamed)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 21, 2016, 01:54:48 AM
What rights are they trying to get with this movement?

None. It's not even a real movement...

This whole theard is just troll then or what?

More or less. That's an old thing that has neither power nor follower.
It's a bit like a strange secte, not dangerous cause too bizarre and small.

You clearly can't call that a movement!

Nambla is not a movement yet they do have demands.

We want girls!
I mean boys! Yeah, that's it! (stupid mistake, so ashamed)

Children as a disposable commodity. Sick.

Obvious how clear what nambla members are pushing for, and strange how oblivious the gay lobby was (is?) regarding their objective.

... Or this is what some want us to believe.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 21, 2016, 07:28:27 AM
Children as a disposable commodity. Sick.
Obvious how clear what nambla members are pushing for, and strange how oblivious the gay lobby was (is?) regarding their objective.
... Or this is what some want us to believe.

The liberal media would like to paint a picture of homosexuals viciously opposing the pedophiles. But the reality is just the opposite. There is a strong connection between homosexuality and pedophilia. Most of the homosexual relations occur between partners with very large age-differences, say a 50 year old male with another 15-year old boy. References to underage children are the norm in Homosexual erotic works. Even most of the rapes committed by the homosexuals involve children less than 15-years of age.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 21, 2016, 10:45:01 AM
Ok so regardeless of what it is, what rights are they/it/whatever trying to get?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 21, 2016, 11:43:28 AM
Ok so regardeless of what it is, what rights are they/it/whatever trying to get?

Just that love between children and adults can be recognized as a normal thing. It's dumb as hell it won't happen never ever

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 21, 2016, 07:10:21 PM
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

By Andrew Gilligan 9:10PM BST 05 Jul 2014
"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”
Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.
The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.
Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”
Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Related Articles
We will provide enough police for historic child abuse criminal investigation, says Nick Clegg 06 Jul 2014
Home Office to publish review into links with Paedophile Information Exchange within weeks 07 Jul 2014
Westminster 'paedophile ring': now where does the investigation go? 15 Nov 2014
Anonymous hackers turn fire on global paedophile menace 23 Jan 2015
Rolf Harris: Footage emerges of him joking with Jimmy Savile 01 Jul 2014
Jimmy Savile: pressure grows for full inquiry into historic child abuse 29 Jun 2014

Another attendee, and enthusiastic participant from the floor, was one Tom O’Carroll, a multiple child sex offender, long-time campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children and former head of the Paedophile Information Exchange. “Wonderful!” he wrote on his blog afterwards. “It was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!”
Last week, after the conviction of Rolf Harris, the report into Jimmy Savile and claims of an establishment cover-up to protect a sex-offending minister in Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet, Britain went into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties. But unnoticed amid the furore is a much more current threat: attempts, right now, in parts of the academic establishment to push the boundaries on the acceptability of child sex.

Jimmy Savile exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes
A key factor in what happened all those decades ago in the dressing rooms of the BBC, the wards of the NHS and, allegedly, the corridors of power was not just institutional failings or establishment “conspiracies”, but a climate of far greater intellectual tolerance of practices that horrify today.
With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”. But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia.
In 1981, a respectable publisher, Batsford, published Perspectives on Paedophilia, edited by Brian Taylor, a sociology lecturer at Sussex University, to challenge what Dr Taylor’s introduction called the “prejudice” against child sex. Disturbingly, the book was aimed at “social workers, community workers, probation officers and child care workers”.

The public, wrote Dr Taylor, “generally thinks of paedophiles as sick or evil men who lurk around school playgrounds in the hope of attempting unspecified beastliness with unsuspecting innocent children”. That, he reassured readers, was merely a “stereotype”, both “inaccurate and unhelpful”, which flew in the face of the “empirical realities of paedophile behaviour”. Why, most adult-child sexual relationships occurred in the family!
The perspectives of most, though not all, the contributors, appeared strongly pro-paedophile. At least two were members of PIE and at least one, Peter Righton, (who was, incredibly, director of education at the National Institute for Social Work) was later convicted of child sex crimes. But from the viewpoint of today, the fascinating thing about Perspectives on Paedophilia is that at least two of its contributors are still academically active and influential.

Prof Ken Plummer, left, and former PIE head Tom O'Carroll
Ken Plummer is emeritus professor of sociology at Essex University, where he has an office and teaches courses, the most recent scheduled for last month. “The isolation, secrecy, guilt and anguish of many paedophiles,” he wrote in Perspectives on Paedophilia, “are not intrinsic to the phenomen[on] but are derived from the extreme social repression placed on minorities …

“Paedophiles are told they are the seducers and rapists of children; they know their experiences are often loving and tender ones. They are told that children are pure and innocent, devoid of sexuality; they know both from their own experiences of childhood and from the children they meet that this is not the case.”
As recently as 2012, Prof Plummer published on his personal blog a chapter he wrote in another book, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, in 1991. “As homosexuality has become slightly less open to sustained moral panic, the new pariah of 'child molester’ has become the latest folk devil,” he wrote. “Many adult paedophiles say that boys actively seek out sex partners … 'childhood’ itself is not a biological given but an historically produced social object.”

Prof Plummer confirmed to The Sunday Telegraph that he had been a member of PIE in order to “facilitate” his research. He said: “I would never want any of my work to be used as a rationale for doing 'bad things’ – and I regard all coercive, abusive, exploitative sexuality as a 'bad thing’. I am sorry if it has impacted anyone negatively this way, or if it has encouraged this.” However, he did not answer when asked if he still held the views he expressed in the Eighties and Nineties. A spokesman for Essex University claimed Prof Plummer’s work “did not express support for paedophilia” and cited the university’s charter which gave academic staff “freedom within the law to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions without placing themselves in jeopardy”.
Graham Powell is one of the country’s most distinguished psychologists, a past president of the British Psychological Society and a current provider of psychology support services to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the National Crime Squad, the Metropolitan Police, Kent Police, Essex Police and the Internet Watch Foundation.

In Perspectives on Paedophilia, however, he co-authored a chapter which stated: “In the public mind, paedophile attention is generally assumed to be traumatic and to have lasting and wholly deleterious consequences for the victim. The evidence that we have considered here does not support this view … we need to ask not why are the effects of paedophile action so large, but why so small.”
The chapter does admit that there were “methodological problems” with the studies the authors relied on which “leave our conclusions somewhat muted”. Dr Powell told The Sunday Telegraph last week that “what I wrote was completely wrong and it is a matter of deep regret that it could in any way have made things more difficult [for victims]”. He said: “The literature [scientific evidence] was so poor in 1981, people just didn’t realise what was going on. There was a lack of understanding at the academic level.” Dr Powell said he had never been a member of PIE.

In other academic quarters, with rather fewer excuses, that lack of understanding appears to be reasserting itself. The Cambridge University conference, on July 4-5 last year, was about the classification of sexuality in the DSM, a standard international psychiatric manual used by the police and courts.
After a fierce battle in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which produces it, a proposal to include hebephilia as a disorder in the new edition of the manual has been defeated. The proposal arose because puberty in children has started ever earlier in recent decades and as a result, it was argued, the current definition of paedophilia – pre-pubertal sexual attraction – missed out too many young people.
Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that the APA’s official position is that the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.

Prof Blanchard was in turn criticised by a speaker at the Cambridge conference, Patrick Singy, of Union College, New York, who said hebephilia would be abused as a diagnosis to detain sex offenders as “mentally ill” under US “sexually violent predator” laws even after they had completed their sentences.
But perhaps the most controversial presentation of all was by Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, who stated in a presentation on the “prevalence of paedophilia” that the “majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles” and that “paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”.
O’Carroll, the former PIE leader, was thrilled, and described on his blog how he joined Prof Tromovitch and a colleague for drinks after the conference. “The conversation flowed most agreeably, along with the drinks and the beautiful River Cam,” he said.

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular.
Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 21, 2016, 07:39:54 PM
'Paedophilia is natural and normal for males'

How some university academics make the case for paedophiles at summer conferences

By Andrew Gilligan 9:10PM BST 05 Jul 2014
"Paedophilic interest is natural and normal for human males,” said the presentation. “At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children … Normal males are aroused by children.”
Some yellowing tract from the Seventies or early Eighties, era of abusive celebrities and the infamous PIE, the Paedophile Information Exchange? No. Anonymous commenters on some underground website? No again.
The statement that paedophilia is “natural and normal” was made not three decades ago but last July. It was made not in private but as one of the central claims of an academic presentation delivered, at the invitation of the organisers, to many of the key experts in the field at a conference held by the University of Cambridge.
Other presentations included “Liberating the paedophile: a discursive analysis,” and “Danger and difference: the stakes of hebephilia.”
Hebephilia is the sexual preference for children in early puberty, typically 11 to 14-year-olds.

Related Articles
We will provide enough police for historic child abuse criminal investigation, says Nick Clegg 06 Jul 2014
Home Office to publish review into links with Paedophile Information Exchange within weeks 07 Jul 2014
Westminster 'paedophile ring': now where does the investigation go? 15 Nov 2014
Anonymous hackers turn fire on global paedophile menace 23 Jan 2015
Rolf Harris: Footage emerges of him joking with Jimmy Savile 01 Jul 2014
Jimmy Savile: pressure grows for full inquiry into historic child abuse 29 Jun 2014

Another attendee, and enthusiastic participant from the floor, was one Tom O’Carroll, a multiple child sex offender, long-time campaigner for the legalisation of sex with children and former head of the Paedophile Information Exchange. “Wonderful!” he wrote on his blog afterwards. “It was a rare few days when I could feel relatively popular!”
Last week, after the conviction of Rolf Harris, the report into Jimmy Savile and claims of an establishment cover-up to protect a sex-offending minister in Margaret Thatcher’s Cabinet, Britain went into a convulsion of anxiety about child abuse in the Eighties. But unnoticed amid the furore is a much more current threat: attempts, right now, in parts of the academic establishment to push the boundaries on the acceptability of child sex.

Jimmy Savile exploited the trust of a nation for his own vile purposes
A key factor in what happened all those decades ago in the dressing rooms of the BBC, the wards of the NHS and, allegedly, the corridors of power was not just institutional failings or establishment “conspiracies”, but a climate of far greater intellectual tolerance of practices that horrify today.
With the Pill, the legalisation of homosexuality and shrinking taboos against premarital sex, the Seventies was an era of quite sudden sexual emancipation. Many liberals, of course, saw through PIE’s cynical rhetoric of “child lib”. But to others on the Left, sex by or with children was just another repressive boundary to be swept away – and some of the most important backing came from academia.
In 1981, a respectable publisher, Batsford, published Perspectives on Paedophilia, edited by Brian Taylor, a sociology lecturer at Sussex University, to challenge what Dr Taylor’s introduction called the “prejudice” against child sex. Disturbingly, the book was aimed at “social workers, community workers, probation officers and child care workers”.

The public, wrote Dr Taylor, “generally thinks of paedophiles as sick or evil men who lurk around school playgrounds in the hope of attempting unspecified beastliness with unsuspecting innocent children”. That, he reassured readers, was merely a “stereotype”, both “inaccurate and unhelpful”, which flew in the face of the “empirical realities of paedophile behaviour”. Why, most adult-child sexual relationships occurred in the family!
The perspectives of most, though not all, the contributors, appeared strongly pro-paedophile. At least two were members of PIE and at least one, Peter Righton, (who was, incredibly, director of education at the National Institute for Social Work) was later convicted of child sex crimes. But from the viewpoint of today, the fascinating thing about Perspectives on Paedophilia is that at least two of its contributors are still academically active and influential.

Prof Ken Plummer, left, and former PIE head Tom O'Carroll
Ken Plummer is emeritus professor of sociology at Essex University, where he has an office and teaches courses, the most recent scheduled for last month. “The isolation, secrecy, guilt and anguish of many paedophiles,” he wrote in Perspectives on Paedophilia, “are not intrinsic to the phenomen[on] but are derived from the extreme social repression placed on minorities …

“Paedophiles are told they are the seducers and rapists of children; they know their experiences are often loving and tender ones. They are told that children are pure and innocent, devoid of sexuality; they know both from their own experiences of childhood and from the children they meet that this is not the case.”
As recently as 2012, Prof Plummer published on his personal blog a chapter he wrote in another book, Male Intergenerational Intimacy, in 1991. “As homosexuality has become slightly less open to sustained moral panic, the new pariah of 'child molester’ has become the latest folk devil,” he wrote. “Many adult paedophiles say that boys actively seek out sex partners … 'childhood’ itself is not a biological given but an historically produced social object.”

Prof Plummer confirmed to The Sunday Telegraph that he had been a member of PIE in order to “facilitate” his research. He said: “I would never want any of my work to be used as a rationale for doing 'bad things’ – and I regard all coercive, abusive, exploitative sexuality as a 'bad thing’. I am sorry if it has impacted anyone negatively this way, or if it has encouraged this.” However, he did not answer when asked if he still held the views he expressed in the Eighties and Nineties. A spokesman for Essex University claimed Prof Plummer’s work “did not express support for paedophilia” and cited the university’s charter which gave academic staff “freedom within the law to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions without placing themselves in jeopardy”.
Graham Powell is one of the country’s most distinguished psychologists, a past president of the British Psychological Society and a current provider of psychology support services to the Serious Organised Crime Agency, the National Crime Squad, the Metropolitan Police, Kent Police, Essex Police and the Internet Watch Foundation.

In Perspectives on Paedophilia, however, he co-authored a chapter which stated: “In the public mind, paedophile attention is generally assumed to be traumatic and to have lasting and wholly deleterious consequences for the victim. The evidence that we have considered here does not support this view … we need to ask not why are the effects of paedophile action so large, but why so small.”
The chapter does admit that there were “methodological problems” with the studies the authors relied on which “leave our conclusions somewhat muted”. Dr Powell told The Sunday Telegraph last week that “what I wrote was completely wrong and it is a matter of deep regret that it could in any way have made things more difficult [for victims]”. He said: “The literature [scientific evidence] was so poor in 1981, people just didn’t realise what was going on. There was a lack of understanding at the academic level.” Dr Powell said he had never been a member of PIE.

In other academic quarters, with rather fewer excuses, that lack of understanding appears to be reasserting itself. The Cambridge University conference, on July 4-5 last year, was about the classification of sexuality in the DSM, a standard international psychiatric manual used by the police and courts.
After a fierce battle in the American Psychiatric Association (APA), which produces it, a proposal to include hebephilia as a disorder in the new edition of the manual has been defeated. The proposal arose because puberty in children has started ever earlier in recent decades and as a result, it was argued, the current definition of paedophilia – pre-pubertal sexual attraction – missed out too many young people.
Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that the APA’s official position is that the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.

Prof Blanchard was in turn criticised by a speaker at the Cambridge conference, Patrick Singy, of Union College, New York, who said hebephilia would be abused as a diagnosis to detain sex offenders as “mentally ill” under US “sexually violent predator” laws even after they had completed their sentences.
But perhaps the most controversial presentation of all was by Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, who stated in a presentation on the “prevalence of paedophilia” that the “majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles” and that “paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”.
O’Carroll, the former PIE leader, was thrilled, and described on his blog how he joined Prof Tromovitch and a colleague for drinks after the conference. “The conversation flowed most agreeably, along with the drinks and the beautiful River Cam,” he said.

It’s fair to say the Tromovitch view does not represent majority academic opinion. It’s likely, too, that some of the academic protests against the “stigmatisation” of paedophiles are as much a backlash against the harshness of sex offender laws as anything else. Finally, of course, academic inquiry is supposed to question conventional wisdom and to deal rigorously with the evidence, whether or not the conclusions it leads you to are popular.
Even so, there really is now no shortage of evidence about the harm done by child abuse. In the latest frenzy about the crimes of the past, it’s worth watching whether we could, in the future, go back to the intellectual climate which allowed them.

Jul 2014 = "Marches on" = Right now = Not old news

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 21, 2016, 07:59:22 PM
It´s a process. It didn´t start around last christmas. That´s why they call it History. It´s an endless row of happenings where one thing leads to another and so on. There are causes and effects and consequences and all sorts of results. The past leads to the present which is probably why so many people try to avoid figuring in the former. It´s indoctrination that they get from somewhere.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 21, 2016, 09:16:56 PM
It´s a process. It didn´t start around last christmas. That´s why they call it History. It´s an endless row of happenings where one thing leads to another and so on. There are causes and effects and consequences and all sorts of results. The past leads to the present which is probably why so many people try to avoid figuring in the former. It´s indoctrination that they get from somewhere.

Don't understand your comment...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 21, 2016, 09:22:00 PM
It´s a process. It didn´t start around last christmas. That´s why they call it History. It´s an endless row of happenings where one thing leads to another and so on. There are causes and effects and consequences and all sorts of results. The past leads to the present which is probably why so many people try to avoid figuring in the former. It´s indoctrination that they get from somewhere.

Don't understand your comment...

How about Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On Do you understand that at all?

Jul 2014 = "Marches on" = Right now = Not old news is the post next to my post. Any bells ring yet?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 21, 2016, 10:00:29 PM
It´s a process. It didn´t start around last christmas. That´s why they call it History. It´s an endless row of happenings where one thing leads to another and so on. There are causes and effects and consequences and all sorts of results. The past leads to the present which is probably why so many people try to avoid figuring in the former. It´s indoctrination that they get from somewhere.

Don't understand your comment...

How about Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On Do you understand that at all?

Jul 2014 = "Marches on" = Right now = Not old news is the post next to my post. Any bells ring yet?

Dude how do you even want this "movement" to go on?
In which world could it go on? Stop trying to freak every one ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 25, 2016, 10:07:32 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 10:18:16 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 25, 2016, 11:05:00 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 11:17:19 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

What is the problem with sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: galdur on February 25, 2016, 11:36:56 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

What is the problem with sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 11:39:16 AM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

What is the problem with sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Yeah, so who is the victim when someone fucks small child looking sex doll?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 25, 2016, 01:07:20 PM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

Cause having sex with a child doll isn't consensual sex? Cause you're raping yourself? xD

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 25, 2016, 01:08:55 PM
A Japanese company produces lifelike child sex dolls - claiming they prevent paedophiles from offending.

Shin Takagi has shipped anatomically-correct sex dolls of girls as young as five to clients around the world for more than a decade.

In an interview with The Atlantic, he described how he set up the Japense company Trottla because of his own attraction to children and his conviction they should be protected.

“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Mr Takagi said.

“I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”.....

Japanese company manufactures lifelike child sex dolls for paedophiles

And so? Now it's bad to have weird fetishes? Oo

Why would you ban this fetish and not BDSM for example?

No surprise that this comes from you. I have always suspected that you had serious issues.

The urge to have sex with a child sex doll is not a fetish. I would call it pedophilia. Normal people don't get sexually aroused by little children, who are four or five years old. But if you get such sexual arousal, then I am afraid that you are a pedophile.

And why should anyone ban BDSM? It is a consensual sexual activity involving adults.

