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10601  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Advocates for free speech start to make their voices known on: July 09, 2020, 08:56:54 AM
you are the one that does not understand the deeper layers

the 'cancel culture' is the millenial cry baby crap about platforms/microphones being wrongly thought of as rights
i talked about that

the 'advocates of free speach make their voice known' is them shouting ' im shouting to see if i can shout'
i talked about that

the thing is
1. cancel culture is millenials/genZ thinking that the platform is a right. and that being cancelled is a breach of right.
its not. sorry cry babies its not

2. the shouting just to show you have an ability to shout. just doesnt come with any valid message worth hearing.

3. if you shout about shouting. people will just say 'ok you shouted. now what. stop wasting everyones time your annoying, bye' and suddenly you have no audience

4. my point is dont shout for the sake of shouting. thinking your doing the world good by showing your ability to shout. dont blame the platform or the audience for wanting to shut you up and then go on daily rants for months about how no one is letting you be heard.

5. dont just make videos of meaningless crap knowing they wil get removed just so you can cry about the removal. to then have an excuse to rage about the removal.. actually understand that the content of the message should have some meaning. not how its distributed/limited

actually find a message worth listening to.

this whole lets fight cancel culture is the same as punching someone in the head because they ignored you. you end up just looking like a lunatic.
this whole lets just shout to make sure everyone on the street can hear me. makes you look like a lunatic. because your just shouting to prove you can shout.

if there is an actual real life actual fault in politics/society that needs to change to make people live more happily together. then look at that fault. dont go describing the fault and its history and blame something decades ago. dont pick at how it cant be changed as your just not changing it.
instead look at the present situation and find present solutions. then work out who is best to change the present situations and then aim your message towards those critical people that can create the change
in short have a specific and meaningful message and target audience

anything else is just lunatics going in circles being angry like typical millenials/gen Z
10602  Other / Politics & Society / Re: We’ve been scammed – WHO now says “no evidence” of asymptomatic CV transmission on: July 09, 2020, 08:37:35 AM
this is a simple reason

those without symptoms are not having the virus ravishing their systems replicating(enough/yet). so the amount they exhale is so small the risk of cross-infection is small.
its like a invasion of a billion troops vs an invasion of a couple thousand
odds get worse of colonisation the more troops involved.

it takes time to colonise and then replicate. so dont be so eager to think its a victory after only a few days
its a limbo event of not being sure either way.
so if you come into contact with someone with symptoms. its not a auto suggestion that you got it/had it and now immune. it takes day/weeks to build up immunity. not hours
so it can mean you:
got it and yet to show symptoms
were lucky and have not even been infected
got it and your body has successfully battled it because you were not attacked by a huge invasion that outpasses your defenses

yes if you have symptoms stay home.
but if you know u came into contact with someone. and for like 3-4 days think 'ok i have no symptoms lets go mingle again.. you could possibly then while mingling on the 5th day start having symptoms and start coughing near/breathing on/getting it on your hand/surfaces and then onto other people

and thats just stupid and risky to those others.

so again to be sure you dont start coughing/breathing near people and surfaces others use its best to be smart and use common sense and just not get into situations where your upclose and personal with someone if you been told/know someone else who was sick, who got upclose and personal with you

this also applies to things that you touch and come into close proximity to
such as one example, a tablet computer. holding them less then a metre from your face. breathing on them and touching them can accumilate viruses on the surfaces. and then getting other people to touch that surface gets it on them
(before the idiot thinks i suggest only tablets at risk: ANY SURFACE that more than just you touch)
door handles is another example(but not limited to(for idiots sake))

one thing is for sure though
the idiot just debunked his whole notion of assymptomatic herd immunity he was hoping for
10603  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 09, 2020, 07:51:05 AM
and the idiot previously doesnt know that there are two types of test

1) a nasel/throat(mucus) swap test that is then PCR processed and then analysed for characteristics specific to unique features of the covid19 virus - this ill call the identifier test

