Title: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on April 11, 2018, 12:48:35 PM https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.jpg WWW.NRM.WORLD (https://www.nrm.world) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.world/nrm/NRM-ru.pdf) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_world) – TELEGRAM (https://t.me/nrmworld) NRM is the world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology. $297560 (100%) raised at closed Pre-ICO Closed Pre-ICO at etherscan.io (https://etherscan.io/token/0x6F1408e206d23d446E1580830f11f79C2E58D92B) Idea NRM will combine the functionality of trading platforms with social synergy and the predicted artificial neural network, which will allow the interaction with the world of cryptocurrencies to be taken to a new level. https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/9.png NRM platform Expert and analytical platform with highly customizable trading and social modules. Crypto assets have never been so convenient. Trading Tools A set of convenient tools for tracking and managing your crypto assets, allowing the user to collect all available information from stock exchanges to all trusted information sources in one user friendly interface. NRM Wallet The NRM secure wallet, integrated with our platform. Allows holders to make electronic payments to merchants of trusted content. Crypto Wiki The convenient knowledge base based on blockchain technology, where everyone can get any crypto information he needs. NRM Assistant An intelligent helper based on an artificial neural network that will make predictions for the cryptocurrency market based on the data collected by the NRM platform. NRM Marketplace An internal NRM store that will enable independent developers to monetize their own modules using our developer tools, for combined B2C & B2B ecosystem. Social synergy In addition to trade and analytical tools and modules, NRM focuses on a social component that will allow users to interact and monetize their knowledge. Full support of Community driven projects. Use the experience of professionals Professionals will always help and answer any of your questions. The platform user rating system will advise you who to ask. Share your knowledge Increase your rating on the platform by creating content and get NRM tokens. Create communities Create and join communities of interest! A hierarchy system will make it more exciting. Blockchain Academy Join our Academy to learn how to earn on the cryptocurrency. Professionals will share you all detailed information. Rating system https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.png Platform users will have its rating, other users can affect by a certain algorithm. Rating data will be securely protected by storing in the blockchain. This makes the rating system effective and excludes any substitution. NRM Assistant https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/10.png Artificial intelligence based on neural networks, built using the latest algorithms of self-learning, analysis, and comparison of self-self-corrected neurons. This technology based on the history of success and failure, taking into account the correlation of the objects of analysis. Why is it effective? Due to the use of large computing power and artificial intelligence based on the neural network, the NRM Assistant will instantly analyze user data and offer the best solutions. Get your income https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/3.png Monetize your intellect on the NRM platform, by sharing your knowledge. The smart contract system will make monetization fully transparent. https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/4.png Analytics Having a good understanding of the trading on the exchange? Monetize your knowledge by sell strategies, forecasts, signals to platform users. https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/5.png NRM Store modules Any ideas how to improve the system? Create your own module and sell it in the NRM Store. https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/6.png Blockchain Academy content Want to share knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency? Start to train and guide people. Available at all platforms The NRM platform is available on Web/Desktop version for Windows and macOS, and a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/7.png NRM token https://zebrafree.ru/bkt/8.png NRM is the ERC20 token on public Ethereum network, used in NRM ecosystem. Due to the token, users can purchase and sell their intellectual assets, as well as purchase content and bonus functions at the NRM platform. Tokens distribution 60% Pre-sale and ICO 15% Team (froze for 1 year) 15% Reserved for development 5% NRM loyalty program 5% Advisors, consultants, and partners Funds distribution 50% Platform development 25% Marketing 10% Legal support 10% Infrastructure 5% Technical and users support >>> WHITEPAPER <<< (https://nrm.world/nrm/NRM-ru.pdf) ICO ROUNDS Basic price: 1 NRM = 0.036$ started October, 1 - ICO PRE-ICO bonus tokens = 15% TOKENS & ROADMAP & TEAM INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.NRM.WORLD (https://nrm.world) We are happy to announce our collaboration with the Etersoft team, one of the oldest software development team in Russia. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etersoft (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etersoft) The main functions of the Etersoft team based on their experience since 2003: 1) Technical advisory 2) The main aspects of collaboration with NRM project: • design and creation of the BIG DATA NRM processor - the most important component of the decentralized expert-analytical platform. Taking into account all the requirements for the implementation of parallel processing, transactionality, availability and security for OLTP and OLAP systems; • design and implementation of the Zero Downtime Deployment approach for BIG DATA NRM; • primary functional and load testing systems; • technical support Level 3. WWW.NRM.WORLD (https://www.nrm.world) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.world/nrm/NRM-ru.pdf) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_world) – TELEGRAM (https://t.me/nrmworld) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: moviav on April 11, 2018, 03:48:23 PM Hello everyone) is very interested in your project, heard a lot from the Russian branch in the telegram. I would like to participate in your closed beta test of your platform. Thank you.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: xwandererx on April 11, 2018, 04:08:43 PM Hi, when will bounty program begin?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 11, 2018, 04:15:27 PM Hi, when will bounty program begin? You can join the referral program at https://nrm.cash (https://nrm.cash) website. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: xwandererx on April 11, 2018, 04:20:43 PM Hi, when will bounty program begin? You can join the referral program at https://nrm.cash (https://nrm.cash) website. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Xalia on April 11, 2018, 04:27:32 PM A big and promising project. I love you project!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 11, 2018, 04:30:29 PM ... where get info about ico sale and bounty Information will be available soon! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Pegleku on April 11, 2018, 05:08:26 PM An interesting project with a great idea should definitely look closely at this ICO. Thanks
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: byldozer on April 11, 2018, 05:53:26 PM Hi. Do you have any working product (alpha or beta)? If yes, how I can register for testing? thanks
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 11, 2018, 06:08:46 PM Hi. Do you have any working product (alpha or beta)? If yes, how I can register for testing? thanks check pm Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: CharM1nG on April 11, 2018, 06:40:07 PM Best Project!!! ;D
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 11, 2018, 06:42:32 PM Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Bunoff on April 11, 2018, 07:34:10 PM Hello. The project is unique. A lot of exclusive functionality. I believe in the great future of the project. Team luck. I'm with you ))
Join now.)) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ElenaKript on April 11, 2018, 08:12:10 PM I believe that this is a promising and unique project.
I look forward to its launch. You are the best! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: byldozer on April 12, 2018, 07:21:27 AM Hi. Do you have any working product (alpha or beta)? If yes, how I can register for testing? thanks check pm Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 12, 2018, 02:43:40 PM Hello! I am editor from icoholder.com. Your ICO was added to our listing and now is available to investors: https://icoholder.com/en/nrm-20951 You can edit your Page by adding more information about your ICO after verification and also verify team members to improve ranking. Thank you! We are very appreciated your listing! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Pegleku on April 12, 2018, 02:46:47 PM The description is impressing. I think the technology can be useful in future. I just can't understand one thing. Where and how your token can be used? Only for trading?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Na xter on April 12, 2018, 03:32:53 PM How many people are working in your company now? Do you plan to increase the staff after the end of the ICO?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 13, 2018, 11:04:35 AM The description is impressing. I think the technology can be useful in future. I just can't understand one thing. Where and how your token can be used? Only for trading? NRM token will be used in platform ecosystem. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 13, 2018, 11:06:17 AM How many people are working in your company now? Do you plan to increase the staff after the end of the ICO? You can inspect the list of our team at https://nrm.cash (https://nrm.cash) website. I think yes, the staff will be increased after he end of the ICO. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: artembr on April 13, 2018, 12:18:39 PM NRM technology is really new and interesting project, i m already joined and waiting for global start of new platform with AI that can predict Cryptocurrency rates
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: svetaschu on April 13, 2018, 05:05:36 PM Hi! I really hope that your project will be very successful. I really appreciate your idea and believe in your team!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 13, 2018, 05:20:48 PM ICO information updated ICO ROUNDS Basic price 1 ETH = 15 000 NRM (may vary on market price of ETH) April, 20 - 5, May - Pre-ICO NRM Tokens = 297 500 000 PRE-ICO bonus tokens = 30% May, 15 - June, 15 - ICO NRM Tokens = 2 528 750 000 ICO Bonus = first 12 hours 19,8% decreases every 24 hours by 0,66% (example 19,8% - 0,66% = 19,14% etc…) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: mirzamagaev on April 14, 2018, 08:24:48 AM At last! I am very short of all trading tools in one place, it would be very convenient. I've been looking for a similar service for a long time, but there are none. I hope you will be able to implement all the most demanded fints in a convenient interface for all exchanges at the same time! I wish you great success!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: tammissac7 on April 15, 2018, 05:32:34 PM It is a really big project. I like and want to participate in this project.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: aenin2764 on April 16, 2018, 09:05:55 PM Your project has a good concepts ;)
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 18, 2018, 08:21:09 AM Welcome to our updated website https://nrm.cash (https://nrm.cash)!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Imhotepp on April 19, 2018, 07:59:27 AM Hi devs, great project you made there! Wish you good luck! What is the price of token for pre-ICO stage?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Miraculously on April 19, 2018, 08:10:51 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PRAKT!K on April 19, 2018, 08:21:37 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: CeNaToP on April 19, 2018, 08:28:44 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Vurdalakus on April 19, 2018, 08:38:09 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: maAE$tRo$2000 on April 19, 2018, 08:43:51 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 19, 2018, 09:10:06 AM Hello guys!
