Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 01:24:04 AM

Title: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 01:24:04 AM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: keithers on July 21, 2014, 01:28:06 AM
I think it used to be only important if you were doing something wrong or that you didn't want known.   As time has progressed, the surveillance that is done on the general public has gotten to the point where it is almost scary.   Day by day anonymity is becoming more and more important.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 01:30:53 AM
I think it used to be only important if you were doing something wrong or that you didn't want known.   As time has progressed, the surveillance that is done on the general public has gotten to the point where it is almost scary.   Day by day anonymity is becoming more and more important.

So it's just the public watching you that most people are afraid of?
Because everyone can report it and social media is so easily accessible now?

And also because you just don't want some transactions to be known?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: GrandmaJean on July 21, 2014, 01:37:35 AM
It is important to me because I would rather not a bunch of random people knowing my personal financial business.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: whtchocla7e on July 21, 2014, 01:39:57 AM
It's not just important to me. It's the number one concern.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 01:40:09 AM
It is important to me because I would rather not a bunch of random people knowing my personal financial business.

They can STILL see your purchases and what you've sent out if they know your BTC address can't they?
So you're still being watched.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: scribbles on July 21, 2014, 01:50:09 AM

As others have mentioned, the increasing surveillance of citizens doing nothing wrong (e.g. the NSA adding people to a watch list for merely searching privacy related terms) is unacceptable to me. This intrusion extends to financial matters where the government is overly paternalistic and have overreached their authority. For example, most reputable foreign online casinos will not accept US players due to repercussions from the US government. I don't want/need the government trying to protect me from myself, and it's not their role, or shouldn't be anyway.

Another example, if I decide to give a family member some money to help them out and it exceeds $13k, then the IRS requires they pay taxes on that money. Where in the hell does the IRS get the idea that they get a cut when family members want to help each other out? Absolutely f*#king ridiculous. So when I learned about bitcoin, I started using it as much as possible.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on July 21, 2014, 02:25:48 AM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: darkota on July 21, 2014, 02:29:23 AM
It's not just important to me. It's the number one concern.

Bitcoin is hardly anonymous in itself...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mayuyu48 on July 21, 2014, 02:36:04 AM
I don't want some people tracking me from my activities in internet
i bought something, i purchase something, that's my personal action ;D
there's no IRS here, and tax collector (still) don't interest in bitcoin
but who knows in the future, better to prepare it

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Sydboy on July 21, 2014, 02:36:15 AM
i dont mind any one tracing me.
i think alot of people want to be anonymous for no reason other than they want to be anonymous.

i remember a thread recently some one was giving tips to be anonymous and he had his bitcoin address in his signature and some one traded it to multiple exchanges. it was pretty funny. everybody is an expert here :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: AliceWonder on July 21, 2014, 02:45:02 AM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

If you run a business, you don't want people to figure out who your buyers and suppliers are.

In some industries *cough*porn*cough* what you are doing is perfectly legal but stalkers are crazy.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: thelonecrouton on July 21, 2014, 02:47:14 AM
1. You buy some medication online, or post about some medical condition on Facebook.
2. Datamining
3. Profit! (At your expense, as your healthcare quadruples in price.)

You might think you have 'nothing to hide' but do you really want to be fleeced even more than you already are by insurance companies?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: libivan on July 21, 2014, 02:51:52 AM
Anonymity is a human necessity. If it was not, we wouldn't need curtains in our windows. But in today's world people seem to have forgotten the importance of privacy, and they are madly exposing all their lives, all the personal and private details online, just because it is "cool": "just because my neighbour has a popular face book profile, mine must be more popular"... "I'll post my hot selfies and everyone is gonna like it", etc...

If it was just that, it would be nonsense enough... but fine, each one knows his/her own limits anyway... but it is not only that: the companies/governments will misuse all this free info. We are beeing tagged, followed, watched, controlled. It's becoming a scary Orwellian world, and I refuse to colaborate with it.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 21, 2014, 02:52:33 AM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you? (

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cutepuppy on July 21, 2014, 02:54:07 AM
I am concerned that an attacker would find out how much bitcoin I have in my possession, subjecting me to a number of hacking attempted/attacks.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: madken7777 on July 21, 2014, 02:54:36 AM
If the government is determine to prosecute someone, they can find any excuse to make it happen.

Having anonymity make it harder for them.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 21, 2014, 02:54:57 AM
I am concerned that an attacker would find out how much bitcoin I have in my possession, subjecting me to a number of hacking attempted/attacks.

Suffer, bitch.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: libivan on July 21, 2014, 02:58:51 AM
I am concerned that an attacker would find out how much bitcoin I have in my possession, subjecting me to a number of hacking attempted/attacks.

Depending on the country you live (for example, Brazil), if the wrong person knows your balance (in this case, BTC balance) you can be sure you or one of your loved ones will be kidnapped.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: thunderdrum on July 21, 2014, 03:01:27 AM
1. You buy some medication online, or post about some medical condition on Facebook.
2. Datamining
3. Profit! (At your expense, as your healthcare quadruples in price.)

You might think you have 'nothing to hide' but do you really want to be fleeced even more than you already are by insurance companies?


It's not a matter of what you want to hide. It's a matter of what other people what to know from you.

To most people, we don't want to hide anything. Or there is no need to hide anything. But anonymous is not just for hiding, the more important, it protects you from other people who what to seek through your whole information and then make some action.

When you use the non-anonymouse coin, people can know your whole financial information. Then, they can study you and find out your weak point.
Boom~ you're doomed.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Cicero2.0 on July 21, 2014, 03:33:14 AM
I have nothing to hide frankly, but my financial details are my business. I choose to take measures to defend my privacy. If someone really wanted to find out if I am a bitcoin holder they could but I certainly don't advertise it. The problem I have with the NSA and all of that is that we were never given a choice and there was never a requirement to prove probable cause before they stole our personal information.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: AliceWonder on July 21, 2014, 04:15:56 AM
I have nothing to hide frankly

Only reason you have nothing to hide is because you have a poor imagination.

My AliceWonder username - I sometimes post pictures of snakes with my real name on it.
I don't care, it's just an internet handle.

Today someone on reddit I've never met before didn't like something I said (imagine that! LOL) and said they did a background search on me, revealing my real name.

I don't give a sh*t but it is freaky that some background database has compiled that about me.

Maybe they got it from snake pics or more likely a domain registration - but even though I don't really care to keep who I am secret, it's still freaky that a publicly accessible database somewhere has it.

Oh, and I am thinking about exercising my second amendment rights and buying a gun. This guy seemed to think I am a transvestite (nope) and seemed to hate them, and well, that group has a lot of senseless violence committed against it by freaky people. So...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: libivan on July 21, 2014, 04:35:09 AM
I have nothing to hide frankly

Only reason you have nothing to hide is because you have a poor imagination.

My AliceWonder username - I sometimes post pictures of snakes with my real name on it.
I don't care, it's just an internet handle.

Today someone on reddit I've never met before didn't like something I said (imagine that! LOL) and said they did a background search on me, revealing my real name.

I don't give a sh*t but it is freaky that some background database has compiled that about me.

Maybe they got it from snake pics or more likely a domain registration - but even though I don't really care to keep who I am secret, it's still freaky that a publicly accessible database somewhere has it.

Oh, and I am thinking about exercising my second amendment rights and buying a gun. This guy seemed to think I am a transvestite (nope) and seemed to hate them, and well, that group has a lot of senseless violence committed against it by freaky people. So...

Yes, we all are too much vulnerable with all this online indiscriminate (mandatory) exposure which allows anyone to acquire our private info, gaining the ability to misuse it and cause us harms.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bassguitarman on July 21, 2014, 04:41:51 AM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

woah, thats an interesting perspective.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Cicero2.0 on July 21, 2014, 05:12:31 AM
I have nothing to hide frankly

Only reason you have nothing to hide is because you have a poor imagination.

My AliceWonder username - I sometimes post pictures of snakes with my real name on it.
I don't care, it's just an internet handle.

Today someone on reddit I've never met before didn't like something I said (imagine that! LOL) and said they did a background search on me, revealing my real name.

I don't give a sh*t but it is freaky that some background database has compiled that about me.

Maybe they got it from snake pics or more likely a domain registration - but even though I don't really care to keep who I am secret, it's still freaky that a publicly accessible database somewhere has it.

Oh, and I am thinking about exercising my second amendment rights and buying a gun. This guy seemed to think I am a transvestite (nope) and seemed to hate them, and well, that group has a lot of senseless violence committed against it by freaky people. So...

I should have clarified that a bit. I have nothing to hide legally. I prefer to keep my online identity online and far away from my personal life.

Everyone should exercise their 2nd amendment right. Personal security isn't something we should take lightly. If you do get one it is very much worth your time to take classes and spend some time at a range learning to use it effectively.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: illodin on July 21, 2014, 05:23:59 AM
I have nothing to hide frankly

Proof has not a damn thing to do with it. Privacy becomes important once you've had to deal with that shit. Too many people insist on learning the hard way with the "I have nothing to hide" idiocy. You let The State into your affairs, they'll "find" whatever they want to find.

"I have nothing to hide"

Big data and data mining means that the privacy you thought you had is/will be gone.

Let's say you bought a digital watch with alarm and a flashlight recently, and an already terrorist suspect bought some fertilizer. Then your phones' location data shows that you happened to be at the same pizzeria at the same time for 30 minutes (or you both paid your pizza using Bitcoin).
=> big data says you're suspected terrorist and puts you on a high risk list
=> you won't be getting an insurance or credit card or loan from a bank, you wouldn't get a job or might lose your job if it is a job that requires clean background etc

And even if you're not living in such a country yet, you'd be prevented from getting into one when traveling, or worse, arrested at the airport.

And all this thinking "you had nothing to hide".

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: OROBTC on July 21, 2014, 05:27:33 AM

@ AliceW and Cicero above (and everyone)

We live in a time where our .gov and many others are sticking their nose into our business & wallets and taking away our rights!  Anonymity is a right, almost a duty.

So is our Second Amendment.  Yes, please do buy a gun, and learn to use it right.  The more who are armed, the harder it will for them to take our rights away.

And with learning a few techniques, you can vastly increase your privacy using BTC.  Mixing services.  A used laptop that you bought for cash there at the pawnshop.  Sending your BTC around to your wallets (at less than 10 cents, why not), and creating more...!

You almost have to think like a spy nowadays just to have some tranquility!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: franky1 on July 21, 2014, 06:09:51 AM
but my financial details are my business. I choose to take measures to defend my privacy. 

Quote from: Cicero2.0

bitcoin is anonymous... right up until the second that someone tells the world their financial life story

Quote from: Kayex
BTC Address : 1PBnmqit4948gNyzAqfAdiTLFE8Z494t8

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 06:14:49 AM
I am concerned that an attacker would find out how much bitcoin I have in my possession, subjecting me to a number of hacking attempted/attacks.
This is why you need to back up your wallets and protect them.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 03:40:17 PM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

I never actually thought of it that way.
Now that you say that, BTC can still be traced by your IP can't it?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Gargulan on July 21, 2014, 03:43:27 PM
I have nothing to hide frankly

Until someone discover your real identity and trying to scam you.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Yeah? on July 21, 2014, 04:04:11 PM
Anonymity is important because it is our right. It's especially more important now with all this blanket survialance that is goin on. Bitcoin can be a tool to help fight this.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: commandrix on July 21, 2014, 04:09:42 PM
In my case I just think it's nobody's business if I just want to buy a book, a bicycle or a condo without any middlemen getting involved. Sure the anonymous nature of Bitcoin is going to attract the black market types, but then, any new technology is going to attract criminal elements that think they can get away with using it in an illegal or unethical fashion. (And I say "think" because so many of the bad actors in the Bitcoin world have gotten caught.) For me, it's not about having anything to hide. It's about having a reasonable expectation that I can go above my business without anybody else sticking their nose into it.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 21, 2014, 04:16:30 PM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

I never actually thought of it that way.
Now that you say that, BTC can still be traced by your IP can't it?

