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Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:01:02 PM

Title: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:01:02 PM
Launched 29 July 2014, 9:00 UTC, No Premine
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Completely Decentralized Digital Currency
without Pools

SpreadCoin is a new cryptocurrency which is more decentralized than Bitcoin. It prevents centralization of hashing power in pools, which is one of the main concerns of Bitcoin security. SpreadCoin was fairly launched with no premine.

Mr.Spread - Main Core Developer Profile;u=360096

Pool Prevention
To prevent pools each block must be signed with the private key which correspondents to the coinbase transaction. See whitepaper ( for more details.

  • Algorithm: SpreadX11
  • Block generation: 1 minute
  • Difficulty retargets: every block based on last 360 blocks
  • Reward starts at approx. 6.66 coins per block
  • Block reward is smoothly halved every 4 years
  • Total supply: 20 mln coins
  • No year 2106 problem
Initial reward was 66.66 coins per block and spacing between blocks was 10 minutes, this was changed after hardfork at block 2202.

Download (version, released January 24, 2015)
Windows wallet (32-bit) (
Windows wallet (64-bit) (
Linux wallet (32-bit) (
Linux wallet (64-bit) (
Mac OS X wallet (

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White Paper
Download (

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AllCrypt (
AlcurEx (

You can also help us to add SpreadCoin to other exchanges by voting:
AskCoin (

Blockchain Explorers
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Hashrate distribution chart (

/index.php?faucet=SPR]MultiFaucet (http://www.[Suspicious link removed)

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Truly Decentralized
In Bitcoin mining power is concentrated in large pools. This puts the whole network at risk in case these pools will become malicious or if their security will be compromised. In SpreadCoin there are no pools, mining power is spread around many solo miners.

Compact Transactions
SpreadCoin uses more compact representation for signatures in transactions. This leads to smaller transactions and, hence, smaller blockchain. See e.g. this transaction ( in SpreadCoin and similar transaction ( in Bitcoin, both transactions have 15 inputs and 1 output but SpreadCoin transaction takes 1661 bytes while Bitcoin one takes 2744.
See this thread for more info:

Smooth Reward Decrease
Unlike Bitcoin, there are no abrupt reward halvings in SpreadCoin. Block reward is smoothly decreasing over time.

You can mine directly from the wallet, just go to the mining tab and press 'Start mining', you will start mine to your wallet. Thread about mining SpreadCoin:

Also you can mine to a specific address (this is useful if you are mining on several computers). To do so:
1. Use existing or better generate a new address.
2. Open debug console (Tools -> Debug Console) and enter:
dumpprivkey SYourSpreadCoinAddress
3. You will get your private key. Then open spreadcoin.conf or create it if it doesn't exist (D:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\SpreadCoin\spreadcoin.conf on Windows) and add the following line:
4. Restart your wallet if it was running.
In the Mining tab you will now see notification that all mined coins will go to this address.

Mining Guide
By default you can mine only from 4 machines to the same wallet, to increase this limit set rpcthreads to value greater than 4 in spreadcoin.conf.

Windows binary:
Source code:

Don't forget to read included readme, it describes how to launch it. Even if you did solo-mining before it is still worth reading.

You need latest drivers to use this miner. Known to work on 14.9 installed from file named amd-catalyst-14-9-win7-win8.1-64bit-dd-ccc-whql.exe from

Nvidia GPU Miner
And here's a GPU miner for the NVIDIA crew. Compute 3.0 support should be easy enough, but for now it's 3.5/5.0/5.2 only.

Win32 binary:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:07:18 PM
About Masternodes

Masternodes are nodes which have a certain amount of Spreadcoin locked within them and add additional functionality to the Spreadcoin network.  In return for this functionality, Spreadcoin masternode owners receive a percentage of Spreadcoin mined in each block (currently 30% on testnet).  The concept was originally developed by Evan Duffield of Darkcoin fame but Spreadcoin masternodes have been rewritten from scratch.

All the numbers in this post describe testnet, they can change when we introduce masternodes to mainnet.

Is SpreadCoin implementation based on DarkCoin code?
No, this is original implementation.

How is it different from DarkCoin?
In SpreadCoin there are no centralized reference nodes to decide which masternodes should receive payments, it is decided by the network in decentralized manner. In DarkCoin the messages which select masternodes are separate from the blockchain and are distributed independently. This way it is possible that nodes will have different opinion on what masternode should receive next payment. In SpreadCoin all votes for masternodes will be stored in blocks and the payee will be uniquely determined from the previous blocks. Just like you can check that any transaction included in the block is correct by comparing its inputs with outputs in previous blocks you will be able to check that masternode payment is correct by checking previous blocks. Why bitcoin is so reliable? Because all nodes have exactly the same rules how to determine which blockchains are correct and which one is better (required more work) than others, these rules are only depended on blocks themselves, not on the order in which they were received them nor on any other messages which you may or may not receive in time. The network can be unstable in the case of some major event which will break connectivity between nodes but once connectivity between nodes is reestablished all nodes will stick to the same blockchain. The same will apply to SpreadCoin.

How masternodes are elected?
Each node monitor the network and assign scores to each masternode. This scores depend on how well masternodes provide their services, for instant transactions this will be time delay between transaction and its confimation by masternode. Since there may be no transactions and only elected masternodes will confirm transactions there is an empty service - each masternode will broadcast messages signining certain blocks to prove that it is running. Miners will include votes in their blocks. Votes can either be positive (elect not yet elected masternode) or negative (deelect already elected masternode). If masternode has more than 30 positive votes in the last 60 blocks then it is added to the list of elected masternodes. If masternode has more then 30 negative votes in the last 60 blocks then it is removed from the list of elected masternodes. Note that it is possible to determine which masternodes were elected at each particular block.

Can miners cheat to elect their own masternodes?
The system is designed in such a way that all miners will make almost the same votes. Thus, unless you control more than 50% of the hashrate you couldn't actually affect the voting process because you will be outvoted by the rest of the network.

Wouldn't storing votes in blockchain make it too large?
No, there is a limit of 10 votes per block and most blocks will have less votes.

How will masternodes receive payments?
In each block part of the reward (30%) will go to masternode instead of the miner. Elected masternodes are sorted according to their identifiers and receive payments in order, there is no randomness in this process. Since it is possible to uniquely determine which masternodes are elected solely from the blockchain it is also possible to uniquely determine which masternode should receive the payment, nodes cannot disagree on this.

How much SPR is required to run a masternode?
There is a limit of 1440 masternodes, only masternodes with top 1000 amounts will be elected to receive payments, therefore the exact amount you will need to lock will be determined by the market. This amount is locked but it is still yours, when you don't want to run your masternode anymore you can spend it.

Is static IP required to run a masternode?
It is not required and for instant transactions this is not necessary.

What is instant transaction?
It is a transaction which is confirmed by masternodes within seconds after broadcasting. Once confirmed there is guarantee that this transaction (and not any conflicting one) will be included in the blockchain.

What is the state of instant transactions implementation in SpreadCoin?
Most effort was put into developing masternode election/payments mechanism, instant transactions are currenrly not fully implemented. Although masternodes confirm them there is no logic in place to replace unconfirmed transactions with the confirmed ones in the case of double spending attacks and to reject blocks with conflicting transactions. Note that rejecting blocks based on whether or not it includes transactions which conflict with confirmed instant transactions can lead to forks but this can be solved.

Which transactions can be made instantly?
Currently these are all transactions with less than 15 inputs and fee of at least 0.001 SPR per input.

How To Create a Masternode

At present, masternodes are being tested on  You are welcome to join us there and this guide will work.  Or, once masternodes are released on mainnet, simply do the following:

1.  Go to the, "Receive" tab and create a new address.  Many of us like to label our masternodes in a way we can keep track such as, "Masternode1", "Masternode 2" and so on.

2.  Go to the, "Sent" tab and send at least 100 SPR to that address.  Note that once 1440 masternodes are created, the masternodes with the least number of SPR in them become delisted.  As such, you may want to fund your masternode with more than 100.

3.  On either the, "Overview" or, "Transactions" tab, wait for 50 confirmations on the coins.

4.  Once you have 50 confirmations, go to the, "Masternodes" tab and enter the amazing GUI that Mr. Spread created.  There you will see:

5.  Under the, "Control" column you should see your masternode with an empty checkbox.  If you don't, click the, "Update" button and wait a couple seconds.  Check the box for your masternode.  

THAT IS IT!  Yes, really.  Once your masternode gets elected, you'll start receiving payments.  Yes, Mr. Spread made setting up a masternode that easy!  And yes, you can have more than one masternode per IP.

How To Setup a Masternode On Your VPS

Many of us have VPS's and want to setup masternodes that way.  This guide was created by Vertoe and the discussion can be found here (  If this helps you, Vertoe's SPR address is at the bottom of this guide, feel free to send him some SPR love!

VPS: I used Amazon Webservice running Ubuntu 14.10. This will be running the masternode.
Local: I used a Qt wallet to generate the transaction input and masternode secret.

Single masternode on one VPS.

1 VPS: Get dependencies for building spreadcoin daemon:
sudo apt-get install git build-essential autoconf libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb-dev libdb++-dev libminiupnpc-dev (

2 VPS: Get the source code:
git clone

3 VPS: And switch directory:
cd spreadcoin/src (

4 VPS: Checkout mn-test branch:
git checkout mn-test (

5 VPS: Compile the daemon:
make -j $(nproc) -f makefile.unix (

6 VPS: Create a config file:
mkdir -p ~/.spreadtestcoin
cat > ~/.spreadtestcoin/spreadcoin.conf <<EOF
rpcpassword=3btqdvnaaY8Lsv934ZeULWRcgnv4KblablablaB2S5FHB # change this to something usefull

7 VPS: ...and "Install" the daemon:
sudo cp spreadcoind /usr/bin/spreadcoind (

8 VPS: Run the daemon:
spreadcoind -daemon -server (

9 On your local wallet, get a new address and send at least 100 coins to that address and wait for 50 confirmations.

10 On your local wallet, copy the transaction id.

11 Local: Generate a masternode secret from the transaction input by going to the console at tools > debug console. if input:0 fails, try:1, and so on until you get what you want:
mnsecret 7f7bbb802daa9723b1e060cfa28b6e1a1b6d5ad68f1136ca8f6aa9450edee6f7:1 (

12 On the VPS, put it directly into the config file:
echo "mnstart=7f7bbb802daa9723b1e060cfa28b6e1a1b6d5ad68f1136ca8f6aa9450edee6f7:1:1c574e216511919b4578586843198d6c006171592001003986fccae864a3db9b78b6e08037f30fcbbfd33aeec23a6d2130e06556ae66a4796c731b778ad790f0d6:925EuDdYmiQvgq1S6em6kQ1WR5wU5qB8t7treVVFBhwxFLrkN27" >> ~/.spreadtestcoin/spreadcoin.conf (

... wait for 50 confirmations of the tx ...

13 VPS: ...and start the masternode:
spreadcoind mnstart 7f7bbb802daa9723b1e060cfa28b6e1a1b6d5ad68f1136ca8f6aa9450edee6f7:1:1c574e216511919b4578586843198d6c006171592001003986fccae864a3db9b78b6e08037f30fcbbfd33aeec23a6d2130e06556ae66a4796c731b778ad790f0d6:925EuDdYmiQvgq1S6em6kQ1WR5wU5qB8t7treVVFBhwxFLrkN27 (

If it says "true", you are done!!!einself

Multiple masternodes on one VPS.

Repeat steps 9-13 for each masternode input with >100 SPR and >50 confirmations you have. Happy masternoding.

Worked? SSHUvYeyGQcV6z1QvFiu2SppKDTbb2ZFC1

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:14:28 PM
Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Why was the original thread locked and discussion moved here?
A.  Trolls and FUDsters took over.  While we welcome difficult questions and want to be fully transparent, some people chose to create misinformation and make the thread unusable for normal tasks and communication.  As such, it was decided to move the discussion here.  Again, we welcome difficult questions and important ones will be added to this FAQ.  The original thread can be seen here:

Q.  Is it possible to create pools?
A.  If a pool is created, any miner can steal all of the blocks.  Theories have been put forth on ways to get around this such as coding in a collateral system, but none have been created.  There is currently a 3500 SPR bounty on the creation of a public pool that successfully runs with no stolen coins for 30 days.

Q.  I heard Mr. Spread (the Spreadcoin developer) lost all his coins.  Is that true?
A.  Mr. Spread mined 80,000 coins that he then lost in an unfortunate accident with his wallet.  He was never able to recover them.  As he no longer had any coins, the community stepped up and donated a little more than 65,000 coins to him so he would have cause to continue to develop the coin.  You can read about this starting here ( and see how Mr. Spread and the community conduct themselves. 

Q. Was there an instamine?
A. No. There was a hardfork at block 2200 to make things more suitable to solo mining. From this block forward, the block reward was reduced from 66.66 SPR to 6.66 SPR (diminishing over time as per the supply curve in the OP) and the blocktime was reduced from 10 minutes to 1 minute. The Spread generation speed and total supply thus remain the same, as one tenth of the SPR is being generated ten times as often.

Q.  What purpose will masternodes serve?
A.  Masternodes will allow for InstantX and additional functionality will be added in the future.  Stay tuned...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 04, 2015, 08:29:17 PM
Mr. Spread = Spreadcoin_ ?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:33:47 PM
Mr. Spread = Spreadcoin_ ?
No.  This is MyFarm, he gave me permission to create this thread.  He will be given the login credentials when his temp ban is lifted.  A couple other people will be trusted with credentials so the trolls can be deleted 24/7.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 04, 2015, 08:35:53 PM
Mr. Spread = Spreadcoin_ ?
No.  This is MyFarm, he gave me permission to create this thread.  He will be given the login credentials when his temp ban is lifted.  A couple other people will be trusted with credentials so the trolls can be deleted 24/7.

If you find yourself in need of volunteers I'm game.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 04, 2015, 08:36:37 PM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall on Bittrex :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: ocminer on February 04, 2015, 08:38:09 PM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall on Bittrex :)

Let the dumping Begin :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: lacie on February 04, 2015, 08:39:06 PM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall on Bittrex :)

So nice.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 04, 2015, 08:39:30 PM

Too much hate against SPR.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 04, 2015, 08:42:30 PM
For those that didn't see the first round of masternode testing, it went on at in this thread:

It was a resounding success!  Mr. Spread has very much proven himself to be a top-tier developer.

He is now working on a second build which we hope to test in a couple of days and will be announced here.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:46:43 PM
What was the bounty up to for the public pool?  3500 SPR?  Or 2500?  I want to add it to the FAQ.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: lacie on February 04, 2015, 08:50:05 PM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall on Bittrex :)

Let the dumping Begin :)

Go away. If you don't like this coin,just go away. Buy or sell, it's up to investor-self. Don't play adviser.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 04, 2015, 08:50:41 PM
Quick visual reminder of Spread's pool-free solo mining working as intended - this is a thing of beauty:


For contrast, here is Darkcoin:

Source:!extraction (!extraction)

Most PoW coins suffer from mining centralisation, Darkcoin is nothing out of the ordinary sadly.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 08:53:22 PM
If you have suggestions for content to add to the FAQ here: or suggestions for edits, please speak up.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 04, 2015, 09:03:18 PM
don't forget to add the new block explorer link to OP. :-)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 09:04:48 PM
don't forget to add the new block explorer link to OP. :-)


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: RenegadeMan on February 04, 2015, 09:09:19 PM
Nice new thread MyFarm/Spreadcoin_ ! I for one will be glad to see the handful of aggressive FUDster/trolls that have plagued the other thread not able to continue their disruptive behaviour here. But I'd be keen to still ensure people asking hard or difficult questions aren't shunned either. I'm sure you'll give people a reasonable chance to ask or vent before (when it's obvious what their objectives are) they're shut down. All the best.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 04, 2015, 09:10:34 PM
If you have suggestions for content to add to the FAQ here: or suggestions for edits, please speak up.

Please add the current "pool" situation to the FAQ.

Show how the whitepaper clearly describes how pools are possible but not financially viable.

Also add how nonce pool works (trusted people only/public pool would be robbed)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 09:12:19 PM
Nice new thread MyFarm/Spreadcoin_ ! I for one will be glad to see the handful of aggressive FUDster/trolls that have plagued the other thread not able to continue their disruptive behaviour here. But I'd be keen to still ensure people asking hard or difficult questions aren't shunned either. I'm sure you'll give people a reasonable chance to ask or vent before (when it's obvious what their objectives are) they're shut down. All the best.
We ABSOLUTELY welcome hard questions and said as much in the FAQ.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 04, 2015, 09:12:42 PM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall on Bittrex :)

This is a good thing.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 04, 2015, 09:12:52 PM
If you have suggestions for content to add to the FAQ here: or suggestions for edits, please speak up.

Please add the current "pool" situation to the FAQ.

Show how the whitepaper clearly describes how pools are possible but not financially viable.

Also add how nonce pool works (trusted people only/public pool would be robbed)

I added a little bit to the FAQ.  Would you be willing to do a short writeup and I'll edit it in?


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 04, 2015, 09:18:20 PM
You could also add Mr.Spread's direct profile link to the OP so anyone new can know he's the developer and see for themselves.

Direct link to Mr.Spreads bitcointalk profile.;u=360096  

Unless your going to let him add it personally when he returns.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 04, 2015, 09:22:27 PM
Suggested addition to the FAQ:

Q. Was there an instamine?
A. No. There was a hardfork at block 2200 to make things more suitable to solo mining. From this block forward, the block reward was reduced from 66.66 SPR to 6.66 SPR (diminishing over time as per the supply curve in the OP) and the blocktime was reduced from 10 minutes to 1 minute. The Spread generation speed and total supply thus remain the same, as one tenth of the SPR is being generated ten times as often.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 04, 2015, 09:29:33 PM
If you have suggestions for content to add to the FAQ here: or suggestions for edits, please speak up.

Please add the current "pool" situation to the FAQ.

Show how the whitepaper clearly describes how pools are possible but not financially viable.

Also add how nonce pool works (trusted people only/public pool would be robbed)

I agree, this situation (pool mining) need to be clearly described to understand everyone what happen (not only miners).

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 09:30:06 PM
You could also add Mr.Spread's direct profile link to the OP so anyone new can know he's the developer and see for themselves.

Direct link to Mr.Spreads bitcointalk profile.;u=360096  

Unless your going to let him add it personally when he returns.
Sure.  Where would you suggest adding it?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 09:42:14 PM
Suggested addition to the FAQ:

Q. Was there an instamine?
A. No. There was a hardfork at block 2200 to make things more suitable to solo mining. From this block forward, the block reward was reduced from 66.66 SPR to 6.66 SPR (diminishing over time as per the supply curve in the OP) and the blocktime was reduced from 10 minutes to 1 minute. The Spread generation speed and total supply thus remain the same, as one tenth of the SPR is being generated ten times as often.

Nice!  Added to the FAQ.  Please keep them coming guys.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 04, 2015, 09:48:44 PM
this is a thing of beauty:

It is a thing of beauty. This coin will go to places.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 04, 2015, 09:50:54 PM
You could also add Mr.Spread's direct profile link to the OP so anyone new can know he's the developer and see for themselves.

Direct link to Mr.Spreads bitcointalk profile.;u=360096  

Unless your going to let him add it personally when he returns.
Sure.  Where would you suggest adding it?

Somewhere Near the top  just before the Pool Prevention Header ;

Mr.Spread - Main Core Developer Profile;u=360096

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 09:52:59 PM
You could also add Mr.Spread's direct profile link to the OP so anyone new can know he's the developer and see for themselves.

Direct link to Mr.Spreads bitcointalk profile.;u=360096  

Unless your going to let him add it personally when he returns.
Sure.  Where would you suggest adding it?

Somewhere Near the top  just before the Pool Prevention Header ;

Mr.Spread - Main Core Developer Profile;u=360096
Done, thanks!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: sparkster on February 04, 2015, 10:11:29 PM
It doesn't matter if I consider new thead itself a bad idea... It's only my personal opinion. But what about this (I copy my sentence from the old thread) :
What if such account will be considered as multi-registration from Mr. Spread and ban avoiding?

I'm actually worried about this, guys. Did you think twice about it? Is not it would be better to wait for the end of Mr. Spread's ban time? Anyway, what's done is done. I know, you are honest guys and Mr. Spread still don't have password for this account and will not have it until it will be permitted to him to write here again. But mods can decide otherwise. And in this case it will be a catastrophe: permanent ban of Mr. Spread and so on. It's why I sincerely wish you good luck.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 04, 2015, 10:14:35 PM
I'm actually worried about this, guys. Did you think twice about it? Is not it would be better to wait for the end of Mr. Spread's ban time? Anyway, what's done is done. I know, you are honest guys and Mr. Spread still don't have password for this account and will not have it until it will be permitted to him to write here again. But mods can decide otherwise. And in this case it will be a catastrophe: permanent ban of Mr. Spread and so on. It's why I sincerely wish you good luck.