2) a blood sample test processed in a similar process as a pregnancy/litmus paper method. that indicates certain antibodies that reveal that your immunity has been triggered to a massive invasion and also that your body is already signaled in that it has performed a battle strategy/able to recreate more antibodies for future battles and the mission general is on the ground helping with the cleanup - ill call this the battle success indicator
yes the idiots previous post is talking about the second test. the antibody test.
not the first test the actual covid identifier test

yes if you have tested positive for the first meaning infected by covid
... and then.. separetly a few weeks later positive for the second indicating your body has successfully battled the infection
then combining the two pieces of information you can summarise that your body successfully fought off covid.
well the lack of symptoms also adds into the summery

however if you only have the second test. then it shows you fought off something. but it doesnt reveal what

the antibody test never has nor will be a "what" viral battle was fought. but a "that" your in recovery and at that point immune from whatever your body was fighting

the idiot above gets very confused
or is being a troll .
but one thing is for sure no one in the science community has ever thought the antibody test was a covid specific identifier test.
its just an antibody test
it identifies the battle was won. not which battle

idiot above does not realise that there is (1) a covid identifier test
but is just copy and pasting his cultish site that is pretending only the antibody test exists and is in use.
10604  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 10:01:48 PM
many examples of proof

such as covid affecting amazonian/african/aboriginal tribes that simply dont get their 'jabs'
yep some tribes who then get sick with covid find a way to nearest village or their body has been taken samples of.

if your thinking.. well we know your not thinking.. let me reword it
if your repeating nonsense that covid is not a virus but some pre-existing condition. your wrong
we live in the 21st century where technology actually helps

i know you might be afraid of science. i know that the truth might make you realise how much money you wasted paying into those cultish scripting sites.

but just for once. try to do some research without linking to your lame faux media
10605  Other / Politics & Society / Re: "Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH" in the US. on: July 08, 2020, 09:21:29 PM
At least I can show an article that is linked all over the place. All you ever seem to have is blab.


EDIT: Snopes says that the 700,000 figure is a lie, and that the number is really more like 120,000. Of course, Snopes says physicians, and not hospitals for this. And of course, Snopes has been found to be as untrustworthy as Wikipedia.

just because trolls post trollish stuff on a million sites doesnt make it correct by the simple detail of it being on a millions sites.

you can create a million posts saying your elon musk.. it doesnt make it so just because a million posts say so
what you actually have to do is do some proper research away from the sites that you love so much. and actually do some independant thinking

stuff like overdoses using doctor prescribed medication. is actually USER casued abuse. by the USER deciding to take too many
stuff like pretending you have a headache, when actually your just a drug user wanting stronger prescribed meds. is again USER abused

the amount of people that actually die due to medication taken as prescribed is way way way lower then you think
and the casues for these deaths are not the pills or the doctor but instead the USER's choice.

so when you then look at actual causes due to medical neglect due to things like bad batches of drugs. or bad treatment. where its obvious a doctor/pharmacy was at fault. you see the numbers are really small

but i do laugh how you think its a big 3rd killer. yet you cant even get a number that resembles reality. nor even numbers that are within a certain range
is it 800k (number 1 killer) or 200k(4th) or 120(6th)
or less
even you dont know.

yet weirdly your very quick to post a topic about something you dont know just to get another clickbait source. hoping your action of linking people will get it the fame. and then somehow fame alone is the proof that its proof.

as for the snopes thing.
the other claim about medical negligence in hospital being 700k
out of 2.5mill deaths anywhere(home/retirement village/roads) only 700k deaths for all/any causes happen in a hospital.
so the cultish group trying to assume all deaths in hospital must be medical negligence. is just the most stupidest thing of all
10606  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Advocates for free speech start to make their voices known on: July 08, 2020, 08:37:52 PM
I'm a moron that thinks this is all about social media and young people.
You're right.
I just like to type shit out that has no bearing on what's been said.
Are you seriously this dense? Please go educate yourself cause every time you post something in here you just look like a moron. At the very least go watch the videos I posted.

the link in the topic creation post.. maybe YOUR interpretations that lean to YOUR view of certain things.
but here is the thing. i am making posts several layers deeper than your topics link

that link is just a cry about how the writer feels his voice is being surpressed where editors are sacked and books are retracted..
and then a flimsy open request that people should revolt.. but without much thought on the process

the writer and therefore you need to first understand what the actual freedom of speech is/protects. and what it doesnt. you can save yourself some time.
then you can have a clearer mind of how to handle situations. without it just sounding like the standard millenial cries

so here i go again
everyone has vocal chords. and by nature/human right you can use the vocal chords
once you realise that a certain platform. whether it TV news or social media or newspaper is not the voice. but just a service/business/platform.
once you realise that those platforms can come and go. and are not permanent. you start to grasp the bigger picture.. basically dont moan about the platform

heck even the internet is not even a right.. so if you want to make this whole thing about people taken off the internet.. you are just going to get yourself going in circles.