There is some photos form this conference in our twitter account https://twitter.com/nrm_cash (https://twitter.com/nrm_cash) Feel free at ask any questions about ICO and our project! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kamarchek on April 19, 2018, 09:42:37 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: mandarinka on April 19, 2018, 10:06:33 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 19, 2018, 10:36:30 AM REWARDS SYSTEM IS NOW AVAILABLE ON https://nrm.cash (https://nrm.cash) Earn up to 300 NRM tokens for free! https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: mlmdaily on April 19, 2018, 10:48:06 AM Good afternoon. Will the tokens be issued immediately after the end of the ICO?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: EnterTheLight on April 19, 2018, 11:04:09 AM Saw your team on blockchain conference, it was cool. When I went home, I googled a little aand have found your BTT thread. What to say, it’s kinda strong, competitive project, if you will make an effort, you will success Wow, interesting story bro! What is the blockchain conference? When it took place?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 19, 2018, 11:14:15 AM Good afternoon. Will the tokens be issued immediately after the end of the ICO? Tokens will be issued right after the end of the ICO. https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Tiamel on April 19, 2018, 04:18:25 PM Hi devs, great project you made there! Wish you good luck! What is the price of token for pre-ICO stage? They set 15,000 NRM for 1 ETH, but also noticed that it may vary on market price in ETH Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GOZIC on April 19, 2018, 04:27:14 PM Hi devs, great project you made there! Wish you good luck! What is the price of token for pre-ICO stage? They set 15,000 NRM for 1 ETH, but also noticed that it may vary on market price in ETH Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: HuP9RX on April 19, 2018, 04:34:21 PM Hi devs, great project you made there! Wish you good luck! What is the price of token for pre-ICO stage? They set 15,000 NRM for 1 ETH, but also noticed that it may vary on market price in ETH Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: henjhou on April 19, 2018, 04:39:08 PM I think this project have a good idea, good NRM Platform and good rating system. i hope this project will be success at April, 20 - 5, May - Pre-ICO and May, 15 - June, 15 - ICO. goodluck
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UlaNov on April 19, 2018, 04:42:05 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GeRa_182 on April 19, 2018, 04:52:05 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: NeRoX82 on April 19, 2018, 04:57:08 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PISTON_1 on April 19, 2018, 05:06:46 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PeToR on April 19, 2018, 05:34:22 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UnIvErS on April 19, 2018, 05:38:15 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Drugser on April 19, 2018, 05:43:29 PM So, does this project have bounty program? You pointed that we can find the information about it on the website, but I see nothing there Also googling bounty thread gave me no results…Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 19, 2018, 05:49:21 PM Hi devs, great project you made there! Wish you good luck! What is the price of token for pre-ICO stage? They set 15,000 NRM for 1 ETH, but also noticed that it may vary on market price in ETH The exchange rate will be fixed at the start of ICO. https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ReXata on April 19, 2018, 05:49:50 PM When the ICO will begin? On the April 20, 00:00?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 19, 2018, 06:02:36 PM When the ICO will begin? On the April 20, 00:00? April, 20, 12:00 pm UTC https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: DyxLEzz on April 20, 2018, 06:14:15 PM It seems to be a good project although I still didn't read whitepaper, but as my first impression, I find it interested, since they already have a hard working team with community believing in them, also product looks good.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Vurdalakus on April 20, 2018, 06:20:22 PM It seems to be a good project although I still didn't read whitepaper, but as my first impression, I find it interested, since they already have a hard working team with community believing in them, also product looks good. Yes it is a good project indeed. Please find time to go through the whitepaper so you will find out more about it.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UlaNov on April 20, 2018, 06:34:27 PM I believe you guys will have a softcap since your team looks very perspective with all of this young Russian professionals
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Drugser on April 20, 2018, 06:42:41 PM I believe you guys will have a softcap since your team looks very perspective with all of this young Russian professionals The projects connected with the trading in the last time and however were always very popular with community and always attracted good interest. I think this project not an exception.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UnIvErS on April 20, 2018, 06:49:43 PM I believe you guys will have a softcap since your team looks very perspective with all of this young Russian professionals The projects connected with the trading in the last time and however were always very popular with community and always attracted good interest. I think this project not an exception.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: InVE$$$tOR on April 20, 2018, 07:03:07 PM I believe you guys will have a softcap since your team looks very perspective with all of this young Russian professionals The projects connected with the trading in the last time and however were always very popular with community and always attracted good interest. I think this project not an exception.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: HuP9RX on April 20, 2018, 07:10:03 PM I believe you guys will have a softcap since your team looks very perspective with all of this young Russian professionals The projects connected with the trading in the last time and however were always very popular with community and always attracted good interest. I think this project not an exception.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ReXata on April 20, 2018, 07:40:56 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 20, 2018, 07:58:07 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Its not blocked =) here is the link >>> WWW.NRM.CASH (https://www.nrm.cash) <<< https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Imhotepp on April 20, 2018, 09:11:48 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: YGICIQU on April 20, 2018, 09:20:26 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Tiamel on April 20, 2018, 10:34:54 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: CeNaToP on April 20, 2018, 10:39:38 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GolD ApPlE on April 20, 2018, 10:50:04 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: NeRoX82 on April 20, 2018, 10:56:49 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PISTON_1 on April 20, 2018, 11:06:59 PM As I understand it, the sale will be successful, unfortunately the link to your site was blocked and I cannot see it, but your road map is impressive Why is it blocked? As for me everything working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Noriman on April 20, 2018, 11:10:34 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =)
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: FisiK on April 20, 2018, 11:18:25 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) It's necessary that developers keep promises, improve the system, don't put investors' money in danger, and also try to collect on the platform as many people as possible to support the coin and make it more stable Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GeRa_182 on April 20, 2018, 11:30:03 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) It's necessary that developers keep promises, improve the system, don't put investors' money in danger, and also try to collect on the platform as many people as possible to support the coin and make it more stable Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Drugser on April 20, 2018, 11:35:02 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) It's necessary that developers keep promises, improve the system, don't put investors' money in danger, and also try to collect on the platform as many people as possible to support the coin and make it more stable Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PeToR on April 20, 2018, 11:40:09 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) It's necessary that developers keep promises, improve the system, don't put investors' money in danger, and also try to collect on the platform as many people as possible to support the coin and make it more stable Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Paparazek on April 21, 2018, 07:27:07 AM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) You're saying it well! But I'm not sure devs will listen your proposals.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: The_Hu on April 21, 2018, 07:29:11 AM What is a hierarchical system in a NRM project? how do I join your Academy so I can get your crypto currency?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UnIvErS on April 21, 2018, 07:32:14 AM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) You're saying it well! But I'm not sure devs will listen your proposals.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: CeNaToP on April 21, 2018, 07:37:15 AM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: FisiK on April 21, 2018, 07:42:08 AM I think that your project has a great future! I’m supporting you devs!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PRAKT!K on April 21, 2018, 07:47:04 AM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: bocahebitren on April 21, 2018, 07:58:11 AM I see this project has a good idea, I believe this project will get support from investors
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Andeze17 on April 21, 2018, 09:46:58 AM There are a lot of crypto projects that aim to do what NRM aims to do, namely be a decentralised analytical crypto platform using artificial intelligence. Is there any key advantages or differences NRM seeks to offer between the rest?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Tiamel on April 21, 2018, 12:31:37 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: rendiuno on April 21, 2018, 12:35:48 PM NRM project is an analytical project that uses artificial intelligence. I think your project is good but I want to ask. How does your project work? and which countries are working with your project? :D
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ReXata on April 21, 2018, 12:37:00 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: InVE$$$tOR on April 21, 2018, 12:52:48 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: YGICIQU on April 21, 2018, 01:14:32 PM Hello team, do you have any advisors? They are not listed on the website
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Drugser on April 21, 2018, 01:27:29 PM Hello team, do you have any advisors? They are not listed on the website I think they do, probably they decided not to list all the team on the siteTitle: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: segotiwul on April 21, 2018, 01:32:50 PM RippleByte can be launched using the platform as it is easier and faster as the primary payment platform, while eliminating centralized intermediaries we can use this program.RippleByte is a fully decentralized digital currency that can be used in payments over the internet or worldwide.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: djuragan on April 21, 2018, 01:45:51 PM I catch something interesting from the thread.
It mentioned that this will be available in all platform, that is really a good news. it will give us the ability to utilize it in a flexible way anywhere we need. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: KeViN31 on April 21, 2018, 04:43:04 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Vurdalakus on April 21, 2018, 04:46:04 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: tiCeR on April 21, 2018, 04:47:23 PM Trading always gives money/profit to organizers, so NRM platform also expected to generate good profit. Also it’s good for platform users to het forecasts from neural network. What else investors need =) From what I've seen in the past the devs are very active in the telegram, if you want to get an idea across to them sometimes the best bet is telegram. But I have seen them respond to posts here as well. So chances are suggestions and comments will be taken into considerations, but it really is best bet to join the telegram and open a conversation with the team their. Constant summaries of the progress being made is a good way to keep your followers in the loop. It also prevents hundreds of people from asking the same question if you provide a comprehensive report that gives enough info. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GeRa_182 on April 21, 2018, 05:38:01 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 21, 2018, 06:12:37 PM What is a hierarchical system in a NRM project? how do I join your Academy so I can get your crypto currency? You will be able to teach young traders in BlockChain Academy to get crypto ;) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Pivooooo on April 21, 2018, 06:14:03 PM Very good project. Have a vision for the future. If the team can innovate combine different skills and competencies,may be able to achieve a calculated role in crypto and are quite ready to conquer the market.The project team are first class people, I like their approach.I support this project, will see further progress.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Fett11 on April 21, 2018, 06:41:25 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: NeRoX82 on April 21, 2018, 06:47:24 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: PISTON_1 on April 21, 2018, 06:52:17 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: GOZIC on April 21, 2018, 06:58:27 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Pastrana044 on April 21, 2018, 07:03:19 PM Assistance in the management of cryptocurrency assets will not always be superfluous. Especially for those who are just starting to work with cryptocurrencies. The right approach leads to success. Guys, work. And everything will turn out.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ROFI32 on April 21, 2018, 07:04:38 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Noriman on April 21, 2018, 07:10:10 PM What is known about the team then? And about project itself Neuromachine provide excellent service to their clients by growing their team with experienced and knowledgeable industry experts. The team board includes a lawyer, UX/UI specialist, project manager, blockchain developers and many more. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UlaNov on April 21, 2018, 07:22:11 PM That's right, you are not far from the truth that's the benefit of being an early bird, you gain more when you stepped in at a period most people where doubtful, it's just common practice to reward the brave heart lol... I suspect NRM will reach its softcap in no time
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Miraculously on April 22, 2018, 10:10:08 AM Very good project. Have a vision for the future. If the team can innovate combine different skills and competencies,may be able to achieve a calculated role in crypto and are quite ready to conquer the market.The project team are first class people, I like their approach.I support this project, will see further progress. Totally agree with you, the team could provide high-end platform and take a niche in the market, I’m believing in them Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: ReXata on April 22, 2018, 10:15:10 AM Hi guys, your Slack link is not working, fix it please
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: NeRoX82 on April 22, 2018, 10:20:48 AM Hi guys, your Slack link is not working, fix it please What are you talking about, everything is working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: UnIvErS on April 22, 2018, 10:26:39 AM Hi guys, your Slack link is not working, fix it please What are you talking about, everything is working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Tiamel on April 22, 2018, 10:42:51 AM Hi guys, your Slack link is not working, fix it please What are you talking about, everything is working fine Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: kalich on April 22, 2018, 01:44:41 PM Sorry guys, looks like your Slack invitation link was expired.
I made a NEW LINK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) for you. https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 22, 2018, 04:16:49 PM Hello team, is your Smart contract verified? Do not want to contribute into the emptiness
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on April 22, 2018, 04:21:49 PM Hello team, is your Smart contract verified? Do not want to contribute into the emptiness Have you read the news? It had been verified 3 days ago Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: InVE$$$tOR on April 22, 2018, 04:32:27 PM Hello team, is your Smart contract verified? Do not want to contribute into the emptiness Have you read the news? It had been verified 3 days ago Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 22, 2018, 04:38:38 PM Hello team, is your Smart contract verified? Do not want to contribute into the emptiness Have you read the news? It had been verified 3 days ago Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: KeViN31 on April 22, 2018, 04:51:52 PM Hello team, is your Smart contract verified? Do not want to contribute into the emptiness Have you read the news? It had been verified 3 days ago Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Detroux on April 22, 2018, 05:05:51 PM Guys released new video on their youtube channel, check it (in Russian, but you always can turn on subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1RsghUkzQ8
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 22, 2018, 06:22:28 PM Airdrop is a good way to draw quick attention and create activity in social media channels, would like to know if there will be one. Ask team directly in Telegram or Slack, you’ll get the answer a way faster Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 22, 2018, 06:28:12 PM Guys released new video on their youtube channel, check it (in Russian, but you always can turn on subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1RsghUkzQ8 Great video, always nice to hear what developers think about current situation on the market Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: HuP9RX on April 22, 2018, 06:38:05 PM Guys released new video on their youtube channel, check it (in Russian, but you always can turn on subtitles) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1RsghUkzQ8 Great video, always nice to hear what developers think about current situation on the market Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 22, 2018, 06:43:12 PM The pre-ICO stage is not very active. But I think everyone who wants to have time to buy coins and get a 30% bonus should hurry, because you will not have time to recover as the next stage begins and there the bonus rate will drop. So, because of procrastination, you lose potential money.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: licola.cocacola12 on April 22, 2018, 06:45:30 PM It seems good when you provide full information about your project, hope you guys success. Good job.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 22, 2018, 06:53:42 PM The pre-ICO stage is not very active. But I think everyone who wants to have time to buy coins and get a 30% bonus should hurry, because you will not have time to recover as the next stage begins and there the bonus rate will drop. So, because of procrastination, you lose potential money. Of course. I watched this morning - the second stage was just starting to move. I'll still watch tomorrow, and still I'll probably buy some tokens Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on April 22, 2018, 06:55:51 PM >>> BOUNTY THREAD <<< (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3371547) https://img.nrm.cash/banner/728kh90_BONUS%2050.jpg (https://nrm.cash) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: maAE$tRo$2000 on April 22, 2018, 06:59:14 PM The pre-ICO stage is not very active. But I think everyone who wants to have time to buy coins and get a 30% bonus should hurry, because you will not have time to recover as the next stage begins and there the bonus rate will drop. So, because of procrastination, you lose potential money. Of course. I watched this morning - the second stage was just starting to move. I'll still watch tomorrow, and still I'll probably buy some tokens Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 22, 2018, 07:06:12 PM The pre-ICO stage is not very active. But I think everyone who wants to have time to buy coins and get a 30% bonus should hurry, because you will not have time to recover as the next stage begins and there the bonus rate will drop. So, because of procrastination, you lose potential money. Of course. I watched this morning - the second stage was just starting to move. I'll still watch tomorrow, and still I'll probably buy some tokens But maybe people have some doubts or uncertainties. These bonuses are not so important at the stage of making such a responsible decision Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 22, 2018, 07:16:58 PM The pre-ICO stage is not very active. But I think everyone who wants to have time to buy coins and get a 30% bonus should hurry, because you will not have time to recover as the next stage begins and there the bonus rate will drop. So, because of procrastination, you lose potential money. Of course. I watched this morning - the second stage was just starting to move. I'll still watch tomorrow, and still I'll probably buy some tokens But maybe people have some doubts or uncertainties. These bonuses are not so important at the stage of making such a responsible decision Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: brantokrocel on April 23, 2018, 04:23:56 AM why nrm cash is good project ? because that suppport doing well everytime reply message ,,good job
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Sajolsg on April 23, 2018, 05:25:52 AM This is looks very good promising project. Their team work is really good. Best luck.