Ever heard of proxies?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ACCTseller on July 21, 2014, 04:23:16 PM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

I never actually thought of it that way.
Now that you say that, BTC can still be traced by your IP can't it?

Ever heard of proxies?
Your identity can be discovered even with a proxy. If an attacker can figure out the IP address of the proxy that transmitted the TX then the attacker could go to the proxy and find out the IP address that was connected to the proxy

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 21, 2014, 04:44:07 PM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

I never actually thought of it that way.
Now that you say that, BTC can still be traced by your IP can't it?

Ever heard of proxies?
Your identity can be discovered even with a proxy. If an attacker can figure out the IP address of the proxy that transmitted the TX then the attacker could go to the proxy and find out the IP address that was connected to the proxy

That's why you use elite fully aonymous proxies through a VPS which you only access through another set of elite anonymous proxies and then never from your home or office location.


Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 06:44:04 PM
Imagine your best friend; someone you trust with your life asks you to show him/her all your emails, text messages, phone conversations and what you buy or sell. This person will then permanently record everything. Would you allow it?

Now imagine a faceless entity having access to all that information.

I never actually thought of it that way.
Now that you say that, BTC can still be traced by your IP can't it?

Ever heard of proxies?
Your identity can be discovered even with a proxy. If an attacker can figure out the IP address of the proxy that transmitted the TX then the attacker could go to the proxy and find out the IP address that was connected to the proxy

That's why you use elite fully aonymous proxies through a VPS which you only access through another set of elite anonymous proxies and then never from your home or office location.

Well if the government gets involved they can track you down regardless if you have a vpn or not.
Pretty sure a lot of people got caught for a black hat program even if they paid with btc.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 07:15:45 PM
Bitcoin offers a private transaction free from bank accounts or the need for fraud prevention identification services. No social security number is needed. No address or phone number is required. Nobody you do business with has any information about you worth sharing or any common identification means to do so. What more do you want and why?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: DjPxH on July 21, 2014, 07:19:53 PM
I don't wand people to know that I own a metric crapton of BTC. I can barely store them, they just take up too much space. If people are aware of you BTC holdings, you may become the target of people intending to steal them. Also I guess a lot of people may want to hide their BTC from tax authorities.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: spazzdla on July 21, 2014, 07:22:27 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

There is a small chance BTC becomes "the weapon of terrorism" and anyone that has ever owned it is to be executed.  I'd prefer it not to be known I owned BTC at that point.  Lets be honest though.. the gov already knows I own btc lol.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Bitcoin Magazine on July 21, 2014, 07:25:05 PM
because nobody accepts dollars for drugs.  only bitcoins

even walmart doesn't sell meth )(Beznadzdrex)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ABISprotocol on July 21, 2014, 07:26:54 PM
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

It's important to me. 


If you believe that more emphasis should be given to funding basic bitcoin development, and also to anonymity projects, please check out this open issue, and leave your remarks on Github or here (and please share).

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: AliceWonder on July 21, 2014, 07:34:10 PM
Everyone should exercise their 2nd amendment right. Personal security isn't something we should take lightly. If you do get one it is very much worth your time to take classes and spend some time at a range learning to use it effectively.

Well if I do get one, as I am not allowed to drive (Epilepsy) and California does not allow either open or concealed carry, it would be kind of hard for me to go to a range...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 07:35:05 PM
I don't wand people to know that I own a metric crapton of BTC. I can barely store them, they just take up too much space. If people are aware of you BTC holdings, you may become the target of people intending to steal them. Also I guess a lot of people may want to hide their BTC from tax authorities.
Your problems are not shared by most people. There are ways to mix bitcoins in your situation. As far as tax authorities, I don't know why they would care about your bitcoins unless you owe them money.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 07:37:33 PM
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

It's important to me.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on July 21, 2014, 07:50:06 PM
guess there are several reasons, bad and good ones. if you are interested in this, visit:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: WillyBTC on July 21, 2014, 07:52:23 PM
I just don't need the government all up in my business! :-*

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: beetcoin on July 21, 2014, 08:43:05 PM
it's important to me because we are living in the times where privacy is disappearing. having your own space to be yourself is where a lot of creative people create. and more importantly, taking everyone's privacy away is key to establishing a totalitarian society.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: minime on July 21, 2014, 08:45:50 PM
Anonymity?? just another illusion....

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: harlenadler on July 21, 2014, 08:46:40 PM
I like the idea of being anonymous. But I don't pretend it's the reality. :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 08:50:35 PM
I don't wand people to know that I own a metric crapton of BTC. I can barely store them, they just take up too much space. If people are aware of you BTC holdings, you may become the target of people intending to steal them. Also I guess a lot of people may want to hide their BTC from tax authorities.
Your problems are not shared by most people. There are ways to mix bitcoins in your situation. As far as tax authorities, I don't know why they would care about your bitcoins unless you owe them money.

Currently the US can't tax btc.

I feel like this is just a way to avoid taxes placed on us by the IRS.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 09:09:37 PM
If the anonymity trick proves to be stable, then there is no doubt it will be forked into Bitcoin. This is about technology development over social morality. Society will have to adjust to lawlessness as they did in the stone age. It will absolutely force people to use coin validation for their own personal safety and for exactly the same reasons that you cannot buy enriched uranium at Walmart.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 09:14:55 PM
Anonymous money will allow enriched Uranium sellers to sell their material with no risk of getting caught. It will allow kidnappers to snatch your children or wife with no risk of getting caught. There have already been attempts of extortion and plenty of drug sales because of Bitcoin's pseudonymity. Be careful what you wish for. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 21, 2014, 09:30:03 PM
I don't wand people to know that I own a metric crapton of BTC. I can barely store them, they just take up too much space. If people are aware of you BTC holdings, you may become the target of people intending to steal them. Also I guess a lot of people may want to hide their BTC from tax authorities.
Your problems are not shared by most people. There are ways to mix bitcoins in your situation. As far as tax authorities, I don't know why they would care about your bitcoins unless you owe them money.

I personally think there's no possible way to TAX BTC.
I mean we have transfer fees but they're virtually non existent.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 09:40:43 PM
I don't wand people to know that I own a metric crapton of BTC. I can barely store them, they just take up too much space. If people are aware of you BTC holdings, you may become the target of people intending to steal them. Also I guess a lot of people may want to hide their BTC from tax authorities.
Your problems are not shared by most people. There are ways to mix bitcoins in your situation. As far as tax authorities, I don't know why they would care about your bitcoins unless you owe them money.

I personally think there's no possible way to TAX BTC.
I mean we have transfer fees but they're virtually non existent.
Walmart charges sales tax. If they accepted Bitcoin, they would continue to do so. Many people work for cash and don't pay taxes on their income because there is no possible way to TAX CASH.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: tmbp on July 21, 2014, 10:09:40 PM
Why is privacy so important for you? Why is personal space so important for you? Why can't I fuck your wife? Sharing is caring

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 21, 2014, 10:16:53 PM
Why is privacy so important for you? Why is personal space so important for you? Why can't I fuck your wife? Sharing is caring

Right on the mark!


Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Harley997 on July 21, 2014, 11:06:39 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

There is a small chance BTC becomes "the weapon of terrorism" and anyone that has ever owned it is to be executed.  I'd prefer it not to be known I owned BTC at that point.  Lets be honest though.. the gov already knows I own btc lol.
It wouldn't be that bitcoin could become a weapon that terrorists use, but it is rather that bitcoin could potentially allow terrorists to move money around without anyone knowing.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BCwinning on July 21, 2014, 11:18:45 PM
It's important to me and not only for btc but in general because it isn't anyones business
how much gas I purchase a month. Or How much coffee I consume in a month. as examples
It has nothing to do with illegalities but in knowing that someone knows how boring my life is better than me.
Which is why I pay cash for my groceries and gas and use other peoples loyalty cards.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 11:43:44 PM
Why is privacy so important for you? Why is personal space so important for you? Why can't I fuck your wife? Sharing is caring
Non-Sequitur. Do you fuck every wife that tells you her name?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 21, 2014, 11:46:37 PM
It's important to me and not only for btc but in general because it isn't anyones business
how much gas I purchase a month. Or How much coffee I consume in a month. as examples
It has nothing to do with illegalities but in knowing that someone knows how boring my life is better than me.
Which is why I pay cash for my groceries and gas and use other peoples loyalty cards.
It's much easier to take your picture from a hidden camera and positively ID you even if you use cash.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BTCmoons on July 22, 2014, 12:35:46 AM
I would rather nit a bunch if strangers knowing my personal info. Nor do I want coworkers knowing how much I make.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: fa on July 22, 2014, 12:45:25 AM
Nothing is free, anonymity also comes with a price. Maybe bitcoin 2.0 will address that problem.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 22, 2014, 01:05:08 AM
I would rather nit a bunch if strangers knowing my personal info. Nor do I want coworkers knowing how much I make.

Then don't tell them.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: tntdgcr on July 22, 2014, 01:09:12 AM
it's not that important. most of what matters has KYC.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 22, 2014, 02:07:17 AM
it's not that important. most of what matters has KYC.


Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: oceans on July 22, 2014, 03:00:43 AM
Anonymity is important to me because no one needs to know what I'm doing. Im not saying I'm involved in criminal activities but, I like my privacy.

1. I don't have to report anything
2. I don't have to pay tax on it. Just the small transaction fee.
3. It finally gives people(in my opinion)some financial freedom.
4. No one knows how much money I have.
5. I don't have to pay a bank $15 a month for an account. The days of getting interest from banks is gone.
6. No one knows what I do with my money or how I spend it.
7. I have no limit on how much I can deposit or withdrawal

I could go on and on. Some of these reasons aren't necessarily for anonymity, but more so reasons to use bitcoin.  

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on July 22, 2014, 03:06:41 AM
Sorry to burst the bubble but bitcoin is not anonymous as it currently stands.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: joshraban76 on July 22, 2014, 03:11:24 AM
Although I don;t think Bitcoin is all that anonymous. With all the prying eyes in the NSA I prefer my transactions to be private. They have no business knowing what I do with my money. I also have the freedom of not having to answer any questions about where I got my money, did I pay tax, how much I deposit or withdraw. Almost no fees to move around money. Bitcoin to me is freedom to won wealth without having to explain it.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: DhaniBoy on July 22, 2014, 03:18:11 AM
because i don't want tax collector chase me in he future
if my government decide to tax bitcoin

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ABISprotocol on July 22, 2014, 03:41:58 AM
Everyone should exercise their 2nd amendment right. Personal security isn't something we should take lightly. If you do get one it is very much worth your time to take classes and spend some time at a range learning to use it effectively.

Well if I do get one, as I am not allowed to drive (Epilepsy) and California does not allow either open or concealed carry, it would be kind of hard for me to go to a range...

Hello AliceWonder,

I perked up when I saw your post.  

I also have epilepsy (almost my entire life).

Like you I presently live in California (hard to say how long that will still be the case, but at present, that's where I am).

I am allowed to drive being as my epilepsy is controlled by medication.  I am fortunate in that respect, I suppose.  I just got done with a medical review that cleared me again, although the doctors can technically order my license revoked if ever they have a concern.  At one time some years ago my license was revoked for medical reasons, but after a very long time of review and an appeals process, I was able to secure the license to drive again.  I know, though, that most people with epilepsy can not be cleared to drive after their medical review.    

Most of the time if I am going on a long journey then someone else drives or I'll take a bus, but it's good to be cleared to drive.

