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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 05:27:56 AM

Title: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 05:27:56 AM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 06:33:21 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 20, 2016, 06:55:42 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

He is also a brand, meaning he has sponsers like Nike that dropped him. Bugs me when sports stars take all these sponserships and finally speak up at the end of their career. I know Manny has been vocal in the past, so Nike is pathetic.
But thats no shocker.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 07:17:48 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: croato on February 20, 2016, 07:23:58 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 07:30:26 AM

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I would ask you also if one day it happens that the faggot was you, What would you want other people to treat you?

The problem is some people like you points their finger to other peoples sin such as being gay but you guys cannot point your finger to yourself.

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone."

Forgive my American ignorance, but are you saying the Filipinos are tolorant of homosexuals?

That seems surprising... They are barely tolerated here... Many people would murder them if they could get away with it...

Not really. Homosexuals issues in Philippines are still in progress.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 07:31:06 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: nichu on February 20, 2016, 07:48:32 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

yeah you got the point. he has his freedom and his religious ethics and he said that openly, America is a really hard place to express ones opinion,  i dont know the context of this reference ,but pretty sure he made this comment according to the cultural sensitiveness of the Filipinos

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: fortunecrypto on February 20, 2016, 08:56:22 AM
Manny Pacquiao is also a human and sometimes made a mistakes I will vote for him because of his strong Christian conviction..
Cmon guys when every body made him a laughing stock because of his poor english and gets a lot of insult,he did not comment anything or blame anyone instead he takes it as a champion and go on to win championships...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 09:05:37 AM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 11:15:48 AM
yeah you got the point. he has his freedom and his religious ethics and he said that openly, America is a really hard place to express ones opinion,  i dont know the context of this reference ,but pretty sure he made this comment according to the cultural sensitiveness of the Filipinos

You claim that the US is a hard place to express opinion? It means that you haven't traveled outside the EU/US. Have you ever visited Turkey or Saudi Arabia? Turkey even introduced a law in 1983, to ban private conversations in all languages other than Turkish. How does that sound for the freedom of expression? In Thailand, you can go to prison for insulting the King's dog. Saudi Arabia will deport you, if you are possessing a bible or a Torah. Still, these places seem more liberal to you?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 12:12:14 PM
Manny Pacquiao is also a human and sometimes made a mistakes I will vote for him because of his strong Christian conviction..
Cmon guys when every body made him a laughing stock because of his poor english and gets a lot of insult,he did not comment anything or blame anyone instead he takes it as a champion and go on to win championships...

Pacquiao did bring honor to our country as a boxer but I still stand my belief that he will never pass as a politician. His religious view should not be mistaken as a sign that he can properly work as a politician. If he really wants to help, he doesn't need a seat in the senate. He can run for a lower rank as government official rather attempting to run as a senate which his knowledge can't till grasps at the moment.

He is better an athlete, not a politician.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: be48d782 on February 20, 2016, 12:35:00 PM

If Nike or Starbucks or Apple or Google or Facebook truly cared about Gays and Lesbians, they should boycott Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries whose people have criminalized it and their rulers think much worse about gays and lesbians.
They make more money there that in the U.S

Time for them to take action but they never will.

Come on Nike. Come on Starbucks. Stop the business in homophobic countries and prove your point. I challenge them.

Nike and adidas sponsor many teams and people in those countries.

They like taking action against people who can't fight back. Manny Pacquiao is an Alpha Male and a top boxer on top of that. This war on Alpha males and free speech must stop.

There should be a separation of business and state.

Everybody is entitled to their opinion.

I think all of this persecution of people who have a different opinion will stop if the Middle Eastern countries decide to boycott these companies because these companies will lose billions if they do.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: croato on February 20, 2016, 01:27:39 PM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 20, 2016, 02:35:50 PM

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

The new testament was a distorted version of the history of God. The book was written by tons of mens and also has been translated for a hundred times so how can you even be sure that the book that you are reading is even written with the truth?

I'm surprised that for someone who has time to read the bible, you have some issue with your words that you use to refer to your own kind.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: robelneo on February 20, 2016, 02:43:02 PM
I have watch the interview and Manny stated that he has nothing against lesbians and gays it's just what they are doing and beside he is not the one who made it that way the bible clearly stated that it is an abomination to have sex with same sex

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: saddampbuh on February 20, 2016, 03:47:31 PM
nice to see a respected figure speak his mind instead of pandering to mentally ill sodomites

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 05:13:39 PM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

Oh really? I've read the Bible... Jesus doesn't say a goddamn thing about faggots... Not once you stupid mother fucker

Guess what you stone age hypocrite?

It doesn't matter what the stupid bible says... The bible is wrong in hundreds of places... God's homophobia is simply one thing he is morally wrong about... It's just the tip of the iceberg

How does it feel when Atheists are morally superior to your God?

How do you feel when an Atheist knows more about the bible than you do?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 05:51:50 PM
nice to see a respected figure speak his mind instead of pandering to mentally ill sodomites

What makes you think that you are the sane person?  You are the one trying to demonize another human being for a choice he makes... that makes you a fucking hypocrite...

Doesn't Jesus say, "love your neighbor as you love yourself"?  That includes gays you stone-age hypocrite

Why do you get to cherry-pick some rubbish out of the Old Testament, ignore everything else in the entire fucking bible... just because you want to hate people?

I dare you to lay a hand on one of these, "mentally ill sodomites"... I will personally fly to the Philippines and beat the religion out of you... with a fork!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: saddampbuh on February 20, 2016, 06:09:58 PM
What makes you think that you are the sane person?  You are the one trying to demonize another human being for a choice he makes... that makes you a fucking hypocrite...

Doesn't the bible say to love your neighbor as yourself?  That includes gays you stone-age hypocrite

Why do you get to cherry-pick some rubbish out of the Old Testament, ignore everything else in the entire fucking bible... just because you want to hate people?

I dare you to lay a hand on one of these, "mentally ill sodomites"... I will personally fly to the Philippines and beat the religion out of you... with a fork!
you're supposed to love your neighbours not their sins, the new testament condemns sodomy also, london not philippines

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 06:11:10 PM
What makes you think that you are the sane person?  You are the one trying to demonize another human being for a choice he makes... that makes you a fucking hypocrite...

Doesn't the bible say to love your neighbor as yourself?  That includes gays you stone-age hypocrite

Why do you get to cherry-pick some rubbish out of the Old Testament, ignore everything else in the entire fucking bible... just because you want to hate people?

I dare you to lay a hand on one of these, "mentally ill sodomites"... I will personally fly to the Philippines and beat the religion out of you... with a fork!
you're supposed to love your neighbours not their sins, the new testament condemns sodomy also, london not philippines

So what?  The bible is wrong!  Your God is wrong!!!

Besides, the quote is, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself", not "Hate your neighbor's sin"... If you do not love your gay neighbor, then you cannot possibly love yourself

Did you also miss the part where Jesus says, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye"?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 20, 2016, 06:28:39 PM
I have watch the interview and Manny stated that he has nothing against lesbians and gays it's just what they are doing and beside he is not the one who made it that way the bible clearly stated that it is an abomination to have sex with same sex

It doesn't matter what he said regarding the gays and lesbians. The mainstream media would like to demonize anyone, who refuses to support the pro-LGBT ideological position. Fortunately with the spread of social media, the lies spread by the mainstream media mouthpieces are not getting much traction, perhaps with the exception of the elderly.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: saddampbuh on February 20, 2016, 06:57:53 PM
So what?  The bible is wrong!  Your God is wrong!!!
so you first mentioned the bible not me, i said sodomites are mentally ill, if the bible is wrong don't cherry pick from it to support your point of view

Besides, the quote is, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself", not "Hate your neighbor's sin"... If you do not love your gay neighbor, then you cannot possibly love yourself
the bible also tells us to hate sin "abhor that which is evil cling to that which is good"

Did you also miss the part where Jesus says, "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye"?
a hypocrite commits sodomy while telling others not to commit sodomy, i do not fall into this category of person

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: gentlemand on February 20, 2016, 07:00:39 PM
It's his human right to say what he thinks. It's other people's right to say that it sounds like a load of old shit. If I want to fuck and marry a fire hydrant then I should be able to as long as said fire hydrant consents.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 07:08:06 PM
It's his human right to say what he thinks. It's other people's right to say that it sounds like a load of old shit. If I want to fuck and marry a fire hydrant then I should be able to as long as said fire hydrant consents.

I agree with free speech and all, that only makes a person look the fool...

I draw the line when they start making discriminatory laws, or assault people

But, if you elect a person like that as president of your country... you can expect him to make discriminatory laws, and probably incite violence

It seems like the world has this problem every 100 years... first witches, then blacks, then Jews, now it's the gays... is your group next?

Why are Christians always shouting, "Allah Akbar!"... "Kill the Infidel!"?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 20, 2016, 07:13:16 PM

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: ImnotOctopus on February 20, 2016, 07:18:56 PM
The only wrong  he said is comparing man to animal but its freedom of speech.
I agree with Pacman, hes telling the truth.
like the bible said "who denies the truth lives in lie".

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 07:20:11 PM
The only wrong  he said is comparing man to animal but its freedom of speech.
I agree with Pacman, hes telling the truth.
like the bible said "who denies the truth lives in lie".

Pacman is wrong... the bible is also wrong (

Research indicates that various forms of this are found throughout the animal kingdom. As of 1999, about 500 species, ranging from primates to gut worms, have been documented engaging in same-sex behaviors. According to the organizers of the 2006 Against Nature? exhibit, it has been observed in 1,500 species.

4 Some selected species and groups
    4.1 Birds
        4.1.1 Black swans
        4.1.2 Gulls
        4.1.3 Ibises
        4.1.4 Mallards
        4.1.5 Penguins
        4.1.6 Vultures
        4.1.7 Pigeons
    4.2 Mammals
        4.2.1 Amazon dolphin
        4.2.2 American bison
        4.2.3 Bonobo and other apes
        4.2.4 Bottlenose dolphins
        4.2.5 Elephants
        4.2.6 Giraffes
        4.2.7 Monkeys
        4.2.8 Japanese macaque
        4.2.9 Lions
        4.2.10 Polecat
        4.2.11 Sheep
        4.2.12 Spotted hyena
    4.3 Others
        4.3.1 Lizards
        4.3.2 Insects and arachnids
   Fruit flies
   Bed bugs

Observed in 1500 different animal species as of 2006, which was 10 years ago...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 20, 2016, 07:48:05 PM
Manny Pacquiao has risked more global condemnation after underlining his opposition to people in same-sex relationships.

The boxer, who is running for a seat in the Philippines senate in May’s elections as a conservative Christian, sparked outrage this week after saying gay people were “worse than animals”

So he did say this. I know what he said..he said you don't see animals acting gay. :DTHICK LITTLE SHIT
     MANY ;D
I Loved that boxer so much BUT NOW HE IS DEAD HE FELL FROM THE STARS.

I am glad he said it because people are seeing more and more what religion does to a persons thinking


So i will say it again fuck you horrible gay hating mother fuckers

have to put some religious dick brains straight
So keep up the good work

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 08:01:24 PM
I don't see how anyone can call themselves a Christian while spreading hatred... that is completely un-Christ-like

When did Jesus ever hate on anyone?

The only time that I can recall is when he hated on the Church for being a bunch of hypocrites...  I already quoted the verse in this thread... go grab your bible and read Matthew chapter 5-7... look up the context of Matthew 23, and why Jesus is so fucking pissed off at the church... he literally throws a fit

Quote from: Matthew 23:1-4
Then Jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples, “The teachers of religious law and the Pharisees are the official interpreters of the law of Moses. So practice and obey whatever they tell you, but don’t follow their example. For they don’t practice what they teach. They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: zenitzz on February 20, 2016, 08:08:32 PM
This stance will get Pacquiao more votes in the Philippines then hurt him. His reputation has not been tarnished at home, plus he has plenty of money. lol

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 20, 2016, 08:13:43 PM
Think him speaking up for what he believes in is actually going to help build more open communication. His view is bigoted and closed and most likely pushed more people to understanding than it did draw people to a backwards religion. Its like when a racist speaks,you can often see they have mental issues or poor education.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 08:17:12 PM
Think him speaking up for what he believes in is actually going to help build more open communication. His view is bigoted and closed and most likely pushed more people to understanding than it did draw people to a backwards religion. Its like when a racist speaks,you can often see they have mental issues or poor education.


All the smart people see how foolish these religious zealots truly are

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 20, 2016, 08:18:25 PM
Moloch is the definition of the type of member you don't want in this section  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: eon89 on February 20, 2016, 08:46:30 PM
Enough with all these "fashions".
Maybe there always were gays and lesbians but the truth is that we evolved with genders for a good reason.
They can do whatever they want at home but the marriage thing is going too much.
What's next? Marriage with cats or dogs?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: ImnotOctopus on February 20, 2016, 09:04:56 PM
Moloch is the definition of the type of member you don't want in this section  ;D ;D ;D
Yeah, i guess god can help him.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 09:05:55 PM
kung hindi mo mahal at nirerespeto ang iyong anak na lalaki, hindi mahalaga kung sino siya loves, pagkatapos ikaw ay ang kakila-kilabot na tao

If Jesus had a son, and Jesus' son was gay... Would Jesus still love his son?

What a stupid post. Sure thing that Jesus would love anyone and forgive any sin, even if someone was gay if he admit it, feel sorry and stop with such bestiality. You should read New Testament, find part about fagots and see what it says.

Don't bring the bible or god into this... this has nothing to do with the bible or god...

The bible also fully endorses SLAVERY in both the OT & NT! (

Quote from: Exodus 21:7-11
And if a man sells his daughter to be a female slave, she shall not go out as the male slaves do. If she does not please her master, who has betrothed her to himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He shall have no right to sell her to a foreign people, since he has dealt deceitfully with her. And if he has betrothed her to his son, he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters. If he takes another wife, he shall not diminish her food, her clothing, and her marriage rights. And if he does not do these three for her, then she shall go out free, without paying money.

Quote from: Ephesians 6:5
Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ
Quote from: Colossians 3:22
Slaves, in all things obey those who are your masters on earth, not with external service, as those who merely please men, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord

Are you also in support of slavery, or are you willing to admit the bible is bullshit and your God is an immoral asshole?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: eon89 on February 20, 2016, 09:09:14 PM
Don't bring the bible or god into this... this has nothing to do with the bible or god...

The bible also fully endorses SLAVERY in both the OT & NT! (

Quote from: Ephesians 6:5
Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as to Christ

Are you also in support of slavery, or are you willing to admit the bible is bullshit and your God is an immoral asshole?

Damn, no more mister nice Moloch...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 20, 2016, 09:09:23 PM
Enough with all these "fashions".
Maybe there always were gays and lesbians but the truth is that we evolved with genders for a good reason.
They can do whatever they want at home but the marriage thing is going too much.
What's next? Marriage with cats or dogs?

Why does it bother you? If its not a religious issue,it must stem down the line of phobia or you have another explanation?

