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1161  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Will you find it offensive to be referred to as an addicted gambler? on: June 18, 2023, 07:51:19 PM
I gambled for a long time but apart from my closest people and my partner, no one knew about it because i never showed anyone apart from my closest people and my partner that I was a gambler so i was never called that Grin
But if in the end i was called that, I probably wouldn't deny it because the evidence is clear that i've been gambling and i've been doing it for a long time.
Even though in this case I only gamble with small money and even then it only revolves around sportsbook but it does not cover the fact that I am a gambler. regardless of being called an addict or not I actually don't really have a problem with it because what I believe in this case is that as long as my gambling does not interfere with my finances (because I always take into account it in every month as a personal expense) then i don't need to feel offended and fortunately my partner is not too concerned about it either.
1162  Local / Ekonomi, Politik, dan Budaya / Re: Politik Saling Serang/Politik Indentitas on: June 18, 2023, 05:22:19 PM
Sebenarnya dalam hal ini saya tidak terlalu paham dengan politik dan saya juga tidak terlalu tertarik dengan politik yang memang mungkin otak saya terkadang tidak mampu untuk berada disana Cheesy tetapi berbicara tentang kondisi semacam ini di politik sebenarnya ini sudah seperti rahasia umum dimana memang mereka yang berada di bawah naungan yang beratas namakan politik selalu melakukan segala bentuk cara untuk membuat mereka berada diatas pesaingnya dan dengan kondisi seperti itu mereka bahkan tidak akan ragu untuk membuat hal-hal semacam ini untuk mengacaukan atau bahkan memperkeruh suasana.
Perlu disadari bahwa politik di Indonesia menurut pandangan saya saat ini adalah ladang yang basah dan kebanyakan orang ingin berada didalamnya mengingat banyak sekali keuntungan yang bisa didapat dalam hal itu, sekalipun memang ini terdengar cukup kasar tetapi fakta yang terjadi sekarang adalah demikian. Katakanlah dalam hal ini tuduhan saya hanya melihat dari perspektif keburukannya saja tetapi dalam kondisi awal pemilihan calon pemimpin baik itu dalam ranah Eksekutif, Legislatif maupun Yudikatif semuanya masih berada dalam kondisi yang sama bahkan yang saya lihat untuk sekarang selain hanya dari kekuatan uang didalamnya orang-orang berpangkat dan memiliki wewenang tidak akan jauh dari nepotisme atau mungkin lebih sopannya adalah turunan dari orang tua/keluarga.

Di Pilpres yang akan datang pun hal yang sama bukan tidak mungkin terjadi, bahkan menurut saya pribadi itu akan sangat kental dengan hal hal demikian. Melihat dari nama nama yang akan menjadi bakal calon saja sudah cukup membuat saya skeptis hal yang sama akan kembali terjadi, Anies Bawedan misalnya, pada Pilgub Jakarta saja kita tahu kegaduhan yang membuat masyarakat terpecah belah, hal ini akan sangat mungkin kembali terjadi jika Anies menjadi salah satu calon Pilpres 2024.

Andi Widjajanto (Gubernur Lemhannas RI) pernah memberikan sebuah pernyataan dimana ada beberapa tantangan terbesar dalam politik di Indonesia yang memang harus di waspadai menjelang pesta politik di Indonesia tahun ini dan tahun 2024 mendatang dan salah satu diantaranya adalah politik identitas ini.

“Tantangan terbesarnya secara eskalasi isu itu ada tiga, pertama politik identitas, yang kedua misinformasi, misinformasi yang terkait dengan hoaks, yang ketiga adalah tentang hate speech, ujaran-ujaran kebencian terutama yang terkait dengan politik identitas,” kata Gubernur Lemhannas RI saat memberikan Pernyataan Akhir Tahun 2022 di Lemhannas RI pada Kamis, (21/12/2022).

dilain sisi, Wawan Mas'udi (salah satu pakar politik UGM) juga pernah memberikan sebuah prediksi dimana memang politik identitas ini masih akan dilakukan sebagai salah satu strategi untuk Pemilu 2024 nanti.

