Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: simpleIPaddress on August 05, 2019, 04:13:56 PM

Title: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: simpleIPaddress on August 05, 2019, 04:13:56 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: simpleIPaddress on August 05, 2019, 04:48:10 PM
Quantum computers are not common, so it's too early to talk about anything. And besides, this technology has not yet been finalized

The question is important for the future of Bitcoin.
Imagine a BTC price > $1,000,000 and more than 1,000,000 'shalecoins', coins with no owner would become active.
The value of these coins would be > $1,000,000,000,000
How can that work?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Nadziratel on August 05, 2019, 04:56:08 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

I think we should know what is the quantum computers first? And I think this video is the most understanable information way.

If you know what is the quantum computer now. Then you may understand it is not possible to know this things 10 years before.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: dzoni on August 05, 2019, 05:21:45 PM
The question is important for the future of Bitcoin.
Imagine a BTC price > $1,000,000 and more than 1,000,000 'shalecoins', coins with no owner would become active.
The value of these coins would be > $1,000,000,000,000
How can that work?
There are two important.

Ad 1. If quantum computing managed to break private key cryptography in a way that it allowed somebody to control shalecoins, this would instantly induce a panic which would crash the price of bitcoin, so it wouldn't be $1,000,000,000,000 anymore, more like $1,000.

Ad 2. If quantum computing managed to break private key cryptography, we would have much bigger problems than future of bitcoin - all of the internet would be exposed to attacks it would be easy to hack anything from internet banking to medical equipment. Pure chaos would ensue and not many people would worry about their cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: dothebeats on August 05, 2019, 09:33:00 PM
Satoshi's caliber and knowledge in IT, cryptography and all sorts of techy stuff is immense, and we can see that through his own post writings here in this forum and other places in the internet that it's not impossible that he had already thought of quantum computing as one problem bitcoin might face in the future hence he 'future-proofed' the whole protocol by embedding lots of hard to break algorithms and cryptographic keys in it. Though it's still entirely possible that quantum computing would break bitcoin, it would take a long time for it to happen and perhaps by then, we have moved into a more secure algorithm or we may not even exist at all.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: seoincorporation on August 05, 2019, 09:54:24 PM
The thing here is... If a quantum computes could vuln bitcoin by brute force, that would mean the end of sha256 (but it's impossible), that's why they call it one-way encryption. And if it really happens there are other things to worry about than bitcoin. Because in the scenario where a quantum computer decode bitcoin transactions, then we will see a fork to recover the coins and an encryption upgrade, so, don't worry at all ;)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: squatter on August 05, 2019, 09:58:37 PM
If he did, he wasn't worried about them. That's why early outputs weren't P2PKH ( (pay-to-pubkey-hash) but rather P2PK (pay-to-pubkey). P2PK outputs provide no protection if ECDSA is broken by quantum computers. From the Bitcoin wiki (

Obsolete pay-to-pubkey transaction

OP_CHECKSIG is used directly without first hashing the public key. This was used by early versions of Bitcoin where people paid directly to IP addresses, before Bitcoin addresses were introduced. scriptPubKeys of this transaction form are still recognized as payments to user by Bitcoin Core. The disadvantage of this transaction form is that the whole public key needs to be known in advance, implying longer payment addresses, and that it provides less protection in the event of a break in the ECDSA signature algorithm.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: jseverson on August 06, 2019, 01:33:22 AM
Shale coins could still be a possibility but is it an issue? Thought gone coins coming back to circulation? Would it even be profitable to run a quantum machine for the length of time it takes on average to crack?

It will be at some point. It's also entirely possible for this to happen even before quantum computers are commercially available.

Because in the scenario where a quantum computer decode bitcoin transactions, then we will see a fork to recover the coins and an encryption upgrade, so, don't worry at all ;)

"Recovering" someone else's coins is a very slipper slope. What essentially happens is that you steal them in place of another thief.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: TimeBits on August 06, 2019, 05:06:37 AM
How could they predict Asics, they didn't. They did not exist when they created bitcoin. They had no clue they would come into existence.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Kakmakr on August 06, 2019, 05:48:02 AM
Yes he did and that is why he developed the whole Bitcoin protocol in such a way that the difficulty would adjust, based on the combined hash rate at any given time. This was done to make room for any future technologies that might want to dominate the mining scene, when they develop something that would make it easier to mine bitcoins. <ASIC technology is just one example of that and the difficulty increased based on the added hashing power that was added by this technology>

Quantum computing might replace ASIC technology, like ASIC technology replaced GPU mining.  ::)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: adaseb on August 06, 2019, 05:51:54 AM
This was discussed many times in the past.

He basically mined to a public key, which is slightly less secure than a Bitcoin address so its slightly easier to crack. So he didn't really worry about quantum computers back then.

Most likely if it reaches a point when Quantum computer "could" crack a public key and find the private key, then there will most likely be an upgrade to the network to prevent peoples funds from being stolen.

But from what I heard we are about 10 years away from this happening at the earliest.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: valentin68 on August 06, 2019, 08:08:06 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto is a mathematician. I am a physicist. I had  a mathematics professor that could be compared with Satoshi Nakamoto. When bitcoin was invented in 2009, the quantum adventure was at its beginnings.

I made my PhD thesis on quantum wells (in 2000), in 2009 what was in my PhD thesis was learned in the QM in the 2nd year of faculty.  When bitcoin was invented no one could say that Quantum Computers will be invented in 10 years.

Thus, Satoshi Nakamoto did not think that quantum computers will exist when he invented the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: dzoni on August 06, 2019, 10:07:43 AM
Well Bitcoin could easily Transition into a fork that generates a new quantum proof private key (we don't know if the current one is or is not) and you'd move your coins to your new address.
Hmmm... quantum proof private key cryptographic algorithms exist? As far as I understand there is no such thing?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: buwaytress on August 06, 2019, 10:20:52 AM
A bit of a stale topic since even the most optimistic projections give us another decade before such a qc becomes a viable threat... And it is conceivable that Bitcoin would have upgraded significantly by then... Considering the developments of the last decade alone.

I do wonder if all that presumed upgrades would also be retrospective, it would have to be otherwise people who didn't update wallets would risk losing everything.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: omone1 on August 06, 2019, 10:36:55 AM
Satoshi's caliber and knowledge in IT, cryptography and all sorts of techy stuff is immense, and we can see that through his own post writings here in this forum and other places in the internet that it's not impossible that he had already thought of quantum computing as one problem bitcoin might face in the future hence he 'future-proofed' the whole protocol by embedding lots of hard to break algorithms and cryptographic keys in it. Though it's still entirely possible that quantum computing would break bitcoin, it would take a long time for it to happen and perhaps by then, we have moved into a more secure algorithm or we may not even exist at all.

Thank you for this explanation. "We would have move to a more secured algorithm" is what I will take home as a word of hope.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 06, 2019, 01:51:14 PM
A quantum secure network / addresses are possible and not an issue. But what will happen to the 'shalecoins'?
Maybe some will say to burn them in the new quantum secure network, what would lead to a fork.
And some would still use the new quantum secure network with all the old coins.

Ad 1. If quantum computing managed to break private key cryptography in a way that it allowed somebody to control shalecoins, this would instantly induce a panic which would crash the price of bitcoin, so it wouldn't be $1,000,000,000,000 anymore, more like $1,000.
And the Bitcoin ecosystem would be broken. The Bitcoin community should not allow this and we have to solve that problem now.
The best solution would be, somebody could move the 'shalecoins' to P2PKH addresses.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 06, 2019, 04:43:10 PM
Each passing day brings the world closer to the exciting reality of powerful quantum computing...
But one thing is foreseeable: along with this greater power, some of today’s foundational crypto algorithms will be broken by quantum computers, making data security in a post-quantum world a top concern...
And although post-quantum is projected to be a few years away, an enterprise must start planning today to be post-quantum ready...

a few years away... $ billions investments...
...Italy, he says, is “attached to the European initiative,” a 1 billion euro investment in quantum research. Other nations are pursuing similar initiatives. The United Kingdom, Japan and Australia have invested upward of $100 million per year in quantum information technology. In 2018, the United States’ National Quantum Initiative Act instituted a $1.2 billion investment into quantum information science. In doing so, the U.S. joined Canada, the European Union and China as a leader in world quantum investment, with respective commitments of over $1 billion.

maybe earlier:

They will develop new quantum technologies:

"Quantum computers will soon outperform classical machines"
"The project is part of the EU’s €1 billion, 10-year Quantum Flagship initiative to kickstart a competitive European industry in quantum technologies."

New quantum computing building block developed by Australian researchers
The quantum building block, which is capable of performing an operation of 0.8 nanoseconds, is around 200 times faster than existing spin-based two-qubit gates in silicon.

Forget Qubits — Scientists Just Built a Quantum Gate With Qudits
And they could help usher in the era of the quantum computer.

The research team discovered that four qudits had the same power as 20 qubits. What’s more, the qudits were more stable than the qubits.

... and maybe a private group.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: squatter on August 06, 2019, 06:16:08 PM
A bit of a stale topic since even the most optimistic projections give us another decade before such a qc becomes a viable threat... And it is conceivable that Bitcoin would have upgraded significantly by then... Considering the developments of the last decade alone.

I do wonder if all that presumed upgrades would also be retrospective, it would have to be otherwise people who didn't update wallets would risk losing everything.

No quantum-resistant upgrade can retroactively protect vulnerable bitcoins. That's why we're "damned if you do, damned if you don't." Either way, there could still be millions of vulnerable bitcoins held on exposed public keys. The Satoshi coins, for example.

The only way to prevent those bitcoins from being stolen and re-added to the supply would be to lock/destroy them in a fork. For example, we could implement a fork where coins are destroyed if they aren't moved in n blocks -- a number of years down the road maybe. This would be extremely controversial.

Otherwise, the only thing we can do is soft fork in a new signature scheme (like Lamport) and have people voluntarily use it, like Segwit. No matter what, a decade is not such a long time. We should be discussing this stuff today.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 07, 2019, 02:49:49 PM
Post quantum we will have lots of forks. But the quantum upgraded original chain with all the mined coins will be the strongest. Anyone who has the privatekey of an old address can now move their coins and they will be quantum secure. Otherwise they are 'shalecoins' and have no owner and will be 'fracked'. These coins are the reward of their 'frackers'. If some think that the 'shalecoins' should be locked/destroyed, they can use the fork with excluded 'shalecoins'. They are already discussing such things: Fork and Destroy Satoshi's 1 million Bitcoin?

