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10521  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Fiat is a three way multi-sig virtual currency. on: July 25, 2020, 02:25:30 PM
fiat is not using the crypto 'signing' mechanism
however if we delve into a broad 'authorisation' analogy comparison

fiat is a 2of 3 multisig

when the government has not frozen your account. your bank has not found you breached their ToS and you request your money out of your account. then yes its 3 sig, no problem

however if you breach the banks terms by trying to get £1k out of an ATM that only allow £500. the bank wont sign. and government AML laws wont sign. meaning your 1 sign aint enough to allow it

a bank can only freeze funds within the government authority/allowance/rules

and if a government and bank have reason to freeze funds and hand it to the government. they dont need your signature

but in most cases as long as your following AML the government will always autosign. meaning as long as your not breaching banks conditions they will sign too.. so your signature then gives it ultimate authority as your the one requesting the destination for the funds, thus triggering the transaction

fiat is not a 1 of 3 or a 3 of 3 multisig
10522  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Cryptopia Judge: "1. Crypto is property 2. Even w/o keys, crypto remains yours" on: July 25, 2020, 01:37:27 PM
first of all you need to have proof of ownership
pretending a car key is the proof is useless. you need some kind of registration/contract proof of ownersip of a car.
thus privatekeys are this proof of ownership
just saying 'that house/address is mine' wont work

in cases where multiple people have access to the private key. you can show separate proof of being the main owner by showing shopping cart logs of your customers being handed the payment address by you and you received the coins by that request
EG prove you created the mtgox account. makes that mtgox account yours and not a hacker

as to saying the coins are yours even though the exchange is the custodian with the keys
the contract proof is there terms and conditions of service and logs of deposit/withdraw/trading
which dictate if the service gives you ownership rights

this means that a exchange can make term that a deposit is paying them their then owned coins. and they are then only promising some lame terms of getting something later in return as long as you dont break the terms of service. where by if you break the terms or they say they are not liable for theft. then you get nothing back
eg you can make a request for returns and we will evaluate your eligibility to get returns. is something you dont want to read in a ToS contract for an exchange
10523  Other / Serious discussion / Re: Beta interferon - a new treatment for the virus. on: July 25, 2020, 12:37:22 PM
it turns off the immune response

it should not be used as a early pre-sickness medication because then your body is not sending the signals to actually say its being infected. thus your body wont fight the infection because the warning signals are not sent

it however once you know your body is got over the worse of it can be used to reduce the imflamation to recover quicker. but only once your body has truly battled the virus and its time to stand down your bodies response

there are many types of interferon. and i find it not surprising that you would pick the one that can actually cause more issues.
seems like you want people to get sick
what you need to realise is. for instance
gamma interferon signals to create antibodies.
beta suppresses the signals

other things like the method of ingestion is a crucial detail
EG beta interferon in a buttcheek does nothing but give you a numb bum
gamma interferon on a buttcheek tricks your body into thinking your butt is infected and you get a sore bum

inhaling aerosolised interferon (nebulizer/inhaler) can get it into the lungs where its needed
thus with the right type of interferon used at the right time during the incubation/infectious/recovery stages be telling the body where to target the right responses to

there are also risks of increasing the other types of the interferons that do signal there is an infection because some types actually signal to kill off the cell. thus can cause more damage before a virus has even spread to the cell

its about knowing the timing and the right type to use and the right way to introduce it into the system

its not a guarantee of success but can be of some help if all goes right along with other treatments
10524  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Covid-19 could have been a lot worse - could a blood poisoning virus end us? on: July 25, 2020, 12:15:23 PM
anyway, back to the topic at hand

if covid19 was a bigger sized 'particle'. meaning it didnt need to replicate as many times to burst cells. then it could be more dangerous. but as i said. there is a limit to how big it can get before its too big to be aerosolised. which then limits its transmissability. and also too big to even get into the cell to even do anything