When it comes to CCW licensing, not being able to drive may be an issue, or it may not.  Check with your doctor.  For many people with a disability, you're not limited in that regard unless you feel your health conditions make it an issue.  I'm part of Disabled Americans for Firearm Rights.  You can see that here:

You mentioned that California doesn't allow open or concealed carry.  That's not exactly the case.  It's true that in California there is no open carry (they revoked it some years back, including revoking the open carry provision that used to allow people to carry rifles freely around, now the rifle has to be in the case all the time until you get to your range position or are within an area where hunting is allowed).  

However, concealed carry is allowed in California.  The requirements differ broadly from county to county, but it recently got easier to concealed carry, so it probably makes sense to get your training and get a concealed carry license - even if you don't concealed carry, the training that comes with the license process is worth it.  I don't like all the checks that come with it and the questions they ask of everyone as part of the review process, but if you are into getting a good level of training, it's worth it.  I am a TKD brown belt and until recently volunteered as an assistant instructor for a local studio, part of what we practiced constantly was gun and knife defense, to be able to disarm attackers with our hands under certain opportune conditions.  Training is really important for everyone ~ even if you don't own or carry, get some.  Knowledge helps you to survive.

If you are interested in non-lethal carry training check out:  The Defenders (yes, the same as used in "Men Who Stare At Goats") You can get certified to train others in that here:
I can personally attest to the effectiveness of the The Defender tools.  In a variety of situations and environments, it is more advantageous than a firearm or a blade.  But as with all things, if you do not receive training and engage in regular practice, you will not be prepared to utilize it when you need to.

CAL-FFL is a partner with the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) in a lawsuit against the NSA -- for details on this, see:

CAL-FFL and Calguns have a guide for those who are interested in training or license for CCW (concealed carry) in California.  You need not actually own to be trained, but you can get familiarity with a variety of pistols, which is way, way better than being unfamiliar and untrained.  For those, like me, who are in California, I recommend you not only get your CA CCW (which is likely to be specific just to your county), but as well, get the AZ permit which covers a lot of states.
That page is at:

So now to the issue that is more particularly the topic of this thread:  bitcoin, and anonymity.

1) Bitcoin.  Not like it matters what the law says about it as we'll use it anyway, but it's a relief to know that in California, all decentralized virtual currencies / decentralized virtual currency users don't have to worry about California trying to prosecute us.
Note the passage of AB 129, recently signed by the Governor, which basically was just a law to repeal the State's prior prohibitions on alternativer currences:

2) Anonymity.  Do you support bitcoin development, and support anonymity?  I do.  Anonymity is absolutely vital especially if you live in places like NY State, China, or the Russian Federation - all places that have in the recent passed launched legal assaults on the bitcoin community.  
Presently bitcoin is not anonymous.  However, you can find out how to use it while masking your IP address, at:
And if you want to help encourage both more funding for bitcoin development generally _and_ help support anonymity, weigh in here and let the Foundation know:

(If you don't already have a github account, it's easy to sign up for one.)

Thank you

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ABISprotocol on July 22, 2014, 03:43:24 AM
Anonymity is important to me because no one needs to know what I'm doing. Im not saying I'm involved in criminal activities but, I like my privacy.

1. I don't have to report anything
2. I don't have to pay tax on it. Just the small transaction fee.
3. It finally gives people(in my opinion)some financial freedom.
4. No one knows how much money I have.
5. I don't have to pay a bank $15 a month for an account. The days of getting interest from banks is gone.
6. No one knows what I do with my money or how I spend it.
7. I have no limit on how much I can deposit or withdrawal

I could go on and on. Some of these reasons aren't necessarily for anonymity, but more so reasons to use bitcoin.  

Oceans, yes!

I would love to see you weigh in here:

Thanks, if you can.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 22, 2014, 05:22:31 AM
Anonymity is important to me because no one needs to know what I'm doing. Im not saying I'm involved in criminal activities but, I like my privacy.

1. I don't have to report anything
2. I don't have to pay tax on it. Just the small transaction fee.
3. It finally gives people(in my opinion)some financial freedom.
4. No one knows how much money I have.
5. I don't have to pay a bank $15 a month for an account. The days of getting interest from banks is gone.
6. No one knows what I do with my money or how I spend it.
7. I have no limit on how much I can deposit or withdrawal

I could go on and on. Some of these reasons aren't necessarily for anonymity, but more so reasons to use bitcoin.  

Regarding number 4.
If they have your wallet...
Can't they track how much wallet you're receiving and sending?
Or is that JUST for certain online wallets?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: glendall on July 22, 2014, 05:25:47 AM
Anonymity is protection and defence from abuse.

When a system is corrupt and under monopoly control, such as the US dollar, most new regulations brought it are brought it to limit competition and increase control over resources by those that have it.

I'm not sure what the prevailing opinion is. But I'm under the opinion that money should be issued by a government but not controlled by a government, money should be controlled only by those who own it. Bitcoin is just a more logical and simply better system. An anonymous coin such as Darkcoin appeals to me. Regulation is control is protection coming from the haves against the have-nots.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ABISprotocol on July 22, 2014, 08:00:30 AM
Anonymity is important to me because no one needs to know what I'm doing. Im not saying I'm involved in criminal activities but, I like my privacy.

1. I don't have to report anything
2. I don't have to pay tax on it. Just the small transaction fee.
3. It finally gives people(in my opinion)some financial freedom.
4. No one knows how much money I have.
5. I don't have to pay a bank $15 a month for an account. The days of getting interest from banks is gone.
6. No one knows what I do with my money or how I spend it.
7. I have no limit on how much I can deposit or withdrawal

I could go on and on. Some of these reasons aren't necessarily for anonymity, but more so reasons to use bitcoin.  

Regarding number 4.
If they have your wallet...
Can't they track how much wallet you're receiving and sending?
Or is that JUST for certain online wallets?

Generally speaking, any website-based wallet (what you called an online wallet) or any website-based exchange can readily and does track how much you are spending, some request a great deal of info from you,  others not as much.  But as website-based business models (your information, your keys, your data, through their website and on their server), they can be required (and are vulnerable to) requests to give up information about you to whatever silly state or federal government requests it.  While website-based businesses that retain your information on their servers could mitigate this problem through use of zero-knowledge proofs and stealth transaction implementation, most choose not to (or simply don't have the technical skill to do so).

Hence the reasoning for decentralized software and full (Bitcoin Core) or lighter (Electrum) wallets, and usage of those wallets with Tor (( see )), as well as the advantage of using decentralized markets (BitXBay, Mastercoin Decentralized Exchange, Cloakcoin (Onemarket), NightTrader / BlackHalo, others) instead of centralized, website based exchanges.

If you own your keys and manage your own data in a decentralized, peer to peer framework, that is a functional solution to avoid censorship of what you are doing, but depending on how you choose to manage your behavior online, you may not be anonymous when you do so.

With that said, the need for anonymity (at the very least as an option) is obvious, so go here and weigh in if you dare:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ThomasCrowne on July 22, 2014, 09:15:12 AM
Anonymity important to some because they aren't wanting to get "market data" targeted ad's constantly.  If you think it isn't coming to bitcoin soon just wait and see!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: littlewizard on July 22, 2014, 10:24:55 AM
It is not important to normal people who use bitcoin, but only important to some people who....

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: tsoPANos on July 22, 2014, 10:37:29 AM
You wouldn't like everyone here know how much money you have would you?
Anonymity is the best feature of bitcoin.
Bitcoin wouldn't be as popular as it currently is without anonymity!!!  8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: tmbp on July 22, 2014, 10:44:47 AM
Why is privacy so important for you? Why is personal space so important for you? Why can't I fuck your wife? Sharing is caring
Non-Sequitur. Do you fuck every wife that tells you her name?

It is very much relevant, you would expect a 13 year old child to already understand why privacy and/or anonymity are important yet you find manchildren in their 30s asking this question.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: alz on July 22, 2014, 11:26:27 AM
You wouldn't like everyone here know how much money you have would you?
Anonymity is the best feature of bitcoin.
Bitcoin wouldn't be as popular as it currently is without anonymity!!!  8) 8) 8)

Blockchain analysis techniques have totally removed Bitcoins anonymity, It is just a case of how many resources the forensic analysis team have at their disposal.
If you are talking of an individual Bitcoin users anonymity against aggressive government agencies then even employing mixers and 1 shot addresses is going to be ineffective.

There are some newer Cryptocoins that tout anonymity using various methods of blockchain obfuscation ,of these Darkcoin has the most promise IMO as the development team has been the most transparent and have come up with several unique inovations that other coins were quick to clone.
Darkcoins unique Darksend+  blockchain obfuscation system is currently undergoing an independent code and feature review from noted Crypographer and Crypto coin expert Kristov Atlas, the results of Kristov's analysis are due in about a week

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Muhammed Zakir on July 22, 2014, 11:29:58 AM
Anonymity is important to me because no one needs to know what I'm doing. Im not saying I'm involved in criminal activities but, I like my privacy.

1. I don't have to report anything
2. I don't have to pay tax on it. Just the small transaction fee.
3. It finally gives people(in my opinion)some financial freedom.
4. No one knows how much money I have.
5. I don't have to pay a bank $15 a month for an account. The days of getting interest from banks is gone.
6. No one knows what I do with my money or how I spend it.
7. I have no limit on how much I can deposit or withdrawal

I could go on and on. Some of these reasons aren't necessarily for anonymity, but more so reasons to use bitcoin.  

I like anonymity for the same reason one the above quote excelt one thing, I will pay my tax though and give Zakkath but now I didn't reach the any limit. I don't like cheating my own country. :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: InwardContour on July 22, 2014, 11:33:33 AM
Nothing is free, anonymity also comes with a price. Maybe bitcoin 2.0 will address that problem.

There are actually a couple of altcoins which put anonymity as their most important feature,
they won't substitute bitcoin but can introduce some interesting ideas to develope a complete anonimous coin.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on July 22, 2014, 12:22:57 PM
Anonymity is protection and defence from abuse.

When a system is corrupt and under monopoly control, such as the US dollar, most new regulations brought it are brought it to limit competition and increase control over resources by those that have it.

I'm not sure what the prevailing opinion is. But I'm under the opinion that money should be issued by a government but not controlled by a government, money should be controlled only by those who own it. Bitcoin is just a more logical and simply better system. An anonymous coin such as Darkcoin appeals to me. Regulation is control is protection coming from the haves against the have-nots.

Good points.  If people choose to use a coin, that is an exercise of their democratic freedoms. If people find a coin unfair, they can choose to use an alternative coin. That looks to me like the ultimate form of democracy: direct voting on the preferred currency, which is superior to representative democracy, IMHO.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: DjPxH on July 22, 2014, 12:42:02 PM
Anonymity is protection and defence from abuse.

When a system is corrupt and under monopoly control, such as the US dollar, most new regulations brought it are brought it to limit competition and increase control over resources by those that have it.

I'm not sure what the prevailing opinion is. But I'm under the opinion that money should be issued by a government but not controlled by a government, money should be controlled only by those who own it. Bitcoin is just a more logical and simply better system. An anonymous coin such as Darkcoin appeals to me. Regulation is control is protection coming from the haves against the have-nots.

Good points.  If people choose to use a coin, that is an exercise of their democratic freedoms. If people find a coin unfair, they can choose to use an alternative coin. That looks to me like the ultimate form of democracy: direct voting on the preferred currency, which is superior to representative democracy, IMHO.

Yes but this system ultimately suffers from the same drawbacks or trade-offs than democracy has in the political system: People are forced to live with the strongest faction. If many of the altcoins don't succeed, people will have to use bitcoin. But I agree, that it is still the best system we can apply.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bitboy11 on July 22, 2014, 12:51:29 PM
Anonymity is not important to me at all.
I don't care.
I just think that BTC is useful.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: thepowerx on July 22, 2014, 01:36:41 PM
I think it is important, if there is any personal information included it will cause much trouble

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 22, 2014, 02:40:40 PM
Anonymity is not important to me at all.
I don't care.
I just thin

With that sort of thinking you are destined to reamin a noob no matter how long you hang around.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Harley997 on July 22, 2014, 02:58:09 PM
Anonymity is protection and defence from abuse.