No matter what, a decade is not such a long time. We should be discussing this stuff today.
Yes, squatter.
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active. Thereafter BTC owners will decide, which fork they want to use.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 07, 2019, 03:22:16 PM
All inevitable technologies like electricity and transistors started off as research efforts that were not even visible to the outside world. But like a distant wave on the horizon, the slow movement belied the impact once it arrived.
But once the quantum wave does arrive, it will be as profoundly powerful to society as the move from abacus to silicon computing.

Move your coins from old addresses to make them quantum secure.
'Shalecoins', coins with no owner ' will be 'fracked' in the original chain.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: target on August 07, 2019, 03:57:24 PM

Post quantum we will have lots of forks. But the quantum upgraded original chain with all the mined coins will be the strongest. Anyone who has the privatekey of an old address can now move their coins and they will be quantum secure. Otherwise they are 'shalecoins' and have no owner and will be 'fracked'. These coins are the reward of their 'frackers'. If some think that the 'shalecoins' should be locked/destroyed, they can use the fork with excluded 'shalecoins'. They are already discussing such things: Fork and Destroy Satoshi's 1 million Bitcoin?

No matter what, a decade is not such a long time. We should be discussing this stuff today.
Yes, squatter.
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active. Thereafter BTC owners will decide, which fork they want to use.

I have no idea and I just learned it from this thread. Those coins in Satoshi's wallet will then be activated which sooner there might not have forgotten coins after all. I guess we can all say Bitcoin will live on to be 21M in total. Nothings wasted and SAtoshi has really thought all of these will happen one day.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 07, 2019, 04:02:28 PM

Post quantum we will have lots of forks. But the quantum upgraded original chain with all the mined coins will be the strongest. Anyone who has the privatekey of an old address can now move their coins and they will be quantum secure. Otherwise they are 'shalecoins' and have no owner and will be 'fracked'. These coins are the reward of their 'frackers'. If some think that the 'shalecoins' should be locked/destroyed, they can use the fork with excluded 'shalecoins'. They are already discussing such things: Fork and Destroy Satoshi's 1 million Bitcoin?

No matter what, a decade is not such a long time. We should be discussing this stuff today.
Yes, squatter.
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active. Thereafter BTC owners will decide, which fork they want to use.

I have no idea and I just learned it from this thread. Those coins in Satoshi's wallet will then be activated which sooner there might not have forgotten coins after all. I guess we can all say Bitcoin will live on to be 21M in total. Nothings wasted and SAtoshi has really thought all of these will happen one day.

You got it.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: only1post on August 07, 2019, 04:47:51 PM

Post quantum we will have lots of forks. But the quantum upgraded original chain with all the mined coins will be the strongest. Anyone who has the privatekey of an old address can now move their coins and they will be quantum secure. Otherwise they are 'shalecoins' and have no owner and will be 'fracked'. These coins are the reward of their 'frackers'. If some think that the 'shalecoins' should be locked/destroyed, they can use the fork with excluded 'shalecoins'. They are already discussing such things: Fork and Destroy Satoshi's 1 million Bitcoin?

No matter what, a decade is not such a long time. We should be discussing this stuff today.
Yes, squatter.
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active. Thereafter BTC owners will decide, which fork they want to use.

I have no idea and I just learned it from this thread. Those coins in Satoshi's wallet will then be activated which sooner there might not have forgotten coins after all. I guess we can all say Bitcoin will live on to be 21M in total. Nothings wasted and SAtoshi has really thought all of these will happen one day.

That means

2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

and privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain = quantum computer?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: jseverson on August 08, 2019, 07:20:43 AM
The only way to prevent those bitcoins from being stolen and re-added to the supply would be to lock/destroy them in a fork. For example, we could implement a fork where coins are destroyed if they aren't moved in n blocks -- a number of years down the road maybe. This would be extremely controversial.

I'm sure it would be controversial, but I'm not so sure as to the degree. From what I can see, Bitcoin is still dominated by people who want to make money first and foremost, so I could see a move like this, which preserves their coins' value, garner a lot of support. There will be some pushback among purists, but how many really are there? Either way, I agree that the community should start drawing up some concrete solutions.

I'm personally in the camp who would prefer that lost coins be left where they are whether they're vulnerable or not, but I won't really mind if they get destroyed either, considering the scale of damage their theft may cause.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on August 08, 2019, 02:40:46 PM
I'm personally in the camp who would prefer that lost coins be left where they are whether they're vulnerable or not, but I won't really mind if they get destroyed either, considering the scale of damage their theft may cause.

The original chain will remain the strongest chain. If some groups can reproduce the privatekeys of 'shalecoins', it's their reward. They are trying to build a computer in the near future, that wouldn't be built so fast without that incentive. That opportunity accelerates the technology. If there are still some BTC owners with old addresses and remove their coins now, they will be secure. So it's a fair game.

The Bitcoin network is a pure competition network. Only the best technology will be successful here and make it secure. A Bitcoin fork without the old coins would be like another s**tcoin, because it would avoid real competition.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: simpleIPaddress on August 08, 2019, 03:19:35 PM
Dr. Pieter Wuille: Current Bitcoin Protocol Is 'Not Quantum Secure'
No, IBM’s Quantum Computer won’t break Bitcoin, but we should be prepared for one that can.

There will be some pushback among purists, but how many really are there? Either way, I agree that the community should start drawing up some concrete solutions.

There is still no quantum solution in the Bitcoin network because..

Bitcoin is still dominated by people who want to make money first and foremost, so I could see a move like this, which preserves their coins' value, garner a lot of support.
Merit +++

But Bitcoin is about competition and best technology. That should be our task. The big money will come in post quantum.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on August 13, 2019, 01:50:09 PM
Professor Christopher Monroe:
The Quantum Computing Party Hasn’t Even Started Yet
But your company may already be too late
For ours and the other companies building quantum computers, it's an exciting time. It's taken decades of work to learn how to build working machines that can handle a few dozen quantum bits of information (qubits). It will take a few more years of engineering for us to build capacity in the hundreds of qubits, but I am confident we will, and that those computers will deliver on the amazing potential of quantum technology.
Each passing day brings the world closer to the exciting reality of powerful quantum computing...
But one thing is foreseeable: along with this greater power, some of today’s foundational crypto algorithms will be broken by quantum computers, making data security in a post-quantum world a top concern...
And although post-quantum is projected to be a few years away, an enterprise must start planning today to be post-quantum ready...

a few years away... $ billions investments...
...Italy, he says, is “attached to the European initiative,” a 1 billion euro investment in quantum research. Other nations are pursuing similar initiatives. The United Kingdom, Japan and Australia have invested upward of $100 million per year in quantum information technology. In 2018, the United States’ National Quantum Initiative Act instituted a $1.2 billion investment into quantum information science. In doing so, the U.S. joined Canada, the European Union and China as a leader in world quantum investment, with respective commitments of over $1 billion.

maybe earlier:

They will develop new quantum technologies:

"Quantum computers will soon outperform classical machines"
"The project is part of the EU’s €1 billion, 10-year Quantum Flagship initiative to kickstart a competitive European industry in quantum technologies."

New quantum computing building block developed by Australian researchers
The quantum building block, which is capable of performing an operation of 0.8 nanoseconds, is around 200 times faster than existing spin-based two-qubit gates in silicon.

Forget Qubits — Scientists Just Built a Quantum Gate With Qudits
And they could help usher in the era of the quantum computer.

The research team discovered that four qudits had the same power as 20 qubits. What’s more, the qudits were more stable than the qubits.

... and maybe a private group.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: serjent05 on August 13, 2019, 02:08:09 PM
Satoshi had already thought of the quantum computers, and the possible decoding of the privatekeys if it became available, but I think, Satoshi as a programmer, he know that Bitcoin security will not stop developing and improving so he do not worry much about this stuff.

I do not know why people think that Bitcoin security will stop as is and too worried about quantum computers.  It maybe a threat but I am sure, Bitcoin developers will find way to level Bitcoin's security up before that happen.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on August 13, 2019, 03:18:16 PM
I do not know why people think that Bitcoin security will stop as is and too worried about quantum computers.  It maybe a threat but I am sure, Bitcoin developers will find way to level Bitcoin's security up before that happen.
That's not an issue. Bitcoin developers have already post quantum solutions.
But there are lots of 'shalecoins', coins with no owner. With quantum computers, these coins will become active and change the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Satoshi had already thought of the quantum computers, and the possible decoding of the privatekeys if it became available, ..
His coins would be quantum secured, if he sent them to P2PKH addresses. But he did not and isn't doing.
2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

and privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain = quantum computer?

We will get the answer with quantum computers. As soon as possible.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on August 27, 2019, 01:30:02 PM
Australia's Archer details first stage of room temp quantum chip success

Move your coins from old addresses to make them quantum secure.
'Shalecoins', coins with no owner ' will be 'fracked'..

Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoquotes on September 09, 2019, 01:33:07 PM
For reference, there are some promising candidate for quantum resistant cryptography signature, such as :
1. Lamport Signature
2. Lattice-based Cryptography
3. Multivariate-based cryptography

These would be temporary solutions. Therefore they are developing new cryptos.

Postquantum, nobody will be able to prove that he/she/they was/were the owner/s in the old system, because everyone will be able to reproduce the privatekeys of old blockchains.

We will have a quantum secure network.
This will be the new beginning.


Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Irvinn on September 09, 2019, 05:24:23 PM
Today, many cryptocurrency users are horrified to hear the news that cryptocurrency will be defenseless in front of a quantum computer.  There is a lot of news in the information space that many experts in the world of cryptography today are working on a quantum-resistant cryptocurrency in order to remove all risks in the future.  Until now, many have been discussing printed words from Satoshi Nakamoto regarding quantum technologies and cryptocurrencies, but for some reason I have not heard a single word from Craig Wright, who is either an impostor or really is real Satoshi Nakamoto.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on September 13, 2019, 01:41:49 PM
Quantum computers could arrive sooner if we build them with traditional silicon technology

IBM, Fraunhofer partner on German-backed quantum computing research push


Imec and NUS to collaborate on chip-based quantum cryptography technology
Although one might argue that such a large-scale quantum computer is still some time away, the situation is nevertheless an urgent one..