What is the problem with sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.

Nothing bad.
It's the same argument as people explaining that video games make you violent!
Because you'll have sex with a child doll it means you'll rape children!


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 01:43:49 PM
Is this pedophile thing still going on? Who lets these things happen? Incredible.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 25, 2016, 02:00:07 PM
Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 02:02:47 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 02:04:33 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D
So all sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 02:05:21 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 02:10:03 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Well if it is doll I don't care, there is still no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

There is harm done for relatives of the dead so no.
But no matter what sex dolls looks like there is no victim.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 02:13:04 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Well if it is doll I don't care, there is still no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

There is harm done for relatives of the dead so no.
But no matter what sex dolls looks like there is no victim.

Yes, but it could be a gateway to dangerous behavior. It could lead people to put their into reality.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 02:17:23 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Well if it is doll I don't care, there is still no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

There is harm done for relatives of the dead so no.
But no matter what sex dolls looks like there is no victim.

Yes, but it could be a gateway to dangerous behavior. It could lead people to put their into reality.

Or it could be the opposite of that.

How do you feel after you have masturbated?
Do you feel sexually relieved or do you feel like you need to get more and have sex?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 25, 2016, 02:28:19 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Well if it is doll I don't care, there is still no victim.

Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

There is harm done for relatives of the dead so no.
But no matter what sex dolls looks like there is no victim.

Yes, but it could be a gateway to dangerous behavior. It could lead people to put their into reality.

So all the films and video games where you murder someone should be prohibited too no? ::)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 25, 2016, 02:29:01 PM
Might be a bit too much though. How would you feel about dead body sex dolls?

All sex dolls are dead so they should all be illegal right?
Have you ever seen living sex doll? ;D

Would cadaver sex doll be a better description?

Well if it is doll I don't care, there is still no victim.

Perfectly agreed.

You can fuck a poney doll I don't care. Just don't put photo on my fb cause that would be weird as fuck ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 25, 2016, 02:30:08 PM
Let me fix that for you...

What is the problem with child sex dolls though?
I know it sounds sick but I don't see why it would be bad thing because there is no victim.
So let give rights to necrophiliacs, their victims are not not alive. No harm done?
This is immoral behavior and must not be be encouraged. If you do so you are just one of them.

Ok... So it means anything "not moral" should be ban?
And who defines what is moral and what is not? you?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 02:31:00 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 25, 2016, 02:32:17 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.

Well, not for me. I prefer the guys fuck a doll than my daughter!  >:(

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 25, 2016, 02:34:36 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 25, 2016, 02:37:29 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 25, 2016, 02:43:03 PM
Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!
You cannot give to psychopathic killer little bunnies to kill..
You must cage him not feed his pleasures.
I didn't say not to talk about them, this problem must be resolved by radical ways..
Castration, Life in prison, Separated from playgrounds with kids.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 02:43:25 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!

Ok, so child sex dolls. Even though this might be too much for me. What's next? What's the next level of "shock"?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 02:51:14 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!

Ok, so child sex dolls. Even though this might be too much for me. What's next? What's the next level of "shock"?

I don't know what is next but if it is harmfully for anyone then it should not be accepted.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 25, 2016, 02:51:38 PM
For persons who don't know what is moral, killing somebody is not a sin.
And only what's stopping them to done something like this, is a LAW!
Fear of punishment and life in prison (where no one likes phedopiles especially) stops most of criminal minds!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 02:55:39 PM
For persons who don't know what is moral, killing somebody is not a sin.
And only what's stopping them to done something like this, is a LAW!
Fear of punishment and life in prison (where no one likes phedopiles especially) stops most of criminal minds!

Of course. And we're not talking about this here.
Killing someone is bad.
Taking a knife and cutting a doll in piece in a frenzy way is... Strange but not bad.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 02:56:47 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!

Ok, so child sex dolls. Even though this might be too much for me. What's next? What's the next level of "shock"?

Nothing. As long as it doesn't harm anyone in a way or another, why forbidding it?
You wanna fuck in public? Go on, why forbidding it. I still don't understand why you don't have the right t go out totally naked! Who would be hurt by that?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 25, 2016, 03:00:27 PM
For persons who don't know what is moral, killing somebody is not a sin.
And only what's stopping them to done something like this, is a LAW!
Fear of punishment and life in prison (where no one likes phedopiles especially) stops most of criminal minds!

You said in your previous post that these people should be castrated and put in jail for life.
For fucking peace of plastic that is shaped way you don't like.
Right now you are the one with no moral.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 25, 2016, 03:01:23 PM

It seems, based on the on going discussion, the thread's title is 100% factual.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 25, 2016, 03:02:27 PM
I don't know. But a child sex doll might seem a bit too much in my opinion.
This can lead only to adopting this behaviour like normal.
And they will get their rights to. I mean this is too much even for talking about.
We are becoming like Babylon..

Yeah sure, don't talk about it.
Better continue hiding this part of the population!

Ok, so child sex dolls. Even though this might be too much for me. What's next? What's the next level of "shock"?

Nothing. As long as it doesn't harm anyone in a way or another, why forbidding it?
You wanna fuck in public? Go on, why forbidding it. I still don't understand why you don't have the right t go out totally naked! Who would be hurt by that?

I could name a number of car crashes caused by naked people. :D

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 25, 2016, 03:09:33 PM
For persons who don't know what is moral, killing somebody is not a sin.
And only what's stopping them to done something like this, is a LAW!
Fear of punishment and life in prison (where no one likes phedopiles especially) stops most of criminal minds!

You said in your previous post that these people should be castrated and put in jail for life.
For fucking peace of plastic that is shaped way you don't like.
Right now you are the one with no moral.
Don't put plastic in conversation, This is my opinion how to treat "them".
Also i don't think there must be a thought police..

Immoral behavior comes from decadent influences in family. If father molest children, more chances this will influence kids to adopt immoral behavior.
Father must be that figure strong and decisive . Mother must be gentle and watch for children. In father they must find authority and protection.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: chanchel on February 25, 2016, 06:23:18 PM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

Couldn't agree more.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 25, 2016, 11:53:02 PM

It seems, based on the on going discussion, the thread's title is 100% factual.
There's a hell of a difference between fighting for the rights of pedophiles to offend, and to live their life without doing so in any way.  Nobody wants them to have the right to go fuck a kid.

Personally I'd rather see castration (chemical or physical) be the main way to deal with this, but if the pedos don't want to come forward we can't exactly find them out until they offend... I'd sure as fuck rather them use a doll than go and hurt some innocent kid.

We need to differentiate between pedos that have no problem with offending, and people that happen to have the urges and will do everything in their power to keep it from happening.  As for the ones that do offend, have at it with the worst you've got.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 26, 2016, 03:32:51 AM

It seems, based on the on going discussion, the thread's title is 100% factual.
There's a hell of a difference between fighting for the rights of pedophiles to offend, and to live their life without doing so in any way.  Nobody wants them to have the right to go fuck a kid.

Personally I'd rather see castration (chemical or physical) be the main way to deal with this, but if the pedos don't want to come forward we can't exactly find them out until they offend... I'd sure as fuck rather them use a doll than go and hurt some innocent kid.

We need to differentiate between pedos that have no problem with offending, and people that happen to have the urges and will do everything in their power to keep it from happening.  As for the ones that do offend, have at it with the worst you've got.

I do not believe we are that different. If there is a market of sex dolls for pedophiles and that help them to control their urge somewhat, why not. Those dolls better have some kind of tracking device or GPS built in, and delivered directly by social workers, not via amazon drones. The truth is we do not know how many of them exist in the world. We only know them after poor children have been attacked. The point of this thread is some people want pedophilia to be out from being listed as a sickness and more as a behavior, a natural behavior. That's the part most people in world cannot deal with. Some people here are not really arguing about sex dolls, but the fact that this movement, legitimate pedophiles as a minority, does not exist at all.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 08:49:35 AM
I don't see how this is going to help them? Their urge is to feel supremacy over the victim.
I don't think if we let them to play with dolls they gonna change their behavior much.

That are predators don't forget!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 08:52:45 AM
For persons who don't know what is moral, killing somebody is not a sin.
And only what's stopping them to done something like this, is a LAW!
Fear of punishment and life in prison (where no one likes phedopiles especially) stops most of criminal minds!

You said in your previous post that these people should be castrated and put in jail for life.
For fucking peace of plastic that is shaped way you don't like.
Right now you are the one with no moral.
Don't put plastic in conversation, This is my opinion how to treat "them".
Also i don't think there must be a thought police..

Immoral behavior comes from decadent influences in family. If father molest children, more chances this will influence kids to adopt immoral behavior.
Father must be that figure strong and decisive . Mother must be gentle and watch for children. In father they must find authority and protection.

So for you video games are horrible and should be banned then?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 08:56:57 AM
I don't see how this is going to help them? Their urge is to feel supremacy over the victim.
I don't think if we let them to play with dolls they gonna change their behavior much.

That are predators don't forget!

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 26, 2016, 09:15:53 AM
I do not believe we are that different. If there is a market of sex dolls for pedophiles and that help them to control their urge somewhat, why not. Those dolls better have some kind of tracking device or GPS built in, and delivered directly by social workers, not via amazon drones. The truth is we do not know how many of them exist in the world. We only know them after poor children have been attacked. The point of this thread is some people want pedophilia to be out from being listed as a sickness and more as a behavior, a natural behavior. That's the part most people in world cannot deal with. Some people here are not really arguing about sex dolls, but the fact that this movement, legitimate pedophiles as a minority, does not exist at all.

Hmm.. if it helps to reduce the sexual crimes against the kids, the child sex dolls can be handed out. But this should be done with certain strict conditions only. For example, these people should register themselves in the sex-offenders list. Also, they should not be present anywhere near minors. They should agree to always carry a GPS device, so that it is easier for the cops to track them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 09:35:12 AM
Hmm.. if it helps to reduce the sexual crimes against the kids, the child sex dolls can be handed out. But this should be done with certain strict conditions only. For example, these people should register themselves in the sex-offenders list. Also, they should not be present anywhere near minors. They should agree to always carry a GPS device, so that it is easier for the cops to track them.
Give to killer blunt knife to workout..
I don't think any acknowledgment of their problems can help community.
Contrary they will be recognized as customers and normal persons with twisted desires..
They are not normal persons and must be treated.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 09:44:21 AM
I do not believe we are that different. If there is a market of sex dolls for pedophiles and that help them to control their urge somewhat, why not. Those dolls better have some kind of tracking device or GPS built in, and delivered directly by social workers, not via amazon drones. The truth is we do not know how many of them exist in the world. We only know them after poor children have been attacked. The point of this thread is some people want pedophilia to be out from being listed as a sickness and more as a behavior, a natural behavior. That's the part most people in world cannot deal with. Some people here are not really arguing about sex dolls, but the fact that this movement, legitimate pedophiles as a minority, does not exist at all.

Hmm.. if it helps to reduce the sexual crimes against the kids, the child sex dolls can be handed out. But this should be done with certain strict conditions only. For example, these people should register themselves in the sex-offenders list. Also, they should not be present anywhere near minors. They should agree to always carry a GPS device, so that it is easier for the cops to track them.

Your conditions are dumb. Who would agree to such thing? They will only buy them from strictly anonymous companies! Who would in their right mind yell at the world "HEY I LIKE TO FUCK CHILDREN DOOOOOOLLS? AND I WANT TO BE LISTED AS SUCH!!!" --'

Again, like every time you post something, think before writing please...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 09:44:47 AM
Hmm.. if it helps to reduce the sexual crimes against the kids, the child sex dolls can be handed out. But this should be done with certain strict conditions only. For example, these people should register themselves in the sex-offenders list. Also, they should not be present anywhere near minors. They should agree to always carry a GPS device, so that it is easier for the cops to track them.
Give to killer blunt knife to workout..
I don't think any acknowledgment of their problems can help community.
Contrary they will be recognized as customers and normal persons with twisted desires..
They are not normal persons and must be treated.

Must be treated? And how?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 10:05:57 AM
Must be treated? And how?
I have mentioned this earlier in my posts.

If you want to help them give them same rights as LGBT movement has.
Kill the family as the basic unit of society in completely.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 10:08:30 AM
Must be treated? And how?
I have mentioned this earlier in my posts.

If you want to help them give them same rights as LGBT movement has.
Kill the family as the basic unit of society in completely.

Well sorry if I'm not going to browse 13 pages mostly consisting of useless "ya shall kill them all" comments --'

And there is no way to treat them. Otherwise we would do it. Castration is NOT a way to "treat" them, it's a way to punish them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 26, 2016, 10:26:37 AM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

Couldn't agree more.

Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 10:31:57 AM
We are talking here about phedifilia?!
This is for ultimate punishment!
But if someone have some desires must go on psychiatric examination and get some professional help.
 If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 10:36:04 AM

Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".
You probably don't have kids when you are talking like this. Don't defend predators!
This is immoral and wrong. Kids are our future, our love, we must protect them by any cost! This is nature!
Mother bear kills those who approach!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xuan87 on February 26, 2016, 10:45:10 AM

Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".
You probably don't have kids when you are talking like this. Don't defend predators!
This is immoral and wrong. Kids are our future, our love, we must protect them by any cost! This is nature!
Mother bear kills those who approach!

Yes kids must be protected at any cost, kid will always become victim when come to pedophile, this is a serious crime, so the criminal must be punished severely

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 26, 2016, 11:03:52 AM
Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".

Are you comparing blacks with pedophiles? Using the civil rights movement as a tool to justify pedophilia is something which I can't agree upon. You are a sick individual who is in urgent need of psychological treatment. Perhaps shock therapy might offer you some relief. Your countless posts justifying and playing down pedophilia is bringing down the reputation of this very forum. Do all of us a favor. Just enroll yourself to the local sex-offender registry, and stay away from children.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 26, 2016, 11:05:53 AM

Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".
You probably don't have kids when you are talking like this. Don't defend predators!
This is immoral and wrong. Kids are our future, our love, we must protect them by any cost! This is nature!
Mother bear kills those who approach!

Yes, mother bear kills those who approach and that is how it should be.
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 26, 2016, 11:08:55 AM
Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".

Are you comparing blacks with pedophiles? Using the civil rights movement as a tool to justify pedophilia is something which I can't agree upon. You are a sick individual who is in urgent need of psychological treatment. Perhaps shock therapy might offer you some relief. Your countless posts justifying and playing down pedophilia is bringing down the reputation of this very forum. Do all of us a favor. Just enroll yourself to the local sex-offender registry, and stay away from children.

Meh? Like I'm attracted by children... --'

I'm just in favor of a very simple notion we call "innocent until proven guilty". I know it's something Americans don't care about, but I'm NOT OK with killing/punishing/treating people who're just "attracted" by kids. It's not because you've got a weird fetish that you're going to rape a child omg!Otherwise what? People loving fury hentai should be prevently killed for bestiality?

Punish after the crime, never before! Basic human right!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 26, 2016, 11:09:45 AM

Ok... So you kill someone for being born this way? I don't really see the difference with "kill all blacks".
You probably don't have kids when you are talking like this. Don't defend predators!
This is immoral and wrong. Kids are our future, our love, we must protect them by any cost! This is nature!
Mother bear kills those who approach!

Yeah and I'm perfectly ok with that. But mother bear kills the hunter approaching. She doesn't go in the village and kill everyone who ever thought about maybe one day hunting!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 26, 2016, 11:12:22 AM
Yes, mother bear kills those who approach and that is how it should be.
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?

OK... let me put it this way. I know that one of my neighbors is an ISIS sympathizer, who had recently pledged his allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. A day before, I saw him purchasing Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store. Should I wait until he finishes making his bomb and uses it to blow up a few dozen people? Or should I act right away?

I'm NOT OK with killing/punishing/treating people who're just "attracted" by kids.

Once again, you are trying to downplay pedophilia. Pedophiles are not just those who get "attracted" to the kids. They are the ones who sexually abuse the kids.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 26, 2016, 11:20:55 AM
Yes, mother bear kills those who approach and that is how it should be.
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?

OK... let me put it this way. I know that one of my neighbors is an ISIS sympathizer, who had recently pledged his allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. A day before, I saw him purchasing Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store. Should I wait until he finishes making his bomb and uses it to blow up a few dozen people? Or should I act right away?

Yes you should act in that case.
And you should act too if you see someone following your kids or buying chloroform and condoms.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 26, 2016, 11:29:29 AM
Yes, mother bear kills those who approach and that is how it should be.
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?

OK... let me put it this way. I know that one of my neighbors is an ISIS sympathizer, who had recently pledged his allegiance to Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi. A day before, I saw him purchasing Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store. Should I wait until he finishes making his bomb and uses it to blow up a few dozen people? Or should I act right away?

Yes you should act in that case.
And you should act too if you see someone following your kids or buying chloroform and condoms.

Ahahah xD

Thanks, I wouldn't have put that better!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on February 26, 2016, 11:30:33 AM
I'm NOT OK with killing/punishing/treating people who're just "attracted" by kids.

Once again, you are trying to downplay pedophilia. Pedophiles are not just those who get "attracted" to the kids. They are the ones who sexually abuse the kids.

Thank you for proving my point. You can't punish someone for just being attracted by kids. Because he never committed any crime, and thus he's not a pedophile.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 11:48:00 AM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 26, 2016, 12:08:46 PM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

How could you help them when at the same time you want to punish them?
And do you seriously think they want to get any help from people who want to put gps trackers on them, make lists of them and get them castrated, for crimes they haven't even done?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 12:11:14 PM
First time you'll ever find out some is PEDO is when he already done something bad!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.
I believe there is some number of people who are having some problem in their heads but we wont help them if we feed their perversions with dolls.
This is so wrong!

Thank you for proving my point. You can't punish someone for just being attracted by kids. Because he never committed any crime, and thus he's not a pedophile.

Yes you should act in that case.
And you should act too if you see someone following your kids or buying chloroform and condoms.


Yeah and I'm perfectly ok with that. But mother bear kills the hunter approaching. She doesn't go in the village and kill everyone who ever thought about maybe one day hunting!!!

This conversation leads nowhere.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 26, 2016, 12:11:25 PM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

Was there a contest?? Why no one told me anything about it?!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 26, 2016, 12:17:24 PM
First time you'll ever find out some is PEDO is when he already done something bad!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

And this goes with all crimes. It doesn't mean everyone should be punished just in case before they make crimes.

First time you'll ever find out some is MURDERER is when he already killed someone!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

First time you'll ever find out some is RAPIST is when he already raped someone!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

First time you'll ever find out some is THIEF is when he already stolen something!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 26, 2016, 12:18:02 PM

How could you help them when at the same time you want to punish them?
And do you seriously think they want to get any help from people who want to put gps trackers on them, make lists of them and get them castrated, for crimes they haven't even done?
Ok just give them rights.
 Give them dolls and they can express them self maybe in public? How do you think this will end the day?