When a system is corrupt and under monopoly control, such as the US dollar, most new regulations brought it are brought it to limit competition and increase control over resources by those that have it.

I'm not sure what the prevailing opinion is. But I'm under the opinion that money should be issued by a government but not controlled by a government, money should be controlled only by those who own it. Bitcoin is just a more logical and simply better system. An anonymous coin such as Darkcoin appeals to me. Regulation is control is protection coming from the haves against the have-nots.

Good points.  If people choose to use a coin, that is an exercise of their democratic freedoms. If people find a coin unfair, they can choose to use an alternative coin. That looks to me like the ultimate form of democracy: direct voting on the preferred currency, which is superior to representative democracy, IMHO.

Yes but this system ultimately suffers from the same drawbacks or trade-offs than democracy has in the political system: People are forced to live with the strongest faction. If many of the altcoins don't succeed, people will have to use bitcoin. But I agree, that it is still the best system we can apply.
No one would be forced to use bitcoin as fiat will likely always be a viable option in the developed world.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 22, 2014, 03:02:43 PM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: leex1528 on July 22, 2014, 03:08:57 PM
Why do I need to tell a bunch of strangers on the internet who I am, what I do?    That is usually walking down a slippery rope if I must say so.

Plus if you do end up getting a good profit off of your coins...well, people seem to be able to find a way to be your long lost cousin who just needs 10 dollars and it will be okay, or will sue you because he slipped near your house...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 22, 2014, 03:20:35 PM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.
Kind of true.
I for one like my privacy.
But being anonymous is kind of strange to me.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Whitehouse on July 22, 2014, 03:32:11 PM
Anonymity is very important. It's not only for those who have something to hide, but for people who merely value their privacy. Just because we arent doing anything wrong doesnt mean it's ok for the government to therefor peer into our lives. This blanket surveilance they have has got to stop.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: lihuajkl on July 22, 2014, 03:56:29 PM
It is important for me. My financial position or personal information is known by third parties who may abuse all the information. Other parties intends to push advertisement to us based on the info they get.It is so annoying.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kipsy89 on July 22, 2014, 04:35:20 PM
I think it's great to be able to buy stuff online without using your credit card or giving them the ability to steal your identity. Why would someone need to know what I'm buying online, maan?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: phillipsjk on July 22, 2014, 04:36:18 PM
There are some newer Cryptocoins that tout anonymity using various methods of blockchain obfuscation ,of these Darkcoin has the most promise IMO as the development team has been the most transparent and have come up with several unique inovations that other coins were quick to clone.
Darkcoins unique Darksend+  blockchain obfuscation system is currently undergoing an independent code and feature review from noted Crypographer and Crypto coin expert Kristov Atlas, the results of Kristov's analysis are due in about a week

As I understand it, Darkcoin just uses CoinJoin ( transactions that you can already do with Bitcoin. The unrelated darkwallet ( should let you do the same thing with stock Bitcoin.

I think that Crypotnote-based ( currencies show the most promise for privacy. They use "ring signatures" to obfuscate who spent specific coins. Double spending is stopped by something they call a "key image" that is somehow tied to your private key. They also split up the denominations of transactions like darksend+ apparently does.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: alz on July 22, 2014, 04:46:13 PM
There are some newer Cryptocoins that tout anonymity using various methods of blockchain obfuscation ,of these Darkcoin has the most promise IMO as the development team has been the most transparent and have come up with several unique inovations that other coins were quick to clone.
Darkcoins unique Darksend+  blockchain obfuscation system is currently undergoing an independent code and feature review from noted Crypographer and Crypto coin expert Kristov Atlas, the results of Kristov's analysis are due in about a week

As I understand it, Darkcoin just uses CoinJoin ( transactions that you can already do with Bitcoin. The unrelated darkwallet ( should let you do the same thing with stock Bitcoin.

I think that Crypotnote-based ( currencies show the most promise for privacy. They use "ring signatures" to obfuscate who spent specific coins. Double spending is stopped by something they call a "key image" that is somehow tied to your private key. They also split up the denominations of transactions like darksend+ apparently does.

Although the Darksend functionality of Darkcoin was originally based on coinjoin it has undergone at least 3 major rewrites since it was implemented and is now far more versatile and effective as a method of trustless blockchain obfuscation.

The main advantages over Ring sigs are the lack of any blockchain bloating ( Darkcoin blockchain = 300mb ish) and the fact that the API is unchanged from Bitcoins so merchant adoption is straightforward and proven whereas  all the Cryptonote/Ring Signature based coins will require a complete API rewrite from the merchant side before they will be able to process payments.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: phillipsjk on July 22, 2014, 04:57:30 PM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: alz on July 22, 2014, 06:18:30 PM
I don't want to spam this tread with tons of darkcoin related info but as there seems to be some interest in Cryptocoins that can provide the kind of blockchain privacy lacking from bitcoin ATM.
So I willl post this illustration from darkcointalk showing how the current implementation protects the end user from unwanted identification via blockchain analysis .

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 23, 2014, 04:20:49 AM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Precisely my point.
It's pretty much impossible for the common person to be using BTC.
There's another thread on here where it's said that your IP address will always be associated with your wallet.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 23, 2014, 04:35:37 AM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Precisely my point.
It's pretty much impossible for the common person to be using BTC.
There's another thread on here where it's said that your IP address will always be associated with your wallet.

Elite private proxies anyone?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 23, 2014, 07:09:36 AM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Precisely my point.
It's pretty much impossible for the common person to be using BTC.
There's another thread on here where it's said that your IP address will always be associated with your wallet.

Elite private proxies anyone?
Well I guess.
To the common person that's plausible.
What about the black hats.
How are they going to be anonymous with exhanges when the gov comes and busts them down?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LostDutchman on July 23, 2014, 09:19:40 AM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Precisely my point.
It's pretty much impossible for the common person to be using BTC.
There's another thread on here where it's said that your IP address will always be associated with your wallet.

Elite private proxies anyone?
Well I guess.
To the common person that's plausible.
What about the black hats.
How are they going to be anonymous with exhanges when the gov comes and busts them down?

Oh, Probecito!

I AM the "Blackhat" to whom you refer.


You don't think we can get around all of that?

Think again.

Have a nice whitehat day while the government fucks you to death.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 23, 2014, 11:41:54 AM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

You are a good example. The air you breathe is public too. Does that threaten your privacy?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on July 23, 2014, 11:59:12 AM
There are so many things going wrong these days. Databases leak on a weekly basis. You just buy something at Target and suddenly it appears that your Credit Card information got stolen. If you can't trust people to handle your data responsibly you just have to take care of that yourself!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: giveBTCpls on July 23, 2014, 12:06:19 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

If you run a business, you don't want people to figure out who your buyers and suppliers are.

In some industries *cough*porn*cough* what you are doing is perfectly legal but stalkers are crazy.

Yup. Also, if i were to buy something ilegal (not that i've ever bought anything ilegal) but if someone wants to go to say SilkRoad, why would they use Bitcoin if something like XMR exists tho? Like why would you want to leave traces on the blockchain or whatnot? I don't know.
Isn't all of this solved if you just create a diffrent recieving address each time tho? It's a bit of a pain in the ass but should do the job.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on July 23, 2014, 12:58:27 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

If you run a business, you don't want people to figure out who your buyers and suppliers are.

In some industries *cough*porn*cough* what you are doing is perfectly legal but stalkers are crazy.

Yup. Also, if i were to buy something ilegal (not that i've ever bought anything ilegal) but if someone wants to go to say SilkRoad, why would they use Bitcoin if something like XMR exists tho? Like why would you want to leave traces on the blockchain or whatnot? I don't know.
Isn't all of this solved if you just create a diffrent recieving address each time tho? It's a bit of a pain in the ass but should do the job.

Yeah well, until you - at some point - forward the BTC in those addresses to some address on an exchange or pool them all in one address. It only remains anonymous as long as it isn't connected to some known entity (address)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on July 23, 2014, 02:58:02 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

If you run a business, you don't want people to figure out who your buyers and suppliers are.

In some industries *cough*porn*cough* what you are doing is perfectly legal but stalkers are crazy.

Yup. Also, if i were to buy something ilegal (not that i've ever bought anything ilegal) but if someone wants to go to say SilkRoad, why would they use Bitcoin if something like XMR exists tho? Like why would you want to leave traces on the blockchain or whatnot? I don't know.
Isn't all of this solved if you just create a diffrent recieving address each time tho? It's a bit of a pain in the ass but should do the job.
Also this.
Why not use ltc of dark coin or what not?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on July 23, 2014, 07:11:16 PM
It seems most people don't know the difference between private and anonymous. They are listing reasons why they want privacy, not anonymity.

Bitcoin has no privacy (all transactions are public). If you want to reclaim some privacy, you need to be anonymous. Unfortunately, Bitcoin only supports pseudo-annonymity: meaning any anonymity (and resulting privacy) is fragile.

Precisely my point.
It's pretty much impossible for the common person to be using BTC.
There's another thread on here where it's said that your IP address will always be associated with your wallet.

There is no personal or IP information in the blockchain. Data mining is futile. The NSA is overwhelmed. This is a typical tinfoil hat argument.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cdog on July 23, 2014, 07:34:48 PM
I want a digital version of cash. I cant buy into a poker game with a check, paypal, or a VISA card

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ljudotina on July 23, 2014, 08:40:59 PM
It's not important to me as i'm not doing anything i should be afraid of, but, i do understand that there are many LEGAL situations where ppl need anonimity and it's cool to know that if i eve need to "dissapear" for some time, BTC in combination with other tools can help.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: illymoka on July 28, 2014, 04:41:31 AM
It is for privacy reasons. If you dont value that then ok

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cccarnation on July 28, 2014, 05:26:15 AM
Same reasons i like to use cash.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: applesRyummy on July 28, 2014, 05:27:52 AM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

If you run a business, you don't want people to figure out who your buyers and suppliers are.

In some industries *cough*porn*cough* what you are doing is perfectly legal but stalkers are crazy.

Yup. Also, if i were to buy something ilegal (not that i've ever bought anything ilegal) but if someone wants to go to say SilkRoad, why would they use Bitcoin if something like XMR exists tho? Like why would you want to leave traces on the blockchain or whatnot? I don't know.
Isn't all of this solved if you just create a diffrent recieving address each time tho? It's a bit of a pain in the ass but should do the job.
There are mixers that are near free that would solve this problem

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Asianconnect on July 30, 2014, 09:04:42 AM
When protecting one's privacy including financial details. I think anonymity is important.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bryant.coleman on July 30, 2014, 10:48:20 AM
Anonymity is very important if we want to preserve the freedom of speech. Recently, a lot of anti-Drug cartel bloggers were murdered in Mexico, after the cartels traced back their identity through sophisticated tracking tools. I don't want criminals to target net users.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: dKingston on July 30, 2014, 10:59:13 AM
That question is like asking why you wear clothes. The simple answer is privacy.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Harley997 on July 30, 2014, 02:07:03 PM
The reason why it is so important to me is because the governments are kicking up a fuss about censoring this, censoring that, because of "fear of terrorism and public safety" and stuff. I find it outrageous that they use such a pathetic excuse to cover up what blatantly is just to sensor each and every single person and be able to have access to be able to transfer funds from MY and YOUR bank accounts without premission, internet history logs, they already have blocked some websites on my router. I could sit here and list all day long but I think you all get my drift.