They can check the IPs that login to this account.  Mr. Spread won't be logging into this account until his ban is up. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Jestah on February 04, 2015, 10:29:33 PM
What is Mr. Spread the developer's real name?  Where can I find information on him and his background?


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 04, 2015, 10:32:23 PM
Ok, here we go.
It's sad that we lose about 6000 posts in the old thread, but hey, most were from trolls anyway.

Happy to restart.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 04, 2015, 10:34:11 PM
What is Mr. Spread the developer's real name?  Where can I find information on him and his background?
Mr. Spread's real name hasn't been divulged as he supposedly resides in a country where cryptocurrency is not legal.

Does this add risk to the coin?  Some will think so, yes, and I understand that.  I personally am ok with it as I lost a load of BTC on one coin where the dev's name was known.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 04, 2015, 11:04:20 PM
What is Mr. Spread the developer's real name?  Where can I find information on him and his background?


Who knows, but it's his personal choice not to disclose his name he probably wants to remain anon like Satoshi.
His work on the github source for spreadcoin speaks volumes that he's not an average developer.

In this new world of crypto I think anonymity is necessary (inclusive for developers). If a coin succeeded to be used globally and have a value to compete with fiat and  developer identity is known, governments and large companies will try to control him.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Jestah on February 04, 2015, 11:06:29 PM
What is Mr. Spread the developer's real name?  Where can I find information on him and his background?
Mr. Spread's real name hasn't been divulged as he supposedly resides in a country where cryptocurrency is not legal.

Does this add risk to the coin?  Some will think so, yes, and I understand that.  I personally am ok with it as I lost a load of BTC on one coin where the dev's name was known.

Thank you for the answer.  He can just go *poof* then.   JG can't really do that and will certainly reap his "rewards" from the justice system in case that's your example.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 04, 2015, 11:08:09 PM
Yes, he can just disappear.  I don't feel like he will, but it's possible and any potential investors should take that risk into account.

My example was Fractalcoin.  

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 04, 2015, 11:10:41 PM
What is Mr. Spread the developer's real name?  Where can I find information on him and his background?


Who knows, but it's his personal choice not to disclose his name he probably wants to remain anon like Satoshi.
His work on the github source for spreadcoin speaks volumes that he's not an average developer.

In this new world of crypto I think anonymity is necessary (inclusive for developers). If a coin succeeded to be used globally and have a value to compete with fiat and  developer identity is known, governments and large companies will try to control him.

Right Also having your identity out there isn't even that much credible anymore. Although in some case it helps. But Look at what Josh Garza from paycoin and Gaw miners did with his identity fully known to everyone. With no features at all in his coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: zeca pagodinho on February 04, 2015, 11:12:32 PM
Head lighter, just to get here!
I think the translations of announcement should change the link of the original announcement for this one. What is the opnion of you?  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 05, 2015, 12:36:40 AM
If you have suggestions for content to add to the FAQ here: or suggestions for edits, please speak up.

Is there a way to add a request link for Cryptsy to add Spreadcoin?  I have tried multiple times and always get the generic answer.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 01:38:39 AM
I think the translations of announcement should change the link of the original announcement for this one. What is the opnion of you?  :)

I apologize, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.  Could you please elaborate?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 01:40:40 AM
Nice job mrcashking!  I like the 3 newest (non pink) ones even more.  I sent 25 SPR earlier and will send a little more now.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 05, 2015, 01:44:11 AM
Nice job mrcashking!  I like the 3 newest (non pink) ones even more.  I sent 25 SPR earlier and will send a little more now.

Thanks myfarm, I appreciate it. George offered some suggestions and I put it together, they came out beautiful.  Productive day.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 05, 2015, 01:51:56 AM
Nice job mrcashking!  I like the 3 newest (non pink) ones even more.  I sent 25 SPR earlier and will send a little more now.

Thanks myfarm, I appreciate it. George offered some suggestions and I put it together, they came out beautiful.  Productive day.

I like number 2 and 6 - sending you 10 spr tip...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 05, 2015, 01:57:02 AM
I think the translations of announcement should change the link of the original announcement for this one. What is the opnion of you?  :)

I apologize, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.  Could you please elaborate?

He means that there are several threads for spreadcoin on the subforums for other languages (he maintains the one in Portuguese, AFAIK, and there are others in russian, greek, etc...). He's is asking if the maintainers of those translated threads should update the links so they pint to this thread instead of the non-moderated one.

I think that yes, he should update the links on the translated threads he maintains.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 02:00:34 AM
Ah, understood.  Agreed!


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 05, 2015, 02:08:38 AM
I compiled information on masternodes in the second post of this thread.  If you have suggestions for additions or edits, please post!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 02:19:34 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 02:24:20 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

It's going to be interesting for sure once masternodes come to mainnet.  If the network doesn't fork and there's no major issues with them, then things get exciting.  What will be really fascinating to watch is how the market reacts to the competitive nature of masternodes.  I personally think $1.00 is possible otherwise I wouldn't be investing.

If your spirits are down, you're not looking at this coin objectively.  As I say over and over and over again, you invest in the developer, not the coin.  With Mr. Spread's implementation of masternodes, he has proven that he is a top tier dev.  There's a reason Darkcoin asked him to join their team.  Does having a top-tier dev guarantee success?  No, so don't invest more than you're comfortable losing, but it sure gets me excited about the potential of this coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 02:45:58 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

It's going to be interesting for sure once masternodes come to mainnet.  If the network doesn't fork and there's no major issues with them, then things get exciting.  What will be really fascinating to watch is how the market reacts to the competitive nature of masternodes.  I personally think $1.00 is possible otherwise I wouldn't be investing.

If your spirits are down, you're not looking at this coin objectively.  As I say over and over and over again, you invest in the developer, not the coin.  With Mr. Spread's implementation of masternodes, he has proven that he is a top tier dev.  There's a reason Darkcoin asked him to join their team.  Does having a top-tier dev guarantee success?  No, so don't invest more than you're comfortable losing, but it sure gets me excited about the potential of this coin.

So what makes you interested in Spreadcoin?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 03:19:39 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

It's going to be interesting for sure once masternodes come to mainnet.  If the network doesn't fork and there's no major issues with them, then things get exciting.  What will be really fascinating to watch is how the market reacts to the competitive nature of masternodes.  I personally think $1.00 is possible otherwise I wouldn't be investing.

If your spirits are down, you're not looking at this coin objectively.  As I say over and over and over again, you invest in the developer, not the coin.  With Mr. Spread's implementation of masternodes, he has proven that he is a top tier dev.  There's a reason Darkcoin asked him to join their team.  Does having a top-tier dev guarantee success?  No, so don't invest more than you're comfortable losing, but it sure gets me excited about the potential of this coin.

So what makes you interested in Spreadcoin?

Mr. Spread's coding ability and how he presents/handles himself.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 05, 2015, 03:48:47 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

It's going to be interesting for sure once masternodes come to mainnet.  If the network doesn't fork and there's no major issues with them, then things get exciting.  What will be really fascinating to watch is how the market reacts to the competitive nature of masternodes.  I personally think $1.00 is possible otherwise I wouldn't be investing.

If your spirits are down, you're not looking at this coin objectively.  As I say over and over and over again, you invest in the developer, not the coin.  With Mr. Spread's implementation of masternodes, he has proven that he is a top tier dev.  There's a reason Darkcoin asked him to join their team.  Does having a top-tier dev guarantee success?  No, so don't invest more than you're comfortable losing, but it sure gets me excited about the potential of this coin.

So what makes you interested in Spreadcoin?

Hope MyFarm doesn't mind me sharing my thoughts on that question  :)

1) Mr. Spreads obvious programming talent and his ability to implement what he says he will.
2) The vision that prompted the creation of this coin (pool resistance, decentralization, true market/bandwith managed Masternodes, etc.)
3) The resistance to pools and the deflationary and decentralization effects it has shown to promote. (
4) Great productive and invested community. (See ( testing forums for how engaged, helpful, friendly and active in development the community has become)

There is more, but those are the main ones off the top of my head...

I like DRK a lot, and a lot of the features that it has to offer. I see Spreadcoin as a sort of evolution of that.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 05, 2015, 03:54:16 AM
I think the translations of announcement should change the link of the original announcement for this one. What is the opnion of you?  :)

I apologize, but I'm not quite sure what you mean.  Could you please elaborate?

I think he means that the links contained in the translated threads pointing to the old thread should be changed to point to this thread.

That is my impression.

On a side note, I am pleased to see a calmer thread.  I support relevant discourse but repetition of accusations that have been addressed are nothing but spam tactics.

Looking forward to the next testnet coming up in a few days...

Edit - Read the rest of the page after answering...oops.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 05, 2015, 05:11:52 AM
Great job here. I am not technically savvy but was able to set up the MN in testnet (I can't even follow the write up to set up DRK MN). That is one reason I believe SPR will be successful, having a highly knowledgeable dev that bridge technology to the masses. Also not forgetting that SPR has so many "actually working" volunteers to complement Mr. Spread's work to move forward.  Timing was right when the fudding happened and I picked up some decent amount of SPR.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tminer on February 05, 2015, 05:56:33 AM
To celebrate the new thread without trolls, I've create a nice buy wall

placed a 1k buy at c-cex .

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 05, 2015, 06:08:09 AM
Damn, I had the "Mr Spread" account. We should have used that.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 05, 2015, 06:30:36 AM
Great job here. I am not technically savvy but was able to set up the MN in testnet (I can't even follow the write up to set up DRK MN). That is one reason I believe SPR will be successful, having a highly knowledgeable dev that bridge technology to the masses. Also not forgetting that SPR has so many "actually working" volunteers to complement Mr. Spread's work to move forward.  Timing was right when the fudding happened and I picked up some decent amount of SPR.

The user friendly aspect is definitely under appreciated.  I was expecting to have to figure things out when testnet went live and was pleasantly surprised when I didn't have to...

It'll be interesting to see how development goes.  Mr Spread is updating consistently and that is what counts...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Mikolo on February 05, 2015, 06:38:25 AM
Can you add to OP? It's SpreadCoin casino.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 08:29:00 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: zeca pagodinho on February 05, 2015, 09:07:38 AM
Does anyone want to offer up a future price prediction to get our spirits up? I'm predicting $1 in a month.

It's going to be interesting for sure once masternodes come to mainnet.  If the network doesn't fork and there's no major issues with them, then things get exciting.  What will be really fascinating to watch is how the market reacts to the competitive nature of masternodes.  I personally think $1.00 is possible otherwise I wouldn't be investing.

If your spirits are down, you're not looking at this coin objectively.  As I say over and over and over again, you invest in the developer, not the coin.  With Mr. Spread's implementation of masternodes, he has proven that he is a top tier dev.  There's a reason Darkcoin asked him to join their team.  Does having a top-tier dev guarantee success?  No, so don't invest more than you're comfortable losing, but it sure gets me excited about the potential of this coin.

So what makes you interested in Spreadcoin?


The excellence in coding, be open to new ideas, wisdom to apply new features (he knows of advanced users, but also, are applying facilities for users with less experience), comprehension capacity of community needs and apply them in their work.  

I almost forgot...
A Community Amazing!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: gjhiggins on February 05, 2015, 09:51:46 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

No need, they're choosing to be deliberately disingenuous. It's a child's negotiating tactic, an attempt to create feelings of guilt in others. The fud is from a trader's sockpuppets, relentlessly pushing his/her agenda. The complaints are bogus, as is the claimed misunderstanding. People aren't that dense, unless they've a mind to be.

The term “mining pool” (or “mineral pool” as Google so charmingly translates the equivalent Chinese phrase) is both informal and a poor analogy (unless rig cooling technology has gotten super-serious recently). A more accurate and appropriate term would be “syndicate” but that level of language precision would be anomalous in the altcoin domain, largely characterised by: “Once I couldn't even spell ‘engineer’, now I are one.”



Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: stonehedge on February 05, 2015, 09:55:54 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

Precisely.  Its not FUD to say there are pools, because there are!  However, anybody who understands how SPR works understands that public pools are discouraged and that is the main goal.  If SPR drops the no pool claim (because it is outright untrue) and explains clearly the difference between private and public pools and then maybe some of what you call the FUDders will quieten down. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 10:03:36 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

Precisely.  Its not FUD to say there are pools, because there are!  However, anybody who understands how SPR works understands that public pools are discouraged and that is the main goal.  If SPR drops the no pool claim (because it is outright untrue) and explains clearly the difference between private and public pools and then maybe some of what you call the FUDders will quieten down. 

What's you're definition of a pool?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 05, 2015, 10:27:10 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

Precisely.  Its not FUD to say there are pools, because there are!  However, anybody who understands how SPR works understands that public pools are discouraged and that is the main goal.  If SPR drops the no pool claim (because it is outright untrue) and explains clearly the difference between private and public pools and then maybe some of what you call the FUDders will quieten down. 

Public pools are not safe and "mini private pools" is like solo mining.
In other words "private pools" is "public pools" with limited access (members not have to trust each other), but on the market is only "mini private pools" (members must trust each other).
So until now SPR is "no pools" in what is called a "pool" by a large acceptance.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 05, 2015, 10:31:13 AM
No need to further argue about "Pool". For example it is possible to have a farm of 500 x GTX980s, does it mean we should not even mention "Decentralization" because it is a possible scenario? No matter what you write, fudders will always fud.

Lets move forward and make SPR better and stronger by the days.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 10:37:41 AM
No need to further argue about "Pool". For example it is possible to have a farm of 500 x GTX980s, does it mean we should not even mention "Decentralization" because it is a possible scenario? No matter what you write, fudders will always fud.

Lets move forward and make SPR better and stronger by the days.

Yes, I completely agree but in the midst of all the madness, issues were not completely ironed out IMO.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LucD88 on February 05, 2015, 10:42:53 AM
So peace and order has finally been restored? The other thread was a complete chaos and was driving me nuts.. Glad things have finally settled now..

When will we see Mr. Spreadcoin back on BCT again to manage things? Perhaps an idea to let some moderator close the previous topic with a link to the new topic?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 10:44:38 AM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

Precisely.  Its not FUD to say there are pools, because there are!  However, anybody who understands how SPR works understands that public pools are discouraged and that is the main goal.  If SPR drops the no pool claim (because it is outright untrue) and explains clearly the difference between private and public pools and then maybe some of what you call the FUDders will quieten down. 

Public pools are not safe and "mini private pools" is like solo mining.
In other words "private pools" is "public pools" with limited access (members not have to trust each other), but on the market is only "mini private pools" (members must trust each other).
So until now SPR is "no pools" in what is called a "pool" by a large acceptance.

Its not the same as a private pool that you would find for btc (signup/registration).
Noncepool is a private pool for necessity, it could not exist otherwise.

This is because MrSpread took steps to disinsentivize public pools, and steer hash more towards solo mining.
It worked brilliantly, thelonecruton has shown.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: kiindje on February 05, 2015, 10:46:11 AM
when are the masternodes coming to mainnet?

got 30 addresses filled with coins, waiting to become masternodes :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 10:47:38 AM
when are the masternodes coming to mainnet?

got 30 addresses filled with coins, waiting to become masternodes :)

Ahhh, that's a good idea. I never thought of doing that before the release, cheers!  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: stonehedge on February 05, 2015, 11:42:10 AM
How much is the bounty for creating a public pool now?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 11:44:03 AM
How much is the bounty for creating a public pool now?

At least 3500.

Terms are,

Pool needs to be active for atleast 30days.

Anything i missed "myfarm"?

Edit, from the FAQ

Q.  Is it possible to create pools?
A.  If a pool is created, any miner can steal all of the blocks.  Theories have been put forth on ways to get around this such as coding in a collateral system, but none have been created.  There is currently a 3500 SPR bounty on the creation of a public pool that successfully runs with no stolen coins for 30 days.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: gjhiggins on February 05, 2015, 12:11:51 PM
What's you're definition of a pool?

Well, quite. Finally someone nails the key issue. The FUD posters want to redefine the term “pool” into private/public. It's being used by them as a spoiling tactic but there is a stronger argument to be made for the “No pools” statement:

The principles underpinning cryptocurrency are complex and technical. This technical complexity is often (ab)used to mislead those with a shallow understanding of the principles. Spreadcoin's technical solution for rendering conventional poolmining uneconomic can be abused by unscrupulous operators to lure those with shallow models into joining pools and mining coins that are subsequently stolen from them by the means explicitly enabled in the solution.

As a consequence, the tl;dr message cannot be anything other than the simplistic: “No pools”. It needs to make people think twice about any offer of commercial or private syndicated mining of SPR.



Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LitcoinCollector on February 05, 2015, 12:49:31 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 01:04:20 PM

Looks great!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: zmija on February 05, 2015, 01:08:37 PM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 01:08:58 PM
As a consequence, the tl;dr message cannot be anything other than the simplistic: “No pools”. It needs to make people think twice about any offer of commercial or private syndicated mining of SPR.

That's an interesting way of looking at it.

"No pools" must be considered a WARNING, it's not merely a statement.

Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money, and they want people to think "Yes pools"!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 01:20:55 PM
When will we see Mr. Spreadcoin back on BCT again to manage things? Perhaps an idea to let some moderator close the previous topic with a link to the new topic?

Mr. Spread was banned on January 27th.

He was put on a 14 day ban.

Here is the thread where we tried to explain the situation to the BCT moderators the same day.

It looks like Mr. Spread will be unbanned around February 10th, so in about 5 days.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: gjhiggins on February 05, 2015, 01:23:12 PM
Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money

Nope, nowhere near enough money at stake. No, the real danger is that the approach proves basically successful and then gets adopted by other cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin.



Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 01:32:59 PM
Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money

Nope, nowhere near enough money at stake. No, the real danger is that the approach proves basically successful and then gets adopted by other cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin.



I agree. The Bitcoin pooled mining / cloud mining / ASIC manufacturer ecosystem is big business (in the context of cryptocurrencies anyway ;D) and they don't want their income threatened by an approach that returns mining to it's original purpose. Spread's model doesn't do or claim to do - nor should it try - anything about large individual hashpower, but it certainly makes it a lot harder for middlemen to leech profits from the whole enterprise.

You can make money with Spread if that is your goal, but to do so you need to actually support the currency with a longer term commitment than people to whom the word 'commitment' is an alien concept have the attention span for.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 01:44:39 PM
"getting rid of middlemen" is another definition of "decentralization".


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 05, 2015, 01:44:57 PM
What's you're definition of a pool?

Well, quite. Finally someone nails the key issue. The FUD posters want to redefine the term “pool” into private/public. It's being used by them as a spoiling tactic but there is a stronger argument to be made for the “No pools” statement:

The principles underpinning cryptocurrency are complex and technical. This technical complexity is often (ab)used to mislead those with a shallow understanding of the principles. Spreadcoin's technical solution for rendering conventional poolmining uneconomic can be abused by unscrupulous operators to lure those with shallow models into joining pools and mining coins that are subsequently stolen from them by the means explicitly enabled in the solution.

As a consequence, the tl;dr message cannot be anything other than the simplistic: “No pools”. It needs to make people think twice about any offer of commercial or private syndicated mining of SPR.



You can avoid the "what is a pool?" dilema by changing "no pools" to "solo mining only", since "private" pools are analogous to solo mining. But they would probably make a fuss about the wording anyhow. If you really want to make sure that everything is covered, keep the "no pool" in the title and just bellow it throw an explanation of what "no pools" means. Somethink like:

[ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools**) | Testing New Masternodes

** By "no pools", we mean that pools are economically unprofitable since any miner can steal the mined coins (link to FAQ or whitepaper). There is no way to avoid anyone setting up a pool, but they will be constantly loosing money. So please, do not post claims of "i made a pool and proved you wrong": you are misinterpreting the meaning of "no pools", as explained above.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 01:49:45 PM
Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money
Nope, nowhere near enough money at stake. No, the real danger is that the approach proves basically successful and then gets adopted by other cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin.

I see, it really threatens a whole "guild" of crypto professions.
But that's what decentralization does, getting rid of unneeded middlemen and bloodsuckers.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 05, 2015, 01:50:14 PM
Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money

Nope, nowhere near enough money at stake. No, the real danger is that the approach proves basically successful and then gets adopted by other cryptocurrencies, in particular Bitcoin.



I agree. The Bitcoin pooled mining / cloud mining / ASIC manufacturer ecosystem is big business (in the context of cryptocurrencies anyway ;D) and they don't want their income threatened by an approach that returns mining to it's original purpose. Spread's model doesn't do or claim to do - nor should it try - anything about large individual hashpower, but it certainly makes it a lot harder for middlemen to leech profits from the whole enterprise.