Move your coins from old addresses to make them quantum secure.
'Shalecoins', coins with no owner ' will be 'fracked'..

Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: killat on September 13, 2019, 04:22:50 PM
First, nobody knows when a quantum computer will be released and also nobody know how Bitcoin will look like when this is gonna happen.

I think it's way to early to think about this right now. If a quantum computer will go live, imagine that all the other payment systems (banks, PayPal etc) will be affected,  not only Btc.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Tylev on September 15, 2019, 05:30:33 AM
We cannot know about technologies that will be invented in the future. Satoshi Nakamoto did not even know what will happen to cryptocurrency in twenty years, whether it will be applied to this time in the world by people, or not. He said that in twenty years there will be either a lot of transactions in bitcoins, or there will be no transactions. Therefore, even if he could hear about the possible developments of quantum computers, however, he could not know their details, just as we do not know to this day.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on September 17, 2019, 02:13:06 PM
Don't worry about Bitcoin, a small niche. The world will have BIGGER problems to worry about with the arrival of quantum computers. Hahaha.

The world will be able to fix the quantum issue and implement a quantum secure mode through rewinding, freezing, correcting accounts. But Bitcoin can't and that will lead to forks. We already have two main post quantum 'forks':

1. The original chain with all the coins. The 'shalecoins', coins with no owner, will have new owners as it will be able to move these coins.
The original chain will remain the strongest chain. If some groups can reproduce the privatekeys of 'shalecoins', coins with no owner, it's their reward. They are trying to build a computer in the near future, that wouldn't be built so fast without that incentive. That opportunity accelerates the technology. If there are still some BTC owners -incl. Satoshi- with old addresses and remove their coins now, they will be secure. So it's a fair game. And nobody can change that game: Bitcoin rewards the best technology.

The Bitcoin network is a pure competition network. Only the best technology will be successful here and make it secure. A Bitcoin fork without the old coins would be like another s**tcoin, because it would avoid real competition.

2. A fork without old coins which could be transferred by quantum computers.
(For example: Burn Satoshis coins to end the threat of prices crashing - Paxful Founder

Both chains will be upgraded to quantum secure.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: peter0425 on September 17, 2019, 03:48:04 PM
I believe that he has not literally known about quantum to be specific but Satoshi knew that in future computer like this will be created and might exist

Satoshi is an IT and ofcourse being a computer expert he learn that people mind will progress more in future so by all means he think of quantum existence in the next years (or e we don’t know yet if he has contribution on this creation no body else can answer )

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: bitbunnny on September 17, 2019, 04:12:08 PM
I think that he predicted many things in ICT and development of all kind of technologies. Maybe he didn't know it will be called quantum computing or super computing but I think he definetely predicted development in that direction. If he wouldn't have been a visionare, he wouldn't create Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Micerker on September 17, 2019, 04:25:07 PM
Satoshi may be the creator of future technologies and currencies, but he is not a prophet, so he will not be able to know the quantum computer creates. But Satoshi has created a new world when adventurers can find their treasure when deciphering Blockchains, which is the best thing for many people.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoquotes on September 17, 2019, 04:40:14 PM
Satoshi may be the creator of future technologies and currencies, but he is not a prophet, so he will not be able to know the quantum computer creates. But Satoshi has created a new world when adventurers can find their treasure when deciphering Blockchains, which is the best thing for many people.

Maybe Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: serjent05 on September 17, 2019, 04:49:28 PM
Satoshi may be the creator of future technologies and currencies, but he is not a prophet, so he will not be able to know the quantum computer creates. But Satoshi has created a new world when adventurers can find their treasure when deciphering Blockchains, which is the best thing for many people.

He can think that it is possible for the technology to decode Bitcoin hashes and find private keys using the public key if Bitcoin technology will not improve but Satoshi is well aware that before that thing happen, developers will do their best to prevent it.  Bitcoin technology as we know is not stagnating.  There are several updates and  upgrades that happen to it and right now developers are also well aware of the possible threat this quantum computers to Bitcoin so they are already creating ways to improve Bitcoin security, that is for sure.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on September 24, 2019, 01:40:44 PM
“There’s still a long way to go between a demonstration of quantum supremacy and genuinely practical applications of quantum computing, but in my view reaching this milestone is a genuinely exciting moment”

Move your coins from old addresses to make them quantum secure.
'Shalecoins', coins with no owner ' will be 'fracked'..

Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Velkro on September 24, 2019, 08:38:58 PM
1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
It doesnt matter. If all cryptography could be broken by quantum computers we will switch to quantun resistant cryptographic algorithms very quickly and believe me, Bitcoin will be one of the first  that will switch its algorithm because it will be critical to whole network.
Be calm, developers keeps their eyes on that too :)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: pixie85 on September 24, 2019, 09:21:23 PM
Do you even know how long it will be before a first quantum calculation is made and a real use of quantum computing? These are not normal systems you have to teach them how to think and make connections in a specific case.

Even when there are functioning quantum computers they will have no software and it will take years to develop. They will be like those early computers in the 50s.
Your coins are safe and will be safe next year and the year after that.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: AmoreJaz on September 24, 2019, 11:51:29 PM
I think that he predicted many things in ICT and development of all kind of technologies. Maybe he didn't know it will be called quantum computing or super computing but I think he definetely predicted development in that direction. If he wouldn't have been a visionare, he wouldn't create Bitcoin.

right on point! he may not think of quantum computers at the time of his BTC creation but for sure he thought of advance computers or any similar advance technology that will rise later on. he's not dumb to think that his invention would be the ultimate one!
 technology is continuously evolving and we are always in pursuit of more advanced, more versatile it wont be a surprise if someone will invent another thing that will make bitcoin obsolete!
but as of now, lets enjoy the benefits of having BTC and other alts in our age.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on September 30, 2019, 01:33:20 PM
Back in 2009, Satoshi Nakamoto probably wasn’t overly concerned about advancements in quantum computing when he developed Bitcoin’s key encryption. Even now, quantum computing is still quite far off adoption levels that could be classed as mainstream, with only a handful of companies possessing the technology. But developments do mean that the threat that quantum computing poses to blockchains is starting to become real.

The scary thing is that the pace of development now means that it’s likely that quantum computers could soon break the 309 digit encryption that’s used across many modern systems today - including many blockchains.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Lmaooo on September 30, 2019, 03:02:11 PM
Quantum computers are not common, so it's too early to talk about anything. And besides, this technology has not yet been finalized

I think Satoshi knew about Quantum computing but he thought they're not coming any time soon yet still they're not in existence. And someday even if the quantum computers are active the bitcoin developers can actually implement another form of security to bypass them. People also get better with time just like computers do.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on September 30, 2019, 04:52:18 PM
I think Satoshi knew about Quantum computing but he thought they're not coming any time soon yet still they're not in existence. And someday even if the quantum computers are active the bitcoin developers can actually implement another form of security to bypass them. People also get better with time just like computers do.

If he knew about Quantum computing, then he also knew that some day the early mined coins will be moved. And he didn't move these coins.

That means

2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

and privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain = quantum computer?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: EdvinZ on September 30, 2019, 05:17:05 PM
I think that Bitcoin developers can hypothetically be prepared for the fact that someone wants to use a quantum computer in the future to mine bitcoins and they will provide some protection against such calculations. And besides, the technology of a quantum computer is excessively expensive and difficult to implement, so that in the coming years we wouldn't seriously worry about it.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on October 02, 2019, 01:27:26 PM
Quote from: Hans17 link=topic=5188910.msg52617635#msg52617635
Well here in this article it said that quantum computers are very common right now and we cant stop that and we cant stop asking ourselves about it because quantum computers basically has purpose an atomic level calculations, and we somehow know that quantum computers will be exposed sooner or later.

Fully operational? i guess on some states maybe?

More likely private groups.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on October 14, 2019, 01:32:35 PM
Antonopoulos: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Has No Impact on Bitcoin

Nonetheless, becoming quantum-resistant, at least in terms of signature algorithms, is on Bitcoin’s roadmap as a necessary step, he added.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Eugenar on October 14, 2019, 06:14:05 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

In 2011, Satoshi isn't have a concrete view of what quantum computer is, basically, he knows a bit of info, but to the fact that it can interfere with the blockchain and cryptocurrency, I don't think so. But even though we know there's a risk abiding the creation of quantum computer and the blockchain, blockchain is strong enough to become secure and safe from attacks since the hashes are distributed across many miners around the globe.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: squatter on October 14, 2019, 10:37:07 PM
Antonopoulos: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Has No Impact on Bitcoin

Nonetheless, becoming quantum-resistant, at least in terms of signature algorithms, is on Bitcoin’s roadmap as a necessary step, he added.

He makes it sound so easy. :D

Post-quantum cryptography calls for massively larger key and signature sizes. For example, a Lamport signature scheme would make transactions hundreds of times larger ( than now. It would be horrible for scaling.

Don't even get me started on the millions of lost or otherwise vulnerable outputs that won't be made quantum-safe by implementing a new algorithm.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Edraket31 on October 15, 2019, 01:22:56 AM
Antonopoulos: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Has No Impact on Bitcoin

Nonetheless, becoming quantum-resistant, at least in terms of signature algorithms, is on Bitcoin’s roadmap as a necessary step, he added.

He makes it sound so easy. :D

Post-quantum cryptography calls for massively larger key and signature sizes. For example, a Lamport signature scheme would make transactions hundreds of times larger ( than now. It would be horrible for scaling.

Don't even get me started on the millions of lost or otherwise vulnerable outputs that won't be made quantum-safe by implementing a new algorithm.

As per experts, Quantum computers really becoming incredibly powerful, and it is more faster than Blockchain, but it is also believe that it will not break the blockchain industry, it will be hard to tell that right now and they can't see no real threat. If this will happen, it will count few decades before we can tell, so there is nothing to worry about for now.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Kyraishi on October 15, 2019, 01:47:25 AM
Antonopoulos: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Has No Impact on Bitcoin

Nonetheless, becoming quantum-resistant, at least in terms of signature algorithms, is on Bitcoin’s roadmap as a necessary step, he added.

He makes it sound so easy. :D

Post-quantum cryptography calls for massively larger key and signature sizes. For example, a Lamport signature scheme would make transactions hundreds of times larger ( than now. It would be horrible for scaling.