Fuck the government.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: oceans on July 30, 2014, 02:29:14 PM
Anonymity is not a problem for me as I have not completed any kind of transactions that could cause me problems if I was found out to be the person who made the transaction. I do like having that option to be able to show as anonymous when making transactions as it's privacy which I feel we are all entitled to.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: darkota on July 30, 2014, 02:39:59 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: indiguy on July 30, 2014, 02:42:11 PM
Anonymity isn't important to me but its a plus. Having an Anonymity is a good thing because a user not publicly known
to have enormous amount in the wallet will be a target of scammers.

I won't be doing something illegal anyway so I'm sure people who will transact with me will know my real name since it skype Id is my real name.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: iluvpie60 on July 31, 2014, 09:00:09 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

Yeah I really dont care either, it needs to be slightly anonymous though since it is a public ledger so i agree on that at least.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: blumangroup on August 01, 2014, 12:07:31 AM
Anonymity is not a problem for me as I have not completed any kind of transactions that could cause me problems if I was found out to be the person who made the transaction. I do like having that option to be able to show as anonymous when making transactions as it's privacy which I feel we are all entitled to.
Maybe you wouldn't get in trouble, but would you want everyone that you ever meet to get to see how much you make and what you spend your money on? I don't know about you but I certainly do not want this.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 01, 2014, 12:55:59 AM
Because not one single banker in the entire world has gone to prison for manipulating markets. Not one. And the banking industry knows what everyone spends on their credit cards.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: leex1528 on August 01, 2014, 02:19:15 PM
Think of the internet like a mall....

You don't go to the mall, talk to every person there, tell them your name, where your live, and your work schedule.....

You don't give your credit card to a stranger and tell them to hold it and you will be right back

Poor examples...but why would you want people to know who you are on the internet?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Anders on August 01, 2014, 03:12:22 PM
Imagine criminals being able to track all your transactions and identify you. That's scarier than having the NSA tracking your transactions.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: boraf on August 01, 2014, 03:43:02 PM
Imagine criminals being able to track all your transactions and identify you. That's scarier than having the NSA tracking your transactions.


Best way to avoid getting robbed is not showing your wealth.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Beliathon on August 01, 2014, 05:25:12 PM
"When the government is restrained, the people are free. When the government is free, the people are enslaved."
-Stefan Molyneux

Liberty is why anonymity is important to me.

Imagine criminals being able to track all your transactions and identify you. That's scarier than having the NSA tracking your transactions.
The fact that you fear the word "criminal" more than you fear unconstitutional state monitoring agencies is a sign of the success of state propaganda.

The NSA is a criminal organization. It has no legitimacy whatsoever, much like the Federal Reserve.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: 2double0 on August 01, 2014, 05:36:11 PM
Its not, but still I dont mind being private :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: gtraah on August 03, 2014, 09:51:11 AM
Put it this way its harder to track than Direct Debit, Credit Card... And then using Dark Wallet and there will be other programs that will be created just as there are programs that are created to track. And If bitcoin becomes more widely adopted, as in --- you can buy your grocery with Bitcoin, Rent , Bills, Etc etc.... This means people will start accepting it and not needing to change into dollars also.. so as adoption takes place and the less likely we have to exchange how beloved BTC to dam Fiat.... this will make it even more hard to track as all they see is an address no name linked or ID.

Its the On-ramp & Off-ramps from Fiat To BTC and back again, that eventually make our identities known

Me personally? I really don't care for most things that I buy if people know what I am buying.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: drugs on August 03, 2014, 09:53:51 AM
Its not, but still I dont mind being private :)

If it's not important to you please post your full name and address here please.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ABISprotocol on August 04, 2014, 11:42:30 PM (pull request, responsive to issue #19 ("Anonymity and Funding"), for Bitcoin Foundation Bylaws).

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 08, 2014, 04:11:33 AM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.

I also can add to this point.
After all of that happens, your IP address can be connected to your BTC address.
That's why I also think BTC isn't anonymous at all. Well, anymore.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: desired_username on August 08, 2014, 07:41:44 AM

I also can add to this point.
After all of that happens, your IP address can be connected to your BTC address.
That's why I also think BTC isn't anonymous at all. Well, anymore.

It never was fully anonymous. It's a misconception spread by MSM.

Bitcoin is as anonymous as you want it to be.

By default transactions can be tracked. If you use mixers, multiple wallets and don't tie your real ID to any of the address it's basically anonymous.

IP to address is a whole different matter, but it's easy to defend against. (use your brain)

Your comment reflects that bitcoin was anonym once and it's being destroyed which is not the case at all.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: TheTruth4 on August 08, 2014, 11:06:19 AM
Privacy is essential in maintaining the balance of power between the people and the state. Anonymity is necessary as well when nearly everything online is tracked.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: unexecuted on August 08, 2014, 11:18:17 AM
To me the littLe bit of anonimity is a bonus and not priority.. my no 1 is the future deflation and the technology as whole is genious

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: CoolBliss on August 08, 2014, 11:46:37 AM
If people see how much money you have, they will follow you home...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Quintessence on August 08, 2014, 12:12:40 PM
To my mind, anonymity is not so important as a possibility of it

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Soros Shorts on August 08, 2014, 12:22:15 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BitcoinAccepted on August 08, 2014, 12:36:10 PM
Its not essential but its a nice benefit.

For me it doesn't really matter, as for most people I play mostly on the right side of the law.

Common law > Legislation

I have kids etc. I want them to realise the importance of self protection / preservation in an increasingly wired up world.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: logger on August 08, 2014, 12:43:12 PM
If Anonymity was so important to the people here who claim it is. Then they would have surely moved to Bytecoin since that would mean, being anonymous is worth more than speculating on BTC price. Since they haven't they are lying for some sort of moral superiority.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: logger on August 08, 2014, 12:43:55 PM
Though it is possible to be truly anonymous in BTC instead of begging and crying and whining to have the developers implement it in the code base for you if you just don't expect everything to be silver spoon fed to you and you go out and practice anonymous habits in the bitcoin space.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 02:25:32 PM
Though it is possible to be truly anonymous in BTC instead of begging and crying and whining to have the developers implement it in the code base for you if you just don't expect everything to be silver spoon fed to you and you go out and practice anonymous habits in the bitcoin space.
Exactly. Nobody promised anonymity with Bitcoin. That is just wishful thinking by libertarians. They can always use gold.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: darkota on August 08, 2014, 03:00:01 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's true^, but for the average bitcoin user, they believe that it is already anonymous, and they wouldn't think to do something like that(30 diff mining wallets)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 08, 2014, 03:09:55 PM
Though it is possible to be truly anonymous in BTC instead of begging and crying and whining to have the developers implement it in the code base for you if you just don't expect everything to be silver spoon fed to you and you go out and practice anonymous habits in the bitcoin space.
Exactly. Nobody promised anonymity with Bitcoin. That is just wishful thinking by libertarians. They can always use gold.

True. We're never promised full anonymity. Our internet packets are always sent to our isp.
Also, gold would obviously never be used practically for the average joe. Lol.
Even new services like stellar won't be all about anonymity. Just convenience.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: abercrombie on August 08, 2014, 03:16:24 PM
Real world business application for anonymity.  I have a source that never changes his address.  So, I can see how much he sells to other clients and how much BTC he has incoming.  Using that info, I can usually ask a fair price and know I'm not getting over charged.  This is why generating a new address is important. 

Would you want your competition to know for how much you purchase your inventory?

How often and when?

From what sources?

At what prices you sell among different customers?

How much you earn per year?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: zolace on August 08, 2014, 03:44:26 PM
BItcoin shouldnt have to be anonymous, I mean it was intended for it like that long ago, but Im sure that not what Satoshi true intentions was, im sure he knew that was going to major role in making business for the bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 04:47:50 PM
There has never been true financial anonymity before. If it is possible, it should be regulated until we know the sociological consequences. I'm not concerned about the tax or privacy issues, those have other means to be addressed. I'm concerned about complete lawlessness and it's impact on families. The Old West was not a place for genteel folks.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on August 08, 2014, 04:50:53 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 08, 2014, 06:08:09 PM
BItcoin shouldnt have to be anonymous, I mean it was intended for it like that long ago, but Im sure that not what Satoshi true intentions was, im sure he knew that was going to major role in making business for the bitcoin.
Well I'm not sure what satoshis true intentions were.
He's not into btc anymore i believe and he refuses to talk about it, seeing as he has denied countless interviews.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 06:09:24 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!
You are discussing privacy, not anonymity.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Daniel91 on August 08, 2014, 06:19:51 PM
Anonymity is for me some kind of online protections because I don't want that my financial info become public info, available to hackers but also to financial institutions in my county.
''Big brother'' doesn't need to know everything :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: virtualx on August 08, 2014, 06:21:55 PM
We have 8 billion people on this planet.
Why should we be a suspect of crimes even if we did nothing wrong?  ???

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bigasic on August 08, 2014, 06:34:03 PM
Its like a warm blanket...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 06:41:08 PM
Anonymity is a Unicorn. It's beauty lives in the imagination only.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on August 08, 2014, 06:43:33 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!
You are discussing privacy, not anonymity.

Yeah, but privacy is a difficult thing to achieve. And one of the ways to achieve exactly that goal is anonymity or pseudonymity. It is a mere tool to achieve or protect you privacy.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 06:54:16 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!
You are discussing privacy, not anonymity.

Yeah, but privacy is a difficult thing to achieve. And one of the ways to achieve exactly that goal is anonymity or pseudonymity. It is a mere tool to achieve or protect you privacy.
Privacy is much easier to achieve than you think. Pseudonymity is temporary privacy. True anonymity is likely impossible.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on August 08, 2014, 07:06:15 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!
You are discussing privacy, not anonymity.

Yeah, but privacy is a difficult thing to achieve. And one of the ways to achieve exactly that goal is anonymity or pseudonymity. It is a mere tool to achieve or protect you privacy.
Privacy is much easier to achieve than you think. Pseudonymity is temporary privacy. True anonymity is likely impossible.

Yeah you're right. But you can just try and do your best to avoid being snooped on every occasion. I don't need companies to manufacture some profile of my shopping habits or where I'm buying my stuff.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 08, 2014, 07:08:27 PM
Bitcoin is not anonymous, at all. Simply put, there are programs out there and in the making, that track every address associated to a designated Bitcoin address, and can interlock transactions between other known addresses of exchanges etc, to find the identity of the user if she/he cashes out via subpoena.

There goes Bitcoin's pseudo-anonymity.
You can choose to be relatively anonymous. If I had 30 different addresses in 30 different wallets filled with BTC mined through p2pool, how would you even know those addresses belonged to me?

Anyway, the reason anonymity is important is because my financial transactions are nobody's business.

That's exactly the point. It's not about "I'm not doing anything forbidden, why would I have to worry?" It is the simple fact that such things are nobody's business to even begin with! That's why we need Bitcoin!
You are discussing privacy, not anonymity.

Yeah, but privacy is a difficult thing to achieve. And one of the ways to achieve exactly that goal is anonymity or pseudonymity. It is a mere tool to achieve or protect you privacy.
Privacy is much easier to achieve than you think. Pseudonymity is temporary privacy. True anonymity is likely impossible.