Saying ones sexuality is a fashion trend is along the same lines as trying to change a left handed person to a right handed person.
It has been shown to be damaging to the persons brain to deny ones natural preference.
Comparing it to animals getting married feels a bit trollish and will just ignore it.

Having issues with a persons sexual preference,most of the time people you do not know,is a sign you have a hard time with empathy for ones fellow man/women. It has to be from a stance of misunderstanding or lack of another aspect of the brain.
Why else would you want to get involved in something that goes on behind closed doors!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: eon89 on February 20, 2016, 09:13:36 PM
Enough with all these "fashions".
Maybe there always were gays and lesbians but the truth is that we evolved with genders for a good reason.
They can do whatever they want at home but the marriage thing is going too much.
What's next? Marriage with cats or dogs?

Why does it bother you? If its not a religious issue,it must stem down the line of phobia or you have another explanation?

Saying ones sexuality is a fashion trend is along the same lines as trying to change a left handed person to a right handed person.
It has been shown to be damaging to the persons brain to deny ones natural preference.
Comparing it to animals getting married feels a bit trollish and will just ignore it.

Having issues with a persons sexual preference,most of the time people you do not know,is a sign you have a hard time with empathy for ones fellow man/women. It has to be from a stance of misunderstanding or lack of another aspect of the brain.
Why else would you want to get involved in something that goes on behind closed doors!

If you're ignoring me just do it, don't say that you do.
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 10:45:13 PM
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

What if I don't like people with red hair?  Why can't I tell them to fuck off and stay at home with their soulless ginger faces?

It offends me when I have to look at anyone with red hair... I should not have to put up with red hair and freckles!  I should be allowed to kill all the Irish!

This is what you sound like to non-Christians (and anyone with a brain)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Dorrittulx on February 20, 2016, 10:46:26 PM
I am praying for you Moloch <3

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 10:51:14 PM
I am praying for you Moloch <3

Waste of time... Nothing fails like prayer (

The study produced null results and the authors concluded, "Neither masked prayer nor MIT therapy significantly improved clinical outcome after elective catheterization or percutaneous coronary intervention."

Some prayed-for patients fared worse than those who did not receive prayers

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: eon89 on February 20, 2016, 10:52:03 PM
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

What if I don't like people with red hair?  Why can't I tell them to fuck off and stay at home with their soulless ginger faces?

It offends me when I have to look at anyone with red hair... I should not have to put up with red hair and freckles!  I should be allowed to kill all the Irish!

This is what you sound like to non-Christians (and anyone with a brain)

I never said anything about killing people.

Just don't want to see men holding hands with other men.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 10:56:42 PM
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

What if I don't like people with red hair?  Why can't I tell them to fuck off and stay at home with their soulless ginger faces?

It offends me when I have to look at anyone with red hair... I should not have to put up with red hair and freckles!  I should be allowed to kill all the Irish!

This is what you sound like to non-Christians (and anyone with a brain)

I never said anything about killing people.

Just don't want to see men holding hands with other men.

I suppose I don't understand why you care what other people do with their lives...

If you don't like it, don't look at it... I don't like looking at fat bitches, so I look away when one walks in front of me... I don't get on the internet and cry about it (usually)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: eon89 on February 20, 2016, 10:58:43 PM
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

What if I don't like people with red hair?  Why can't I tell them to fuck off and stay at home with their soulless ginger faces?

It offends me when I have to look at anyone with red hair... I should not have to put up with red hair and freckles!  I should be allowed to kill all the Irish!

This is what you sound like to non-Christians (and anyone with a brain)

I never said anything about killing people.

Just don't want to see men holding hands with other men.

I suppose I don't understand why you care what other people do with their lives...

If you don't like it, don't look at it... I don't like looking at fat bitches, so I look away when one walks in front of me... I don't get on the internet and cry about it (usually)

Well if I've really ruined your day so bad with my comments I'll just shut up.
Don't want to be accused of bitching on the internet.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 20, 2016, 11:01:12 PM
As to what's happening behind closed doors, as I've said before it's not my business, but I don't want to see husbands and husbands anywhere. Be gay at home, not in front of people - it's annoying and gross.
Be left handed, what do I care?

What if I don't like people with red hair?  Why can't I tell them to fuck off and stay at home with their soulless ginger faces?

It offends me when I have to look at anyone with red hair... I should not have to put up with red hair and freckles!  I should be allowed to kill all the Irish!

This is what you sound like to non-Christians (and anyone with a brain)

I never said anything about killing people.

Just don't want to see men holding hands with other men.

I suppose I don't understand why you care what other people do with their lives...

If you don't like it, don't look at it... I don't like looking at fat bitches, so I look away when one walks in front of me... I don't get on the internet and cry about it (usually)

Well if I've really ruined your day so bad with my comments I'll just shut up.
Don't want to be accused of bitching on the internet.

I'm just anti-bigotry... that's how I roll...

How is this different from saying, "I don't mind if black and white people marry each other, but I should not be forced to watch them hold hands... That's annoying and gross"?

Have you never been part of a group that was harassed?  It isn't fun, trust me...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 21, 2016, 05:48:06 AM
I am praying for you Moloch <3

It's funny how you guys use the words like "I will pray for you" and other Godly words to harass other people.
IMO, if you can't accept homosexuality then the least you could do is respect your own kind.
Just imagine i you guys were in their situation where they will such bullying from ignorant people , how they feel that they can't be safe because on how everybody else is think about them.
If I understand fairly, they are not forcig anyone to accept them, they just want to be respected as a person and not be judge becase of their sexuality.

It's time for people to view this kind of situation into a more deeper sense of understanding and not just use their mouth and their claims.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 07:53:25 AM
Unfortunately the lesbian/gay (LGBT) community sees him as a threat and will do campaigns to convince people of the Philippines not to vote for him.

The wanna marry, they are allowed and now they want to adopt a kid, they were also allowed. i do hope they will also allow themselves to be punished when these adopted kids grow up with no good values.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 21, 2016, 08:40:19 AM
Unfortunately the lesbian/gay (LGBT) community sees him as a threat and will do campaigns to convince people of the Philippines not to vote for him.

The organizations and extremists does it. They have launched a negative campaigning project for manny and I mus say, they are wrong with this movement. They could've just settle everythig and just move one. After all Manny never really has the characteristics tha fits for beig a good politician. He can never do the job. Regardless ofthe issue, I know a lot of people will still not vote for him
The wanna marry, they are allowed and now they want to adopt a kid, they were also allowed. i do hope they will also allow themselves to be punished when these adopted kids grow up with no good values.
Excuses sir but afaik, Lesbians and Gay has done so much for all the orphan kids. They (the LGBT) gave these kids a family when their own parents took that opportunity to them. Those kids will not grow up with no value. Unlike some straigh couples, these gays and lesbians tha you are referring to are more fit to be a parent that is why thy want to adopt. They want it so bad to have a kid and give it love.

Have you ever heard a news where a gay/lesbian couple abandoned their kids to be an orphan? I should know myself. My parents (a straight people) has abandoned me.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 09:51:44 AM
Unfortunately the lesbian/gay (LGBT) community sees him as a threat and will do campaigns to convince people of the Philippines not to vote for him.

The organizations and extremists does it. They have launched a negative campaigning project for manny and I mus say, they are wrong with this movement. They could've just settle everythig and just move one. After all Manny never really has the characteristics tha fits for beig a good politician. He can never do the job. Regardless ofthe issue, I know a lot of people will still not vote for him
The wanna marry, they are allowed and now they want to adopt a kid, they were also allowed. i do hope they will also allow themselves to be punished when these adopted kids grow up with no good values.
Excuses sir but afaik, Lesbians and Gay has done so much for all the orphan kids. They (the LGBT) gave these kids a family when their own parents took that opportunity to them. Those kids will not grow up with no value. Unlike some straigh couples, these gays and lesbians tha you are referring to are more fit to be a parent that is why thy want to adopt. They want it so bad to have a kid and give it love.
Have you ever heard a news where a gay/lesbian couple abandoned their kids to be an orphan? I should know myself. My parents (a straight people) has abandoned me.

yeah? news don't spread much when lesbians and gay are involved except those news that discriminates them but yeah wait awhile. never heard of those boys being bullied because of their tranny parents?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Catink on February 21, 2016, 10:42:39 AM
For me Pacquiao is right.

Being Gay or Lesbian is a disease that must be treated. It was cause by abnormal level of male or female hormones or being abuse during early age.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 21, 2016, 11:06:52 AM
For me Pacquiao is right.

Being Gay or Lesbian is a disease that must be treated. It was cause by abnormal level of male or female hormones or being abuse during early age.

Have you done a research about that before you post it in here?
Anyway, It's your opinion and I will respect that but as long as I can remember, there is no solid proof that what you claim is right. Contrary, it is normal. It can't be treated because it is never a disease in the first place.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 21, 2016, 12:45:54 PM
For me Pacquiao is right.

Being Gay or Lesbian is a disease that must be treated. It was cause by abnormal level of male or female hormones or being abuse during early age.

Yeah sure, that's why animals are too, because they were abused young?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 21, 2016, 12:48:48 PM
I am praying for you Moloch <3

It's funny how you guys use the words like "I will pray for you" and other Godly words to harass other people.
IMO, if you can't accept homosexuality then the least you could do is respect your own kind.
Just imagine i you guys were in their situation where they will such bullying from ignorant people , how they feel that they can't be safe because on how everybody else is think about them.
If I understand fairly, they are not forcig anyone to accept them, they just want to be respected as a person and not be judge becase of their sexuality.

It's time for people to view this kind of situation into a more deeper sense of understanding and not just use their mouth and their claims.

They don't care for acceptance.
They only want to transform people into other religious dumbasses...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 21, 2016, 05:06:07 PM
Yeah sure, that's why animals are too, because they were abused young?

How many of the animals are homosexual? May be 0.5% or 1%. You can't justify something by citing an outlier.

Homosexuality is not something which is normal in human psychology. There can be multiple reasons for this mental anomaly. But as the negatives outweigh the positives as far as this behavior is concerned, IMO, homosexuality is not something which should be encouraged.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 05:07:58 PM
Yeah sure, that's why animals are too, because they were abused young?

How many of the animals are homosexual? May be 0.5% or 1%. You can't justify something by citing an outlier.

Homosexuality is not something which is normal in human psychology. There can be multiple reasons for this mental anomaly. But as the negatives outweigh the positives as far as this behavior is concerned, IMO, homosexuality is not something which should be encouraged.

I hear the factual number is close to 10% on average... some species have a much higher rate of homosexual behavior

In humans, 50-60% of women are bisexual

In fact, researchers at Boise State University found that in a group of heterosexual women, 60 percent were physically interested in other women, 45 percent made out with a woman in the past, and 50 percent had fantasies about the same sex.

For some reason, nobody cares if 2 women hook up... its only the double-penis hookups that they hate (God too... God only hates men who sleep with men... God never says women can't have sex with other women)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 21, 2016, 05:10:31 PM
I stand with Manny Pacquaio. For me, he is right and it's what the bible says, Manny just want to let them know that it is not good and it they will continue to do it, it will burn their souls in hell.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: designerusa on February 21, 2016, 05:12:28 PM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.

he is such a bastard for me.. he is insulting lgbt society by comparing them to animal.. gay people are not animals and they were born this way.. he must be respectful to them..

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 21, 2016, 05:19:02 PM
In humans, 60% of women are bisexual

Stop parroting the same BS again and again. If I want to find out how many of the women are bisexual, then I'd directly ask them rather than relying on some stupid LGBT funded research. As per 99% of the opinion polls and sample surveys, no more than 2% of the women are either bisexual or lesbian. The remaining 98% of the women describe themselves as "heterosexual".

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 05:26:36 PM
In humans, 60% of women are bisexual

Stop parroting the same BS again and again. If I want to find out how many of the women are bisexual, then I'd directly ask them rather than relying on some stupid LGBT funded research. As per 99% of the opinion polls and sample surveys, no more than 2% of the women are either bisexual or lesbian. The remaining 98% of the women describe themselves as "heterosexual".

again and again?  That was the first time I posted anything like that...

This was a survey done AMONG HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN

This is not a survey of which women self-identify as LGBT... it is a survey of how many women, who identify as heterosexual, have homosexual thoughts and behaviors... turns out... most of them do...

In fact, researchers at Boise State University found that in a group of heterosexual women, 60 percent were physically interested in other women, 45 percent made out with a woman in the past, and 50 percent had fantasies about the same sex.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 21, 2016, 05:26:50 PM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.

he is such a bastard for me.. he is insulting lgbt society by comparing them to animal.. gay people are not animals and they were born this way.. he must be respectful to them..

he is not insulting gay and lesbian people what he said about comparing to animal is same-sex marriage ,man to man, woman to woman marriage in short sex between man-to-man and woman-to-woman

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 05:31:03 PM

he is not insulting gay and lesbian people what he said about comparing to animal is same-sex marriage ,man to man, woman to woman marriage in short sex between man-to-man and woman-to-woman

How is it any of your business where another man chooses to stick his penis?

If he isn't trying to stick it in YOUR butt... why do you care?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: adverbelly on February 21, 2016, 05:57:52 PM
nice to see a respected figure speak his mind instead of pandering to mentally ill sodomites

dont call lgbt people mentally ill sodomites.. this is so degrading .. be respectful..

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 06:00:58 PM
nice to see a respected figure speak his mind instead of pandering to mentally ill sodomites

dont call lgbt people mentally ill sodomites.. this is so degrading .. be respectful..

That's the problem with Christians these days... They don't understand Jesus

They think Christianity is about hating fags, or hating Muslims, or hating Jews...

They did not read the Bible... They did not read anything Jesus said, or they do not understand it...

Either way, Christians are not Christ-like

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: hugoworld on February 21, 2016, 06:10:56 PM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.

he said the true comments over this controversial topic.. i agree with him.. all the lgbt people are sinners for me..

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: salinizm on February 21, 2016, 06:27:24 PM
I have watch the interview and Manny stated that he has nothing against lesbians and gays it's just what they are doing and beside he is not the one who made it that way the bible clearly stated that it is an abomination to have sex with same sex

no, he is against to lesbians and gay.. he hate them to death..

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 21, 2016, 06:35:58 PM
again and again?  That was the first time I posted anything like that...

This was a survey done AMONG HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN

I have seen this survey being cited again and again in this sub-section, by various users. When talking about opinion polls, we don't take outliers. 99% of the other opinion polls show that less than 2% of the women are lesbian / bisexual.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 06:41:34 PM
again and again?  That was the first time I posted anything like that...

This was a survey done AMONG HETEROSEXUAL WOMEN

I have seen this survey being cited again and again in this sub-section, by various users. When talking about opinion polls, we don't take outliers. 99% of the other opinion polls show that less than 2% of the women are lesbian / bisexual.

Like I said, other polls are ASKING A DIFFERENT QUESTION

Since when are HETEROSEXUAL women, LGBT?!?

I guarantee you 100% of LGBT women are at least bisexual... AND 60% of heterosexual/straight women have bisexual tendancies... that makes it 62%... not 2%

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 06:56:31 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 07:07:15 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
manny said gays ARE WORSE THAN ANIMALS..So to all you people trying to say he just said blah blah YOUR ALL FULL OF FUCKIN SHIT YOU THICK FUCKERS..