Ok tell us how you will help those people?
What is your plan seriously ?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 26, 2016, 12:22:27 PM

How could you help them when at the same time you want to punish them?
And do you seriously think they want to get any help from people who want to put gps trackers on them, make lists of them and get them castrated, for crimes they haven't even done?
Ok just give them rights.
 Give them dolls and they can express them self maybe in public? How do you think this will end the day?

Ok tell us how you will help those people?
What is you plan seriously ?

I don't know how to help them. But I know it doesn't help if we punish them for crimes they haven't done.
Maybe one way to help them is give them those sex dolls so they can express their sexuality without making harm to anyone.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 26, 2016, 12:30:36 PM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

I'm fine with providing free psychatric help for them. Sure.
But do we have any kind of psycatric help to provide? I'm not a specialist but I'm not sure there is any :-/

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on February 26, 2016, 12:31:42 PM
First time you'll ever find out some is PEDO is when he already done something bad!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

And this goes with all crimes. It doesn't mean everyone should be punished just in case before they make crimes.

First time you'll ever find out some is MURDERER is when he already killed someone!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

First time you'll ever find out some is RAPIST is when he already raped someone!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

First time you'll ever find out some is THIEF is when he already stolen something!
Rarely they gonna admit this publicly. They clearly know this is wrong but they amusing self with fact they maybe won't be caught.

Thanks. Obvious but needed.

Like the people asking to kill the migrants because they might do something. You don't punish before crime, basic human right.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on February 26, 2016, 12:59:58 PM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

I'm fine with providing free psychatric help for them. Sure.
But do we have any kind of psycatric help to provide? I'm not a specialist but I'm not sure there is any :-/
First of all, screw you guys for making this stuff get in my search history :P

According to this ( website, there does seem to be therapy that can help with reducing the chances of offending.  It seems to be a lot like therapy for depressed people preventing suicide, where the pedos focus on making a strong support group that they can go to when the urges hit and finding healthy alternatives for the energy.  

The urges, or even just thoughts that you may have them could be attributed to other mental disorders, like OCD ( or PTSD (possibly from a person being abused themself)

Really I think this whole thing comes down to offering as many alternatives as we can... offer everything from free castration to therapy that won't get you in trouble to dolls, anything but offending...  At the end of the day, word will get around fast if a method offered is a 'trap' that will screw up their life (like GPS tracking dolls) and it will kill the effectiveness. 

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: eon89 on February 26, 2016, 01:04:59 PM

How could you help them when at the same time you want to punish them?
And do you seriously think they want to get any help from people who want to put gps trackers on them, make lists of them and get them castrated, for crimes they haven't even done?
Ok just give them rights.
 Give them dolls and they can express them self maybe in public? How do you think this will end the day?

Ok tell us how you will help those people?
What is you plan seriously ?

I don't know how to help them. But I know it doesn't help if we punish them for crimes they haven't done.
Maybe one way to help them is give them those sex dolls so they can express their sexuality without making harm to anyone.

They don't need to be helped. They're degenerates. They need to be treated or incarcerated.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on February 26, 2016, 01:30:32 PM

How could you help them when at the same time you want to punish them?
And do you seriously think they want to get any help from people who want to put gps trackers on them, make lists of them and get them castrated, for crimes they haven't even done?
Ok just give them rights.
 Give them dolls and they can express them self maybe in public? How do you think this will end the day?

Ok tell us how you will help those people?
What is you plan seriously ?

I don't know how to help them. But I know it doesn't help if we punish them for crimes they haven't done.
Maybe one way to help them is give them those sex dolls so they can express their sexuality without making harm to anyone.

They don't need to be helped. They're degenerates. They need to be treated or incarcerated.

Treated means help, hence our question.

And incarcerated I'm fine with that, but only the actual pedophiles, those who actually raped children. Not the ones who thought about it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on February 26, 2016, 01:32:17 PM
But why do you want to kill those too who don't approach?
You are taking this out of Contest.

I didn't say they must be eliminated. They must be treated psychiatric.
We must help them so we will this way prevent something bad happened.
 How we can help them, is question for doctors and psychiatrists.

I'm fine with providing free psychatric help for them. Sure.
But do we have any kind of psycatric help to provide? I'm not a specialist but I'm not sure there is any :-/
First of all, screw you guys for making this stuff get in my search history :P

According to this ( website, there does seem to be therapy that can help with reducing the chances of offending.  It seems to be a lot like therapy for depressed people preventing suicide, where the pedos focus on making a strong support group that they can go to when the urges hit and finding healthy alternatives for the energy.  

The urges, or even just thoughts that you may have them could be attributed to other mental disorders, like OCD ( or PTSD (possibly from a person being abused themself)

Really I think this whole thing comes down to offering as many alternatives as we can... offer everything from free castration to therapy that won't get you in trouble to dolls, anything but offending...  At the end of the day, word will get around fast if a method offered is a 'trap' that will screw up their life (like GPS tracking dolls) and it will kill the effectiveness. 

Cool, didn't know such things existed.

I'm fine with offering as much as we can, seems like a good idea for me. But yeah you can't just track them down through gps...

And damn you can't send them to jail BEFORE they do anything wrong...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 26, 2016, 03:17:11 PM
I don't see how this is going to help them? Their urge is to feel supremacy over the victim.
I don't think if we let them to play with dolls they gonna change their behavior much.

That are predators don't forget!

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

This is proof, ladies and gents, the title of this thread is 100% accurate, and why nambla was right to be mad being rejected by the gay movement. "Born this way"....
This thread is therapeutic for some people here. This is a good thing to know that for them there no differences between pedophiles and: black people, immigrants and gays.

What an amazing revealing development.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on February 26, 2016, 03:31:53 PM
I don't see how this is going to help them? Their urge is to feel supremacy over the victim.
I don't think if we let them to play with dolls they gonna change their behavior much.

That are predators don't forget!

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

This is proof, ladies and gents, the title of this thread is 100% accurate, and why nambla was right to be mad being rejected by the gay movement. "Born this way"....
This thread is therapeutic for some people here. This is a good thing to know that for them there no differences between pedophiles and: black people, immigrants and gays.

What an amazing revealing development.

Well glad if it revealed you anything but I still don't see what's wrong.

Yeah of course they're the same as you me gays blacks white red...
They're humans. They're born this way. They shouldn't be punished for having feelings as long as they don't do it.

I sometimes feel the urge to kill the people around me because I can no longer bear their stupidity. Should I be punished for imagining a crime?

Istill don't understand what you find wrong with that.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 26, 2016, 04:15:06 PM
I don't see how this is going to help them? Their urge is to feel supremacy over the victim.
I don't think if we let them to play with dolls they gonna change their behavior much.

That are predators don't forget!

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

This is proof, ladies and gents, the title of this thread is 100% accurate, and why nambla was right to be mad being rejected by the gay movement. "Born this way"....
This thread is therapeutic for some people here. This is a good thing to know that for them there no differences between pedophiles and: black people, immigrants and gays.

What an amazing revealing development.

Well glad if it revealed you anything but I still don't see what's wrong.

Yeah of course they're the same as you me gays blacks white red...
They're humans. They're born this way. They shouldn't be punished for having feelings as long as they don't do it.

I sometimes feel the urge to kill the people around me because I can no longer bear their stupidity. Should I be punished for imagining a crime?

Istill don't understand what you find wrong with that.

I know. That is what's so revealing for the normal people and the normal children.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Slow death on February 26, 2016, 05:04:16 PM
A transgender father who abandoned his seven children to start a new life as a “6-year-old girl” is being celebrated by some fruitcakes as a shining example of diversity. You can´t make this shit up. Where do you think those ideas come from? Does leadership influence what it leads?

these are mentally ill, married with a child of 6 years? :o :o

the child is prepared not biologically nor mentally

cursed mentally ill

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 26, 2016, 07:37:06 PM
I have been active in this forum for the past 4 -years, and I never saw such shocking posts justifying pedophiles. 238 was very disturbing. I have always supported free speech and opposed government censorship. But this is taking it too far. Either these people are having a clear-cut agenda, or they don't know what they are talking about.

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 12:35:42 AM
I have been active in this forum for the past 4 -years, and I never saw such shocking posts justifying pedophiles. 238 was very disturbing. I have always supported free speech and opposed government censorship. But this is taking it too far. Either these people are having a clear-cut agenda, or they don't know what they are talking about.

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

Yep. Although censorship would have kept them from crawling out of the woodwork. This thread is an opportunity to see inside some people's mind.

Again, the title of this thread is 100% accurate as we all can see.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 27, 2016, 01:22:55 AM

Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK

There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.

Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster” and is demanding a taskforce to fight the “horror.”

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mirror the shaken MP has told how she ‘nearly lost her mind’ after victims turned to her for help - unable to trust the police or local council.

She is currently getting an average of 10 victims a week coming to her for help.

Fighting back tears she told how she feared having a nervous breakdown worried about failing the “amazing women” and her horror after finding out a manual for grooming existed for paedophiles.

The MP was speaking after the Government announced they were taking over Rotherham Council for a “fresh start” and sending five commissioners to run the troubled authority.

The movement marches on. Believe it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on February 27, 2016, 02:29:56 AM
i gotta puke...

england has a serious problem with law enforcement and governance

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 27, 2016, 06:07:52 AM
There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.

An entire generation of kids have been abused as a result of the incompetence from the police department. The cops knew that the abuse was going on for many years, but chose to ignore it, as they were afraid that they would be branded as racists. Also, some of the criminals were connected to the Labor Party, and were able to use their political influence.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on February 27, 2016, 06:25:06 AM
So after all if they have a chance to molest kid they will probably do that for sure.
We are dealing with predators, so we must clarify something they don't deserve rights.
They are not "different", they are dangerous.

Only right question is how to protect children from them?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on February 29, 2016, 01:54:56 AM

8-Year-Old Yemeni Child Dies at Hands of 40-Year-Old Husband on Wedding Night

 An eight year-old child bride died in Yemen on her wedding night after suffering internal injuries due to sexual trauma. Human rights organizations are calling for the arrest of her husband, who was five times her age.

Al Nahar, Lebanon, reported that the death occurred in the tribal area of Hardh in northwestern Yemen, which borders Saudi Arabia. This brings even more attention to the already existing issue of forced child marriages in the Middle East.

 "According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), between 2011 and 2020, more than 140 million girls will become child brides. Furthermore, of the 140 million girls who will marry before the age of 18, 50 million will be under the age of 15."

It is reported that over a quarter of Yemen's young girls are married before the age of 15. Not only do they lose access to health and education, these child brides are commonly subjected to physical, emotional and sexual violence in their forced marriages.

One of the main issues is that there is currently no consistent established definition of a "child" that has been agreed upon worldwide.  This leaves various interpretations within countries and little protection for those who are affected.

Establishing this age limit is among the top priorities of groups like HRC which was responsible for publishing the 54-page report “How Come You Allow Little Girls to Get Married?”, documenting the lifelong damage to girls who are forced to marry at young ages.  Most pro age-limit organizations agree that 18 should be the legal age for marriage.

In February 2009, a law was created in Yemen that set the minimum age for marriage at 17. Unfortunately, it was repealed after more conservative lawmakers called it un-Islamic.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 08:56:17 AM
I have been active in this forum for the past 4 -years, and I never saw such shocking posts justifying pedophiles. 238 was very disturbing. I have always supported free speech and opposed government censorship. But this is taking it too far. Either these people are having a clear-cut agenda, or they don't know what they are talking about.

Dude, calm down. They're not "predators"! They're people with different ways of lives! Those ways of lives aren't compatible with our societies, but no need to treat them like they were not humans!

A good example? A guy in France kidnapped a girl not a long time ago, he kept her for 2 hours then released her. He didn't harm her in ANY way. They're not predators they're just different. Of course the man was sentences 5 years to jail and that's fucking normal! But no need to talk about them like they're not even humans.

Where the fuck did you see any justification for pedophiles? Stop inventing bullshit you freak.

There is a difference between defending pedophiles and giving them the same rights as any other humans being!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 08:59:47 AM

Child sex abuse gangs could have assaulted ONE MILLION youngsters in the UK

There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.

Rotherham’s Labour MP Sarah Champion describes it as a “national disaster” and is demanding a taskforce to fight the “horror.”

In an exclusive interview with the Daily Mirror the shaken MP has told how she ‘nearly lost her mind’ after victims turned to her for help - unable to trust the police or local council.

She is currently getting an average of 10 victims a week coming to her for help.

Fighting back tears she told how she feared having a nervous breakdown worried about failing the “amazing women” and her horror after finding out a manual for grooming existed for paedophiles.

The MP was speaking after the Government announced they were taking over Rotherham Council for a “fresh start” and sending five commissioners to run the troubled authority.

The movement marches on. Believe it.

Lol, where the fuck does this site see the ONE MILLION children?

Anyway, my post is still true, you're considering every one of them like predators, which would mean they're not humans but another animal specie, which is not the case. End of it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 09:01:07 AM
There could be up to a million victims of child sexual exploitation in the UK, it is feared.

An entire generation of kids have been abused as a result of the incompetence from the police department. The cops knew that the abuse was going on for many years, but chose to ignore it, as they were afraid that they would be branded as racists. Also, some of the criminals were connected to the Labor Party, and were able to use their political influence.

Omg are you serious about that?

AN ENTIRE GENERATION?? Willingly ignored by the police?
Sometime you say things so dumb it's even hard to read them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on February 29, 2016, 09:01:12 AM

8-Year-Old Yemeni Child Dies at Hands of 40-Year-Old Husband on Wedding Night

I just wanted to say that I don't think anyone here is saying we should let them fuck 8 year old children.
You do realize that there is big difference between that and what we have talked in this thread?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 09:07:24 AM

8-Year-Old Yemeni Child Dies at Hands of 40-Year-Old Husband on Wedding Night

I'm pretty sure you're saying we defend such things, which shows that you absolutely didn't understand what we're saying...

Pedophiles should be judged and punished. But they shouldn't be punished before found guilty, and they shouldn't be considered as non human. End of the story.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 09:08:38 AM

8-Year-Old Yemeni Child Dies at Hands of 40-Year-Old Husband on Wedding Night

I just wanted to say that I don't think anyone here is saying we should let them fuck 8 year old children.
You do realize that there is big difference between that and what we have talked in this thread?

No they don't. For them thinking about pedophiles as criminals like others and not as inhuman monsters makes us "supporters and defenders" of them. Which is obviously not the case.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 10:52:30 AM
Wow, what's said here is still a bit disturbing...

I understand your point saying that they should be treated like any other criminals... But I'm pretty sure they got a mental disorder that allows us to call them predators! ^^

Title: Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated)
Post by: BADecker on February 29, 2016, 12:00:58 PM
Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated) ( (

Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America's high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.

We don't know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.

What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff

Read more at (


Title: Re: Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated)
Post by: craked5 on February 29, 2016, 02:04:01 PM
Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting (updated) ( (

Editorial note: Revelations on the Allan case, which led to Scalia now lead into the entire Koch network, including the Federalist Society, said to be operating not simply in law schools but America's high schools as well, and into the Heritage Foundation.

We don't know when it began, maybe at the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Set or before. We do know it has victimized thousands of children around the world, not only in America but channeling children through Belgium and the Netherlands into sexual slavery and death.

What is it that makes the powerful desire what is so hurtful and obscene? When we ignored the Franklin Coverup, we opened ourselves to this… Gordon Duff

Read more at (


I don't see the link with pedophilia.

This is just another political murder. Pretty common in the US no?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 01, 2016, 12:33:37 AM
Wow, what's said here is still a bit disturbing...

I understand your point saying that they should be treated like any other criminals... But I'm pretty sure they got a mental disorder that allows us to call them predators! ^^

So simple to understand.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 01, 2016, 09:37:19 AM
Wow, what's said here is still a bit disturbing...

I understand your point saying that they should be treated like any other criminals... But I'm pretty sure they got a mental disorder that allows us to call them predators! ^^

So simple to understand.

So simple to understand no psychiatrist will do it. Funny how you know it's a mental disorder while those thousands of intellectuals who studied the phenomenon for years don't conclude on this. You must be very intelligent that's for sure!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 01, 2016, 10:01:00 AM
It is not important are they have disorder or they just evil persons with bad intents.
Something must be done.
First you must not watch them as victims of systems.
Second this is true they must get proper medications and psychiatric help.
If nothing work, chemical castration will help for sure!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: bitbunnny on March 01, 2016, 10:45:21 AM
Is pedophilia a mental disorder, illness or simply a vicious mind of twisted people? Maybe we will never know for sure. In civilized countries is a serious crime and should be treated like that in whole world. Could pedophiles change or stop molesting the children? I don't think so, don't think that there is a cure for that. But despite all that I don't think that they should be judged by people on the street without a trial and with no respect of their human rights. Although I'm hardly saying this because they are not respecting any human right of these poor children either.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 01, 2016, 10:54:55 AM
It is not important are they have disorder or they just evil persons with bad intents.
Something must be done.
First you must not watch them as victims of systems.
Second this is true they must get proper medications and psychiatric help.
If nothing work, chemical castration will help for sure!

That's not the whole point of this debate you know?

The whole thing is that you actually want to send to jail and "help" (with your own notion of help ofc...) people that still commited no crime!

It's a sad thing but yes it's is impossible to sue or put someone in jail because he thought about pedophilia. You don't punish people for crimes they haven't commited that's all.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 01, 2016, 11:06:54 AM
Wow, what's said here is still a bit disturbing...

I understand your point saying that they should be treated like any other criminals... But I'm pretty sure they got a mental disorder that allows us to call them predators! ^^

So simple to understand.

It's not what's important in here.
You wanna put them in jail? I'm fine with that.

But two things:
1/ you gotta treat them like normal citizens. You can't just say "they're pedophiles so they're not even humans" that's not how justice works!
2/ You can't just judge someone for a crime he still haven't comited! Having child dolls is creepy as fuck that's for sure, but how is it a crime?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 08:09:23 AM
If someone have some problems he must seek help for himself.
Symptoms can be known to person so he must admit himself he has a problem. He must go to doctor and psychiatrist.
If he know he have problems and don't react he must be encouraged to do so.
If he dont realize himself he probably enjoy it and he is dangerous.
Those person must be "marked" somehow as every other person with mental illness especially if they can harm other people.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 08:41:41 AM
Now someone will ask, but those people didn't done anything wrong yet?
Yes but they have mental disorder and their illness can harm other people. So if they dont want to spend their best time in mental institutions better cooperate.
If they cooperate and takes some prescription medicine they can enjoy freedom.
If medicines don't help at all they must consider chemical castration.
Those poor souls in mental institutions nobody ask if they want to stay there or not.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 02, 2016, 09:42:34 AM
If someone have some problems he must seek help for himself.
Symptoms can be known to person so he must admit himself he has a problem. He must go to doctor and psychiatrist.
If he know he have problems and don't react he must be encouraged to do so.
If he dont realize himself he probably enjoy it and he is dangerous.
Those person must be "marked" somehow as every other person with mental illness especially if they can harm other people.