Don't even get me started on the millions of lost or otherwise vulnerable outputs that won't be made quantum-safe by implementing a new algorithm.
It'll be crazy if that ever happens for sure, but it'll likely never be a possiblity due to just how hard to accomplish it is.

Regarding quantum computers, they where a basic concept during the time of Satoshi but i doubt it would have been an influencing one for him - they still look like they aren't coming around for a couple years, and we don't need to worry about it yet.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: crossabdd on October 15, 2019, 01:52:23 AM
I think Satoshi already knew that. that someday a quantum computer will exist. but he also had predicted, when it will be finished. supposing when satosi made it with the support of a quantum computer. then what is created is a blockchain with a higher level of security. it's just when blockchain and bitcoin are created. it has no support by super computers. I'm still surprised. how he created that complicated security without a quantum computer. while to decode the code that is made is the computer's need. Does Satoshi have a hidden quantum computer?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on October 15, 2019, 01:38:12 PM
Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

Maybe Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.
Our guess is that he knew that the early mined coins will be moved one day. So he created a 'prize competition'. Otherwise he could move the coins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses, but he did not and is not doing.

The only question is:
Who will win the race and get the early coins?

Quantum computing or solving the "Satoshi Prize Competition".

Nobody can stop that race.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on October 15, 2019, 02:08:06 PM
Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

Nobody is asking why he is not moving the early mined unmoved P2PK coins:
These early mined unmoved P2PK coins are intented for an unofficial prize competition

But he had other computers to mine and his own coins are unknown (P2PKH or P2PK not included in the above mentioned coins)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: hundredpercent on October 16, 2019, 01:20:58 PM
* 100% sure that it is a prize competition
* 100% sure that you can solve it only with the blockchain
* still trying to solve it
* one day someone will solve it

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Ayiranorea on October 16, 2019, 01:53:57 PM
Satoshi might have predicted about the growth of technology over the years. Right now the first revolution of quantum computers have come to usage. To what extent this gonna get continued is unknown. Satoshi on realizing the growth only have made the network much strong years back. Even now it is strong that the bitcoin network can't be broken by the quantum computer that have been developed by Google.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on October 16, 2019, 02:54:58 PM
* 100% sure that it is a prize competition
* 100% sure that you can solve it only with the blockchain
* still trying to solve it
* one day someone will solve it

Sergio says that the slope in the picture (This is Satoshi) is caused by restarting the application to mine (wallet) but it is possible that each 'black branch' represents one solution. That would avoid that only one winner gets the whole coins.

Yes, for sure Satoshi is one of the genius people

He would try to distribute the prize but let it still huge.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: hundredpercent on October 17, 2019, 02:30:15 PM
December 2015 a Bitcointalk member discovered a puzzle transaction while playing around with his bot:
At that time nobody declared such a puzzle transaction which was created January 2015 until the creator of that competition came out 2 years later:
As of 01/10/2019 there are still more than 100 BTC to win.

We think that the early mined coins of Satoshi are also a prize competition and that Satoshi is waiting this coins to be moved. We also think that he will not respond after somebody moves the first coins but it will be a message to the Bitcoin community that the private keys are somehow on the blockchain. If Satoshi disagreed with that conclusion he would have moved the coins to other addresses.

Re: Maybe Satoshi created the greatest prize competition

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on October 23, 2019, 02:20:05 PM
Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

However, if something happened and the signatures were compromised (perhaps integer factorization is solved, quantum computers?), then even agreeing upon the last valid block would be worthless.
True, if it happened suddenly.  If it happens gradually, we can still transition to something stronger.  When you run the upgraded software for the first time, it would re-sign all your money with the new stronger signature algorithm.  (by creating a transaction sending the money to yourself with the stronger sig)

Nobody is asking why he did not move and is not moving these early mined unmoved P2PK coins:

Our guess is that he knew that the early mined coins will be moved one day. So he created a 'prize competition'. Otherwise he could move the coins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses, but he did not and is not doing.

The only question is:
Who will win the race and get the early coins?

Quantum computing or solving the "Satoshi Prize Competition".

Nobody can stop that race.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on October 25, 2019, 02:15:14 PM
In particular, all coins suspected to be Satoshi's are in P2PK outputs. If those moved ever, even to a different sig algo, it would cause enormous chaos.

assuming satoshi can still move their/his coins, this is a likely reason why it's not happening. Although we shouldn't discount the most conservative thing that all 2009 era mined BTC key holders could do; start by moving their BTC with the highest block number, and do it very very slowly. Satoshi could potentially do so too (we have zero clue what's going on with satoshi in so many ways), so assuming that chaos was not the intention, I expect that if those coins ever did move, that's what would happen; starting at block ~50,000, then working backwards from there.

In such a sequence of events, it could be interpreted as a signal that those early miners are losing confidence in the safety of ECDLP protected coins. Of course, those people may have other reasons to not publicly announce why they're moving to different keys (which are not necessarily anything to do with the safety of the public key cryptography), so you are indeed correct; the lack of information will cause uncertainty, and the uncertainty will rock the Bitcoin ecosystem.

I hope such people (whether satoshi or not, there are others) are reading some of these discussions (it would surely be prudent to do so). If so, I also hope they will consider a slow and orderly move to new key types, and act sooner rather than later.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on November 07, 2019, 03:41:49 PM
HUAWEI CEO REN Zhengfei: "Blockchain/crypto is worthless when facing quantum computing"

The blockchain community should immediately begin working on three issues to prevent being overtaken by quantum computers, a cryptography expert says. Xinxin Fan, head of cryptography at privacy- and IoT-focused blockchain platform IoTeX, published an article in The International Business Times on Nov. 7, calling on the blockchain community to be constantly updated about the progress made on quantum computers.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: bitcoinposts on November 09, 2019, 08:26:07 AM
Satoshi is much aware of quantum computer and its upcoming supremacy but satoshi bitcoin alogarthim  is much advance than all these features of quantum computing

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: jootn2kx on November 09, 2019, 08:40:17 AM
He probably had them in mind, at least as a possibility. He's likely the only one who can answer with any certainty, but I think that he must have had them in mind, since he's clearly well-educated and thoughtful.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Aying on November 09, 2019, 09:52:37 AM
Yes, for sure Satoshi is one of the genius people, who devoted their time and life for doing something amazing just like Bitcoin or crypocurrency, and for sure he knows that technology will continue to develop more over the years, so it doesn't matter whether he predicted it or not, what matters is that he created something different.

Maybe, he already knew that quantum will exist because blockchain was develop and study for long years and quantum as well. satoshi might know or already heard that quantum developers are already having ideas for doing this and also for sure that satoshi is not afraid of that because he also have the idea that this have a disadvantage. blockchain will remain that everyone needed. the idea of satoshi is a far different from this new quantum technology.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Eugenar on November 09, 2019, 10:37:44 AM
From the topic subject, it seems that you are already assuming that quantum computers will impact the bitcoin and bitcoin community big. Well, in my point, we need first to gather information with regards to quantum computers and its possible potential to affect cryptocurrency. In this case, making an assumption about  Satoshi and bitcoin community having a risk with quantum computers.

Why do I need to tell you this?

Simple, because our words are powerful and it can affect the mindset of mostly newbies in the cryptocurrency space to believe that quantum computers do really might harm the blockchain.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: quantuminfo on November 12, 2019, 03:59:36 PM
For faster quantum computing, Microsoft builds a better qubit

Google just announced quantum supremacy, a milestone in which the radically different nature of a quantum computer lets it vastly outpace a traditional machine. But Microsoft expects progress of its own by redesigning the core element of quantum computing, the qubit.
Microsoft has been working on a qubit technology called a topological qubit that it expects will deliver benefits from quantum computing technology that today are mostly just a promise.
"We've really spent the recent few years developing that technology," Krysta Svore, general manager of Microsoft's quantum computing software work, said. "We believe we're very close to having that."
The key advantage of Microsoft's topological qubit is that fewer physical qubits are needed to make one logical qubit, Svore said.
Specifically, she thinks one logical qubit will require 10 to 100 physical qubits with Microsoft's topological qubits. That compares to something like 1,000 to 20,000 physical qubits for other approaches.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: paskah01 on November 13, 2019, 04:04:10 AM
Satoshi Nakamoto is a mathematician. I am a physicist. I had  a mathematics professor that could be compared with Satoshi Nakamoto. When bitcoin was invented in 2009, the quantum adventure was at its beginnings.

I made my PhD thesis on quantum wells (in 2000), in 2009 what was in my PhD thesis was learned in the QM in the 2nd year of faculty.  When bitcoin was invented no one could say that Quantum Computers will be invented in 10 years.

Thus, Satoshi Nakamoto did not think that quantum computers will exist when he invented the bitcoin.

Google has claimed "their processor was able to perform a calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds that would take today's most advanced classical computer, known as Summit, approximately 10,000 years."

"But quantum computers won't break every piece of cryptography, only some. Specifically, public-private key encryption, diffe-hellman key exchange, and digital signatures will be broken, but hashing and symmetric encryption cannot be broken even in theory by a quantum computer........"

To continue the explanations go to and in case you're interested to the project, please join the forum and see the discussion on

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: boris1044 on November 13, 2019, 08:36:43 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

Satoshi is a rogue AI from the future, running on a time-traveling quantum computer. Bizarre, and the stuff movies are made from. That's what I choose to believe: he's the quantum computer himself.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: todiboa on November 13, 2019, 08:59:47 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto is a mathematician. I am a physicist. I had  a mathematics professor that could be compared with Satoshi Nakamoto. When bitcoin was invented in 2009, the quantum adventure was at its beginnings.

I made my PhD thesis on quantum wells (in 2000), in 2009 what was in my PhD thesis was learned in the QM in the 2nd year of faculty.  When bitcoin was invented no one could say that Quantum Computers will be invented in 10 years.

Thus, Satoshi Nakamoto did not think that quantum computers will exist when he invented the bitcoin.

Google has claimed "their processor was able to perform a calculation in three minutes and 20 seconds that would take today's most advanced classical computer, known as Summit, approximately 10,000 years."

"But quantum computers won't break every piece of cryptography, only some. Specifically, public-private key encryption, diffe-hellman key exchange, and digital signatures will be broken, but hashing and symmetric encryption cannot be broken even in theory by a quantum computer........"