NRM Bitcointalk comment BitcoinTalk Username : sajolsg Twitter Username : @ch2mahmud Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/FNX_Coin/status/987654688282685440 Telegram Username : @ch2mahmud3 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: sidd80 on April 23, 2018, 06:09:37 AM I believe that this is a promising and unique project.
I look forward to its launch. best of luck Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mckormick on April 23, 2018, 08:11:06 AM je vous souhaite plein succès pour votre projet
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: abhi313 on April 23, 2018, 08:15:47 AM BitcoinTalk Username : abhi313
Twitter Username : @shubhch666; Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440 Telegram Username: @Abhi313 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on April 23, 2018, 09:45:47 AM Very uniqe project, never seen anything like it. I'm going to HODL theese tokens for long 8) And also a question for the team - I'm very interested in this neuro assistant, will it be free for everyone or for additional payment? And how will it function - as an individual assistant for every trader or like a market barometer for everyone the same? ;) Assistant functions will depend on amount of NRM tokens you have. Its will not allow you to make a mistakes in trading and will be able even to trade itself. More information on its functions will be available soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: IWYXYM on April 23, 2018, 09:54:27 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 23, 2018, 10:01:25 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 23, 2018, 10:06:04 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: bobq on April 23, 2018, 10:06:54 AM Why do you use the word "airdrop" in the title of your thread if there is not the slightest reference to any airdrop in your OP? This is deceiving and is just getting on the nerves of people.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mdjakirnpcbd on April 23, 2018, 10:11:28 AM How I can register for testing? Thanks Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 23, 2018, 10:15:07 AM I love the fact that the team is always up and doing to make sure this vision is attained in no time. We must put hands together to make it work.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: maAE$tRo$2000 on April 23, 2018, 10:51:13 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 23, 2018, 11:02:35 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: HuP9RX on April 23, 2018, 11:18:35 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on April 23, 2018, 11:24:43 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. Minimum investment is 50 USD. And now, at pre-ICO you will get +30% bonus. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 23, 2018, 11:28:04 AM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Renuka15 on April 23, 2018, 11:37:48 AM BitcoinTalk Username:Renuka15
Twitter Username:@Renuka Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/Renuka192144191/status/988380367571902465 Telegram Username:@Ashwek Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: thorRJ on April 23, 2018, 12:29:34 PM Can I share knowledge that is not related to crypto-coins? Will this 30% bonus be available in the first days of the token sale?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mabidaziz on April 23, 2018, 03:48:27 PM Hi. Great airdrop
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Pathfinder29 on April 23, 2018, 03:49:13 PM Interesting project and I love the platform.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: skmaruf86 on April 23, 2018, 04:31:04 PM BitcoinTalk Username: skmaruf86
Twitter Username:@srajon010 Tweet Link:https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440 Telegram Username: @skmaruf Great project .good jobs. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: LEETAP on April 23, 2018, 06:04:00 PM Is Neuromachine supported by all countries? Or in case I would to use the platform I would use VPN or proxy?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 23, 2018, 06:09:43 PM Is Neuromachine supported by all countries? Or in case I would to use the platform I would use VPN or proxy? Sounds quite reasonable and relevant, because in fact in different countries this sphere falls under different laws and is subject to various taxes. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Tiamel on April 23, 2018, 06:15:20 PM I love the fact that the team is always up and doing to make sure this vision is attained in no time. We must put hands together to make it work. This is pre-sale, so they have to work hard. You can't sit back in your chair, and do nothing. This is what they have been waiting for, because in order to let the project go further they need to hit the softcap. No exeption! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on April 23, 2018, 06:17:37 PM Hello, Neuromachine has been listed on TrackICO (link: https://www.trackico.io/ico/neuromachine/). Feel free to contact us via https://www.trackico.io/contact/ if you have any questions. Many Thanks! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: zihadhayder on April 23, 2018, 06:20:40 PM today i know about this coin,i want to buy.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 23, 2018, 06:23:51 PM What is the minimum investment price? I’m new to this thread and didn’t read the whitepaper yet. It’s 50 USDT. If you don't have enough time to read the whitepaper, then you should watch their youtube video instead like most of the people do. And if you have any questions feel free to ask them in this thread.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mabidaziz on April 23, 2018, 06:47:46 PM Wao
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: @hasanali4722 on April 23, 2018, 07:07:40 PM NRM platform is a very nice project!!!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 23, 2018, 07:10:10 PM Is Neuromachine supported by all countries? Or in case I would to use the platform I would use VPN or proxy? Sounds quite reasonable and relevant, because in fact in different countries this sphere falls under different laws and is subject to various taxes. But I think all countries will accept ICOs as the phenomenon soon and will allow to participate in it Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 23, 2018, 07:22:48 PM I love the fact that the team is always up and doing to make sure this vision is attained in no time. We must put hands together to make it work. This is pre-sale, so they have to work hard. You can't sit back in your chair, and do nothing. This is what they have been waiting for, because in order to let the project go further they need to hit the softcap. No exeption! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Pivooooo on April 23, 2018, 07:39:42 PM The world of crypto is an exciting world, this will be the foundation of the future. I believe NRM will grow extremely strong in the future. People should not ignore this opportunity, we need to join the project immediately to seize the future of their own.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on April 23, 2018, 07:59:22 PM Is Neuromachine supported by all countries? Or in case I would to use the platform I would use VPN or proxy? Sounds quite reasonable and relevant, because in fact in different countries this sphere falls under different laws and is subject to various taxes. But I think all countries will accept ICOs as the phenomenon soon and will allow to participate in it Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 23, 2018, 08:04:53 PM One of projects for analytics, I’m actually one of trading addiction, and certainly will use it. I will keep observing this project from now. Maybe it is too late.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: KrIp on April 23, 2018, 08:16:21 PM I have not seen the project before and seem to have lost a lot. Such innovative idea must collect enough money and earn good money. I will follow the project.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PeToR on April 23, 2018, 08:24:08 PM One of projects for analytics, I’m actually one of trading addiction, and certainly will use it. I will keep observing this project from now. Maybe it is too late. I think it's not too late and you can join the project and help implement it. It’s just pre-ICO stage. Stay tuned for updates. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Noriman on April 23, 2018, 08:32:49 PM I correctly understood that the team has other projects that have already been implemented? This gives the team confidence
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on April 23, 2018, 08:42:08 PM I am fan of trading. This project seems to me will be successful because of their platform. It’s always nice to see what neural (!!!) network will say to you about crypto world. This will be a daily routine of some members.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vivaldisto on April 23, 2018, 08:55:08 PM tell me please, I have problems with the site only with me (unfortunately, I went to your site, but it does not download, I can not understand the problem.) I would like to read more
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Mbok Ajeng on April 23, 2018, 09:22:09 PM The world of crypto is an exciting world, this will be the foundation of the future. I believe NRM will grow extremely strong in the future. People should not ignore this opportunity, we need to join the project immediately to seize the future of their own. if the team did a good promotion, it will make more and more participants interested to join. with the more participants who joining this project indicates that the project has received considerable appreciation and it will be very good for the development of the NRM project Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Airdropfan75 on April 23, 2018, 10:18:50 PM nice project!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: bantalguling on April 23, 2018, 11:00:10 PM long-term project with a very bright prospect, can be seen from the roadmap of this project, I also see pre-ICO achieve the sales target of coins, may ICO achieve hardcap sales target of coin
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kundals on April 24, 2018, 04:31:21 AM BitcoinTalk Username: kundals Twitter Username: kundals Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440 Telegram Username: airdrop2k8 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Kornshop3 on April 24, 2018, 05:47:30 AM Very nice project I love to join I think really success project
Thank for good luck Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Sultanhaider on April 24, 2018, 09:45:59 AM BitcoinTalk Username: Sultanhaider
Twitter Username: @SyedSultanhaid5 Tweet Link: https://mobile.twitter.com/SyedSultanhaid5 Telegram Username: @Tariqali7 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: adisma on April 24, 2018, 09:48:23 AM Sounds interesting.
I'll be following your project, and register later to the bounty program ! Good luck guys! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Detroux on April 24, 2018, 10:11:30 AM NRM team already works hard that's why they achieved private sale. If visit their social media, then you will be observe much more active there.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CrimsonGT on April 24, 2018, 10:13:38 AM Looks nice, as most of investors here would be interesting in such tool. But do they have any competitors on the market?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 24, 2018, 10:39:18 AM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 24, 2018, 10:44:23 AM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 24, 2018, 11:12:44 AM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 24, 2018, 11:27:52 AM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: HuP9RX on April 24, 2018, 12:05:23 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: maAE$tRo$2000 on April 24, 2018, 01:45:57 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on April 24, 2018, 01:59:21 PM I visited today the NRM website; it’s really very professional. I used to see those kind of websites from shopify; where you can buy templates like showing customers/visitors at the bottom of the page on the left side a live tracker who already bought their products. And here you can see from which country and how many NRM tokens already bought
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: wasay123 on April 24, 2018, 02:19:12 PM Twitter Username :@fastcure200
Tweet Link : https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440 Telegram Username:@Niazi786 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: javidhasan on April 24, 2018, 02:21:51 PM Awesome and promising project. Wish you good luck.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: MishaSER on April 24, 2018, 02:38:50 PM Hello, I really liked your project.