Yeah you're right. But you can just try and do your best to avoid being snooped on every occasion. I don't need companies to manufacture some profile of my shopping habits or where I'm buying my stuff.
Deterministic wallets with coin control will do this. Armory,, and Electrum come to mind.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Velkro on August 08, 2014, 10:52:44 PM
I dont care about anonymity at all, its global unified currency. No more currency exchanges needed, all this hasle. Thats main advantage for me.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: counter on August 09, 2014, 02:34:52 AM
I think this day and age the question should be why is anonymity not so important to you.  With all these devices on the open market that have the ability to surveil people without their knowing.  Does privacy concerns mean you have something bad to hide?  For me it is only something I like to have as an option if I find my privacy is not being respected.  Consider it preparation for an uncertain future.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: gelar24 on August 09, 2014, 03:56:41 AM
yes at any time we will definitely need anonymity
because of online transactions also do not have the law, since the occult stuff.
so anonymity is important if at any time it happens it is not in want right

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: NotAtOld on August 09, 2014, 07:07:51 AM
Security and convenience are a never ending war of trade-offs. I would rather spend a little extra effort mixing my coins that keep in an alt that doesn't have even a fraction of the hashing power behind it.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 09, 2014, 05:25:19 PM
Security and convenience are a never ending war of trade-offs. I would rather spend a little extra effort mixing my coins that keep in an alt that doesn't have even a fraction of the hashing power behind it.
The governmet wants to tax everything they can and they want to watch every currency.
Even currencies that don't 'belong' to them.
I don't tend to mix my coins either.
I have nothing to hide.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: needFREElunch on August 09, 2014, 05:37:02 PM
Security and convenience are a never ending war of trade-offs. I would rather spend a little extra effort mixing my coins that keep in an alt that doesn't have even a fraction of the hashing power behind it.
This is not true if you think for the long term. Over short periods it takes a little bit longer to setup security, however you generally will only need to do this a limited number of times.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: darkota on August 09, 2014, 05:48:57 PM
I think this day and age the question should be why is anonymity not so important to you.  With all these devices on the open market that have the ability to surveil people without their knowing.  Does privacy concerns mean you have something bad to hide?  For me it is only something I like to have as an option if I find my privacy is not being respected.  Consider it preparation for an uncertain future.

Very true. Even google changed their ToA, to state that they have the right to see user's emails/inbox etc.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BowieMan on August 09, 2014, 05:53:45 PM
Yeah you're right. But you can just try and do your best to avoid being snooped on every occasion. I don't need companies to manufacture some profile of my shopping habits or where I'm buying my stuff.
Deterministic wallets with coin control will do this. Armory,, and Electrum come to mind.

Yeah, they will. I didn't say that Bitcoin doesn't allow you to remain anonymous or pseudonymous. I think the way Electrum does this is a very nice thing. The seed is very easy to remember (or better: keep offline in a safe place) and you can easily reconstruct all the addresses you've used with it!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: BTCreward on August 09, 2014, 06:33:25 PM
I think this day and age the question should be why is anonymity not so important to you.  With all these devices on the open market that have the ability to surveil people without their knowing.  Does privacy concerns mean you have something bad to hide?  For me it is only something I like to have as an option if I find my privacy is not being respected.  Consider it preparation for an uncertain future.

Very true. Even google changed their ToA, to state that they have the right to see user's emails/inbox etc.
Google uses this so they can provide advertisements to your inbox effectively, so they can charge more for adsense and make more money.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ayers on August 09, 2014, 06:57:28 PM
they don't want to pay taxes i think, i can't see other reasons, beside the normal illegal activity

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Omikifuse on August 09, 2014, 07:00:54 PM
from other topic:

I trade on LBC and can confirm similar suspicions.   Couple weeks ago I initiated a purchase with a local seller.  Typically Bitcoin people I've met are open and excited about the currency but this seller didn't seem particularly friendly and just answered yes or no.  What struck me as odd was as I was leaving, I caught the glance of another man seated at another table and his eyes widened as if he saw Lenin's ghost then quickly averted eye contact. I've seen that look before when I've been followed by poorly trained undercover security at department stores.  

This week, I received a package of clothing that I was expecting.  It had a clean 2 inch slit as if my mail were being inspected.  

That's all to report for now, but I'm going to send some test mail to myself.  Maybe send some flour or something...  :o

Because there are dickkers that will make everything to associate you with criminals activities if you are known for you bitoin envolvemtns, and this can be a pain and cause you trouble.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mobius on August 09, 2014, 09:54:52 PM
Security and convenience are a never ending war of trade-offs. I would rather spend a little extra effort mixing my coins that keep in an alt that doesn't have even a fraction of the hashing power behind it.
This is not true if you think for the long term. Over short periods it takes a little bit longer to setup security, however you generally will only need to do this a limited number of times.
It may get easier over time to keep yourself secure, however it will always take more time to secure your money and identity then for them to not be secure. Being secure however does eliminate a lot of risks associated with holding even small amounts of bitcoin.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 10, 2014, 01:58:20 AM
they don't want to pay taxes i think, i can't see other reasons, beside the normal illegal activity
See NSA prism program.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 10, 2014, 02:01:19 AM
Security and convenience are a never ending war of trade-offs. I would rather spend a little extra effort mixing my coins that keep in an alt that doesn't have even a fraction of the hashing power behind it.
This is not true if you think for the long term. Over short periods it takes a little bit longer to setup security, however you generally will only need to do this a limited number of times.
No need to mix yourself soon, check darkcoin on testnet: win and mac binaries part way down that page.

Testnet faucet:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 02:03:40 AM
Because people don't want every aspect of their lives open for everyone to see.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Jamie_Boulder on August 10, 2014, 02:16:43 AM
It isn't important to me as you can see I'm using my real name on a forum but I can see why it's important to others, these days the smallest pieces of information can reveal so much about a person, what your interests are, where you live, what you bought, where you're going etc

You will never be individualized until you need to be.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: knybe on August 10, 2014, 03:02:30 AM
in a time where everyone clamors to be seen and or famous, it's made everyone numb to the fact that they're giving away their freedom... we take our anonymity more and more for granted and makes it so much easier for "them" to track us.

anonymous is the new famous.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 10, 2014, 07:03:29 AM
in a time where everyone clamors to be seen and or famous, it's made everyone numb to the fact that they're giving away their freedom... we take our anonymity more and more for granted and makes it so much easier for "them" to track us.

anonymous is the new famous.
I think that statement is quite contradictory.
I see where you're going with that though.
I think the US is just afraid of the people creating an uprising.
Might just be me though.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: lyth0s on August 10, 2014, 07:11:57 AM
With a system like the blockchain where it is essentially a large public ledger, if you get rid of the anonymity of the addresses, it becomes the ledger from hell. Allowing anyone to know exactly where you spend every dime, how often, on what dates and your total net wealth. That's much.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Dogtanian on August 10, 2014, 07:18:39 AM
Anonymity is important because it's a fundamental right. If I'm not doing anything bad or havent been suspected of doing anything bad and without good evidence nobody has the legal right to spy or check up on me on the off chance that I might be doing something they don't like, which could later be used against me in some way.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Slark on August 10, 2014, 07:20:49 AM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Rampton on August 10, 2014, 07:28:01 AM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

I don't think bitcoin ever claimed to be truly anonymous, but you can use it without tying your account to your real world identity. I or others don't know anything about you just because you have a bitcoin address or send and recieve payments.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 10, 2014, 07:33:54 AM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

I don't think bitcoin ever claimed to be truly anonymous, but you can use it without tying your account to your real world identity. I or others don't know anything about you just because you have a bitcoin address or send and recieve payments.
I don't think satoshi ever said that it was supposed to be anonymous
But people are saying its used for anonymous purposes.
But it depends on the situation i guess

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Rampton on August 10, 2014, 08:08:05 AM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

I don't think bitcoin ever claimed to be truly anonymous, but you can use it without tying your account to your real world identity. I or others don't know anything about you just because you have a bitcoin address or send and recieve payments.
I don't think satoshi ever said that it was supposed to be anonymous
But people are saying its used for anonymous purposes.
But it depends on the situation i guess

I think people tend to go with what the media says and they seem to peddle it as a 'anoymous currency', which it's not really, but can be used in such a way if you're careful, but it's more of an 'unregulated' currency or one with less bureaucracy and that you're free to use whatever your situation.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 10, 2014, 08:09:57 AM
Listen to how the Stasi functioned:
Remind you of anyone?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: freedomno1 on August 10, 2014, 11:13:22 AM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 10, 2014, 03:19:46 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 03:31:09 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

The worst thing is, if they try to convince people that they need to do that because of TERRORISM, and righteous people who do nothing wrong have nothing to fear. lol

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 10, 2014, 04:08:57 PM

I also can add to this point.
After all of that happens, your IP address can be connected to your BTC address.
That's why I also think BTC isn't anonymous at all. Well, anymore.

It never was fully anonymous. It's a misconception spread by MSM.

Bitcoin is as anonymous as you want it to be.

By default transactions can be tracked. If you use mixers, multiple wallets and don't tie your real ID to any of the address it's basically anonymous.

IP to address is a whole different matter, but it's easy to defend against. (use your brain)

Your comment reflects that bitcoin was anonym once and it's being destroyed which is not the case at all.

Ohhh. That clears up a bunch of things. So MSM spread this misconception about it being anonymous.
But you can tie your address to real life things also such as coinbase.
I understand more now.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mobius on August 10, 2014, 04:27:25 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

The worst thing is, if they try to convince people that they need to do that because of TERRORISM, and righteous people who do nothing wrong have nothing to fear. lol
I am not so sure about this. I think there are a lot of people who value their privacy a lot. I think the reason many people were so willing to give up privacy after 9/11 was because a major act of terrorism had just occurred and people saw the threat as being very real. I think a 9/11 type of event is really a very rare type of event, and the damage that occurred really could not happen again due to change in policies (not allowing even small knives on planes, not assuming that a hijacking is intended to get a ransom) and there have been a couple of failed hijackings over the years.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 05:50:53 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

The worst thing is, if they try to convince people that they need to do that because of TERRORISM, and righteous people who do nothing wrong have nothing to fear. lol
I am not so sure about this. I think there are a lot of people who value their privacy a lot. I think the reason many people were so willing to give up privacy after 9/11 was because a major act of terrorism had just occurred and people saw the threat as being very real. I think a 9/11 type of event is really a very rare type of event, and the damage that occurred really could not happen again due to change in policies (not allowing even small knives on planes, not assuming that a hijacking is intended to get a ransom) and there have been a couple of failed hijackings over the years.

Isn't this generally called brainwashing? People were told that they are in immediate threat (they weren't statistically) and thus would have to do this to save their lives.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: HarmonLi on August 10, 2014, 05:53:26 PM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

How would Bitcoin work without the Blockchain? I don't think you 'got' the basic idea or principle of Bitcoin. It is important that every transaction is visible and accountable for by the whole network and everyone participating in Bitcoin!!!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bitsmichel on August 10, 2014, 05:59:43 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

The worst thing is, if they try to convince people that they need to do that because of TERRORISM, and righteous people who do nothing wrong have nothing to fear. lol
I am not so sure about this. I think there are a lot of people who value their privacy a lot. I think the reason many people were so willing to give up privacy after 9/11 was because a major act of terrorism had just occurred and people saw the threat as being very real. I think a 9/11 type of event is really a very rare type of event, and the damage that occurred really could not happen again due to change in policies (not allowing even small knives on planes, not assuming that a hijacking is intended to get a ransom) and there have been a couple of failed hijackings over the years.

Isn't this generally called brainwashing? People were told that they are in immediate threat (they weren't statistically) and thus would have to do this to save their lives.

How many 9/11 were there in the last 10 years? How many traffic accidents?
9/11 is being used as reason to remove freedom, its brainwashing indeed. Statistically you have a much higher risk of being killed in a traffic accident than in a terror attack. Despite capturing 80% of the internet traffic worldwide it didn't help to prevent the Boston killings, none of these surveillance tools actually make us more secure - it makes us more vulnerable.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 06:05:00 PM
Since people have a right to privacy and an expected right to it without interference from another party
Although in a court case that gets overruled by a warrant or interacting with others  ;)
Still in general freedom to access information and to form opinions independently is why anonymity is important.