its not even about trying to empower people about their democratic rights. because thats just wasting time just to say 'you get to put a tick in a box every 4 years, use it' ...... then what
a tick in a box, does not describe the actual issues you want addressed.

you can spend ages trying to fight social media bans and newspaper editorials that fail to publish stories. but those platforms are just temporary businesses that can come and go. and not part of basic rights

as for the message.
if your asking people to find their voice to then shout they want their voice heard. then boom. voice heard.. now what

until you can figure out what actual underlying issue is concerning people and needs to be changed all your really doing is saying ' im shouting to make sure i can still shout' and when asked what are you shouting about. you then say 'im shouting about shouting'
again not gonna get you far. and your just circling the millenial pond

however when it comes to real things that need changing and you feel the real things are getting either not heard or drowned out in a sea of screaming millenials.
try to actually list the problems. find the root of it. and then find out who can actually change it
dont try shuting it out randomly just to be heard. find out who to direct it towards specifically.
all this millenial crap of i need to shout because i believe its my right to shout and iwant everyone to hear me shout. just doesnt really list any problems or solutions

so if its for instance black lives matter
dont go down the path of 'it started off with slavery' because slavery ended a century ago and the slaves got compensated. they had families. they live they bred they, they had lives

if its about the jim crow laws, segregation ended ages ago too

actually find the issues of 2020 and the easy fixes for 2021
and not just cry that no one is listening. or people have told you to shut up because it just misses any point you want to make
dont make the message about not being able to transmit a message. where if asked what the message was about you say 'it was a message about failed message transmission.. because again misses the point.

actually find something real that needs changing and without blaming social media, without blaming that you dont get invited to karaoke to shout on stage. dont blame not being a speaker at a conference. but instead understand the real problem you feel is not getting heard. and think of solutions.

people dont respond to crying and 'something needs to be done'
people DO reply to lists of things that can be done if you list how and by who

..but nah i guess you will just want it to be about how your voice is being silenced so without making any societal point you just want to rage scream to be heard. and acknowledged you were heard

i do hope you get out of your millenial mindset of screaming for the sake of screaming. and actually find a cause worth listening to. just so you can escape the circle of being unheard

there are many messages of people making up conspiracy stories. their message has no point and is done to just glamourise themself and try getting some group of people around them

instead pick a real topic
war. racial hate. police abuse. over criminalisation or petty crimes and under criminalisation of vile crimes
find something really meaningful and work out the cause and the solution

just dont make it about im angry about something and i want people to hear me growl
just dont make it about wanting people to hear you for the sake that you feel unheard
just dont make it about wanting to get fanclubs together of like minded people to endlessly circle the topic in a clubhouse on a secluded island.

otherwise your just not going to get heard and nothing will change
dig deeper then the blame game of not being heard for the sake of being heard. get a better message first
10607  Other / Politics & Society / Re: "Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH" in the US. on: July 08, 2020, 07:45:19 PM
YOU dont even know what the article is talking about

you always seem to be instantly pasting these stupid topics before even bothering to understand what you are posting

its like your on drone/autopilot mode just spreading copy/pasting whatever you randomly find on the internet.
can you atleast try to understand things before posting topics about it

by the way. medical negligence/medicine deaths are no where near 800k or 200k so if you cant even get your numbers right then why even post a topic about numbers.

heck if you even tried to combine multiple sub categories together that even sniff near the category of medical negligence which you continually in many topics pretend is bad. even factual numbers combined together wouldnt even combine to be anywhere close to the numbers you mention.

try harder next time
atleast do some research and not just copy and paste nonsense
10608  Other / Politics & Society / Re: "Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause of DEATH" in the US. on: July 08, 2020, 06:04:16 PM
accidents (car crash/tripping over at home/drowning in your pool) are the 3rd largest cause of death

medical negligence is not even in the top 10
10609  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Advocates for free speech start to make their voices known on: July 08, 2020, 05:54:53 PM
I'm a moron that thinks this is all about social media and young people.
You're right.