Damned man, you seriously mean that?

You want everyone to get "marked" for mental disorder? And on which assumption?
How and who will decide that someone must be marked?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 02, 2016, 09:44:41 AM
Now someone will ask, but those people didn't done anything wrong yet?
Yes but they have mental disorder and their illness can harm other people. So if they dont want to spend their best time in mental institutions better cooperate.
If they cooperate and takes some prescription medicine they can enjoy freedom.
If medicines don't help at all they must consider chemical castration.
Those poor souls in mental institutions nobody ask if they want to stay there or not.

Well maybe in your barbaric country...

But in the civilized world it's not possible to send someone in a psychatric institute without any proof!
So it means that we should find proofs of them being pedophiles... And how do you do that?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 11:12:53 AM
Damned man, you seriously mean that?

You want everyone to get "marked" for mental disorder? And on which assumption?
How and who will decide that someone must be marked?

Marked in medical records as persons with menatal problems, nothing special not criminal record nothind drastic. Don't panic.

Dont know what part you didn't understand?
I have told already that those persons must take psihiatric help and this help must be mandatory.
We are talking about potencinal child molesters!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 11:25:56 AM
Now someone will ask, but those people didn't done anything wrong yet?
Yes but they have mental disorder and their illness can harm other people. So if they dont want to spend their best time in mental institutions better cooperate.
If they cooperate and takes some prescription medicine they can enjoy freedom.
If medicines don't help at all they must consider chemical castration.
Those poor souls in mental institutions nobody ask if they want to stay there or not.

Well maybe in your barbaric country...

But in the civilized world it's not possible to send someone in a psychatric institute without any proof!
So it means that we should find proofs of them being pedophiles... And how do you do that?
There are plenty of way how someone can be caught on internet or other places like social networks where he chats with children..

How to recognize someone with problems, ask psychiatrists.

Barbaric countries are those that doing nothing, while children suffering..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 02, 2016, 11:55:39 AM
There are plenty of way how someone can be caught on internet or other places like social networks where he chats with children..

How to recognize someone with problems, ask psychiatrists.

Barbaric countries are those that doing nothing, while children suffering..

If someone is caught doing that they already go to prison! Owning pedophilia contents or flirting with children is already a crime (at least in France, not sure for USA)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on March 02, 2016, 12:58:19 PM
It is not important are they have disorder or they just evil persons with bad intents.
Something must be done.
First you must not watch them as victims of systems.
Second this is true they must get proper medications and psychiatric help.
If nothing work, chemical castration will help for sure!

That's not the whole point of this debate you know?

The whole thing is that you actually want to send to jail and "help" (with your own notion of help ofc...) people that still commited no crime!

It's a sad thing but yes it's is impossible to sue or put someone in jail because he thought about pedophilia. You don't punish people for crimes they haven't commited that's all.

If they don't want to end up acting on their desires, they should be more than willing to accept psych help as long as they don't get punished for seeking help in itself.  The point is to offer lots of alternatives so they don't get to the point of committing a crime, not just tossing them in jail for having the potential to do it.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 01:46:53 PM
If they don't want to end up acting on their desires, they should be more than willing to accept psych help as long as they don't get punished for seeking help in itself.  The point is to offer lots of alternatives so they don't get to the point of committing a crime, not just tossing them in jail for having the potential to do it.
That's what i was talking about.

How to protect yourself from system?
System can make errors this is certain but they cannot mark no one as pedopifle before he commits crime!

Been marked in medical records as "different" person, can be positive thing for community because won't happend in school to employ possible predators.

#Different person : Person psychiatric estimated as ill-suited for work with children !

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 02:07:22 PM
they should be more than willing to accept psych help as long as they don't get punished for seeking help in itself. 
No one gonna punish them for seeking help.
I cannot work on heights because i'm scared of the heights, so they cant work with kids..
I'm not punished because i can't get approval to work on heights...My life is probably saved!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 02, 2016, 02:23:29 PM
If they don't want to end up acting on their desires, they should be more than willing to accept psych help as long as they don't get punished for seeking help in itself.  The point is to offer lots of alternatives so they don't get to the point of committing a crime, not just tossing them in jail for having the potential to do it.
That's what i was talking about.

How to protect yourself from system?
System can make errors this is certain but they cannot mark no one as pedopifle before he commits crime!

Been marked in medical records as "different" person, can be positive thing for community because won't happend in school to employ possible predators.

#Different person : Person psychiatric estimated as ill-suited for work with children !

Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 02, 2016, 03:27:55 PM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.
Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 02, 2016, 07:07:33 PM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.
Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

And what do you want to do against that?

I mean all you said here was "they're horrible predators". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 03, 2016, 12:33:21 AM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.
Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

And what do you want to do against that?

I mean all you said here was "they're horrible predators". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Saying over and over "They are regular human beings like you and I". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 03, 2016, 10:44:59 AM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.
Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

And what do you want to do against that?

I mean all you said here was "they're horrible predators". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Saying over and over "They are regular human beings like you and I". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Ok so what do you propose?

Personnally I'm just waiting for any real proposal from you but you don't say shit. You simply say "they're monsters" and so what?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 03, 2016, 11:49:20 AM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.

Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

So you wanna convince them to go to the psych by saying that if they do anything suspicious they'll be marked?
Not really going to help I'm afraid :-/

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 03, 2016, 11:59:33 AM
Again I don't understand. This is already the case. This is already what would happen to someone going willingly to the psych saying he has desires for children. There is nothing new here.
Yes but how many willingly go to the psych?
Others don't want to go, they are afraid or they just don't want because they have skeletor in the closet.
Many of them are hide behind wife and own kids.
Many of them don't have dirty dreams about kids, just will take every chance for free sex even with younger person under 18 years..This is matter of attitude and moral principles! What can you cure here?

And what do you want to do against that?

I mean all you said here was "they're horrible predators". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Saying over and over "They are regular human beings like you and I". It's not really going to help you know? :-/

Well I believe we have reached a rather fine conclusion:

There si nothing much more than can be done. Maybe increase the budget of the pedophiles hunting units of the police but well, nothing more can really be done.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Snail2 on March 03, 2016, 12:27:32 PM
Well I believe we have reached a rather fine conclusion:

There si nothing much more than can be done. Maybe increase the budget of the pedophiles hunting units of the police but well, nothing more can really be done.

I'd extend you proposal with this: "The scope should include politicians and priests as well, and should be applied regardless of religious, ethnic and financial background."

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 12:29:02 PM
So you wanna convince them to go to the psych by saying that if they do anything suspicious they'll be marked?
Not really going to help I'm afraid :-/
For community every potential threat for health of child must be alarm.
I don't see why we must help "them"? They must help themselves.
First they must admit they have a problem, then they can get proper help.
Everything else is hiding and lurking!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: MRKLYE on March 03, 2016, 12:32:59 PM
Wait for them to march and then fucking napalm the whole lot of them..

Very few things in this world I look down on.. But fully grown men fucking children makes me furious. Fucking sick cunts.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 12:35:16 PM
See how many people are ready to seat in car and drive 100 miles only for promise of sex with underage person..This is sick.
All those people need help do they?
And they didn't ask for help, only address of victim and if parents are not home..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 03, 2016, 01:13:31 PM
See how many people are ready to seat in car and drive 100 miles only for promise of sex with underage person..This is sick.
All those people need help do they?
And they didn't ask for help, only address of victim and if parents are not home..

And the fact that something like this disgusting outrageous ... THING exists and is on TV is even more dangerous than pedophilia in itself in my opinion!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 03, 2016, 01:15:05 PM
So you wanna convince them to go to the psych by saying that if they do anything suspicious they'll be marked?
Not really going to help I'm afraid :-/
For community every potential threat for health of child must be alarm.
I don't see why we must help "them"? They must help themselves.
First they must admit they have a problem, then they can get proper help.
Everything else is hiding and lurking!

You're missing the point...

I'm not talking about helping them, I'm talking about solving the problem.
Your proposal of marking them will not help to resolve the problem because they're not going to willingly go and see you if they know they'll get marked.

What you're saying is basically saying is: "pedophilia is horrible"

Well yes. And? What's your point?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 01:22:23 PM
How to deal with them?
This is more likely job for police and tv and whole society.
If you have any doubt about something is going on in neighbors house don't hesitate.
Don't turn your head if on street you see something strange.
And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 03, 2016, 01:33:01 PM
How to deal with them?
This is more likely job for police and tv and whole society.
If you have any doubt about something is going on in neighbors house don't hesitate.
Don't turn your head if on street you see something strange.
And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Ok so change nothing. Beautiful idea.

But more seriously wtf did you just said? That it's a job for the tv? What do you mean by that?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 03, 2016, 01:34:33 PM

And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Because it so much better if they rape real people so we can put them in the jail, yeah justice!
I get now why you don't want to help them, if they don't do anything illegal you can't punish them.
And you hate them so much you want them to make crime just so you can punish them.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 01:49:25 PM
Ok so change nothing. Beautiful idea.

But more seriously wtf did you just said? That it's a job for the tv? What do you mean by that?
Ok what do you suggesting?       (Did you read all posts here?)

Tv shows like i have posted previously, are perfect example how you can deal with them and make an example to others.
They are publicly shamed and marked for life!

More public awareness is needed.This can be achieved through quality educational tv program for kids and parents.

Police must do more in quest for internet predators. I have heard about special internet units but i doubt they can do some serious job on darknet!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 01:57:36 PM

And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Because it so much better if they rape real people so we can put them in the jail, yeah justice!
I get now why you don't want to help them, if they don't do anything illegal you can't punish them.
And you hate them so much you want them to make crime just so you can punish them.
Are you aware what are you talking,
You will give them dolls and acknowledge them as buyers and normal persons?
Whay the psychiatrists even exist, let loose all insane people on the streets,
(many of them never did any harm they just have problems with anger or talks to dead..)
Let buy them dolls thay can play.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 03, 2016, 02:15:01 PM

And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Because it so much better if they rape real people so we can put them in the jail, yeah justice!
I get now why you don't want to help them, if they don't do anything illegal you can't punish them.
And you hate them so much you want them to make crime just so you can punish them.
Are you aware what are you talking,
You will give them dolls and acknowledge them as buyers and normal persons?
Whay the psychiatrists even exist, let loose all insane people on the streets,
(many of them never did any harm they just have problems with anger or talks to dead..)
Let buy them dolls thay can play.

Of course I have someone with anger issues rather bunch punching bag than another human.
And for most people who talk to dead people etc. they are locked only if they are threat to themselves or others around them or incompetent to live on their own. And if they can live normal life they aren't locked in mental hospital.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 03, 2016, 02:22:05 PM
Ok so change nothing. Beautiful idea.

But more seriously wtf did you just said? That it's a job for the tv? What do you mean by that?
Ok what do you suggesting?       (Did you read all posts here?)

Tv shows like i have posted previously, are perfect example how you can deal with them and make an example to others.
They are publicly shamed and marked for life!

More public awareness is needed.This can be achieved through quality educational tv program for kids and parents.

Police must do more in quest for internet predators. I have heard about special internet units but i doubt they can do some serious job on darknet!


Tv shows like this are not only a shame to humanity! It's also the worst thing that could happen!
It means people are actually making money on pedophiles! Do you even understand? That means if there is not a big suspect for pedophilia he will just take a normal person and harrass her until they got enough video to make you doubt her with the montage!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 03, 2016, 02:24:21 PM

And especially don't help them with dolls, toys, do not ever acknowledge them as normal people!

Because it so much better if they rape real people so we can put them in the jail, yeah justice!
I get now why you don't want to help them, if they don't do anything illegal you can't punish them.
And you hate them so much you want them to make crime just so you can punish them.
Are you aware what are you talking,
You will give them dolls and acknowledge them as buyers and normal persons?
Whay the psychiatrists even exist, let loose all insane people on the streets,
(many of them never did any harm they just have problems with anger or talks to dead..)

Let buy them dolls thay can play.

Hmm... If people who have just problem are locked up in your country you're in a bizarre one. Normally people with mental disorder are locked up only if they're a threat to themselves or someone else and that has been proven.

Otherwise people with anger issues will most of the time get a treatment based on combat sports for example. A good present for them would be a punching ball. Same for pedophiles.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 02:35:08 PM
Hmm... If people who have just problem are locked up in your country you're in a bizarre one. Normally people with mental disorder are locked up only if they're a threat to themselves or someone else and that has been proven.
Otherwise people with anger issues will most of the time get a treatment based on combat sports for example. A good present for them would be a punching ball. Same for pedophiles.
You know what i'm talking about certain number of people we just can't let walks around they are not capable for normal life so they have needed care in mental institutions.
Stick to Topic please.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 03, 2016, 02:39:34 PM
Hmm... If people who have just problem are locked up in your country you're in a bizarre one. Normally people with mental disorder are locked up only if they're a threat to themselves or someone else and that has been proven.
Otherwise people with anger issues will most of the time get a treatment based on combat sports for example. A good present for them would be a punching ball. Same for pedophiles.
You know what i'm talking about certain number of people we just can't let walks around they are not capable for normal life so they have needed care in mental institutions.
Stick to Topic please.

Well I do stick to topic.
you're claiming we should put pedophiles in jail or in institutes where they'll get treated. I just answer you: it's already the case.

What you don't want is to give them toys so they can get rid of their pulsions on objects and not on real children.

It's your choice but I don't think it's intelligent.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 02:43:02 PM

Tv shows like this are not only a shame to humanity! It's also the worst thing that could happen!
It means people are actually making money on pedophiles! Do you even understand? That means if there is not a big suspect for pedophilia he will just take a normal person and harrass her until they got enough video to make you doubt her with the montage!
This tv show is not something special, i don't like Chris.
But message is clear and public can see how this problem is large and we doing nothing to protect our children!
 Internet has become dangerous place for kids.

How we can change this?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 02:51:34 PM
What you don't want is to give them toys so they can get rid of their pulsions on objects and not on real children.

It's your choice but I don't think it's intelligent.
If we decide to give them dolls this is acknowledging their rights and their needs.
This way you proclaiming them to buyers, but they are still sick persons.
It is just question of time when they will decide to grab a child.
They don't have rights, this is sick, you won't help them at all.

You wont help kids this way! Don't be fooled!
This is just try to introduce people with "pedophiles rights" this is message from OP also.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 03, 2016, 03:08:17 PM
What you don't want is to give them toys so they can get rid of their pulsions on objects and not on real children.

It's your choice but I don't think it's intelligent.
If we decide to give them dolls this is acknowledging their rights and their needs.
This way you proclaiming them to buyers, but they are still sick persons.
It is just question of time when they will decide to grab a child.
They don't have rights, this is sick, you won't help them at all.

You wont help kids this way! Don't be fooled!
This is just try to introduce people with "pedophiles rights" this is message from OP also.

No. Giving them this is just acknowledging their existence and our incapacity to prevent their potential agressions.

Nothing more.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: xslugx on March 03, 2016, 03:45:12 PM
What you don't want is to give them toys so they can get rid of their pulsions on objects and not on real children.

It's your choice but I don't think it's intelligent.
If we decide to give them dolls this is acknowledging their rights and their needs.
This way you proclaiming them to buyers, but they are still sick persons.
It is just question of time when they will decide to grab a child.
They don't have rights, this is sick, you won't help them at all.

You wont help kids this way! Don't be fooled!
This is just try to introduce people with "pedophiles rights" this is message from OP also.

No. Giving them this is just acknowledging their existence and our incapacity to prevent their potential agressions.

Nothing more.

Problem being he's right about the paralel with gays.

There is a correlation between the two phenomenon. Not saying that gays = pedophiles of course. But the social phenomenon might be identical...

So isn't it better to be extremely strong and firm on the positions?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 08:08:44 PM
I see many people on the west especially US are liberal and they have moto live and let live.
 But this is not the case now, we don't talking about human rights.
This is something morbid. Dolls won't help anything , this is disgusting.
But i won't be surprised if this soon become legal, we living in times of Babylonian tower.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 03, 2016, 08:41:34 PM
I see many people on the west especially US are liberal and they have moto live and let live.
 But this is not the case now, we don't talking about human rights.
This is something morbid. Dolls won't help anything , this is disgusting.
But i won't be surprised if this soon become legal, we living in times of Babylonian tower.

Child sex dolls are legal in almost all countries already, never even been illegal...
The problem is that people want them to became illegal just because they think it is disgusting.
And the problem in that is laws shouldn't be made just because something is disgusting.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 03, 2016, 11:28:54 PM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 12:46:40 AM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: salinizm on March 04, 2016, 05:53:44 AM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

i completely agree with you.. all of your solutions are perfect but the best of all is public executions. i chose this one..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: JesusHadAegis on March 04, 2016, 06:03:48 AM
How to treat pedophiles:

a. Electroshock therapy.
b. Brain surgery.
c. Castration.
d. Prison with no chance of parole.
e. Public executions.

Children's right to be safe, secure, and protected come first. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Killing everyone with an iq under 130 is a ridiculous analogy btw.

i completely agree with you.. all of your solutions are perfect but the best of all is public executions. i chose this one..

I would choose c and d because its just a chance for them to rethink and analayze there lust.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 04, 2016, 11:02:22 AM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

Yes of course what do you think it is?

How would you classify it if not a fetish?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 04, 2016, 11:03:28 AM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.

Ah damn. Forget my last question, I thought it was a fetish xD

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 11:03:53 AM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

Yes of course what do you think it is?

How would you classify it if not a fetish?

Well, technically it isn't fetish.
Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 04, 2016, 11:15:50 AM
There is something I don't understand...

You keep talking about pedophilia as if it was something perticulary strange and horrible, something that should be destroyed by all means and which is not natural at all.

The fact is... Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation.
You're saying "This is something morbid." but it IS a sexual orientation. Like liking men, women, animals, objects, trees...

The only difference (but don't make me say what I didn't say, it's an important difference) is that we can't tolerate such sexual orientation. Because this sexual orientation implies a non mutual consent. Same for animals.

But don' try to find another word to describe it. It's not a fetish or a disgusting thing or anything like this. It's a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate because it would violate basic human and children rights, but it's still a sexual orientation.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 04, 2016, 11:25:13 AM
“We should accept that there is no way to change someone’s fetishes,” Takagi insisted. “I am helping people express their desires, legally and ethically. It’s not worth living if you have to live with repressed desire.”

Now dream about sex with kid is just a fetish?

Expressing desires?

This is what is sick, peace of plastic is not important in this story.
They are coming for their rights.

No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.

Seems like what he's afraid of is the acceptation of the sexual orientation by the public.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 01:20:23 PM
No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.
I know this is not fetish!
This was question to all, if you seen my quoted sentence
This behavior is disgusting for most of population, and pedophilia is forbiden in almous in every part of civilised world.
Who is talking about thought crime?

It is clearly says there is no scientific research this will help them to satisfy their needs, and they won't think on kids any more.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 01:28:11 PM
No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.
I know this is not fetish!
This was question to all, if you seen my quoted sentence
This behavior is disgusting for most of population, and pedophilia is forbiden in almous in every part of civilised world.
Who is talking about thought crime?