Also to purchase some goods that might seem embarrassing if others knew about it ^^.
Or medication etc in the future those type of private use cases where you wouldn't want others to know.
We do have a right to those privacies. We also need them. But the NSA and the government just want everything. Ugh. >.>

The worst thing is, if they try to convince people that they need to do that because of TERRORISM, and righteous people who do nothing wrong have nothing to fear. lol
I am not so sure about this. I think there are a lot of people who value their privacy a lot. I think the reason many people were so willing to give up privacy after 9/11 was because a major act of terrorism had just occurred and people saw the threat as being very real. I think a 9/11 type of event is really a very rare type of event, and the damage that occurred really could not happen again due to change in policies (not allowing even small knives on planes, not assuming that a hijacking is intended to get a ransom) and there have been a couple of failed hijackings over the years.

Isn't this generally called brainwashing? People were told that they are in immediate threat (they weren't statistically) and thus would have to do this to save their lives.

How many 9/11 were there in the last 10 years? How many traffic accidents?
9/11 is being used as reason to remove freedom, its brainwashing indeed. Statistically you have a much higher risk of being killed in a traffic accident than in a terror attack. Despite capturing 80% of the internet traffic worldwide it didn't help to prevent the Boston killings, none of these surveillance tools actually make us more secure - it makes us more vulnerable.

Exactly. Still people are cool with all the added security following 9/11 even today. It is really sad that a nation of >300m people can't stand up for themselves.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 06:31:13 PM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

How would Bitcoin work without the Blockchain? I don't think you 'got' the basic idea or principle of Bitcoin. It is important that every transaction is visible and accountable for by the whole network and everyone participating in Bitcoin!!!

It is important that the transactions are secure and can be verified and not be counterfeited, but it is not important that they are visible to everyone, Monero and other cryptonote coins fixed this issue, do not drink the kool-aid that your finances should be public with a thinly veiled line between you and your btc address in real world usage :)

Bitcoin could do this too with a DAC ontop of it that mixes the coins while removing the taint. This will come sooner or later.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 10, 2014, 06:36:10 PM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

How would Bitcoin work without the Blockchain? I don't think you 'got' the basic idea or principle of Bitcoin. It is important that every transaction is visible and accountable for by the whole network and everyone participating in Bitcoin!!!

It is important that the transactions are secure and can be verified and not be counterfeited, but it is not important that they are visible to everyone, Monero and other cryptonote coins fixed this issue, do not drink the kool-aid that your finances should be public with a thinly veiled line between you and your btc address in real world usage :)

Bitcoin could do this too with a DAC ontop of it that mixes the coins while removing the taint. This will come sooner or later.

Lets hope its good enough and not flawed like darkcoin's coinjoin.

A DAC could pool all BTC in one address and let you have a "balance" that you can withdraw whenever you want. In such a system there would literally be no taint. But first there needs to be a good DAC implementation ontop of BTC.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: wasserman99 on August 10, 2014, 06:42:27 PM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

How would Bitcoin work without the Blockchain? I don't think you 'got' the basic idea or principle of Bitcoin. It is important that every transaction is visible and accountable for by the whole network and everyone participating in Bitcoin!!!

It is important that the transactions are secure and can be verified and not be counterfeited, but it is not important that they are visible to everyone, Monero and other cryptonote coins fixed this issue, do not drink the kool-aid that your finances should be public with a thinly veiled line between you and your btc address in real world usage :)
I disagree with this. The fact that transactions are visible to everyone is the easiest way to confirm that a coin has not been counterfeited. if there is a hole/bug in the protocol then if all the TX are not public then it would be a long time before it would be discovered that the bug is being exploited. Additionally since most people are not technically inclined enough to audit open source code, being able to view all of the TX is the easiest way to connivence the public that coins are not being counterfeited.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: the joint on August 10, 2014, 06:42:47 PM
So regarding BTC, I understand why people use it.
So you can't be tracked down, it's useful, it's fast, etc etc.

But do you remain anonymous because of blackhat related activities?
Do you just not want to be known?

I personally don't care. I just think that BTC is a great investment for me.
Is Anonymity not that important to you?

I don't use it because it's difficult to trace, but because 1) it's a promising investment and 2) I directly control my money.

Anonymity isn't important to me because I have no intentions of doing anything illegal, and I don't have a wife to hide any 'interesting' purchases from :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Daniel91 on August 10, 2014, 07:22:07 PM
Why Anonymity so important to you?
Well, I believe in financial freedom and don't want to pay any taxes to my local tax office for something what is my investment and financial future :)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: NapoleonBonaparte on August 10, 2014, 07:40:10 PM
Anonymity is important to avoid getting robbed from people and government.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 10, 2014, 08:55:43 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 11, 2014, 01:47:32 AM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 11, 2014, 01:59:35 AM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.
So far, BTC is not anonymous. You'll need to use something else.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: ShakyhandsBTCer on August 11, 2014, 02:02:32 AM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.
So far, BTC is not anonymous. You'll need to use something else.

Still, if you provide a single empty deposit address, you are in complete possesion of the ransom money and they have no way of finding out who you are through that wallet. Your next steps need to be very careful, but I bet if you play it right, you can mix/flip those BTC without ever getting caught.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: zhinkk on August 11, 2014, 02:05:37 AM
For me, it's everything. If I want to do illegal things, I shouldn't have to worry. If I want to do normal activities, I shouldn't have to worry about being watched either.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 11, 2014, 02:53:17 AM
in a time where everyone clamors to be seen and or famous, it's made everyone numb to the fact that they're giving away their freedom... we take our anonymity more and more for granted and makes it so much easier for "them" to track us.

anonymous is the new famous.
I think that statement is quite contradictory.
I see where you're going with that though.
I think the US is just afraid of the people creating an uprising.
Might just be me though.

I think he meant being anonymous nowadays is a more prestigious advantage than being famous and pried by an astronomical number of agents.
I see I see.
Especially since if you do something wrong while famous the media wi just blow up all over your face. While being anonymous is just being the everyday joe. I guess. Since you need your space

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mobius on August 11, 2014, 04:23:09 AM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.
So far, BTC is not anonymous. You'll need to use something else.

Still, if you provide a single empty deposit address, you are in complete possesion of the ransom money and they have no way of finding out who you are through that wallet. Your next steps need to be very careful, but I bet if you play it right, you can mix/flip those BTC without ever getting caught.
If you were to ever spend the coins that are deposited into the "ransom" address then you could potentially be subjected to a number of potential timing attacks, especially if attackers have somewhat of an idea of who the kidnapper is (a simi-small pool of people)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 11, 2014, 06:14:46 AM
If bitcoin were really truly anonymous in 100% It would be great, but there are ways i.e blockchain to track your coins. While it does not show you directly your location or name it can be tracked. But it is still better that credit cards or other online payments method...

How would Bitcoin work without the Blockchain? I don't think you 'got' the basic idea or principle of Bitcoin. It is important that every transaction is visible and accountable for by the whole network and everyone participating in Bitcoin!!!

It is important that the transactions are secure and can be verified and not be counterfeited, but it is not important that they are visible to everyone, Monero and other cryptonote coins fixed this issue, do not drink the kool-aid that your finances should be public with a thinly veiled line between you and your btc address in real world usage :)

Bitcoin could do this too with a DAC ontop of it that mixes the coins while removing the taint. This will come sooner or later.

Lets hope its good enough and not flawed like darkcoin's coinjoin.
What was wrong with darkcoin?
I thought it was doing well.
Even couple of my friends were mining it with their rigs and were making a good profit off of it.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: will_see on August 11, 2014, 11:58:12 AM
If the government is determine to prosecute someone, they can find any excuse to make it happen.

Having anonymity make it harder for them.
I think that government will find any way to control bitcoin or any different cryptocurrency that would become very popular imho

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: tatu on August 11, 2014, 12:01:53 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.
So far, BTC is not anonymous. You'll need to use something else.

I think it's pretty anonymous. You don't know who I am and I don't know who you are except for a username.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: yatsey87 on August 11, 2014, 12:03:06 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.

I never thought about that, cryptocurrency is really awesome for ransom!

I discover a new way to use BTC each day. Amazing.
So far, BTC is not anonymous. You'll need to use something else.

I think it's pretty anonymous. You don't know who I am and I don't know who you are except for a username.

It's not truly anonymous, but the people behind it or using it can be if they're careful. IF you look at the transactions happening on the blockchain it'll be hard to trace them to a real world identity, but you could find some into out about them if they were sloppy.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Slark on August 11, 2014, 12:55:45 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Balls on August 11, 2014, 01:29:14 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.

Of course you need it. It's not about being a good guy or doing anything wrong. The government shouldnt be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing just to see if there might be a random chance you have been doing something wrong. Even people on the street shouldnt be able to know your details if you don't want them to.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Corelianer on August 11, 2014, 01:40:34 PM
Annonymity is important to hide from criminals (including governements) that want to do things they shouldn't do.
If they can't see you, then you are not on their radar.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 11, 2014, 01:49:54 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 11, 2014, 02:07:33 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.
Yes, governments love anonymity. That's why we have elections.  ::)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: jazzhot on August 11, 2014, 02:15:57 PM
Personally I don't care much about my anonymity, probably because I own almost nothing in cryptos.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 11, 2014, 02:50:31 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.
Yes, governments love anonymity. That's why we have elections.  ::)
Dick and Bush did.  :-X

Here you go:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mobius on August 11, 2014, 02:57:24 PM
Annonymity is important to hide from criminals (including governements) that want to do things they shouldn't do.
If they can't see you, then you are not on their radar.
This actually is a very good point. If you are known to have a lot of money or something else that criminals might want (information or a security clearance for example) then you would be subject to a lot of attacks. However if this is not public information then criminals would be much less likely to attempt an attack.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 11, 2014, 03:02:22 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.
So essence, you want to be treated like and individual by the government instead of being filed into labels.
Am I wrong?
I din't think thats possible with the gov doing all of this mumbo jumbo

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 11, 2014, 03:03:14 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.
Yes, governments love anonymity. That's why we have elections.  ::)
Dick and Bush did.  :-X

Here you go:

Hey, meet your government:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 11, 2014, 03:25:29 PM
My name is cbeast, and I'm a bitcoinaholic.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: rikkejohn on August 11, 2014, 03:38:11 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.

Of course you need it. It's not about being a good guy or doing anything wrong. The government shouldnt be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing just to see if there might be a random chance you have been doing something wrong. Even people on the street shouldnt be able to know your details if you don't want them to.

Of course the government shouldn't be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing. In fact, in many countries doing so would be illegal. In modern democratic countries, the government (or police) need evidence and warrants before they hassle you.

In practice of course, such governments do hassle people, but its usually marginalized people such as ethnic minorities, the mentally ill, former criminals, etc.

The government does not just keep turning up at random houses.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: jbreher on August 11, 2014, 08:15:46 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.
Yes, governments love anonymity. That's why we have elections.  ::)
Dick and Bush did.  :-X

Here you go:

While I don't mean to defend Cheney (such being indefensible), I find it curious that you did not link to something about the administration that has set the record in regards to secrecy:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: illodin on August 11, 2014, 08:35:01 PM
flawed like darkcoin's coinjoin.

fud away!

cryptonote coins

pump it up!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 11, 2014, 08:36:59 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.

Of course you need it. It's not about being a good guy or doing anything wrong. The government shouldnt be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing just to see if there might be a random chance you have been doing something wrong. Even people on the street shouldnt be able to know your details if you don't want them to.

Of course the government shouldn't be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing. In fact, in many countries doing so would be illegal. In modern democratic countries, the government (or police) need evidence and warrants before they hassle you.

In practice of course, such governments do hassle people, but its usually marginalized people such as ethnic minorities, the mentally ill, former criminals, etc.

The government does not just keep turning up at random houses.
But the government ignores that with the NSA thing. They have access to everything that belongs to us. It's the government. The NsA is just doing their 'job'
They're really invading our privacy.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: illodin on August 11, 2014, 08:38:00 PM
Lets hope its good enough and not flawed like darkcoin's coinjoin.