well you can sit in your room away from social media. and voice your opinion all you like
but those that think they are fighting for free speech. are fighting to get famous on youtube and heard by people

try a new game. forget trying to trend, forget wanting to be able to say any BS on youtube without it getting banned. instead actually ask which individuals count most towards what your message is about.
and direct it towards them directly

or if your just crying because you are not getting millions of views because evil social media is not giving you al the privileges. try something else

take things like BLM
so many people have so many different opinions. its just got too crazy.
there are groups that think its just about removing the N word from conversations. not realising its not the word. its the negative tone of the context of the abuse of the whole sentance.
replace the N word with black. and within weks the same abuse exists but using a new buzword
then try to curb the use of 'blacks' and instead say 'browns' and a few weeks. same thing
then try to curb the use of 'browns' and instead say 'coloureds' and a few weeks samething

never actually changing the real underlying abuse. but instead causing more tensions by trying to grammar nazi everyone into political correctness of a word.
try to aim to teach people to just chill out and get on with your lives and stop trying to pick fights over everything.

promote MLB Make Lives Better... for everyone
but most of the time its just millenials just wanting to make a opinion on the latest trend and get famous from it because they have high viewer numbers.

if you want real BLM change. speak to government/politicians to retrain cops. change laws. and just stop bickering with each other about who has more facebook friends
10610  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Advocates for free speech start to make their voices known on: July 08, 2020, 05:31:46 PM
the issues are:
those with enough money can get their voice amplified easier because they can fund their own platform and decide who can stand on stage with them
and those without the funding/knowhow/contacts feel their voice is not heard.

but in this era of millenials. the biggest problem is not the platform or the speaker.
or even if the platform has a cost/membership

but that millenials have grown up with the mindset that the content of a message is not important. but how amplified the message is.
and if amplified enough to reach enough people. by default it wins the debate

we see it every day. more people have watched a conspiracy video of stupid people calling covid-19 as fake. not because the content has merit. but because its been amplified with clickbait links just to get views which then auto-fames it into the top listing of search results.
and they then feel they won the debate by having the view count

people have made video's about a cat doing a dance and millions watch it, because its been posted on the front page of sites that list things purely by view numbers. thus in of itself creating more views. even if the content is meaningless

thus millenial culture doesnt want real change. they dont want real action. the majority just want that 10minutes of fame knowing millions of people have seen them and know their name, no mater what the content is.

and its this 'trend' culture that then causes real messages of real change to get lost in the rushing sound of the wind.
that then causes those wanting real change to have to go to battle against others to fight to get their whistles heard through the wind

so here is a better plan
instead of trying to play the trend game of view counts...if you have a message to voice. think about which particular listeners would actually be able to act on it.
and is your message going to benefit them. and is it really worth your time

for instance if you want government changes.. well citizens cant do anything apart from a 4-5 year election vote. so instead amplify your voice to politicians themselves.

you dont see political lobbyists on youtube. because they are busy making phonecalls to politicians
get my point

if you are just crying that your not youtube famous. then maybe try something new
10611  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 05:04:35 PM
But if the medical and Big Pharma hadn't intervened with medicine and vaccines, and the CDC with lockdowns and masks, we would have reached herd immunity long ago,

actually no.
and basic maths will tell you this.

with only 0.2% of hospital beds per population. there just isnt enough capacity to have had 'herd immunity' along time ago without lots of people suffocating without any treatment

try to use some maths not some faux media myths

also 29x more deaths?
um again no. there are not 2.9mill dead due to lockdown compared to 100k covid deaths
EG not 3.8m american lockdown deaths vs 134k american covid deaths

people that die due to hypoxia which then causes organ failure, where it has been diagnosed using 21st not 12th century medicine as being caused by a specific pneumonia triggered by a specific and testable pathogen. where that pathogen has actually been specifically studied.

are you really stuck in the medieval times of witch craft and magic. and not understand technology and science
10612  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 03:57:08 PM
Here's how tvbcof's illogical fallacy is structured:

 - person has 'covid-19' (defined as being suspected of having a SARS-cov-2 infection.)
 - person died a horrible death.
 - covid-19 causes a horrible death and is 'real'.