You can make money with Spread if that is your goal, but to do so you need to actually support the currency with a longer term commitment than people to whom the word 'commitment' is an alien concept have the attention span for.

Yes, as i said in the other thread, pools act like "cartels", controlling the flow of money without controlling the actual production (mining). What we are eliminating here is the cartels (that are commonly considered a bad thing in free market systems), not the big players (those are considered ok in any free market system).

In the context of cryptocurrencies, cartels are even worse than in a regular market, since they need only control of 51% of the hashrate to control the whole market.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 03:37:41 PM
Interesting statement by Mr. Spread regarding "Pools and Disinformation on Bitcointalk"

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: donschoe on February 05, 2015, 04:21:04 PM
Please dont go self-moderated. I had high hopes in this coin. Every coin in the altcoin section has to go through the rain of trolls, but as long as you are serious about it, you will survive out there. Now how should people trust SPR?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 04:23:00 PM
Please dont go self-moderated. I had high hopes in this coin. Every coin in the altcoin section has to go through the rain of trolls, but as long as you are serious about it, you will survive out there. Now how should people trust SPR?

Let's see what happens in 5 days, when Mr. Spread gets back.

I think it is his decision. If he wants to close the other thread then he shall do so.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: minerpage on February 05, 2015, 04:28:15 PM
Please dont go self-moderated. I had high hopes in this coin. Every coin in the altcoin section has to go through the rain of trolls, but as long as you are serious about it, you will survive out there. Now how should people trust SPR?

There is a difference between "trolling" and what happened in the other thread... that was pure malicious destruction by repeating lies over and over without constructive argumentation by people who knew very well what they were doing...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 05, 2015, 04:31:00 PM
Please dont go self-moderated. I had high hopes in this coin. Every coin in the altcoin section has to go through the rain of trolls, but as long as you are serious about it, you will survive out there. Now how should people trust SPR?
I agree with this comment but also agree with George that it is in the end Mr. Spread's decision whether or not he closes the other thread but I have to admit that in all honesty that creating a new thread in my opinion has given the illusion that the trolls have won which again in my opinion doesn't help SpreadCoin out very much.  I mean SpreadCoin will survive fine with the coding abilities of Mr. Spread and when the FUD began all of you said that was a good sign for a coin because it showed that people were interested or fearful of that coin, but then we go off and start a new thread?  Just kind of seems contradicting of the previous comments I think.  But again it will completely be up to Mr. Spread on what he wants to do with the other thread in the end and all I hope is that this coin doesn't die out because I have a lot of faith in this project :) Cheers

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 04:37:21 PM
Personally I feel that any day I don't have to wade through reams of dunce-babble is a win. Why suffer fools, what benefit does it bring? They can post whatever they like, elsewhere.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 05, 2015, 04:41:08 PM
Personally I feel that any day I don't have to wade through reams of dunce-babble is a win. Why suffer fools, what benefit does it bring? They can post whatever they like, elsewhere.

Exactly.  Spending page after page addressing posts from people who know how to twist logic more ways than an M Night Shyamalan movie is a waste of time.  They can do it amongst themselves elsewhere or discuss their concerns reasonably here.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 04:43:04 PM
Also, if the BCT moderators don't do the moderating, then we are forced to do it ourselves...

I mean how much more obvious can it be that we have veritable trolls who try to sabotage this coin?
They even registered all important usernames regarding "spreadcoin" and "spreadnodes" so they can hijack the meme, and spread the disinformation.
How much more obvious can it be than trolls who put disinformation in their signature???

I would have assumed that a BCT moderator would have recognized that by now and reacted accordingly.

But no, not yet. Let's see. Let's wait for Mr. Spread.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 05:15:06 PM
I'm not the best person to explain how noncepool is not a public pool and how SPR disincentivizes public pools.

Maybe if we change (no pools) to (no public pools), this may shut some fuders up.

A pool is a collective group of people mining a coin. Solo mining is one person (with or without several machines) mining a coin. As far as I can tell this is one guy with four machines mining the coin. Still solo mining.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 05:20:05 PM
As a consequence, the tl;dr message cannot be anything other than the simplistic: “No pools”. It needs to make people think twice about any offer of commercial or private syndicated mining of SPR.

That's an interesting way of looking at it.

"No pools" must be considered a WARNING, it's not merely a statement.

Maybe that is really the reason for all the FUDing in the other thread, some ruthless pool operators plan on running away with miners money, and they want people to think "Yes pools"!

Only a fool uses a pool.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Youghoor on February 05, 2015, 05:20:43 PM
Personally I feel that any day I don't have to wade through reams of dunce-babble is a win. Why suffer fools, what benefit does it bring? They can post whatever they like, elsewhere.

Exactly.  Spending page after page addressing posts from people who know how to twist logic more ways than an M Night Shyamalan movie is a waste of time.  They can do it amongst themselves elsewhere or discuss their concerns reasonably here.

They need to understand what needs to be done.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 05:27:43 PM
Who runs ?

I owe you a tip.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 05:50:10 PM
Creating a new thread may look weak for SPR in the here and now, but if 6 months from now people read the comments on the other thread it will cause long term destruction.  In the long term scheme of things it will be far more beneficial to look like a mature business who is constantly growing. What big investor would invest after reading the last thread?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 05:54:53 PM
Creating a new thread may look weak for SPR in the here and now, but if 6 months from now people read the comments on the other thread it will cause long term destruction.  In the long term scheme of things it will be far more beneficial to look like a mature business who is constantly growing. What big investor would invest after reading the last thread?

Yes, also let's motivate people to really pose the hard questions here in this thread. Let's show that we can have a deep discussion without calling anyone a "troll" immediately.
(I remember that in early april I myself was called a troll a few times in the darkcoin thread here... how could that happen???)

Maybe even make it our motto, to NOT call anyone a troll in this thread.
Instead just moderate the obvious saboteurs away, and just keep on talking to the people who don't yet understand spreadcoin.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 05:57:18 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 06:03:54 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation.

you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.
And if they play nice, they can have their collateral back.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 06:04:51 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 06:13:55 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 06:20:28 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.

This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: ocminer on February 05, 2015, 06:21:04 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

That is quite low... IMHO..

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 06:22:19 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

That is quite low... IMHO..

So what you're saying is a potential workaround is really hard and costly to implement?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: ocminer on February 05, 2015, 06:24:05 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

That is quite low... IMHO..

So what you're saying is a potential workaround is really hard and costly to implement?

No not at all and that workaround is also not absolutely needed - but a good idea as some kind of extra insurance, I'm just saying that 3500 coins is quite low as a bounty.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 06:25:35 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

That is quite low... IMHO..

So what you're saying is a potential workaround is really hard and costly to implement?

No not at all and that workaround is also not absolutely needed - but a good idea as some kind of extra insurance, I'm just saying that 3500 coins is quite low as a bounty.

I'd love to hear your reasoning as to why it's not needed.


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 06:29:48 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

Oh, just to make accessibility to the pool easier. Mining a SpreadCoin block solo could be kind of a pain, and otherwise you'd have to buy the coins from an exchange (with BTC). Obviously you can just use SpreadCoins themselves too if you want to keep it 1:1, but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar. If SpreadCoins were worth more you might want to use them instead I guess.

As far as say, a block equivalent in BTC: right now that's about $220 USD * 25 = $5,500. But at Bitcoin's current market cap, the vast majority of small miners are being phased out anyway, so maybe a $5,500 entry fee (that you'd eventually get back) isn't such a big deal. It's hard to say. It's difficult to see SpreadCoin getting anywhere near that value in the short term, too.

To make the pool ultra simple too, just make the username the pubkeyhash you're mining to with your coinbase/signing your blocks with.

Given the recursive algorithm used to pad the blocks, I think it should be possible to code an imperative algorithm to pad the blocks and compress the block as well when sending back to the main server, so that bandwidth consumption isn't huge and you don't need to accept super high difficulty shares.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 06:34:47 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

Oh, just to make accessibility to the pool easier. Mining a SpreadCoin block solo could be kind of a pain, and otherwise you'd have to buy the coins from an exchange (with BTC). Obviously you can just use SpreadCoins themselves too if you want to keep it 1:1, but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar. If SpreadCoins were worth more you might want to use them instead I guess.

As far as say, a block equivalent in BTC: right now that's about $220 USD * 25 = $5,500. But at Bitcoin's current market cap, the vast majority of small miners are being phased out anyway, so maybe a $5,500 entry fee (that you'd eventually get back) isn't such a big deal. It's hard to say. It's difficult to see SpreadCoin getting anywhere near that value in the short term, too.

Why involve BTC at all?

I would love to see such a proposed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out, and where potential problems will appear.

Anyway, the term "pool prevention" still applies to spreadcoin. And maybe we just need to step the pool prevention up a notch.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 06:37:03 PM
I would love to see such a propsed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out.

I don't think multisig would work because I think that (a) coinbase needs to output to a single P2PKH output and (b) you'd have to have all members of the pools receive all blocks from each other and sign them before determining if they met difficulty, which would be super slow. You could maybe send the coinbases to a multisig account after, and have all the pool members sign off on payouts, but that seems overly complicated.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 06:38:32 PM
Anyway, the term "pool prevention" still applies to spreadcoin. And maybe we just need to step the pool prevention up a notch.

It's an active area of research; amiller wrote a paper about it recently that was pretty neat.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 06:39:10 PM
I would love to see such a propsed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out.

I don't think multisig would work because I think that (a) coinbase needs to output to a single P2PKH output and (b) you'd have to have all members of the pools receive all blocks from each other and sign them before determining if they met difficulty, which would be super slow. You could maybe send the coinbases to a multisig account after, and have all the pool members sign off on payouts, but that seems overly complicated.

Can this even be automatized?
This all sounds we would need to trust someone to initiate all that, so this will just introduce a single point of failure again, which is what will prevent such pools from appearing in the first place.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 06:40:10 PM
Anyway, the term "pool prevention" still applies to spreadcoin. And maybe we just need to step the pool prevention up a notch.

It's an active area of research; amiller wrote a paper about it recently that was pretty neat.

Yes! Alex Millar is who I had in mind when I said "automated escrow".

I saw one of his videos a few months ago, that explained it all very well:

(wait Andrew Miller not the same person as Alex Millar, weird

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 07:33:08 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 07:34:01 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

Edit: wow, someone(s) filled MyFarm's wall.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 07:36:30 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 07:37:28 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 07:38:49 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 07:42:38 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Why wouldn't it? The system would take the refused SPR and put it into a faucet giving it back to the people. Creating economical stimulation.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 07:47:04 PM
you are talking about something like an "Automated Escrow", right?

Make everyone pay into a pot first, so should they dare to steal, you just keep what they previously payed.

Yeah, that's the idea.

There's a 3500 SPR bounty if anyone is able to make this idea work.

That is quite low... IMHO..

So what you're saying is a potential workaround is really hard and costly to implement?

No not at all and that workaround is also not absolutely needed - but a good idea as some kind of extra insurance, I'm just saying that 3500 coins is quite low as a bounty.

Feel free to add to the bounty.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 07:52:38 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Why wouldn't it? The system would take the refused SPR and put it into a faucet giving it back to the people. Creating economical stimulation.

Why would a miner report having a HR that high if he's going to be penalized for it? If they go via shares, he'll just use multiple workers/logins.

It's also against free market principles, but that's rather unrelated.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 07:55:12 PM
What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Why wouldn't it? The system would take the refused SPR and put it into a faucet giving it back to the people. Creating economical stimulation.

Why would a miner report having a HR that high if he's going to be penalized for it? If they go via shares, he'll just use multiple workers/logins.

It's also against free market principles, but that's rather unrelated.

But that's the beauty. The WORST possible situation is that we see thousands and thousands of small pools popping up. This means extreme decentralization. Someone with 4 farming machines will have to point them in different directions.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 05, 2015, 07:55:25 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar.

So to mine on this hypothetical pool, I would need to send the pool a little collateral first?

Sounds like a scam, and would steer clear of such a pool.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 08:03:03 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar.

So to mine on this hypothetical pool, I would need to send the pool a little collateral first?

Sounds like a scam, and would steer clear of such a pool.

Also easy to sabotage. Join pool. Steal SPR. Lose collateral. Evens. Pool users annoyed. Repeat.

The pool would need to take a much larger than 1 block collateral from each miner to dissuade saboteurs.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:04:54 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar.

So to mine on this hypothetical pool, I would need to send the pool a little collateral first?

Sounds like a scam, and would steer clear of such a pool.

They would have to become established and trusted, similar to current coins' pools, just a little more trusted.

What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Why wouldn't it? The system would take the refused SPR and put it into a faucet giving it back to the people. Creating economical stimulation.

Why would a miner report having a HR that high if he's going to be penalized for it? If they go via shares, he'll just use multiple workers/logins.

It's also against free market principles, but that's rather unrelated.

But that's the beauty. The WORST possible situation is that we see thousands and thousands of small pools popping up. This means extreme decentralization. Someone with 4 farming machines will have to point them in different directions.

No it won't. All it will do is mask the problem.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:06:37 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar.

So to mine on this hypothetical pool, I would need to send the pool a little collateral first?

Sounds like a scam, and would steer clear of such a pool.

They would have to become established and trusted, similar to current coins' pools, just a little more trusted.

What if we considered a hashrate cap? Even if people organized themselves in pools they could only mine up to a certain point. Perhaps no more than 20 Mh/s per mining operation.

Please do tell how you would implement such a system?

If a miner is reporting a hashrate set above the maximum then there will be a refusal of payout.  They will effectively mine the block but will not receive the reward.

Even if someone had several machines mining to separate wallets it still creates the most decentralized coin in all of existence.

Such a system is trivially exploitable; it won't work.

Why wouldn't it? The system would take the refused SPR and put it into a faucet giving it back to the people. Creating economical stimulation.

Why would a miner report having a HR that high if he's going to be penalized for it? If they go via shares, he'll just use multiple workers/logins.

It's also against free market principles, but that's rather unrelated.

But that's the beauty. The WORST possible situation is that we see thousands and thousands of small pools popping up. This means extreme decentralization. Someone with 4 farming machines will have to point them in different directions.

No it won't. All it will do is mask the problem.

But how? The goal of SPR is to create the most decentralized currency in existence.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:07:27 PM
This solves the problem fairly elegantly I believe. It's still not the ease of running a "standard" pool, and there are additional considerations, like: how popular would a BTC pool be if you had to deposit 25 BTC to mine there (even considering that their wouldn't be any other pools where you didn't have to do this)? Edit2: this plays on the "(which isn't much)" above; what if it was a "lot"?

Edit: tacotime, why wouldn't you send the SPR equivalent of one block reward? BTC would be subject (I believe unnecessarily) to exchange rate volatility.

but more users will probably join a pool than only requires a tiny amount of BTC to join and the amount of risk losing SpreadCoins versus equivalent Bitcoins is probably pretty similar.

So to mine on this hypothetical pool, I would need to send the pool a little collateral first?

Sounds like a scam, and would steer clear of such a pool.

Also easy to sabotage. Join pool. Steal SPR. Lose collateral. Evens. Pool users annoyed. Repeat.

The pool would need to take a much larger than 1 block collateral from each miner to dissuade saboteurs.

I agree on sabotage being fairly easy, but take issue with "much". Only a small % more should be plenty to dissuade.

Pool users shouldn't be that annoyed; they aren't really affected. If collateral is any % larger than block reward, they should be happy, as they get more than they would've if he hadn't stolen.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:13:57 PM
But how? The goal of SPR is to create the most decentralized currency in existence.

Because it's not actually accomplishing anything. You can't force pools/miners to use particular addresses; they can use whatever they want. Therefore, you can't police maximum hashrates. All they have to do is switch some numbers around, and they're suddenly compliant.

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:15:58 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:17:37 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:20:19 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Edit: AND, wouldn't even work.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 08:23:05 PM
The collateral pool idea is not new:

Hey guys, would it be possible to create a pool like this;

Each miner mines to a separate address. The pool (and the miner obviously) knows the private key.
The pool has insurance of lets say, 15 spr in a separate address for each miner. The insurance needs to be paid by the miner before he starts mining.

The miner submits shares and once he finds a block he publishes it to the network.

If the miner steals coins from his address then he gets banned from the pool and the pools uses his insurance to pay the other miners.

Could this work? Or is it not possible because it isn't how mining works for spreadcoin?
The problem here is that if you will find a block and will not try to steal its reward pool can still claim that you are trying to steal it and use both your funds and block reward. For external observer it is not possible to distinguish between situations when you are trying to steal money and when pool operators are just lying about this. Even if pool is operated by some legally registered entity with non anonymous owners they can steal your money and you wouldn't be able to prove anything.

If you cannot find blocks consistently but are still mining that means that even one block's reward worth something for you.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:24:04 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:29:00 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:31:13 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

But i'm not entirely understanding why. Even if someone had their machines pointed at several different pools that still keeps pools small and numerous. We can never run into the 51% problem.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 05, 2015, 08:31:20 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.
Yeah. If this was implemented, then "so much for a decentralised coin" :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 08:32:01 PM
The collateral pool idea is not new:

Hey guys, would it be possible to create a pool like this;

Each miner mines to a separate address. The pool (and the miner obviously) knows the private key.
The pool has insurance of lets say, 15 spr in a separate address for each miner. The insurance needs to be paid by the miner before he starts mining.

The miner submits shares and once he finds a block he publishes it to the network.

If the miner steals coins from his address then he gets banned from the pool and the pools uses his insurance to pay the other miners.

Could this work? Or is it not possible because it isn't how mining works for spreadcoin?
The problem here is that if you will find a block and will not try to steal its reward pool can still claim that you are trying to steal it and use both your funds and block reward. For external observer it is not possible to distinguish between situations when you are trying to steal money and when pool operators are just lying about this. Even if pool is operated by some legally registered entity with non anonymous owners they can steal your money and you wouldn't be able to prove anything.

If you cannot find blocks consistently but are still mining that means that even one block's reward worth something for you.

I don't think his argument is valid, because
(1) The pool and other users know the pubkeyhashes that are mining.
(2) If the miner pubkeyhash finds a block and then refuses to give the funds back to the pool within say, 60 blocks, it's totally clear to everyone mining on the pool that this has happened aside from just the pool itself.
(3) Miners can mine to another pubkeyhash, but that's the exact same as solo mining.

The pool could steal from the users, but that's the same as with Bitcoin. It's more profitable for the pool to allow people to mine honestly and take a percent fee than it is to steal a generated block.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 05, 2015, 08:32:03 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

But i'm not entirely understanding why. Even if someone had their machines pointed at several different pools that still keeps pools small and numerous. We can never run into the 51% problem.
Then why don't they solo mine?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:33:01 PM
The collateral pool idea is not new:

Hey guys, would it be possible to create a pool like this;

Each miner mines to a separate address. The pool (and the miner obviously) knows the private key.
The pool has insurance of lets say, 15 spr in a separate address for each miner. The insurance needs to be paid by the miner before he starts mining.

The miner submits shares and once he finds a block he publishes it to the network.

If the miner steals coins from his address then he gets banned from the pool and the pools uses his insurance to pay the other miners.

Could this work? Or is it not possible because it isn't how mining works for spreadcoin?
The problem here is that if you will find a block and will not try to steal its reward pool can still claim that you are trying to steal it and use both your funds and block reward. For external observer it is not possible to distinguish between situations when you are trying to steal money and when pool operators are just lying about this. Even if pool is operated by some legally registered entity with non anonymous owners they can steal your money and you wouldn't be able to prove anything.

If you cannot find blocks consistently but are still mining that means that even one block's reward worth something for you.

I don't see this problem as very different from the "pool got hacked, all coins are gone; sorry guys" problem. That is, I don't think it'll stop pools from being set up and having people mining at them.

I think established pools reputation is meaningful enough that doing what's described above would result in the death of the pool. A few reports of the pool taking miners deposits and they'd be mining somewhere else.

Edit: and this:

I don't think his argument is valid, because
(1) The pool and other users know the pubkeyhashes that are mining.
(2) If the miner pubkeyhash finds a block and then refuses to give the funds back to the pool within say, 60 blocks, it's totally clear to everyone mining on the pool that this has happened aside from just the pool itself.
(3) Miners can mine to another pubkeyhash, but that's the exact same as solo mining.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:34:44 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

But i'm not entirely understanding why. Even if someone had their machines pointed at several different pools that still keeps pools small and numerous. We can never run into the 51% problem.
Then why don't they solo mine?


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 08:36:30 PM
I would love to see such a propsed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out.