What was wrong with darkcoin?
I thought it was doing well.
Even couple of my friends were mining it with their rigs and were making a good profit off of it.

What's wrong with it is that he didn't.

being anonymous not so much:

Except that that's not how Darkcoin works.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 11, 2014, 08:45:16 PM
Anonymity is important if you want to kidnap or assassinate someone and get paid without consequence.
Governments will love it then.
Yes, governments love anonymity. That's why we have elections.  ::)
Dick and Bush did.  :-X

Here you go:

While I don't mean to defend Cheney (such being indefensible), I find it curious that you did not link to something about the administration that has set the record in regards to secrecy:
Sure, nothing against Dick and Bush per se, this was the top ranked google link when searching Secrecy Obama Administration:

Also, second ranked:
The organizations are asking the Obama administration to issue a memo not only telling employees at federal agencies they are free to speak with reporters, but also encouraging them to. The letter also requests the administration create a way to report incidences of suppression or stonewalling of media requests.

“The practices have become more and more pervasive throughout America, preventing information from getting to the public in an accurate and timely matter,” said David Cuillier, president of the Society of Professional Journalists in a statement. “The president pledged to be the most transparent in history. He can start by ending these practices now.”

Shortly after assuming office in 2009, President Obama pledged to run “the most transparent administration in history,” and the White House has stuck to the line, despite numerous complaints and studies that indicate the Obama administration is little better, and in some cases worse, than its predecessor.

Last year, the Committee to Protect Journalists released a scathing report on the Obama administration’s attempts to control media access.

“The Obama administration’s aggressive war on leaks, and its determined efforts to control information that the news media needs to hold the government accountable for its actions, are without equal since the Nixon administration and in direct conflict with President Obama’s often-stated goal of making his administration the most transparent in American history,” former Washington Post executive editor and report author Leonard Downie, Jr. said.

The New York Times’ David Sanger told Downie the Obama administration is the “most closed, control-freak administration” he has ever covered.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bornil267645 on August 11, 2014, 08:48:21 PM
I just want to buy a gift for my girlfriend without being tracked  8) 8)

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: genjix on August 11, 2014, 08:48:55 PM

That's really exciting thing to see because governments have had classic
trouble fighting tax haven jurisdictions, but recently have been gaining
more success by instead of fighting the jurisdictions, instead giving
more power to banks yet turning them into agents of the state. So the
banks serve the tax authorities and are given more power because
governments centralise the financial infrastructure.

We have a situation currently where people are taxed both from normal
taxes and inflation. Paper money contributes massively to state power,
not only by profits from inflation, but by giving leverage over who can
accumulate wealth.

Hence "captialism for the rich, socialism for the poor". Corporations
either stay competitive and evade tax through offshores, or go bust, all
while servicing state law, regulations and institutional power structures.

Now with Bitcoin though everyone can have a super tax-haven with no
requirements to report income and no liabilities. We already have
decentralised money laundering. The technology is improving fast and
this will only get much better too. Especially once we have the tools
for issuing securities to anonymous investors.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: counter on August 12, 2014, 03:27:02 AM
I just want to buy a gift for my girlfriend without being tracked  8) 8)

I just don't want to be tracked simple as that.  Last I remember that is called stalking which is illegal.  It's like Bitcoin but in it's own creepy way.  The practice of infringing on peoples privacy has become perversely accepted to the point that the victim being tracked feels they owe an explanation or proof they aren't guilty of something without even have committed any crime.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: valvalis on August 12, 2014, 03:35:56 AM
Anonymity feature has advantages and disadvantages. We can freely use our bitcoin without any one can easily trace it but, anonymity also makes it difficult when there are people who steal our bitcoin.  :-\

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ozziecoin on August 12, 2014, 05:23:53 AM

Starting at 18:04.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: bitkilo on August 12, 2014, 06:06:05 AM
You can mix your coins and use multible addresses to keep your financial infomation secret from the world, lets face it nobody really needs to know what you do with your bitcoins.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 12, 2014, 06:18:57 AM
I just want to buy a gift for my girlfriend without being tracked  8) 8)

I just don't want to be tracked simple as that.  Last I remember that is called stalking which is illegal.  It's like Bitcoin but in it's own creepy way.  The practice of infringing on peoples privacy has become perversely accepted to the point that the victim being tracked feels they owe an explanation or proof they aren't guilty of something without even have committed any crime.
But the NSA peeves into our private lives. Even if they are part of the government, it's against our rights as human beings

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Mobius on August 12, 2014, 03:48:41 PM
I would like to think that I don't need anonymity. I am good guy, I never did anything wrong. But the way government and other big companies are collecting info on people now I think that anonymity is the only way to live. I don't want to be catalogued, and I want to keep my thoughts and views to myself.

Of course you need it. It's not about being a good guy or doing anything wrong. The government shouldnt be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing just to see if there might be a random chance you have been doing something wrong. Even people on the street shouldnt be able to know your details if you don't want them to.

Of course the government shouldn't be allowed into your property to hassle you without any evidence or wrong doing. In fact, in many countries doing so would be illegal. In modern democratic countries, the government (or police) need evidence and warrants before they hassle you.

In practice of course, such governments do hassle people, but its usually marginalized people such as ethnic minorities, the mentally ill, former criminals, etc.

The government does not just keep turning up at random houses.
This is illegal in the US as well. The 4th amendment protects us from unreasonable search and seizure. Law Enforcement must present probable cause to a neutral judge to get a search warrant in order to enter your house to look for evidence (or look through any of your other private property).

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kprawn on August 13, 2014, 06:04:21 AM
I do not think BTC was specifically designed to be Anonymous.

You cannot have transparency on the blockchain, without having a degree of anonymity. So transactions can be traced, and the owner of the BTC is protected.

Your bank, do not reveal your information or your transactions, and they can make transfers between accounts, without us knowing it. {So with BTC you would see the corruption and you would be able to follow it} But your identification details are hidden.

And I think that is important. {Question is, is BTC totally anonymous --> Answer - No}

Do we need Anonymity - Yes {I need to have my money matters, kept secret} Nothing different than, what you wanted from banks and fiat.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: coins101 on August 19, 2014, 05:27:27 PM
Once you are on a list and cross referenced, public authorities feel they can come up with new and inventive ways to extract money and freedom from you.

You become a target for their excuse and validation to have a job and a pension plan.

You lose the ability to sit and relax after a hard day at work, because you worry that you have not done your paperwork properly and on time. The fear comes from emails and letters informing you that you are late, you will be fined, you will go to jail, because you didn't fill in the form correctly.

You become a target for those who don't like the fact you missed a box and they need to send a letter letting you know you missed ticking a box.

You become a target for those who consider your spending is against social norms. You must be hunted through the blockchain. You are fair game for the police and the courts. You have no defense because you bought something that is legal in one state or country, but illegal where you live.

You become a target because some rich guys bribed some officials to make laws to protect their wealth against competition.

You lose, you to the State... the State controlled by those that know how to work the system to protect themselves and those that fund them.

Even if you do no harm to anyone, you are not allowed to have freedom.


Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: SomethingElse on August 19, 2014, 05:36:24 PM
I thought it wasn't important, until I realized that every online company is making a profile of you, your habits, and what you buy.  What if my grocery store sells my snack food habits to my insurance company?  This is coming soon. 

Anonymous transactions will help protect people from the huge amount of online profiling and thus manipulation of regularly people.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Ragnarly on August 20, 2014, 01:19:31 AM
The question isn't why anonymity so important to me, but why is intrusion into my personal life so important to you?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: wordman267645 on August 20, 2014, 09:33:23 PM
Anonymity is very important to me because if i bought something for someone or purchase something for my financial business, that's my personal matter..I don't want anyone tracing me..

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: cbeast on August 20, 2014, 10:52:33 PM
The question isn't why anonymity so important to me, but why is intrusion into my personal life so important to you?
If you harm me, I want your anonymity forfeited so I can intrude all over you.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 21, 2014, 07:01:42 AM
The question isn't why anonymity so important to me, but why is intrusion into my personal life so important to you?
Well the NSA will probably say something along the lines of
'It is because we need to protect the nation from terrorists!'
Or something like that. They need an excuse.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Soros Shorts on August 21, 2014, 08:01:32 AM
The question isn't why anonymity so important to me, but why is intrusion into my personal life so important to you?
Well the NSA will probably say something along the lines of
'It is because we need to protect the nation from terrorists!'
Or something like that. They need an excuse.
If you want to live with some semblance of freedom, at some point you'd have to stop giving up your rights and just take the chance of getting blown up by a terrorist.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Gargulan on August 21, 2014, 08:04:53 AM
Privacy is important because it stop malicious users from targeting you for scam, thievery and robbery.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on August 21, 2014, 08:32:21 AM
for full anonymity you have to wait on Zerocash:

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: hloren70 on August 21, 2014, 09:11:11 AM
In my opinion anonymity is a right. Why should other people have knowledge of my transactions? Do politicians post their credit card statements online for the world to see? Why should we?

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: CozyLife on August 21, 2014, 10:38:13 PM
Think of it this way. Banks share their information on you with whomever they consider a partner. An insurance company partners with your bank and you do business with that insurance company. You now proceed to pay for an addition on your house using money in your bank account. A transaction for "Richard's Roofing and Repairs" posts to your account and now your insurance company knows that you got a new roof. The roof is part of the addition you're paying for, but it could also be seen as a repair job as well. Well, the insurance company sends out an insurance adjuster and you get a knock at the door. "Hi, I'm with your insurance company and I need to assess the value of your home as we got word that you had a new roof installed. Now your bill goes up by $5 every month. Brilliant...

Anonymity isn't just about being a blackhat. It's about not being taken advantage of by unethical companies.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Kayex on August 22, 2014, 02:24:13 AM
The question isn't why anonymity so important to me, but why is intrusion into my personal life so important to you?
Well the NSA will probably say something along the lines of
'It is because we need to protect the nation from terrorists!'
Or something like that. They need an excuse.
If you want to live with some semblance of freedom, at some point you'd have to stop giving up your rights and just take the chance of getting blown up by a terrorist.
Which is precisely why the NSA is 'protecting us'
I don't see why they have to get EVERY SINGLE transaction that we make.
If we wanted to buy bomb parts or something then we would do it with cold hard cash or something of the sorts.

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: kleeii on August 25, 2014, 12:21:11 AM
There are so many things going wrong these days. Databases leak on a weekly basis. You just buy something at Target and suddenly it appears that your Credit Card information got stolen. If you can't trust people to handle your data responsibly you just have to take care of that yourself!

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: Naster on September 12, 2017, 10:38:34 AM
there are many reasons why Anonymity / Privacy should be important to everyone.
Many people will still be thinking that it's a matter a doing illegal things.
But everyone has the right to privacy. Everyone should have the right to protect his "assets".
Being "anonym" does not mean necessary doing illegal things, but you are protecting your privacy from attacks, from spam, from data leak etc, you don't everyone know about your private life, and that does not just apply "online".

It's just like you are walking in the street and someone is asking for your email address to send you some ads. If you are not interested, would you really give your real most valuable Email? Does it mean you are doing anything illegal? Not really.

But Yes, some people will abuse of it, just like some people will abuse of the the anonymity of Bitcoin.

Have a look at this animation  ;D #joke

Title: Re: Why Anonymity so important to you?
Post by: endlasuresh on September 12, 2017, 10:58:59 AM
I think people who use anonymous names must be aware of scammers and illegal activity. If you are making blackhat methods, then it is compulsory to use anonymous names.

Hackers always targets to people those who are making good amount and they also see the activity in other forums or sites to hack their accounts. This is the main reason for hiding our information.

I also forgot to use anonymous name instead of mine.