its why deb collectors dont employ super obese guys. yea they may look big and scary. but if they cant even fit through someones front door or get in a car to go to peoples houses in the first place.. they cant do their job
10525  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Covid-19 could have been a lot worse - could a blood poisoning virus end us? on: July 25, 2020, 12:10:42 PM
isnt it weird how your the one crying about revenue's and saving the economy.
sounds like you are a fiat lover and a government tax lover.
(polar opposite to most bitcoiners)

i personally care more about peoples health and would rather have someone find the safest way to live without the risk of hospital needed care

i know you prefer to get everyone sick and screw the ones that die and call it darwins law
but thats just your selfish unethical uncaring view(maybe you have an inferiority complex but masking a superiority complex to over compensate. EG you actually afraid to the virus but pretending it doesnt bother you and seeking to show others how much it doesnt bother you by telling others to get sick on your behalf)

for those that beleive that they are not even going to get really sick if infected, well then theres still no rush to force infect you and your family.. if its no harm in the first place immunity wont be of worry to you.
EG it doesnt matter if your infected now. or in 6 months or in 2 years.. no harm at any point so no need to worry about being immune asap

its like bug spray. if you dont care about bug bites. then you dont need to rush out to get bug spray because bugs are of no consequence to you.
but while your not caring either way about bugs. your telling people who do suffer badly with bug bites to go stamp through bug nests and force themselves to get bit by bugs

such an idiotic approach. especially when you keep circling back to the reason being the economy.
10526  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why people are testing “positive” for coronavirus tests they never received? on: July 25, 2020, 11:16:37 AM
its not about people that just get something in the mail

its about people that apply for a test, give their detail. go to the location and given a numerical queue number so they know who's next.
then before taking the test, they leave.
the confusion is if #14 leaves.. number #15 goes next but gets accidentally classed as #14 so this leads to the test result of #15 goes to the address of #14

so heres a tip guys
if your going to bother applying for a test and going to the test centre. actually be bothered and stay and have the test. its not that hard

if you know you cant be bothered to take the test. dont even ask for one and dont drive to the test centre. just stay in your stupidity at home and stop wasting peoples time. or be smart and just take the test

for those that want to knit pick the queuing process at the test centres:
there are other processes in different test centres. such as allotting a specific time slot.
however this can also cause a problem of 'queue jumping' where the next person is waiting and seeing that no one came before and just jumps into the slot before theirs. which can then cause issues with allotting a specific test to a specific slot registered to a certain person.

there are also cases of the 'at home' test where people dont actually swab themselves properly but try to fool the test because they fear being positive.
people need to realise trying to avoid getting tested does not mean your actually physically in better health.
the test does not create the illness the test only identifies it.
you will still be as sick whether you take the test or not. so no point trying to evade the test if you think you need it because you have the symptoms.
10527  Other / Politics & Society / Re: The state of Covid19 (All that is to know) on: July 24, 2020, 07:37:28 PM
Just because he tested positive,it doesn't mean he died from it
In fact you can't even be sure it was a true positive

doctors can tell what the cause was
EG car accident. - expected injuries, bruising, impact fractures, and such
EG respiratory infection - pneumonia, oxygen deprived chest pains, coughing

they are actually 21st century technologies that can tell the difference between different types of pneumonia.
there are multiple techniques too.
its not voodoo tea leaf guess work. its actual science of actually studying bodily fluids and symptomology and doing biopsies and autopsies and many different scans

welcome to the 21st century. i hope you learn modern day science fast. because it seems your quite out of date
10528  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Covid-19 could have been a lot worse - could a blood poisoning virus end us? on: July 24, 2020, 12:51:48 PM
Research seems to have found that memory T-cells created during recovery from the 2002/3 SARS epidemic are still active 17 years later, and can give protection from the current covid virus. There is no suggestion that any of the current vaccinations can even remotely approach this - not even the ones that are costing billions to develop.