I don't think multisig would work because I think that (a) coinbase needs to output to a single P2PKH output and (b) you'd have to have all members of the pools receive all blocks from each other and sign them before determining if they met difficulty, which would be super slow. You could maybe send the coinbases to a multisig account after, and have all the pool members sign off on payouts, but that seems overly complicated.

Can this even be automatized?
This all sounds we would need to trust someone to initiate all that, so this will just introduce a single point of failure again, which is what will prevent such pools from appearing in the first place.

I don't know why you would, seems to make it overly complicated when it doesn't need to be.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:36:55 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

But i'm not entirely understanding why. Even if someone had their machines pointed at several different pools that still keeps pools small and numerous. We can never run into the 51% problem.

Because a pool is not forced to use the same pubkeyhash for each block, and cannot be forced to do so. Therefore, a pool that is approaching whatever limit you set would just add a second pubkeyhash, effectively appearing as a second pool, and solving nothing.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 08:38:28 PM
I would love to see such a propsed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out.

I don't think multisig would work because I think that (a) coinbase needs to output to a single P2PKH output and (b) you'd have to have all members of the pools receive all blocks from each other and sign them before determining if they met difficulty, which would be super slow. You could maybe send the coinbases to a multisig account after, and have all the pool members sign off on payouts, but that seems overly complicated.

Can this even be automatized?
This all sounds we would need to trust someone to initiate all that, so this will just introduce a single point of failure again, which is what will prevent such pools from appearing in the first place.

I don't know why you would, seems to make it overly complicated when it doesn't need to be.

Unrelated, but is the gist of that paper that one would need to use ZKP so that pools could not know a "bad" miner is cheating, because they wouldn't know he solved the block in the first place?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 08:39:28 PM

The payout for finding a block would look at the reported hashrate during the time the block was mined.  If that hashrate exceeds the maximum the payout is refused.

Such a thing doesn't exist.

Not yet. If there was a third party service which held all of the payouts until the hashrate is determined that would solve large pools.

Wait, hold on. You're suggesting a centralized system to "solve" the problem of too much hashpower in too few hands?

Essentially yes. However, i'm not suggesting an escrow service or a website handle this.  What if something like the masternodes program handled it.

The problem remains that it's still effectively unenforceable.

But i'm not entirely understanding why. Even if someone had their machines pointed at several different pools that still keeps pools small and numerous. We can never run into the 51% problem.

Because a pool is not forced to use the same pubkeyhash for each block, and cannot be forced to do so. Therefore, a pool that is approaching whatever limit you set would just add a second pubkeyhash, effectively appearing as a second pool, and solving nothing.

Are you saying that a pool can appear as two pools while working on the same block?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 05, 2015, 08:40:15 PM
I would love to see such a propsed "escrow pool" that uses automated escrow by using multisignature on the SPR blockchain itself.
I wonder if this could work out.

I don't think multisig would work because I think that (a) coinbase needs to output to a single P2PKH output and (b) you'd have to have all members of the pools receive all blocks from each other and sign them before determining if they met difficulty, which would be super slow. You could maybe send the coinbases to a multisig account after, and have all the pool members sign off on payouts, but that seems overly complicated.

Can this even be automatized?
This all sounds we would need to trust someone to initiate all that, so this will just introduce a single point of failure again, which is what will prevent such pools from appearing in the first place.

I don't know why you would, seems to make it overly complicated when it doesn't need to be.

Unrelated, but is the gist of that paper that one would need to use ZKP so that pools could not know a "bad" miner is cheating, because they wouldn't know he solved the block in the first place?
No, each mining account would mine on a different private key.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: nonce-pool on February 05, 2015, 08:57:25 PM
How much is the bounty for creating a public pool now?

At least 3500.

Terms are,

Pool needs to be active for atleast 30days.

Anything i missed "myfarm"?

Edit, from the FAQ

Q.  Is it possible to create pools?
A.  If a pool is created, any miner can steal all of the blocks.  Theories have been put forth on ways to get around this such as coding in a collateral system, but none have been created.  There is currently a 3500 SPR bounty on the creation of a public pool that successfully runs with no stolen coins for 30 days.

Double that all up front and maybe I'll open it up to the public.  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 09:04:08 PM
Are you saying that a pool can appear as two pools while working on the same block?

Pools won't show up at all, it'll look like solo mining followed by a tx spending all the coinbase to the pool sometime later. The pool could choose to give totally random addresses for a miner to send funds to, making it impossible to see which pool it went to.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: elbandi on February 05, 2015, 09:10:03 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 05, 2015, 09:17:52 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Probably, yeah. Considering 100 SPR is only $6 USD and assuming that that majority of miners probably have a cheeseburger worth of funds to spare, it should be fine.

I mean, reward is like 6.66 SPR, *= 120 blocks (worst case, extremely unlikely) is ~800 SPR. But if you have enough to get 100% of the network's blocks, why would you be on a pool? More likely case is that a big miner gets maybe 20% of the network... That's a deposit of ~160 SPR to prevent a large loss.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 05, 2015, 09:22:49 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Probably, yeah. Considering 100 SPR is only $6 USD and assuming that that majority of miners probably have a cheeseburger worth of funds to spare, it should be fine.

I mean, reward is like 6.66 SPR, *= 120 blocks (worst case, extremely unlikely) is ~800 SPR. But if you have enough to get 100% of the network's blocks, why would you be on a pool? More likely case is that a big miner gets maybe 20% of the network... That's a deposit of ~160 SPR to prevent a large loss.
If new miners are having to buy 100+ SPR to mine SPR, I suspect that 100 SPR won't be $6.00 for long.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 05, 2015, 09:25:58 PM
Are you saying that a pool can appear as two pools while working on the same block?

Pools won't show up at all, it'll look like solo mining followed by a tx spending all the coinbase to the pool sometime later. The pool could choose to give totally random addresses for a miner to send funds to, making it impossible to see which pool it went to.

But couldn't a program tell the time it took to mine a block and compare it to the minimum time it should take? Only then it would payout.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 09:35:34 PM
Are you saying that a pool can appear as two pools while working on the same block?

Pools won't show up at all, it'll look like solo mining followed by a tx spending all the coinbase to the pool sometime later. The pool could choose to give totally random addresses for a miner to send funds to, making it impossible to see which pool it went to.

But couldn't a program tell the time it took to mine a block and compare it to the minimum time it should take? Only then it would payout.

No. Variance.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 05, 2015, 09:52:33 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Probably, yeah. Considering 100 SPR is only $6 USD and assuming that that majority of miners probably have a cheeseburger worth of funds to spare, it should be fine.

I mean, reward is like 6.66 SPR, *= 120 blocks (worst case, extremely unlikely) is ~800 SPR. But if you have enough to get 100% of the network's blocks, why would you be on a pool? More likely case is that a big miner gets maybe 20% of the network... That's a deposit of ~160 SPR to prevent a large loss.

Well we could increase the maturation time to 1440 or 2880 blocks. Would also dissuade opportunistic short term profiteers. ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 05, 2015, 09:55:52 PM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Probably, yeah. Considering 100 SPR is only $6 USD and assuming that that majority of miners probably have a cheeseburger worth of funds to spare, it should be fine.

I mean, reward is like 6.66 SPR, *= 120 blocks (worst case, extremely unlikely) is ~800 SPR. But if you have enough to get 100% of the network's blocks, why would you be on a pool? More likely case is that a big miner gets maybe 20% of the network... That's a deposit of ~160 SPR to prevent a large loss.

This does discourage pools though, particularly if a coin gets more valuable. One could also have the mature time be longer.

The pool could also stop accepting work when x number of blocks in the last 120 have been solved by the same miner (matching collateral), but that would suck from the miner perspective.

In the event a miner started stealing coins, it'd be kinda a funny battle between the miner and pool to get the spending TX in the 121st block before each other for all of the remaining blocks (you would assume the pool would ban the miner at the first block stolen).

Though it seems to me that the pool should be spending the TX in the first block it's allowed regardless, so the miner wouldn't have 100% chance of even stealing the first block (pool possibly has a better connection as well).

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 10:22:48 PM
I can't wait for Mr. Spread to finish the next testnet version.

I miss the good times we had in round 1.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 05, 2015, 10:35:51 PM

Is known what will be new in the next testnet version?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 05, 2015, 10:50:55 PM

Is known what will be new in the next testnet version?

Yes, most of it you can read here:

But it hasn't been updated, and some things have changed.

Best way is if you read the whole thread of the testnet version round 1:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 06, 2015, 01:06:24 AM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.

You need 120 confirmations before spending the money, so your guy can steal 120 private keys in this meantime. Sou you should have a deposito for at least 120 * 6.66 = 799.2 SPR

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 06, 2015, 01:16:15 AM
So, for a pool, I think what you would do is just have people send the BTC equivalent of one block's reward to the pool (which isn't much), then if the miner's steal the reward, the pool still retains their deposit so net miner gain is 0. You would have the miners themselves mine to their own pubkeyhashes, and you'd submit partial solutions to these blocks to the pool itself. When the miner gets a block, they would be given n many blocks to get the coinbase from their block to the pool to redistribute to the other miners. If they didn't return the reward to the pool, the pool would then just take their deposit and ban them.

So, I don't think there's a big issue with pooling, just a slightly more complicated implementation. There's a small associated cost with joining a pool, but it's not really much.
coinbase mature is 120 blocks, pool have to wait that time, before spend the block reward. a big miner can mine more blocks during this time, so every miner sould pay a bigger guarantee (60 spr for 10 blocks, 120spr for 20 block guarantee), do you think they will do this?

Probably, yeah. Considering 100 SPR is only $6 USD and assuming that that majority of miners probably have a cheeseburger worth of funds to spare, it should be fine.

I mean, reward is like 6.66 SPR, *= 120 blocks (worst case, extremely unlikely) is ~800 SPR. But if you have enough to get 100% of the network's blocks, why would you be on a pool? More likely case is that a big miner gets maybe 20% of the network... That's a deposit of ~160 SPR to prevent a large loss.

you have to account for variance. There is a non-zero probability (sorry, i missed that class so i can't say exactly how much) that the miner with 20% of the hashrate gets 120 blocks in a row. If that happens and he steals, then your collateral wont cover it.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 02:16:17 AM
you have to account for variance. There is a non-zero probability (sorry, i missed that class so i can't say exactly how much) that the miner with 20% of the hashrate gets 120 blocks in a row. If that happens and he steals, then your collateral wont cover it.

At 20% of the hashrate, I believe the likelihood of getting all 120 blocks in a row would be (1/5)^120, or not very likely.  Basically the math that makes 6 confirmations in the Bitcoin blockchain unlikely to be overwritten also makes it extremely unlikely that any single small pool miner will ever get 100% of the blocks after finding a block.

The probability that the 20% miner will get approximately 24 blocks in that time period is relatively high; but I mean, why pool if you have 20% of the network? Assuming most miners have <= 1% network hash rate, it's unlikely that any small miner could take advantage of this to the full extent.

And, okay, let's say worst case, someone does run off with a little money from the pool. The pool would then just raise fees to pay for the loss and set their deposit higher. This is more of a matter of actuarial science, but I think it's clear that the risks shouldn't be huge to running a pool.

And finally, to further reassure the pool that the money will get to them, the miner can create the tx paying the pool from their coinbase immediately after the block is mined. The tx will then get mined into a block in CoinbaseMaturity many blocks unless the miner either (a) mines a block with a competing transaction or (b) create a doublespend tx with a significantly large fee that can instead be incorporated at a further loss to themselves. (a) is very unlikely given a small hash rate, (b) is possible but causes further loss to the miner and causes him to be banned from the pool immediately upon the doublespend at height CoinbaseMaturity.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 02:22:43 AM
In the event a miner started stealing coins, it'd be kinda a funny battle between the miner and pool to get the spending TX in the 121st block before each other for all of the remaining blocks (you would assume the pool would ban the miner at the first block stolen).

The pool wouldn't have access to the funds, only the miner would. Well, unless you make the miner give his private key to the pool as well, but you don't even have to.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Youghoor on February 06, 2015, 03:33:04 AM
Cryptsy will add this coin as it has lot of support.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LiteMine on February 06, 2015, 04:16:25 AM
you have to account for variance. There is a non-zero probability (sorry, i missed that class so i can't say exactly how much) that the miner with 20% of the hashrate gets 120 blocks in a row. If that happens and he steals, then your collateral wont cover it.

At 20% of the hashrate, I believe the likelihood of getting all 120 blocks in a row would be (1/5)^120, or not very likely.  Basically the math that makes 6 confirmations in the Bitcoin blockchain unlikely to be overwritten also makes it extremely unlikely that any single small pool miner will ever get 100% of the blocks after finding a block.

The probability that the 20% miner will get approximately 24 blocks in that time period is relatively high; but I mean, why pool if you have 20% of the network? Assuming most miners have <= 1% network hash rate, it's unlikely that any small miner could take advantage of this to the full extent.

And, okay, let's say worst case, someone does run off with a little money from the pool. The pool would then just raise fees to pay for the loss and set their deposit higher. This is more of a matter of actuarial science, but I think it's clear that the risks shouldn't be huge to running a pool.

And finally, to further reassure the pool that the money will get to them, the miner can create the tx paying the pool from their coinbase immediately after the block is mined. The tx will then get mined into a block in CoinbaseMaturity many blocks unless the miner either (a) mines a block with a competing transaction or (b) create a doublespend tx with a significantly large fee that can instead be incorporated at a further loss to themselves. (a) is very unlikely given a small hash rate, (b) is possible but causes further loss to the miner and causes him to be banned from the pool immediately upon the doublespend at height CoinbaseMaturity.

First of all, lots of respect for you tacotime!

So roughly the method would be to have everyone send in their (solo) mined coins and then divide them up based on hashrate? And it sounds you would have a list of pubkeys to verify how much everyone mined.

But how would you know how much hash any given miner is supplying? Maybe some kind of custom software to monitor a miner's rigs? I'm somewhat ignorant on the specifics of pool mining and am just trying to wrap my head around this.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 05:09:25 AM
First of all, lots of respect for you tacotime!

So roughly the method would be to have everyone send in their (solo) mined coins and then divide them up based on hashrate? And it sounds you would have a list of pubkeys to verify how much everyone mined.

But how would you know how much hash any given miner is supplying? Maybe some kind of custom software to monitor a miner's rigs? I'm somewhat ignorant on the specifics of pool mining and am just trying to wrap my head around this.

Yes, and yes.

Have them submit their partial solutions, which are blocks that are below target and register that as a share. As mentioned before, you should be able to compress padded blocks that use the recursive padding described in the paper, then after they're piped to the pool decompress them. If you're using some kind of naive solution that doesn't compress blocks, you would use adaptive difficulty and set target share rate to something like one share every 5 minutes so your pool and miner bandwidth isn't crazy.

One neat thing about this is that it does let whichever miner who wins the block pick the transactions in the block, instead of the pool itself. However, miners may wish to keep bandwidth usage low, which would encourage as small of blocks as possible (in the event that someone is able to get padding compression working).

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 05:26:31 AM
For anyone wishing to do the share compression, look here in the source code:
    // Start with nonce, time and miner signature as these are values changed during mining.
    BlockData << (nNonce & ~NONCE_MASK); // ignore lowest 6 bits in nonce to allow enumeration of 64 hashes without recomputing whole block hash
    BlockData << nTime;
    BlockData << MinerSignature;
    BlockData << nVersion;
    BlockData << hashPrevBlock;
    BlockData << hashMerkleRoot;
    BlockData << nBits;
    BlockData << nHeight;
    // Skip hashWholeBlock because it is what we are computing right now.
    BlockData << vtx;

    while (BlockData.size() % 4 != 0)
        BlockData << uint8_t(7);

    // Fill rest of the buffer to ensure that there is no incentive to mine small blocks without transactions.
    uint32_t *pFillBegin = (uint32_t*)&BlockData[BlockData.size()];
    uint32_t *pFillEnd = (uint32_t*)&BlockData[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
    uint32_t *pFillFooter = std::max(pFillBegin, pFillEnd - 8);

    memcpy(pFillFooter, &hashPrevBlock, (pFillEnd - pFillFooter)*4);
    for (uint32_t *pI = pFillFooter; pI < pFillEnd; pI++)
        *pI |= 1;

    for (uint32_t *pI = pFillFooter - 1; pI >= pFillBegin; pI--)
        pI[0] = pI[3]*pI[7];


Nothing too crazy going on here from what I can tell, you start with the block header data/tx list and fill the block with crap going forward with *pI |= 1; (bitwise or operation), then iterate backwards through it multiplying with pI[0] = pI[3]*pI[7];.  You should be able to regenerate this all by simply starting from the initial header state and list of transactions.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tminer on February 06, 2015, 05:32:36 AM
It would be very interesting to see Mr.Spread's reply to these discussion going here. Can any one notify him to make a comment on this.

Title: Re: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 06, 2015, 05:43:51 AM
As an aside, his post ban is up in five days...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 06, 2015, 06:36:15 AM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 06, 2015, 06:55:19 AM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???

Theory.  Interesting thought experiment.  Prove fud wrong/right (which neutralizes the inane posts).

It's a great discussion and I have nothing to add to it in that context but I appreciate reading it.

It is a 'side note point' though...easy to set up MN's is a huge selling point and one that doesn't get enough play...though once testing is done we should here more about it...; )

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 06, 2015, 07:11:27 AM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???

Good point. Until now SPR is "no pool", if someone will make a public pool then perhaps SPR will find a way to avoid this.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 06, 2015, 07:40:24 AM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???
Good point. Until now SPR is "no pool", if someone will make a public pool then perhaps SPR will find a way to avoid this.
Precisely, there is no sign that SPR's decentralization is under threat yet. The world is moving forward everyday and there are so many more new things that can be implemented. It is best to leave "pool" issue as side note for the moment. Let Mr. Spread concentrate on implementing his version of MN and Instant Tx. Can't wait to participate in the next test.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 06, 2015, 11:53:29 AM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???
Good point. Until now SPR is "no pool", if someone will make a public pool then perhaps SPR will find a way to avoid this.
Precisely, there is no sign that SPR's decentralization is under threat yet. The world is moving forward everyday and there are so many more new things that can be implemented. It is best to leave "pool" issue as side note for the moment. Let Mr. Spread concentrate on implementing his version of MN and Instant Tx. Can't wait to participate in the next test.

Well, i still think that no pools is much more important than masternodes, and that we need to think in advance in order to protect this feature, so trying to break it will tell us its weaknesses and allow us to improve on it and make it less likely to be broken. Constantly discussing it and thinking of ways someone might use to circumvent it and fixing it in advance (or at least having the solution figured out before the circumvention really happens, so it can be implemented and deployed quickly) is the best way to keep it secure.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 12:02:46 PM
Started the first  round of the tweet @Cryptsy to add spreadcoin to their exchange on twitter with my followers. I Will be personally messaging my followers to tweet them all week until there mentions are filled with nothing but Spreadcoin. haha Working to get us added to One exchange at a time. If you have a twitter account. Tweet @Cryptsy to add #Spreadcoin join the fun. Also follow me

Nice job!

I sent you a tip.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 06, 2015, 12:31:34 PM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???
Good point. Until now SPR is "no pool", if someone will make a public pool then perhaps SPR will find a way to avoid this.
Precisely, there is no sign that SPR's decentralization is under threat yet. The world is moving forward everyday and there are so many more new things that can be implemented. It is best to leave "pool" issue as side note for the moment. Let Mr. Spread concentrate on implementing his version of MN and Instant Tx. Can't wait to participate in the next test.

Well, i still think that no pools is much more important than masternodes, and that we need to think in advance in order to protect this feature, so trying to break it will tell us its weaknesses and allow us to improve on it and make it less likely to be broken. Constantly discussing it and thinking of ways someone might use to circumvent it and fixing it in advance (or at least having the solution figured out before the circumvention really happens, so it can be implemented and deployed quickly) is the best way to keep it secure.

Exactly - you have to learn how to make it, break it, and put it all back together - then move forward.  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 06, 2015, 12:44:41 PM
Exactly - you have to learn how to make it, break it, and put it all back together - then move forward.  ;D

Yes, true science is all based around trying to falsify and break your own theory and hypothesis. If it withstands this, it must be working.

I welcome this.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LeongTap on February 06, 2015, 12:47:42 PM
I really apologize for my actions yesterday or was it the day before ? (it was embarrassingly stupid when i think and look back at it, my lame excuse for it was that i was having a really really REALLY bad day).

Anyhow i'm just posting here to say that i haven't forgotten about my contribution (of 500 SPR) to the bounty if public pools appear. And i will continue to support spread to the end. Like i said, we are in this for the long term.

Its nice too see the discussion returning to a more informative and formal one, and not like MMORPG Flame wars (that i have retired from since long ago).