Julius Caesar  invented jesus and Julius Caesar was gay FACT

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 07:11:05 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
manny said gays ARE WORSE THAN ANIMALS..So to all you people trying to say he just said blah blah YOUR ALL FULL OF FUCKIN SHIT YOU THICK FUCKERS..



Writting in caps what you're saying doesn't make this more true. Firstly, Jesus wasn't gay. Why wouldn't have he be a transsexual then ? Your statement is stupid. Why would people like to be my friend ? Because I simply know how to argumentate, I just don't put raw facts on the table that I did not invented.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 07:13:06 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 07:14:11 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
manny said gays ARE WORSE THAN ANIMALS..So to all you people trying to say he just said blah blah YOUR ALL FULL OF FUCKIN SHIT YOU THICK FUCKERS..



Writting in caps what you're saying doesn't make this more true. Firstly, Jesus wasn't gay. Why wouldn't have he be a transsexual then ? Your statement is stupid. Why would people like to be my friend ? Because I simply know how to argumentate, I just don't put raw facts on the table that I did not invented.
Because if your friend was gay he be no longer your friend am i right?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 07:34:02 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
manny said gays ARE WORSE THAN ANIMALS..So to all you people trying to say he just said blah blah YOUR ALL FULL OF FUCKIN SHIT YOU THICK FUCKERS..



Writting in caps what you're saying doesn't make this more true. Firstly, Jesus wasn't gay. Why wouldn't have he be a transsexual then ? Your statement is stupid. Why would people like to be my friend ? Because I simply know how to argumentate, I just don't put raw facts on the table that I did not invented.
Because if your friend was gay he be no longer your friend am i right?

No, first I'd try to care him, but if I would be unseccesful, then yes, I would never talk to him again. Hopefully people are still sensed where I live ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Aggressor66 on February 21, 2016, 07:34:31 PM
Instead of worrying about how other people live their lives, why don't these people just take care of their own? I could pass judgement on people who divorce, commit adultery and like back door sex, but it's none of my business and it does not impact my life in anyway. It's too bad these so called Christians some how feel God has anointed them to pass judgement. Why did they miss that part of the Bible? It's as plain as don't commit adultery. Must be they just like to pick and choose the parts of the Bible that work for them and support their ignorant views.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 07:39:32 PM
Instead of worrying about how other people live their lives, why don't these people just take care of their own? I could pass judgement on people who divorce, commit adultery and like back door sex, but it's none of my business and it does not impact my life in anyway. It's too bad these so called Christians some how feel God has anointed them to pass judgement. Why did they miss that part of the Bible? It's as plain as don't commit adultery. Must be they just like to pick and choose the parts of the Bible that work for them and support their ignorant views.

I will explain you why this is something that concern everyone :

  • If we don't reproduce ourself, then we will disappear
  • That's written in the Bible that we musn't be gay

Also, I'd add that, if a pedophile rape a little boy in his house, is it your concern ? Because I'm sure you would be disgusted by it.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: vero on February 21, 2016, 07:58:18 PM
What does anyone expect from a third world dump like the Philippines?? Manny is just one in millions of stupid Filipinos

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 08:09:15 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 08:17:15 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Gimpeline on February 21, 2016, 08:52:29 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...

J Edgar hoover would be pleased

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 08:54:37 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...

J Edgar hoover would be pleased

I wouldn't call someone that directed an official state-controlled criminal organisation. However, that could be worst, he could have been CIA's president ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 09:07:14 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...
Leonardo Da Vinci..  Alan Turing computers ..Tesla..Plato..Socrates..Alexander the Great ..Michelangelo .Sir Francis Bacon ..
I could easy add a 100 more powerful people to the list .. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING IN LIFE LIKE THESE CHAPS ANSWER NO NO NO..SO SHUT UP

go and read this..LIFE WOULD BE SHIT without gays FACT now read this and see who as done what

The Great Queers of History - Gay History and Literature



Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 09:20:59 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...
Leonardo Da Vinci..  Alan Turing computers ..Tesla..Plato..Socrates..Alexander the Great ..Michelangelo .Sir Francis Bacon ..
I could easy add a 100 more powerful people to the list .. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING IN LIFE LIKE THESE CHAPS ANSWER NO NO NO..SO SHUT UP

You took some irrevelant exemples. Plato come from the Ancient Greece, so this wasn't today's homosexuality, the same goes for Alexander the Great. Also, I'll add that none of the men you showed me was a pure homosexual, purely married with another faggot.

You can't know what I've done, because here I'm anonymous ;) !

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 09:38:56 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...
Leonardo Da Vinci..  Alan Turing computers ..Tesla..Plato..Socrates..Alexander the Great ..Michelangelo .Sir Francis Bacon ..
I could easy add a 100 more powerful people to the list .. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING IN LIFE LIKE THESE CHAPS ANSWER NO NO NO..SO SHUT UP

You took some irrevelant exemples. Plato come from the Ancient Greece, so this wasn't today's homosexuality, the same goes for Alexander the Great. Also, I'll add that none of the men you showed me was a pure homosexual, purely married with another faggot.

You can't know what I've done, because here I'm anonymous ;) !
Alan Turing computers..would you be even talking to me now?.Might be a NAZI..Mind you I think you are one HORRIBLE LITTLE CREATURE YOU ARE..
 Last post today but enjoy your sad hateful funny if your son turned out gay he will fuckin hate you :D :D sad person

Also, I'll add that none of the men you showed me was a pure homosexual, purely married with another faggot



Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 21, 2016, 09:42:03 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...
Leonardo Da Vinci..  Alan Turing computers ..Tesla..Plato..Socrates..Alexander the Great ..Michelangelo .Sir Francis Bacon ..
I could easy add a 100 more powerful people to the list .. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING IN LIFE LIKE THESE CHAPS ANSWER NO NO NO..SO SHUT UP

You took some irrevelant exemples. Plato come from the Ancient Greece, so this wasn't today's homosexuality, the same goes for Alexander the Great. Also, I'll add that none of the men you showed me was a pure homosexual, purely married with another faggot.

You can't know what I've done, because here I'm anonymous ;) !
Alan Turing computers..would you be even talking to me now?.Might be a NAZI..Mind you I think you are one HORRIBLE LITTLE CREATURE YOU ARE..
 Last post today but enjoy your sad hateful funny if your son turned out gay he will fuckin hate you :D :D sad person

Who might be a nazi ? Alan Turing ? I don't think, since he worked for the Great Britain DURING the war. Generaly, nazi scientists who worked for the U.S. and the Great Britain did it after the end of the war.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 21, 2016, 09:47:30 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

Please tell one important person who was gay. I can't remind anyone. Maybe there's a reason ::)...
Leonardo Da Vinci..  Alan Turing computers ..Tesla..Plato..Socrates..Alexander the Great ..Michelangelo .Sir Francis Bacon ..
I could easy add a 100 more powerful people to the list .. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING IN LIFE LIKE THESE CHAPS ANSWER NO NO NO..SO SHUT UP

You took some irrevelant exemples. Plato come from the Ancient Greece, so this wasn't today's homosexuality, the same goes for Alexander the Great. Also, I'll add that none of the men you showed me was a pure homosexual, purely married with another faggot.

You can't know what I've done, because here I'm anonymous ;) !
Alan Turing computers..would you be even talking to me now?.Might be a NAZI..Mind you I think you are one HORRIBLE LITTLE CREATURE YOU ARE..
 Last post today but enjoy your sad hateful funny if your son turned out gay he will fuckin hate you :D :D sad person

Who might be a nazi ? Alan Turing ? I don't think, since he worked for the Great Britain DURING the war. Generaly, nazi scientists who worked for the U.S. and the Great Britain did it after the end of the war.



Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: nichu on February 21, 2016, 10:50:20 PM
yeah you got the point. he has his freedom and his religious ethics and he said that openly, America is a really hard place to express ones opinion,  i dont know the context of this reference ,but pretty sure he made this comment according to the cultural sensitiveness of the Filipinos

You claim that the US is a hard place to express opinion? It means that you haven't traveled outside the EU/US. Have you ever visited Turkey or Saudi Arabia? Turkey even introduced a law in 1983, to ban private conversations in all languages other than Turkish. How does that sound for the freedom of expression? In Thailand, you can go to prison for insulting the King's dog. Saudi Arabia will deport you, if you are possessing a bible or a Torah. Still, these places seem more liberal to you?

ok let me rephrase here, i was not picking up the worst places to live in this world  ;D, i was talking about the general perception of america being a great country to live and dream, when you have your freedom of expression and privacy being crippled by advanced surveillance techniques and with the new bill foreign intelligence surveillance amendments act gives the government license to spy on everyone even without a warrant and National Security Agency aka NSA  ;) is building a data center big enough to store every email, text, phone call, web search, and video . i was talking about these mate. hope you can understand now  :)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 21, 2016, 11:41:59 PM
This is what happens to a 300 lb black man in America, when he calls two women, "faggots" (

So, yeah, good luck with that...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 21, 2016, 11:48:42 PM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

there would be no topics like these if there were no gay  ;D
seriously, we're all animals anyway. I know someone who is great politician but is gay. he was in a military and sucks balls when they all go bath together.
i just don't want to name him but yeah he is great.

he's men tells each other saying "he's animal"

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: clangtrump on February 22, 2016, 12:21:22 AM
Yap he gain a respect at the same haters, but he is a living legend he made the country proud and its good that he listens to the bible more than man(taken from his qoute). So i still respect him.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 22, 2016, 12:36:13 AM

he said the true comments over this controversial topic.. i agree with him.. all the lgbt people are sinners for me..
He is a human. He is a sinner, you are a sinner as well as I am a sinner. Now how is that different from the sin that lgbt people has? Stop hating them because they sin differently than you.

Most people often forgets that God has allowed us to love and that he has given us his love and yet some of us uses the bible to hate on others. How is that better than those people who loves the same sex?  :-[

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:03:31 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Does anyone remember that part where Jesus says, "Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"?

hayaan siya na walang kasalanan, itapon ang unang bato

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 01:08:15 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

What does anyone expect from a third world dump like the Philippines?? Manny is just one in millions of stupid Filipinos

Huh, really? I'm a Filipino and proud of it. Be careful on what you are saying 'coz it might come back to you worst. How about you what did you contribute to your country? And why there are lots of inventors keep on investing in the Philippines. Maybe you are hurt about Manny's statement regarding same-sex marriage.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:11:37 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

Jesus said to worry about yourself, or you are a hypocrite...

Quote from: Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Quote from: John 8:1-7
1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 01:15:44 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

Jesus also said to worry about yourself or you are a hypocrite...

Quote from: Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Quote from: John 8:1-7
1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Yes, being a hypocrite when you say you are following Dearest Jesus by your words but not with your works

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:16:50 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

Jesus said to worry about yourself or you are a hypocrite...

Quote from: Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Quote from: John 8:1-7
1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Yes, being a hypocrite when you say you are following Dearest Jesus by your words but not with your works

Pray tell us, where in the bible did Jesus say to hate homosexuals?  Where did Jesus ever set an example of hating anyone?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 22, 2016, 01:24:37 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

Jesus said to worry about yourself or you are a hypocrite...

Quote from: Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Quote from: John 8:1-7
1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Yes, being a hypocrite when you say you are following Dearest Jesus by your words but not with your works

Pray tell us, where in the bible did Jesus say to hate homosexuals?  Where did Jesus ever set an example of hating anyone?

Yes, Dearest Jesus told us to love one another as I've told you to my earlier posts, we need to love another and don't need to hate each other but He is teaching us not to tolerate them. Just like our parents when we did bad things our parents are correcting us because they love us.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:28:28 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

Jesus said to worry about yourself or you are a hypocrite...

Quote from: Matthew 7:3-5
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

Quote from: John 8:1-7
1 Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

2 And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

Yes, being a hypocrite when you say you are following Dearest Jesus by your words but not with your works

Pray tell us, where in the bible did Jesus say to hate homosexuals?  Where did Jesus ever set an example of hating anyone?

Yes, Dearest Jesus told us to love one another as I've told you to my earlier posts, we need to love another and don't need to hate each other but He is teaching us not to tolerate them. Just like our parents when we did bad things our parents are correcting us because they love us.

Again, where did Jesus ever say or do that?  Please quote the book, chapter and verse

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 01:44:26 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

What does anyone expect from a third world dump like the Philippines?? Manny is just one in millions of stupid Filipinos

Huh, really? I'm a Filipino and proud of it. Be careful on what you are saying 'coz it might come back to you worst. How about you what did you contribute to your country? And why there are lots of inventors keep on investing in the Philippines. Maybe you are hurt about Manny's statement regarding same-sex marriage.
Because you all work for 1 DOLLAR A DAY :D Close to it then :D
Plus you love putting your own children on the internet naked for 3 dollars  a show dirty fuckers

SO TELL THAT TO MANNY ;D THE GAY HATER..if people being gay was never a problem to you then why would you even mention it.
politician my butt hole he never turns up for meetings the people are complaining why he never shows

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 01:50:30 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

What does anyone expect from a third world dump like the Philippines?? Manny is just one in millions of stupid Filipinos

Huh, really? I'm a Filipino and proud of it. Be careful on what you are saying 'coz it might come back to you worst. How about you what did you contribute to your country? And why there are lots of inventors keep on investing in the Philippines. Maybe you are hurt about Manny's statement regarding same-sex marriage.
Because you all work for 1 DOLLAR A DAY :D Close to it then :D
Plus you love putting your own children on the internet naked for 3 dollars  a show dirty fuckers

SO TELL THAT TO MANNY ;D THE GAY HATER..if people being gay was never a problem to you then why would you even mention it.
politician my butt hole he never turns up for meetings the people are complaining why he never shows

Are you saying they are undervaluing their child porn?  The Catholics charge me way more than that... (thanks for the hot tip on the cheap child porn)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 02:08:00 AM
Didn't Jesus say something about loving people, even if they are a sinner?... I also remember something about turning the other cheek... and something about taking the log out of your own butt before worrying about the splinter in a another man's butthole (that last part may have been a metaphor)

Yes, but open rebuke is better than secret love. Dearest Jesus taught us to love one another but don't tolerate they're bad doings.

What does anyone expect from a third world dump like the Philippines?? Manny is just one in millions of stupid Filipinos

Huh, really? I'm a Filipino and proud of it. Be careful on what you are saying 'coz it might come back to you worst. How about you what did you contribute to your country? And why there are lots of inventors keep on investing in the Philippines. Maybe you are hurt about Manny's statement regarding same-sex marriage.
Because you all work for 1 DOLLAR A DAY :D Close to it then :D
Plus you love putting your own children on the internet naked for 3 dollars  a show dirty fuckers

SO TELL THAT TO MANNY ;D THE GAY HATER..if people being gay was never a problem to you then why would you even mention it.
politician my butt hole he never turns up for meetings the people are complaining why he never shows

Are you saying they are undervaluing their child porn?  The Catholics charge me way more than that... (thanks for the hot tip on the cheap child porn)
Filipino cybersex dens where children are abused on ...
Video for stacey dooley investigates internet▶ 0:30
19 Oct 2015
In BBC's Stacey Dooley Investigates, the presenter is horrified to discover ... Some of the 31 people found in an alleged internet porn operation  ...

not showing the page BUT I WATCHED IT ;D
They sell there children for money and manny is worried about gay people :D :D

In stead of worrying what 2 consenting adults do worry about the children on this planet.
Even 2 young straight children should never be having sex? 18 or 21 years old be nice but they need to be worrying about there education not boys or girls..They have there whole life to do that.