To continue the explanations go to and in case you're interested to the project, please join the forum and see the discussion on

There are not many quantum computers in the world, and if someone wants to crack cryptography they will have very big problems. So I think no one dares to do it

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: SMSKWSMSKW on November 19, 2019, 03:02:40 PM
"In order to have any effect on bitcoin or most other financial systems it would take at least about 1500 qubits and the system must allow for the entanglement of all of them," "By comparison, Google's measly 53 qubits are still no match for this kind of cryptography."

For faster quantum computing, Microsoft builds a better qubit - Microsoft's new approach to quantum computing is "very close," an executive says.
"We've really spent the recent few years developing that technology," Krysta Svore, general manager of Microsoft's quantum computing software work, said Thursday after a talk at the IEEE International Conference on Rebooting Computing. "We believe we're very close to having that." Specifically, she thinks one logical qubit will require 10 to 100 physical qubits with Microsoft's topological qubits. That compares to something like 1,000 to 20,000 physical qubits for other approaches.

Can somebody explain, please? 1,500 qubits required and Microsoft will have 1,000 to 20,000?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: SMSKWSMSKW on November 21, 2019, 05:40:08 PM
Either way, we are still likely decades away from this threatening bitcoin.
we are currently no where near the physical qubits to be overly concerned.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: goodblockchain on November 26, 2019, 03:31:58 PM
Blockchain latest news: a state-owned quantum computer could break blockchains in as little as three years ( 'A commercially viable quantum computer is still probably a decade away but the first rudimentary, state-owned device capable of breaking common one-way encryption algorithms like AES and elliptic curve cryptography could be with us much sooner.'
'Whoever achieves it first - and it could be within as little as three years according to Cheng - don't expect to learn about it in the news.'

He knew.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: quantuminfo on November 29, 2019, 04:18:57 PM
Quantum Computing: The Real Game Changer

'Some say that quantum computers would be an end to the blockchain technology. I honestly think there is a possibility of this happening, I might not be able to talk much about it here.'

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: quantuminfo on December 02, 2019, 02:40:47 PM
Researchers from the Russian Quantum Center suggested that quantum computing could eventually obsolete blockchain altogether.

"Within ten years, quantum computers will be able to calculate the one-way functions, including blockchains, that are used to secure the Internet and financial transactions. Widely deployed one-way encryption will instantly become obsolete."

Quantum computers put blockchain security at risk - Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will founder unless they integrate quantum technologies, warn Aleksey K. Fedorov, Evgeniy O. Kiktenko and Alexander I. Lvovsky.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Clement Kaliyar on December 02, 2019, 03:52:25 PM
Researchers from the Russian Quantum Center suggested that quantum computing could eventually obsolete blockchain altogether.
If they are speculating that Quantum computer could make the blockchain obsolete then i can speculate that the bitcoin core will come up with a solution that could secure even the quantum attack and then they will spend another billion to do further research to break those system and it will be a never ending battle and once they burn enough billions they will eventually stop these bullshit research :P.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: threadsupport on December 02, 2019, 05:45:36 PM
Researchers from the Russian Quantum Center suggested that quantum computing could eventually obsolete blockchain altogether.
If they are speculating that Quantum computer could make the blockchain obsolete then i can speculate that the bitcoin core will come up with a solution

That's not an issue. Bitcoin developers have already post quantum solutions.
But there are lots of 'shalecoins', coins with no owner. With quantum computers, these coins will become active and change the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Satoshi had already thought of the quantum computers, and the possible decoding of the privatekeys if it became available, ..
His coins would be quantum secured, if he sent them to P2PKH addresses. But he did not and isn't doing.
2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

and privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain = quantum computer?

We will get the answer with quantum computers. As soon as possible.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on December 03, 2019, 05:12:13 PM
Amazon Rolls Out Quantum-Computing Service (The Wall Street Journal - articles/amazon-rolls-out-quantum-computing-service-11575314729)
“Customers are asking for ways to experiment with quantum computers and explore the technology’s potential,” Charlie Bell, a senior vice president at Amazon Web Services, said in a statement.

Amazon Joins Tech’s Great Quantum Computing Race

Satoshi, move your coins from P2PK addresses to P2PKH addresses.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: goodoldblockchain on December 10, 2019, 04:50:21 PM
A quantum computing future is unlikely – here’s why
by Subhash Kak, Regents professor of electrical & computer engineering, Oklahoma State University
'...... is such a significant challenge in quantum computers that I don’t believe they’ll ever be built at a commercial scale.'

And now this:

Intel’s scalable quantum control chip
Jim Clarke, Intel’s director of Quantum Hardware, said in a press release: “...... in order to develop a large-scale commercial quantum system.

Who will win?

Quantum computing could be the next big security breakthrough
'The vast majority believe quantum computing could become a problem for encryption within five years. Just seven per cent believe “quantum supremacy” will never happen.'

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on December 20, 2019, 03:28:11 PM
4 Million Bitcoins Worth $40 Billion in Danger from Quantum Attacks
'How can BTC be Protected from Quantum Computers? Simply put, p2pkh addresses that were not previously used for spending Bitcoin should be perfectly safe. Their public keys were not revealed to the public, meaning that not even quantum computers can use them to derive a private key. All that people need to do is transfer their BTC to a new p2pkh address, and their funds should be perfectly safe.'

Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

Nobody is asking why he is not moving the early mined unmoved P2PK coins:
These early mined unmoved P2PK coins are intented for an unofficial prize competition

But Satoshi had mined more than the above mentioned coins. He had several computers to mine and his own coins are unknown. Some say these coins decrease the total number of coins as they can't be used. But in 2009 we had an agreement that the supply limit is 21 million BTC and that limit won't be changed. They will become active and all coins will be used.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: quantuminfo on December 23, 2019, 05:37:40 PM
I don't believe Quantum Computing will ever threaten Bitcoin (
Never quantum?

2019 was a huge year for quantum computing
'There were too many breakthroughs, research papers, and huge announcements for us to cover, much less list here. But, if you ask us, 2019 was the best year for quantum physics since Einstein started thinking about relativity. And 2020 is shaping up to be even bigger. See you in the future!'
'According to the “Quantum Computing Technologies & Global Market – 2018-2024” report, the global Quantum Computing market* will reach $10.7 billion by 2024, out of which $8.45 billion stem from product sales and services and $2.25 billion from government-funded RDT&E programs.'

Are they all wasting their time and money - billions -?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: suvo05 on December 23, 2019, 06:24:24 PM
Even though there are lots of work going towards the existence of quantum computer still it has not come to reality yet. And there are lots of ongoing work regarding the development of crypto too which will have no value if the quantum computers come into existence. People/companies are also spending money even on post-quantum computing to be secure against an attack by a quantum computer.

At the time of creation of BTC, the case of the existence of quantum computer was not considered as it was not considered in many of the cases. Now the developers are certainly finding defence system for any post-quantum attack.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: demanze on December 23, 2019, 06:40:21 PM
Satoshi trusted cryptography. That means didn't plan anything in case P=NP or in case quantum computers will exist/work as advertised. Also he probably didn't plan bitcoin to be so successful.

If anything breaks cryptography, it doesn't matter what Satoshi believed. Bitcoin will cease to exist.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Dabs on December 23, 2019, 07:39:41 PM
Unlikely for anything to break crypto any time soon. Besides, addresses are hashes of public keys which are not known until a spend transaction is visible. By the time that is done, it will be too late for any computer, quantum or not, to break it and get the private key in order to attempt to double spend anything.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: carlzec on December 23, 2019, 08:53:01 PM
It wouldn't be right to think of Bitcoin or Blockchain for the last 10 years. For a decentralized structure, it is necessary to look at 1990. You need to look at even older dates. Bitcoin is the result of the CyperPunk stream. This is my opinion. Satoshi presented us with 30 years of experience. I think Quantum Computers are also guessing.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: CHIPBTC on December 27, 2019, 04:46:35 PM
Post quantum the wallets will have a chip ;D

Can Bitcoin Benefit From New 'Impossible to Crack' Encryption Chips?
'A team of researchers claims that the prototype silicon chip that they developed enables encryption that is impossible to break.'

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: djsugar on December 27, 2019, 05:36:13 PM
The history of work on quantum computers dates back to 1990s. So I would say, Satoshi would have known that quantum computers will become a reality in future which will have an ability to break any cryptographic hash. But that might not be the immediate concern for him because if quantum computers actually become a reality, then more than Bitcoin many other technology will be in problem. So, there will definitely be a way out.
He was more centered towards creating a decentralized currency than being concerned about something that will not become a reality in near future.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: White Christmas on December 28, 2019, 06:40:07 AM
We don't know if Satoshi's real intention is to build a blockhain in which you need to solved the block in order to go into the next block so maybe Satoshi thinks about the quantum computing in order to be more easy on solving the blocks in order to go into the second block and so on. I think Satoshi was very bright and early to think about what would be happen on the near future because he maybe think already that quantum computers will be built in order to used in quantum computing and quantum physics. This probably the main reason why blockchain technology became known by the masses or the people.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: chaoscoinz on December 28, 2019, 11:01:10 AM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Quantum computers are a long ways away from becoming general purpose computers. As of right now, quantum computers are highly limited to only being able to perform specific kinds of calculations and tasks. There is no threat stemming from quantum computers at the moment and there won't be for quite some time now.
   I would worry if quantum computers became commercially available like smartphones, then there would probably be room for panic to ensue. I believe that people have been watching way too many science fiction movies.  ;D

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Tipstar on December 28, 2019, 11:04:10 AM
He surely knew there were going to be pretty fast machine to predict things, that's why he went on with a high level of encryption. We still don't know if bitcoin security would be vulnerable to claimed quantum computers built by some institution and we also hope they'll never get on the hands of wrong people or used against bitcoin.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: buwaytress on December 28, 2019, 04:42:41 PM
It wouldn't be right to think of Bitcoin or Blockchain for the last 10 years. For a decentralized structure, it is necessary to look at 1990. You need to look at even older dates. Bitcoin is the result of the CyperPunk stream. This is my opinion. Satoshi presented us with 30 years of experience. I think Quantum Computers are also guessing.