It is clearly says there is no scientific research this will help them to satisfy their needs, and they won't think on kids any more.

Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 01:28:32 PM
Seems like what he's afraid of is the acceptation of the sexual orientation by the public.
Pedofhilian is not sexyal orijetation!
"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children"

Are you supporter of their rights?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 01:32:57 PM
Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.
Should we make it legal in whole world are you referring then?
Why are you defending something really bad?
You are more concerned for their rights than for child safety?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 01:35:07 PM
Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.
Should we make it legal in whole world are you referring then?
Why are you defending something really bad?
You are more concerned for their rights than for child safety?

Did you even read what I wrote?
We can't make it legal because it already is.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 04, 2016, 01:39:51 PM
Seems like what he's afraid of is the acceptation of the sexual orientation by the public.
Pedofhilian is not sexyal orijetation!
"Pedophilia or paedophilia is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children"

Are you supporter of their rights?

And so what? 30 years ago homosexuality was also considered as a psychiatric disorder.

Same for pedophilia. It's just a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate but it's a sexual orientation whatever you say.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 04, 2016, 01:41:35 PM
Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.

Should we make it legal in whole world are you referring then?

Why are you defending something really bad?
You are more concerned for their rights than for child safety?

Are you deaf? It's already legal.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 01:43:30 PM
Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.
Should we make it legal in whole world are you referring then?
Why are you defending something really bad?
You are more concerned for their rights than for child safety?

Did you even read what I wrote?
We can't make it legal because it already is.

You mean that being a pedophile is not illegal because it's the action of raping children which is illegal?

Well Oxford dictionary says you're right: pedophile = A person who is sexually attracted to children.

But you understood what he meant ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 01:43:36 PM
There is something I don't understand...

You keep talking about pedophilia as if it was something perticulary strange and horrible, something that should be destroyed by all means and which is not natural at all.

The fact is... Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation.
You're saying "This is something morbid." but it IS a sexual orientation. Like liking men, women, animals, objects, trees...

The only difference (but don't make me say what I didn't say, it's an important difference) is that we can't tolerate such sexual orientation. Because this sexual orientation implies a non mutual consent. Same for animals.

But don' try to find another word to describe it. It's not a fetish or a disgusting thing or anything like this. It's a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate because it would violate basic human and children rights, but it's still a sexual orientation.
No and as i see you don't know anything about this topic.
With this post your just defending rights of pedophiles.
 I don't need to prove anything more here, you are horribly in wrong

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 01:45:07 PM
There is something I don't understand...

You keep talking about pedophilia as if it was something perticulary strange and horrible, something that should be destroyed by all means and which is not natural at all.

The fact is... Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation.
You're saying "This is something morbid." but it IS a sexual orientation. Like liking men, women, animals, objects, trees...

The only difference (but don't make me say what I didn't say, it's an important difference) is that we can't tolerate such sexual orientation. Because this sexual orientation implies a non mutual consent. Same for animals.

But don' try to find another word to describe it. It's not a fetish or a disgusting thing or anything like this. It's a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate because it would violate basic human and children rights, but it's still a sexual orientation.
No and as i see you don't know anything about this topic.
With this post your just defending rights of pedophiles.
 I don't need to prove anything more here, you are horribly in wrong

I don't see why. He's rather right no? What he says is that pedophilia is something we can't tolerate but which naturaly exists.

Seems to me like it's fucking right:

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 01:45:43 PM

No and as i see you don't know anything about this topic.
With this post your just defending rights of pedophiles.

 I don't need to prove anything more here, you are horribly in wrong

What does that even mean? They got no special rights! They got the same rights as any other citizens!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 01:47:30 PM
Being pedophile is not illegal in anywhere as far as I know.
Should we make it legal in whole world are you referring then?
Why are you defending something really bad?
You are more concerned for their rights than for child safety?

Did you even read what I wrote?
We can't make it legal because it already is.

You mean that being a pedophile is not illegal because it's the action of raping children which is illegal?

Well Oxford dictionary says you're right: pedophile = A person who is sexually attracted to children.

But you understood what he meant ^^

Yes, that is what I mean.
And based on what he is writing he doesn't have any idea what terms he is using.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 01:53:55 PM

You mean that being a pedophile is not illegal because it's the action of raping children which is illegal?

Well Oxford dictionary says you're right: pedophile = A person who is sexually attracted to children.

But you understood what he meant ^^

Yes, that is what I mean.
And based on what he is writing he doesn't have any idea what terms he is using.

Well, someone supporting a show as disgusting as the fucked up thing he presented is probably stupid as hell for sure.

But anyway, hard to use the adjective "pedophile" for anyone but people commiting pedophiles crimes. Which means it's a rather fair and logical process to assimilate the two. ;)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on March 04, 2016, 01:58:07 PM

You mean that being a pedophile is not illegal because it's the action of raping children which is illegal?

Well Oxford dictionary says you're right: pedophile = A person who is sexually attracted to children.

But you understood what he meant ^^

Yes, that is what I mean.
And based on what he is writing he doesn't have any idea what terms he is using.

Well, someone supporting a show as disgusting as the fucked up thing he presented is probably stupid as hell for sure.

But anyway, hard to use the adjective "pedophile" for anyone but people commiting pedophiles crimes. Which means it's a rather fair and logical process to assimilate the two. ;)

I think To Catch a Predator was a really good idea.  Showing what the depths of the internet can hold on mainstream TV probably got some parents to be more aware of what their kids/teens were doing online, and may have prevented some abuse.  While I'm not for invasion of privacy, it could definitely have showed some warning signs to look out for.

Besides, honeypotting the pedos was a great idea.  They obviously were ready to offend when they went to the house, so they deserved to be taken down by the cops.  Only difference is they didn't get a chance to do the deed.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 02:09:08 PM
No, it is not fetish. Fetish is a sexual focus on a nonliving object or nongenital body part.

What does it matter that it is sick? Nobody forces you to do it.
And if they do it by hurting anyone they will be punished.

If we start to punish for thoughtcrimes we would all be in jail forever.
Who is talking about thought crime?

Ok so now that we got the terminology right lets continue.

It is you talking about punishing for thoughtcrime.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 02:11:10 PM
And so what? 30 years ago homosexuality was also considered as a psychiatric disorder.

Same for pedophilia. It's just a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate but it's a sexual orientation whatever you say.

And you think this will be same as for LGBT movement.
They gonna be accepted and pedophilia will become sexual orientation, not  psychiatric disorder?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 02:11:18 PM

You mean that being a pedophile is not illegal because it's the action of raping children which is illegal?

Well Oxford dictionary says you're right: pedophile = A person who is sexually attracted to children.

But you understood what he meant ^^

Yes, that is what I mean.
And based on what he is writing he doesn't have any idea what terms he is using.

Well, someone supporting a show as disgusting as the fucked up thing he presented is probably stupid as hell for sure.

But anyway, hard to use the adjective "pedophile" for anyone but people commiting pedophiles crimes. Which means it's a rather fair and logical process to assimilate the two. ;)

I think To Catch a Predator was a really good idea.  Showing what the depths of the internet can hold on mainstream TV probably got some parents to be more aware of what their kids/teens were doing online, and may have prevented some abuse.  While I'm not for invasion of privacy, it could definitely have showed some warning signs to look out for.

Besides, honeypotting the pedos was a great idea.  They obviously were ready to offend when they went to the house, so they deserved to be taken down by the cops.  Only difference is they didn't get a chance to do the deed.

A private show about pedophilia... Yeah excellent idea...

And when they're out of pedophiles? What do you think they do? Maybe just harass enough people until they get enough compromising video to make a good show?

Brillant idea indeed!
And it's not at all horrible to watch that and to actually entertain people with it!
Next step: the Games of Death. Rome colliseum but with death sentenced people.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 02:13:02 PM
And so what? 30 years ago homosexuality was also considered as a psychiatric disorder.

Same for pedophilia. It's just a sexual orientation. One we can't tolerate but it's a sexual orientation whatever you say.

And you think this will be same as for LGBT movement.
They gonna be accepted and pedophilia will become sexual orientation, not  psychiatric disorder?

It already is... It's a natural phenomenon you can't prevent it! You see that in lots of others animal species!

You gotta accept it. That you like it or not.
Of course accepting the fact that it will always be here doesn't mean they shouldn't go to jail. But that's another matter.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 02:20:03 PM
A private show about pedophilia... Yeah excellent idea...

And when they're out of pedophiles? What do you think they do? Maybe just harass enough people until they get enough compromising video to make a good show?

Brillant idea indeed!
And it's not at all horrible to watch that and to actually entertain people with it!
Next step: the Games of Death. Rome colliseum but with death sentenced people.
This show is good from my stand point , how some ordinary "thought criminal"
Can act if he only has a chance (opportunity). You don't need to be concerned if you don't talk
on net with kids in such way like they did.
And how is thiny line between definitions and dirty deeds.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 04, 2016, 02:22:34 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on March 04, 2016, 02:29:54 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 02:31:25 PM
A private show about pedophilia... Yeah excellent idea...

And when they're out of pedophiles? What do you think they do? Maybe just harass enough people until they get enough compromising video to make a good show?

Brillant idea indeed!
And it's not at all horrible to watch that and to actually entertain people with it!
Next step: the Games of Death. Rome colliseum but with death sentenced people.
This show is good from my stand point , how some ordinary "thought criminal"
Can act if he only has a chance (opportunity). You don't need to be concerned if you don't talk
on net with kids in such way like they did.
And how is thiny line between definitions and dirty deeds.

Yeah sure! Cause if they don't get their pedophiles they'll just stop the tv show of course! ::)

Oh the naivety...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 02:32:56 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Don't see what you're talking about, everybody agrees on the fact that they should go to jail. Nobody talked about changing their rights.

It's just that you want to make a special case for pedophilia, whereas it's a crime. Nothing more, nothing less. It's not some kind of satanic process or anything. It's a crime. period.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 02:33:00 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Yeah, I mean what kind of people aren't ready to punish other people for their sick thoughts.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 04, 2016, 02:36:54 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Yeah, I mean what kind of people aren't ready to punish other people for their sick thoughts.

Oh you think it's what they reproach us? That we're not ready to punish pedophiles for thinking about kids but only if they actually comit a crime?

Damn if that's this... Then I just don't want to live in the same country than them...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 02:39:14 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Yeah, I mean what kind of people aren't ready to punish other people for their sick thoughts.

Oh you think it's what they reproach us? That we're not ready to punish pedophiles for thinking about kids but only if they actually comit a crime?

Damn if that's this... Then I just don't want to live in the same country than them...

Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 02:47:28 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

Yeah, I mean what kind of people aren't ready to punish other people for their sick thoughts.

Oh you think it's what they reproach us? That we're not ready to punish pedophiles for thinking about kids but only if they actually comit a crime?

Damn if that's this... Then I just don't want to live in the same country than them...

Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.

Problem being... That nearly anyone is able to make others think someone is a pedophile.

Pedophilia crime is sentenced to jail but it's not easy to counterfeit! It needs testimonies, DNA proofs... Solid examination is done. But if the only fact to think about kids in a sexual way becomes a crime... Then everything can happen. And anyone can go to jail at anytime!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 02:58:20 PM
Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.
Deliberately taking from contexts what you need.

I once told this is psychiatric disorder and must be treated.
One way how you can help them is that - quote

They are not normal people they have psychiatric disorders and they can harm child.

They are potential predators and they lurking mainly from internet..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 03:08:54 PM
Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.
Deliberately taking from contexts what you need.

I once told this is psychiatric disorder and must be treated.
One way how you can help them is that - quote

They are not normal people they have psychiatric disorders and they can harm child.

They are potential predators and they lurking mainly from internet..

So what it is mental disorder?
Autism and sleep disorder caused by caffeine are also mental disorders.
That doesn't mean they couldn't live almost completely normal life.

And law doesn't work that way someone is potential criminal.
Nobody is criminal until they have committed crime.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:09:18 PM
Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.
Deliberately taking from contexts what you need.

I once told this is psychiatric disorder and must be treated.
One way how you can help them is that - quote

They are not normal people they have psychiatric disorders and they can harm child.

They are potential predators and they lurking mainly from internet..

Whaou god you got a strong knowledge of how pedophiles are, work and think. You know them really well, me who thought that pedophiles were all different and coming from any kind of social category and education.

Seems like I was wrong and they're all pretty much the same. Good to know.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:10:08 PM
Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.
Deliberately taking from contexts what you need.

I once told this is psychiatric disorder and must be treated.
One way how you can help them is that - quote

They are not normal people they have psychiatric disorders and they can harm child.

They are potential predators and they lurking mainly from internet..

So what it is mental disorder?
Autism and sleep disorder caused by caffeine are also mental disorders.
That doesn't mean they couldn't live almost completely normal life.

And law doesn't work that way someone is potential criminal.
Nobody is criminal until they have committed crime.

Isn't it not the case in USA? I'm not sure of course but they don't have the "innocent until proven guilty principle" do they?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 04, 2016, 03:12:16 PM
Right now the title should be the opposite than it is.
It is more like people here are demanding more rights to punish pedos.

If he can't stop thinking about children then only solution is chemical castration.
Deliberately taking from contexts what you need.

I once told this is psychiatric disorder and must be treated.
One way how you can help them is that - quote

They are not normal people they have psychiatric disorders and they can harm child.

They are potential predators and they lurking mainly from internet..

So what it is mental disorder?
Autism and sleep disorder caused by caffeine are also mental disorders.
That doesn't mean they couldn't live almost completely normal life.

And law doesn't work that way someone is potential criminal.
Nobody is criminal until they have committed crime.

Isn't it not the case in USA? I'm not sure of course but they don't have the "innocent until proven guilty principle" do they?

Yes it is. And it should be.
Still people here want to punish people for thinking about kids because "they are potential predators".

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:14:51 PM
Problem being... That nearly anyone is able to make others think someone is a pedophile.

Pedophilia crime is sentenced to jail but it's not easy to counterfeit! It needs testimonies, DNA proofs... Solid examination is done. But if the only fact to think about kids in a sexual way becomes a crime... Then everything can happen. And anyone can go to jail at anytime!
I understand your concern but this is something that can be proven with psychiatric examination.
How can we protect children from those persons?
I have not heard a single explanation..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:18:26 PM
Problem being... That nearly anyone is able to make others think someone is a pedophile.

Pedophilia crime is sentenced to jail but it's not easy to counterfeit! It needs testimonies, DNA proofs... Solid examination is done. But if the only fact to think about kids in a sexual way becomes a crime... Then everything can happen. And anyone can go to jail at anytime!
I understand your concern but this is something that can be proven with psychiatric examination.
How can we protect children from those persons?
I have not heard a single explanation..

We didn't heard one from you neither.

And a psychatric examination means that you just have to corrupt one doctor to put anyone in jail? Yeah cool...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:19:08 PM

Whaou god you got a strong knowledge of how pedophiles are, work and think. You know them really well, me who thought that pedophiles were all different and coming from any kind of social category and education.

Seems like I was wrong and they're all pretty much the same. Good to know.
This don't have nothing in common where they belong, in which social category.
I just said this problem is mainly concentrated on internet.
Darknet and social platforms.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:26:02 PM

Whaou god you got a strong knowledge of how pedophiles are, work and think. You know them really well, me who thought that pedophiles were all different and coming from any kind of social category and education.

Seems like I was wrong and they're all pretty much the same. Good to know.
This don't have nothing in common where they belong, in which social category.
I just said this problem is mainly concentrated on internet.
Darknet and social platforms.

Internet? Really?
Funny then why does 89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance?


But again I bet you know it better of course.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:28:18 PM
And a psychatric examination means that you just have to corrupt one doctor to put anyone in jail? Yeah cool...
This way you can't rely on doctor when he examines abused child?
He could say this is nothing just kid imagination.

System is not perfect but we can correct it i agree.
We should stop talking about how we can help pedophiles and start thinking how we can protect children.

One way are raising awareness about this problem.
More protection of children on internet!

We must admit there is certain group they trying to push their rights as normal persons with different sexual desires. We must stop this.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Bitguybillionaire on March 04, 2016, 03:33:06 PM
Who could think it is a good idea to give someone rights who is sick in the head. There is something wrong with these people and need to seek help. This can also br especially dangerous

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:33:42 PM

Internet? Really?
Funny then why does 89% of child sexual assault cases involve persons known to the child, such as a caretaker or family acquaintance?


But again I bet you know it better of course.
Yes this is statistic but you here just have tip of the iceberg.
I see internet as their new playground where they can stay anonymous and they can
psychically molest child. This is not in statistic.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:34:55 PM
Who could think it is a good idea to give someone rights who is sick in the head. There is something wrong with these people and need to seek help. This can also br especially dangerous

Who said that? Just quote it where we said that.

We never said that. Just explained you can't punish someone for a crime they still haven't comited.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:36:40 PM
Who could think it is a good idea to give someone rights who is sick in the head. There is something wrong with these people and need to seek help. This can also br especially dangerous
As you can see many here disagree with you and me. I wonder why ?
Maybe they are afraid for human rights in global..

My stand is clear they are sick persons.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:39:43 PM
Who could think it is a good idea to give someone rights who is sick in the head. There is something wrong with these people and need to seek help. This can also br especially dangerous
As you can see many here disagree with you and me. I wonder why ?
Maybe they are afraid for human rights in global..

My stand is clear they are sick persons.

That's precisely because we support global human rights that we stand here... Sending someone to jail for a crime he still hasn't comited isn't normal.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 04, 2016, 03:45:06 PM
Who could think it is a good idea to give someone rights who is sick in the head. There is something wrong with these people and need to seek help. This can also br especially dangerous

Who said that? Just quote it where we said that.

We never said that. Just explained you can't punish someone for a crime they still haven't comited.
look at below

There is something I don't understand...

You keep talking about pedophilia as if it was something perticulary strange and horrible, something that should be destroyed by all means and which is not natural at all.
The fact is... Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation.
You're saying "This is something morbid." but it IS a sexual orientation. Like liking men, women, animals, objects, trees...

This must be stopped.
If we acknowledge them this we will become nothing less than animals.
Why anyone didn't quote this is wrong!? This is just the beginning of their rights.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 03:50:25 PM
There is something I don't understand...

You keep talking about pedophilia as if it was something perticulary strange and horrible, something that should be destroyed by all means and which is not natural at all.
The fact is... Pedophilia is just a sexual orientation.
You're saying "This is something morbid." but it IS a sexual orientation. Like liking men, women, animals, objects, trees...

This must be stopped.
If we acknowledge them this we will become nothing less than animals.
Why anyone didn't quote this is wrong!? This is just the beginning of their rights.

So what? It's not because he's saying it's a sexual orientation that he acknowledges their rights.

Anyway calm down, the guy is wrong:
Definition of sexual orientation in English:

A person’s sexual identity in relation to the gender to which they are attracted; the fact of being heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.