So grow up bible basher's

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 22, 2016, 02:22:29 AM
Are you saying they are undervaluing their child porn?  The Catholics charge me way more than that... (thanks for the hot tip on the cheap child porn)

You are complaining about Pacman's statement against the LGBT, and still you don't have any problem in racially abusing the Filipinos and branding all of them as child porn producers. If you can't tolerate a different culture such as that of the Filipino people, how can you ask the others to give respect to the homosexual community?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 02:28:48 AM
Are you saying they are undervaluing their child porn?  The Catholics charge me way more than that... (thanks for the hot tip on the cheap child porn)

You are complaining about Pacman's statement against the LGBT, and still you don't have any problem in racially abusing the Filipinos and branding all of them as child porn producers. If you can't tolerate a different culture such as that of the Filipino people, how can you ask the others to give respect to the homosexual community?

I see you figured out my analogy/parody... congrats...

How does it feel to be labelled and hated against?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 02:49:52 AM
Louis C.K. - Gay people - Who gives a sh#$ (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 03:24:12 AM
 Manny Pacquiao..How can he love people ? Do you know what he has done to all these young gay people in his own country
they will be suffering with mental issues because they be to scared to come out in case they get attacked
So already what he as said as done great harm to many humans in his own country
So if he gets in power i suppose this will go

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 22, 2016, 06:21:27 AM

Guardians of those kids on the porn cam are somehow involve to pimping gays as well. almost 90% of the HIV carriers in the Philippines are gays and men mating with gays.
An American gay expat who lived in the Philippines were caught red handed months ago living with kids.  just so you know.  ;D

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 22, 2016, 07:10:01 AM

Guardians of those kids on the porn cam are somehow involve to pimping gays as well. almost 90% of the HIV carriers in the Philippines are gays and men mating with gays.
An American gay expat who lived in the Philippines were caught red handed months ago living with kids.  just so you know.  ;D
Your so right thanks for the info..Makes them even worse they would sell anybody for a buck it's a wonder they don't pimp there gran parents out .So sad.
Also i wonder how many of there own male people sleep with these young girls .i bet more than 1 gay  from America?
Who cares what consenting adults do it's the children that matters even if it was a straight American expat living with kids does it make it any better? NO NO NO NO NO.. JUST SO YOU KNOW

Thanks for proving how bad some Philippines are
dirty fuckers sell there own kids and gays  :o
makes it worse

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 22, 2016, 07:18:54 AM

in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: romero121 on February 22, 2016, 08:37:06 AM
He has given his opinion and it doesn't mean we are supposed to be follow. Its based on ones stand, some of his fans might go behind him do some might remove the manny pacquiao tag themself which has been over them. These words are not gonna make big changes.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 22, 2016, 09:03:44 AM
in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

In the US, around 80% to 90% of the newly detected HIV cases are either directly or indirectly attributed to homosexual contact. (Indirect cases include bisexual men infecting heterosexual women, and homosexual IDUs infecting other individuals through contaminated needle). In the end, the tax payers are made to pay, for the treatment of these people.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 10:47:30 AM
This is called freedom of speech. And you don't need to tell lies to paint him in bad light. He never said that the homosexuals are "worse than animals". He just said that he does not approve of homosexual marriages. You are getting upset because you are too much concerned about the sensitivities of the homosexuals. What about the cultural sensitivities of the Filipinos, who are deeply religious and conservative?

I am not upset. I did understand what he is pointing. It's just that it had made a big fuss here in the Philippines because of his choice of words.
AFAIK, the cultural sensitivities  of the Filipino culture is well respected but then homosexuals are barely respected by tons of people. What they are trying to get from the community is respect regardless of their acceptance.

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I bet your grandpa said the same bullshit about black people

What is wrong with you stone-age religious mental patients?  How did you get out of that straight-jacket?

If you lose respect for your own son... over his choice(?) in who he loves... you are a horrible person

I totally share his opinion. Imagine you have just one son, then you won't ever have a grandson. Also, homosexuality is a sin. However, the answer that I still don't have is how you catch that. Do you think that niggers are homosexuals ? No. And their breeding again and again to estinguish our glorious race ! If we don't even make children, their work will be much more easy !
Do you think that niggers are homosexuals :o :o WHAT THE FFFFFFFFUCK? Are you saying WOW and you wonder why i hate religion so much

What fagots need is therapy or something like that, not respect. I would ask you how would you respect your son if he one day bring home and introduce his hubby to you.

I WOULD SAY HOW AS YOUR DAY BEEN SON AND SON..As long as my son is not hurting anyone and is happy that's all that matters.
Rather than him grow up thinking i hated him..NEVER WOULD I DO THAT TO MY KIDS.

Without gay people on this planet i wonder what it would look like..
most of the smartest people on this planet and of past years have been gay? INVENTORS SCIENTIST ART ARCHITECTS SINGERS ACTORS DANCERS

So fuck you religious gay hating mother fuckers

there would be no topics like these if there were no gay  ;D
seriously, we're all animals anyway. I know someone who is great politician but is gay. he was in a military and sucks balls when they all go bath together.
i just don't want to name him but yeah he is great.

he's men tells each other saying "he's animal"

First, we're not animals. That's a pure non-sense to say that. Second, who's that great politician, from which country ?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: McDonalds5 on February 22, 2016, 11:45:03 AM
As a christian, I do believe that homosexuality is a sin. But I still care about homosexuals and I don't think they are animals, they are just human beings being confused by the devil and they need to be saved by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: criptix on February 22, 2016, 12:28:32 PM
Are you saying they are undervaluing their child porn?  The Catholics charge me way more than that... (thanks for the hot tip on the cheap child porn)

You are complaining about Pacman's statement against the LGBT, and still you don't have any problem in racially abusing the Filipinos and branding all of them as child porn producers. If you can't tolerate a different culture such as that of the Filipino people, how can you ask the others to give respect to the homosexual community?

Wait... what? Did he just say pedophilia is ok if you are coming from the phillipine culture? O.O

And yes philipinos and thais have a ridic problem with pedophilia. The reason why all the fucking asshole pedos going there to make vacation. And it is known for several decades but yeah this fucking homosexuals.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 05:19:55 PM
in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

In the US, around 80% to 90% of the newly detected HIV cases are either directly or indirectly attributed to homosexual contact. (Indirect cases include bisexual men infecting heterosexual women, and homosexual IDUs infecting other individuals through contaminated needle). In the end, the tax payers are made to pay, for the treatment of these people.

Where did you get those statistics?  The numbers I find on the US Center for Disease website are different... (

Quote from: Homosexual/Gay
Since the epidemic began, an estimated 311,087 MSM with an AIDS diagnosis have died, including an estimated 5,380 in 2012.

Quote from: Heterosexual/Straight injectable drug users
Since the epidemic began, nearly 186,728 people with (AIDS) who inject drugs have died, including an estimated 3,514 in 2012.

186,728 / 497,815 = 37.5% of the HIV deaths have been Heterosexuals, who never had sex with a man

Although MSM represent about 4% of the male population in the United States, in 2010, MSM accounted for 63% of all new infections.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 22, 2016, 05:37:19 PM
in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

In the US, around 80% to 90% of the newly detected HIV cases are either directly or indirectly attributed to homosexual contact. (Indirect cases include bisexual men infecting heterosexual women, and homosexual IDUs infecting other individuals through contaminated needle). In the end, the tax payers are made to pay, for the treatment of these people.

Exactly. Of course they purposely spread the disease.  Maybe in their minds is that we're all going to die anyway why not spread it. anyone who do this thing I shall call an animal.

If these homos are that responsible as they said they are that they can marry and have kids on their own must also learn to stop HIV but Nooo. They're going to infect everyone else to kill each other slowly but surely. and that's merciless.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 05:40:56 PM
in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

In the US, around 80% to 90% of the newly detected HIV cases are either directly or indirectly attributed to homosexual contact. (Indirect cases include bisexual men infecting heterosexual women, and homosexual IDUs infecting other individuals through contaminated needle). In the end, the tax payers are made to pay, for the treatment of these people.

Exactly. Of course they purposely spread the disease.  Maybe in their minds is that we're all going to die anyway why not spread it. anyone who do this thing I shall call an animal.

If these homos are that responsible as they said they are that they can marry and have kids on their own must also learn to stop HIV but Nooo. They're going to infect everyone else to kill each other slowly but surely. and that's merciless.

Quit spreading ignorance... You know nothing about HIV...

Until recently, you had to be infected for 6+ months before a test would even show you have HIV... 25% of people infected with HIV do not even know they have it..

38% of people with HIV are not even gay... You might already have HIV and don't know it... And spread it to your wife, and to that prostitute you slept with... Then the prostitute spread it to your entire village... See ya in hell you stupid fuck

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 22, 2016, 06:29:21 PM
What is interesting about this topic is how it really breaks down mostly to religious values.
The people I see backing Manny seem to be coming from areas that have a high religious presence,can tell this by the poor English one line responses.
Not a slag just a observation to the issue.
Group thought makes sense if you are surrounded by a majority that thinks the same way. Why stick a neck out to be chopped off,right!
When I was a teenager I would say stuff about homosexuals because it was a time where puberty held a lot of unknowns and the brain was not fully formed. But I have to question a thinking that is supposed to except every one but oh not those guys! Like oops Jesus invited everyone to the party forgetting about those nasty homosexuals that are going to puke all over the place.

The fact that two opposing thoughts come together under one roof would make me think that people would question the writings.
Its really interesting to me to see people walking around in day where we really should be knocking out our own personal biases to find our own truth.
But yet a large section walk around still believing in a writing that would almost look like it has opposing views to get the flock to question for themselves.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: xslugx on February 22, 2016, 06:49:40 PM
in years to come gay will dominate the world. And HIV as well. Thanks to all the tranny and now kids also have HIV.

In the US, around 80% to 90% of the newly detected HIV cases are either directly or indirectly attributed to homosexual contact. (Indirect cases include bisexual men infecting heterosexual women, and homosexual IDUs infecting other individuals through contaminated needle). In the end, the tax payers are made to pay, for the treatment of these people.

Exactly. Of course they purposely spread the disease.  Maybe in their minds is that we're all going to die anyway why not spread it. anyone who do this thing I shall call an animal.

If these homos are that responsible as they said they are that they can marry and have kids on their own must also learn to stop HIV but Nooo. They're going to infect everyone else to kill each other slowly but surely. and that's merciless.

Please, have sex with an HIV positive dude and kill yourself. Thanks.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Gimpeline on February 22, 2016, 07:28:35 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 07:31:36 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Gimpeline on February 22, 2016, 07:34:36 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 300 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope)

The current pope has said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

Yup the current seems ok. The last one was a nightmare, so at least the world is going forward. Maybe in a few hounded years they will move to our century with their logic

Bottom line. The reason that Aids is spreading is not "niggers". Its the popes telling people that Aids is bad, but not as bad as protecting yourself from aids.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 08:09:07 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Gimpeline on February 22, 2016, 08:12:12 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

It never stops to amaze me how sex fixated the religious nuts is. " you have to have your government papers in order before you go to bed, and if you do things that is different from what I do, it's evil"

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 08:28:15 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 09:00:36 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

This is a Russian edition of a shitty magazine, so this mean that it isn't Russia which try to do that. Maybe this is those "Young Turks". Fucking Turks...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 09:35:10 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

This is a Russian edition of a shitty magazine, so this mean that it isn't Russia which try to do that. Maybe this is those "Young Turks". Fucking Turks...

Do you hate everyone, or just fags and Turks?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 09:47:10 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

This is a Russian edition of a shitty magazine, so this mean that it isn't Russia which try to do that. Maybe this is those "Young Turks". Fucking Turks...

Do you hate everyone, or just fags and Turks?

You're getting funny with the time :D ! No I do not only hate those two groups. With the time you'll learn that the list is much more longer :D !

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 09:48:37 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 09:49:30 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

This is a Russian edition of a shitty magazine, so this mean that it isn't Russia which try to do that. Maybe this is those "Young Turks". Fucking Turks...

Do you hate everyone, or just fags and Turks?

Well to be fair with him, I also hate nearly everyone and I don't consider myself as a bad human. It's not a real criteria, if you've got some brains you automatically hate 95% of the world's population :-/

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 09:52:03 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

No, not really. At least that's the way I consider myself. I'm not as hardcore as I would like to be, or should be, as every Christian should be. And yes, I'm pretty serious, which part is the strangest ?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 09:53:09 PM
Even Russia is trying to drag their people out of the stone age...

Gay Men Russian Maxim Says It's Okay To "Respect" (

This is a Russian edition of a shitty magazine, so this mean that it isn't Russia which try to do that. Maybe this is those "Young Turks". Fucking Turks...

Do you hate everyone, or just fags and Turks?

You're getting funny with the time :D ! No I do not only hate those two groups. With the time you'll learn that the list is much more longer :D !

Yes, I hate everyone

Typical Christian

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 09:55:50 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

No, not really. At least that's the way I consider myself. I'm not as hardcore as I would like to be, or should be, as every Christian should be. And yes, I'm pretty serious, which part is the strangest ?

I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 10:03:31 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

No, not really. At least that's the way I consider myself. I'm not as hardcore as I would like to be, or should be, as every Christian should be. And yes, I'm pretty serious, which part is the strangest ?

I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

If it least people stayed together, then I would not hate this as I do it now, but now people tend to consider that their partner can be changed, so they fuck with 4 people, then they find someone, they marry, they make one child, they divorce, they marry again, they do another child, they divorce again. Is that a suitable life, that need to be encouraged ? Just think about the children...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 10:09:04 PM
I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

If it least people stayed together, then I would not hate this as I do it now, but now people tend to consider that their partner can be changed, so they fuck with 4 people, then they find someone, they marry, they make one child, they divorce, they marry again, they do another child, they divorce again. Is that a suitable life, that need to be encouraged ? Just think about the children...

Over half of marriages end in divorce... what is your point?

Have sex, but use a condom

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 10:13:44 PM
It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

No, not really. At least that's the way I consider myself. I'm not as hardcore as I would like to be, or should be, as every Christian should be. And yes, I'm pretty serious, which part is the strangest ?

I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

If it least people stayed together, then I would not hate this as I do it now, but now people tend to consider that their partner can be changed, so they fuck with 4 people, then they find someone, they marry, they make one child, they divorce, they marry again, they do another child, they divorce again. Is that a suitable life, that need to be encouraged ? Just think about the children...