I'm glad that I have time to participate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Mamostemat on April 24, 2018, 03:23:33 PM http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.jpg WWW.NRM.CASH (https://www.nrm.cash) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.cash/white) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_cash) – TELEGRAM (https://telegram.me/nrm_en) NRM is the world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology. $297560 (100%) raised at closed Pre-ICO Closed Pre-ICO at etherscan.io (https://etherscan.io/token/0x6F1408e206d23d446E1580830f11f79C2E58D92B) Idea NRM will combine the functionality of trading platforms with social synergy and the predicted artificial neural network, which will allow the interaction with the world of cryptocurrencies to be taken to a new level. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/9.png NRM platform Expert and analytical platform with highly customizable trading and social modules. Crypto assets have never been so convenient. Trading Tools A set of convenient tools for tracking and managing your crypto assets, allowing the user to collect all available information from stock exchanges to all trusted information sources in one user friendly interface. NRM Wallet The NRM secure wallet, integrated with our platform. Allows holders to make electronic payments to merchants of trusted content. Crypto Wiki The convenient knowledge base based on blockchain technology, where everyone can get any crypto information he needs. NRM Assistant An intelligent helper based on an artificial neural network that will make predictions for the cryptocurrency market based on the data collected by the NRM platform. NRM Marketplace An internal NRM store that will enable independent developers to monetize their own modules using our developer tools, for combined B2C & B2B ecosystem. Social synergy In addition to trade and analytical tools and modules, NRM focuses on a social component that will allow users to interact and monetize their knowledge. Full support of Community driven projects. Use the experience of professionals Professionals will always help and answer any of your questions. The platform user rating system will advise you who to ask. Share your knowledge Increase your rating on the platform by creating content and get NRM tokens. Create communities Create and join communities of interest! A hierarchy system will make it more exciting. Blockchain Academy Join our Academy to learn how to earn on the cryptocurrency. Professionals will share you all detailed information. Rating system http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.png Platform users will have its rating, other users can affect by a certain algorithm. Rating data will be securely protected by storing in the blockchain. This makes the rating system effective and excludes any substitution. NRM Assistant http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/10.png Artificial intelligence based on neural networks, built using the latest algorithms of self-learning, analysis, and comparison of self-self-corrected neurons. This technology based on the history of success and failure, taking into account the correlation of the objects of analysis. Why is it effective? Due to the use of large computing power and artificial intelligence based on the neural network, the NRM Assistant will instantly analyze user data and offer the best solutions. Get your income http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/3.png Monetize your intellect on the NRM platform, by sharing your knowledge. The smart contract system will make monetization fully transparent. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/4.png Analytics Having a good understanding of the trading on the exchange? Monetize your knowledge by sell strategies, forecasts, signals to platform users. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/5.png NRM Store modules Any ideas how to improve the system? Create your own module and sell it in the NRM Store. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/6.png Blockchain Academy content Want to share knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency? Start to train and guide people. Available at all platforms The NRM platform is available on Web/Desktop version for Windows and macOS, and a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/7.png NRM token http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/8.png NRM is the ERC20 token on public Ethereum network, used in NRM ecosystem. Due to the token, users can purchase and sell their intellectual assets, as well as purchase content and bonus functions at the NRM platform. Tokens distribution 60% Pre-sale and ICO 15% Team (froze for 1 year) 15% Reserved for development 5% NRM loyalty program 5% Advisors, consultants, and partners Funds distribution 50% Platform development 25% Marketing 10% Legal support 10% Infrastructure 5% Technical and users support >>> WHITEPAPER <<< (https://nrm.cash/white) ICO ROUNDS Basic price 1 ETH = 15 000 NRM (may vary on market price of ETH) April, 20 - 5, May - Pre-ICO NRM Tokens = 297 500 000 PRE-ICO bonus tokens = 30% May, 15 - June, 15 - ICO NRM Tokens = 2 528 750 000 ICO Bonus = first 12 hours 19,8% decreases every 24 hours by 0,66% (example 19,8% - 0,66% = 19,14% etc…) REFERRAL & BOUNTY >>> BOUNTY THREAD <<< (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3371547) ROADMAP & TEAM INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.NRM.CASH (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3371547) WWW.NRM.CASH (https://www.nrm.cash) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.cash/white) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_cash) – TELEGRAM (https://telegram.me/nrm_en) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: @Regl on April 24, 2018, 03:48:36 PM Bitcointalk username :- @Regl
Twitter username :- @RGalagale Retweet link :- https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440?s=20 Telegram username :- @Reshmagl MEW Address :- 0xBe86C70fCDe713e8E7E52886928e90A7c3Def15f Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: roadtomillionair on April 24, 2018, 03:51:13 PM BitcoinTalk Username: roadtomillionair
Twitter Username: @leoiphen Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440 Telegram Username: @hacryptocurrency Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: The Karban on April 24, 2018, 06:20:23 PM http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.jpg WWW.NRM.CASH (https://www.nrm.cash) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.cash/white) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_cash) – TELEGRAM (https://telegram.me/nrm_en) NRM is the world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform for managing your crypto assets and exchanging information about the world of cryptocurrency, based on blockchain technology. $297560 (100%) raised at closed Pre-ICO Closed Pre-ICO at etherscan.io (https://etherscan.io/token/0x6F1408e206d23d446E1580830f11f79C2E58D92B) Idea NRM will combine the functionality of trading platforms with social synergy and the predicted artificial neural network, which will allow the interaction with the world of cryptocurrencies to be taken to a new level. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/9.png NRM platform Expert and analytical platform with highly customizable trading and social modules. Crypto assets have never been so convenient. Trading Tools A set of convenient tools for tracking and managing your crypto assets, allowing the user to collect all available information from stock exchanges to all trusted information sources in one user friendly interface. NRM Wallet The NRM secure wallet, integrated with our platform. Allows holders to make electronic payments to merchants of trusted content. Crypto Wiki The convenient knowledge base based on blockchain technology, where everyone can get any crypto information he needs. NRM Assistant An intelligent helper based on an artificial neural network that will make predictions for the cryptocurrency market based on the data collected by the NRM platform. NRM Marketplace An internal NRM store that will enable independent developers to monetize their own modules using our developer tools, for combined B2C & B2B ecosystem. Social synergy In addition to trade and analytical tools and modules, NRM focuses on a social component that will allow users to interact and monetize their knowledge. Full support of Community driven projects. Use the experience of professionals Professionals will always help and answer any of your questions. The platform user rating system will advise you who to ask. Share your knowledge Increase your rating on the platform by creating content and get NRM tokens. Create communities Create and join communities of interest! A hierarchy system will make it more exciting. Blockchain Academy Join our Academy to learn how to earn on the cryptocurrency. Professionals will share you all detailed information. Rating system http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/1.png Platform users will have its rating, other users can affect by a certain algorithm. Rating data will be securely protected by storing in the blockchain. This makes the rating system effective and excludes any substitution. NRM Assistant http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/10.png Artificial intelligence based on neural networks, built using the latest algorithms of self-learning, analysis, and comparison of self-self-corrected neurons. This technology based on the history of success and failure, taking into account the correlation of the objects of analysis. Why is it effective? Due to the use of large computing power and artificial intelligence based on the neural network, the NRM Assistant will instantly analyze user data and offer the best solutions. Get your income http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/3.png Monetize your intellect on the NRM platform, by sharing your knowledge. The smart contract system will make monetization fully transparent. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/4.png Analytics Having a good understanding of the trading on the exchange? Monetize your knowledge by sell strategies, forecasts, signals to platform users. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/5.png NRM Store modules Any ideas how to improve the system? Create your own module and sell it in the NRM Store. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/6.png Blockchain Academy content Want to share knowledge about the world of cryptocurrency? Start to train and guide people. Available at all platforms The NRM platform is available on Web/Desktop version for Windows and macOS, and a mobile application for Android and iOS devices. http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/7.png NRM token http://zebrafree.ru/bkt/8.png NRM is the ERC20 token on public Ethereum network, used in NRM ecosystem. Due to the token, users can purchase and sell their intellectual assets, as well as purchase content and bonus functions at the NRM platform. Tokens distribution 60% Pre-sale and ICO 15% Team (froze for 1 year) 15% Reserved for development 5% NRM loyalty program 5% Advisors, consultants, and partners Funds distribution 50% Platform development 25% Marketing 10% Legal support 10% Infrastructure 5% Technical and users support >>> WHITEPAPER <<< (https://nrm.cash/white) ICO ROUNDS Basic price 1 ETH = 15 000 NRM (may vary on market price of ETH) April, 20 - 5, May - Pre-ICO NRM Tokens = 297 500 000 PRE-ICO bonus tokens = 30% May, 15 - June, 15 - ICO NRM Tokens = 2 528 750 000 ICO Bonus = first 12 hours 19,8% decreases every 24 hours by 0,66% (example 19,8% - 0,66% = 19,14% etc…) REFERRAL & BOUNTY >>> BOUNTY THREAD <<< (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3371547) ROADMAP & TEAM INFORMATION IS AVAILABLE AT WWW.NRM.CASH (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3371547) WWW.NRM.CASH (https://www.nrm.cash) – WHITEPAPER (https://nrm.cash/white) – GITHUB (https://github.com/NRM-Neuromachine) – LINKEDIN (https://www.linkedin.com/company/neuromachine/) – SLACK (https://join.slack.com/t/neuromachine/shared_invite/enQtMzUwODQ3MzI1OTI0LTdjODM1MWIzMmJhNTk5MjJkMzVjODUxM2QzZWUwMTU5MDk2YTQ1MDdiNjdjZDJjNzU5MjVjZDFiODlhOWExMTk) – YOUTUBE (https://www.youtube.com/c/NRM24TV) – TWITTER (https://twitter.com/nrm_cash) – TELEGRAM (https://telegram.me/nrm_en) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: The Karban on April 24, 2018, 06:27:47 PM Bitcointalk username : The Karban
Twitter username :@Furihasasuke Retweet link : https://twitter.com/Furihasasuke/status/988846615682342912 Telegram username : @Furihujan9 MEW Address : 0xAeE4237863Da4BC3FBca1Da49F0628a6F7C6018b Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Ecex.Exchange on April 24, 2018, 06:29:04 PM Upcoming token trading 🚀🔥 ERC20 Token Listing application 🚀🔥 http://Ecex.Exchange 🚀🔥
Video: How to apply for token listing on Ecex Exhnange https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNv70UJk1GI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNv70UJk1GI) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: neko7kan on April 24, 2018, 06:34:42 PM BitcoinTalk Username: neko7kan
ETH Address: 0xA54f0413E7EE53D471B64A29F61fC0139D9D2CeE Telegram Username: @magurokan Twitter Username: @nekokanHp Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/nrm_cash/status/988117086399549440?ref_src=twcamp%5Ecopy%7Ctwsrc%5Eandroid%7Ctwgr%5Ecopy%7Ctwcon%5E7090%7Ctwterm%5E3 Facebook Profilelink: https://www.facebook.com/hirosin.neko Facebook Sharelink: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=168575257297558&id=100024352542013&_rdr Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 24, 2018, 07:14:34 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on April 24, 2018, 07:20:37 PM I love crypto trading and I think investing to this project is not risky because people will definitely use it
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Tiamel on April 24, 2018, 07:28:55 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 24, 2018, 07:40:27 PM The relatively high ratings of the project on popular web browsing sites, I like your openness towards investors. Yes, this project is pretty well known on the popular websites. And I think that a lot of investors appreciate the work of this project and many will join this project because it has potential. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ZezeErnesto on April 24, 2018, 08:01:50 PM A very interesting and attractive project for the crypto community!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 24, 2018, 08:05:59 PM The relatively high ratings of the project on popular web browsing sites, I like your openness towards investors. Yes, this project is pretty well known on the popular websites. And I think that a lot of investors appreciate the work of this project and many will join this project because it has potential. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 24, 2018, 08:12:06 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 24, 2018, 08:17:50 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Bardadym on April 24, 2018, 08:20:44 PM Tell me how much to collect the money the project wants? I like the idea of the project and the team.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on April 24, 2018, 08:23:23 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Brucer on April 24, 2018, 08:26:50 PM Good project and solid team!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 24, 2018, 08:38:09 PM I think this project will be able to attract investors because it has unique idea and allow any sort of people use this platform, from AI developers to miners. This is very good and promises big profits for the investors who contribute to the project. Actually this is a good opportunity also for investors because the result will be doubled with such allocation. Need to go through the whitepaper to study more Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Adriano2010 on April 24, 2018, 08:38:23 PM This project looks very interesting. I will keep watching this and i will join bounty or airdrop if is still opened. I wish good luck to the dev.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: 3Bullion on April 24, 2018, 08:39:02 PM I wonder when tokens will be issued, as well as interested in the token price for the ICO stage for 1 ETH?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on April 24, 2018, 08:46:35 PM Hello, you have such an interesting project, but why NRM.Cash?? I don’t understand what it means
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: raul19996 on April 24, 2018, 08:51:27 PM impressing, very perspective project
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Fett11 on April 24, 2018, 08:58:05 PM Hello, you have such an interesting project, but why NRM.Cash?? I don’t understand what it means Actually NRM means NeuroMachine =) Visit the website for beginning… Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Noospheres on April 24, 2018, 08:59:22 PM At a first glance it sounds interesting. I will have to look into it some more.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hogyny on April 24, 2018, 09:04:27 PM reading to the ANN article, the project looks promising
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: zlatin92 on April 24, 2018, 09:10:07 PM Hi. Do you have any working product (alpha or beta)?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Cryptorid3r on April 24, 2018, 09:17:08 PM BitcoinTalk Username: Cryptorid3r
Telegram Username: @Cryptorid3r Twitter Username: @cryptorider45 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/cryptorider45 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Tonnyrinze on April 24, 2018, 10:44:26 PM Nice and awesome project, when will the ICO come up?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Chichi9999bb on April 24, 2018, 11:55:01 PM Very nice project.