Also wouldn't be "right" nor realistic to think Satoshi imagined that the system would remain the exact same thing for longer than a decade. Technology's advancement may not be exponential but certainly, innovation is. Perhaps there will be something before quantum computing that could crack the current tech in encryption, but silly to think encryption can't and won't move beyond that either. Bitcoin's resilience is well known and it's flexible enough to always stay ahead of the curve. But we've to ensure its decentralisation remains intact for that ability to remain unchanged ten, twenty, fifty years from now.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: ownQUANTUM on January 02, 2020, 04:59:36 PM
Quote from: Hans17 link=topic=5188910.msg52617635#msg52617635
Fully operational? i guess on some states maybe?
More likely private groups.

'As quantum computing is often depicted as cryptography’s doomsday device, it’s of course of concern that someone might just build one in their garage'

This decade the early mined Bitcoins will be moved and will become active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 03, 2020, 03:10:33 PM
A Quantum Computing Future Is Unlikely
Google claims quantum supremacy – IBM says not so fast. One researcher explains why he doesn't see quantum computers outpacing classical computers any time soon ... and maybe not ever.
"As someone who has worked on quantum computing for many years, I believe that due to the inevitability of random errors in the hardware, useful quantum computers are unlikely to ever be built."

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newquantum on January 08, 2020, 03:47:12 PM
This decade the early mined Bitcoins will be moved and will become active.

Quantum computing will be the smartphone of the 2020s, says Bank of America strategist
'When asked what invention will be as revolutionary in the 2020s as smartphones were in the 2010s, Bank of America strategist Haim Isreal said, without hesitation, “quantum computing”'
“In the future, even robust cryptographic algorithms will be substantially weakened by quantum computing, while others will no longer be secure at all,” according to Swaroop Sham, senior product marketing manager at Okta.'

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 10, 2020, 02:59:56 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Swordsoffreedom on January 10, 2020, 09:14:24 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: bitbunnny on January 10, 2020, 09:46:10 PM
I think Satoshi was a visionaire otherwise he wouldn't create Bitcoin but if he had idea about quantum computing it's hard to say. To me sounds more possible that Nikola Tesla had such.idea and vision, he was really ahead of his time and predicted some inovations that happened almost century after his time.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: AjithBtc on January 10, 2020, 10:02:07 PM
Without doubt Satoshi is much aware of the technology advancement, and the same has made him innovate the technology to be so strong. If he hadn't thought of the future he could've created in a simple manner and might have got crashed by the recent super computers that's been made. Now to break the technology it requires years and before the same surely the blockchain technology will get more stronger than the present.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: X-ray on January 10, 2020, 10:54:37 PM
We don't know if Satoshi's real intention is to build a blockhain in which you need to solved the block in order to go into the next block so maybe Satoshi thinks about the quantum computing in order to be more easy on solving the blocks in order to go into the second block and so on. I think Satoshi was very bright and early to think about what would be happen on the near future because he maybe think already that quantum computers will be built in order to used in quantum computing and quantum physics. This probably the main reason why blockchain technology became known by the masses or the people.
Quite the contrary quantum computer is not gonna be used to solve blocks since none of miners gonna use that but instead it will be used to attack bitcoin's encryption and that's what people feared the most. Although, quantum computer in the future will be in the hand if government or big corporation, before that happen we need to find a way for bitcoin to make it immune against quantum computer. Speaking about satoshi, I think he did know that quantum computer will exist since the idea of quantum computer already proposed back then.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Spaffin on January 11, 2020, 06:50:47 PM
Quite often, cryptocurrency users speak about concerns about cryptocurrency security due to the high capabilities of a quantum computer.  I know that when the appropriate time comes, experts will be able to protect the cryptocurrency from a quantum computer, about which more than once there have been statements by experts.  But if we talk about what Satoshi Nakamoto thought, then I believe that he should have assumed that in the future a more sophisticated technology would appear that could facilitate the work of hackers and that bitcoin would be in danger.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: goodoldblockchain on January 14, 2020, 05:20:42 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.
"However, as per an article which was published by Martin Roetteler and various co-authors in June in 2017, such type of a machine requires approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power so that they can crack the 256-bit encryption technology which is used by Bitcoin.
Since the most powerful quantum computer which the world currently has only consisted of 72 qubit processors, one thing is clear that it will take several years for a quantum computer to reach the level of threatening encryption technology."

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Buff Mage on January 14, 2020, 05:42:41 PM
Do you understand his tweet?

Buff Mage

 Bitcoin is *not* my safe word

Founder, CEO, Lead Designer of SpaceX
CEO, Product Architect of Tesla, Inc.
Co-founder of Neuralink
Founder of The Boring Company
Co-founder of Zip2
Founder of (now PayPal)
Co-founder of OpenAI
Chairman of SolarCity

Why not
Chairman of Mega Qubit Quantum

Is he developing a quantum computer?

Maybe Elon Musk read that post
Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

Maybe Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.
Our guess is that he knew that the early mined coins will be moved one day. So he created a 'prize competition'. Otherwise he could move the coins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses, but he did not and is not doing.

The only question is:
Who will win the race and get the early coins?

Quantum computing or solving the "Satoshi Prize Competition".

Nobody can stop that race.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Lauren Smith on January 14, 2020, 07:48:55 PM
It is inevitable that technology will constantly become better and faster. This means security will jee to buff up to keep up with the power of the latest technology that could be used to crack security. I guess when quantum computing becomes a threat to bitcoin that all miners will move to it too and then there will not be a problem since the bitcoin network s made of many quantum computers and their added power will be very difficult to stop so it will be plenty secure. As far as private keys go the same will happen.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: NotATether on January 15, 2020, 12:16:32 PM
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.

Well, a qubit is like a normal bit in the way it holds information. 1 qubit can have two values like 1 bit, 2 qubits can hold double that so 2500 qubits is going to hold 2^2500 units of information which is way more than what today's 64-bit computers can hold. For reference, 64-bit memory can theoretically hold 8 exabytes of data. But quantum computers like the 28-qubit one need enormous tower cases to keep the temperature at absolute zero. I read somewhere that a 2500 qubit computer would have to be as large as a soccer field so that would have to be a very large and long-term project which would take a decade or two to make.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Linkkoin on January 15, 2020, 12:55:23 PM
Of course. As well as he thought about cold fusion nuclear reactors.
The point is that 10 years ago quantum had the same status as cold fusion.

Only in the last 5 years, this came true. And the technology is still very problematic in use, just as the first computers like eniac.

Still, just like in military - you protect yourself from current threats, not ones which may or may not exist in the next 20 years or so (considering that in computers, 20 years is enormous amount of time, much bigger than in military itself)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: bitcoindusts on January 15, 2020, 02:37:52 PM
If we look at the history of quantum computers, it started around 1980's, so definitely, Satoshi have known and think about quantum computers because it is already existing and developing even before Bitcoin was created.  But he knew that Bitcoin will develop a quantum resistant shield even before this quantum computer catch up to the  Bitcoin encryption.

Quantum computing began in the early 1980s, when physicist Paul Benioff proposed a quantum mechanical model of the Turing machine.[3] Richard Feynman and Yuri Manin later suggested that a quantum computer could perform simulations that are out of reach for regular computers.[4][5] In 1994, Peter Shor developed a polynomial-time quantum algorithm for factoring integers.[6] This was a major breakthrough in the subject: an important method of asymmetric key exchange known as RSA is based on the belief that factoring integers is computationally difficult. The existence of a polynomial-time quantum algorithm proves that one of the most widely used cryptographic protocols is vulnerable to an adversary who possesses a quantum computer.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on January 15, 2020, 03:12:28 PM
If we look at the history of quantum computers, it started around 1980's, so definitely, Satoshi have known and think about quantum computers because it is already existing and developing even before Bitcoin was created.

And he did not move his early mined P2PK Bitcoins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses.

I guess when quantum computing becomes a threat to bitcoin that all miners will move to it too..

They will move to quantum computing to get Satoshi's early mined coins. Satoshi knew it and knows it. He could stop it through transfering these coins to P2PKH addresses today, but didn't and doesn't. He supports the better technology.
Do you remember what happened when people developed ASICs? They moved from PC mining to ASIC mining as it was better.
Bitcoin is a pure competition platform where the better devices win and Satoshi rewards the first quantum computer owners with his early mined coins.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: whyrqa on January 15, 2020, 05:46:15 PM
Of course. As well as he thought about cold fusion nuclear reactors.
The point is that 10 years ago quantum had the same status as cold fusion.

Only in the last 5 years, this came true. And the technology is still very problematic in use, just as the first computers like eniac.

Still, just like in military - you protect yourself from current threats, not ones which may or may not exist in the next 20 years or so (considering that in computers, 20 years is enormous amount of time, much bigger than in military itself)
In fact, when a military threat or military competition arises between countries, each country acts at its discretion in order to contrast one weapon with a completely different one.  The same applies to the computer, because if you are already talking about a quantum computer today, especially considering the beginning of its development several decades ago, today you need to work on ensuring security for cryptocurrency, since everyone should understand the capabilities of a quantum computer and how much  helpless may be Bitcoin in front of this machine. But as I understand it, most users worry about their earnings in the near future in order to earn more money using cryptocurrency volatility, and they are not interested in security in the future.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: darkangel11 on January 15, 2020, 06:12:01 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."

There's a lot of time to update Bitcoin to an even stronger encryption.

I expect that by the time some company finally reaches 2,5k people in China will already be mining Bitcoin on quantum miners and the network security and encryption will double. We had vital updates to Bitcoin in the past and we can have them in the coming years.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Buff Mage on January 16, 2020, 04:05:54 PM
There's a lot of time to update Bitcoin to an even stronger encryption.

We will have a quantum resistant upgrade. People will transfer their coins to quantum resistant addresses, but a lot of coins (million+) won't be moved to these secure addresses as they are "lost" coins and nobody can move them.
Which fork will you use post quantum?
a) the fork with all Bitcoins where quantum computer owners will get the "lost" coins and will be the new owners.
b) the fork where "lost" coins are burnt and can't have new owners.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on January 17, 2020, 03:36:16 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.

Will Quantum Volume Be The Next Moore’s Law?
Doubling performance every year is now the benchmark for quantum computers as designers look to EDA vendors for new automation tools.
IBM’s Rasit Onur Topaloglu: "I am not going to project when we will reach 200 qubits, but we already have an 80 qubits architecture."