'Jangankan satu dua persen, satu suara saja itu akan jadi penentu kemenangan atau tidak. Oleh karena itu saya melihat politik identitas nampaknya masih akan dipakai sebuah skenario atau strategi,"

Sehingga memang dalam hal ini tidak akan aneh jika pada akhirnya ketika pesta politik semakin dekat maka akan ada saling serang baik itu secara personal maupun secara keseluruhan kepada partai yang diusung yang nantinya ini akan menjadi sebuah perpecahan antara beberapa pihak terkait.
Semua punya caranya masing-masing dan saya cukup yakin mereka sudah mempersiapkan segala cara untuk pentas ini karena memang ini hanya tentang bagaimana merebut suara dari rakyat biasa seperti kita. Terlepas dari caranya seperti apa, mereka tidak akan terlalu peduli apakah itu cara yang bersih atau cara yang kotor.
1163  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: I think topics/discussion on gambling addictions is too much on: June 18, 2023, 03:43:39 PM
Locking threads will only make them sink and this can be forgotten so I prefer the current state and the many threads about gambling addiction.

And then a new thread with the same topic will emerge.  The thing about the discussion is that, the topic has variation but when discussions go on for too long, they often get sidetracked and end up talking about irrelevant things and ends up focusing on gambling addiction and gambling being an entertainment and not the way to earn money for a living.
This is likely to happen given that the discussion of gambling will inevitably be about gambling addiction and tips on how to get past it so a thread on addiction is bound to happen. But it does go back to the context sometimes different things are also always linked back to addiction which makes it a little wide actually so that the main topic seems to be distracted.

Even though not all topics discuss the same level of addiction, if the topic is moderated in one topic (not allowing other topics to exist) then cases of addiction at any level can be discussed there.
You are right, each topic is made to be discussed with different complaints of gambling addiction and different ways of handling it depending on the level of addiction experienced, so even though each topic is very relevant for discussing gambling addiction, we hear different stories from bad gambling experiences, so their gambling addiction must be stopped immediately by providing the right solution.

I agree with your opinion to make a special topic that will be moderated about all discussions of gambling addiction problems, but I also agree with @Ryu_Ar1's opinion because locking threads will drown the topic of gambling addiction problems so the important point if there are many addiction topics will remind every gambler to think about the risks worst if he is a compulsive gambler it will be difficult to cure from gambling addiction.
I prefer this solution by modernizing rather than having to lock down every existing discussion because indeed with this, apart from the discussion will continue to develop, on the other hand this can also minimize the conditions where the discussion is too broad in other directions.
1164  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: I think topics/discussion on gambling addictions is too much on: June 17, 2023, 07:02:18 PM
Regardless, there are already quite a few threads that do aim in the same direction even though the initial thread is slightly different but in the end the discussion returns to habits and addiction in gambling.
But on the other hand, in this case there are some distinguishing factors or stories in the beginning which may also be a consideration where the cases in it lead to the same thing.
Such as
Gambling addiction causes ear deafness? 
Gambling is a choice.
Borrowing money for gambling.
Can One's Religion Compel A Compulsive Gambler To Quit Gambling
Women's gambling addiction

All of them have various stories and of course the discussion also varies, but in the end it remains the same, the longer the discussion is carried out, it will lead to the same direction about addiction in gambling.
Not that in this case I say the topics I entered above are bad because they are indeed good and appropriate topics but sometimes there are some conditions where the discussion widens and ultimately discusses in the same direction, namely addiction.

I don't know why now the moderators don't immediately lock topics that have led to spam (which are discussed over and over again) lower. I will try to report to the moderator about topics that have actually been discussed and have low quality to discuss, I hope that all of us will also be active in working together to clean up gambling threads from topics that are actually not that useful to be discussed continuously.
I don't think it's really necessary because it's also a good thing and the topic there is also quite interesting.
Even if it is in this case quite a lot that leads to spam but on the other hand we also have to realize that this can be a good alarm when we do the wrong thing in gambling with the existence of that thread and still be above at least we read a lot of other people's experiences and this can make us realize that it is very important.
Locking threads will only make them sink and this can be forgotten so I prefer the current state and the many threads about gambling addiction.
1165  Local / Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) / Re: Bitcoin Conference 2023 on: June 17, 2023, 05:15:31 PM
Sedikit terlambat tetapi saya barusaja mengecek sosial media beliau dalam hal ini yang saya temukan di twitter dan instagram resmi kang emil dan sepertinya dia sekarang memulai untuk membuat ini menjadi lebih menarik
Saya lihat postingannya itu baru 7 Juni 2023 kemarin, dengan kata lain agan tidak terlambat juga menginfokan link tulisannya beliau.
Hanya saja untuk durasi videonya memang tidak full seperti yang ada di

Saya lihat poin utamanya adalah tentang potensi mining Bitcoin dengan menggunakan energi terbarukan yang sumber dayanya melimpah di Indonesia.