Thank for good luck! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM - The world's first decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: khungcuaso11 on April 25, 2018, 02:13:31 AM Looks like promising project.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: thientructran on April 25, 2018, 02:22:33 AM I love you project! good job.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH First decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: rizwan15g148 on April 25, 2018, 02:36:59 AM :D i personally notified that this is a excellent project behind great team :-*
i joined as masooma batool/rizwanuhammad74@gmail.com mew add… 0x2766473958261D1a9cd3925C63341A84095C16B4 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: iSetyoputro on April 25, 2018, 03:01:54 AM this is a great project...let's champaigning this project until reach the goal
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mudassar786 on April 25, 2018, 04:09:29 AM BitcoinTalk user name: mudassar786
Telegram Username: @Mudassar2 Twitter Username: @AirdropNews01 ER 20 Wallet 0x610321F2F3D5B9C5b3F20DCcA16D2D535532E55c Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NikoF on April 25, 2018, 04:50:18 AM BitcoinTalk user name: NikoF
Telegram Username: @NoticeK Twitter Username: @ijnallqlt6c1uah ERC 20 Wallet 0xAA3a67839613767A90125A85A187548C683BAdeb Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: MR.OZwat on April 25, 2018, 06:49:23 AM BitcoinTalk Username: mr.ozwat
Telegram Username: @ozwat Twitter Username: @mr1ozwat Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/cryptorider45 Eth:0x6Aefea3191aECf910380e4a9C8EA4674B0309ccd Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Rt301 on April 25, 2018, 07:34:14 AM good project having good team.
Telgram username: rt301 ERC20: 0x027FC383d96b153f91EEa0B470DB8AD3a4D32Dfd Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Biggy24 on April 25, 2018, 07:46:36 AM Looking good but the devs need to deliver
Let's see how it goes Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: johan15 on April 25, 2018, 07:53:10 AM BitcoinTalk Username: johan15
Telegram Username: @Johnkei Twitter Username: @nuryanro Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/nuryanro Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/john.key.92351 Eth: 0x43063aefD05CC5dacAb0cD5075F79cf403f58329 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: shahzebtanvir on April 25, 2018, 08:47:36 AM I think the technology can be useful in future and this is different project and concept than others :-*
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: shahzebtanvir on April 25, 2018, 08:51:36 AM BitcoinTalk Username: shahzebtanvir
Telegram Username: @shajo Twitter Username: @shahzebaig Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/shahzebaig Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/shahzebbaigpk ERC20: 0xf92E095aAb4081dc7d4A8EfB5c307657Fd616F74 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hajari lal on April 25, 2018, 08:54:46 AM Very nice project.I love you project! good job. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hoanggever on April 25, 2018, 09:06:19 AM veru good project
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: bitspectra on April 25, 2018, 10:37:06 AM BitcoinTalk Username: bitspectra
Telegram Username: @arclits Twitter Username: @bitspectra Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/BitSpectra Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/crypt.nex ERC20: 0xaBD7d203E1E13388111E7AA55B7D8e2246e7ABf1 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: IWYXYM on April 25, 2018, 10:43:52 AM The project always remained on hearing at many people, and as at interested investors in it.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 25, 2018, 10:52:49 AM The project always remained on hearing at many people, and as at interested investors in it. Yes, that is the great way to make the first step for a better community. If the team will hear all the people, supporters and investors queries and suggestion, then I think the team would come up with the best strategy to gain more people and investors that will lead and serves as a key to the huge community of the Neuromachine. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: LEETAP on April 25, 2018, 11:10:06 AM I see a lot of people messing up with checking the project. Is it so hard to check the website first? I’ll never get that…
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: HuP9RX on April 25, 2018, 11:16:37 AM I see a lot of people messing up with checking the project. Is it so hard to check the website first? I’ll never get that… Yeah right, the first thing to check is their website, its domain etc. Then the contents of the websites then the Ann thread, next are the social media accounts, and last but not the least, the activeness of the devs and team members. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 25, 2018, 11:36:29 AM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: InVE$$$tOR on April 25, 2018, 11:58:17 AM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: zeronumber2 on April 25, 2018, 12:47:30 PM BitcoinTalk Username: zeronumber2
Telegram Username: @MarkLoreto Twitter Username: @MarkLoreto Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/MarkLoverzZ Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/markloreto.547 ERC20: 0xe400Ac1637E721CA9b79895a13080E8176aA9568 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: zeronumber2 on April 25, 2018, 12:48:11 PM The project always remained on hearing at many people, Looking forward on this project to be done and accomplish
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: khanaayan on April 25, 2018, 12:49:12 PM A big and promising project. I love you project!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on April 25, 2018, 01:24:05 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 25, 2018, 01:31:29 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 25, 2018, 02:42:38 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: The Karban on April 25, 2018, 04:00:25 PM Username:The Karban
Email: limusjepara@gmail.com Alternatif Email : karban@ahk.jp link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=post;quote=34454118 Telegram:@Furihujan9 Twitter :@Furihasasuke Wallet: 0xAeE4237863Da4BC3FBca1Da49F0628a6F7C6018b Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vivaldisto on April 25, 2018, 04:09:20 PM unfortunately I did not see a single answer to the questions from the manager. among other things, I would like to know if you already have a working product?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 25, 2018, 04:29:12 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 25, 2018, 04:40:32 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on April 25, 2018, 05:12:28 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Tiamel on April 25, 2018, 07:18:31 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 25, 2018, 07:23:56 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 25, 2018, 07:30:33 PM With the current ETH pricing condition, there should be a price adjustment for its token because the participants who early supported the project will be harmed if the token sale price is not adjusted to the current ETH price, does the team have an opinion on this issue? That's the risk of the early birds. There is a big bonus for that. In addition, things can be different and the ETH Prize goes up. Then the first investors benefit twice and the later have to pay more. There are no adjustments. That's ICO =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: KrIp on April 25, 2018, 08:28:32 PM It says in the white paper that the number of NRM token issued will be 5 billion, will it be possible to generate more tokens after the ICO?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 25, 2018, 08:33:52 PM It says in the white paper that the number of NRM token issued will be 5 billion, will it be possible to generate more tokens after the ICO? As far as I know, these are very rare cases. In addition to this, all unsold tokens will be destroyed. Generation of new tokens can negatively affect the price of a coin, and can cause inflation. This is unacceptable and can ruin everything. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on April 25, 2018, 08:52:38 PM Doing your own research in
anything investment is the key and important, I understand, that’s why I was reading whitepaper for a few days. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Paparazek on April 25, 2018, 08:58:36 PM It says in the white paper that the number of NRM token issued will be 5 billion, will it be possible to generate more tokens after the ICO? As far as I know, these are very rare cases. In addition to this, all unsold tokens will be destroyed. Generation of new tokens can negatively affect the price of a coin, and can cause inflation. This is unacceptable and can ruin everything. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Noriman on April 25, 2018, 09:19:52 PM It says in the white paper that the number of NRM token issued will be 5 billion, will it be possible to generate more tokens after the ICO? As far as I know, these are very rare cases. In addition to this, all unsold tokens will be destroyed. Generation of new tokens can negatively affect the price of a coin, and can cause inflation. This is unacceptable and can ruin everything. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: cbob1911 on April 25, 2018, 11:30:24 PM bounty link doesn't work. Is there another?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Smoya on April 26, 2018, 08:37:57 AM Very interesting project and adding the education element is very good.Helping us to better understand certain terminologies in trading and cryptocurrencies
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 26, 2018, 11:19:32 AM Is there any free airdrop available for Neuromachine? Like for joining their Telegram for a example. I know that there is a refferal bounty available.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 26, 2018, 11:35:45 AM Is there any free airdrop available for Neuromachine? Like for joining their Telegram for a example. I know that there is a refferal bounty available. I haven't heard about that. And what for it's necessary in general? Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NENOPE on April 26, 2018, 11:51:04 AM Well, there are 9 days left until the end of the pre-ICO... it seems that the project will not reach the exact end of the cap exactly. Very good, if it reaches a soft cap...
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: IWYXYM on April 26, 2018, 12:01:01 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 26, 2018, 12:17:30 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 26, 2018, 12:24:40 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: airdropair1 on April 26, 2018, 02:59:20 PM Have a vision for the future. If the team can innovate combine different skills and competencies,may be able to achieve a calculated role in crypto and are quite ready to conquer the market.The project team are first class people, I like their approach
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 26, 2018, 06:19:45 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 26, 2018, 06:25:38 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Exomend2 on April 26, 2018, 06:25:59 PM This top project)
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 26, 2018, 06:32:18 PM unfortunately I did not see a single answer to the questions from the manager. among other things, I would like to know if you already have a working product? No, they haven’t. As you can see from their roadmap, they will release open beta platform in September this year Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 26, 2018, 06:37:45 PM unfortunately I did not see a single answer to the questions from the manager. among other things, I would like to know if you already have a working product? No, they haven’t. As you can see from their roadmap, they will release open beta platform in September this year Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Noriman on April 26, 2018, 07:44:05 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 26, 2018, 07:56:58 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: HuP9RX on April 26, 2018, 08:07:08 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on April 26, 2018, 08:22:28 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 26, 2018, 08:36:51 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Tiamel on April 26, 2018, 08:51:15 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: pupavamp1 on April 26, 2018, 08:55:38 PM Impressive project and ideas..i'll support you
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Fett11 on April 26, 2018, 09:03:58 PM Excellent token. I love these kind of tokens where they are already got sold out on closed pre-ICOs Yes, for me this is the only acceptable option for investing funds. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: KrIp on April 26, 2018, 09:08:15 PM The team looks experienced, I think that they will be able to implement many of their projects. Investors can rely on them.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on April 26, 2018, 09:13:02 PM An interesting infrastructure project and as I understand it, the company has an official registration in Estonia? What country is the team from?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 26, 2018, 09:21:45 PM An interesting infrastructure project and as I understand it, the company has an official registration in Estonia? What country is the team from? The team is from Russia as I see in their LinkedIn profiles. But most of them pointed Republic of Tatarstan, maybe this is their base. Need to ask it to the team directly Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: pk5313288 on April 27, 2018, 01:24:00 AM this project is going to great . but where i will recieve my token?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CAKWAWAN on April 27, 2018, 01:36:20 AM NRM is an ERC20 token on a public Ethereum network, used in the NRM ecosystem.