Now replace 'covid-19' with 'common cold' (because that is what it is.)  The argument still works just as well because it is exactly the same argument.

because we do not live in the 12th century. maybe your dyslexic and read 21st as 12th..
but i must correct you, this is not the 12th century

we have doctors that know that car crashes do not cause pneumonia
we know that drug overdoses do not cause pneumonia
they are even specialised and have things called machines(not sticks and stones) .. machines that can actually identify the specific type of pneumonia. and what/how it was caused.

they have other machines(not just sticks and stones) that can run other tests and scans.
doctors learn many things like certain symptoms are caused by certain causes

knowing which pneumonia and also then comparing it to other tests and other symptom lists. builds up a diagnoses.

EG a broken leg they can see its not a flu symptom
they can narrow it down and see if it was due to brittle bones and a small mishap/trip. vs a high velocity impact.
they can actually tel the difference between these things.

i know you are stuck in the stupid bucket of thinking hospitals just class everyone as covid just by a single cough. but thats not how 21st century medicine works
10613  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Advocates for free speech start to make their voices known on: July 08, 2020, 03:44:57 PM
free speech is:
if in an empty room your able to hear your own voice. you have your freedom
not being paralysed/duct tape over mouth to prevent speaking

free speech is not:
where other people have to/need to listen
speak in any public place at any time.
speak without repercussions

for instance
if your banned from youtube.. oh well go find another platform.
your freedom to speak has not been revoked. just privilege of others to hear you has

i know people think that being able to have a platform with huge audience is an element of free speech. but its not. its what comes out of your mouth directly. not if the microphone amplifies it to millions of people or just one person

if your still able to be in an empty room and still hear your own voice. then you still have your freedoms
youtube/forum access has nothing to do with your vocal chords

thinking you only have freedoms if your on youtube/forum. is meaningless
these places can as a courteous and a privilege temporarily allow you to use such platforms to amplify your speech. but it does not mean you have the right to have your speech amplified

its why those street preachers can still use their voice and shout the funny lil yarns about doomsday using their vocal chords.. but they can have their microphone and amplified speaker confiscated.

being given permission to stand on stage infront of a microphone/camera and broadcast to millions. is not a right but a privilege/service. which can be taken away
10614  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 03:11:45 PM
i find it funny how tvbcof is pretending he knows someone who knows someone that was declared dead.. but still alive

how deep in the stupid bucket are these idiots having to go before they realise they are stuck in stupid
10615  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 12:26:41 PM
Hospitals are restricted from attending to normal patient needs restricting their income. The law also sets up specific funding tied to not only positive COVID tests, as well as ventilator use and other treatments for COVID, forcing hospitals to depend heavily upon these diagnoses to remain fiscally solvent. Yet you feel this will have no effect on the results of diagnosis, treatment, or outcome of any of these patients?

"Fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"
hospitals dont get funds for just writing the word covid.
"Coronavirus fact check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators"

 then it's $13,000, and if that COVID-19 pneumonia patient ends up on a ventilator, it goes up to $39,000."

a normal hospital bed with its nurse observations at regular intervals. and maybe a bloodox monitor heartrate monitor.. but no ventilation is like $600 a day. add in a few tests,  and some pain relief meds and other daily stuff. and 14 day hospital stay would be the AVERAGE $13k ($900 a day)

its not a fixed total.
its case by case. and then later in hindsight. after adding each case up. then dividing the case by case totals by the number of patients the report is associated with. then they get an average..
WHICH MEDIA THEN USE THIS SUBJECTIVE NUMBER, somehow but wrongfully as a fixed bill per patient
its funny how you idiots ignore purposefully dont understand the many layers of stuff that is defined under the word "upto"

if however they need the ICU ward the costs are more because the salary of the staff is higher as they are more trained. this means a ICU bed is then over $1k a day because it involves more observations. more hands on care, more monitors. more meds. then add in the ventilator and also include the anaesthesiologist costs of putting them in a coma. and all the other costs. then it can be UPTO $39k for a 14 day stay

its not a guaranteed fixed $39k
its an averaged $39k based on a 14 day ventilation. and as you even pointed out other averaged out things scale down
EG if the person only needed to be on ventilator for 7 days. the costs would be lower

doctors need to actually perform these treatments. they cant just write 'on ventilation' while the patient is in the ED waiting room and get a couple $K a day. the patient actually has to have been given that treatment
to then claw back the costs later

and that treatment has to be given by actually showing the patient required it. such as blood'ox reports/graphs of the patients monitors showing a decline of oxygen in the blood. aswell as other pre-eventilation procedures like giving CPAP/BiPAP first and those not solving the problem.
aswell as observation notes of physically seeing the symptoms of a patient screaming they cant breathe and gasping for air.