Seperti yang sudah diketahui, salah satu faktor yang sering menjadi 'sandungan' Bitcoin diantaranya adalah sumber energi yang digunakan untuk proses mining, diantaranya seperti yang disebutkan pada salah satu tulisan yang ada disini: Tambang Bitcoin Bikin Polusi Udara Makin Parah. Beberapa solusi sumber energi terbarukan seperti yang ditawarkan kang Emil bisa saja jadi alternatif untuk mengatasi hal tersebut.
Berbicara tentang kasus polusi sebenarnya memang hal seperti ini seolah hanya menjadi alasan dan penambangan bitcoin dijadikan kambing hitam disana karena pada faktanya, seperti yng kita tahu banyak sekali yang mempengaruhi hal itu dan yang paling besar adalah kawasan industri yang ada di indonesia khususnya mungkin jakarta.
Beberapa hari lalu muncul sebuah pemberitaan tentang polusi ini dan sekarang Indonsia dikatakan menjadi negara berpolusi paling buruk di Asia tengagara.

Pada Rabu (07/06) pukul 10.00 WIB, Indonesia masuk daftar 10 besar kota dengan polusi udara terburuk, dan menjadi negara di Asia Tenggara dengan tingkat polusi udara paling buruk.
Mungkin memang disana juga ada beberapa miners individual yang melakukan mining bitcoin tetapi persentase perusakan lingkungannya hanya sebagian kecil dari yang memang penyumbang paling besar yaitu industri yang dikatakan paling besar menurut sumber yang saya baca.

Diya Farida, Climate Impact Associate dari Yayasan Indonesia Cerah menduga bahwa salah satu kontributor paling besar terhadap pencemaran udara di Indonesia adalah kawasan industri yang ada di daerah-daerah sekitar ibu kota.

Sebab, polusi udara yang timbul dari PLTU yang terletak di daerah-daerah seperti Jawa Barat dan Banten cenderung terbawa dan melintas perbatasan daerah alias transboundary air pollution.

”Di Jawa Barat banyak kawasan pabrik, seperti Karawang. Terus di Banten, di Suralaya itu ada PLTU. Ada pembakaran batu bara. Itu sampai ke sini polusi udaranya,” ungkap Diya kepada BBC News Indonesia pada Rabu (07/06).

Disisi lain, penyumbang terbesar untuk polusi adalah polusi kendaraan yang tentu saja untuk kota-kota besar di Indonesia kita juga tahu macetnya seperti apa dan ini juga menjadi penyumbang polusi terbesar saat ini

Dirjen Pengendalian Pencemaran & Kerusakan Lingkungan KLHK, Sigit Reliantoro mengatakan 70% penyebab kualitas buruk udara Jakarta adalah polusi kendaraan, sisanya industri dan pembakaran lain.

Dengan hal ini mengatakan polusi bertambah karena adanya mining memang mungkin ada pertambahan tetapi itu hanya sebagian kecil dari besarnya dampak polusi yang diberikan dari sektor lain sehingga hal seperti ini hanya menggoreng supaya mining bitcoin menjadi terkesan buruk saja saya rasa.
Dengan adanya terobosan dari kang emil juga itu bisa menjadi jawaban yang memang cukup bisa untuk menangkal sanggahan yang diberikan dari polusi memang.
Sekarang sudah hampir satu bulan setelah kang Emil berbicara dan mengenalkan bitcoin tetapi masih belum ada pemberitaan lebih jauh tentang hal ini.
1166  Local / Altcoins (Bahasa Indonesia) / Re: Beberapa Update Mengenai Ripple atau XRP on: June 17, 2023, 03:48:13 PM
Ya.. Itu penjelasan yang panjang. Ripple memang memiliki visi untuk menjadi ledger perbangkan dari dulu. Sepertinya apa yang mereka lakukan sungguh-sungguh jika melihat update di atas. Jika perbangkan menggunakan ripple untuk pencatatan keuangannya maka itu adalah sebuah terobosan yang luar biasa untuk dunia crypto secara menyeluruh. Sektor perbangkan adalah sector sentral keuangan, dan crypto adalah digital currency, sehingga jika crypto sudah masuk dalam sistem perbangkan maka kemungkinan crypto sebagai alat pembayaran akan semakii mungkin