How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 10:36:37 PM
I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

If it least people stayed together, then I would not hate this as I do it now, but now people tend to consider that their partner can be changed, so they fuck with 4 people, then they find someone, they marry, they make one child, they divorce, they marry again, they do another child, they divorce again. Is that a suitable life, that need to be encouraged ? Just think about the children...

Over half of marriages end in divorce... what is your point?

Have sex, but use a condom

My point is that divorce should be prohibited or discourraged, so people wouldn't marry with anyone.

It seems that the thread is talking more about the HIV. I will remember to you all that the HIV, like the AIDS, is here thanks to the niggers ::)...

No thanks to people like the pope and other religious mass murders that refuse people to protect themselves because some iron age goat herders that wrote a book told them It's a sin to protect yourself

To be fair, the recent popes have done a lot to drag Catholics out of the stone age...

The previous pope apologized for killing Galileo 400 years ago... he also abolished hell from the religion (he can do that... he's the pope) (
During his long reign as Pope, he apologized to Jews, Galileo, women, people convicted by the Inquisition, Muslims killed by the Crusaders and almost everyone who had suffered at the hands of the Catholic Church over the years

The current pope said it's ok to use condoms... so that's something...

The Pape John-Paul II (berk, that's awful in English :-\) was a really really bad Pope. However, we'll in a decade or two if the Pope François/Francesco/Francis was worst than him. If not, he will be close to him ;) ! Using condoms make you don't have children, make you fuck before the wedding ! That's sins >:( ! All that has to be prohibated >:( !

I can't really know if you're serious. You're a real Christian aren't you?

No, not really. At least that's the way I consider myself. I'm not as hardcore as I would like to be, or should be, as every Christian should be. And yes, I'm pretty serious, which part is the strangest ?

I don't understand how you can consider sex without marriage a bad thing. This goes directly back to the 18th century dude!

If it least people stayed together, then I would not hate this as I do it now, but now people tend to consider that their partner can be changed, so they fuck with 4 people, then they find someone, they marry, they make one child, they divorce, they marry again, they do another child, they divorce again. Is that a suitable life, that need to be encouraged ? Just think about the children...

How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 10:55:00 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 22, 2016, 10:59:43 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 22, 2016, 11:06:45 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 11:28:24 PM
Get Educated About Homosexuality (Animated) (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 22, 2016, 11:41:38 PM
Get Educated About Homosexuality (Animated) (

Just wanna say that animation is evil hmm...
Cause you know it's whole not natural, and representing humans is representing God's creation which means you take yourself as a god and shit like that!
So it's not an argument for a zealot ^^

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: xslugx on February 22, 2016, 11:48:45 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Nah you just jack off. Ah damn that's forbidden too! Well you just stop producing this natural secretion you evil!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 22, 2016, 11:51:28 PM
Get Educated About Homosexuality (Animated) (

Just wanna say that animation is evil hmm...
Cause you know it's whole not natural, and representing humans is representing God's creation which means you take yourself as a god and shit like that!
So it's not an argument for a zealot ^^

There is zero sex of any kind in that video... it just talks about common misconceptions about homosexuality

If you want to watch gay animal sex, perhaps this video is more what you are looking for:

Animal Homosexuality Documentary (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 23, 2016, 12:19:51 AM
What happens when the horny aliens come to Earth! Does the bible plan for this event,because I need to know if I can have sex with a alien or have to say no at the bar. Think I would be very conflicted about this and want to plan for the future.

On a different note...If some one was attacked in a rape by a similar sex is that person that was attacked frowned on as well by god?
Imagine this would be relevant because it happens frequently enough. I honestly do not know the bibles take on rape,would be interested to see.

I tried reading the bible once and could not get past the begots,maybe I should try again. Thanks Manny you made me pick up a book,it was the bible or Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Let you know how I perceive it. Maybe I should start a blog on how I read the bible.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 02:23:15 AM
Here is the major issue I am having with the homosexuals. An average homosexual is not loyal to his partner, and on average he will have anywhere from 100 to 1,000 sexual partners. Even in countries where the homosexual marriage is legalized, the situation is the same. I am not saying that there are no heterosexuals with more than 100 sexual partners. But in heterosexual lifestyle, it is very very rare.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 02:25:42 AM
Here is the major issue I am having with the homosexuals. An average homosexual is not loyal to his partner, and on average he will have anywhere from 100 to 1,000 sexual partners. Even in countries where the homosexual marriage is legalized, the situation is the same. I am not saying that there are no heterosexuals with more than 100 sexual partners. But in heterosexual lifestyle, it is very very rare.

1) If they were allowed to get married they would not sleep around so much... That's just common sense...

B) Are you joking? Heterosexuals sleep around just as much... What is the number one reason for divorce?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Zeke2345 on February 23, 2016, 02:36:03 AM
Here is the major issue I am having with the homosexuals. An average homosexual is not loyal to his partner, and on average he will have anywhere from 100 to 1,000 sexual partners. Even in countries where the homosexual marriage is legalized, the situation is the same. I am not saying that there are no heterosexuals with more than 100 sexual partners. But in heterosexual lifestyle, it is very very rare.

Gay guys I am friends with are no where near batting thousand for sex partners. Think this is more a perception issue.
Media may be a issue here with how they show gays.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 02:40:28 AM
1) If they were allowed to get married they would not sleep around so much... That's just common sense...

I have posted evidence to the contrary. Even in states or countries where the same-sex marriage is legal, the homosexuals are likely to have more than 100 sexual partners (examples are France and California).

B) Are you joking? Heterosexuals sleep around just as much... What is the number one reason for divorce?

Among married heterosexuals, it is rare. Even if there are multiple sexual partners, it is likely to be 1 or 2 at the most.

Gay guys I am friends with are no where near batting thousand for sex partners. Think this is more a perception issue.
Media may be a issue here with how they show gays.

From Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women by Alan P. Bell, Martin S. Weinberg.

83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 03:01:06 AM
1) If they were allowed to get married they would not sleep around so much... That's just common sense...

I have posted evidence to the contrary. Even in states or countries where the same-sex marriage is legal, the homosexuals are likely to have more than 100 sexual partners (examples are France and California).

B) Are you joking? Heterosexuals sleep around just as much... What is the number one reason for divorce?

Among married heterosexuals, it is rare. Even if there are multiple sexual partners, it is likely to be 1 or 2 at the most.

Gay guys I am friends with are no where near batting thousand for sex partners. Think this is more a perception issue.
Media may be a issue here with how they show gays.

From Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women by Alan P. Bell, Martin S. Weinberg.

83% of the homosexual men surveyed estimated they had had sex with 50 or more partners in their lifetime, 43% estimated they had sex with 500 or more partners; 28% with 1,000 or more partners

Arguably the best research on this subject is the General Social Survey (GSS) conducted annually since 1972 by University of Chicago researchers. For 37 years, they have asked a representative national sample about infidelity. The results have been consistent. Every year, 10 percent of spouses admit cheating--12 percent of men, 7 percent of women.

What does any of this have to do with Manny being an uneducated homophobic troglodyte?

Studies have shown that the more homophobic a person appears, the greater chance they are a closet homosexual... Would you like to keep going with your homophobic comments?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 03:28:51 AM
What does any of this have to do with Manny being an uneducated homophobic troglodyte?

Pacman is renowned for his performance in the ring. He might be uneducated, but that is not his fault. He had a very difficult childhood. As a kid, he had to cope with extreme poverty, and still he made it big. Have some respect for him.

Studies have shown that the more homophobic a person appears, the greater chance they are a closet homosexual... Would you like to keep going with your homophobic comments?

Try this trick somewhere else. If I was a homosexual, I would declare that and seek help from a psychiatrist. There is nothing to be ashamed of being a homosexual. It is just like schizophrenia and other mental diseases. Homosexuals need help, not ridicule.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 03:43:15 AM
What does any of this have to do with Manny being an uneducated homophobic troglodyte?

Pacman is renowned for his performance in the ring. He might be uneducated, but that is not his fault. He had a very difficult childhood. As a kid, he had to cope with extreme poverty, and still he made it big. Have some respect for him.

Studies have shown that the more homophobic a person appears, the greater chance they are a closet homosexual... Would you like to keep going with your homophobic comments?

Try this trick somewhere else. If I was a homosexual, I would declare that and seek help from a psychiatrist. There is nothing to be ashamed of being a homosexual. It is just like schizophrenia and other mental diseases. Homosexuals need help, not ridicule.

1) I'll respect him the day he starts respecting homosexuals

2) Homophobes May Be Hidden Homosexuals (

I was actually referring to Manny being the closet homosexual, but thanks for getting so defensive, now we know you are a fag too...

The first step is to admit you have a problem... nobody can help you if you can't be honest with yourself... whenever you are ready to come out of the closet, we will be here waiting for you

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 23, 2016, 04:20:04 AM
There was actually a rumour that Manny once had gay relationships when he was just starting his career in Manila. Due to his poverty it was a gay man who gave him home and financial support when he has nowhere to go.  :-\

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 23, 2016, 04:24:28 AM
There was actually a rumour that Manny once had gay relationships when he was just starting his career in Manila. Due to his poverty it was a gay man who gave him home and financial support when he has nowhere to go.  :-\

Really? do you have proofs regarding this matters, If you can prove it please show it to us so we'll know if it's true. Manny grew in a poor family, but Manny did pursue his dream to be a boxer not knowing that he will be a champion with many belts. This is only a tip don't accuse someone if you don't have proof then better not to tell it.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 05:12:57 AM
I was actually referring to Manny being the closet homosexual, but thanks for getting so defensive, now we know you are a fag too...

If I was a fag, then I'd have told that openly. I am not 15-years old. If I have a mental disease, then I'll seek help rather than hiding it from everyone.

The first step is to admit you have a problem...

So you admit that it is a "problem" rather than way of living. Good.

whenever you are ready to come out of the closet, we will be here waiting for you

You can wait with lube and condoms for as long as you want. And I'll let you know when I convert to homosexuality.  ;D

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 05:19:35 AM
I'm happy that the entire world is giving him shit for his comments... (

Philippine boxing great Manny Pacquiao doubled down Friday over gay slurs that have tarnished his reputation and cost him millions in endorsements, insisting God was on his side

An even more incendiary quote from the Bible was posted on his Instagram account early Thursday.

The quote read: "If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads".

The post was quickly deleted, but not before local media outlet ABS-CBN captured and published a screen shot. (

My opinion on that is he’s a fucking idiot. My mom happens to be a lesbian so I don’t fucking take that shit. I don’t think it’s funny

If anyone called my mother an animal I’d stick my foot in his ass.

He's making everyone in the Philippines look like a bunch of cavemen

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 23, 2016, 05:40:44 AM
There was actually a rumour that Manny once had gay relationships when he was just starting his career in Manila. Due to his poverty it was a gay man who gave him home and financial support when he has nowhere to go.  :-\

Really? do you have proofs regarding this matters, If you can prove it please show it to us so we'll know if it's true. Manny grew in a poor family, but Manny did pursue his dream to be a boxer not knowing that he will be a champion with many belts. This is only a tip don't accuse someone if you don't have proof then better not to tell it.
I said it was a "rumour". Di you read ewry words in my post? What I am trying to say is way back when he was just starting his career he took shelter and he was provided with help by those he called worse than animals. I admire Manny, really I do, he is one example that poverty is no a hindrance to achieve success. What I hate is lack of wide view in the issue to say such words.
Have you even thought of how the Pilipinos will react after what he has done? When he said those words, Manny lit a bomb that can case those homophobes even do much worse to the gay people in the Philippines. It could lead to more violence against the lgbt people. Have you read how those " Christians" pushes their words to gay people that how Manny was right tht eery gay people should die? Manny did a great damage man, just think of it.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: electronicash on February 23, 2016, 07:34:37 AM
There was actually a rumour that Manny once had gay relationships when he was just starting his career in Manila. Due to his poverty it was a gay man who gave him home and financial support when he has nowhere to go.  :-\

He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 07:45:06 AM
There was actually a rumour that Manny once had gay relationships when he was just starting his career in Manila. Due to his poverty it was a gay man who gave him home and financial support when he has nowhere to go.  :-\

He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

What makes you think Manny doesn't already have HIV?  Perhaps that's why he's acting so homophobic?

Charlie Sheen knew he had HIV years before he told anyone (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 23, 2016, 09:11:15 AM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 09:24:04 AM
He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

If he had HIV, and if the infection is 5-6 years old, then he will not be healthy enough to take part in boxing championships. No matter how much ARV you give to him, he will not be able to compete against boxers such as Floyd Mayweather. But off course, if you are hell bent on defaming Pacquiao, then this is a good tactic. Reminds me of those guys who claim that Hitler exterminated the European Jews after getting infected with Syphilis from a Jewish sex worker.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 23, 2016, 09:50:54 AM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 23, 2016, 10:03:09 AM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: gregyoung14 on February 23, 2016, 10:29:01 AM
Did you guys hear that Nike pulled out their sponsorship for him. But as if that threatened him. Underarmour readily gave him shoes and vouched for him.

This whole Manny fiasco came out of nowhere. And timing it's nearing national election in the Philippines. Is it just me or i think Manny played this one out pretty well, good endorsement. No such thing as bad advertising, doesn't it? Manny for Senator!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 23, 2016, 01:17:28 PM
Did you guys hear that Nike pulled out their sponsorship for him. But as if that threatened him. Underarmour readily gave him shoes and vouched for him.

This whole Manny fiasco came out of nowhere. And timing it's nearing national election in the Philippines. Is it just me or i think Manny played this one out pretty well, good endorsement. No such thing as bad advertising, doesn't it? Manny for Senator!

Yea. He did gain a lot of attention from the issue. Well there goes the Christians who will be voting Manny because he "keeps up with Gods words". I honetly don't thibk he is fit for the senate. Just what is he going to do in there. He is an athlete, not a politician.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 02:01:31 PM
This whole Manny fiasco came out of nowhere. And timing it's nearing national election in the Philippines. Is it just me or i think Manny played this one out pretty well, good endorsement. No such thing as bad advertising, doesn't it? Manny for Senator!

I am not very sure whether a senate seat was in his mind when he spoke about the same-sex marriage. His comments seemed as if they were instantaneous. Still, I am not 100% sure about it. In the past we have seen renowned boxers making controversial comments and then jumping in to politics (Vitali Klitschko of Ukraine, for example).

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: xslugx on February 23, 2016, 02:10:52 PM
Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life what I believe is an healthy life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

I just corrected this for you ;)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 23, 2016, 03:57:03 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

Then don't try to forbid the use of condoms, it'll only spread diseases and unwanted children.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 23, 2016, 04:20:37 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

Then don't try to forbid the use of condoms, it'll only spread diseases and unwanted children.

There's never enought children at Europeans children. If people just fuck with one other virgin people, then there won't have any problem to don't use condoms ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 04:53:14 PM
He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

If he had HIV, and if the infection is 5-6 years old, then he will not be healthy enough to take part in boxing championships. No matter how much ARV you give to him, he will not be able to compete against boxers such as Floyd Mayweather. But off course, if you are hell bent on defaming Pacquiao, then this is a good tactic. Reminds me of those guys who claim that Hitler exterminated the European Jews after getting infected with Syphilis from a Jewish sex worker.