the accounts department dont just take a 'covid' sentance and just say heres $39k
they actually look at if the treatment was required, and if it was administered and for how long.

so for all you idiot fools that think that while a patient is sat in the waiting room of a ED talking about their weekend with an occassional cough. the accounts department is funnelling $39k into the hospitals bank accounts. then you are just idiots.
again even badecker debunked himself when the doctor he promoted that was giving patience with just cough symptoms. but decided to put them in a coma and ventilate them. he got reprimanded the very same week.. because the doctors actually get checked on

lets word this another way
if it was that simple to funnel money in with just a 'covid positive' result on a medical record.
we would see hospitals shouting 'open house, everyone come in for a test and a cookie.'
but they are not.
they are actually telling people to stay home and not be sissy cry babies about minor things and only come in if its really neessesary. because they only get paid for the treatments they actually give and they only have a small finite amount of resources to actually give actual treatment
10616  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Gavin Newsom caught wiring half a billion dollars to communist China in massive on: July 08, 2020, 11:31:31 AM
...Facemask money laundering scheme?

This is about an order for buying 300M N95 certified masks -- Preshipping cost put the mask at around $3 each.

Do I think it would've made more sense to setup some factories in California to do this and put some people to work who need it? Yes. As these are all disposable masks that are going to be thrown out anyway, probably going to need a lot more then 300M in the coming year or year and a half b/c the state of California 40m people.

Are there a lot of questions regarding this contract, the price, delivery issues and so on? Yes. Does this point to some crazy money laundering Chinese scheme -- No.

yep its about the purchase of masks. and yea $3 seems steep. and so the nutty conspiracy gang want to make it sound like some of that is being syphoned off elsewhere

but as for the 150m initial shipment masks.
they are not going to be handed out to all 40m californian citizens. they are being handed to healthcare providers and 'frontline staff'

i know badecker is trying to go full on freeman script. about how if a government want you to do something. badecker should charge for his time. but that will never work. and more laughably the price figure he mentions for his time($250k) shows he just has no clue.

but in business, a business can actually pricetag real costs of following new orders. by way of asking the government to provide them with masks at government cost if the government wishes them to be worn

this is why governments lack of funds/lack of supply. tell citizens/normal people that there is a 'free' option. by making their own face covering or just staying at a distance. this then absolves them of being forced into paying for masks for everyone.
thus if they get sick by getting too close. its not anyones fault but the person that go too close.

its like driving licences. by saying people can just get  taxi/bus/train. or walk. then makes the laws of needing a driving licence to be on the roads owned by government. absolves the government of having to internally fund driving licences and makes them not accountable to pay people to get one.
simply because people have chosen they want a driving licence
same with liquer licence.. government says theres an option a business can just sell other beverages. then its the peoples choice. which then becomes them paying for their choice.
10617  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Coronavirus Outbreak on: July 08, 2020, 10:39:04 AM
first of all.
i know badecker has some really short term memory. but ill make a quick reminder

hospitals are not just given a fixed lump sum under the diagnoses 'covid'

what actually happens is when blood samples are taken theres a cost for that
when xrays/MRI's are done theres a cost for that
when ventilation is done there is a cost for that
even procedures like having 2 nurses aid a patient to flip onto their stomach has been calculated to a cost of that time too.
ventilator equipment. the oxygen
medication/pain relief. + nurses time to administer it.  all have costs attached

each patients treatment is slightly different and comes at different costs.
what faux media portray is a total bills of these total costs then divided by the number of patients to then get an average.

did you know that disability groups are in uproar that a disabled persons hospital care is more expensive than an able body persons hospital bill. without understanding that simple things like the extra care of bed baths and toilet care adds on costs to the disabled person. where as the abled person can selfcare their hygiene

this average number. is not the exact funds a hospital gets just for writing covid.
again. its just an averaged number based on .. (take a deep breath and really concentrate)

the actual treatments a hospital does of multiple individual patients. case by case.
totaled up.
and then separetly and after the fact. an accounting/faux media. then divide that by the number of patients to get an average for 'news summary' purposes
this bill is not always funded by government but also by insurance providers. or in some cases the patient themselves.