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 06, 2015, 12:52:29 PM
I really apologize for my actions yesterday or was it the day before ? (it was embarrassingly stupid when i think and look back at it, my lame excuse for it was that i was having a really really REALLY bad day).

Anyhow i'm just posting here to say that i haven't forgotten about my contribution (of 500 SPR) to the bounty if public pools appear. And i will continue to support spread to the end. Like i said, we are in this for the long term.

Its nice too see the discussion returning to a more informative and formal one, and not like MMORPG Flame wars (that i have retired from since long ago).

You have done nothing you need to apologize for.
Contrary to all the trolls who created all the chaos and damage.

How come the innocent always want to apologize, but the guilty ones don't give a shit?  ::)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 06, 2015, 01:03:23 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 06, 2015, 01:23:05 PM
Please forgive for being the last to catch on...

But if we all appreciate the fact that the "no pools" aspect has served this coin well so far with decentralized mining and expulsion rate, can someone please tell me why we would bother trying to figure out how to pool mine it?  ???
Good point. Until now SPR is "no pool", if someone will make a public pool then perhaps SPR will find a way to avoid this.
Precisely, there is no sign that SPR's decentralization is under threat yet. The world is moving forward everyday and there are so many more new things that can be implemented. It is best to leave "pool" issue as side note for the moment. Let Mr. Spread concentrate on implementing his version of MN and Instant Tx. Can't wait to participate in the next test.

Well, i still think that no pools is much more important than masternodes, and that we need to think in advance in order to protect this feature, so trying to break it will tell us its weaknesses and allow us to improve on it and make it less likely to be broken. Constantly discussing it and thinking of ways someone might use to circumvent it and fixing it in advance (or at least having the solution figured out before the circumvention really happens, so it can be implemented and deployed quickly) is the best way to keep it secure.

Exactly - you have to learn how to make it, break it, and put it all back together - then move forward.  ;D

Thanks. Was kinda thinking along those lines. Just dont want to get too distracted from other things like the MN's, IX, and other things that can help utility and adoption. S'all good!  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 06, 2015, 03:23:12 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: girino on February 06, 2015, 05:29:39 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

Well, if someone actually makes it, and it works, he will profit from the pools fees, or whatever the means he chooses to make his profit. So that's not only the 1 BTC he will be after.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 05:51:25 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

3500 SPR has nothing to do with 1 BTC.

Please don't confuse those two.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 06, 2015, 06:01:48 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

3500 SPR has nothing to do with 1 BTC.

Please don't confuse those two.

That's nonsense. It's almost exactly 1 BTC worth presently. They are interchangeable.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 06:22:38 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

3500 SPR has nothing to do with 1 BTC.

Please don't confuse those two.

That's nonsense. It's almost exactly 1 BTC worth presently. They are interchangeable.

But then, who is doing the cheap talk here?
You just assume that you are going to make the pool work today, and get the money immediately?
Is that the reason you take the current BTC/SPR rate?  ::)

Show results first, and then you can claim the bounty and its conversion rate!

Might take a few weeks or months, right?
That's why we express the bounty in SPR, because 3500 SPR will still be 3500 SPR no matter if someone succeeds today or in 6 months, IF EVER!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: imnyam on February 06, 2015, 06:24:06 PM
I can make android wallet for SpreadCoin. Need?
If yes, have any bounties for this?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 06, 2015, 06:25:18 PM
I can make android wallet for SpreadCoin. Need?
If yes, have any bounties for this?
elbandi is already working on it.

Besides an android wallet, would you be interested in creating something different for Spreadcoin?  If so, what would you enjoy doing?  I may be willing to pay a bounty.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 06:26:21 PM
I can make android wallet for SpreadCoin. Need?
If yes, have any bounties for this?

Please visit and post your offer in the subforum "Project Development"

We are in need of all kinds of developers.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 06, 2015, 06:43:14 PM
MrSpreads latest messages from

Quote from: MrSpread
Recently a new idea about how to make pools was suggested, I think it was already discussed sometime before. The idea is that each miner will send collateral equal to the block reward to the pool. Miners then submit shares to the pool as usual, if any miner tries to steal the block reward then pool would use collateral of this miner to pay to other miners and cheating miner will gain nothing.

Miners cannot steal coins in this scheme but can pool do this? Obviously pool has collected many collaterals and can just take them all and run away. But what if pool is operated by some publicly known persons, legally registered as an organization in, say, US, would pool operators be able to safely steal your coins without any risk to themselves? The answer is yes and here is how it can be done:
1. Pool operators would spend the block reward and anonymize it. If anonymous transactions are implemented by this time then this can be done directly using SpreadCoin, otherwise they will exchange it to something like Monero and anonymize it there.
2. After that pool operators would claim that miner has stolen the block reward and redistribute miner's collateral to other miners.
3. Nor miner nor pool operators can prove to anyone that they didn't stole the money. External observers will only see that block reward was not redistributed to other miners as usual but they cannot know who has actually stolen it - pool or miner.

This means that pool can safely steal money while miners can falsely accuse pool of stealing their money and such claims cannot be confirmed nor disproved by anyone.

This scheme assumes that block reward is cheap so that it is not a problem for miner to obtain this amount. This claim is somethat of dubious.

If you can find blocks consistently then you don't need pool and associated risk of stealing your collateral. If you cannot find blocks consistently then collateral is probably exceeding the amount you will ever mine or is close to it, if you can easily just buy such amount why would you bother with mining?

If SpreadCoin price is low then there are less people mining it and solo-mining even for small miners is possible and they don't need pools. Currently even with one GPU you can find 1 block in 1-2 days, with small mining farm you will be able to find blocks regularly. If price is high then collateral is also expensive.

The other aspect is that requirement for such collaterals if massively adopted would move the price up, this would make this collateral not so cheap.

Quote from: MrSpread
Quote from: georgem
But what if the pool doesn't have 100% control over the collateral, but the money is on some kind of multisig address?

Something like an "automated escrow" as described in this video:

No party can just run away with the money this way. They both have to fullfill their contract so that the collateral goes back to them.

This means, that not only does every miner need to deposit a collateral, but the pool ALSO needs to pay a collateral.
The pool will probably even need to match every collateral that every single miner has payed.

Let's assume 100 miners in 1 pool.
Every miner has to pay a collateral of X, so all miners in sum will pay 100 X.
So the pool needs to balance that and add another 100 X.

Now all the miners and the pool are equally invested and will both have to lose the same amount when they play foul.
Why we do not want pools in the first place? Because they put too many control in a too few hands. If they are cooperating (or were hacked, or one pool controls more than 50%) they can e.g. perform double-spending attack. If you you will design some system where miners should monitor pools for not misbehaving then it would not be bad at all, it may be even good, we will get both protection from possibly malicious pools and consistent payments for miners.

I still don't see how what you described will work.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: imnyam on February 06, 2015, 07:02:19 PM
I can make android wallet for SpreadCoin. Need?
If yes, have any bounties for this?
elbandi is already working on it.

Besides an android wallet, would you be interested in creating something different for Spreadcoin?  If so, what would you enjoy doing?  I may be willing to pay a bounty.

I can make iOS, Blackberry, WP and web wallet.
If you have any ideas I can take for their implementation.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 07:15:09 PM
"Pool using Collateral" discussion at started by Mr. Spread himself.

Please join, and you can discuss with Mr. Spread directly.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 07:18:19 PM
MrSpreads latest messages from

I'm not sure MrSpread's argument makes economic sense... Coinbase or BTC-e could also steal all their clients coins at any time, and have way more coins than a single pool ever will. However, pools are a business with real revenue and profit, which is lost in the event of theft for a small tangible reward. Certainly exchanges do run off with coins, but it seems like much fewer coins will ever exist on the pool, disincentivizing the pool from stealing the deposits. As has already been mentioned, all deposits can also be stuck in multisigs with a trusted third party (e.g. 2-of-3 multisig escrow), so that in the event that either the pool or the miner wants to try to steal the deposit, they can not.

At this point I think there is no reason that I can see that a pool cannot be made, the difference with Bitcoin, etc is that such a pool would be bonded mining as opposed to there being no fee for entry in BTC.

I think the issue more right now is that the value of making a pool simply isn't there. It cost almost $20k USD in bounties to get a pool running for CryptoNote coins when we did so with Monero, alongside the possibility of making fees from miners.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 07:22:00 PM
MrSpreads latest messages from

I'm not sure MrSpread's argument makes economic sense... Coinbase or BTC-e could also steal all their clients coins at any time, and have way more coins than a single pool ever will. However, pools are a business with real revenue and profit, which is lost in the event of theft for a small tangible reward. Certainly exchanges do run off with coins, but it seems like much fewer coins will ever exist on the pool, disincentivizing the pool from stealing the deposits. As has already been mentioned, all deposits can also be stuck in 2-of-2 multisigs with the pool owner and the miner, so that in the event that either the pool or the miner wants to try to steal the deposit, they can not.

At this point I think there is no reason that I can see that a pool cannot be made, the difference with Bitcoin, etc is that such a pool would be bonded mining as opposed to there being no fee for entry in BTC.

But Coinbase and BTC-e are not pools, they are exchanges/onlinewallets. That's awholenother beast.

A pool can only steal as much as it takes a miner to realize there's something wrong. So if a miner checks the statistics even just once a day, the damage a stealing pool can do is very limited in size. And the damage of reputation a pool might have from this is much higher than the actual profit that stealing might bring them.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: tacotime on February 06, 2015, 07:27:37 PM
But Coinbase and BTC-e are not pools, they are exchanges/onlinewallets. That's awholenother beast.

A pool can only steal as much as it takes a miner to realize there's something wrong. So if a miner checks the statistics even just once a day, the damage is very limited in size. And the damage of reputation a pool might have from this is much higher than the actual profit that stealing might bring.

(Sorry, should have been 2-of-3 multisig, corrected it)

And the pool cannot steal anything if you're in a 2-of-3 escrow with say, the mediator being a trusted third party (reputable person on this forum, whatever).

So... yeah. I don't think that currently the software is 100% "pool impossible" or anything, it's more "bonded pool mining amenable, with increased incentives for solo mining".

The bigger issue will come when someone decides to multipool SpreadCoin, I'd guess... so you'd mine for a bit on their server for free to generate your initial bond (mining whatever currency is currently profitable), then that bond enables you to mine SpreadCoins but the payout is in BTC. Miners tend to be bottom feeders and will mine whatever is consistently bringing in cash, if the automated multipool is set up correctly I believe you can amortize the risk enough to remain profitable. But for the moment this is a lot of effort.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 07:29:04 PM
I think the issue more right now is that the value of making a pool simply isn't there. It cost almost $20k USD in bounties to get a pool running for CryptoNote coins when we did so with Monero, alongside the possibility of making fees from miners.

That's our conclusion too.

Is it theoretically possible? Yes.

Is it feasible? Not really, because who in his right mind would be ok with those uneconomic incentives.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 06, 2015, 08:10:00 PM
I can make android wallet for SpreadCoin. Need?
If yes, have any bounties for this?
elbandi is already working on it.

Besides an android wallet, would you be interested in creating something different for Spreadcoin?  If so, what would you enjoy doing?  I may be willing to pay a bounty.

I can make iOS, Blackberry, WP and web wallet.
If you have any ideas I can take for their implementation.

Something like this: ?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 06, 2015, 08:12:45 PM
There is a bounty of 3500SPR to break the no pool. Whoever has solid idea of how it can be done should try it out. Is a cycle that things are being built, being broken and then being built again. The MN codes that Mr. Spread is building is from scratch and not clone. Let him focus on that and someone else can try to break the no pool.

Well, I mean, ~1 BTC isn't much motivation for someone to actually go out and make a pool; talk, however, is cheap.

3500 SPR has nothing to do with 1 BTC.

Please don't confuse those two.

That's nonsense. It's almost exactly 1 BTC worth presently. They are interchangeable.

But then, who is doing the cheap talk here?
You just assume that you are going to make the pool work today, and get the money immediately?
Is that the reason you take the current BTC/SPR rate?  ::)

Show results first, and then you can claim the bounty and its conversion rate!

Might take a few weeks or months, right?
That's why we express the bounty in SPR, because 3500 SPR will still be 3500 SPR no matter if someone succeeds today or in 6 months, IF EVER!

And 1 BTC will still be 1 BTC today or in 6 months. I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Why would someone be motivated more (compared to value today) by expected future value of a bounty if his actions necessary to obtain that bounty are likely to reduce the value proposition of the deliverable for the bounty?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 08:20:26 PM
Why would someone be motivated more (compared to value today) by expected future value of a bounty if his actions necessary to obtain that bounty are likely to reduce the value proposition of the deliverable for the bounty?

I understand that this is your assumption.
But my assumption is the exact opposit.
A workable escrow pool with collateral that can run profitable for 30 days is not going to happen. It will be horribly expensive, dangerous and will not be profitable.

And if YOU want to disprove that, it should be YOU who has to pay for this experiment.

The bounty is just a little present, we are not going to pay you for your expenses, if that is what you would like!  ;D

In the contrary, your expenses are what will cause you to give up such an experiment, and we are firmly counting on that.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: luigi1111 on February 06, 2015, 09:01:06 PM
Why would someone be motivated more (compared to value today) by expected future value of a bounty if his actions necessary to obtain that bounty are likely to reduce the value proposition of the deliverable for the bounty?

I understand that this is your assumption.
But my assumption is the exact opposit.
A workable escrow pool with collateral that can run profitable for 30 days is not going to happen. It will be horribly expensive, dangerous and will not be profitable.

And if YOU want to disprove that, it should be YOU who has to pay for this experiment.

The bounty is just a little present, we are not going to pay you for your expenses, if that is what you would like!  ;D

In the contrary, your expenses are what will cause you to give up such an experiment, and we are firmly counting on that.

"I" don't want to set up a pool. I'm interested in the discussion of whether it is possible/feasible/economical.

You make it sound like I or someone else has this desire to make a pool to "kill" the coin. I don't believe that is the case, at least right now.

As far as I know, the point of the bounty is to provide incentive for someone to at least attempt to break the antipool measures set up on the belief that putting the coin "through the fire" is better for its long term health.

My point is only that there is very little incentive to (attempt to) implement a pool. That doesn't mean someone won't try anyway though.

The discussion remains interesting regardless.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 09:25:45 PM
My point is only that there is very little incentive to (attempt to) implement a pool. That doesn't mean someone won't try anyway though.

The discussion remains interesting regardless.

Yes, the discussion is highly entertaining and fruitful.

And if there is very little incentive to implement a pool, then spreadcoin wins by default.  ;)
Because that's what we want to prove, that it is so uneconomical and complex to try and setup such an experimental pool, that you will have a very hard time to even find someone who is willing to do that.
(after a short effort estimation they will all say: "Not worth it")

That's the whole point: we are not going to artificially create a beneficial incentive for this experiment by offering a very high bounty. Why should we?

That would be like doing a kickstarter to collect 1 Billion $ for the FED so they can try and do a successful double spend on bitcoin.

The free market says it's unfeasible!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 06, 2015, 09:42:45 PM
My point is only that there is very little incentive to (attempt to) implement a pool. That doesn't mean someone won't try anyway though.

The discussion remains interesting regardless.

Yes, the discussion is highly entertaining and fruitful.

And if there is very little incentive to implement a pool, then spreadcoin wins by default.  ;)
Because that's what we want to prove, that it is so uneconomical and complex to try and setup such an experimental pool, that you will have a very hard time to even find someone who is willing to do that.
(after a short effort estimation they will all say: "Not worth it")

That's the whole point: we are not going to artificially create a beneficial incentive for this experiment by offering a very high bounty. Why should we?

That would be like doing a kickstarter to collect 1 Billion $ for the FED so they can try and do a successful double spend on bitcoin.

The free market says it's unfeasible!

If HunterMinerCrafter (see his posts) was here, i'm sure he'd create a pool. But he disappeared 3 months ago.
I've always wondered if he was Satoshi. Maybe he was.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 06, 2015, 09:47:48 PM
If HunterMinerCrafter (see his posts) was here, i'm sure he'd create a pool. But he disappeared 3 months ago.
I've always wondered if he was Satoshi. Maybe he was.

It is reassuring that only the disappeared crazies with supposed satoshi level would try to create a pool.  ;D
It somehow proves my point.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: ol92 on February 06, 2015, 11:35:29 PM
If you guys can post what GPU cards you have along with the hashrates you get when mining SPR in this thread over on that'd be great. :-)
With my R9 290X I had about 2.5mh/s : about one block per day before diff arose above 50
With a GTX 970 : stock : about 3.6mh/s, with overclock gpu@1500 : 4mh/s.: about one block per day : probably a little more
With 2 GTX 970 @1450mhz : 3.9mh/s X2= 7.8 mh/s : just beginning.

With an amd card, you need to take care of the version of the drivers : some miner works best with 13.12, others 14.6 and some 14.9 or 14.12 : painfull!!! (for instance claymore miner for monero does not work with 14.12 version!)
with nvidia : last drivers seems to works best most of the time for mining : almost too easy!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 06, 2015, 11:39:50 PM
If HunterMinerCrafter (see his posts) was here, i'm sure he'd create a pool. But he disappeared 3 months ago.
I've always wondered if he was Satoshi. Maybe he was.

It is reassuring that only the disappeared crazies with supposed satoshi level would try to create a pool.  ;D
It somehow proves my point.
He was trying to prove spreadcoin wrong with the "no pools" but he said he'd need to wait until some technology is invented for it to work. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 12:05:25 AM
If HunterMinerCrafter (see his posts) was here, i'm sure he'd create a pool. But he disappeared 3 months ago.
I've always wondered if he was Satoshi. Maybe he was.

It is reassuring that only the disappeared crazies with supposed satoshi level would try to create a pool.  ;D
It somehow proves my point.
He was trying to prove spreadcoin wrong with the "no pools" but he said he'd need to wait until some technology is invented for it to work. :)

Ah now I see... that's the reason he disappeared... he is on a quest to find some alien artefacts in some desert.  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 12:15:42 AM
If you guys can post what GPU cards you have along with the hashrates you get when mining SPR in this thread over on that'd be great. :-)

R9-290 2.2Mhs @ 967/1250 powertune -15, (power saving, about 200 watts per card)
R9-290 2.36Mhs @ 1000/1375 powertune +20 (maxed, about 250 watts per card)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LeongTap on February 07, 2015, 02:41:01 AM
I posted this at , but to me it was just so important, that i'd have to repost it here, so here it is:

Hi guys, just throwing all my thoughts out there, i don't know about the majority of others, but i got into crytocurrency because i was a hardware enthusiast, i means theres got to be other ways to use that powerful pc you just bought other than surfing the web and play games right ? =)

I frequent sites like:

i notice that while they don't normally post much about cryptocurrency, they do from time to time post little bits of it, thats IMHO is the mainway to push cryptocurrency mainstream. There are more hardware enthusiast than they are miners.

The hardest thing to attract people are the requirement to do command line entrys which greatly scares most beginners, even if they have like $2000.00 machines, they know nothing about IT. But with Spreadcoin, the miner is integrated into the wallet !!!!!

Can we like push THIS MAJOR SELLING POINT to reviewers and to spread the news about our awesome coin ?

Built in Miner, don't need to disable your antivirus, no scrary black and white command lines and .bat stuffs, and anything etc. just download x32 or x64 and bam, your a cryto miner, spread miner ~

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 03:22:17 AM
I posted this at , but to me it was just so important, that i'd have to repost it here, so here it is:

Hi guys, just throwing all my thoughts out there, i don't know about the majority of others, but i got into crytocurrency because i was a hardware enthusiast, i means theres got to be other ways to use that powerful pc you just bought other than surfing the web and play games right ? =)

I frequent sites like:

i notice that while they don't normally post much about cryptocurrency, they do from time to time post little bits of it, thats IMHO is the mainway to push cryptocurrency mainstream. There are more hardware enthusiast than they are miners.

The hardest thing to attract people are the requirement to do command line entrys which greatly scares most beginners, even if they have like $2000.00 machines, they know nothing about IT. But with Spreadcoin, the miner is integrated into the wallet !!!!!

Can we like push THIS MAJOR SELLING POINT to reviewers and to spread the news about our awesome coin ?

Built in Miner, don't need to disable your antivirus, no scrary black and white command lines and .bat stuffs, and anything etc. just download x32 or x64 and bam, your a cryto miner, spread miner ~

That is a pretty good idea LeongTap

But unless there can be a LOT of optimization of the CPU miner, I don't think you will be able to keep their interest for long simply because the difficulty in a "running" coin is such that I think the blocks would be too few and far between.

But I think taking your idea to an extreme that I believe would be successful by giving them something to play with (IE; testing and benchmarking their hot GPU's), generate enough profit to keep their attention, and "spread" the word because of it's "coolness" factor with the techies on those hardware sites... Would be to build a GPU mining interface into the wallet.