HIV can stay dormant for decades... not everyone with HIV gets sick immediately... do you know anything about HIV?  Magic Johnson played 32 games in the NBA... 5 years after he announced he had HIV

You also know nothing of Hitler... I don't know about this Syphilis claim (you might be confusing Hitler with Ben Franklin), but Hitler was most definitely addicted to methamphetamine... that's well documented and accounts for all his crazy behavior... do a little research there buddy (

When Hitler was troubled with grogginess in the morning, Morell would inject him with a solution of water mixed with a substance from several small, gold-foiled packets, which he called "Vitamultin". Hitler would arise, refreshed and invigorated. Ernst-Günther Schenck, a physician of Himmler's SS, acquired one of the packets and had it tested in a laboratory. It was found to contain methamphetamine.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 23, 2016, 05:05:44 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

Then don't try to forbid the use of condoms, it'll only spread diseases and unwanted children.

There's never enought children at Europeans children. If people just fuck with one other virgin people, then there won't have any problem to don't use condoms ::)...

There is far enough children! We're already too many on our planet!
And if you fuck only with virgins it means you gotta have one unique partner for your whole life... Which means you gotta be good in your choice AND NEVER CHANGE!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 23, 2016, 05:07:22 PM
He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

If he had HIV, and if the infection is 5-6 years old, then he will not be healthy enough to take part in boxing championships. No matter how much ARV you give to him, he will not be able to compete against boxers such as Floyd Mayweather. But off course, if you are hell bent on defaming Pacquiao, then this is a good tactic. Reminds me of those guys who claim that Hitler exterminated the European Jews after getting infected with Syphilis from a Jewish sex worker.

HIV can stay dormant for decades... not everyone with HIV gets sick immediately... do you know anything about HIV?  Magic Johnson played 32 games in the NBA... 5 years after he announced he had HIV

You also know nothing of Hitler... I don't know about this Syphilis claim (you might be confusing Hitler with Ben Franklin), but Hitler was most definitely addicted to methamphetamine... that's well documented and accounts for all his crazy behavior... do a little research there buddy (

When Hitler was troubled with grogginess in the morning, Morell would inject him with a solution of water mixed with a substance from several small, gold-foiled packets, which he called "Vitamultin". Hitler would arise, refreshed and invigorated. Ernst-Günther Schenck, a physician of Himmler's SS, acquired one of the packets and had it tested in a laboratory. It was found to contain methamphetamine.

This is something important! In Western countries young people tend to forget about HIV and sexual diseases! More and more young people don't use condoms because they feel like it's not useful! Whereas it's totally wrong they do need to use them! In last years number of infected HIV people stopped to decrease, I'm afraid they might even increase again in next years :-/

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 05:24:12 PM
This is something important! In Western countries young people tend to forget about HIV and sexual diseases! More and more young people don't use condoms because they feel like it's not useful! Whereas it's totally wrong they do need to use them! In last years number of infected HIV people stopped to decrease, I'm afraid they might even increase again in next years :-/

Earlier, the HIV was considered as a life-threatening medical condition without a cure. That is not the case now. With the invention of the anti-retrovirals, HIV is just another treatable infection, like tuberculosis or syphilis. Also, people are aware that the chances of catching the HIV infection from normal (vaginal) sexual intercourse with an HIV positive partner is very low (1 per 10,000).

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 05:24:28 PM
He didn't say he hates gay he only said he don't like marrying gays  ;D and i guess the homo he was with before is responsible enough that he didn't got HIV.

If he had HIV, and if the infection is 5-6 years old, then he will not be healthy enough to take part in boxing championships. No matter how much ARV you give to him, he will not be able to compete against boxers such as Floyd Mayweather. But off course, if you are hell bent on defaming Pacquiao, then this is a good tactic. Reminds me of those guys who claim that Hitler exterminated the European Jews after getting infected with Syphilis from a Jewish sex worker.

HIV can stay dormant for decades... not everyone with HIV gets sick immediately... do you know anything about HIV?  Magic Johnson played 32 games in the NBA... 5 years after he announced he had HIV

You also know nothing of Hitler... I don't know about this Syphilis claim (you might be confusing Hitler with Ben Franklin), but Hitler was most definitely addicted to methamphetamine... that's well documented and accounts for all his crazy behavior... do a little research there buddy (

When Hitler was troubled with grogginess in the morning, Morell would inject him with a solution of water mixed with a substance from several small, gold-foiled packets, which he called "Vitamultin". Hitler would arise, refreshed and invigorated. Ernst-Günther Schenck, a physician of Himmler's SS, acquired one of the packets and had it tested in a laboratory. It was found to contain methamphetamine.

This is something important! In Western countries young people tend to forget about HIV and sexual diseases! More and more young people don't use condoms because they feel like it's not useful! Whereas it's totally wrong they do need to use them! In last years number of infected HIV people stopped to decrease, I'm afraid they might even increase again in next years :-/

Speaking of HIV and condoms... you can blame the entire AIDS epidemic in Africa on the Catholic church banning condoms... that's a fact

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 05:25:51 PM
This is something important! In Western countries young people tend to forget about HIV and sexual diseases! More and more young people don't use condoms because they feel like it's not useful! Whereas it's totally wrong they do need to use them! In last years number of infected HIV people stopped to decrease, I'm afraid they might even increase again in next years :-/

Earlier, the HIV was considered as a life-threatening medical condition without a cure. That is not the case now. With the invention of the anti-retrovirals, HIV is just another treatable infection, like tuberculosis or syphilis. Also, people are aware that the chances of catching the HIV infection from normal (vaginal) sexual intercourse with an HIV positive partner is very low (1 per 10,000).

Seriously?  You think you can fuck a woman with HIV and you only have a 1 in 10,000 chance of catching it?!?!?  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

Real Christians™ don't use condoms... God protects them from HIV (just ask those Catholics in Africa)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 23, 2016, 06:08:36 PM
Seriously?  You think you can fuck a woman with HIV and you only have a 1 in 10,000 chance of catching it?!?!?  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

I don't know why I need to post so much about HIV in a topic, which deals with Manny Pacquiao.  >:(

But still, I'll explain. As per the recent research it is not 1 per 10,000, but 4 per 10,000.

Here is the Estimated Per-Act Probability of Acquiring HIV from an Infected Source, by Exposure Act:

Blood Transfusion - 9,250 per 10,000
Needle-sharing during injection drug use - 63 per 10,000
Receptive anal intercourse - 138 per 10,000
Insertive anal intercourse - 11 per 10,000
Receptive penile-vaginal intercourse - 8 per 10,000
Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse - 4 per 10,000

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 06:11:12 PM
Seriously?  You think you can fuck a woman with HIV and you only have a 1 in 10,000 chance of catching it?!?!?  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

I don't know why I need to post so much about HIV in a topic, which deals with Manny Pacquiao.  >:(

But still, I'll explain. As per the recent research it is not 1 per 10,000, but 4 per 10,000.

Here is the Estimated Per-Act Probability of Acquiring HIV from an Infected Source, by Exposure Act:

Blood Transfusion - 9,250 per 10,000
Needle-sharing during injection drug use - 63 per 10,000
Receptive anal intercourse - 138 per 10,000
Insertive anal intercourse - 11 per 10,000
Receptive penile-vaginal intercourse - 8 per 10,000
Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse - 4 per 10,000

Did you take into account that these people probably had sex with the infected person 100+ times, and only contracted HIV once?  Kinda skews those odds a bit... Maybe they contracted it on the first time, but kept having sex 100 more times, skewing the results?

Until recently, it was not even possible to test for HIV until 6+ months after contraction...

Even odds of 1:2500 as you claim, would scare the shit outta me... Adjust that by a factor of 100 and you have 1:25... fuck those odds

Do you also play Russian Roulette?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 23, 2016, 06:37:08 PM
Seriously?  You think you can fuck a woman with HIV and you only have a 1 in 10,000 chance of catching it?!?!?  GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

I don't know why I need to post so much about HIV in a topic, which deals with Manny Pacquiao.  >:(

But still, I'll explain. As per the recent research it is not 1 per 10,000, but 4 per 10,000.

Here is the Estimated Per-Act Probability of Acquiring HIV from an Infected Source, by Exposure Act:

Blood Transfusion - 9,250 per 10,000
Needle-sharing during injection drug use - 63 per 10,000
Receptive anal intercourse - 138 per 10,000
Insertive anal intercourse - 11 per 10,000
Receptive penile-vaginal intercourse - 8 per 10,000
Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse - 4 per 10,000

Just curious, how can you get such stats?
I mean, for those stats to be correct it would mean that you'd have to take people without HIV and mate them once with somebody that have HIV then check them 6 months after to see if they  contracted HIV. It doesn't seem really ethical to me ^^

Anyway I wouldn't have guessed that odds are so low. In the broad imagination, it's more like "you got 98% chance to get infected if you fuck an infected".

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 23, 2016, 06:40:19 PM
This is something important! In Western countries young people tend to forget about HIV and sexual diseases! More and more young people don't use condoms because they feel like it's not useful! Whereas it's totally wrong they do need to use them! In last years number of infected HIV people stopped to decrease, I'm afraid they might even increase again in next years :-/

Earlier, the HIV was considered as a life-threatening medical condition without a cure. That is not the case now. With the invention of the anti-retrovirals, HIV is just another treatable infection, like tuberculosis or syphilis. Also, people are aware that the chances of catching the HIV infection from normal (vaginal) sexual intercourse with an HIV positive partner is very low (1 per 10,000).

Hmm... Seems like you're underestimating HIV a bit.
It's steal a completely lethal disease even with anti-retrovirals.
And it's not only lethal but also extremely heavy disease. For years you got numerous side effects due to treatment...
It's a bit like being cured for cancer, it's extremely difficult to endure such medication :-/

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 06:46:30 PM
Didn't they already find a cure for HIV?

I heard the cure is money... lots and lots of money

That's how Magic Johnson got cured of his 20-year HIV infection... he kept throwing money at it, til the HIV had enough to retire and move to Florida

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: youdamushi on February 23, 2016, 07:15:36 PM
Didn't they already find a cure for HIV?

I heard the cure is money... lots and lots of money

That's how Magic Johnson got cured of his 20-year HIV infection... he kept throwing money at it, til the HIV had enough to retire and move to Florida

That's another fair point.

I don't really know how does this work in horrible countries like USA :p
I know that in France everything is paid by the state. But that costs a hella lots of money.
So I imagine that in the least socialist country in the world, if you got aids you gotta pay for treatment yourself?
If yes I can barely imagine how destroyed your life must be...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 23, 2016, 08:03:46 PM
Didn't they already find a cure for HIV?

I heard the cure is money... lots and lots of money

That's how Magic Johnson got cured of his 20-year HIV infection... he kept throwing money at it, til the HIV had enough to retire and move to Florida

That's another fair point.

I don't really know how does this work in horrible countries like USA :p
I know that in France everything is paid by the state. But that costs a hella lots of money.
So I imagine that in the least socialist country in the world, if you got aids you gotta pay for treatment yourself?
If yes I can barely imagine how destroyed your life must be...

That's America for ya... everyone has to pay their own hospital bill, and they are huge

And on top of that, some Jackass Jacked the price of HIV med from $13.50/pill to $750.00/pill ($22,500 per month = $273,750 per year) (one of the three that Magic Johnson is taking) (

I'm not sure it's possible to design a worse healthcare system than America has in place right now... it's basically the wild west

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: mrhelpful on February 23, 2016, 08:45:22 PM
Didn't they already find a cure for HIV?

I heard the cure is money... lots and lots of money

That's how Magic Johnson got cured of his 20-year HIV infection... he kept throwing money at it, til the HIV had enough to retire and move to Florida

That's another fair point.

I don't really know how does this work in horrible countries like USA :p
I know that in France everything is paid by the state. But that costs a hella lots of money.
So I imagine that in the least socialist country in the world, if you got aids you gotta pay for treatment yourself?
If yes I can barely imagine how destroyed your life must be...

That's America for ya... everyone has to pay their own hospital bill, and they are huge

And on top of that, some Jackass Jacked the price of HIV med from $13.50/pill to $750.00/pill ($22,500 per month = $273,750 per year) (one of the three that Magic Johnson is taking) (

I'm not sure it's possible to design a worse healthcare system than America has in place right now... it's basically the wild west

Welcome to capitalism.

Where price gouging in the pharm industry how make their money and on expired drugs that are rarely needed. That guy who bought the $2 million wu tang clan album though is in courts for something else though with his previous hedge fund money.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 24, 2016, 08:35:40 AM
Didn't they already find a cure for HIV?

I heard the cure is money... lots and lots of money

That's how Magic Johnson got cured of his 20-year HIV infection... he kept throwing money at it, til the HIV had enough to retire and move to Florida

That's another fair point.

I don't really know how does this work in horrible countries like USA :p
I know that in France everything is paid by the state. But that costs a hella lots of money.
So I imagine that in the least socialist country in the world, if you got aids you gotta pay for treatment yourself?
If yes I can barely imagine how destroyed your life must be...

That's America for ya... everyone has to pay their own hospital bill, and they are huge

And on top of that, some Jackass Jacked the price of HIV med from $13.50/pill to $750.00/pill ($22,500 per month = $273,750 per year) (one of the three that Magic Johnson is taking) (

I'm not sure it's possible to design a worse healthcare system than America has in place right now... it's basically the wild west

What are you talking about? It's not a healthcare system, it's just another industrial and commercial sector.
But yet Americans keep yelling at socialism as being the devil...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 24, 2016, 09:42:02 AM
And on top of that, some Jackass Jacked the price of HIV med from $13.50/pill to $750.00/pill ($22,500 per month = $273,750 per year) (one of the three that Magic Johnson is taking)

Here is the difference between you, and me. You would blame Martin Shkreli for the steep increase in the prices of Daraprim (Pyrimethamine). But I will blame the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the same.

Pyrimethamine was first marketed in 1953, and the patent expired in the early 1970s. However, right now only Turing Pharmaceuticals has the permission to market the drug in the United States. The other pharma companies can easily manufacture the drug. But they should obtain the regulatory approval to manufacture a generic version from the FDA first. It is a very expensive and time-consuming process, which can take many years to complete.

Right now, the best option for the American citizens will be to take a train to Tijuana, and purchase the drug at a rate of $1 per pill. However, they will not be able to take the medicine back to the US.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 24, 2016, 08:35:04 PM
How would the fact to not using condom help?

Not using condom would only mean that you... Can't have safe sex?

It's important to not have sex with someone you don't hope to stay with until the end of your life?
Damn that's hard, how do you know you wanna stay with this person. Especially if you never had sex with this person, cause sex is 30% of the relationship ^^

That's the problem of our society. Sex is meant to procreate, and maybe have pleasure if you can, not to be a way of life ! If you're married with her/him, then you shouldn't be able to left him. Before, if you like this person, just wait until your wedding. Seriously, if you can't wait one year, that's problematic :-\...