Mungkin kalo perseturuan dengan SEC selesai dan dimenangkan oleh XRP, kemudian XRP mengaplikasikan untuk pencatatan perbangkan, wah itu pasti naik parah ya harga XRP. Apa lebih baik hold XRP biar ga ketinggalan moment?
Setuju dengan yang mas katakan dalam hal ini karena memang melihat dari beberapa kondisi bahkan ketika memulai perencananaan dari awal sepertinya memang konsep mereka selalu sama dengan visi yang seperti mas katakan yang berhubungan langsung bank. tetapi memang untuk saat ini itu cukup sulit saya pikir.
Masalah dengan SEC mereka masih terus saja membuat ini menjadi sulit dan ini jika di ibaratkan seperti sinetron di indonesia yang memang tidak jelas kapan berakhirnya Cheesy
Persidangan demi persidangan terus dilakukan tetapi memang sampai sekarang mereka belum menemukan titik temu dan kasus mereka terus menerus digoreng sehingga kondisi yang sebenarnya sudah bagus dalam segi rencana Ripple terus terganggu.
Tetapi memang itu mau tidak mau harus dihadapi karena ini seperti hidup dan mati terlebih memang ini juga menjadi sebuah kondisi dimana mereka bisa hidup dan bisa langsung meningkat dengan pesat jika menang bahkan CEO Ripple juga sepertinya sudah kepalang tanggung dan sudah memperkirakan mereka akan menghabiskan banyak uang untuk hal ini karena dalam beberapa wawancara mereka juga sudah mengatakan bahwa sudah menyiapkan $200 juta untuk perlawanan atas Ripple ini.

Ripple will have spent $200 million defending itself against a lawsuit from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission by the time it is over, CEO Brad Garlinghouse told CNBC Monday.

pemberitaan terakhir yang saya baca tentang koin ini adalah mereka saat ini memulai dengan drama baru dimana pihak dari Ripple menuduh bahwa William Hinman yang notabene adalah mantan dari direktur SEC telah dibayar untuk menyerang XRP demi Ethereum.
Klaim ini didasari oleh dugaan dimana Ethereum Foundation atau beberapa oknum disana membayar William Hinman untuk memberikan pidato dan memberikan izin gratis kepada Ethereum.
Klaim ini di dasarkan pada sebuah bukti dimanaada email antara Hinman dan rekan-rekannya dengan nama "Pidato Ether" yang diyakini dibuat sebelum dia melakukan pidato. lebih jelas bisa melihat sumber
Ini jelas akan menjadi drama panjang lagi untuk mereka terlebih untuk kali ini juga secara tidak langsung mereka menyinggung Ether yang tentu jika memang kondisi ini akan membuat drama lain terjadi antara Ripple dan Ether.

Disisi lain sekarang mereka juga masih menunggu keputusan dari sidang terakhir mereka saat ini yang kemungkinan ini akan membuat Ripple diuntungkan dari hasil keputusan nanti walaupun memang ini masih sebatas spekulasi.
1167  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: I think topics/discussion on gambling addictions is too much on: June 16, 2023, 08:29:30 PM
Regardless, there are already quite a few threads that do aim in the same direction even though the initial thread is slightly different but in the end the discussion returns to habits and addiction in gambling.
But on the other hand, in this case there are some distinguishing factors or stories in the beginning which may also be a consideration where the cases in it lead to the same thing.
Such as
Gambling addiction causes ear deafness? 
Gambling is a choice.
Borrowing money for gambling.
Can One's Religion Compel A Compulsive Gambler To Quit Gambling
Women's gambling addiction