What is the bonus function on the NRM platform? I do not really understand about the function of each device that is in it. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: tiCeR on April 27, 2018, 02:46:59 PM It is still early days for NRM.CASH so I don't see a reason to panic already because they might not reach their soft cap. They will hit it and the best people here can do to achieve that goal is to spread the word.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: fenixosup on April 27, 2018, 02:56:59 PM How about airdrop /bounty?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 27, 2018, 10:31:26 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions…
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 27, 2018, 10:39:33 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on April 27, 2018, 10:46:42 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 27, 2018, 10:54:22 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on April 27, 2018, 11:01:05 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on April 27, 2018, 11:07:15 PM The idea of the project is analytics. If it is well advertised, then they have a chance to attract a lot of users. Because there are so many newcomers to crypto world, and NRM could help them.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 27, 2018, 11:13:34 PM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 28, 2018, 05:42:45 AM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on April 28, 2018, 05:49:20 AM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 28, 2018, 05:57:32 AM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 28, 2018, 06:03:48 AM Advertisement and promotions help each project to be more known and popular. Bounty campaigns and any other form of advertisement well help for project success. Investors attracted to a project that has many good reviews and feedbacks.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 28, 2018, 06:09:03 AM But what do developers say about this? How much have they managed to collect? There are so many questions… I think the project still really need to improve their advertising strategies to make this project more popular. Also the marketing needs to revise, they need to add more bonuses to attract many investors. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 28, 2018, 06:18:59 AM Advertisement and promotions help each project to be more known and popular. Bounty campaigns and any other form of advertisement well help for project success. Investors attracted to a project that has many good reviews and feedbacks. But is it just me or is nobody seeing the massive adverts and promotions been done by Neuromachine, yes I do agree that the backbone of any project is promotion and this project is judiciously doing such, I believe the impact will soon be felt, so let’s be optimistic. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on April 28, 2018, 06:25:03 AM Basically NRM will use ETH to develop their platform, advertise your business to potential user and gather users as much as possible for being one of top 15 in analytical field until 2020.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on April 28, 2018, 06:31:50 AM Basically NRM will use ETH to develop their platform, advertise your business to potential user and gather users as much as possible for being one of top 15 in analytical field until 2020. Neuromachine is doing its best in the promotions. I am seeing Neuromachine everywhere now including social media channels. Social media bounty should not have been closed should be my only opinion. Not sure why they closed that earlier. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 28, 2018, 03:59:32 PM I heard negative feedback, but I'm sure that many of them are unhappy with the work of the social medias just because they all lose their money...
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Visesrion on April 28, 2018, 04:00:15 PM I like the idea. I will follow you.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Imhotepp on April 28, 2018, 04:17:21 PM I heard negative feedback, but I'm sure that many of them are unhappy with the work of the social medias just because they all lose their money... In Russia, we have a lot of negative reviews about everything, but I'm sure it is because we have a very poorly developed sphere on the whole, and the people are not very polite. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Razhabov on April 28, 2018, 04:27:00 PM I heard negative feedback, but I'm sure that many of them are unhappy with the work of the social medias just because they all lose their money... In Russia, we have a lot of negative reviews about everything, but I'm sure it is because we have a very poorly developed sphere on the whole, and the people are not very polite. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 28, 2018, 04:35:41 PM The similar projects connected with analytics and different investments into this sphere always have a huge number of users and good infrastructure. As for this project to be successful, it is necessary to add interesting functions which will deserve there is nobody attention from users and that will be though a little to distinguish this platform from others.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YangsT on April 28, 2018, 04:41:19 PM The similar projects connected with analytics and different investments into this sphere always have a huge number of users and good infrastructure. As for this project to be successful, it is necessary to add interesting functions which will deserve there is nobody attention from users and that will be though a little to distinguish this platform from others. You don't always have to take risks to accomplish something. There may be obstacles in your way to accomplish your goal but those don't always have to take risks with them. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: XcalibuRRR on April 28, 2018, 05:23:31 PM What exchanges u will analyze to gathering information?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 28, 2018, 05:29:08 PM Hi team, will illiquid currencies be removed? There are so many shitcoin nowadays...
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 28, 2018, 05:38:21 PM Hi team, will illiquid currencies be removed? There are so many shitcoin nowadays... Ye, I think that illiquid currencies will be removed and added new will I have to pay for registration?Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 28, 2018, 05:47:07 PM I think Yes ,because for the good information you have to pay or learn from the mistakes hence also to pay will the information be averaged or specific for each exchanges?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on April 28, 2018, 05:54:04 PM May i controll my notification to get information for specific cryptoexchanges?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 28, 2018, 06:04:06 PM May i controll my notification to get information for specific cryptoexchanges? Of course, any user will be able to customize their notificationsTitle: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on April 28, 2018, 08:35:36 PM Will the growing cryptocurrencies be painted for example in green and falling in red for greater visibility
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: mendocrypto on April 28, 2018, 08:36:42 PM Wow! Closed pre-ICO? Awesome.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vivaldisto on April 28, 2018, 10:37:21 PM as I understand it, following the results of the pre-sale project is not as successful as it seems. it will be good if they reach at least soft cap. I will observe
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on April 29, 2018, 10:04:43 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 29, 2018, 10:17:34 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 29, 2018, 10:23:24 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on April 29, 2018, 10:30:24 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Pivooooo on April 29, 2018, 10:36:44 AM Also keep in mind that most people behind blockchain projects are pioneers in some sense as they are the first to do what they are actually doing. That means you run into problems that nobody ever faced and you got to solve them. NRM is doing great.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 29, 2018, 10:44:20 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 29, 2018, 11:00:44 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 29, 2018, 11:07:09 AM Good vision, the project have all the prospect to become successful in a little time. Does the project have a referral program? No, as far as I know, at the moment there is a bonus of 30% when buying tokens. That’s all I see on their website Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 29, 2018, 11:14:06 AM What is the best program to invest in your project? Is it better to wait until main ICO?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on April 29, 2018, 11:22:26 AM What is the best program to invest in your project? Is it better to wait until main ICO? Are you out of your mind? Now there is a bonus when buying a token 30%. There is a referral program where you get tokens for each friend. Is it not enough for you? Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on April 29, 2018, 11:28:42 AM What is the best program to invest in your project? Is it better to wait until main ICO? Are you out of your mind? Now there is a bonus when buying a token 30%. There is a referral program where you get tokens for each friend. Is it not enough for you? Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 29, 2018, 05:38:48 PM What is the best program to invest in your project? Is it better to wait until main ICO? Are you out of your mind? Now there is a bonus when buying a token 30%. There is a referral program where you get tokens for each friend. Is it not enough for you? Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Imhotepp on April 29, 2018, 05:45:43 PM I am investing in all good ICOs and also coins which I missed during ICO. If you believe in crypto currencies, then you should start buying now. There is no point in buying currencies when it’s at high price.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Razhabov on April 29, 2018, 05:51:22 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: InVE$$$tOR on April 29, 2018, 05:57:25 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. Yes, but the project doesn’t have 3 weeks. There is time only until May 5. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YangsT on April 29, 2018, 06:04:05 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. This just waits for the right time for all sold tokens to be full of the time it has been specified. I strongly support this project for future success. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Ramana143 on April 29, 2018, 06:10:25 PM BitcoinTalk username: Ramana143
Twitter Username: @Venkat__ramana Twitter Link: https://twitter.com/Venkat__ramana Telegram Username: @MedipallyVenkatesh1 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: XcalibuRRR on April 29, 2018, 06:19:31 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. This just waits for the right time for all sold tokens to be full of the time it has been specified. I strongly support this project for future success. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on April 29, 2018, 06:25:12 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. This just waits for the right time for all sold tokens to be full of the time it has been specified. I strongly support this project for future success. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 29, 2018, 06:31:42 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. This just waits for the right time for all sold tokens to be full of the time it has been specified. I strongly support this project for future success. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 29, 2018, 06:40:02 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. This just waits for the right time for all sold tokens to be full of the time it has been specified. I strongly support this project for future success. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on April 29, 2018, 06:46:11 PM This project is one on my list, Great project amazing concept. Count me in. I will strongly recommend this project to my friends, good luck guys!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Pivooooo on April 29, 2018, 07:30:22 PM Yes indeed. The team are working hard for the project. But the most interesting part is that they have a clear infomation about the phased sales such as the allocation of coins and the prices set at several stages , It's very interesting to follow the improvement of this project in the future.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: thinkme1st on April 29, 2018, 07:52:03 PM Look like collecting is growing up. They already sold huge amount of tokens. I think soft cap will be reached within next 2-3 weeks. Yes, but the project doesn’t have 3 weeks. There is time only until May 5. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on April 30, 2018, 12:08:50 PM It would be desirable to learn from developers as your platform will be connected with decentralized exchanges? Whether there will be some communication or your cooperation with such websites for division of profit?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on April 30, 2018, 12:15:21 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on April 30, 2018, 12:21:37 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on April 30, 2018, 12:27:22 PM Guys, any news about exchanges? I mean which exchanges NRM team is targeting? I know its bit early to talk about listing, but the way NRM sell is going on, I think we may need to think about listing in July itself.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on April 30, 2018, 12:34:15 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on April 30, 2018, 12:40:47 PM Neuromachine is a great project! And indeed this is a really great one project that holds a strong platform for the whole crypto currency community. I hope that this project will continue to strive and gain more supporters. As I can see, as days goes by, the project is getting more and more popular and that's a great news. Just keep it up team Neuromachine!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on April 30, 2018, 12:46:37 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on April 30, 2018, 12:52:27 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on April 30, 2018, 12:57:59 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on April 30, 2018, 01:04:38 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. I hope that by the end of the year, Ethereum will jump to 2000. =) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on April 30, 2018, 01:11:10 PM Thought it was just me been hypersensitive about the promotion stuff, the project has been on the lips of many, like before I could ask questions, some individuals will give the answer about Neuromachine, so it’s blazing across the crypto community and that's a good thing
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on April 30, 2018, 04:40:15 PM That's a good one. I am glad to see this project developing, and it is even more interesting that people think of investing. That's a cool thing. Everybody should tell their friends about the project too and get rewarded for it.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on April 30, 2018, 04:47:11 PM That's a good one. I am glad to see this project developing, and it is even more interesting that people think of investing. That's a cool thing. Everybody should tell their friends about the project too and get rewarded for it. Nice to see that they have a referral program. It will surely attract more potential investors, and the worker will also be rewarded. Is there a limit to what you can earn? Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Imhotepp on April 30, 2018, 04:55:42 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Razhabov on April 30, 2018, 05:01:09 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project I also wish the same. ETH has lost a lot last days. Let’s hope it starts move up from here. By the way, did anybody notice how fast NRM tokens started to sell? We are going to reach the softcap very soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on April 30, 2018, 05:07:34 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project I also wish the same. ETH has lost a lot last days. Let’s hope it starts move up from here. By the way, did anybody notice how fast NRM tokens started to sell? We are going to reach the softcap very soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YangsT on April 30, 2018, 05:17:29 PM I have studied the website and read whitepaper, interesting project and good team. Looks pretty attractive, everything is beautifully and openly presented, and the team is already working on it.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: XcalibuRRR on April 30, 2018, 05:25:53 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project I also wish the same. ETH has lost a lot last days. Let’s hope it starts move up from here. By the way, did anybody notice how fast NRM tokens started to sell? We are going to reach the softcap very soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on April 30, 2018, 05:33:11 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project I also wish the same. ETH has lost a lot last days. Let’s hope it starts move up from here. By the way, did anybody notice how fast NRM tokens started to sell? We are going to reach the softcap very soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on April 30, 2018, 05:40:02 PM I bet that ETH will not fall any further, so today I buy a few of them. It’s perfect time to invest into Neuromachine project I also wish the same. ETH has lost a lot last days. Let’s hope it starts move up from here. By the way, did anybody notice how fast NRM tokens started to sell? We are going to reach the softcap very soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hiasnz98121 on May 01, 2018, 03:22:34 AM See how the market capitalization is growing,already 3 coins have more than $ 100 billion,and this is only the beginning, continue to invest quietly, the market will still grow