So it's not a sexual orientation. He probably just didn't understand well the world. Why are you making such a fuss?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 04, 2016, 04:07:06 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 04, 2016, 04:10:44 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


You're caricaturing a bit the thing ^^

The idea is to consider pedophiles as humans with their rights as long as they're not found guilty. That's all.

I didn't see anyone say something like "you gotta understand them, why couldn't they live this way?"

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 04, 2016, 04:18:37 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


You're caricaturing a bit the thing ^^

The idea is to consider pedophiles as humans with their rights as long as they're not found guilty. That's all.

I didn't see anyone say something like "you gotta understand them, why couldn't they live this way?"

By definition all transient beings on this planet are humans. Animals have no human rights. According to you, the word "predator" should never be used as the concept only exists after the fact, never before.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: cooldgamer on March 05, 2016, 02:15:27 AM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 05, 2016, 08:45:43 AM
@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.
I don't know if you had a time to watch, but i did.
After talk with "decoy kid" they had a chance to stop if they had an attack of conscience
 but many of them crossed the line.
Because they are predators!
 And they are from different social layers, doctors, cops even teachers.
You can see many of them are came with alcohol and condoms and even cameras!

This is good show is you asking me! At the end "they" are behind the bars!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 12:49:31 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

A - pedophiles are predators
B - having pedophile dreams is not a crime
A - pedophiles should be seen as a threat to children, as predators
B - you cannot criminalize people for having dreams
A - pedophiles are predators dreaming of abusing small children
B - so what, this is not a crime and it should not be
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - no one is defending people abusing children here, but they should have the right not to be seen as sick because they have dreams, just like everyone else.
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - they are not criminals

Etc, etc...

Some people right in this thread do not agree pedophiles are predators.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 05, 2016, 12:54:23 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

The "hunting" done by "predators" is criminal activity so I think predator=criminal is correct.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 12:59:56 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

The "hunting" done by "predators" is criminal activity so I think predator=criminal is correct.

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile=predator=criminal “Rights” Marches On

It is that simple.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 05, 2016, 01:03:29 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

The "hunting" done by "predators" is criminal activity so I think predator=criminal is correct.

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile=predator=criminal “Rights” Marches On

It is that simple.

But you can be pedophile without breaking any laws so that isn't correct.
It is that simple.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: anon_giraffe on March 05, 2016, 01:22:16 PM
What's dangerous is a room full of people with no idea spouting opinion as factual usefulness. All the hate doesn't mean anything but hate.

Whether or not pedophilia has any usefulness is a conversation that is not possible.
Whether it is possible to be a respectable pedophile is another converstaion that must not be had.

These conversations must never be had, pedophilia must be destroyed by my internet powers!
readmyblog :

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 01:39:04 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

The "hunting" done by "predators" is criminal activity so I think predator=criminal is correct.

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile=predator=criminal “Rights” Marches On

It is that simple.

But you can be pedophile without breaking any laws so that isn't correct.
It is that simple.

Thank you. Posting my post again to prove your point:

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

A - pedophiles are predators
B - having pedophile dreams is not a crime
A - pedophiles should be seen as a threat to children, as predators
B - you cannot criminalize people for having dreams
A - pedophiles are predators dreaming of abusing small children
B - so what, this is not a crime and it should not be
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - no one is defending people abusing children here, but they should have the right not to be seen as sick because they have dreams, just like everyone else.
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - they are not criminals

You did exactly that.

It is that simple.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 01:44:08 PM
What's dangerous is a room full of people with no idea spouting opinion as factual usefulness. All the hate doesn't mean anything but hate.

Whether or not pedophilia has any usefulness is a conversation that is not possible.
Whether it is possible to be a respectable pedophile is another converstaion that must not be had.

These conversations must never be had, pedophilia must be destroyed by my internet powers!
readmyblog :

You could have a direct link here so people don't have to use google.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 05, 2016, 01:46:36 PM

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: Thread title 100% accurate. Everybody agrees now.

Yep, didn't expect to come out of this thread agreeing with you... this fucking forum.

It's OK. You can fight me in another battle, in another thread.

The people fought to say the title was a lie. Then the fought to say the gay lobby was right to distance themselves from nambla. Then the same people said being born gay is a natural thing. Then the next logical step was to not see pedophiles as predators but as "born this way" humans. Then it was: for this to happen, a movement needs to march on, to change people's mind.


Now in their mind the pedophile defenders are accepting the fact the gay lobby was wrong to reject nambla as part of their minority group, as we are all humans. Not predators.


This is where things go south in your argument.  Pedophiles should be seen as potential predators and I don't think many people in this thread disagree with that, but they should also be seen as people that were born with a disorder to make them attracted to kids, and focus on all the possible alternatives you can give since you can't convict somebody on a thought crime.

@Yugo, I don't see what your issue is with To Catch a Predator at all.  I see it as the same as trying to bait out a potential rapist in a way that the show could show things to look out for.  The key is that you wouldn't appear on the show had you not attempted to commit a crime and been caught by the Cyber Watchdog group.  It's not just some random guy showing up at the house and getting on TV, they always have extensive chat logs showing the adult knew the victim was underage, many times sending them nude pictures in the chatting process.

Like it or not, honeypotting is a completely legal method of catching criminals as long as it doesn't cross the line to entrapment.  Also, we have shows like COPS that focus on potential criminals all the time and they are just going off a random call half the time.

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

The "hunting" done by "predators" is criminal activity so I think predator=criminal is correct.

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile=predator=criminal “Rights” Marches On

It is that simple.

But you can be pedophile without breaking any laws so that isn't correct.
It is that simple.

Thank you. Posting my post again to prove your point:

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

A - pedophiles are predators
B - having pedophile dreams is not a crime
A - pedophiles should be seen as a threat to children, as predators
B - you cannot criminalize people for having dreams
A - pedophiles are predators dreaming of abusing small children
B - so what, this is not a crime and it should not be
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - no one is defending people abusing children here, but they should have the right not to be seen as sick because they have dreams, just like everyone else.
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - they are not criminals

You did exactly that.
It is that simple.

"Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal"."
I already said predator=criminal so what does it matter if we replace word "predator" with word "criminal"?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 05, 2016, 01:48:22 PM
What's dangerous is a room full of people with no idea spouting opinion as factual usefulness. All the hate doesn't mean anything but hate.

Whether or not pedophilia has any usefulness is a conversation that is not possible.
Whether it is possible to be a respectable pedophile is another converstaion that must not be had.

These conversations must never be had, pedophilia must be destroyed by my internet powers!
readmyblog :

You could have a direct link here so people don't have to use google.

Read the website name again and think about it real hard and you may get the point :D

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 02:01:34 PM
What's dangerous is a room full of people with no idea spouting opinion as factual usefulness. All the hate doesn't mean anything but hate.

Whether or not pedophilia has any usefulness is a conversation that is not possible.
Whether it is possible to be a respectable pedophile is another converstaion that must not be had.

These conversations must never be had, pedophilia must be destroyed by my internet powers!
readmyblog :

You could have a direct link here so people don't have to use google.

Read the website name again and think about it real hard and you may get the point :D

Why not have a real blog post?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 05, 2016, 04:00:07 PM

Mayor-Turned-Child-Sex Offender Arrested near School For 3rd Time

Former Pittsburg, California mayor Marcelino Vasquez — a convicted sex offender — was arrested outside a school last week for the third time in five months.

Pittsburg police Capt. Ron Raman stated that Vasquez was arrested near Marina Vista Elementary last week, according to the Contra Costa Times.

Vasquez was a rising political figure until 1972 ,when he was convicted for lewd or lascivious acts with a child under 14 years of age. The Times reports that Vasquez served on the Pittsburg City Council and “took a turn as mayor” in the 1960s. After being caught for child molestation, his political career crashed.

The California sex offender database lists the date of last conviction for Vasquez as 1972; he was released in 1973. He is listed as a transient.

The former political figure has been charged repeatedly for violations related to his sex offender status, according to the Times. Charges include failing to register as a sex offender yearly with local law enforcement. Authorities indicated that he has been living in the East Contra Costa area and frequents a church near the school. However local school district officials say Vasquez has not actually come into contact with children during these occasions.

Vasquez was convicted for failing to register as a sex offender in 2013 and 2014. The Times stated that he received a 90-day sentence for each conviction. For the 2014 conviction, he also received probation, which ended in May 2015.

Court records referenced in the Times report show that Vasquez also had three drug-related convictions in the 1990s.

I guess he needs "more rights"...


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 05, 2016, 05:12:20 PM
He probably don't have any bad intentions?

He is human being and he is free to walk whatever he wants, and his human rights are sacred!

If nobody recognizing flaw in system then we deserve to live in such world.

Child protection and care must be on the first place!
This is our ethical and moral duty as parents, neighbors, teachers..
We must fight those twisted movements!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 05, 2016, 06:11:21 PM

Mayor-Turned-Child-Sex Offender Arrested near School For 3rd Time

I guess he needs "more rights"...


This thread is about pedophile rights.
Why do you say this convicted Child-Sex Offender needs more rights?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 06, 2016, 08:28:20 AM
People don't realize this is psychiatric disorder that must be cured and if not will lead to child abuse , this is certain. Small number of them will show their dignity and morality and never will do such things. We can't rely on small numbers.
Rest of them will show up their real  face of predator  soon as they have chance.

I'm saying this disorder ultimately leads to child abuse, we cannot talk about human rights in those conditions..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 06, 2016, 11:14:25 AM
People don't realize this is psychiatric disorder that must be cured and if not will lead to child abuse , this is certain. Small number of them will show their dignity and morality and never will do such things. We can't rely on small numbers.
Rest of them will show up their real  face of predator  soon as they have chance.

I'm saying this disorder ultimately leads to child abuse, we cannot talk about human rights in those conditions..

Did you know that only 0.001% of pedophiles actually do anything illegal in their life?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 06, 2016, 11:35:23 AM
Did you know that only 0.001% of pedophiles actually do anything illegal in their life?
Where did you find those records?  I only see aggravation of this problem.

Internet, social networks,mobile phones.. There is many ways to get in contact with kids.
Parents must be more careful, and they must do more for safety of their kids.
They are neglecting kids because they have too much to work, but this cannot be excused.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 06, 2016, 11:40:42 AM
Did you know that only 0.001% of pedophiles actually do anything illegal in their life?
Where did you find those records?  I only see aggravation of this problem.

Internet, social networks,mobile phones.. There is many ways to get in contact with kids.
Parents must be more careful, and they must do more for safety of their kids.
They are neglecting kids because they have too much to work, but this cannot be excused.

Whaaat? We need to have sources now?
Didn't see you having any either ::)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 06, 2016, 11:44:48 AM
Whaaat? We need to have sources now?
Didn't see you having any either ::)
No, you have talked about numbers. My attitude is clear.
If we talking about actual numbers we must post references.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 06, 2016, 11:51:30 AM
Whaaat? We need to have sources now?
Didn't see you having any either ::)
No, you have talked about numbers. My attitude is clear.
If we talking about actual numbers we must post references.

"Small number of them will show their dignity and morality and never will do such things."

Let me rephrase then. Now I don't need source, right?

Did you know that only very very small part of pedophiles actually do anything illegal in their life?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 06, 2016, 11:59:05 AM

"Small number of them will show their dignity and morality and never will do such things."

Let me rephrase then. Now I don't need source, right?

Did you know that only very very small part of pedophiles actually do anything illegal in their life?
Hey this is my guessing and i have said "small number" of those sick people will never harm child.
                Am i wrong?
 I have never said anything about percentage and even try to talk about actual numbers..
I don't see what are you trying to say?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 06, 2016, 12:12:48 PM

 Only can tell that, you are fighting for their rights better than they shall.

constant twisting everything I said you trying to show that I'm wrong, but the fact is you defending them all the time!

I believe you have honest reasons to defend child molesters and predators.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 06, 2016, 12:15:20 PM

 Only can tell that, you are fighting for their rights better than they shall.

constant twisting everything I said you trying to show that I'm wrong, but the fact is you defending them all the time!

I believe you have honest reasons to defend child molesters and predators.

Where have I defended child molesters or predators?
And you say I am twisting your words? ;D

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 06, 2016, 04:25:35 PM

Mayor-Turned-Child-Sex Offender Arrested near School For 3rd Time

I guess he needs "more rights"...


This thread is about pedophile rights.
Why do you say this convicted Child-Sex Offender needs more rights?

"Because, until he does it for a 4th time, he is just a human being, like you and me..."


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 06, 2016, 05:03:22 PM

Mayor-Turned-Child-Sex Offender Arrested near School For 3rd Time

I guess he needs "more rights"...


This thread is about pedophile rights.
Why do you say this convicted Child-Sex Offender needs more rights?

"Because, until he does it for a 4th time, he is just a human being, like you and me..."


Who are you quoting? Or is that your opinion?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 08:56:34 AM
"There are 799,041 Registered Sex Offenders in the United States (2015)."

"Most sexual offenders think about their crimes ahead of time. Sexual assault is rarely an impulsive act although sometimes sex offenders take advantage of opportunity to offend. Offenders most often know their victims and use these relationships to set up situations in which a chosen victim can be sexually assaulted"

"At least 8 million children go missing each year (International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children)"
"Former child actor Corey Feldman (Stand By Me, The Goonies, Gremlins) exposes child abuse in Hollywood"

When you read more about this topic you will find out there is organized crime involved in child abuse and child pornoraphy. They have their very powerfull loby in the shadow!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 09:46:46 AM

Thank you. Posting my post again to prove your point:

Simple jedi mind trick by the pedophile defenders: substitute the word "predator" with the word "criminal".

A - pedophiles are predators
B - having pedophile dreams is not a crime
A - pedophiles should be seen as a threat to children, as predators
B - you cannot criminalize people for having dreams
A - pedophiles are predators dreaming of abusing small children
B - so what, this is not a crime and it should not be
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - no one is defending people abusing children here, but they should have the right not to be seen as sick because they have dreams, just like everyone else.
A - are pedophiles predators?
B - they are not criminals

You did exactly that.

It is that simple.

Exactly. You would like to put everyone having weir dreams or sick ideas behind the bars?

Gonna be hard. And long. What will you do once everyone is in jail?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 09:49:44 AM

Mayor-Turned-Child-Sex Offender Arrested near School For 3rd Time

I guess he needs "more rights"...


This thread is about pedophile rights.
Why do you say this convicted Child-Sex Offender needs more rights?

"Because, until he does it for a 4th time, he is just a human being, like you and me..."


Nobody said that here. But I'm not really surprised by your attitude and your "arguments" Wilikon. They're as usual: poor and shady.

You can twist words and make false quotes as long as you want. What we said is the truth: you can't put someone in jail for an uncomited crime! Never. Otherwise it's no longer justice, it's simple dictatorship.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 10:08:19 AM
Nobody said that here. But I'm not really surprised by your attitude and your "arguments" Wilikon. They're as usual: poor and shady.

You can twist words and make false quotes as long as you want. What we said is the truth: you can't put someone in jail for an uncomited crime! Never. Otherwise it's no longer justice, it's simple dictatorship.
But what then you are proposing to be done?
Punish after crime?
So we just need to awaits he rapes children and if police caught him after 5th times
he will prosecuted and marked as sexual offender..
3 years in jail and he's on the road again..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 10:12:57 AM
Nobody said that here. But I'm not really surprised by your attitude and your "arguments" Wilikon. They're as usual: poor and shady.

You can twist words and make false quotes as long as you want. What we said is the truth: you can't put someone in jail for an uncomited crime! Never. Otherwise it's no longer justice, it's simple dictatorship.
But what then you are proposing to be done?
Punish after crime?

So we just need to awaits he rapes children and if police caught him after 5th times
he will prosecuted and marked as sexual offender..
3 years in jail and he's on the road again..

Well first punishing after crime is the only way to go. How would you find criminals if they don't have comited the crime yet?

Second stop spreading bullshit, 3 years for pedophilia? Kidding me? it's 15 years minima, sometimes more.

Third: I'm not proposing anything, you're the one asking for new things to be done not me.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 10:49:45 AM
Well first punishing after crime is the only way to go. How would you find criminals if they don't have comited the crime yet?

Second stop spreading bullshit, 3 years for pedophilia? Kidding me? it's 15 years minima, sometimes more.

Third: I'm not proposing anything, you're the one asking for new things to be done not me.

1. Children must have more attentions, and whole society must be included.
Do you know how many kids are neglected by their parents?

2. It depends on the severity of the case, many of which have appeared in "TV Show"
 mentioned earlier didnt get 15 years. Yes they did not abuse child but their intent was that! So please stop be smart.
He is still predator and he will strike again

"Morrison has been sentenced to nine months in jail under a plea agreement, becoming our first conviction from Dateline"

3. Yes i'm against dolls.. And any other movement about their rights!
For me this is same as letting them freely watch CP.

And how your post can contribute this topic?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 07, 2016, 11:14:00 AM

1. Children must have more attentions, and whole society must be included.
Do you know how many kids are neglected by their parents?

Irrelevant. No link with our subject. It's like saying "I want people to love each other". It's beautiful but irrelevant.

2. It depends on the severity of the case, many of which have appeared in "TV Show"
 mentioned earlier didnt get 15 years. Yes they did not abuse child but their intent was that! So please stop be smart.
He is still predator and he will strike again
So you want anyone who ever stepped on the line ever to be put in jail until he dies?
Again, what will you do once there is more people in jail than out...
3. Yes i'm against dolls.. And any other movement about their rights!
For me this is same as letting them freely watch CP.
Not the same simply because CP implies that somewhere a child has been abused. So the CP is created. Hence it can't be tolerated. Whereas the dolls harm absolutely no one.
And how your post can contribute this topic?
By explaining why what you're asking is nothing but true and complete dictatorship. You might think it's just "to protect children" but you violent every human rights by asking for people to be put in jails for having weird dreams.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 11:22:49 AM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 07, 2016, 11:29:23 AM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 11:29:34 AM
1. Children must have more attentions, and whole society must be included.
Do you know how many kids are neglected by their parents?

Irrelevant. No link with our subject. It's like saying "I want people to love each other". It's beautiful but irrelevant.

This is not relevant because showing how many abusing of children are coming from
their " safe places" from their parents and their cousins..
Not only from internet and from strangers..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 11:41:05 AM
You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.
I just posted earlier one YouTube link about Hollywood. You can watch it and you will see there is some certain group of people that have enormous money and power so they can do everything they wants.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 07, 2016, 12:12:31 PM
1. Children must have more attentions, and whole society must be included.
Do you know how many kids are neglected by their parents?

Irrelevant. No link with our subject. It's like saying "I want people to love each other". It's beautiful but irrelevant.

This is not relevant because showing how many abusing of children are coming from
their " safe places" from their parents and their cousins..
Not only from internet and from strangers..

Yeah great and? What's your point?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 01:45:53 PM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.

And some still believe the movement for pedophiles "RIGHTS" is not marching...?