All of them have various stories and of course the discussion also varies, but in the end it remains the same, the longer the discussion is carried out, it will lead to the same direction about addiction in gambling.
Not that in this case I say the topics I entered above are bad because they are indeed good and appropriate topics but sometimes there are some conditions where the discussion widens and ultimately discusses in the same direction, namely addiction.
1168  Other / Archival / Re: No panic while holding my Bitcoin on: June 16, 2023, 07:26:52 PM
For now even though I am in this kind of environment it can be said that I am just stepping in and cannot be compared to some who have been in bitcoin for a very long time but in this case what I see is that as you said, waiting is the most reasonable thing for now. I felt bitcoin for ATH even 2 times there and I also felt bitcoin crash and until now I feel that and I can say for my previous few years of portopolio it seems that it still hasn't returned. But being grateful is something that still has to be done so that I can buy bitcoin even from the price of $15k which I never got before and of course it's a blessing.
There is nothing stopping me now from continuing to be in bitcoin and indeed this is something that I am waiting for by continuing to survive I will be sure of my choice for the next few years it will get better.
1169  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: French Soccer League Predictions and Discussion Thread (Ligue 1) on: June 16, 2023, 06:20:17 PM
There is still no action taken about Galtier by PSG. This season can't be counted as successful for him no matter how much he says that it was a good one. Winning the Ligue 1 title is an easy peasy achievement for PSG with a huge strength gap like this with the other teams. As long as they can't be competitive for the Champions League title and win it there is nothing that much admirable.
Galtier already sacked by PSG at the beginning of this month. I think that there's no need to do something about him.

Even napoli has seen him as a potential candidate to be a new coach for napoli. PSG is now still looking to sign a new player.
In the end it was going to happen and after the season was over sooner or later this news was bound to be there and it was.
Galtier will not be able to stay at PSG for long, he can be one of the better coaches but his place is not a big club, at least in this case he will not be able to be there considering his qualifications are still below what they should be.

For Napoli it's unlikely to happen now that they've appointed Rudi Garcia as Spalletti's replacement and for that matter I don't even have any expectations of this coach for Napoli next season. Let's hope he does well in the end.
1170  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Stop stressing kids with bitcoin on: June 16, 2023, 05:45:26 PM
I've seen several threads where people preach teaching bitcoin to kids and I've also seen threads where others talked about having  some savings(investments) in bitcoin  for their kids which is right.

Just as my topic reads, we should stop stressing  kids with wanting them do things we didn't meet up doing and at some points getting them mentally stressed.

Please don't get me wrong because I'm typically  not against teaching  or maybe introducing bitcoin  to your kids but I'm  on the opinion  that rather than bother them with this complicated digital asset (bitcoin) knowing fully well that no matter how much knowledge  we have about it, if we don't have the money to buy, then we'll  certainly  miss out, and judging from this, I don't think it's wise teaching them or wanting to force it on them when we know that they can't afford it.

I will suggest that, rather than bore them with the history of bitcoin,  why not get a portfolio for them and keep investing in it and watch it grow with them and when they're of age, then you can practically  show them the needful.

I want to know if there are people who also share same opinion with me and please lets just discuss rather than argue
There are a few points where I don't really agree with this.
I agree when it says don't stress children with bitcoin but on the other hand our job as parents is not like that I think. because there is nothing wrong with introducing children to bitcoin considering we are also here and introducing it to children is a good thing.
It's just that we have to pay attention to what we really have to do and what we shouldn't do.
Our job is only to introduce not force children to be in bitcoin. we only have the right to provide further introduction to bitcoin not that we have to force them to like it. As for when they like it with some material or even just watching cartoons about bitcoin then it's obviously very good. but when not then there is no need to force it.
Even if it is our own child but their future is determined by their own hands and we as parents only facilitate it so that the child can further develop their interests.
The child will not feel stressed if the way we do it is appropriate.
1171  Economy / Gambling / Re: Gambling addiction causes ear deafness? on: June 16, 2023, 03:48:05 PM
     -   Well, with other gamblers they actually do that. Even though their friends and relatives warn them, they turn a deaf ear and still do what they want to gamble.

So the other people, they just let them in their inclined gambling because they see that their warning to them is ignored. The reminder they heard goes in the right ear and out the left. This is really the effect when gambling becomes an addiction or vice to them.
It's like my friend, let alone the advice of friends, his wife and children he doesn't even listen to, that's why being a bad addict is difficult to cure, therefore addicts can be a reflection for us as gamblers so we don't play gambling too much, because if we can't controlling it of course will ruin everything and easy to lose money even family.