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on May 01, 2018, 10:16:59 AM The team have basically 3 days to reach their soft cap and they are cutting it really close to hit the cap. I really hope that they will reach it, but the chances seem very small for me.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Noriman on May 01, 2018, 10:23:13 AM The team have basically 3 days to reach their soft cap and they are cutting it really close to hit the cap. I really hope that they will reach it, but the chances seem very small for me. I think they will hit it easily in 2 weeks, because I did not even notice and the progress bar of token sale went up, I think they will close it soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Paparazek on May 01, 2018, 10:29:11 AM The team have basically 3 days to reach their soft cap and they are cutting it really close to hit the cap. I really hope that they will reach it, but the chances seem very small for me. I think they will hit it easily in 2 weeks, because I did not even notice and the progress bar of token sale went up, I think they will close it soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Fett11 on May 01, 2018, 10:40:50 AM The team have basically 3 days to reach their soft cap and they are cutting it really close to hit the cap. I really hope that they will reach it, but the chances seem very small for me. I think they will hit it easily in 2 weeks, because I did not even notice and the progress bar of token sale went up, I think they will close it soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on May 01, 2018, 10:52:41 AM The team have basically 3 days to reach their soft cap and they are cutting it really close to hit the cap. I really hope that they will reach it, but the chances seem very small for me. I think they will hit it easily in 2 weeks, because I did not even notice and the progress bar of token sale went up, I think they will close it soon. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on May 01, 2018, 10:59:49 AM Many people don't believe this huge bonuses. Therefore, all I can advise is to look for more information, watch ratings, read reviews. Analyze. Only then you will understand - it is worth investing in the project, or not. My answer is definitely worth it.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on May 01, 2018, 11:10:32 AM Many people don't believe this huge bonuses. Therefore, all I can advise is to look for more information, watch ratings, read reviews. Analyze. Only then you will understand - it is worth investing in the project, or not. My answer is definitely worth it. Nope, 30% bonus is so impression, but it not enough to make someone make decision to invest at NRM projects - except analytics. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on May 01, 2018, 11:25:38 AM Many people don't believe this huge bonuses. Therefore, all I can advise is to look for more information, watch ratings, read reviews. Analyze. Only then you will understand - it is worth investing in the project, or not. My answer is definitely worth it. 30% is a fantastic bonus and I’m sure it will attract a lot of investors, but I hope investors would do their own research and make sure they know everything about the project and know exactly what they are investing in. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on May 01, 2018, 11:31:59 AM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: VektoR171 on May 01, 2018, 11:39:33 AM Many people don't believe this huge bonuses. Therefore, all I can advise is to look for more information, watch ratings, read reviews. Analyze. Only then you will understand - it is worth investing in the project, or not. My answer is definitely worth it. 30% is a fantastic bonus and I’m sure it will attract a lot of investors, but I hope investors would do their own research and make sure they know everything about the project and know exactly what they are investing in. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on May 01, 2018, 11:46:39 AM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ShaManius on May 01, 2018, 11:52:59 AM Many people don't believe this huge bonuses. Therefore, all I can advise is to look for more information, watch ratings, read reviews. Analyze. Only then you will understand - it is worth investing in the project, or not. My answer is definitely worth it. 30% is a fantastic bonus and I’m sure it will attract a lot of investors, but I hope investors would do their own research and make sure they know everything about the project and know exactly what they are investing in. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Monopoli$T on May 01, 2018, 05:22:33 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Kurrie on May 01, 2018, 05:27:36 PM A very interesting and attractive project for the crypto community!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on May 01, 2018, 05:28:21 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on May 01, 2018, 05:34:06 PM I like this project, it looks promising. I learned more about the project and this idea by studying whitepaper. But even with a superficial introduction to the project there are only positive impressions.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on May 01, 2018, 05:58:52 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on May 01, 2018, 06:05:03 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on May 01, 2018, 06:11:56 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on May 01, 2018, 06:18:00 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on May 01, 2018, 06:24:59 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on May 01, 2018, 06:32:39 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: yaazcryptos on May 01, 2018, 06:37:06 PM An interesting project and concept, never seen something like this before. good luck
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on May 01, 2018, 06:39:34 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on May 01, 2018, 06:49:06 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on May 01, 2018, 06:57:41 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Imhotepp on May 01, 2018, 07:07:03 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GeRa_182 on May 01, 2018, 07:13:29 PM Do you plan to enter the top 15 best platforms by 2020? And what place in the rating now? You have all the prospects to enter top 15. Yes. Thanks to the implementation of ICO, they plan to become leaders in the field of analytics. I think, when the soft cap will be reached - everything will turn out. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Razhabov on May 02, 2018, 09:08:08 AM I just found your project. What is the use of blockchain in Neuromachine? And what type of blockchain is there? Hope you will implement ERC20
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YangsT on May 02, 2018, 09:15:25 AM I just found your project. What is the use of blockchain in Neuromachine? And what type of blockchain is there? Hope you will implement ERC20 “For all economic transactions within the platform, the NRM token of ERC-20 standard is used based on the Ethereum public blockchain, which can be sent to any wallet supporting the above standard. The choice fell on the Ethereum because of the developed infrastructure, high prevalence and smart contract support.” – I think it’s clear enough, although I just quoted the whitepaper Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: NeRoX82 on May 02, 2018, 09:27:02 AM What will ensure strong growth of value of your token? If the team experienced enough for this type of project? I want to estimate because I want to make long term investment.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on May 02, 2018, 09:42:49 AM What will ensure strong growth of value of your token? If the team experienced enough for this type of project? I want to estimate because I want to make long term investment. NRM tokens will be used for economic calculations within the system, maybe it will be used for buying pro version of platform. Roughly saying, people will definitely buy tokens to use platform, so the price will be stable. You can check teams profiles, they have experience in many fields, they are passionate and hardworking to provide high-end product to us. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on May 02, 2018, 09:48:27 AM interesting ideas with some developed items, clear allocation of funds with total supply of coins that is not excessive, but I do not know the price of coins at the time of pre-ICO, and also how much the target price when the ICO begins?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on May 02, 2018, 09:54:24 AM interesting ideas with some developed items, clear allocation of funds with total supply of coins that is not excessive, but I do not know the price of coins at the time of pre-ICO, and also how much the target price when the ICO begins? Right now, at pre-ICO stage, 1 NRM = 0.036 USDT, but I don’t understand 2nd part of your question Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Drugser on May 02, 2018, 10:01:16 AM What will ensure strong growth of value of your token? If the team experienced enough for this type of project? I want to estimate because I want to make long term investment. NRM tokens will be used for economic calculations within the system, maybe it will be used for buying pro version of platform. Roughly saying, people will definitely buy tokens to use platform, so the price will be stable. You can check teams profiles, they have experience in many fields, they are passionate and hardworking to provide high-end product to us. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: DyxLEzz on May 02, 2018, 10:08:34 AM What will ensure strong growth of value of your token? If the team experienced enough for this type of project? I want to estimate because I want to make long term investment. NRM tokens will be used for economic calculations within the system, maybe it will be used for buying pro version of platform. Roughly saying, people will definitely buy tokens to use platform, so the price will be stable. You can check teams profiles, they have experience in many fields, they are passionate and hardworking to provide high-end product to us. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: coinwoot on May 02, 2018, 12:25:20 PM Hello,
We have added Neuromachine ICO (http://coinwoot.com/ico/neuromachine) profile to CoinWoot (http://coinwoot.com) website (link - http://coinwoot.com/ico/neuromachine (http://coinwoot.com/ico/neuromachine)). If you have any question about Neuromachine ICO profile, feel free to contact us. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: VektoR171 on May 02, 2018, 04:27:03 PM What will ensure strong growth of value of your token? If the team experienced enough for this type of project? I want to estimate because I want to make long term investment. NRM tokens will be used for economic calculations within the system, maybe it will be used for buying pro version of platform. Roughly saying, people will definitely buy tokens to use platform, so the price will be stable. You can check teams profiles, they have experience in many fields, they are passionate and hardworking to provide high-end product to us. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on May 02, 2018, 04:36:34 PM Do you have a target market? Who are your special consumers? Haven’t find anything about it
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Starbaks on May 02, 2018, 04:38:46 PM The NRM project is remarkable. help us control our assets. and more interestingly, we can all exchange information about cryptocurrency, so make sure our knowledge will grow and our assets remain safe.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ShaManius on May 02, 2018, 04:41:58 PM Do you have a target market? Who are your special consumers? Haven’t find anything about it They will cooperate with different markets and I guess they will pay special attention for all their customers. At least they should pay attention. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Monopoli$T on May 02, 2018, 04:50:09 PM Your project looks very perspective, I’ve studied your WP. What about your future plans? What income do you expect in several years after the release? I want team member to ask our questions.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on May 02, 2018, 04:56:04 PM I think no one can predict it! For sure they will do their best to reach the success. But personally I believe in this project and hope they will make big revenues on this platforms.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on May 02, 2018, 05:02:49 PM When the exchange entering is planned? Have you already any confirmed listing? Not just keeping in contact with exchange, but the agreed listing. If yes, what exchanges have agreed?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: another01 on May 03, 2018, 06:40:29 AM Hi, when will bounty program begin?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GolD ApPlE on May 03, 2018, 08:54:27 AM When the exchange entering is planned? Have you already any confirmed listing? Not just keeping in contact with exchange, but the agreed listing. If yes, what exchanges have agreed? NRM tokens will appear on exchanges after the ICO close, in July. That’s all I know, wait for developers’ response.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UlaNov on May 03, 2018, 09:00:09 AM When the exchange entering is planned? Have you already any confirmed listing? Not just keeping in contact with exchange, but the agreed listing. If yes, what exchanges have agreed? I’m not sure the team is eligible to comment that. There were the cases when team announced listing on exchange in advance and it led token was kicked off exchange not being literally listed there.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: UnIvErS on May 03, 2018, 09:06:39 AM When the exchange entering is planned? Have you already any confirmed listing? Not just keeping in contact with exchange, but the agreed listing. If yes, what exchanges have agreed? I’m not sure the team is eligible to comment that. There were the cases when team announced listing on exchange in advance and it led token was kicked off exchange not being literally listed there.Not the exact exchange names but still. We want to know more, and it’s normal. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ReXata on May 03, 2018, 09:21:56 AM When the exchange entering is planned? Have you already any confirmed listing? Not just keeping in contact with exchange, but the agreed listing. If yes, what exchanges have agreed? I’m not sure the team is eligible to comment that. There were the cases when team announced listing on exchange in advance and it led token was kicked off exchange not being literally listed there.Not the exact exchange names but still. We want to know more, and it’s normal. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: GOZIC on May 03, 2018, 09:29:45 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: CeNaToP on May 03, 2018, 09:41:22 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PRAKT!K on May 03, 2018, 09:52:37 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YGICIQU on May 03, 2018, 09:58:54 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Miraculously on May 03, 2018, 10:05:27 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Purge on May 03, 2018, 10:11:24 AM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Imhotepp on May 03, 2018, 05:25:50 PM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: AGRE$$IV on May 03, 2018, 05:38:55 PM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Razhabov on May 03, 2018, 05:45:07 PM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: YangsT on May 03, 2018, 05:52:09 PM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: PISTON_1 on May 03, 2018, 05:58:03 PM What was the bonus for presale investors? And what the difference between presale and main sale? I’m just new to crypto world and do not understand much This is so easy. Presale is taking place much earlier that main sale, the project is not well advertised at that time, but you’ll get large bonus for investing. For example, right now bonus is additional 30%. At the main sale stage, right after presale end, the bonus will decrease. I hope I helped you in understanding the principles of token sale. =)Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: XcalibuRRR on May 03, 2018, 06:05:08 PM What about SEC regulation? Do you operate in accordance with their rules? And what type of token is this?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: IlidaN on May 03, 2018, 06:12:43 PM What about SEC regulation? Do you operate in accordance with their rules? And what type of token is this? NRM tokens are utility tokens. The law observance during the ICO is of the highest importance in order not to put the project at extra risks from national regulators and not to meet problems with listing on the exchanges. Developers make efforts to prevent such problems. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Vurdalakus on May 03, 2018, 06:18:21 PM What about SEC regulation? Do you operate in accordance with their rules? And what type of token is this? SEC rules don’t apply to utility tokens, only to security ones. The NRM tokens is the utility one, so there should be no problems. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: FisiK on May 03, 2018, 06:24:50 PM What about verification in your project? Is there whitelist/KYC applied? If not, will it ever be there?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: OKONOF on May 03, 2018, 06:33:25 PM What about verification in your project? Is there whitelist/KYC applied? If not, will it ever be there? Right now, you need to get whitelisted to take part in pre-ICO. As far as I know, there is no KYC, also I don’t know what will happen at the ICO stage. Only devs know it.Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Brianna20487 on May 05, 2018, 07:11:59 AM This project has pretty good ideas and practicality. I hope that many people are interested in your project. You are doing a great job! Have a nice day for the project!!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: tiCeR on May 05, 2018, 07:13:53 PM Crypto market last year faced correction. Bitcoin corrected 70% but then created new high and reached 20K USD. The same I am expecting this year also. So I am just adding good coins to my portfolio. NRM is one of them Yeah, a slightly similar situation. I really hope that the market will stabilize by the end of the year - then we will be in chocolate. It can't be a constant bull market. The market needs corrections to make sure it is more or less right about the overall evaluations of the crypto market. And also the whales need new entry points after they loaded off their bags at the top. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Mrbee on May 08, 2018, 06:10:24 PM Real talk, I think this ICO project has all it takes for success, there's a great, unique idea that wasn't overused (I think). Analytical platform sounds like a great idea. You can't do much without conducting a proper analysis these days.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Seven02 on May 09, 2018, 06:26:47 AM BitcoinTalk Username: Seven02
Telegram Username: @mnaufalrrr Twitter Username: @mnaufalrrr_24 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/mnaufalrrr_24 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/naufalgrunge ERC20: 0xc7f3cDa7a2008f28D43d95D73B0528a442984a91 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: prehisto on May 13, 2018, 04:00:16 PM It seems that i cant access your bounty thread, is it up and running?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kukdenis on May 14, 2018, 06:35:14 PM Hi Fellows, pls update me if any KYC here ?