The title of this thread has been proven accurate further.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 07, 2016, 02:13:00 PM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.

And some still believe the movement for pedophiles "RIGHTS" is not marching...?

The title of this thread has been proven accurate further.

It's like the 5th time you say that, is that some kind of repetitive joke?

Yugo, Valta, Holdaaja... They just say you can't jail someone for their thoughts?

What's bad about this? You think we should be judged on what we think too? Not only on what we do?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: criptix on March 07, 2016, 02:24:09 PM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.

And some still believe the movement for pedophiles "RIGHTS" is not marching...?

The title of this thread has been proven accurate further.

It's like the 5th time you say that, is that some kind of repetitive joke?

Yugo, Valta, Holdaaja... They just say you can't jail someone for their thoughts?

What's bad about this? You think we should be judged on what we think too? Not only on what we do?

There is free speech but no free thoughts - ups what  :D

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 02:42:53 PM
No i didn't said we must catch people on the street and jail them.
This is something you pushing through this conversation.. I'm telling there's strong Lobby behind all this movement for "their rights". So we must distinguish between human rights and supporting of perversions.

You're all saying that but who is lobbying?
Most people, like us, just want it to be recognized that having weird dreams doesn't make you a monster!

Acts can be judged only. Not the thoughts.

And some still believe the movement for pedophiles "RIGHTS" is not marching...?

The title of this thread has been proven accurate further.

It's like the 5th time you say that, is that some kind of repetitive joke?

Yugo, Valta, Holdaaja... They just say you can't jail someone for their thoughts?

What's bad about this? You think we should be judged on what we think too? Not only on what we do?

There is free speech but no free thoughts - ups what  :D

Yes. Pedophiles are free, until they are caught after their crimes, leaving young victims behind. I guess they have dreams too, just like you, but not like those children.

You are right: this situation is pretty funny. <yellow smiley face>

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 07, 2016, 02:45:41 PM

Yes. Pedophiles are free, until they are caught after their crimes, leaving young victims behind. I guess they have dreams too, just like you, but not like those children.

You are right: this situation is pretty funny. <yellow smiley face>

So for you we should jail anyone suspected of maybe having thought about a child in a sexual way? And how do you prove he did such thing?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 02:48:55 PM

Yes. Pedophiles are free, until they are caught after their crimes, leaving young victims behind. I guess they have dreams too, just like you, but not like those children.

You are right: this situation is pretty funny. <yellow smiley face>

So for you we should jail anyone suspected of maybe having thought about a child in a sexual way? And how do you prove he did such thing?

I believe people like you know very well the title of this thread is a fact, and people like you believe it was wrong for the gay lobby to reject nambla under their umbrella.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: mainpmf on March 07, 2016, 02:54:51 PM

Yes. Pedophiles are free, until they are caught after their crimes, leaving young victims behind. I guess they have dreams too, just like you, but not like those children.

You are right: this situation is pretty funny. <yellow smiley face>

So for you we should jail anyone suspected of maybe having thought about a child in a sexual way? And how do you prove he did such thing?

I believe people like you know very well the title of this thread is a fact, and people like you believe it was wrong for the gay lobby to reject nambla under their umbrella.

No because you talk about a movement like there is something official like an association of pedophiles and it's not the case.

And I don't believe pedophiles should be represented by any mean or protected by a lobby.

Now you want to answer to my question or keeping saying what I believe?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 03:11:09 PM

Yes. Pedophiles are free, until they are caught after their crimes, leaving young victims behind. I guess they have dreams too, just like you, but not like those children.

You are right: this situation is pretty funny. <yellow smiley face>

So for you we should jail anyone suspected of maybe having thought about a child in a sexual way? And how do you prove he did such thing?

I believe people like you know very well the title of this thread is a fact, and people like you believe it was wrong for the gay lobby to reject nambla under their umbrella.

No because you talk about a movement like there is something official like an association of pedophiles and it's not the case.

And I don't believe pedophiles should be represented by any mean or protected by a lobby.

Now you want to answer to my question or keeping saying what I believe?

North American Man/Boy Love Association

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]
Goals and positions

NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end "the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships".[7] According to NAMBLA, some of the organization's positions are:

    Supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: the organization says that when consensual, these relationships are not harmful or amount to child sexual abuse. They cite a controversial paper by Rind et al.;[8]
    Age of consent reform: what NAMBLA describes as "empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual";[7]
    Opposition to corporal punishment, kidnapping and rape.[9]

In achieving these goals, NAMBLA aims to co-operate with the mainstream LGBT community and women's liberation movements.[7]

I find google search to be easy. Faster than begging.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:20:30 PM
North American Man/Boy Love Association

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]
Goals and positions

NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end "the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships".[7] According to NAMBLA, some of the organization's positions are:

    Supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: the organization says that when consensual, these relationships are not harmful or amount to child sexual abuse. They cite a controversial paper by Rind et al.;[8]
    Age of consent reform: what NAMBLA describes as "empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual";[7]
    Opposition to corporal punishment, kidnapping and rape.[9]

In achieving these goals, NAMBLA aims to co-operate with the mainstream LGBT community and women's liberation movements.[7]

I find google search to be easy. Faster than begging.

Wait wait wait what?

You mean there is an official association of pedophiles???

whaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaat? Oo

I think most of us simply didn't understand that... Such a thing seems totally impossible for Europeans, a bit like human sacrifices.

Dang, how can something like this exist?

It changes everything, I understand why you where so shocked about our lack of reaction xD

Damn... Well I keep my word about the fact that you shouldn't go to jail for your thoughts... But creating something like this?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:22:41 PM

I'm sorry I'm still shocked xD

Dang you see maybe freedom of speech is a bit too sacred in America xD

How can something like this be LEGAL?

I don't understand. And nobody is trying to kill them? I mean I support the objectivity of justice, but I'd fully understand if some people (especially parents of molested children) would try to kill them all!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 03:31:28 PM
North American Man/Boy Love Association

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]
Goals and positions

NAMBLA's website states that it is a political, civil rights, and educational organization whose goal is to end "the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships".[7] According to NAMBLA, some of the organization's positions are:

    Supporting and promoting man/boy relationships: the organization says that when consensual, these relationships are not harmful or amount to child sexual abuse. They cite a controversial paper by Rind et al.;[8]
    Age of consent reform: what NAMBLA describes as "empowerment of youth in all areas, not just the sexual";[7]
    Opposition to corporal punishment, kidnapping and rape.[9]

In achieving these goals, NAMBLA aims to co-operate with the mainstream LGBT community and women's liberation movements.[7]

I find google search to be easy. Faster than begging.

Wait wait wait what?

You mean there is an official association of pedophiles???

whaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaat? Oo

I think most of us simply didn't understand that... Such a thing seems totally impossible for Europeans, a bit like human sacrifices.

Dang, how can something like this exist?

It changes everything, I understand why you where so shocked about our lack of reaction xD

Damn... Well I keep my word about the fact that you shouldn't go to jail for your thoughts... But creating something like this?

This is a sad thread, a sad subject. This group was created to influence all the governments in the world, including yours, it does not matter were you live. They know they have to be patient so they do it slowly, bit by bit. The gay lobby is their trojan horse.

You should investigate your own culture and see if any of those people are not already in the system.

I like a good fight with you but, in this case, children safety are beyond us both.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:36:22 PM

Wait wait wait what?

You mean there is an official association of pedophiles???

whaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaat? Oo

I think most of us simply didn't understand that... Such a thing seems totally impossible for Europeans, a bit like human sacrifices.

Dang, how can something like this exist?

It changes everything, I understand why you where so shocked about our lack of reaction xD

Damn... Well I keep my word about the fact that you shouldn't go to jail for your thoughts... But creating something like this?

This is a sad thread, a sad subject. This group was created to influence all the governments in the world, including yours, it does not matter were you live. They know they have to be patient so they do it slowly, bit by bit. The gay lobby is their trojan horse.

You should investigate your own culture and see if any of those people are not already in the system.

I like a good fight with you but, in this case, children safety are beyond us both.

Well they can't be officially in Europe at least, as any association supporting criminal activities is illegal.

For example there is no "nazi association" in Europe.

But that's really disturbing. I mean that Justice considers pedophiles as normal human being is normal, it's sane, it's important. But that they're able to build an official association? that's much more disturbing!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 03:43:19 PM

Wait wait wait what?

You mean there is an official association of pedophiles???

whaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaat? Oo

I think most of us simply didn't understand that... Such a thing seems totally impossible for Europeans, a bit like human sacrifices.

Dang, how can something like this exist?

It changes everything, I understand why you where so shocked about our lack of reaction xD

Damn... Well I keep my word about the fact that you shouldn't go to jail for your thoughts... But creating something like this?

This is a sad thread, a sad subject. This group was created to influence all the governments in the world, including yours, it does not matter were you live. They know they have to be patient so they do it slowly, bit by bit. The gay lobby is their trojan horse.

You should investigate your own culture and see if any of those people are not already in the system.

I like a good fight with you but, in this case, children safety are beyond us both.

Well they can't be officially in Europe at least, as any association supporting criminal activities is illegal.

For example there is no "nazi association" in Europe.

But that's really disturbing. I mean that Justice considers pedophiles as normal human being is normal, it's sane, it's important. But that they're able to build an official association? that's much more disturbing!

That is the core of this thread from the get-go. A movement to decriminalized pedophiles marches on, using the gay lobby as a proxy war. People defend this, you can read it here. Most of them, unlike you, know the existence of nambla very well.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 07, 2016, 03:45:34 PM

That is the core of this thread from the get-go. A movement to decriminalized pedophiles marches on, using the gay lobby as a proxy war. People defend this, you can read it here. Most of them, unlike you, know the existence of nambla very well.

Well I'd bet most Europeans don't xD

But that's really strange.
I mean I can't even imagine what they talk about during their meetings...

I hope they're at least widely observed and watched!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 07, 2016, 03:55:25 PM

That is the core of this thread from the get-go. A movement to decriminalized pedophiles marches on, using the gay lobby as a proxy war. People defend this, you can read it here. Most of them, unlike you, know the existence of nambla very well.

Well I'd bet most Europeans don't xD

But that's really strange.
I mean I can't even imagine what they talk about during their meetings...

I hope they're at least widely observed and watched!

The children hope too, but their rights do not march on, unlike those predators.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 09:14:32 PM
And tomorrow will someone post they have rights without reading all this.
They have rights they are human beings.

Can you add that post with red letters.. Please  ;)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 07, 2016, 09:36:45 PM
And tomorrow will someone post they have rights without reading all this.
They have rights they are human beings.

Can you add that post with red letters.. Please  ;)

"It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors"

Tell me where has anyone in this thread defended statements like this?

Are you really so out of arguments that all you can do is quote news of child rapist (with self wrote quotes like "he needs more rights") and NAMbLA and say that everyone who disagrees with you must agree with that stuff you quote?

You don't know how to defend your point of view anymore but instead of changing it you try to change the opposite point of view so yours would look better... pathetic.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 09:49:54 PM
"It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors"

Tell me where has anyone in this thread defended statements like this?

Are you really so out of arguments that all you can do is quote news of child rapist (with self wrote quotes like "he needs more rights") and NAMbLA and say that everyone who disagrees with you must agree with that stuff you quote?

You don't know how to defend your point of view anymore but instead of changing it you try to change the opposite point of view so yours would look better... pathetic.
Chill out. 8)

Believe in whatever you like to believe.
I have my attitude about this topic and from beginning i'm asking how nobody don't see there is actual agenda - shadow movement. And whole story have nothing to do with human rights.
I don't see why do you feel called?!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 07, 2016, 10:16:05 PM
"It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors"

Tell me where has anyone in this thread defended statements like this?

Are you really so out of arguments that all you can do is quote news of child rapist (with self wrote quotes like "he needs more rights") and NAMbLA and say that everyone who disagrees with you must agree with that stuff you quote?

You don't know how to defend your point of view anymore but instead of changing it you try to change the opposite point of view so yours would look better... pathetic.
Chill out. 8)

Believe in whatever you like to believe.
I have my attitude about this topic and from beginning i'm asking how nobody don't see there is actual agenda - shadow movement. And whole story have nothing to do with human rights.
I don't see why do you feel called?!

You said this:
"And tomorrow will someone post they have rights without reading all this."

Referring to this:
"It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors..."

While no one here has said that we should change age-of-consent or anything like that.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 07, 2016, 11:45:31 PM

This is sick..You must watch it.
And all this is hidden behind gay activism. So this have stealth possibilities.

Chickenhawk (men who loves boys) 1994

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, once stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 08, 2016, 12:20:18 AM
And tomorrow will someone post they have rights without reading all this.
They have rights they are human beings.

Can you add that post with red letters.. Please  ;)

Yes, my ego was happy. Someone was wrong. I was right. Then I remember this thread was about this abomination, so I felt simply relieved this person finally got it. It is not about me, nor it is about some virtual victory, as this suffering is all but too real.

So no red big letters. Children are still losing.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 08, 2016, 12:26:27 AM

This is sick..You must watch it.
And all this is hidden behind gay activism. So this have stealth possibilities.

Chickenhawk (men who loves boys) 1994

Milton Diamond, a University of Hawaii professor and director of the Pacific Center for Sex and Society, once stated that child pornography could be beneficial to society because, “Potential sex offenders use child pornography as a substitute for sex against children.”

Is he talking about some computer generated actors in a virtual animation, bits and pixels, or real rapes of children being taped and then distributed to society?

The angle is always from the perspective of the predators, never from the perspective of the underage victims.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 08, 2016, 12:39:33 AM
Academic at the Cambridge conference was Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Japan’s Doshisha University. In his presentation, Trofomich stated:
“Pedophilic interest is natural and normal for males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children…Normal males are aroused by children.”

This is unbelievable whole world of pedophiles under radar.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 08, 2016, 01:50:21 AM
Academic at the Cambridge conference was Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Japan’s Doshisha University. In his presentation, Trofomich stated:
“Pedophilic interest is natural and normal for males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children…Normal males are aroused by children.”

This is unbelievable whole world of pedophiles under radar.

To tell you the truth I am learning too much about this sordid world.

 Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: 100% accurate title.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 08, 2016, 08:53:17 AM
"It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors"

Tell me where has anyone in this thread defended statements like this?

Are you really so out of arguments that all you can do is quote news of child rapist (with self wrote quotes like "he needs more rights") and NAMbLA and say that everyone who disagrees with you must agree with that stuff you quote?

You don't know how to defend your point of view anymore but instead of changing it you try to change the opposite point of view so yours would look better... pathetic.

I don't know if that was their goal Holdaaja.

But what's sure is that I absolutely didn't expect such thing to actually exist.

You were all talking about Nambla but I thought it was all like a secret group or at least an unofficial association.

It's incredible that they actually exist. Which makes the title accurate. Even if our positions are not concerned (because as you pointed out we never defended pedophiles, merely the right for people to be judged).

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 08, 2016, 08:54:53 AM
Academic at the Cambridge conference was Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Japan’s Doshisha University. In his presentation, Trofomich stated:
“Pedophilic interest is natural and normal for males. At least a sizeable minority of normal males would like to have sex with children…Normal males are aroused by children.”

This is unbelievable whole world of pedophiles under radar.

To tell you the truth I am learning too much about this sordid world.

 Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On: 100% accurate title.


Well, the most shocking part is not that pedophiles try to defend themselves. I understand it, that's logical.

The problem is that even the "movement" part is right as it is indeed a movement! An official one! Like those people could actually try to run for an official position at the government or something Oo

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: JesusHadAegis on March 08, 2016, 09:05:18 AM
And tomorrow will someone post they have rights without reading all this.
They have rights they are human beings.

Can you add that post with red letters.. Please  ;)

what a way to divulge all our hidden agendas. :)

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 08, 2016, 11:37:03 AM

Just read the last 3 pages.
I won't yell as much as Craked5 but indeed, it IS a shock.

As a European too, I didn't understand the existence of an actual official association.
I therefore understand why you're so worried about any change concerning them.

I still think the "dolls subject" is right. It's better to let them get rid of their pulsions on dolls than on real children.

But I understand your point of view. It's really shocking. I don't even understand how this thing can exist. Do they have official HQ? I mean people should burn it to the ground!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 08, 2016, 12:23:48 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 08, 2016, 12:41:55 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 08, 2016, 01:13:26 PM
What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?
Yes i don't understand this also. Did you saw how he approaching kids at the street, openly and freely?!
And this video is publicly available and everybody can see what this actual promoting.
I like that scene when LGBT members separate from them, "we have nothing to do with them"..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 08, 2016, 01:45:00 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?

Trying to change laws isn't the same as promoting illegal activities.

Note: I am not defending them, I am just telling you why it isn't illegal!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 08, 2016, 02:27:36 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?

Trying to change laws isn't the same as promoting illegal activities.

Note: I am not defending them, I am just telling you why it isn't illegal!

So far all the people who took the time to forget my name and forget all the fights I have with them in other threads came to the same, basic conclusion: this shocking time marches on.

Did you know what nambla was all this time, all the time you took posting in this thread from the start or not? Simple question.

For the pedophiles to have more rights means the children will have less rights...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 08, 2016, 02:41:52 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?

Trying to change laws isn't the same as promoting illegal activities.

Note: I am not defending them, I am just telling you why it isn't illegal!

So far all the people who took the time to forget my name and forget all the fights I have with them in other threads came to the same, basic conclusion: this shocking time marches on.

Did you know what nambla was all this time, all the time you took posting in this thread from the start or not? Simple question.

For the pedophiles to have more rights means the children will have less rights...

No, I didn't know about nambla before this thread.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 08, 2016, 02:52:48 PM
Did anyone watched Chicken Hawk (men who loves boys) 1994 ?
This freedom they enjoy to talk such things and to promote something against law,
i just don't understand why community neglecting such threat for society and kids.
Today this is even worse they can hide behind TOR and recruit more "people" and gain more power.

What I don't understand is that part. isn't it illegal to promote illegal activities?

Trying to change laws isn't the same as promoting illegal activities.

Note: I am not defending them, I am just telling you why it isn't illegal!

Ok I see your point.

But it's still really borderline ^^

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 08, 2016, 09:31:03 PM
I heard about it but i didn't investigated much as i do now.
(could not imagine that they can accomplish so much influence) Hope it is not to late to stop this madness.
I'm shocked after watching few YouTube videos about NAMBLA..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 08, 2016, 09:52:00 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on March 09, 2016, 12:48:51 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 09, 2016, 01:41:29 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 09, 2016, 01:44:15 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

She was only 11 months old actually.
Not 11 years old.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 09, 2016, 01:49:45 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

She was only 11 months old actually.
Not 11 years old.


I don't even see what you could do to a 11 months old baby Oo

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 09, 2016, 01:57:38 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

She was only 11 months old actually.
Not 11 years old.


I don't even see what you could do to a 11 months old baby Oo

Yeah, was going to edit my mistake, but... Even more disgusting.