Don't get me wrong, the in wallet CPU miner IS cool in and of itself, but my 8 core CPU only does about 160khs..

But If I was to have a slick GPU miner in that wallet that could light a fire under the 2 new smoking hot AMD or Nvidia crossfire cards in my "gaming rig"... That would be a wallet I'd be interested in installing because I could mine some change when I wasn't gaming, AND get benchmark and tweaking incentives that I could share and compare with my friends.

Wonder how hard something like that would be to implement?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: minerpage on February 07, 2015, 03:39:46 AM
But If I was to have a slick GPU miner in that wallet that could light a fire under the 2 new smoking hot AMD or Nvidia crossfire cards in my "gaming rig"... That would be a wallet I'd be interested in installing because I could mine some change when I wasn't gaming, AND get benchmark and tweaking incentives that I could share and compare with my friends.

I'd want something like that... easy 8)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 03:44:34 AM
But If I was to have a slick GPU miner in that wallet that could light a fire under the 2 new smoking hot AMD or Nvidia crossfire cards in my "gaming rig"... That would be a wallet I'd be interested in installing because I could mine some change when I wasn't gaming, AND get benchmark and tweaking incentives that I could share and compare with my friends.

I'd want something like that... easy 8)

Wouldn't that be sweet? :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: larsson on February 07, 2015, 05:03:00 AM
I guess I should just go ahead and invest a few BTC in this...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 07, 2015, 05:31:31 AM
I guess I should just go ahead and invest a few BTC in this...
I suspect you'll be happy you did.

Welcome to Spreadcoin :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mistercashking on February 07, 2015, 09:15:27 AM has opened up votes for altcoins and has added Spreadcoin to the voting list. Everyone please vote as this is another way we can all spend and use Spreadcoin. I have personally used directbet alot of times and they have paid out everytime. When instant transactions are implemented into spreadcoin, bets could be placed super fast.  Feel free to test out the site as well.

Go vote for spreadcoin here:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LitcoinCollector on February 07, 2015, 09:19:02 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: ivcelmik on February 07, 2015, 09:25:01 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LiteMine on February 07, 2015, 09:26:04 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 07, 2015, 09:26:36 AM

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LeongTap on February 07, 2015, 09:38:53 AM
I can't vote ? Do i need more posts to be able to see the vote button or sth ?  ???

Anyways, i just noticed something...

WE ARE NOT ON WIKIPEDIA ! YET ! Bitcoin / Litecoin / Darkcoin are there, so are other major coins theres, even POTcoin is there . Its time to get started and list it there. I mentioned in IRC before to others, but i'm just a guy from the construction industry so my IT knowledge is very very limited, but i really do suggest that someone more knowledgeable write up a spreadcoin article there, because basically nowadays everyone google-fu for somethings first, then wikipedia it the next when the information offered isn't enough, else wikipedia links would also be at the first page of that google search, next thing they'd youtube it.

So since we have people working on the video, who is up to do some simple tech writing ?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 10:45:26 AM
I can't vote ? Do i need more posts to be able to see the vote button or sth ?  ???

Anyways, i just noticed something...

WE ARE NOT ON WIKIPEDIA ! YET ! Bitcoin / Litecoin / Darkcoin are there, so are other major coins theres, even POTcoin is there . Its time to get started and list it there. I mentioned in IRC before to others, but i'm just a guy from the construction industry so my IT knowledge is very very limited, but i really do suggest that someone more knowledgeable write up a spreadcoin article there, because basically nowadays everyone google-fu for somethings first, then wikipedia it the next when the information offered isn't enough, else wikipedia links would also be at the first page of that google search, next thing they'd youtube it.

So since we have people working on the video, who is up to do some simple tech writing ?

Another good one!  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 10:45:49 AM
I'm going to invest heavily into this coin. Easily $10 per SPR in the next 6 months.

The longer we progress, the more I like it. I realize the price is still pretty volatile as it should be for a coin at this stage in development, but some very interesting and attractive attributes have shaken out of this project thus far.

I was attracted to, and began to mine this coin because it was developed from the DRK base which I respect, and I felt there would be value in the decentralization from the "no-pools" implementation. But as we progress, I am seeing things I hadn't even considered before, and I am liking the way this is shaking out more and more. Unless something changes, it seems these new ideas and operational implementations make this and future coins built on the same base a GPU miners dream.  

#1. No ASIC or FPGA capability as of yet. GPU miners don't have to compete with those guys.

#2. Limited CPU competition. a) CPU's currently mine slower than GPU's. b) Most consumers operate from 1 to 3 PC's (or laptops) with a single CPU each and maybe a GPU or two, rather than multi-GPU rigs purpose built for mining c) Since the only available CPU miner is included in the wallet, and according to this post from ocminer (;topicseen#msg10303473), there are apparently some limiting restrictions to VPS operators (and their industrial CPU's) that would normally be able run minerd, but are instead forced to install and run the wallet miner.

#3. No Botnets to deal with and limited competition from other, not so fair "free electricity/hardware" operators, as mentioned by girino...
botnets, VPS operators that steal processing power, sysdamins of several hundreds of machines that want to use their spare CPU time to mine, etc.
Another benefit of having the only available CPU miner included in the wallet.

#4. No Nicehash/MiningRigRental/LeaseRig support. Don't get me wrong, I love these services too if I am leasing my rigs to them for straight BTC payout, or if I am just trying to lease as much hash as I can afford alongside what I already have in order to mine something as fast as possible, difficulty be damned... But when trying to mine a specific coin long term (as I have been with SPR), it's been nice for a change, not having to compete against those services and their usual ability to employ the automated multi-algo profit switching support in sgminer 5 to focus so much available hash so quickly on whatever happens to be the "coin of the day" and pushing the difficulty higher than smaller GPU operators can contend with on their own. Yes, all GPU operators "could" in theory, manually focus all their hash at a given coin, and very well might over a 24 hour period. But I am sure the manual prospects of doing so (if only because of the timezone/day-night sleep cycle) would be much more gradual and less concentrated than the effects of a bunch of lease customers jumping on an algorithm, forcing its lease profitability up and triggering more automated machines from all over the world to switch over and be available to that algo, for lease to more customers jumping on the bandwagon... ad nauseum. Acting much like a sort of huge worldwide GPU and ASIC botnet, except being controlled by legitimate lease orders and automated profit switching rather than a botnet maestro.

Numbers 1-3 are extremely attractive to me as a small CPU/GPU operator, and the benefits from #4 seem to far out weigh the loss of not being able to lease more hash or in Ron Popeil "set it and forget it" mining. ;) All in all, a lot of definite positives for the CPU and GPU crowd. If it catches on, could there possibly be a GPU revival? One can only hope! ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: zmija on February 07, 2015, 12:01:29 PM
voted :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 12:10:12 PM
Wow - did anyone notice the hash rate drop below 3gh?  I woke up this morning to a hell of a lot more SPR...   ;D  I love those little SPRs

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 12:10:44 PM

Feel free to like and share on facebook with friends.


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 12:12:28 PM
Wow - did anyone notice the hash rate drop below 3gh?  I woke up this morning to a hell of a lot more SPR...   ;D  I love those little SPRs

Yeah, noticed that too. Maybe the FUD got in the head of some big mining farmer. Or he found another coin to rape.
Well, anyway.... this is a good time to enter the solo-mining-business.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 12:19:57 PM
Wow - did anyone notice the hash rate drop below 3gh?  I woke up this morning to a hell of a lot more SPR...   ;D  I love those little SPRs

Yeah, noticed that too. Maybe the FUD got in the head of some big mining farmer. Or he found another coin to rape.
Well, anyway.... this is a good time to enter the solo-mining-business.  :)

LOL - agreed - my miners have not shut down in like 6 months so I just like the bonus of the lower hash rate.  I will take it as long as I can get it...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 12:20:45 PM
I can't vote ? Do i need more posts to be able to see the vote button or sth ?  ???

Anyways, i just noticed something...

WE ARE NOT ON WIKIPEDIA ! YET ! Bitcoin / Litecoin / Darkcoin are there, so are other major coins theres, even POTcoin is there . Its time to get started and list it there. I mentioned in IRC before to others, but i'm just a guy from the construction industry so my IT knowledge is very very limited, but i really do suggest that someone more knowledgeable write up a spreadcoin article there, because basically nowadays everyone google-fu for somethings first, then wikipedia it the next when the information offered isn't enough, else wikipedia links would also be at the first page of that google search, next thing they'd youtube it.

So since we have people working on the video, who is up to do some simple tech writing ?

Wikipedia has a guideline called the genereal notability guideline:

Over the past two years I have seen many altcoins starting a wikipedia site only to have it deleted a few weeks/months later.

Or look at darkcoin, they still have the general notability warning on their wiki site, threatening a deletion at some point in the future:

OTOH, Mazacoin has reached all the notability it needs:
I guess that's because of the Max Keiser ( and Mashable ( interviews etc... that can be considered big press I guess...

I guess this is not the right time to create a spreadcoin wikipedia site yet. We need to first be more spread out over the internet:
More press, more blogs, more discussion, more services, more interviews... and then we will have all the necessary notability.
Spreadcoin is also very much "work in progress" and "under construction", so better wait until we have a finished product

Don't get me wrong, I think spreadcoin is very notable as it is, but I am sure that wikipedia will not agree.
But still: if someone wants to start a wikipedia site, I say go for it, we might keep it alive like darkcoin does.  :)
But it'll be a gamble.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 12:29:18 PM
But If I was to have a slick GPU miner in that wallet that could light a fire under the 2 new smoking hot AMD or Nvidia crossfire cards in my "gaming rig"... That would be a wallet I'd be interested in installing because I could mine some change when I wasn't gaming, AND get benchmark and tweaking incentives that I could share and compare with my friends.

I'd want something like that... easy 8)

Bundling the mining software into spreadcoin shouldn't be much of a problem.
We can make the wallet communicate with sgminer running in the background without the need for any commandline tweaking.

The only problem might be that people will need to update to the newest catalyst driver versions etc...
Not sure we could or should control the installation and update of GPU drivers over the wallet.

Other than that, an in-wallet-GPU-miner is very possible, and I would love to see one.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 02:47:09 PM
Wow - did anyone notice the hash rate drop below 3gh?  I woke up this morning to a hell of a lot more SPR...   ;D  I love those little SPRs

Yeah, noticed that too. Maybe the FUD got in the head of some big mining farmer. Or he found another coin to rape.
Well, anyway.... this is a good time to enter the solo-mining-business.  :)

LOL - agreed - my miners have not shut down in like 6 months so I just like the bonus of the lower hash rate.  I will take it as long as I can get it...

Damn it - one of the farms must have gone down last night and restarted this morning - back up to 3.94 gh/s.  :-(

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 03:08:30 PM

I don't like what I'm seeing. Is that a single farm owning that huge chunk of the net hashrate going down for a few hours?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: marcoman22 on February 07, 2015, 03:12:01 PM

I don't like what I'm seeing. Is that a single farm owning that huge chunk of the net hashrate going down for a few hours?

Too much of fluctuation will not good.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 03:26:50 PM

I don't like what I'm seeing. Is that a single farm owning that huge chunk of the net hashrate going down for a few hours?

My guess is yes.  Since I noticed it this morning it would be virtually impossible for multiple miners across the world to make up that 1 gh/s jump all at once.  Doesn't freak me out though I just wish I had longer to mine under 3 gh/s LOL...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 03:27:48 PM

I don't like what I'm seeing. Is that a single farm owning that huge chunk of the net hashrate going down for a few hours?

My guess is yes.  Since I noticed it this morning it would be virtually impossible for multiple miners across the world to make up that 1 gh/s jump all at once.  Doesn't freak me out though I just wish I had longer to mine under 3 gh/s LOL...


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 07, 2015, 03:55:38 PM
DGB was pumped like +150% about that time, it is coming down now. I switch my little 10mh/s over to HamsterPool during that period. So could be quite a few like me doing that.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 07, 2015, 04:07:34 PM

I don't like what I'm seeing. Is that a single farm owning that huge chunk of the net hashrate going down for a few hours?

I made mention of a 800+ mhash spike/drop 2-3 weeks ago on the original thread and was ignored.

This is either :

a- a pool
b- the non public kernel is many times more efficient than we are led to believe
c- a hashpower /minting/ difficulty exploit

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 07, 2015, 04:12:18 PM
d.  Multiple medium size farms switching to more profitable alts for awhile that are being pumped.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 04:14:02 PM
I guess of could be about profitability switching scripts triggering in mass when there is a huge pump of another coin/pool.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 04:24:04 PM
d.  Multiple medium size farms switching to more profitable alts for awhile that are being pumped.

Exactly. This seems the most plausible explanation.

The lesson here is clear: Keep solo-mining, even if it seems unprofitable.
Because when the difficulty drops like this again, you are going to be happy about the extra SPR!


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 04:26:09 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 04:27:26 PM
As an investor in SpreadCoin it kind of worries me to see it has become such a mess, or am I seeing things the wrong way? And what's all the fuss about private pools, is it actually true?

Just wondering... Because what I'm reading in the various SpreadCoin topics doesn't really make me confident, unless it's nothing but FUD ofcourse.

Your first source for spreadcoin news and topics should be

This way, you have a guarantee that no FUD is going to influence you.

Critical minds are welcome there, so come join us.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 04:33:01 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

I guess it depends on how savvy you are, and if you listen to someone else or do your own research.

It's all about the lag, and how fast you react.

IMHO switching to a coin after it is clear that it is being pumped is NEVER profitable, and is like trying to catch a falling knife,
because when everybody and his mother realizes that something is a pump, it's not a pump anymore, that's when it has turned into a DUMP.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 07, 2015, 04:45:46 PM
As an investor in SpreadCoin it kind of worries me to see it has become such a mess, or am I seeing things the wrong way? And what's all the fuss about private pools, is it actually true?

Just wondering... Because what I'm reading in the various SpreadCoin topics doesn't really make me confident, unless it's nothing but FUD ofcourse.

Somebody that could explain and put some positivity back into this? ???

See the post from nonce-pool owner:

I'm sure this won't make any difference, some folks only read what they want to.

Do we have a pool? Yes.
It's merely a pool server we setup to solo mine to nothing more, we just so happened to let a couple of other small hashrate users in to help out a bit. Is it a risk? Of course it is.

Mr. Spread has done quite a good job at keeping this coin a solo mineable, that doesn't mean that it will always be that way,  there a lot of smart folks around here and if there is enough $ involved then one should expect that there will be others trying to get in on the action in some form or another.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 07, 2015, 04:47:47 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

You probably wouldn't be considering that if the chart was showing the actual network hashrate. For if it did, we would be seeing significant spikes instead of the difficutly adjustment's gradual ones.

I recommend that everyone check the block timestamps. If it is what I suspect, the flashmining is random and/or ongoing. eg. The whales and/or pool(s) always return when the difficulty bottoms out, then leave once it peaks again.

Whatever you do, please do your research. Do not let the insider shills control what you learn and know about any coin. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 07, 2015, 04:57:33 PM
As an investor in SpreadCoin it kind of worries me to see it has become such a mess, or am I seeing things the wrong way? And what's all the fuss about private pools, is it actually true?

Just wondering... Because what I'm reading in the various SpreadCoin topics doesn't really make me confident, unless it's nothing but FUD ofcourse.

Somebody that could explain and put some positivity back into this? ???

Are you kidding?

The moron who started the scam thread thinks addresses you solo mine to are magically invisible and don't appear on the blockchain/explorer, despite the fact that in the wallet there is a perfectly functional block explorer that clearly shows the address that mines every block.

Clinical cretinism right here:
Another reason is that if you keep solo mining and mining to one address and never receive or send coins,your address is hiden from BE.
BE will never detect such an address.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: antonio8 on February 07, 2015, 05:12:20 PM
I'll just add my $0.02 about the drop. I know like the two cents my advice isn't worth much.

But for me I mined DGB a long while ago and racked up a bunch. The price was at a perfect selling point. Also the difficulty in it made it worth while for me to completely stop mining SPR and switch back to DGB for now to rack some more up and hold for the future. I can say at the pool there is a miner with 712 Mh/s, one with 442 Mh/s and others that are high. Now are these the people who stopped mining SPR? Probably not, but there is a lot more hash on DGB right now than it was yesterday when I started mining it.

So even though myself and some others might be a big believer in SPR if another opportunity approaches somewhere else people might take advantage of quick profits.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 05:27:41 PM
I'll just add my $0.02 about the drop. I know like the two cents my advice isn't worth much.

But for me I mined DGB a long while ago and racked up a bunch. The price was at a perfect selling point. Also the difficulty in it made it worth while for me to completely stop mining SPR and switch back to DGB for now to rack some more up and hold for the future. I can say at the pool there is a miner with 712 Mh/s, one with 442 Mh/s and others that are high. Now are these the people who stopped mining SPR? Probably not, but there is a lot more hash on DGB right now than it was yesterday when I started mining it.

So even though myself and some others might be a big believer in SPR if another opportunity approaches somewhere else people might take advantage of quick profits.

Ofcourse, you don't owe SPR anything.

It's your decision ONLY where you want to point your hashing power.

And it's SPRs job to offer something valuable, so that it attracts miners.
The customer is king.  ;)

Or quoting the biggest capitalist I have ever known:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 05:32:57 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

You probably wouldn't be considering that if the chart was showing the actual network hashrate. For if it did, we would be seeing significant spikes instead of the difficutly adjustment's gradual ones.

I recommend that everyone check the block timestamps. If it is what I suspect, the flashmining is random and/or ongoing. eg. The whales and/or pool(s) always return when the difficulty bottoms out, then leave once it peaks again.

Whatever you do, please do your research. Do not let the insider shills control what you learn and know about any coin. :)


Have you ever bothered to actually LOOK at whats under the mining tab on an a Spreadcoin wallet?

There is your "actual network hashrate" right there.

You know, I don't know if you have thought of this before or not, but maybe if YOU actually did a little research before going off all Chicken Little ( all the time, maybe people would able to start taking you a little more seriously for a change.

Just a thought!  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 07, 2015, 05:40:07 PM
DGB was pumped like +150% about that time, it is coming down now. I switch my little 10mh/s over to HamsterPool during that period. So could be quite a few like me doing that.

That's what I was thinking!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 05:44:41 PM
Looks like we are going to have a little overshoot:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: antonio8 on February 07, 2015, 05:45:41 PM
I'll just add my $0.02 about the drop. I know like the two cents my advice isn't worth much.

But for me I mined DGB a long while ago and racked up a bunch. The price was at a perfect selling point. Also the difficulty in it made it worth while for me to completely stop mining SPR and switch back to DGB for now to rack some more up and hold for the future. I can say at the pool there is a miner with 712 Mh/s, one with 442 Mh/s and others that are high. Now are these the people who stopped mining SPR? Probably not, but there is a lot more hash on DGB right now than it was yesterday when I started mining it.

So even though myself and some others might be a big believer in SPR if another opportunity approaches somewhere else people might take advantage of quick profits.

Ofcourse, you don't owe SPR anything.

It's your decision ONLY where you want to point your hashing power.

And it's SPRs job to offer something valuable, so that it attracts miners.
The customer is king.  ;)

Or quoting the biggest capitalist I have ever known:

I agree geargem.

I was just trying to make a point that there are more reason than Hippie's version of what is wrong with the drop.

I am a believer in SPR and some of us miners need to sell to pay for electric.

I just chose to do it with another coin and hold all my SPR. Once I build enough of the other coin up I'll be back.

I am only sad that I missed the easy blocks at the low difficulty but I was able to sell some coins to pay for this months electric bill and still keep all my SPR.

So for me it was a win/win situation.

And believe me, I'll be back soon.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 05:49:20 PM
So for me it was a win/win situation.

Keep hunting for win/win situations.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 06:00:38 PM
Looks like we are going to have a little overshoot:

If we overshoot that could potentially support the idea of profit switching scripts triggering in mass. Depends on the difficulty retarget I guess.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 06:11:12 PM
As an investor in SpreadCoin it kind of worries me to see it has become such a mess, or am I seeing things the wrong way? And what's all the fuss about private pools, is it actually true?

Just wondering... Because what I'm reading in the various SpreadCoin topics doesn't really make me confident, unless it's nothing but FUD ofcourse.

Somebody that could explain and put some positivity back into this? ???

As a fellow Spreadcoin investor/miner I have a simple task for you.  Try to find a pool or join the one mining right now and see if you want to mine at it knowing that someone can steal your coins at any given time.  The short answer is yes someone set up a private solo mining pool but cannot give public access because anyone can steal the coins.  In essence no there are no pools at this point.  There is a nice bounty though if you can create one safely, that's public, and runs for 30 days without someone stealing the coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 07:37:47 PM
Looks like we are going to have a little overshoot:

If we overshoot that could potentially support the idea of profit switching scripts triggering in mass. Depends on the difficulty retarget I guess.