Hopefully sanity will prevail, and we will be able to increase the spread of immunity before the virus resurgence arrives in the winter.

you cant spread immunity naturally without the virus triggering it.
so the only hope of 'spreading immunity' without spreading the virus is to have a vaccine
(spreading a safer, inactive variant of the specific strain)
spread the virus but have the health risks of those that need hospital care because of the virus

as for the memory t-cells they have blueprints of 2002 sars. and your body can then make some minor variant 'pot luck' random antigens that are similar to the base blueprint but slightly different.
but its not to the same scale of abundance
nor does you body already know about covid19 by knowing sars2002
its jsut pure luck of variation

your body has many billions of the base memory t-cells, which means only a few hundred or thousand random pot luck antigens 'could' latch on to a new viral variant thats based on a previous virus

however many people dont have these early defensive stuff for covid19 and instead are reactive to figuring out how to fight it once it has trojan horsed into cells and caused damage

the scales/chance of safe inherent defensive immunity is a small percentage
distance and reduction of viral load invasion is much safer then the 'hope' your health is high enough to have enough pot luck random antigens and healthy enough to replicate those random antigens into more once it has lathed on and signalled the need to make more antibodies
and healthy to replicate faster than the number of invaders..

in short reduce the risk/amount of viral load. and dont be so quick to wanna have a full on fluid exchange orgy of megadosing the virus with people you know, thinking your doing the world a favour by spreading it
10529  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Covid-19 could have been a lot worse - could a blood poisoning virus end us? on: July 24, 2020, 08:26:58 AM
to first address jetcash's endless ignorance of biology
if someone had brittle bones (break easily)
and they tripped over and fell down the stairs.
comparing the incident to someone else thats healthy who falls down the stairs that survives..

it is said that the brittle bone patient died due to an inhome accident with co-morbitity of brittle bones
meaning yes he had brittle bones but the trigger of the death was the trip.. he would have lived a longer life if he didnt trip.
someone with sticky blood(diabetes) cant fight infections fast. so when infected the infection overwhelms them
they didnt die due to sticky blood because the other 365 days of many years they had sticky blood and were perfectly fine. yet the infection was try trigger and the sticky blood lowered the persons immunity battle against the infection..
thus it was the infection that killed them. with co-morbidity of diabetes

anyway. as for talking about ebola
ebola is ~1,400 nanometres in size and an air droplet is only 100 to 1000nm meaning the only reason ebola was not 'aerosolised' was simply that it was too big and heavy for air droplets to carry it

its also this size that even at a slow replication rate it can fill and burst a cell open easily and quickly
because just 1 ebola virus is all thats needed to burst a cell.
yet corona would need 3-4 viruses to fill a cell into bursting point
also air droplets can carry multiple corona viruses per drop. thus making corona viruses transfer between people more easy via air

so you get the idea of the differences.of scale being the main factor

if ebola was small enough at say 100nm it would then need to be 14x faster replicatable just to be as savage as its parent full length version

the bodies 'factory' which viruses use to replicate is not that quick. so i would not consider it a scenario to even address. in short there is a limit to how fast a virus can replicate. a limit to how big the virus can be before its too big to enter a droplet of air or a cell.

(a 7foot tall person can curl up in bed and be comfy. but if he stretches out or someone else gets into bed and forces him to stretch out. he suddenly is having his legs pushed out over the bed)
yet a same size bed can comfortably handle 4 kids curled up)

the body wont be 14x kids in the same time that it takes daddy invite mommy to get into bed.
so dont worry an aerosolised virus wont be as savage as ebola. but do expect what ebola can do in 24 hours to be something like 4 days in aerosol form. less savage but still freaking bad

the only other variable would be:
how prevalent it is in the environment. meaning how much viral load is being passed
and how much of a defense the body can put up in that time period

for instance a kiss and saliva exchange passes more of it in a 3 second kiss than standing at 2 metres and just getting breathed on for 10 minutes
by having distance and avoiding fluid exchange wont cause much of a invasion by millions of viral particles to cause a massive battle to defend against. but instead just a few hundred/thousand per breath

and if your body is immuno surpressed by many reasons. or already suffering from cell damage meaning not much more damage is needed to cause critical problems. then this can be the cause of a fast acting virus hurting more people