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 09, 2016, 02:04:20 PM
Kid Criminals- America’s Youngest Sex Offenders.

This is what happens when kids are being neglected and and when their parents do not understand enough or don't gives them enough attention. Those little criminal minds are doomed to suffer whole life.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 09, 2016, 02:16:01 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

She was only 11 months old actually.
Not 11 years old.


I don't even see what you could do to a 11 months old baby Oo

Yeah, was going to edit my mistake, but... Even more disgusting.


I mean even abstracting the disgusting aspect, I don't see what you could do with a 11 months baby! I mean she was probably not bigger that your forearm Oo

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 09, 2016, 02:23:39 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

??? They asked me to undress her and to touch her.
One of those times I'm thinking well that lacked any detail.
Putting this under toddler category

Money exchanged to abuse an 11yo. That's all the details I will want to know...

She was only 11 months old actually.
Not 11 years old.


I don't even see what you could do to a 11 months old baby Oo

Yeah, was going to edit my mistake, but... Even more disgusting.


I mean even abstracting the disgusting aspect, I don't see what you could do with a 11 months baby! I mean she was probably not bigger that your forearm Oo

You see a small, cute baby. A pedophile sees a sexual opportunity. But some people want me to understand them as a minority in need of legal protections and rights? What about the rights of the baby?

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 09, 2016, 02:36:30 PM

" Australian that sexually abused children in the Philippines. The abuse was filmed/photographed and sold across the world. The abuse was so severe that one or more children died because of the sexual abuse/torture."

If you don't have time to watch full movie watch from 22' minutes where he giving interview and how cold is this "beast" i can't call him a man. You can easily see the pathology of this crime, this is an evil sadist who enjoys the suffering of young children.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 09, 2016, 03:28:47 PM

" Australian that sexually abused children in the Philippines. The abuse was filmed/photographed and sold across the world. The abuse was so severe that one or more children died because of the sexual abuse/torture."

If you don't have time to watch full movie watch from 22' minutes where he giving interview and how cold is this "beast" i can't call him a man. You can easily see the pathology of this crime, this is an evil sadist who enjoys the suffering of young children.

Now just had to use this to find the dozens of others crazy shit around the world and put them in jail.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: UliJonHoth on March 09, 2016, 06:22:20 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

That's beyond awful...11 months old and forced to endure such hell.

I'm sure this kook sees nothing wrong with it:

In her newly published collection of personal essays, Not That Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham describes experimenting sexually with her younger sister Grace, whom she says she attempted to persuade to kiss her using “anything a sexual predator might do.” In one particularly unsettling passage, Dunham experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina. “This was within the spectrum of things I did,” she writes.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 10, 2016, 01:30:08 PM
Is it dark web has become the meeting place of assembly and operation of pedophiles?
Is it our struggle for anonymity on net , actually helped them to anonymously researching and sharing CP contents.

"83 percent of the remaining visits to Tor hidden service websites sought sites that Owen’s team classified as related to child abuse. Most of the sites were so explicit as to include the prefix “pedo” in their name."

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: valta4065 on March 10, 2016, 01:52:44 PM
Is it dark web has become the meeting place of assembly and operation of pedophiles?
Is it our struggle for anonymity on net , actually helped them to anonymously researching and sharing CP contents.

"83 percent of the remaining visits to Tor hidden service websites sought sites that Owen’s team classified as related to child abuse. Most of the sites were so explicit as to include the prefix “pedo” in their name."

Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: arbitrage on March 10, 2016, 01:59:30 PM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 10, 2016, 02:06:01 PM

I just can't believe mother can do such thing ..And those who paying to see this i don't know how to call it abuse - incest..

That's beyond awful...11 months old and forced to endure such hell.

I'm sure this kook sees nothing wrong with it:

In her newly published collection of personal essays, Not That Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham describes experimenting sexually with her younger sister Grace, whom she says she attempted to persuade to kiss her using “anything a sexual predator might do.” In one particularly unsettling passage, Dunham experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina. “This was within the spectrum of things I did,” she writes.

Not just her...

Hollywood’s Pedophilia Epidemic Exposed in ‘An Open Secret’

Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Amy Berg explores the seedy underbelly of Tinseltown in her eye-opening exposé—which includes a shocking on-camera confession.

It’s been almost a year since Bryan Singer managed to weather the storms of scandal after his most public accuser dropped his lawsuits alleging years of predatory underage sexual abuse against the X-Men director and several other Hollywood players.

This month, as the Duggar family’s sex abuse revelations spark a national conversation on molestation, victimization, and accountability, Singer and Co. should batten down the hatches again.

In the new scorched earth exposé An Open Secret, Oscar-nominated documentarian Amy Berg throws the curtains wide open on the alleged pedophilic ring of convicted and accused molesters linked to lavish, drug-fueled parties at the Encino mansion headquarters of now-defunct dot com web TV company Digital Entertainment Network (DEN) almost two decades ago. 

Drive over the hill into Burbank and you pass the Oakwood Apartments, a sprawling 1,100-unit haven known for housing out-of-town child actors, wannabes, and their families. I always wonder how many ghosts of dreams past must still haunt the hallways at Oakwood, where a recent Deadline Hollywood investigation discovered two registered sex offenders convicted of crimes against minors were living this year.

Berg earned an Oscar nod for exposing similar pedophilic abuses within the Catholic Church in the affecting Deliver Us From Evil. Here, she’s forced to rein in the glare of her excoriating gaze on Singer despite that Michael Egan, the man who sued Singer for abusing him during trips to Hawaii in 1999 when Egan was a minor, is one of the film’s primary subjects.

When Egan dropped his lawsuit against Singer last year—and then lost more cred when he was indicted for fraud on unrelated federal charges—his narrative was edited out of the film. Now, An Open Secret merely implicates Singer by association with DEN (in which he was an investor).


Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: craked5 on March 16, 2016, 11:43:47 AM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

CP is not important.

90% of child molesters are part of the family... That's here that the problem is. Not on the internet.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 17, 2016, 03:42:30 PM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

CP is not important.

90% of child molesters are part of the family... That's here that the problem is. Not on the internet.

100% of pedophiles want their rights to march on.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: yugo23 on March 17, 2016, 03:43:08 PM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

CP is not important.

90% of child molesters are part of the family... That's here that the problem is. Not on the internet.

100% of pedophiles want their rights to march on.

0% of what you say is linked to what you quoted.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on March 17, 2016, 03:57:21 PM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

CP is not important.

90% of child molesters are part of the family... That's here that the problem is. Not on the internet.

100% of pedophiles want their rights to march on.

0% of what you say is linked to what you quoted.

100% of child molester supporters hope for them to have more rights over the children they abuse...

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Holdaaja on March 17, 2016, 07:31:57 PM
Stupid false study.
You can't audit Tor, that's the main point of Tor!!!
Yep but we can't denied, most of CP material is there, this is natural environment for them.
And this study is only example. Results are clear and their conclusion is that.

CP is not important.

90% of child molesters are part of the family... That's here that the problem is. Not on the internet.

100% of pedophiles want their rights to march on.

0% of what you say is linked to what you quoted.

100% of child molester supporters hope for them to have more rights over the children they abuse...

90% of molested children get molested because pedo haters hate them so much that they don't know how to prioritize their hate.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on May 22, 2016, 01:56:51 PM

“You all grew up with Savile – Jesus, it must have been devastating,” he said.

“Clearly something major was going on in Hollywood.

“It was all organised.

“There are a lot of vipers in this industry, people who only have their own interests in mind.

“There is a darkness in the underbelly – if you can imagine it, it’s probably happened.”

Wood said the abuse was allowed to continue because victims “can’t speak as loudly as people in power.”

“That’s the tragedy of attempting to reveal what is happening to innocent people,” he said.

“They can be squashed but their lives have been irreparably damaged.”

Allegations that senior Hollywood figures have been protecting child abusers have gathered pace in recent years.

Anne Henry, co-founder of Bizparents, a group set up to help child actors, said Hollywood is currently sheltering around 100 active abusers and said a “tsunami” of claims was beginning.

Corey Feldman, another former child actor who started in films such as Gremlins, the Goonies and Stand by Me in the 1980s , has said that as a young teenager he was “surrounded” by abusers.

In 2012 he told a British tabloid that when he was 14 and 15 older men had been “leching around like vultures”.

The actor went on to suffer mental health problems, alcoholism and drug addiction.

Wood said he had been spared similar experiences while growing up because his mother had not let him attend parties.

“She was far more concerned with raising me to be a good human than facilitating my career,” he said.

“If you’re innocent you have very little knowledge of the world and you want to succeed.

“People with parasitic interests will see you as their prey.”

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on May 24, 2016, 03:07:33 PM

Published on May 24, 2016

Why a P will be the next letter in LGBTQI. The left is now defending pedophiles with Salon being one of the first in the race to spark this pedo civil rights movement.

Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On - The thread's title is still accurate.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: Wilikon on May 26, 2016, 01:11:18 PM

Corey Feldman on Elijah Wood Hollywood Pedophilia Controversy: "I Would Love to Name Names"

A recent interview with Elijah Wood has reignited the conversation on pedophilia in the entertainment business. The Lord of the Rings star later clarified first to The Hollywood Reporter and then on his personal Twitter account that his comments about "something major ... going on in Hollywood" were based not on his own experiences and observations but rather on news reports and the 2015 documentary film An Open Secret.

But another former child actor — Corey Feldman, star of such iconic 1980s movies as The Goonies, Stand By Me and The Lost Boys — was not so lucky. In past interviews, his A&E reality series The Two Coreys and his 2013 memoir, Coreyography, Feldman has detailed how he was preyed upon by men in the industry. His own experiences were not as nightmarish as what befell his Two Coreys costar, the late Canadian actor Corey Haim. Haim was just 11 when, Feldman says, a man raped him on a movie set. (Haim died in 2010 at age 38 after years of drug addiction.)

Speaking now exclusively to The Hollywood Reporter, Feldman opens up about missing Haim, addresses the "dark side" of pal Michael Jackson that led to their estrangement, and warns of the "growing, not shrinking" dangers of internet-era child predators in Hollywood, a place "where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world."

Your time as a child actor was a very damaging period and those kinds of traumas stick with you for your entire life. What is your state of mind now?

I'm a very balanced, very happy man. I enjoy my life, I'm very grateful for it and I'm grateful for the elements around my life. I have a great child and I have a great girlfriend, a nice house, a nice car and a good career. But I had to go through a lot of therapy and group therapy and rehabilitation and all sorts of things to be put on this ground that I'm on now.

A lot of this played out on your show, The Two Coreys. We know that Corey Haim obviously had a very tragic end and it sounds like he had a lot harder time with child predators as he became a star.

He had more direct abuse than I did. With me, there were some molestations and it did come from several hands, so to speak, but with Corey, his was direct rape, whereas mine was not actual rape. And his also occurred when he was 11. My son is 11 now and I can't even begin to fathom the idea of something like that happening to him. It would destroy his whole being. As I look at my son, a sweet, innocent, 11-year-old boy and then try to put him in Corey Haim's shoes, I go, "Oh my God — well of course he was erratic and not well-behaved on sets and things like that." What more could we expect of him really? Everybody deals with things differently.

You met going up for the same parts and quickly became best friends. So were the same men preying on both of you?

Let's just say it this way: I know every single person that interfered with his life and he knew every person that interfered with mine.

What level were these people? Were they studio heads, were they low-rent producers?

I'm not able to name names. People are frustrated, people are angry, they want to know how is this happening and they want answers and they turn to me and they say, "Why don't you be a man and stand up and name names and stop hiding and being a coward?" I have to deal with that, which is not pleasant, especially given the fact that I would love to name names. I'd love to be the first to do it. But unfortunately California conveniently enough has a statute of limitations that prevents that from happening. Because if I were to go and mention anybody's name I would be the one that would be in legal problems and I'm the one that would be sued. We should be talking to the district attorneys and the lawmakers in California, especially because this is where the entertainment industry is and this is a place where adults have more direct and inappropriate connection with children than probably anywhere else in the world.

A judge ruled today that Bill Cosby will stand trial for sexual assault charges. Many of these women that have come out against him have been past the statute of limitations.

But they're not all past the statute of limitations, because other states don't have the same statutes. So supposed crimes took place in various states over great lengths of time. Some would still fall within the statute, obviously, that's how they are able to start charges against him.

But there are others that are not; they're just telling their truth.

If somebody came forward with a suit against one of these people [who molested me], I would certainly be more than happy to back them up. But that hasn't happened.

Are these people still working in Hollywood?

One of them is. He's still prominently in the business today.

And have you ever confronted him yourself or run into him?

We've run into each other many times but no, I've never confronted him.

Do you think this problem — adult males in the entertainment industry preying on young boys behind closed doors — still persists to the same extent in the current age of Instagram and Twitter, with everything being so much more open?

Oh, absolutely. It's more now than ever because nowadays you can use the internet to create fake profiles and fake accounts. They reach out to little kids on Twitter, they reach out to little kids on Facebook, and they say, "I'm a big producer and I can help you." With social media we have more access than ever to everybody. It's a growing problem, not a shrinking problem.

An Open Secret details the men behind Digital Entertainment Network, who threw huge Hollywood parties where boys were being raped at gunpoint and being forced to do cocaine. Was that your experience — that they hunted in packs, so to speak?

Yes. I believe that Haim's rapist was probably connected to something bigger and that is probably how he has remained protected for all these years. This person uses intimidation and threats as a way to keep people quiet. And all these men were all friends. Ask anybody in our group of kids at that time: They were passing us back and forth to each other. [Alison Arngrim] from Little House on the Prairie said [in an interview], "Everybody knew that the two Coreys were just being passed around." Like it was something people joked about on studio lots. We're not talking about huge executives and directors that I am aware of that were involved in this. The people that I knew doing it were publicists, they were photographers for teen magazines, things like that.

What did they do?

They would throw these parties where you'd walk in and it would be mostly kids and there would be a handful of adult men. They would also be at the film awards and children's charity functions.

What were the ages of the kids at these parties?

The range was usually 10 to 16. The lure for kids is that they work in adult world. All of their friends become adults and they very rarely get to interact with other kids, especially because they don't go to school. So unless you happen to be on a movie like Goonies, where there are seven kids, for the most part you find yourself being the only kid on the set. You don't get that interaction, which you crave so badly. So when somebody approaches you and says, "Hey, this is a Hollywood party where you get to hang out with the powerful people in Hollywood," well that sounds like a great opportunity.

Was there alcohol at these parties?

I'm sure there was but I didn't drink alcohol so I don't think I was looking for that.

Boys and girls?

Boys and girls, yes.

And they're being molested or raped at these parties?

I didn't say that but I'm saying that's —

You’re saying they're groomed?

Exactly, that's the networking and that's when you become pals with them and you get their phone numbers and you get their mom's phone numbers and the next thing you know they talk to the moms and say, "Hey, I want to take Corey out to an event, this would be great for him, let me pick him up and take him." And they turn that power over right away to the publicist or the photographers.

Elijah Wood said that his mother wouldn't let him go to parties and that's why he avoided these experiences.


But in your case you didn't have that protection.

Part of the time I was living with my mom and she was letting me go to the parties. And then the other part of the time was with my dad and those people were actually coming over to my apartment. There's a picture in my book at my 15th birthday party. My father had the party at his office, which was a management company directly across the street from his apartment. One of the guys, the main guy who molested me, he actually was an employee of my father's. My father hired this man and this man coaxed me into trying every single drug that I ever tried. He says, "Hey I'm going to be your best friend, I'll take you to Disneyland, I'll take you to the Comedy Store." He was my assistant, my driver, my chaperone, and also basically my guardian.

Did you tell your father what was going on?

As a child you don't really do that. My parents were both very abusive and very selfish and were more interested in what was happening with themselves than what was happening with my life. My manager father sued me for $40,000 when I tried to get emancipated, his reasoning being that he was taking time away from his business to be on the set with me.

Let me ask you about Michael Jackson. These kinds of allegations followed him to his death. You guys were very close. Where do you stand on the matter now?

It's in my book. Nothing is going to change on that because there is no new evidence. The man is gone. Let him rest in peace.

For anyone who has not read your book, please restate what you experienced with Michael Jackson?

I would prefer they read my book. But he was a friend and our relationship did not end well. We had a falling out and that was due to the fact that there was definitely a dark side to him. But that dark side in no way connected itself to pedophilia by my estimation.

He was never inappropriate with you and you don't think he was inappropriate with other boys?

Not to my knowledge.

Do you think about Corey Haim often?

Every day. He was my best friend. I miss the chemistry, I miss having my best friend. He was the only person that could make me laugh unstoppably. He had a charisma about him and a charm and a sense of humor that was unparalleled. If I would set up a joke, he would finish it; if he would set up a joke, I would finish it. That's something that you don't find really twice in a lifetime. Then all the sudden that person is just gone. It's just very, a very hard thing to accept, especially when I know he was doing so well. That's the thing that's so troubling — is that he was finally getting it together. Unfortunately his body just couldn't hold up anymore.

You worked with director Joel Schumacher on The Lost Boys. Did you enjoy it?

Joel was great. I mean, he was a high-tempered man so he did tend to raise his voice a lot, which was a bit startling for me because I was around a lot of violence and anger and things like that as a kid. But he was never violent with us or anything like that. He was a funny guy and a good guy and a great, great filmmaker. So I enjoyed the experience very much.

Do you feel he protected his actors?

I think he would have, yes. If he had known there was something going on I'm sure he would have stepped in and done whatever he could.

Was Goonies producer Steven Spielberg a father- or mentor-figure to you when you were young?

We were never that close, so I don't know that I would see him as a father figure but he was certainly a legend and a great man and he was always very kind to me and we always had a great rapport. Even recently when I've seen him, he is still the same guy. He hasn’t changed. I love Steven, great guy.

What are you working on now?

My new single just came out. It's called "Go 4 It" and it's with Snoop Dogg and people are saying it's the song of the summer and it's the greatest thing they've ever heard. The fans are super excited. The actual album comes out on June 22. It's called Angelic 2 the Core.

Thank you, Corey. I appreciate you talking with me.

And thank you for taking the time and investigating this very important matter.

Title: Re: Shocking Times: Movement for Pedophile “Rights” Marches On
Post by: robbylove on August 21, 2017, 05:05:45 PM

Arizona Child Removed from Loving Family and Placed into Foster Care Where She was Repeatedly Raped – then 80% of Body Burned

Earlier this year (June 2017) we reported on one of the most horrific examples of child abuse of a child who was taken into state custody by a “Child Protection” social service agency, and put into the foster care system, that we have ever reported.

We reported how one Arizona child was repeatedly raped as part of a pornographic pedophile ring in foster care, and then placed into a different foster home where 80% of her body was burned with scalding water.

We were only able to report on this because a court-appointed guardian of the child sued the Arizona Department of Child Safety, making the alleged crimes public knowledge. See:

(WARNING! Content in the article linked below not suitable for younger audiences!)