I always make myself aware when I play too much, at least there is an alarm for me to stop gambling so I don't gamble too much, that's why it's important for my family to always be able to remind us when I'm too far into gambling because without them I can't control myself. don't let our friends play too far, always remind them before they become addicts.
This seems to be in a fairly acute condition and conditions like this in my opinion are not a matter of him not being able to stop but indeed not wanting to stop gambling. regardless of whether it is addicted or not this will obviously not be easy because indeed in this case he does not want to stop gambling even though he has been reminded by the closest family.
This is what makes things worse because even this will not be cured even if it is brought to the expert because the gambler seems to refuse and still wants to do gambling.
Now with something like this, the only way is how he realizes because that's what makes him able to come back, as long as he doesn't realize then he will certainly reject all forms of efforts that make him stop gambling.
1172  Economy / Games and rounds / Re: MIXER June Bitcoin Price Prediction Challenge on: June 15, 2023, 09:59:30 PM
Prediction 2 : $26,733.85
bech32 address : bc1q2he5hyc6ykcp50n0lhe8lhrqt9q0uwwt6jgaef
1173  Economy / Economics / Re: The cost of living is trying to kill the living on: June 15, 2023, 09:41:42 PM
Cost of living? I am not sure bro are you getting the point or not because if you are talking about just living inflation and all the economic crisis has nothing to do with it? In just living you don't need to pay an internet Bill, Huge electricity Bills huge Gas bills, and other luxuries which are not part of living. I am not sam not to use electricity I am saying that those who want to spend a simple life can live under the Fan rather than using the AC. Similarly, he can use a Bicycle rather than Car or Motorbike. So the point is Inflation damaged the Standards of living.

So you should say Standards of living are trying to kill the living and that is really happening. There are some other major concerns rather than this temporary inflation we getting out of resources.
In this case it may be more about how we distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary needs.
what you said is true and there is nothing wrong with it because indeed the electricity bills, internet etc. that you mentioned cannot be released but it is actually included in the current primary needs in my opinion because it is the same as the needs in food for now because I feel that I feel almost frustrated when there is no electricity or internet. but on the other hand of course we also have to be able to limit spending and other lifestyles must be considered such as when we can choose something ordinary in secondary needs such as gadgets or maybe even vehicles do not need to feel burdened with it as long as what we have can still be used then it does not matter.
The condition that occurs for some people is where ego and prestige are bigger which makes them forget to be realistic and not appreciate what they have which makes them continue to be hedon humans which actually makes it more difficult for them to maintain conditions where inflation and the needs of life are getting bigger.
1174  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2022/23 on: June 15, 2023, 06:53:55 PM
Despite all the speculation now somehow I'm not too sure if Mbappe is going to Madrid next season.
The conditions are still the same as before and although some time ago there were words that indicated Mbappe wanted to go to Madrid (again) but I still feel that Madrid will wait until his contract at PSG ends given that it is also getting closer and it is likely that this season is not but next season it might still happen.
I think they are going to wait out this Mbappe situation, because if they somehow get him, which I know is "near impossible" levels right now and would be way too expensive and would make them be more like Barcelona and get close to la liga rules, I know it's a tough business, and it is going to suck, BUT if they can then that's league over.

I do not think that anyone in the world would be a matchup for them aside from maybe City, that's it, they will be 1-2 best teams in the entire world, there is not even a discussion, league would be won easily, cup would be won, and UCL would probably be won as well. Other strikers are just discussions, temporary solutions, not a big deal and not really that life changing, but Mbappe would be insane.
Some sources say currently 185 million is the starting price for Mbappe in his release and indeed it is too crazy for a player of course.
The best thing would be to wait until the end and make a swoop next season, but of course they also have to consider the current situation because Benzema's replacement is still not really ready right now.
Madrid will have to keep looking for someone good enough to make up for last season's mistakes, but it's also important that their form doesn't get any worse than it already is and that their target man is a striker with good instincts for scoring goals.