Oh YOU know what sex is meant for? And because it's the natural use of sex it's what should be used for?

And if I don't want children I shouldn't have sex? Damn that's a shame!
And if I don't want to get married?
And if I don't want to engage myself with someone but just want to get a good moment?

This depends of a lot of factors. If you're a man that want a good moment, then I don't see any problem, except if you're already married.
If you don't want to get married and stay with the same person, not that bad, but could be better.
You can have sex without having children, if you're with the correct person, if you want a good moment, or if you already have some children.

Whaou you get some precise criterias... And if I just want to have sex with a random girl I find attractive?

Depends on your age, your situation, if she's virgin or not... I can't just throw my judgement after a single line, I need to know more.

And what about this statement: if we don't give a fuck about your judgement because we don't have the same, what should be done?

Then close your eyes and pass by. I'm just giving some advices on how to conduct an healty life, but tha's up to you to follow it or not ::)...

Then don't try to forbid the use of condoms, it'll only spread diseases and unwanted children.

There's never enought children at Europeans children. If people just fuck with one other virgin people, then there won't have any problem to don't use condoms ::)...

There is far enough children! We're already too many on our planet!
And if you fuck only with virgins it means you gotta have one unique partner for your whole life... Which means you gotta be good in your choice AND NEVER CHANGE!

Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: xslugx on February 24, 2016, 11:06:10 PM
Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

Dude, we got enough place and ressources for doubling the population easily...
Stop being both dumb and blind...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 25, 2016, 01:25:52 AM
Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

Dude, we got enough place and ressources for doubling the population easily...
Stop being both dumb and blind...
Explain to me how ..We are way over populated..
A little tip we could feed the planet 10 times over easy..your not looking at the big picture so what is the problem your not thinking?. Because there are many many problems.

If you live in a mud hut and then come to England for work..
what do you want when you come to the west. ANSWER..WHAT EVERY BODY ELSE HAS GOT

So now double what everybody else has got so now could you double the amount of people?

double cars on the road Schools hospitals jobs I could go on and on why we could never double Europe..

You said your a speaker for your town or village..
Just be careful you don't wipe out your towns children's futures.
Bring to many less chance for your next generation to get job house cars because you give it to foreigners

population of 60 million let 3000 a year come in to work on a work permit for 5 years then send them back home.
Let to many in they change the face of your country.
See i would let the whole world into my country if when they come they give the natives 100 pounds
everyday for life then its not a problem..BUT they don't they come over and give us ISLAM and i hate it with all my heart.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 25, 2016, 03:03:22 AM

Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

I think you should care also in the rest of the world like your nearby place which is paris that ISIS came to attack them and many people died so still you dont care for the rest of the world. I think u must, you should aware on whats happening with your neighbor countries and also with others.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: xht on February 25, 2016, 04:02:06 AM
Manny never made that second statement. The writer admitted he added that. ESPN made an official statement saying the author admitted he added that, So boys and girls don't believe everything you read.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 25, 2016, 04:20:49 AM

Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

I think you should care also in the rest of the world like your nearby place which is paris that ISIS came to attack them and many people died so still you dont care for the rest of the world. I think u must, you should aware on whats happening with your neighbor countries and also with others.
where filling buckets with pigs blood waiting OH AND DOGS to bite the fuckers.
Where going to send in the gays in first..They go in and say OH CHASE ME..Then the little monkeys run after the gays and then we trap them in a corner send in the dogs to bite the fuckers to bits then we load up with pig blood soaked bullets and smoke the fuckin lot of them..the dirty little goat shagging kid fuckers.
Some little muslim told my wife today she not a loud to take my dog into the sweet shop because it's
against his religion..he said in his country they SLIT DOGS THROATS..

The hindu who owns the shop only employed this muslim for 2 weeks
we have always took my dog in the shop for 7 years the hindu was off that day..
 he as lost a customer and i spend easy 60 pounds a week and also all my friends i will make sure they never go in there..
i will make that hindu pay for employing a muslim no one i know will go in that shop ..
So he lost about 15k worth of custom a year..


Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: jacee on February 25, 2016, 04:43:36 AM
Matthew 23:13

But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in.

 I doubt God is with Manny when he said those words. ::)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 25, 2016, 04:58:11 AM
Manny never made that second statement. The writer admitted he added that. ESPN made an official statement saying the author admitted he added that, So boys and girls don't believe everything you read.

Some pro-LGBT retard lied about Manny in ESPN, and we are having a 10-page thread bashing him in the Bitcointalk forum. The people who called him all sort of names should be ashamed. These pro-LGBT guys are really shameless. They can stoop to any lows, to demonize and insult someone who doesn't agree with their views.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 05:04:27 AM
Manny never made that second statement. The writer admitted he added that. ESPN made an official statement saying the author admitted he added that, So boys and girls don't believe everything you read.

Some pro-LGBT retard lied about Manny in ESPN, and we are having a 10-page thread bashing him in the Bitcointalk forum. The people who called him all sort of names should be ashamed. These pro-LGBT guys are really shameless. They can stoop to any lows, to demonize and insult someone who doesn't agree with their views.

All of his statements were shitty, not just the second one...

Do you have a source for the claim that anyone lied about Manny?  I can't seem to confirm this via google... it looks like Manny said all that homophobic bullshit to me

Would you like to see the video? (

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 25, 2016, 07:18:13 AM
Manny never made that second statement. The writer admitted he added that. ESPN made an official statement saying the author admitted he added that, So boys and girls don't believe everything you read.

Some pro-LGBT retard lied about Manny in ESPN, and we are having a 10-page thread bashing him in the Bitcointalk forum. The people who called him all sort of names should be ashamed. These pro-LGBT guys are really shameless. They can stoop to any lows, to demonize and insult someone who doesn't agree with their views.

Have you though that Manny was the first one who stoop low for his "opinion" which obviously composed of shameful words that can be considered as degrading someone elses just because he didn't agree with the lgbt ?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: lumeire on February 25, 2016, 08:22:40 AM
Too much time on the ring might have had a toll on his head. He's entitled to opinion, but he should just keep to to himself, especially he's now an icon.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Losvienleg on February 25, 2016, 09:26:45 AM
Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

Dude, we got enough place and ressources for doubling the population easily...
Stop being both dumb and blind...
Explain to me how ..We are way over populated..
A little tip we could feed the planet 10 times over easy..your not looking at the big picture so what is the problem your not thinking?. Because there are many many problems.

If you live in a mud hut and then come to England for work..
what do you want when you come to the west. ANSWER..WHAT EVERY BODY ELSE HAS GOT

So now double what everybody else has got so now could you double the amount of people?

double cars on the road Schools hospitals jobs I could go on and on why we could never double Europe..

You said your a speaker for your town or village..
Just be careful you don't wipe out your towns children's futures.
Bring to many less chance for your next generation to get job house cars because you give it to foreigners

population of 60 million let 3000 a year come in to work on a work permit for 5 years then send them back home.
Let to many in they change the face of your country.
See i would let the whole world into my country if when they come they give the natives 100 pounds
everyday for life then its not a problem..BUT they don't they come over and give us ISLAM and i hate it with all my heart.

Reject all the strangers (non-European I mean). Then build just 3 big new cities by country. Except in Luxembourg or in Belgium, everything should be fine. Then you can welcome at least 3 new millions of people (that come from our wives, not illetrated niggers). For you cars are a problem, but a big city fully built by the same architect shouldn't have any problem because everything would have been planned.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 10:06:29 AM
Seriously, there's enough place in Europe. Enough ressources. We have too many food, so we even send free food to the hungry Africans. No problem in Europe. I don't care what is happening in the rest of the World ::)...

Dude, we got enough place and ressources for doubling the population easily...
Stop being both dumb and blind...
Explain to me how ..We are way over populated..
A little tip we could feed the planet 10 times over easy..your not looking at the big picture so what is the problem your not thinking?. Because there are many many problems.

If you live in a mud hut and then come to England for work..
what do you want when you come to the west. ANSWER..WHAT EVERY BODY ELSE HAS GOT

So now double what everybody else has got so now could you double the amount of people?

double cars on the road Schools hospitals jobs I could go on and on why we could never double Europe..

You said your a speaker for your town or village..
Just be careful you don't wipe out your towns children's futures.
Bring to many less chance for your next generation to get job house cars because you give it to foreigners

population of 60 million let 3000 a year come in to work on a work permit for 5 years then send them back home.
Let to many in they change the face of your country.
See i would let the whole world into my country if when they come they give the natives 100 pounds
everyday for life then its not a problem..BUT they don't they come over and give us ISLAM and i hate it with all my heart.

Capital is currently taking 45% of GDP.
Means if we stoip giving the power to industries and companies and start giving money to who deserves it, we could easily double the population while keeping the same lever of wealth.

It's just that you're all so dumb that you prefer blame the migrants politics are pointing at.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 10:07:45 AM
Manny never made that second statement. The writer admitted he added that. ESPN made an official statement saying the author admitted he added that, So boys and girls don't believe everything you read.

Some pro-LGBT retard lied about Manny in ESPN, and we are having a 10-page thread bashing him in the Bitcointalk forum. The people who called him all sort of names should be ashamed. These pro-LGBT guys are really shameless. They can stoop to any lows, to demonize and insult someone who doesn't agree with their views.

*Says the biggest dumbass of the forum actually spreading hoaxes and nonsense like it's facts.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: EdenHazard on February 25, 2016, 11:44:51 AM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.
i fully agree with manny pacquiao,and i think his word is not too bad and bit much,its normal,some people also compare LGBT with animal,because i dont have any other word to explain how LGBT is really2 not normal and commiting of sin against god.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: mainpmf on February 25, 2016, 11:55:41 AM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.
i fully agree with manny pacquiao,and i think his word is not too bad and bit much,its normal,some people also compare LGBT with animal,because i dont have any other word to explain how LGBT is really2 not normal and commiting of sin against god.

Ok so if homosexuality "isn't normal", "isn't natural", and "isn't done even by animals", please how do you explain that most animals actually practice homosexuality?
For example, around 6 to 8% of sheeps have homosexual intercourse. So in which way is homosexuality "not normal" and "not natural" again?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: jacee on February 25, 2016, 12:39:59 PM

i fully agree with manny pacquiao,and i think his word is not too bad and bit much,its normal,some people also compare LGBT with animal,because i dont have any other word to explain how LGBT is really2 not normal and commiting of sin against god.

So if then the LGBT people should be called animal because of their sin then if you are a gambler, if you cut your hair, if you have a tattoo, if you wear two kinds of fabric at the same time, if you watch porn, if you think dirty thought, if you fantasize others , etc. then you should also be called an animal because as far as I know all of those are sins against God. ::)

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 25, 2016, 01:03:56 PM

i fully agree with manny pacquiao,and i think his word is not too bad and bit much,its normal,some people also compare LGBT with animal,because i dont have any other word to explain how LGBT is really2 not normal and commiting of sin against god.

So if then the LGBT people should be called animal because of their sin then if you are a gambler, if you cut your hair, if you have a tattoo, if you wear two kinds of fabric at the same time, if you watch porn, if you think dirty thought, if you fantasize others , etc. then you should also be called an animal because as far as I know all of those are sins against God. ::)

Problem being that what he says is wrong. If the fact to sin is enough to be called animals, then we're all worse than animals!!!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 25, 2016, 01:05:13 PM

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

Here is a list of animals where we saw homosexual intercourses:

Just for info. Cause that's basically wrong to say that.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 02:55:52 PM
I don't suppose anyone remembers what Jesus replied, when asked which sin was the worst sin?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: yugo23 on February 25, 2016, 02:57:50 PM
I don't suppose anyone remembers what Jesus replied, when asked which sin was the worst sin?

Don't know. Hating someone something like that?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 02:59:59 PM
I don't suppose anyone remembers what Jesus replied, when asked which sin was the worst sin?

Don't know. Hating someone something like that?

Hint: Jesus did not reply, "you should hate fags the most"

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Lutzow on February 25, 2016, 03:08:25 PM
Manny's interview was actually being cut by the local media. The complete footage surfaced after the issue exploded and he actually said that he's not against the LGBT and that he's only against same-sex marriage. It's just an opinion just like like what we have on some issues as well and I think such should not be taken too seriously.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 25, 2016, 03:14:38 PM
Manny's interview was actually being cut by the local media. The complete footage surfaced after the issue exploded and he actually said that he's not against the LGBT and that he's only against same-sex marriage. It's just an opinion just like like what we have on some issues as well and I think such should not be taken too seriously.


How can you not take a guy seriously who is running for congress/president?

I would never elect someone like that to any position of authority

Religion and politics do not mix... separation of church and state... don't make bigoted religious laws... it's stupid, and makes your whole country look foolish and childish

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Dekker3D on February 25, 2016, 04:29:40 PM
Manny's interview was actually being cut by the local media. The complete footage surfaced after the issue exploded and he actually said that he's not against the LGBT and that he's only against same-sex marriage. It's just an opinion just like like what we have on some issues as well and I think such should not be taken too seriously.


How can you not take a guy seriously who is running for congress/president?

I would never elect someone like that to any position of authority

Religion and politics do not mix... separation of church and state... don't make bigoted religious laws... it's stupid, and makes your whole country look foolish and childish

I don't know what's with the guy, you can't excel doing different things all at the same time and politics, boxing and church are some of those things.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 26, 2016, 02:55:30 AM
Manny's interview was actually being cut by the local media. The complete footage surfaced after the issue exploded and he actually said that he's not against the LGBT and that he's only against same-sex marriage. It's just an opinion just like like what we have on some issues as well and I think such should not be taken too seriously.


How can you not take a guy seriously who is running for congress/president?

I would never elect someone like that to any position of authority

Religion and politics do not mix... separation of church and state... don't make bigoted religious laws... it's stupid, and makes your whole country look foolish and childish

I don't know what's with the guy, you can't excel doing different things all at the same time and politics, boxing and church are some of those things.

Unfortunately, With the Pilipinos' mind set, these "christians" decided to give their vote to Pacquiao because he is a a follower of God. They didn't ve consider if Manny will even be effective in the senate.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 26, 2016, 03:21:29 AM
Manny's interview was actually being cut by the local media. The complete footage surfaced after the issue exploded and he actually said that he's not against the LGBT and that he's only against same-sex marriage. It's just an opinion just like like what we have on some issues as well and I think such should not be taken too seriously.


How can you not take a guy seriously who is running for congress/president?

I would never elect someone like that to any position of authority

Religion and politics do not mix... separation of church and state... don't make bigoted religious laws... it's stupid, and makes your whole country look foolish and childish

I don't know what's with the guy, you can't excel doing different things all at the same time and politics, boxing and church are some of those things.

Unfortunately, With the Pilipinos' mind set, these "christians" decided to give their vote to Pacquiao because he is a a follower of God. They didn't ve consider if Manny will even be effective in the senate.

Reminds me of the Governator, Arnold Musclehogger

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 03:37:56 AM
gay humans worse than animals Hmmmmmm shall we look

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 26, 2016, 10:07:02 AM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: valta4065 on February 26, 2016, 10:15:51 AM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

Ok so as animals have mostly heterosexual sex I suppose it's even worse than homosexual sex no?