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: sujonio on May 17, 2018, 06:00:08 PM BitcoinTalk Username: sujonio
Telegram Username: @sujoni011 Twitter Username: @mnaufalrrr_24 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/sujoni0905 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/sujoni011 ERC20: 0x6abd8845E36c8a76f64817877b430714fC02f3B2 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: goldenball2112 on May 19, 2018, 06:00:03 AM I like this project, it looks promising. I learned more about the project and this idea by studying whitepaper. But even with a superficial introduction to the project there are only positive impressions.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Mamostemat on May 19, 2018, 10:34:33 AM Bu projede bulunmak heyecan verici umutluyum.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: tropyc on May 23, 2018, 01:27:53 PM Hello there,
Neuromachine is now listed on tropyc! Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions! https://www.tropyc.co/crypto/neuromachine (https://www.tropyc.co/crypto/neuromachine) All the best for your sale, Tropyc Team Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: candyemily112 on May 24, 2018, 08:04:38 AM interesting ideas with some developed items, clear allocation of funds with total supply of coins that is not excessive. I hope you could get a big success
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Pivooooo on June 01, 2018, 05:26:59 PM What is really great about this project is that the roadmap has specific dates of execution, as against most others that simply give a vague timeframe. Well done, Devs! I see we have website!
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: tttsuongbnc on June 07, 2018, 12:38:38 PM BitcoinTalk Username: tttsuongbnc
Twitter Username: @donttry221 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/donttry221/status/1004704091803652096 Telegram Username: @TheLionKing2018 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: sasa_ya on June 08, 2018, 06:01:28 AM BitcoinTalk Username: sasa_ya
Telegram Username: @sasamgn Twitter Username: @sasamgn Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/sasamgn Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/sasamgn ERC20: 0x9A803AdF926C88Cecf82448cfE3AB27587093344 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: ngocanh1610 on June 08, 2018, 09:04:59 AM BitcoinTalk Username: ngocanh1610
Twitter Username: @NgocAnhVo6 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/NgocAnhVo6/status/1005012164090793984 Telegram Username: @Ngocanh1610 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: anhthang1vp on June 08, 2018, 09:34:40 AM BitcoinTalk Username: anhthang1vp
Telegram Username: @anhleq Twitter Username: @thanganh196vp Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/thanganh196vp Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/Thang.KuKit ERC20: 0x9d6dE96774cfcb933BD782CEe8b43b7FBf0346a2 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: dolam9001 on June 08, 2018, 10:46:55 AM BitcoinTalk Username: dolam9001
Twitter Username: @dolam9001 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/digitalocean/status/998955213523443712 Telegram Username:@dolam90 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: rollthienvuong on June 08, 2018, 11:58:35 AM BitcoinTalk Username: rollthienvuong
Telegram Username: @LongLekk Twitter Username: @LongLekk Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/LongLekk Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/long.ngo.399826 ERC20: 0xC8fB8796658ed735e874Af16099974c96657918E Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Sebeo on June 08, 2018, 02:36:13 PM BitcoinTalk Username: Sebeo
Telegram Username: @sebeo69 Twitter Username: @sebeo69 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/sebeo69 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/beodeptrailoitaiai ERC20: 0x41ad46E7D952fFc3ea392ba01a098F7db8d56A9a Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: tranthanhtu on June 09, 2018, 05:45:46 AM BitcoinTalk Username: tranthanhtu Twitter Username: @vanthailoan Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/vanthailoan Telegram Username: @vanthailoan Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Hillinye on June 09, 2018, 11:04:38 AM That's a good one. I am glad to see this project developing, and it is even more interesting that people think of investing. That's a cool thing. Everybody should tell their friends about the project too and get rewarded for it.
Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.CASH 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: lusika on June 10, 2018, 02:06:58 PM Very interesting, promising and unique project.
Already a lot of people are looking forward to its launch. You're the best and good luck to us all!!! BitcoinTalk Username: lusika Telegram Username: @lussika702 Twitter Username: @kersika53 Tweet Link: https://twitter.com/kersika53 Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004279356549 ERC20: 0x2EB326bFc5995873c24B43E8356CC8467e1EBcBA Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on October 17, 2018, 05:58:06 PM We are happy to announce our collaboration with the Etersoft team, one of the oldest software development team in Russia. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etersoft (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etersoft) The main functions of the Etersoft team based on their experience since 2003: 1) Technical advisory 2) The main aspects of collaboration with NRM project: • design and creation of the BIG DATA NRM processor - the most important component of the decentralized expert-analytical platform. Taking into account all the requirements for the implementation of parallel processing, transactionality, availability and security for OLTP and OLAP systems; • design and implementation of the Zero Downtime Deployment approach for BIG DATA NRM; • primary functional and load testing systems; • technical support Level 3. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on October 19, 2018, 06:26:46 AM Algotrading
Any trader, novice or experienced, knows that to make a profit you should always follow the chosen strategy. Entry points, stop loss, exit moment, all this should be calculated and strictly fulfilled … “this should be and strictly fulfilled..” But as often happens even with those who have been on the market for a long time, certain conditions are violated and the transaction becomes unprofitable at once. People tend to give in to emotions, and under their influence we often make mistakes. Read more.. https://medium.com/@neuromachine/algotrading-6aaa9b1a08fe (https://medium.com/@neuromachine/algotrading-6aaa9b1a08fe) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on October 21, 2018, 06:37:43 PM Trust management. Based on the blockchain. Without access to finance
https://medium.com/@neuromachine/trust-management-based-on-the-blockchain-without-access-to-finance-22e23f32b9ec (https://medium.com/@neuromachine/trust-management-based-on-the-blockchain-without-access-to-finance-22e23f32b9ec) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on February 05, 2019, 08:53:36 PM Neuromachine (NRM) - The whole crypto world in one platform
https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc (https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hrolic on February 06, 2019, 12:14:14 PM Neuromachine (NRM) - The whole crypto world in one platform good news. second wind?https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc (https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Valentin_K on February 16, 2019, 12:35:01 AM Neuromachine (NRM) - The whole crypto world in one platform good news. second wind?https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc (https://youtu.be/Zibu_Tazsvc) We have done a great job. It was hard and harsh, but it only made our product more suitable for the market and for users. You can learn more about our advanced (compared to the start) in our new updated site and directly from https://nrm.world/media/NRM%20v2p%20ENG.pdf Most of the resources we have invested in the elaboration of the product the maximum necessary for the market now and in the future. All updates about our project will now be duplicated here. If anyone has any questions - ask right here. Feel free for it ) "NRM for good"! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD First decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: stels1 on February 16, 2019, 05:55:04 PM I categorically welcome the project to Neoromachine. I am a contributor to the project and the question is ripe:
“How did you get into this? What were you doing before hand?” P.S. There is also a suggestion: 1) write instructions for using the investor’s personal account 2) write more about the internal exchange 3) Expand the essence of NRM 2.0 Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: stels1 on February 16, 2019, 06:50:55 PM P.P.S. I want to invest some more and also suggest your project to a couple of founds )
So there is 1 more quastion: “Why does your business model/venture need to be decentralized?” Good luck NRM Team - For some reason I think that you spend a lot of time and resources for development and research. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD First decentralized expert and analytical platform Post by: Valentin_K on February 17, 2019, 07:05:59 AM I categorically welcome the project to Neoromachine. I am a contributor to the project and the question is ripe: “How did you get into this? What were you doing before hand?” P.S. There is also a suggestion: 1) write instructions for using the investor’s personal account 2) write more about the internal exchange 3) Expand the essence of NRM 2.0 Good day! -First I answer your question. The idea of creating a project (Neuromachine) appeared in late 2016. Then this area was underdeveloped. The project did not change the scope of its focus. 2018year helped us significantly clarify the project thanks to product research: more than 350 professional traders were interviewed (and it’s not so easy to find experienced traders for us) and thanks to them we were able to understand the most profound needs and also make a development plan in advance. For example, now we were able to understand that interaction with a multitude of clients is extremely difficult for a trader - this is how the automation function of placing assets with a trader (including diversified placement) with any number of clients using technology blockchain (Working title - Neuromachine invest) without direct access to funds any of the parties to the contract - minimizing the risk of default. About your suggestions 1) Started Thank you for noticing this. 2) Started Again thanks to your hint. 3) It will be explained by a separate post in our official social resources. ASAP Regard NRM Team, - NRM for Good! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Valentin_K on February 17, 2019, 09:07:03 AM P.P.S. I want to invest some more and also suggest your project to a couple of founds ) For NRM it is: So there is 1 more quastion: ?Why does your business model/venture need to be decentralized?? Good luck NRM Team - For some reason I think that you spend a lot of time and resources for development and research. Studying the market, we came to the conclusion that all the efforts of the market are focused exclusively on marketing, not on IT solutions for the product, which are similar to each other. Therefore, When Neuromachine has a goal to organize a decentralized system of crypto assets management based on the blockchain. To bring the latest technology to the market for the benefit of the market. And make technology simple and affordable for most people. Thank you very much for your active participation in the project. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: hrolic on March 15, 2019, 09:42:25 PM ... I watch news generally through twitter. https://twitter.com/nrm_cash me it quite enough. Good luck! and the Fastest start! and sorry my English.If anyone has any questions - ask right here. Feel free for it ) "NRM for good"! Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on March 20, 2019, 08:07:59 PM Please vote for our Neuromachine ICO at
https://neironix.io/market-challenge?category=3 (https://neironix.io/market-challenge?category=3) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Ribak1992 on March 20, 2019, 08:17:28 PM friends, your project is not the first to do something like this. so your title is not true in essence. but im dare to note the idea of your project is quite working, and if you properly present it and conclude partnerships, everything can work great.
on the technical side all ok but need to improve the graphic design. Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: kalich on March 27, 2019, 09:55:32 AM JOIN THE NEW NRM BOUNTY (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5125084)
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5125084 (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5125084) Title: Re: [ANN][ICO] NRM.WORLD 🔥First decentralized expert and analytical platform🔥 Post by: Sinerg on September 23, 2019, 07:43:48 PM Project scam?