According to the chart: 2500 qubits reached by year 2025

We have to begin with the implementation of quantum resistant Bitcoin addresses soon.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Artemis3 on January 17, 2020, 03:48:17 PM
Quantum computers are a long ways away from becoming general purpose computers. As of right now, quantum computers are highly limited to only being able to perform specific kinds of calculations and tasks. There is no threat stemming from quantum computers at the moment and there won't be for quite some time now.
   I would worry if quantum computers became commercially available like smartphones, then there would probably be room for panic to ensue. I believe that people have been watching way too many science fiction movies.  ;D

Nobody expects them to. Quantum computing is additional to general computing, what people probably mean is that your general computer will be also quantum capable, i think something like a quantum co-processor will appear at some point. At this point, you WILL see quantum crypto algorithms implemented, which solves the problem entirely.

So its the opposite. Once "everyone" has it, it is solved. The problem is the transition, when only a few can own one. Your worry is from today, until "quantum computers became commercially available like smartphones" when you can easily use quantum crypto algorithms.

This is also the reason the mitigations should not be delayed too long, but always keep in mind of that the actual solution is.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Linkkoin on January 17, 2020, 04:05:03 PM
But as I understand it, most users worry about their earnings in the near future in order to earn more money using cryptocurrency volatility, and they are not interested in security in the future.

In general, many people do not think in a perspective longer than 5 years. But luckily there are notable exemptions which think forward and therefore we already have some teams of developers trying to address this future threat.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: bitcoindusts on January 19, 2020, 12:10:29 PM
There's a lot of time to update Bitcoin to an even stronger encryption.

We will have a quantum resistant upgrade. People will transfer their coins to quantum resistant addresses, but a lot of coins (million+) won't be moved to these secure addresses as they are "lost" coins and nobody can move them.
Which fork will you use post quantum?
a) the fork with all Bitcoins where quantum computer owners will get the "lost" coins and will be the new owners.
b) the fork where "lost" coins are burnt and can't have new owners.

It seems the first choice (a) is inevitable.  Once fork started, those addresses that did not follow instructions or left untouched will be vulnerable to being decoded by quantum computers.  Unless the developers got the first hand on those coins, there is no other option but that first one (a).

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: useless4 on January 19, 2020, 08:51:56 PM
I think Bitcoin developers can be kinda ready for somebody trying to use a quantum computer in the future to mine bitcoins and they're going to provide some security from such calculations. And besides, a quantum computer's technology is extremely expensive and hard to introduce, so we wouldn't be seriously worried about that in the coming years. To be fair, I believe it will be a threat only in like 20 years or so.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: moviebuff777 on January 20, 2020, 12:55:32 AM
He probably did not, but we also don’t know if and when it will happen either.  And it is possible that quantum computing could be used to protect Bitcoin as well.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 20, 2020, 05:36:11 PM
How the Crypto World Is Preparing for Quantum Computing, Explained

"While present-day quantum computers cannot break blockchains and their underlying cryptography, larger ones on the horizon are a threat, indeed, and need to be prepared for."

@ developers: When will we implement quantum computer resistant addresses?
@ satoshi: You filled the blockchain with your early mined coins and the quantum transformation will be very interesting. Who will get the most coins?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 22, 2020, 03:09:48 PM
We are getting closer:

The boss of Google has warned that quantum computers will be able to break encryption within as little as five years, signalling the growing threat to privacy such technological advances.
"In a five to ten year time frame, quantum computing will break encryption as we know it today."

@ developers: When will we implement quantum computer resistant addresses?
@ satoshi: You filled the blockchain with your early mined coins and the quantum transformation will be very interesting. Who will get the most coins?

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: gerica0613 on January 22, 2020, 03:35:49 PM
It's just not possible to predict what's gonna happen in 7-10 years, especially when the tech itself isn't even finalized

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 22, 2020, 04:44:01 PM
It's just not possible to predict what's gonna happen in 7-10 years, especially when the tech itself isn't even finalized

Yes, not predictable. It could even happen tomorrow.

'Whoever achieves it first - and it could be within as little as three years according to Cheng - don't expect to learn about it in the news.'

Move your coins from old addresses to make them quantum secure.
'Shalecoins', coins with no owner ' will be 'fracked'..

Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community. The 'shalecoins' will be moved and will become active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: d.kevin29 on January 22, 2020, 05:23:28 PM
He probably did not, but we also don’t know if and when it will happen either.  And it is possible that quantum computing could be used to protect Bitcoin as well.

We don't know if and when what will happen?

We are getting closer:

The boss of Google has warned that quantum computers will be able to break encryption within as little as five years, signalling the growing threat to privacy such technological advances.
"In a five to ten year time frame, quantum computing will break encryption as we know it today."

First of all, these quantum computers will not be end-user products for a long time. They are also not designed & used as of now with malicious intent, so any breakthrough regarding cryptocurrencies such as quantum computing being able to "decrypt" blockchains will most likely only add more strength to it and turn quantum computing into a real world problem, which would turn into us all coming together to add, if possible, a quantum-resistant layer to the existing Bitcoin blockchain.

Second of all, quantum computing is a threat to a lot of things before Bitcoin. If quantum computing becomes available to anyone, it would open the possibilities of extreme cyber-attacks the world has never seen before. We aren't ready for quantum computing, the internet itself isn't at all. Before cryptocurrencies, we must protect everything else. The governments themselves are at risk, so is the internet as we know it.

Therefore, we must first develop ways to protect everything we know against quantum computers. They will be in our homes soon enough (although probably a decade or two, that still is very close), so we must basically re-invent security in order to apply it not against very powerful PCs and servers but against this breakthrough technology called Quantum Computing.

Trust me, there are computers more powerful even than quantum but nobody says a thing yet. In research and laboratories there is always something new, something better. That doesn't mean it's a published information. When they're ready, they will publish it. Research is decades ahead of end-user products.

Satoshi did know about it. Quantum was a thing before year 2000. Don't tell me the man who created Bitcoin does not know what quantum is. But we barely have solutions yet against it, why are some people expecting he should've created protection against it in BTC's blockchain? And there's not only this but also the fact that Bitcoin is now helped by tens/hundreds of thousands of developers. Maybe even millions, if we consider everyone involved in the total number of people working on cryptocurrency projects.

It's one mind vs the world. Even as a genius as he probably is, there's always going to be contradiction & improvement when you put a brain next to 8 billion of them.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: senin on January 22, 2020, 05:39:15 PM
Satoshi Nakamoto has been creating cryptocurrency as an alternative means of payment for existing payment systems. It is simply impossible to calculate in advance the development of other technologies and their possible impact on cryptocurrency.
There is a chance of hacking cryptocurrency wallets using quantum computers, but it’s hard to say how it will be in practice.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: moviebuff777 on January 22, 2020, 06:05:43 PM
He probably didn’t consider quantum computing and at the time, the length of the private key provides a lot of security.

We also should remember that quantum computing is only theoretical at this point and may not do what everyone is speculating.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: imstillthebest on January 22, 2020, 06:15:22 PM
He probably didn’t consider quantum computing and at the time, the length of the private key provides a lot of security.

We also should remember that quantum computing is only theoretical at this point and may not do what everyone is speculating.

he invented bitcoin a long time ago and quantum computing was only a concept that time so he didnt bother it  .

now i guess there are now few quantum computers invented and satoshi feels threatened because these kind of computers are powerful and can possibly crack and bypass all system  including the strong cryptography and blockhain  .  lets hope that im wrong and your right   . people should not build it to destroy other technology  because that will be a total disaster

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: satoshyknew on January 23, 2020, 02:47:38 PM
Satoshi did know about it. Quantum was a thing before year 2000. Don't tell me the man who created Bitcoin does not know what quantum is.
If we look at the history of quantum computers, it started around 1980's, so definitely, Satoshi have known and think about quantum computers because it is already existing and developing even before Bitcoin was created.
Why did he not move his early mined P2PK Bitcoins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses?

Satoshi knew that one day quantum computers will exist and will be able to move the early mined coins (P2PK) and created an unofficial prize competition to accelerate the development.

Maybe Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.
Our guess is that he knew that the early mined coins will be moved one day. So he created a 'prize competition'. Otherwise he could move the coins to quantum resistant P2PKH addresses, but he did not and is not doing.

The only question is:
Who will win the race and get the early coins?

Quantum computing or solving the "Satoshi Prize Competition".

Nobody can stop that race.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: DannyHamilton on January 23, 2020, 05:14:55 PM
We are getting closer:

The boss of Google

I assume you are talking about Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Alphabet, Inc and Google LLC?  He's not a "technology" officer, he's a business officer.  That being said...

has warned that quantum computers will be able to break encryption within as little as five years, signalling the growing threat to privacy such technological advances.

What exactly does he mean when he says it will "break encryption"?

MD5 hashing has been "broken" since 1996, and yet would probably still work just fine as a Bitcoin hashing algorithm.

Without details of what will be broken, and how it will be effected, it's just an arbitrary opinion about a very generic concept.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Dabs on January 23, 2020, 06:20:49 PM
I think we'll be fine for the immediate future. If any real world cryptographic breaks happen, the rest of the internet will find out first, and then we can consider upgrading key sizes or algorithms.

For the most part, both symmetric and asymmetric encryption are relatively safe from brute force as long as you use larger than 128 bit keys or the equivalent. Hash functions work similarly.

Also, someone please define "quantum resistant" bitcoin addresses. I believe even the legacy addresses that are unspent with no other outgoing transactions are quantum resistant already.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: newBTCdecade on January 24, 2020, 02:51:53 PM
I believe even the legacy addresses that are unspent with no other outgoing transactions are quantum resistant already.
The legacy P2PK addresses, even unspent with no outgoing transactions, are not quantum resistant. Satoshi knows it, but he has more than 1 million Bitcoins on P2PK addresses.
That's the reason why one should transfer the Bitcoins from old P2PK addresses or used addresses to new unused addresses to make them quantum resistant.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Buff Mage on January 28, 2020, 03:48:38 PM
elon musks priority is public utility.
by this i mean space transport
human transport
goods transport
so i dont see elon getting in on the QC game..


Ford and Microsoft pilot quantum-inspired routing to reduce congestion

Microsoft and Ford try using quantum-style computing to solve Seattle’s traffic problem

In the future: no optimized transportation without quantum computers
Re: Is Elon Musk developing a quantum computer?