if you factor in a 'optimum' viral size and an 'optimum' replication rate. and also the method of transport in a utopia where everyone is having a mass orgy..
then expect mega trouble

oh wait thats the HIV scenario in ancient rome which led to the christian religion abolishing sex outside of wedlock and abolished same sex relations.. as their method of disease control
funny fact right
10530  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Is Trump right about blaming China for Covid19? on: July 24, 2020, 07:53:13 AM
to answer some old points above

in the 2003 sars outbreak. by march2003 there were only ~60 deaths and ~1200 known infected people cumilative
so any the talk about the global pandemic and trying to worry the world seemed over the top in february-march because in february march it was only located in one province. thus not even a global issue
yes in hindsight they found samples of patients with "pneumonia' and retested those and found people in november2002 had it. but your talking about 1-2 cases.

but remember in january there were only a few cases. not even worthy of world reporting or world lockdown calls.
but yea hindsight by making it sound like "there was a mass global issue that started in november' makes peolple think it already spready to the world in november.
.. reality is that it was only in the world from april onwards and in march was only in a privince and in january-february was only in a city and in december was only in a neighbourhood
thus not a global problem november-march

after all a country of 1billion with only a few(dec)-1k(march) localised cases. heck hospitals could cope with it.
so no need of world panic

governments in the first week of february told all the hospitals to be on the watch for it
and by february 11th the public knew too. and was given advice
and ofcourse just like the UK and america were not going to go into full country lockdown unless it was to become an issue where hospitals couldnt cope.
remember in february 2003 it was still only a few hundred cases in just a couple cities of one province
(~300 feb 11th)
the question to ask is. (hint answer can be found in the actions of trump in 2020)
if california had a few cases in orange county and santa clara county in january. do you think trump would have implemented full country lockdown and international flight stoppages.. or would he only do so once californian hospitals were only a week or two away from being at critical bed occupency
oh wait we know that answer

anyway. back to the 2003 sars
while in march2003 where there were only 1200 cases, which doing the math is a good control of reducing the R0 to 1.6 from a (in hindsight research: 2.9 wild)
china are not new to outbreaks and they had somewhat control of it without causing mass panic/social disruption. fir every1 infected they actually contact traced 7 close contacts and requested they isolate themselves at home
but in february again where there were only ~300 cases the public gossip were saying it was bird flue and anthrax
yep public gossip of terror attack was causing mass panic. even with only a few hundred cases across a couple cities of millions of people
the government by feb 11th stepped in to correct the gossip and said they had processes to keep it under control. which looking at the numbers they were keeping it below an r0 of 1.6 shows that yep they were doing something.
in march it got to 1200 and in april it got to 5000 (r0 1.4) and it was this point where they decided to tighten restrictions and bring the r0 to ~0.4

the question to really ask is
should it cause mass world wide panic everytime there is a new illness that is only affecting a few hundred out of millions
i know some people that will say one case is one case too many and needed to be stopped at source
i know some people that will say let it spread but control the speed to not overwhelm healthcare
i know some people that will say let it spread wild/uncontrolled. "coz darwin 'survival of fittest'"

as for saying that china is known for its media blackouts.
lets fast forward to 2020 and what we actually know
check out trump trying to denounce its severity and calling it a hoax in january/february
heck theres even idiots in july that are still clinging onto the words of the trumpet january country bumpkin song even now

it is funny how trump was saying that china was not talking about it. even though that same day china were building hospitals. and advising people to be careful. while trump was trying to make the virus a myth and bring people from china to the US.

when a new illness is recognised. should there be full quarantine at the first week. full media scare around the world at the first week
or just inform the regions that are effected. and keep it controlled in the regions as best as possible. and only cause social disrupting when the pathogen is actually socially disrupting
10531  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 24, 2020, 06:21:54 AM
Consider the article "Dismantling The Viral Theory" at

funny part is that you grab data of one process in 1950's and then think that no new processes have occured in that time or after. and think that its the only thing that was ever done(facepalm)

there are many ways to identify and isolate a virus.
guess your forgetting koch,rivers,bell tests that are then used to prove it.