It happened! We passed 60.

That's strong!  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: elite3000 on February 07, 2015, 09:40:43 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: pokeytex on February 07, 2015, 09:41:12 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Because fudmuffin infection was running amuck.  Too annoying.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 09:42:20 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Soon there will be only one again (and the other locked forever). This is just a short transformation phase.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 07, 2015, 09:42:38 PM
Why the 2 threads?
We answer that and other questions you may have in the FAQ located here: -- we're waiting on the original thread to be locked.

Please let us know if you have additional questions.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 07, 2015, 10:20:03 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 07, 2015, 10:27:06 PM
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

Anyone and everyone who cares about having a securely decentralised currency and has a use for instant transactions. It's an open source project, all are welcome to contribute in whatever capacity suits them. :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 07, 2015, 10:28:07 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

There is a whole "gang" forming around Mr. Spread over at spreadcointalk.  ;)

It's a decentralized gang, also known as "dang"!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 07, 2015, 10:30:42 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

There is a whole "gang" forming around Mr. Spread over at spreadcointalk.  ;)

Come join us.
Oh I thought you meant that there was actual developers that have joined Mr. Spread in the development of the coin in general and I've met the whole gang and am registered with Spreadcointalk my friend ;) I just thought that someone was suggesting that their was a development team behind Mr. Spread now and I was like "Woah where did that come from? I didn't remember hearing anything about that!!" LOL but I understand what you mean and are saying now about that :) Keep up the good work folks ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 07, 2015, 10:33:38 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

"Us" means all of us. The community. A good community actively working on ideas and contacting people helps build the infrastracture for the coin. While the actual developer codes.
Ya I understand that now I kind of figured that was what was meant but I for some reason took it as their was some developers that have joined Mr. Spread with the coding of SpreadCoin and was kind of taken off guard for a second lol

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 07, 2015, 10:40:16 PM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

"Us" means all of us. The community. A good community actively working on ideas and contacting people helps build the infrastracture for the coin. While the actual developer codes.
Ya I understand that now I kind of figured that was what was meant but I for some reason took it as their was some developers that have joined Mr. Spread with the coding of SpreadCoin and was kind of taken off guard for a second lol

lol yeah. and hey alot of coins don't do too well because the community throws out ideas but don't actively work to make it happen. They expect the developer to do everything. The developer isn't a marketer, or a businessman, most of them are just coders. So if your a solid believer in whatever coin you have and want to see it to succeed. You can't sit on your butt. You have to take things into your own hands. If you're a business owner start accepting spreadcoin. If you're a web developer develop a website that caters to spread. If you're good at marketing do some marketing. Bring Whatever you have to offer to add some value to your coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 11:03:06 PM
We are currently at 15 votes in under 24hrs thats pretty good. If you haven't voted yet. Please go vote for Spreadcoin to be added to so we can do some live sports betting with SPR. Bet the spread with spreadcoin. haha
This would also help bring in some volume as they would have to buy SPR off the market to payout in SPR everytime you win a large bet placed with it.

I find it amusing that you posted a pic about voting for SPR when you in fact voted for BlackCoin - which is why it is highlighted.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 07, 2015, 11:09:24 PM
Yeah like I said I've been using directbet for a longtime. I voted for blackcoin before I ever knew spreadcoin existed. Spreadcoin wasn't even on the list until I contacted them to add it it to the vote list. It won't let me vote again. Tried voting with my backup account and also wouldn't let me. So I posted it here right after trying so everyone could vote.

Alright, it makes sense with context. Single pick votes are terrible anyway, there are a few decent coins on that list.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 08, 2015, 12:27:37 AM
Why the 2 threads?

Fudders took over. It was Hard for us to actually come up with ideas and work with the constant spam.
Who is the "US' to work on this coin? Who does SpreadCoin consist of in the team? I was under the understanding that Mr. Spread created this coin by himself? There is an actual team behind this coin now? I would love to hear who the other people involved with this are :)

"Us" means all of us. The community. A good community actively working on ideas and contacting people helps build the infrastracture for the coin. While the actual developer codes.

Which is fantastic because then Mr. Spread can focus on what he is good on while others focus on what they do best.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 08, 2015, 12:32:28 AM
I'm not entirely sure many POS coins only give a 1% annual interest rate. Isn't the inflation rate on the U.S. dollar 3%?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 08, 2015, 01:27:26 AM
Looks like testing of the new version is starting tomorrow:


Title: Re: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 08, 2015, 05:31:33 AM
Looking forward to jumping in on the testing tomorrow...

Title: Re: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 08, 2015, 05:32:23 AM
Looking forward to jumping in on the testing tomorrow...


Do you know who has the login details for Spreadcoin_?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Mikolo on February 08, 2015, 01:47:54 PM
How profitable is masternodes? Let's say I have masternode with 2000 SPR on it. How much will I get per day or month?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 08, 2015, 02:02:29 PM
Wow a new cleaner thread, I like where this is going now :D

Pitty about the price drop of SPR but it will probably recover as it usually does with its demand, although if it does go lower say like (Low 20k's) I might have to buy some again  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: defunctec on February 08, 2015, 03:44:09 PM
How profitable is masternodes? Let's say I have masternode with 2000 SPR on it. How much will I get per day or month?

Minimum 30% of one block (around 1.9SPR) per day.

Maximum will depended on how many masternodes are active.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 08, 2015, 04:02:41 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

You probably wouldn't be considering that if the chart was showing the actual network hashrate. For if it did, we would be seeing significant spikes instead of the difficutly adjustment's gradual ones.

I recommend that everyone check the block timestamps. If it is what I suspect, the flashmining is random and/or ongoing. eg. The whales and/or pool(s) always return when the difficulty bottoms out, then leave once it peaks again.

Whatever you do, please do your research. Do not let the insider shills control what you learn and know about any coin. :)


Have you ever bothered to actually LOOK at whats under the mining tab on an a Spreadcoin wallet?

There is your "actual network hashrate" right there.

You know, I don't know if you have thought of this before or not, but maybe if YOU actually did a little research before going off all Chicken Little ( all the time, maybe people would able to start taking you a little more seriously for a change.

Just a thought!  ;)

You completely missed my point.

Lets see a graph/chart depicting the network's hashrate entire history. This will give us an idea of how big the whales are and may help with revealing other flashmine sessions.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 08, 2015, 05:18:06 PM
Masternode testing round 2 is live!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 08, 2015, 05:24:33 PM
When people switch over to another coin that is being pumped, do they actually earn more or they are just chasing the profit while their blocks are being matured and their coins being exchanged?

You probably wouldn't be considering that if the chart was showing the actual network hashrate. For if it did, we would be seeing significant spikes instead of the difficutly adjustment's gradual ones.

I recommend that everyone check the block timestamps. If it is what I suspect, the flashmining is random and/or ongoing. eg. The whales and/or pool(s) always return when the difficulty bottoms out, then leave once it peaks again.

Whatever you do, please do your research. Do not let the insider shills control what you learn and know about any coin. :)


Have you ever bothered to actually LOOK at whats under the mining tab on an a Spreadcoin wallet?

There is your "actual network hashrate" right there.

You know, I don't know if you have thought of this before or not, but maybe if YOU actually did a little research before going off all Chicken Little ( all the time, maybe people would able to start taking you a little more seriously for a change.

Just a thought!  ;)

You completely missed my point.

Lets see a graph/chart depicting the network's hashrate entire history. This will give us an idea of how big the whales are and may help with revealing other flashmine sessions.

Hm... it seems a better way would be a block reward that gradually increases to its normal level from launch - starting super low. That ought to shut you up.

You obviously do not want to go there. lol

If someone was to plot that chart.. how many 800+ mhash spikes will we see ?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: antonio8 on February 08, 2015, 05:25:52 PM
Test Round 2 starts:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 08, 2015, 05:26:01 PM
Masternode testing round 2 is live!

This is Great News for Spreadcoin  :)

Hopefully the Instant Transactions Testing for SPR comes soon enough.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 08, 2015, 06:22:57 PM
I'm not entirely sure many POS coins only give a 1% annual interest rate. Isn't the inflation rate on the U.S. dollar 3%?

Is this just a random question what is your question about POS referring too? Spreadcoin isn't proof of stake only POW.

Mostly a random question. (I did some research on Blackcoin) Most POS seems to have little intensive to hold onto coins for the long run. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 08, 2015, 06:28:31 PM
You completely missed my point.

Lets see a graph/chart depicting the network's hashrate entire history. This will give us an idea of how big the whales are and may help with revealing other flashmine sessions.

Actually I didn't.

And if you really were interested in such information and couldn't find it anywhere else, I would imagine that you could start plotting the hashrate (from the wallet) and the difficulty from the blockchain explorer over a few days time to get a correlation between the two (difficulty response time and increase/decrease in response to hashrate changes) then apply that data using the diff history in the blockchain explorer to reverse plot the hashrate as far back as you wish. It might not be perfect, but I bet it would be close enough to prove or disprove your theory. I mean if you really wanted to know...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 08, 2015, 07:29:24 PM
Masternode round 2 testing is live.  Come join us!  Come make test masternodes, it's EASY.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: evok3d on February 08, 2015, 08:10:29 PM
Interesting project and community forming around this coin. Keep up the great work!

Edit: Read the whitepaper, nice distribution method.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 08, 2015, 08:42:09 PM
Masternode testers:

We need to create more than 1440 masternodes to test kicking.  As such, as we don't want to run out of coins, don't create masternodes with 200 coins.  Create masternodes like this:



And so on.  This will let us get tons of masternodes, be able to test kicking, but not run out of coins.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: LeongTap on February 08, 2015, 11:15:09 PM
Help on getting connected to the new test net, can someone provide nodes for me to add ?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 08, 2015, 11:29:58 PM
Help on getting connected to the new test net, can someone provide nodes for me to add ?

You shouldn't need any. Start from a fresh folder (no old peers.dat or blocks subdirs etc.) and don't start mining until you're synced.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 08, 2015, 11:46:43 PM
Alot of good things happening this week.
Spreadcoin has finally been added to the vote list for a payment api. It would enable merchants to be able to process payments with Spreadcoin. Lets do some more voting guys!

EDIT: I voted sent 0.028 for 28 votes.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 08, 2015, 11:57:47 PM
Alot of good things happening this week.
Spreadcoin has finally been added to the vote list for a payment api. It would enable merchants to be able to process payments with Spreadcoin. Lets do some more voting guys!

The first 3 coins that win get added, come on SPR community Spread the Love and vote !

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 09, 2015, 01:55:23 AM
Over 600 Spread Masternodes up and running on testnet. :) 

All are welcome to come and have a play, see how it works, help out:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 09, 2015, 02:25:17 AM
We need more than 1440 testnet masternodes so we can test the kicking system.  Please come help setup masternodes!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 09, 2015, 03:48:10 AM
Alot of good things happening this week.
Spreadcoin has finally been added to the vote list for a payment api. It would enable merchants to be able to process payments with Spreadcoin. Lets do some more voting guys!

The first 3 coins that win get added, come on SPR community Spread the Love and vote !

We are now placed 3rd  ;D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: sammy007 on February 09, 2015, 06:50:06 AM
Feel free to show some love to (

Ask to add SPR in this thread:

With your, guys, support we can invest in this dice, play and leverage and not just mine/buy and hold coins. Coins must work. I am sure we can easily create nice bank roll for SPR there.

CD is interested in players and investors, so along with your request it's better to show how much SPR you are going to invest there.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: newuser01 on February 09, 2015, 09:02:48 AM
when was the first block mined / coin released?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: duboisi on February 09, 2015, 10:24:48 AM
You can find out from the Wallet, Tools-Blockchain Explorer.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: larraboj on February 09, 2015, 12:51:10 PM

50% hashrate drop but "True Decentralization (No Pools)"


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 09, 2015, 01:10:15 PM

50% hashrate drop but "True Decentralization (No Pools)"


They are most likely mining something newer with their GPU Farms for a while, they might have left a fraction of it still mining SPR by the looks of it on the graph.

Take in mind SpreadX11 still uses your GPU just like normal X11 does but differently, like how all the other unique algorithms do.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: antonio8 on February 09, 2015, 01:18:31 PM

50% hashrate drop but "True Decentralization (No Pools)"


There was a coin that was at 16 sats and jumped to 150 sats and it was very easy to mine. Very easy and quick money.

Not saying everyone went there but it's hash rate sure did jump.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: jwiz168 on February 09, 2015, 01:21:53 PM
We need more than 1440 testnet masternodes so we can test the kicking system.  Please come help setup masternodes!

I'll give a try . pls pm the link of GUI masternode for download if there is such. Thank you

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: larraboj on February 09, 2015, 01:31:48 PM

50% hashrate drop but "True Decentralization (No Pools)"


There was a coin that was at 16 sats and jumped to 150 sats and it was very easy to mine. Very easy and quick money.

Not saying everyone went there but it's hash rate sure did jump.

half of the miners jumped ship that quick and are all back now? lol get real

Can anyone explain the 66,6 SPR block reward?

first post says it started at 6.66

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 09, 2015, 01:37:46 PM

50% hashrate drop but "True Decentralization (No Pools)"


There was a coin that was at 16 sats and jumped to 150 sats and it was very easy to mine. Very easy and quick money.

Not saying everyone went there but it's hash rate sure did jump.

half of the miners jumped ship that quick and are all back now? lol get real

Can anyone explain the 66,6 SPR block reward?

first post says it started at 6.66

Power Outage lol  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 09, 2015, 01:39:02 PM
Can anyone explain the 66,6 SPR block reward?

first post says it started at 6.66

Just read what it says there in the first post:

Initial reward was 66.66 coins per block and spacing between blocks was 10 minutes, this was changed after hardfork at block 2200.

The hard fork went into full effect at block 2202.

You sure must have seen that, right?
I will change the text so that it says 2202 instead of 2200 so that it wont confuse the nitpickers.  ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: larraboj on February 09, 2015, 03:04:41 PM
Can anyone explain the 66,6 SPR block reward?

first post says it started at 6.66

Just read what it says there in the first post:

Initial reward was 66.66 coins per block and spacing between blocks was 10 minutes, this was changed after hardfork at block 2200.

The hard fork went into full effect at block 2202.

You sure must have seen that, right?
I will change the text so that it says 2202 instead of 2200 so that it wont confuse the nitpickers.  ;)

honestly, I completely missed that part. I only checked a few early blocks, my bad.

Is there a mining calculator out yet?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: sammy007 on February 09, 2015, 03:16:42 PM
honestly, I completely missed that part. I only checked a few early blocks, my bad.

Is there a mining calculator out yet?

I see you on IRC, use !calc command there.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: e1ghtSpace on February 09, 2015, 08:32:27 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 09, 2015, 08:34:24 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 09, 2015, 08:54:00 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

We have a problem in the crypto world. Immature investors who missed the Bitcoin boat.  Bitcoin was a flawed coin which became way too big too quickly.  Now we have immature investors hearing how great SPR is and they think "I will buy some today and sell next week to double my profits."  Far too many investors are under the age of 18 and have no clue how investing really works.  SPR has GREAT potential, and (in my opinion) is the best coin on the market.  Once everything is implemented there is no doubt in my mind that we will see $10 per SPR or $100 per SPR!  Those of you who are invested need to hold on for the long hull, and those of you who are not should consider getting it now.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 09, 2015, 08:57:38 PM
Forget the Rest, Choose the Best! Spreadcoin

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: thelonecrouton on February 09, 2015, 08:58:58 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/

Steady progress on testnet, most of the commentary is at spreadcointalk.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 09, 2015, 09:07:18 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

I believe it's a combination of greedy miners who only seek short term profit (dump as they mine) and/or miners with cheap to free electricity, constant FUDstorm mostly by ignorant people, lack of investors because there were and are so many scams that virtually everyone in crypto got burned at some point, we're oversaturated with practically hundreds of useless altcoins and then there's the fact that every altcoin is still bound to the price of bitcoin which is lower at the moment than most people would like it to be.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 09, 2015, 09:10:41 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

I believe it's a combination of greedy miners who only seek short term profit (dump as they mine) and/or miners with cheap to free electricity, constant FUDstorm mostly by ignorant people, lack of investors because there were and are so many scams that virtually everyone in crypto got burned at some point, we're oversaturated with practically hundreds of useless altcoins and then there's the fact that every altcoin is still bound to the price of bitcoin which is lower at the moment than most people would like it to be.

If we wanted to really break free of other altcoins and make our way into the world we need to get away from BTC.  We need to think outside of the box and come up with strategies that are different than all of the other coins. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 09, 2015, 09:13:14 PM
It would be fantastic if we could come up with our own exchange which only exchanged fiat with SPR. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 09, 2015, 09:15:41 PM
By the way anyone feel like piecing together audio fragments of Billy Mays? He could be our official spokesperson.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: minerpage on February 09, 2015, 09:51:45 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

Good time to buy 8)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 09, 2015, 10:05:52 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

Good time to buy 8)
I still think a huge part of the people dumping is because there is literally no marketing behind this coin and not really any Public Relations going on for SpreadCoin to help introduce new users to SpreadCoin.  I think that SpreadCoin needs to focus on being a coin apart from the many altcoins out there and we need to have a promotional campaign geared towards that and I don't think that maybe making shirts or coffee mugs with SpreadCoin and a possible SpreadCoin slogan wouldn't hurt to help get the word out there ya know :) I like that Mr. Spread totally tries to make everything about SpreadCoin completely DUMMY proof so that anyone who has never even tried a cryptocurrency can pick up SpreadCoin and use it with the slightest of ease :) I think that these are all things that need to be made aware to the CryptoCommunity and possibly an article on SpreadCoin would be very essential to helping get the word out to the masses whom have still not heard about SpreadCoin :) I don't know those are just some of my ideas :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 09, 2015, 10:08:41 PM
I think that if the community wants to start promoting the coin than that is definitely great.  In fact, Mrcashking is doing a pretty good job of that.  Right now, the most important aspect is development.  We're at 1200 MN's and need just a few hundred moreish...everyone needs to hop on the test!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: minerpage on February 09, 2015, 10:10:20 PM
It doesn't seem like there's much positive talk going on. :/
Nope it sure doesn't and it sure looks like the price of SpreadCoin is crashing again :( Just don't see why though but I guess lots of people have lost their faith in this coin because they keep dumping more and more day by day :(

Good time to buy 8)
I still think a huge part of the people dumping is because there is literally no marketing behind this coin and not really any Public Relations going on for SpreadCoin to help introduce new users to SpreadCoin.  I think that SpreadCoin needs to focus on being a coin apart from the many altcoins out there and we need to have a promotional campaign geared towards that and I don't think that maybe making shirts or coffee mugs with SpreadCoin and a possible SpreadCoin slogan wouldn't hurt to help get the word out there ya know :) I like that Mr. Spread totally tries to make everything about SpreadCoin completely DUMMY proof so that anyone who has never even tried a cryptocurrency can pick up SpreadCoin and use it with the slightest of ease :) I think that these are all things that need to be made aware to the CryptoCommunity and possibly an article on SpreadCoin would be very essential to helping get the word out to the masses whom have still not heard about SpreadCoin :) I don't know those are just some of my ideas :)

Perhaps, let's not forget the coin is still in the early stages (development and testing)... some people exiting right now probably don't have the patience for long term engagement... I'm pretty sure the marketing and promotion will come pretty soon after the MN and TX features are working on the main net... and everybody is invited to help with marketing and promotion as is already getting started on the main forum:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 09, 2015, 11:18:59 PM
Perhaps, let's not forget the coin is still in the early stages (development and testing)... some people exiting right now probably don't have the patience for long term engagement... I'm pretty sure the marketing and promotion will come pretty soon after the MN and TX features are working on the main net... and everybody is invited to help with marketing and promotion as is already getting started on the main forum:

This is where I am as well... We are where Darkcoin was 6 months ago with a lot more competition. Great core, niceley moving development and testing, and a great community... I think too much marketing before the IX and MN's, mobile wallets, and something to spend the coin on could be potentially dangerous. MrCashKing and the community are doing a great job, but keep in mind, your selling something that isn't quite ready yet. Think of selling a sports car without brakes, AC, or windshield wipers... Might be fun for a bit, but unless the experience makes you want to keep using it, you could do more damage than good.

Lets be patient with the market and volatility and keep building things useful. Exchange, Gambling, any worthwhile goods and services. If you do hosting, or web design, or maybe even computer/software repair, give as much of a discount that you can for paying in Spread. Market that discount where you list the costs for your services. Use the opportunity to teach interested parties how to get it. Not even the best altcoin in the world can survive in this world without breaking into commerce.