Quantum chip solves ‘travelling salesman’ problem for 22 cities
'''According to the university, this is “something that would take about 1,200 years for a high-performance von Neumann CPU”, but the chip “can solve the travelling salesman problem for 22 cities instantly” until now using quantum processing it “has only been able to solve the travelling salesman problem involving a maximum of 16 cities”.
A quantum annealing computer is not a full-blown quantum computer, of the type that could crack encryption for example, which no one has yet made – or if they have, they are keeping quiet about it.'''

My opinion:
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community..

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: QuickReview on January 31, 2020, 04:12:35 PM
We don't think that QC development will happen step by step. Our expectation is that someone will find a QC technology, that allows "far beyond expectations" numbers of qubits, that will allow this QC to get all private keys immediately.
We think that such a QC will surprise the Bitcoin community and only thereafter we will upgrade to a quantum resistant Bitcoin network. We hope that the user of such a QC to get the private keys, knows exactly how Bitcoin works and allows the owners to transfer their coins to the new QC resistant addresses. It would be a win-win game: the QC user would get the "lost" coins, the Bitcoin owners could transfer their coins to QC resistant addresses, the Bitcoin ecosystem wouldn't be affected, we would have a stronger Bitcoin network. How would a QC user act: starting with the oldest "lost" coins and moving them, so that the Bitcoin community can realize that someone is moving the "lost" coins (e.g. a special posting board here on bitcointalk) but gives the owners the possibility to transfer their coins to other addresses. In the meantime we will have a very quick "quantum resistance upgrade". And it will continue like DannyHamilton described it:
The coins that are still remaining in the weak transaction outputs once Quantum Technology becomes a realistic threat will be those coins that are effectively "lost".  The QC owners will become the new owners of those coins, and Bitcoin will carry on as it always has.
but stronger

An instruction for a quantum computer owner if he/she/they is/are pro Bitcoin and want to make Bitcoin better and stronger.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Buff Mage on February 03, 2020, 05:36:59 PM
so i dont see elon getting in on the QC game..

Google’s head of quantum computing, Hartmut Neven:
“In the future race between a Tesla and a Porsche, if one had access to quantum computers and the other company didn’t, the one that doesn’t have access to a quantum processor will lose out because with the quantum process at hand, you will be able to accelerate your battery development very quickly.”

Elon Musk needs a quantum computer.

And the Bitcoin network is a place where you can prove that you own a quantum computer, an indicator.

Elon Musk

Cryptocurrency is my safe word
Apr 2019

He met the boss of Google?

The boss of Google has warned that quantum computers will be able to break encryption within as little as five years, signalling the growing threat to privacy such technological advances.
"In a five to ten year time frame, quantum computing will break encryption as we know it today."

Buff Mage

 Bitcoin is *not* my safe word
Jan 2020

My opinion:
Quantum computers will surprise the Bitcoin community..

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: 2ndGENQC on February 13, 2020, 04:07:10 PM
Satoshi did know about it. Quantum was a thing before year 2000. Don't tell me the man who created Bitcoin does not know what quantum is.
If we look at the history of quantum computers, it started around 1980's, so definitely, Satoshi have known and think about quantum computers because it is already existing and developing even before Bitcoin was created.

Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

He also knew that "second generation quantum computers" will exist.

And for the "second generation quantum computers" people are already developing post SHA-hash signature systems. So we would then change to post SHA-hash signature systems before "second generation quantum computers" exist.

The development of "second generation quantum computers" will bring the most exciting times, hashing will be history. We will make all "lost" coins active.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: cloudQuantum on February 18, 2020, 02:40:33 PM
Satoshi knew that QC will exist.

But not like this one: The $600 quantum computer that could spell the end for conventional encryption
Quantum computing will be cloud computing.

And yes, the "lost" coins will move one day.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: pawanjain on February 18, 2020, 03:30:19 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

I think we should know what is the quantum computers first? And I think this video is the most understanable information way.

If you know what is the quantum computer now. Then you may understand it is not possible to know this things 10 years before.
I saw the whole video and now I have a doubt. The host said that quantum computer can be used to create private keys.
If that's possible then I believe quantum computers can also be used to hack the private keys of other users.
This will make the bitcoin network very vulnerable and hence will break the network eventually by creating a panic in the market.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: johnyj on February 18, 2020, 03:41:44 PM

I think we should know what is the quantum computers first? And I think this video is the most understanable information way.

If you know what is the quantum computer now. Then you may understand it is not possible to know this things 10 years before.

This video, togher with hundreds of other quantum computer videos I saw, none of them make sense. They typically show you some numbers, did not tell you how did they get those numbers, and just tell you what does those numbers mean, and then it is done

This is similar to : Look at KPI, data proven that inflation is low, so we need to print more money

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: kemoglo on February 18, 2020, 10:15:26 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

Possibly, if he did he just didn't prepare for it because it was far enough that Bitcoin would work as a PoC for cryptography as a method to liberate the economy and give it back to the people who really use it instead of hoarding it.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: FanatMonet on February 18, 2020, 10:20:58 PM
Most likely he suspected that in the foreseeable future, quantum computers would be quite widespread. So far, they mainly work in various laboratories at major universities, but I think that we will see the day when the majority will have quantum computers.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Kahan848 on February 18, 2020, 10:30:10 PM
We're far from this technology to be actually implemented and none of the articles covering quantum computing provide decent info on why BTC holders should be concerned with it

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: ownQUANTUM on February 26, 2020, 04:41:53 PM
Quote from: Hans17 link=topic=5188910.msg52617635#msg52617635
Fully operational? i guess on some states maybe?
More likely private groups.

'As quantum computing is often depicted as cryptography’s doomsday device, it’s of course of concern that someone might just build one in their garage'

This decade the early mined Bitcoins will be moved and will become active.
Active Cypher built a mini-quantum computer (repurposed hardware running quantum algorithms) to prove that conventional encryption (RSA + AES) is nearing the end.
DJ: What have you been able to demonstrate with your machine?
Gleason: With just $600 in hardware QUBY has been able to demonstrate calculations that take years on conventional computers can be solved substantially quicker.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Pulpen on February 26, 2020, 11:13:11 PM
Although it is still very possible that quantum computing will damage bitcoin, it will take a long time for that to happen and maybe by then, we have moved to a safer algorithm or we might not even exist at all. Yes, he did it and that is why he developed the entire Bitcoin protocol in such a way that difficulties would adjust, based on the level of hash combined at a certain time. Satoshi's caliber and knowledge in the fields of IT, cryptography, and all kinds of technical matters are enormous, and we can see that through his own writing in this forum and in other places on the internet that it is not impossible he has thought of quantum computing as a problem that bitcoin might face in the future so he 'proves the future' of all protocols by implanting many cryptographic keys and algorithms that are difficult to destroy in them. :)

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on February 27, 2020, 02:54:34 PM
McAfee’s chief technology officer: Start protecting against quantum computing hacks now
McAfee’s chief technology officer warned that it’s time for companies to start worrying about quantum computing attacks that can break common forms of encryption available today, even if quantum computing isn’t going to be practical for a while.
Grobman said. “Now I know what you are thinking: Quantum is not coming anytime soon. But we can’t think of quantum in terms of eventually or tomorrow."
“We need quantum-resistant algorithms as soon as possible,” Grobman said.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: fiulpro on February 27, 2020, 06:52:18 PM
Since he was an inventor , he did understand that situations will ofcourse change and thus, sooner or later people will invent some more things so for that time it was amazing but with the coming time I do think he ofcourse thought about it .
Even if he didn't he would have understood that already. IT sector is Preety complicated , therefore I do think that everyone who is involved in this understands the same.
We have software updates like every month and we discard the mobile phones who are not able to keep up with things like that .
Change is inevitable.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: camito on February 27, 2020, 11:45:06 PM
Satoshi has mined the most coins.
In 2010 they were talking about lost coins and Satoshi said

Think of it as a donation to everyone.

1. He thought the coins are lost forever and we have a lot of 'shalecoins' and they will become active one day


2. Satoshi created the greatest prize competition and the privatekeys are somehow within the blockchain.

1. Yes, with quantum computers they would become active. Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?

Before we make assumptions and predictions, I think we must know first about quantum computers. Actually, I have read about this new technology before and now that this topic has been opened, I am thankful that I have knowledge regarding it. Quantum computing is invented not to destroy blockchains or affect the safety of cryptocurrencies. It was invented because of the need to perform fast and very complex solutions and equations that a super computer cannot do. The world is constantly developing day by day - with the aid of technology. I think it is easy to predict the next invention but its function on the other hand is not easy to know. Scientists and inventors of today and the future generation is highly capable. Besides, what would be the reason for them to destroy blockchain? Satoshi might be able to assume the occurrence of quantum computing but its effect on bitcoins as you were saying (which is really none) is not.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: qubitasic on March 03, 2020, 05:11:46 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.

Honeywell sees path to world’s most powerful quantum computer in 3 months
Tony Uttley, Honeywell’s president of quantum solutions, believes the company will quickly outpace its rivals. “We’re on a trajectory to increase that quantum volume 10-fold every year for the next five years,” Uttley says.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: TimeTeller on March 03, 2020, 08:40:06 PM
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe
IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its 28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately 2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.

Honeywell sees path to world’s most powerful quantum computer in 3 months
Tony Uttley, Honeywell’s president of quantum solutions, believes the company will quickly outpace its rivals. “We’re on a trajectory to increase that quantum volume 10-fold every year for the next five years,” Uttley says.

One thing that I can think of in relation to what might Satoshi was thinking about the possible introduction of quantum computers.
For sure, he thought that someday there will be advanced computers because of the evolving technology.
It is not the case that, his invention will always be the top technology, but it will be the foundation of more sophisticated technologies.
The current trend right now may be obsolete tomorrow. So I guess Satoshi is not considering his invention as the ultimate superior in advanced technology.

Title: Re: Did Satoshi think that quantum computers will exist?
Post by: Sadlife on March 03, 2020, 11:51:39 PM
Probably yes, i think he might have planned it a stepped ahead because there's a feature that's called halving that happens whenever the miners start solving blocks really quick, that's why he has some counter measures to make the process of mining BTC much more difficult. He even made the Bitcoin source code open sourced, which is really a brilliant move, lt would enable us to fix or modify the code. If Bitcoin encounters problems like quantum computers.