its weird how you think the only way things are done is by spinning a fluid in a centrifuge and then extracting the layers of different grades of fluid and trying to see which ones cause the symptomology your looking for
i guess you missed the part where it said many things were done in other experiments
sorry but no.
there is also chemical extraction, heat extraction and other methods

"One part is used to determine the size, type and composition of the nucleic acid; in a separate procedure, the other part is used to determine the amount, size and morphology of the proteins of the phages. Since the 1970s, these tests have been simple standard techniques that are learned by every biology student in their first semesters."

but your article writer doesnt talk about the 'other procedures' but instead backtracks to the 1950's centrifugal 'filtration' process and pretends thats all that is being done

as for the article writer wanting to umbrella term it as "phages" is the article writer being subtly ignorant of the known differences between what bacteria. viruses, particles, poisons, spores are
by him just claiming they are just phages is him trying to hide the fact that scientists can actually identify different characterises.

then he just does to wonderland(falls down a hole telling a story of fantasy thats nothing like reality)
he seems to be the type of person that would call a plane, train, bike as also being a car. because a car is a type of vehicle and bikes and trains are vehicles too so then he feels a bike or train must also be a car

yet modern humans with brains can easily see and know that a bike is not a car
10532  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown easing - I'm back in the cafe on: July 23, 2020, 10:18:43 PM
seems badecker got told a stupid script about exosomes. yet by the way he is using the word he has no clue
but hey badecker will try using it as a buzzword in multiple topics to pretend he knows what he is talking about simply because he thinks he can spell the word

he really is stuck in the past and has no clue about what tech is actually available and how long its been available for
he still think vaccines are made with monkey kidneys even though that stopped in the 1960's
but unless its a particular cultish influencer that teaches him. he is not willing to learn the truth.
such a pitty that he wastes his life like that
10533  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown easing - I'm back in the cafe on: July 23, 2020, 07:57:36 PM
i got a t-shirt
"if you can 
 smell my fart.
 you're too close"

it kinda instantly gets a reaction for people to stand at a distance
10534  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Lockdown easing - I'm back in the cafe on: July 23, 2020, 07:54:37 PM
The only thing in this fake Coronavirus pandemic to be afraid of is, government law enforcement who are afraid of the fake pandemic.


its not just you who said its fake. but the deaths are just too much to really treat it like its fake. everyone is locked in our homes. though there is the need to go work and earn for the family there is not much to do when your company and all the city are locked.

there can be conspiracy in who creating the virus and what its for but there is a truth behind the virus that kills is real. we just can't make all countries unite to conspire.

Google "exosomes."

Whenever tests are done on anyone, to see if they have Covid, exosomes are in the body fluid that is being tested. Nobody doing the tests knows if the thing they found was a virus, or if it was exosomes (made by the cells of the person's own body). This is the way it always has been for Coronavirus. Nobody knows if anybody died from Covid or from a person's own exosomes... or something else, btw. This means we don't know if there are any Covid deaths at all!

we are not in the 12th century
science and technology knew and can identify exosomes ages ago. and what antibodies and red bloodcells
they can even sequence rna and dna
so they can identify things. welcome to the 21st century
so they can test sick patients and find the common denominator of what a sick person has that a non sick person doesnt. they can then test if this thing is similar to anything they already know of
they know its similar to SARS1 but not similar to ebola.
they know its a virus and not a bit of fecal matter or other human cell
they know its not a human cell because they also found other animals that got sick with the same symptoms that had the same common denominator

it passed the koch, rivers and bell test. you have been told this in many topics many times
i know you will be ignorant and just say 'google' another cell type and then say 'it could be this' but no they know exactly what it is because they have identified it
wake up to the 21st century. get out the 12th century mindset
10535  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 23, 2020, 07:34:03 PM
It's really about finding out if there IS a virus, or if we have been looking at exosomes all along.