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on February 26, 2016, 11:51:14 AM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

You should research more about your facts mate.
Homosexual activity are known in most animals and yet Homophobia is only present in humans. Guess Humans are not using their mind right. ::)
Do no post if you don't even know what you are talking about. It kind of pissed me to see people like you actin like they actually know a lot when they degrade LGBT people.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: craked5 on February 26, 2016, 12:25:48 PM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

You should research more about your facts mate.
Homosexual activity are known in most animals and yet Homophobia is only present in humans. Guess Humans are not using their mind right. ::)
Do no post if you don't even know what you are talking about. It kind of pissed me to see people like you actin like they actually know a lot when they degrade LGBT people.

He's actually saying that we shouldn't do that because we're more intelligent than animals.
Not saying he's right but there is some kind of logic in his speech.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 26, 2016, 11:49:01 PM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

You should research more about your facts mate.
Homosexual activity are known in most animals and yet Homophobia is only present in humans. Guess Humans are not using their mind right. ::)
Do no post if you don't even know what you are talking about. It kind of pissed me to see people like you actin like they actually know a lot when they degrade LGBT people.

He's actually saying that we shouldn't do that because we're more intelligent than animals.
Not saying he's right but there is some kind of logic in his speech.

Still Think Humans are the Most Intelligent Animals? Here's ...

- Evolutionary biologists claim that in some cases animals have superior brains to us and that many of their abilities are merely misunderstood by humans. They believe that creatures ranging from crows to koalas reveal this intelligence is widespread in the animal kingdom.
1. Homing Pigeons
2 Elephants
3 ants
4 killer whales i could go on and on  ;D



Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on February 27, 2016, 12:15:01 AM
We are the highest form of animals! But then again we know it's against nature but people still do it! Unlike animals we had brains 10 times better! If not 100 times better. Animal act like animals! And we have evolved from being animals!

You should research more about your facts mate.
Homosexual activity are known in most animals and yet Homophobia is only present in humans. Guess Humans are not using their mind right. ::)
Do no post if you don't even know what you are talking about. It kind of pissed me to see people like you actin like they actually know a lot when they degrade LGBT people.

He's actually saying that we shouldn't do that because we're more intelligent than animals.
Not saying he's right but there is some kind of logic in his speech.

I think he's getting it too literally , mate always check your comments first and read carefully thoroughly. I'm not degrading LGBT people and but the thing is their 'wrong doings' there are lot of LGBT who are good people. But we need to condemned what they are doing which is 'same-sex marriage'.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: shane on February 27, 2016, 01:48:44 AM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.
manny Pacquiao is santo that's normal if he say it, Im not christian, but i agree with him, it's a true fact, im never see mal animal f*cking male animal.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on February 27, 2016, 03:50:17 AM
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao, who is running for a Senate seat in the 2016 Philippine elections, expressed his disapproval on the issue of same-sex marriage when he was asked about his stand.

In an interview with Bilang Pilipino, the data-driven elections coverage by News5,, Bloomberg Philippines, Philippine Star, and BusinessWorld, the Sarangani representative said that, coming from a religious background, he could not give it his support.

“As a Christian, same-sex marriage is not allowed. Woman was made for man, man was made for woman.” he said.

“For me, it’s common sense. Will you see any animals where male is to male and female is to female? The animals are better. They know how to distinguish, male or female.”

“If we approve male on male, female on female, then man is worse than animal.”

“Right? Even among animals… those of the same sex are not allowed to lie together. But I’m not condemning them. Just the marriage, the committing of sin against God.”

This topic has made a really bad impact for Pacquiao as he had los a lot of supporters with his lack of proper words to use.

Wha are your thoughts about this guys?

As for me, it is okay for Manny to disagree but he doesn't have the right to degrade other people (the lgbt) and compare it as worse than animals.
manny Pacquiao is santo that's normal if he say it, Im not christian, but i agree with him, it's a true fact, im never see mal animal f*cking male animal.


Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on February 27, 2016, 04:36:55 AM
manny Pacquiao is santo that's normal if he say it, Im not christian, but i agree with him, it's a true fact, im never see mal animal f*cking male animal.

Do you spend as much time watching animals as you spend learning how to spell?

I have never seen a whale... does that mean whales don't exist?  Same logical fallacy

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bryant.coleman on February 27, 2016, 05:39:46 AM
Do you spend as much time watching animals as you spend learning how to spell?

I have never seen a whale... does that mean whales don't exist?  Same logical fallacy

Homosexual behavior is not normal among the animals. It is rare. The prevalence of homosexuality among animals is even lower than it is in humans.

And I am skeptical about the research done by various pro-LGBT groups on animals. In the past, they have used various dirty tactics to falsify the results. This is from Wikipedia:

Many of the animals used in laboratory-based studies of homosexuality do not appear to spontaneously exhibit these tendencies often in the wild. Such behavior is often elicited and exaggerated by the researcher during experimentation through the destruction of a portion of brain tissue, or by exposing the animal to high levels of steroid hormones prenatally. Information gathered from these studies is limited when applied to spontaneously occurring same-sex behavior in animals outside of the laboratory.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: valta4065 on February 29, 2016, 10:03:55 AM
Do you spend as much time watching animals as you spend learning how to spell?

I have never seen a whale... does that mean whales don't exist?  Same logical fallacy

Homosexual behavior is not normal among the animals. It is rare. The prevalence of homosexuality among animals is even lower than it is in humans.

And I am skeptical about the research done by various pro-LGBT groups on animals. In the past, they have used various dirty tactics to falsify the results. This is from Wikipedia:

Many of the animals used in laboratory-based studies of homosexuality do not appear to spontaneously exhibit these tendencies often in the wild. Such behavior is often elicited and exaggerated by the researcher during experimentation through the destruction of a portion of brain tissue, or by exposing the animal to high levels of steroid hormones prenatally. Information gathered from these studies is limited when applied to spontaneously occurring same-sex behavior in animals outside of the laboratory.

I don't see why the percentage of homosexual intercourse would matter. Homosexuality exists in animal kigdom and is not a rare thing at all. Hence Manny Pacquiao is wrong. End.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: sallymeeh27 on February 29, 2016, 10:14:19 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: mOgliE on February 29, 2016, 10:51:09 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on March 01, 2016, 03:34:10 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Yeah, but manny doesn't hate gays or lesbians but he hates same-sex marriage, he has the point to say what is right but manny even though he know that many will hate him but its true, the truth hurts that same-sex marriage doesn't fit in this world and it is an abomination to God. God hates sin but love the sinners that's what manny wants to tell to everyone.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: Moloch on March 01, 2016, 03:40:40 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Yeah, but manny doesn't hate gays or lesbians but he hates same-sex marriage, he has the point to say what is right but manny even though he know that many will hate him but its true, the truth hurts that same-sex marriage doesn't fit in this world and it is an abomination to God. God hates sin but love the sinners that's what manny wants to tell to everyone.

That is not true at all...

Manny tweeted the bible verse from Leviticus where god commands his followers to MURDER homosexuals... Manny hates gays...

Don't blame the bible or God... Then you sound like the Westboro Baptist Church, "I don't hate fags, God hates fags"

Own up to your hatred... Be a bigot

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: bonski on March 01, 2016, 03:45:13 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Yeah, but manny doesn't hate gays or lesbians but he hates same-sex marriage, he has the point to say what is right but manny even though he know that many will hate him but its true, the truth hurts that same-sex marriage doesn't fit in this world and it is an abomination to God. God hates sin but love the sinners that's what manny wants to tell to everyone.

That is not true at all...

Manny tweeted the bible verse from Leviticus where god commands his followers to MURDER homosexuals... Manny hates gays...

Don't blame the bible or God... Then you sound like the Westboro Baptist Church, "I don't hate fags, God hates fags"

Own up to your hatred... Be a bigot

I think you misinterpret it, manny tweeted that verse to inform everyone that bad things will happen to them if they will continue to do same-sex marriage and disobey the commandments of God, but may I ask you if manny posted he will kill gays and lesbians?  And again manny doesn't hate gays and lesbians , he loves them for God is the God love. Manny doesn't what them to be destroyed by their wrong doings and belief thats why manny said it.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on March 01, 2016, 04:07:59 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Yeah, but manny doesn't hate gays or lesbians but he hates same-sex marriage, he has the point to say what is right but manny even though he know that many will hate him but its true, the truth hurts that same-sex marriage doesn't fit in this world and it is an abomination to God. God hates sin but love the sinners that's what manny wants to tell to everyone.

That is not true at all...

Manny tweeted the bible verse from Leviticus where god commands his followers to MURDER homosexuals... Manny hates gays...

Don't blame the bible or God... Then you sound like the Westboro Baptist Church, "I don't hate fags, God hates fags"

Own up to your hatred... Be a bigot

I think you misinterpret it, manny tweeted that verse to inform everyone that bad things will happen to them if they will continue to do same-sex marriage and disobey the commandments of God, but may I ask you if manny posted he will kill gays and lesbians?  And again manny doesn't hate gays and lesbians , he loves them for God is the God love. Manny doesn't what them to be destroyed by their wrong doings and belief thats why manny said it.
Bad things will happen to them..LIKE WHAT. The fact he spread even more hatred towards the gays they could end up getting beat up..WELL DONE MANNY YOU REALLY ARE KIND and LOVING

He said gays are worse than animals AND HE IS RIGHT
I just watched some nature program and this animal had 2 young females and because they where females the animal went mad and threw ACID in there faces
It was the animals own female children..These animals love throwing acid in the females faces mad it is..I think the animals were called a human India they look a bit like a Macaque STRANGE CREATURES

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: nostal02 on March 01, 2016, 06:24:19 AM
Pacman did big mistake for having said that people (homosexual) are worst than animals...
The term he use is not that acceptable to LGBT groups...
Maybe next time he will do a review of the question first before he even go to a interview...

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on March 01, 2016, 06:37:26 AM
Pacman did big mistake for having said that people (homosexual) are worst than animals...
The term he use is not that acceptable to LGBT groups...
Maybe next time he will do a review of the question first before he even go to a interview...

The thing that makes his statement unacceptable is when he used dreadful words againsts the LGBT people.
We all know how the minds of people works. Once the hate is fueled, there is more chance of exploding. We already know that there are a lot of people who already is against and who are already hating the LGBT and them knowing that a National icon compare these LGBT people to as worse than animal could even fuel up their hate.
I have seen a lot of gay people and know a lot of them who are afraid to be theirselves because they are afraid that people will not only judge them and hurt them with their words but as well as hurt them physically.
Just imagine what kind of fear they are trying to escape in such community.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: clangtrump on March 01, 2016, 07:20:48 AM
Pacman did big mistake for having said that people (homosexual) are worst than animals...
The term he use is not that acceptable to LGBT groups...
Maybe next time he will do a review of the question first before he even go to a interview...

The thing that makes his statement unacceptable is when he used dreadful words againsts the LGBT people.
We all know how the minds of people works. Once the hate is fueled, there is more chance of exploding. We already know that there are a lot of people who already is against and who are already hating the LGBT and them knowing that a National icon compare these LGBT people to as worse than animal could even fuel up their hate.
I have seen a lot of gay people and know a lot of them who are afraid to be theirselves because they are afraid that people will not only judge them and hurt them with their words but as well as hurt them physically.
Just imagine what kind of fear they are trying to escape in such community.

Ya and people just tend to forget the glory and pride he gave to his nation just from a single comment. He is very religious and he contributed many infrastructures from his money. And lets admit some gay comedian do unmodest topics for some laughter. Manny has my respect. He listen to the word of god than to word of man.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: stiffbud on March 01, 2016, 08:18:53 AM

Ya and people just tend to forget the glory and pride he gave to his nation just from a single comment. He is very religious and he contributed many infrastructures from his money. And lets admit some gay comedian do unmodest topics for some laughter. Manny has my respect. He listen to the word of god than to word of man.
As a person Manny don't have the right to compare his own kin to human you know. Also the joke of a comedian is different from the statement of a politician. If he did listen to Gods' words then he will not be spitting degrading words against his own kind.

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: valta4065 on March 01, 2016, 09:50:49 AM
I believe so that he trying to express his opinion when it comes to this matter. He is just being realistic, this is his belief and anyone can actually express his own thoughts wherein we ,do also exercise our freedom. Not all people may agree to it. But then he forgot that not all people are having the same beliefs which make this an issue..

Problem is not his belief or the fact that he hates gays. We don't care about that, he gets every right to do so.
Problem is he's spreading false information like saying homosexuality isn't natural and animals doesn't do that. Which is false and has always been proven wrong.

Yeah, but manny doesn't hate gays or lesbians but he hates same-sex marriage, he has the point to say what is right but manny even though he know that many will hate him but its true, the truth hurts that same-sex marriage doesn't fit in this world and it is an abomination to God. God hates sin but love the sinners that's what manny wants to tell to everyone.

Oh yeah that's what he wants to say by quoting the Leviticus?

Anyway this whole debate doesn't matter! I don't care what he wants, his personnal opinions isn't my business!
The point is that he spreads FALSE information! That's all what's important here!

He even gots the right to hate fags, I don't care. But he shouldn't say things that are proven to be wrong and so easy to check!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: valta4065 on March 01, 2016, 09:54:21 AM
Pacman did big mistake for having said that people (homosexual) are worst than animals...
The term he use is not that acceptable to LGBT groups...
Maybe next time he will do a review of the question first before he even go to a interview...

Lol, the term he's used isn't acceptable by anyone, not only by LGBT groups xD
If I tell you you're worse than an animal will you take it ok?

Well of course in a sense we're all animals so it could be interpreted as just a normal statement.
Let's be honest gays aren't better than animals. But neither heterosexual are. We're all talking about very basic activities here (fucking what's next to you).

But the fact that he said animals can't be gays and that it's not natural is dangerous because it makes people believe gayness is some kind of mental disease... Seriously it's the 21st century ok? Stop spreading such BS!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: mikehersh2 on March 02, 2016, 02:08:31 AM
Its good that big name people and celebrities are able to stand up for gay rights. I think its about time that people embrace the change

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: popcorn1 on March 02, 2016, 02:28:52 AM
Its good that big name people and celebrities are able to stand up for gay rights. I think its about time that people embrace the change
YER like Manny Pacquiao  :D Your so right

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: valta4065 on March 02, 2016, 10:09:19 AM
Its good that big name people and celebrities are able to stand up for gay rights. I think its about time that people embrace the change

Dude, seems to me you haven't even read the Op...

What's strange though is that you're not a sig spammer as you have no sig...

I'll bet on a genuine mistake so please follow this link to understand how wrong you are!

Title: Re: Manny Pacquiao stands on same sex marriage
Post by: arwin100 on March 23, 2016, 12:21:13 PM
I agree on what manny pacquiao thoughs it againts the christians holy book men are made for women and women made for men.  Gay marriage is a big sin and it will make them burn in hell. manny pacquiao has stated the truth and he follows the order of the holy book.  He gain more sympathy becoz he have his own word.