Don't get discouraged, just keep building the brand and real world usability.

Least that's my 2 Satoshi's and why I ain't sweating it this early in the game.  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: mrcashking on February 09, 2015, 11:27:58 PM
I agree. and If my calculations are right. Mr.Spread should be able to get back on bitcointalk tomorrow. Promo and Marketing takes time. I did as much promo as I could with what I have at the moment. Something like a test run. Making graphics, interacting with followers, etc. But with all these features still being in development, it's best to wait to do any real type of promo and marketing so that it's not a waste.. I also did a test run to get a few of my followers to tweet @cryptsy buy cryptsy hasn't been on twitter since january. The community should definitely just try to come up with ideas. Contact some merchants, vote, create some things. Then when the coin is done with development it will have a nice little infrastructure in place.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 10, 2015, 12:56:57 AM
The best short term marketing will come from when masternodes go live and we see a price explosion from that which will bring people in to see what the story is.  I'm just glad the price has remained low so that the % increase will be that much greater.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 10, 2015, 05:16:04 AM
Me Three!  :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Nthused on February 10, 2015, 05:20:47 AM
Because I'm the 4th person to agree I will say that SPR will increase in price by 4x  :P

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 06:23:35 AM
Because I'm the 4th person to agree I will say that SPR will increase in price by 4x  :P

4 times is chump change. DRK prices easily. I also believe that we have a better product meaning that in the long run we will surpass them. 

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Zackgeno96 on February 10, 2015, 07:15:40 AM
Because I'm the 4th person to agree I will say that SPR will increase in price by 4x  :P
i did myself a favor and bought  1000 coins, i snagged em pretty cheap too  :-*

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 07:29:40 AM
Because I'm the 4th person to agree I will say that SPR will increase in price by 4x  :P
i did myself a favor and bought  1000 coins, i snagged em pretty cheap too  :-*

Fantastic!! There is so much growth potential here!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 09:19:11 AM
I am running 32 MNs how is everyone else doing?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: devlin on February 10, 2015, 09:23:32 AM
I am running 32 MNs how is everyone else doing?

I have 70 in total, and MN payment its started.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 09:30:36 AM
I am running 32 MNs how is everyone else doing?

I have 70 in total, and MN payment its started.

I didn't even notice it started. We still have a ways to go, but we are moving far faster now compared to the 1st test.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 09:35:01 AM
I am running 32 MNs how is everyone else doing?

I have 70 in total, and MN payment its started.

If every one of these guys would click control we would be done in less than 24 hours.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: donschoe on February 10, 2015, 12:56:24 PM
Darkcoin released InstantX to main network.

When are we ready?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: hefty on February 10, 2015, 01:00:25 PM
Darkcoin released InstantX to main network.

When are we ready?

copy paste done

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: antonio8 on February 10, 2015, 01:03:34 PM
Darkcoin released InstantX to main network.

When are we ready?

Wasn't this done in Round 1?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 10, 2015, 01:59:18 PM
Darkcoin released InstantX to main network.

When are we ready?

Wasn't this done in Round 1?

A limited version of instantx was succesfully tested in Round 1, yes.

Much work still needs to be done.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 03:03:55 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 10, 2015, 03:04:40 PM
So any word on when Mr. Spread returns to BitcoinTalk? I had overheard that it was today if I am not mistaken :) I hope so I miss having him around lol :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 10, 2015, 03:06:53 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.
So you are saying even though this is a self moderated thread that the BCT moderators can still delete whatever they want? Then what is the point? LOL I mean it is starting to come across as some sort of conspiracy theory if you ask me LOL like we aren't safe here lol but seriously can they still delete posts off this thread as well? If so then what would be the point of having the two threads? Just curious and asking questions :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 10, 2015, 03:10:11 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.

So why haven't any of my posts been deleted here, or anywhere, by this alleged renegade mod ?
Prove it. Post the PM you recieved explaining who did this and why it was done.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 10, 2015, 03:16:56 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.

So why haven't any of my posts been deleted here, or anywhere, by this alleged renegade mod ?
Prove it. Post the PM you recieved explaining who did this and why it was done.

The self-moderators here will only go after obvious trolls who are trying to sabotage the discussion, but sometimes we might even leave their posts (as happened with some of your posts, hippie).

It really depends on the phrasing of your post.  :)

I think the BCT moderators just don't like posts like "+1" and "Voted", and also it seems that recently they particularly hate plain picture posts (like memes, etc...)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 03:23:48 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.
So you are saying even though this is a self moderated thread that the BCT moderators can still delete whatever they want? Then what is the point? LOL I mean it is starting to come across as some sort of conspiracy theory if you ask me LOL like we aren't safe here lol but seriously can they still delete posts off this thread as well? If so then what would be the point of having the two threads? Just curious and asking questions :)

Yes, BCT moderators will delete posts they deem to be of spammy nature, like "+1" or "Voted" posts.
That's also the reason they don't allow "coin giveaway threads" because they create a lot of these "spammy" posts.

It probably helps keep their servers stable.
And they delete those posts to discourage users from acting like that.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 03:30:27 PM
BCT is deleting posts like crazy, even in this moderated thread.

I got a "Voted" post deleted, and even the post where I created the meme with mr.t was deleted. Crazy.

So everybody who thinks that this is part of the self-moderating, it is NOT.

Only obvious copy-paste trolls will get deleted, but if you have been deleted for another reason, it was probably a BCT moderator.
So you are saying even though this is a self moderated thread that the BCT moderators can still delete whatever they want? Then what is the point? LOL I mean it is starting to come across as some sort of conspiracy theory if you ask me LOL like we aren't safe here lol but seriously can they still delete posts off this thread as well? If so then what would be the point of having the two threads? Just curious and asking questions :)

The point is to delete the constant troll posts, you know the constant copy paste quote walls with big red letters etc?
You don't see them here anymore, right? That's because of our self-moderation process.

But BCT has their own rules, and ofcourse they have total control over everything posted here. But they will only delete posts they deem spam.
They don't go after trolls, as they explain here:

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 10, 2015, 03:55:44 PM
I started a poll at spreadcointalk:

Please everybody give your vote to finally decide if we should continue the old thread or the new thread.

I am not so sure that this new thread is a good idea anymore.

Also, Mr. Spread will be unbanned sometime later today, so he should have the last word...

But I would love to keep the thread active that has Mr. Spread as the original Threadstarter, and also a history of the last 6 months.

Let's survive this troll-infestation like a person who has the flu. It will go away eventually.  :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hippie Tech on February 10, 2015, 04:06:33 PM
I started a poll at spreadcointalk:

Please everybody give your vote to finally decide if we should continue the old thread or the new thread.

I am not so sure that this new thread is a good idea anymore.

Also, Mr. Spread will be unbanned sometime later today, so he should have the last word...

But I would love to keep the thread active that has Mr. Spread as the original Threadstarter, and also a history of the last 6 months.

Let's survive this troll-infestation like a person who has the flu. It will go away eventually.  :)

How many socks do you have !? lolz

I started a pool over at spreadcointalk.

Let's vote if we should continue this old thread or the new self-moderated one.

I have changed my mind (after seeing how the new thread has been going the last few days) and I think that it would be much better to continue with this old thread, and delete the new one.

Please vote.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Spreadcoin_ on February 10, 2015, 04:11:26 PM

How dense are you exactly?  :)

Mr. Spread = Spreadcoin_ ?
No.  This is MyFarm, he gave me permission to create this thread.  He will be given the login credentials when his temp ban is lifted.  A couple other people will be trusted with credentials so the trolls can be deleted 24/7.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 04:33:17 PM
Guys we need to jump onto this testing thing. If you are not currently testing you need to do something. DRK has implemented InstantX in an attempt to leave us in the dust.  If we don't kick it into gear they will have.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 04:39:21 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 04:51:53 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Since the new thread has been opened we have had a massive reduction of trolls in our midst. That makes it great for us to discuss SPR.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 05:14:16 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Since the new thread has been opened we have had a massive reduction of trolls in our midst. That makes it great for us to discuss SPR.

I was able to have a discussion with normal people even in the old thread, even during the beginning of the troll-infestation, by just puting the trolls on the ignore list.
What made that impossible were clumsy people who don't know how to handle trolls, and who constantly quoted and enabled them.

It's incredible, they managed to chase us away from our own thread.

How much longer are we going to be the laughing stock of BCT?  ???

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 05:41:39 PM
I think we should consider doing some business over at C-Cex. For the time being our strongest market is on Bittrex. If you are thinking of buying or selling SPR consider doing it on another exchange.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 05:48:46 PM

If you haven't voted yet, please do so.

Do we really let the trolls win this?


I think we spreaders are a strong community!


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: bathrobehero on February 10, 2015, 06:04:25 PM
Like BCT or not, it's free publicity and it's stupid not to use that. A lot of people won't be bothering registering to another forum for 1 coin.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 06:11:29 PM
Like BCT or not, it's free publicity and it's stupid not to use that. A lot of people won't be bothering registering to another forum for 1 coin.

The question is not whether to use BCT or not.

It's whether to return to the original thread or keep this self-moderated thread alive, admiting that - in effect - we don't know how to handle trolls.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 06:21:40 PM
The original thread has 300 pages at the moment:

If that is not a sign, I don't know what is.

Let's make this our "THIS IS SPARTA" moment.


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: donschoe on February 10, 2015, 06:40:33 PM
stop talking to yourself  8)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 06:49:52 PM
stop talking to yourself  8)

It was not meant for your ears, but for them:


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 10, 2015, 06:55:43 PM
I started a poll at spreadcointalk:

Please everybody give your vote to finally decide if we should continue the old thread or the new thread.

I am not so sure that this new thread is a good idea anymore.

Also, Mr. Spread will be unbanned sometime later today, so he should have the last word...

But I would love to keep the thread active that has Mr. Spread as the original Threadstarter, and also a history of the last 6 months.

Let's survive this troll-infestation like a person who has the flu. It will go away eventually.  :)
Thanks for that awesome analogy of defeating the troll infestation like the flu :) I agree that it is initially up to Mr. Spread what the final word would be but I would love to just continue with the old thread since the trolls have seem to have dispersed from there finally and I would love to keep the history of the original topic thread that Mr. Spread started to continue growing so that when SpreadCoin becomes the huge success it is bound to become that we can laugh and look back at the stupid big bold red letter sayers and say WHAT?? What happened to your FUD? We conquered and survived the Trollocaust of the SPREVOLUTION and WE HAVE SUCCEEDED!! I vote for keeping the old thread alive and open and maybe just when we report to the moderators if the trolls come back simply explain that discussing questions concerning the coin are more than welcome but you have to do something about nonstop bantering from people nonstop repeating the same shit and acting like children when they do it :) I believe if all of us were to do that the moderators would eventually get sick and tired of hearing our positive pleas to keep our thread clean but yet open to proper discussion and we would see the trolls eventually die out :) VIVE LE SPREVOLUTION!!!!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 10, 2015, 06:57:59 PM
Like BCT or not, it's free publicity and it's stupid not to use that. A lot of people won't be bothering registering to another forum for 1 coin.
I also agree with this comment and honestly the only reason I even joined SpreadcoinTalk is because I support the coin but the average trader or investor won't want to go through the hassle to sign up for another forum especially one dedicated to only one coin so I do believe that we need BitcoinTalk for the publicity and like people have stated the old thread is over 300 pages which definitely signifies something about this coin :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 07:10:01 PM
I agree, I hope Mr. Spread keeps the old thread.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 08:28:43 PM
I agree, I hope Mr. Spread keeps the old thread.

Your wish has been heard.

Mr. Spread is back!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 10, 2015, 08:41:24 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Since the new thread has been opened we have had a massive reduction of trolls in our midst. That makes it great for us to discuss SPR.

I was able to have a discussion with normal people even in the old thread, even during the beginning of the troll-infestation, by just puting the trolls on the ignore list.
What made that impossible were clumsy people who don't know how to handle trolls, and who constantly quoted and enabled them.

It's incredible, they managed to chase us away from our own thread.

How much longer are we going to be the laughing stock of BCT?  ???

Georgem, Et ALL

I am a FIRM believer in the mod thread.

Just because YOU "ignored" them, just means that YOU didn't see all the TRASH and BS they were leaving around unchallenged. It didn't stop any new people interested in SPR from getting SLAMMED with all that crap. The ONLY reason it stopped is because of the modded thread.

And IF you delete the modded thread, who's to say they wont start up the sock puppet trash generation campaign again tomorrow, or next week, or next month... Whenever they want to kill the price again which is EXACTLY what they intended and succeeded in doing the last time. We didn't defeat shit. They stopped because they couldn't get to us anymore because their crap was not allowed to persist in the modded thread. The only reason they stopped is because they lost control.

Any argument about "modded thread making the coin look weak", "laughing stock BS", "not knowing how to deal with trolls", etc is a straw argument... The only reason it exists is because a modded thread wasn't created in the first place... What are we? Pre-Schoolers on the playground believing that the bully that beat the crap out of us for fun has been reformed and won't be a bully tomorrow? Ever heard the story of the Frog and the Scorpion trying to get across the river? Don't fall for it. Keep the modded thread and keep it professional.

It will stand up for itself as people see that the difficult issues are NOT modded, only the trash.

Save what you want from the old thread and kill it.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 10, 2015, 08:46:35 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Since the new thread has been opened we have had a massive reduction of trolls in our midst. That makes it great for us to discuss SPR.

I was able to have a discussion with normal people even in the old thread, even during the beginning of the troll-infestation, by just puting the trolls on the ignore list.
What made that impossible were clumsy people who don't know how to handle trolls, and who constantly quoted and enabled them.

It's incredible, they managed to chase us away from our own thread.

How much longer are we going to be the laughing stock of BCT?  ???

Georgem, Et ALL

I am a FIRM believer in the mod thread.

Just because YOU "ignored" them, just means that YOU didn't see all the TRASH and BS they were leaving around unchallenged. It didn't stop any new people interested in SPR from getting SLAMMED with all that crap. The ONLY reason it stopped is because of the modded thread.

And IF you delete the modded thread, who's to say they wont start up the sock puppet trash generation campaign again tomorrow, or next week, or next month... Whenever they want to kill the price again which is EXACTLY what they intended and succeeded in doing the last time. We didn't defeat shit. They stopped because they couldn't get to us anymore because their crap was not allowed to persist in the modded thread. The only reason they stopped is because they lost control.

Any argument about "modded thread making the coin look weak", "laughing stock BS", "not knowing how to deal with trolls", etc is a straw argument... The only reason it exists is because a modded thread wasn't created in the first place... What are we? Pre-Schoolers on the playground believing that the bully that beat the crap out of us for fun has been reformed and won't be a bully tomorrow? Ever heard the story of the Frog and the Scorpion trying to get across the river? Don't fall for it. Keep the modded thread and keep it professional.

It will stand up for itself as people see that the difficult issues are NOT modded, only the trash.

Save what you want from the old thread and kill it.


Moving back to the old thread will be a mistake.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 08:46:44 PM
The reason I think we need to reevaluate if we want to continue the old or new thread, is that today Mr. Spread will be unbanned.
So this will be the best time to make a final decision.

Also, we haven't made a poll to really get a feeling how most of the people think about this.

Hey trolls: if you like, please come and vote too!

The polling results will give a clear picture, and the moment we see Mr. Spread posting in one of the two threads, it will be final.

Since the new thread has been opened we have had a massive reduction of trolls in our midst. That makes it great for us to discuss SPR.

I was able to have a discussion with normal people even in the old thread, even during the beginning of the troll-infestation, by just puting the trolls on the ignore list.
What made that impossible were clumsy people who don't know how to handle trolls, and who constantly quoted and enabled them.

It's incredible, they managed to chase us away from our own thread.

How much longer are we going to be the laughing stock of BCT?  ???


I am a FIRM believer in the mod thread.

Just because YOU "ignored" them, just means that YOU didn't see all the TRASH and BS they were leaving around unchallenged. It didn't stop any new people interested in SPR from getting SLAMMED with all that crap. The ONLY reason it stopped is because of the modded thread.

And IF you delete the modded thread, who's to say they wont start up the sock puppet trash generation campaign again tomorrow, or next week, or next month... Whenever they want to kill the price again which is EXACTLY what they intended and succeeded in doing the last time.

Any argument about "modded thread making the coin look weak", "laughing stock BS", "not knowing how to deal with trolls", etc is a straw arguement... The only reason it exists is because a modded thread wasn't created in the first place... What are we? Pre-Schoolers on the playground believing that the bully that beat the crap out of us for fun has been reformed and won't be a bully tomorrow? Ever heard the story of the Frog and the Scorpion trying to get across the river? Don't fall for it. Keep the modded thread and keep it professional.

It will stand up for itself as people see that the difficult issues are NOT modded, only the trash.

Save what you want from the old thread and kill it.

Now that Mr. Spread is back, I have no say into what thread should be "killed" or not.
Something tells me that Mr. Spread (and 66% of the community) have too much involvement in the old thread to just let it die.

Don't be afraid of the trolls, and if your decision is to NOT IGNORE THEM, then it is you alone who has to endure their crap.

As simple as that.

From now on, I will start ignoring users who quote trolls too ... I will talk to them, make them see their wrong behaviour, and if they don't get it,... I will ignore them too.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 10, 2015, 08:54:38 PM
Don't be afraid of the trolls, and if your decision is to NOT IGNORE THEM, then it is you alone who has to endure their crap.

As simple as that.


Just because you "ignore" something doesn't mean it goes away, it just means YOU don't see it anymore. The rest of the community still does. That's like pulling the sheet over your head when something malevolent is coming for you, or the ostrich hiding from predators by putting his head in the sand...

I know it's up to Mr Spread and hope he listens to reason rather than some childish straw argument bravado

And that's the last I'll say about it... But Seriously...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 10, 2015, 08:59:30 PM
Guys, please don't attack each other.  It's ok to disagree and have passionate discourse, but attacking each other does nothing positive.

In the end, we're still on the same team.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MyFarm on February 10, 2015, 09:17:27 PM
1600+ testnet masternodes.

Congratulations to Mr. Spread and the Spreadcoin community.  Truly amazing work!

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: njs811 on February 10, 2015, 09:39:12 PM
Perhaps we should keep both threads? The main one for general talk and the moderated one for specific information.  For example, talk about price on the first page and spreadnodes on the second.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: georgem on February 10, 2015, 10:12:13 PM
Perhaps we should keep both threads? The main one for general talk and the moderated one for specific information.  For example, talk about price on the first page and spreadnodes on the second.

Do what you want, but I'm outta here...

the original thread needs my support.


Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 11, 2015, 04:30:10 AM
Final clarification on the threads in response to georgem. No more clutter here.

Peace! :D

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: coolmyrig on February 11, 2015, 05:56:44 AM
Is this the new Official thread?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: MemoryShock on February 11, 2015, 06:20:38 AM
Is this the new Official thread?

It is an official of two.

Where quality discussion ends up is up in air for now so I recommend watching both.  Moreover, I support watching if ever there is confusion...

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Hatch on February 11, 2015, 05:54:05 PM
I wish they would just lock the old thread (now the Darkcoin discussion thread) already, and be done with it. You still have highhippie, careerhorizontal, don_fuc_ lo, or whatever his (current) name is and other socks still stinking up the place. What a waste.

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: NoobKidOnTheBlock on February 14, 2015, 12:01:54 AM
I wish they would just lock the old thread (now the Darkcoin discussion thread) already, and be done with it. You still have highhippie, careerhorizontal, don_fuc_ lo, or whatever his (current) name is and other socks still stinking up the place. What a waste.
No if you put those guys on ignore it's actually quite positive and fun again on the old thread and Mr. Spread wouldn't let a couple Trolls and FUDDERS effect the outcome of his coin so I commend him for keeping the old one open :)

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: needmoney on February 19, 2015, 07:48:56 PM

New spreadcoin address begin with ''m'' but i have ''S'' address.
How will i import it to new wallet?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: elbandi on February 20, 2015, 01:16:52 AM
New spreadcoin address begin with ''m'' but i have ''S'' address.
How will i import it to new wallet?
S -> mainnet
m -> testnet

You use the wallet on main net, so addess begin with "S".

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: needmoney on February 20, 2015, 04:00:21 PM
New spreadcoin address begin with ''m'' but i have ''S'' address.
How will i import it to new wallet?
S -> mainnet
m -> testnet

You use the wallet on main net, so addess begin with "S".

So, how i send SPR to testnet address for create masternode?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: donschoe on March 07, 2015, 01:20:07 AM
what's the status of SPR?

Title: Re: [ANN] SpreadCoin | True Decentralization (No Pools) | Testing New Masternodes
Post by: Mrskrill on October 10, 2017, 09:30:01 PM
what's the status of SPR?

How do I see my transaction ID progress