they know there is a virus they identified it and found that its of the corona family and not the ebola or other family.
ive already corrected you many times in this topic. can you atleast try reading more and being ignorant less

they passed the koch, rivers and bell tests. you have been told this
they have studied it in many hospitals with different methodology with many patients. and all came with a common demominator thus ruling out errors of equipment facility, doctor
they then tested it on healthy specimens and seen multiple specimens of different types become sick because of the virus. and retested those specimens to ensure what the specimens had while sick was the same as what they injected and the same as what was in the original source people they isolated

thus ruling out any other cause
you have been told this
you have been given links that explain it and even explain all the where, how, who, what and when
mice hamsters, snakes and other animals were used. so you cant even try to meander it to sound like they problem was animal type based error
10536  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 23, 2020, 07:27:51 PM

Important revelations shared by Dr Stoian Alexov, President of the Bulgarian Pathology Association
"No One Has Died From the Coronavirus"

the pathologists are not doing the autopsies.
they were talking about how THEY dont know what the cause of death was because all they are handling is the samples of lung specimens

they did say that there is ways to see what damage the virus does do. but for THEM to declare the cause of death THEY would need to do the autopsy.
they mentioned how if the ICU doctor sees specific symptom onset and the test samples show particular things then the ICU doctor can very easily diagnose it as a cause of death due to covid.

i know you want to make it sound like no one knows. but the question and answer was if a tire repair guy is given a tire. he cannot tell the condition of the car. unless he himself looked at the car and examined the whole car. however other mechanics that get hands on with the whole car are better at diagnosing whats wrong with the car.
10537  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 23, 2020, 07:02:25 PM

you have to take many things into account.
1. yes its not about changing human DNA
2. yes its about letting the vaccine which is emulating a virus to replicate. but not at the same damaging rate as a wild virus
3. to me the -unmouse- comparison just seems like a simple math problem
if your giving a mouse 10microgram. a ferret 100microgram a monkey 400microgram.. but then a human only 100microgram
well a human should be on 4000micrograms because its obviously 10x more then a monkey..
but giving it only 100 = 2.5% then yea when a monkey shows 10,000, a human would only show a couple hundred.... simple math
so its not really showing how humans are different but that dosage vs biology shows a human wont react as much
4. its about interferon not interleukin
interferons signal many things. it signal the infected cell to die as well as signal to cause inflammation.
because a potential vaccine does not have a damaging viral part its just temporarily using a cells 'factory' to replicate enough to then make to then trigger mass antibody production and keep 'memory' antibodies

in short. instead of a wild virus that has uncontrolled replication and will eventually kill every cell it invades and swamp your body in puss and fluid and inflammation .
this vaccine will temporarily borrow a cell to make controlled speed replication slower than wild virus. to then get your body to react to deal with the virus without cell damage and without inflammation

thus no symptoms
10538  Other / Serious discussion / Re: WTF!! hospitals in Bangladesh sell corona-free certificates.. on: July 23, 2020, 01:25:34 PM
there are many cases where idiots abuse the system. not just these silly little 'private' clinics that just end up being pill merchants or sick note salesmen
but also citizens who want to get a couple weeks off work fully paid while also having free food delivered to them
proper hospitals with medical licenced doctors that have specialism in the profession they are diagnosing have many liabilities and legal requirements attached. plus they are usually operating for many years pre-covid

as for other oppertunists
yep there are also people buying cheap cloth at $1 a metre. cutting and sewing it into 12 face coverings and sell them for $5 a piece ($60 return for ~$2 sewing and material)

there are people that make money doing 'meals on wheels' which is basically getting a $1 walmart microwave meal and charging $4 for elderly people to receive it.(usually its like $12 for 3 meals or $8 for 1)
so thats ($12return for ~$5 food and fuel cost)

you will always find oppertunists. but the way to seek out if its fair oppertunity or not, is to look at other similar things. EG does a normal sicknote also usually cost you $10 or is a sicknote usually free. and if so actually ask why a covid note is $10
find out if regular 'meals on wheels' were that same value and quality of meal

then you need to look at who is supplying the service. is it actually an establishment that existed precovid and does it have the legal stuff to be operating/offering the service
this includes if a food service has a hygiene certificate
or if the masks are of a certain filtration level.. or just an aesthetically pleasing expensive bit of cloth
10539  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Lost 900$. Block chain compromised or scamming us on: July 23, 2020, 01:01:03 PM
thing i find strange is how the sender didnt want to pay $900 using your original plan of wait 1 confirm
but he talked you into a lengthy thing of setting up new accounts and sending you a test amount for 1 confirm. and then later lots of different amounts on his non confirmed method he prefers.