and again for emphasis
hospitals dont get $xxxx funds for just writing the word covid, only $xx.
infact just writing covid will earn them maybe $50(not exact.. but just the doctors time).
for having a covid test to verify it will get them a combined $100(not exact but cost of the sampling)
if they have MRI +$500 chest xray +$50 .. CT scan +$400
ventilator costs can be $1k a day

meaning someone with covid. had the test had the scans but didnt need to be sedated and ventilated would be cheaper than someone that needed to be ventilated

(i know your might pull out the story of the ER inexperienced doctor who sedated a few patients and ventilated them blaming it on being told 'its ARDS standard protocol' but that doctor by his own words got reprimanded for that incompetence)

the hospitals have to show reason for their cost claims.
and they also have to show reason for why they needed each treatment/diagnostic tool too
otherwise they il get reprimanded
heck. if doctors did just write covid. and didnt bother with any actual scans/tests/real diagnoses
the average would be more like $50 not
if incompentant doctors just gave random scans/treatments for the pure hell of adding up costs.. they would get reprimanded

doctors have to justify their actions and be accountable. and even badecker 4 months ago when he tried to highlight a doctor.. not realising that that doctor got reprimanded for his actions and thus debunking himself

im guessing that badecker is a herbalist that has never even seen his own medical records or been in a hospital to see the kind of details that go into each diagnoses
10618  Other / Politics & Society / Re: First-Ever Peer-Reviewed Study of Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated Children Shows... on: July 08, 2020, 02:54:27 AM

then do some research about how 'monkey kidneys' have not even been a thing for ~50 years so kids today have no worries..
.. well unless your the 51+yo kid in question

I'll add some source to this.
It was very very interesting to read about it.

Basically monkey kidney vaccines  were stopped in the 60s

In 1962,
i told badecker this fact months ago in another topic. it shut him up for a bit.. but seems he has a memory of a goldfish and circles back to fiction land of his antivaxxer scripts quite often. so i just gently nudge him back to reality again.
i was going to quote it again. but thought it wasnt worth going full on spoodfeeding mission. as he obviously didnt remember it from last time. but im glad you linked it.(saved me time)
it should give some peace and quiet about that aspect for.. a month.. hopefully more
10619  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Hashrate Increases on: July 08, 2020, 02:46:10 AM
the home hobby miners have an average mining cost of about $9k-$12k mining right now.
however. the mining farms who can get hold of stock at wholesale/manufacturing cost. and also get preferential contracted energy costs have a ~$5k cost of mining a bitcoin

one thing to note is that although mining hashrate appears to have gone up from 90exa to 120exa
this is not a sign that hobby miners have increased alongside mining farms
but instead hobby miners have decreased. and mining farms have updated their rigs from ~70thash to 110thash(60% more efficient)

meaning without needing to expand warehouses. they just swapped equipment in the same warehouse to up their hashrate. and instead of that accelerating the hashrate upto ~140exa. the 10~20exa drop of hobby miners means its showing as a 120exa network hashrate overall

in short less hobby miners that cant afford it. dropped out
more hashpower from mining farms that upgraded hardware

most hobby miners that were mining to hoard coin find it cheaper to now just buy it at $9k, rather than to mine it at $12k
10620  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Craig Steven Wright is a liar and a fraud - Tulip Trust addresses signed message on: July 08, 2020, 02:09:10 AM
all that juan wants to keep circling back to is:
"settlement" "coins" "payout"
seems he is stuck in that mindset again.
oh well.

IRA and CSW are both saying the partnership is real
but .. heres the thing, they want THE JUDGE to say he agree's that its real
then they can patent troll

i know juan wants to imagine some 410k coin demand thing happening.
but this whole game is about getting THE JUDGE to agree that the partnership is real under only the voice of ira and CSW both saying its real. without any further/actual proof.
ira has directly asked the judge for this.

but i see from now till october+ juan will just want to talk about coins coins coins
so ill leave him in that ignorant 'its about coin' bubble.
where there is no documents that suggest that its only about the coins
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