seems like he talked you into a lengthy ploy where he could double spend you
knowing it would take a long while to get you to set up another account and do the test.
if it was a time issue. he coulda just paid you $900 in 10 minutes and been done with it. it just seems fishy he talked you into a process/workaround that took longer than 10 minutes just to avoid a confirm.

i think the sender sent you funds with no fee so that he knew it would get held up as pending for hours

while separetly he sent the funds to himself with a fee. thus making your pending/unconfirmed transaction just drop out of mempool because it wasnt the preferred payment worthy of being confirmed

i dont think it was fault. but more of the guy you talked to in discord that coerced you into such a weird process to avoid paying you $900 confirmed

i think the guy you spoke to in discord embellished the "instant" into sounding like he was saying its "guaranteed"

transfers are not guaranteed instantly.
seeing the payment is pending is instant because a blockchain userA pushes their payment into blockchain.coms mempools so mempool sees it instantly AS PENDING
this means instead of an separete service that might only broadcast to the network every 20 seconds and it taking another 10 seconds for full network viewing. ths 300 second delay just to see it as pending
by both you and the sender getting pending data from the same source it saves 30 seconds of waiting before even knowing its pending.
it has nothing to do with having it confirmed instantly

then all the guy had to do was push his pay-to self transaction directly to a mining pools node so that miners see his tx first and that gets allocated to a block. and the pending payment to you gets ignored by the miners 30 seconds later because it already recieved a payment with a higher fee it prefered.

so while your stuck just looking at a mempool thats just showing your payment is pending.
the pay-to-self gets confirmed. and eventually the mempool scrubs your pending payment
10540  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is it worth hosting a lightning node? on: July 23, 2020, 11:57:49 AM

Snipped long techno-babble

Nothing of that long post proves that Lightning is a network of IOUs. No one takes your coins, and issues an IOU in Lightning. The coins locked on payment channels are ACTUAL BITCOIN UTXOs, that have yet to be confirmed on-chain.

HTLC are not actual bitcoin UTXO

the bitcoin UTXO is the deposit into a joint account
then HTLC(banknotes) in 12 decimals are created separetly and played around with
then when settling those HTLC are rounded up or down and then a bitcoin transaction is signed to then be broadcastable

try reading the code and comments from the devs making LN
i posted it twice no in the last could posts i made in this topic i even linked it.
maybe try to read it instead of just being ignorant and just saying techno-babble as your way of not even bothering to read it

here incase you missed it
"Within the network, all HTLC payments are denominated in milli-satoshis. As milli-satoshis aren't deliverable on the native blockchain, before settling to broadcasting, the values are rounded down to the nearest satoshi."

i colour coded the 3 points you seem to keep ignoring
i dare you. i truly dare you to actually learn LN to come back and know fully what these 3 coloured parts mean
it will surprise you
learn the "open" and "close" channel processes 
and when and where the rounding occurs
and the difference between the LN HTLC vs locktime contract type

bitcoins purpose is irreversible uneditable undeletable transfer of value.
LN does dont offer this same protection. nor are the HTLC 8 decimal

it might take you less time if you realise the simple fact that HTLC are not 8 decimal
ill say it a final time because i dont want to waste more posts reminding you
HTLC's are not 8 decimal
i hope you finally realise this FACT

oh and LN is not limited to bitcoin. people can also lock litecoin. and then play with LN so even your premiss that LN payments include a BITCOIN UTXO shows how little you know
good luck with your learning.
seems after a couple years you still have a long way to go
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