Now we just have to wait and see what Madrid will do because I'm sure they're still looking now even though Kane or Lautaro have been rumored but that doesn't mean it's just centered around Benzema I guess.
Brahim Diaz is now available as an option but I still feel that this won't be enough so looking for someone with better instincts in terms of goal scoring would of course be great for now.
But looking at this season's moves it seems like they're still looking to do some controlling with the youngsters because the two obvious players at the moment (Brahim Diaz and Fran Garcia) they're still looking for young blood for each of the lines they want to strengthen.
But now there are rumors about Real Madrid choosing to give up on the hunt for Kane. The reason may be because the transfer fee is too expensive. or for any other reason. But what is clear is that I feel that Kane is most likely not going to Real Madrid. Although I personally see Kane as the most suitable candidate to fill the Real Madrid attack line.

For now, the player who is one step away from signing a contract with Real Madrid is Jose Luis Sanmartin Mato (Joselu). Joselu is a great striker who has made quite a splash at the Espanyol club. So it's not surprising that Real Madrid are interested and want to bring him to Real Madrid this summer.
The price of 100 million is quite large but actually it is nothing for Madrid. It seems that they do not want to be too fussed in this matter so it is better to look for other possible options rather than multiplying the drama there.
Now there is another name Joselu Mato from Espanyol who may be on loan because his club is relegated but in this case he I think will not speak much with his age and previous performance.
1175  Economy / Speculation / Re: Is hodling top 10 Marketcap coins a good tactic? on: June 15, 2023, 06:23:16 PM
There are several points that I can get in this regard and for the first I agree with saying that we must have careful planning when investing because as you said this is how we manage our finances, of course in this case we must have good planning from the start because it would be very stupid if we did invest without any planning and preparation.
On the other hand, talking about the shitcoin discussed in this case which of course still relates to the top 10 coins there, of course we also realize that it is a condition where many people are comfortable with the coins that are there but in the end it remains the same actually bitcoin is always being the beginning and the end there is nothing else than that, as for the other numbers, even though there are many opinions, they return to conditions where this depends on themselves, although in this case the good advice is, of course, to stay in bitcoin, not with the others.
Because it can be said that it is the initial foundation for us in starting to invest or anything related to the future that we hope for.
However, planning is important and we must always remember that a plan is one of the most vital things that must exist, even though sometimes in this case we also cannot expect it to always be good but at least as long as there is planning that we do then we will still stay on track without deviating and fixing unexpected conditions without having to start from scratch.
When indeed being in bitcoin has been planned from before with the condition that we are ready with the knowledge that we continue to learn and others that support it, of course we will be a little better than deviating from the original plan when we want to be in bitcoin but are distracted just because we see the pump in shitcoin.

As investors we have to divide money into many types of investment types, like we know that bitcoin is already very expensive compared to others, so a good opportunity is to buy altcoins, the opportunity for altcoins to rise is 10x greater than bitcoin because most altcoins are cheap, and of course it's a good idea if we hold the top 10 rankings because it's safer.
I understand and I quite agree with desvirifaction it is something that is quite important but in other conditions when saying bitcoin is too expensive forever maybe you will continue to lag behind in my opinion.
Indeed in this case when looking at the price bitcoin is clearly the single most expensive when compared to the altcoins you said but that doesn't mean there is no way to buy it. We are also not required to buy 1 bitcoin or even more than that at once, therefore there are strategies that are carried out such as when we buy by means of DCA or wait in the current decline.
1176  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2022/23 on: June 14, 2023, 01:08:31 PM
They deserve this number and I like what Madrid are doing now by changing the jersey numbers immediately.
If I'm not mistaken from the previous season Vini was also offered this jersey number but did refuse because in addition to feeling still not too appropriate, the jersey number 7 is also still worn by Hazard now no one wears this number and of course it must be given to him.
But on the other hand with new numbers for Vini and Rodrygo of course they must realize that with legendary numbers like this especially for Madrid then they have a greater responsibility now.
The season is still long enough to start, hopefully they can make a much better contribution than this season.
Vini at the left flank and rodrygo at the right flank ... both developed very well in the last two seasons and will prove it next season that they could bring back real madrid glorious days , but who's in front? As benzema leaving and so far there are no top players linked to them , there is lautaro martinez and harry kane but that's just a rumor that come from not reliable sources.

They have to bring someone very soon or they might ended up with a panic transfer to land an ordinary striker out of nowhere, seriously.
Now we just have to wait and see what Madrid will do because I'm sure they're still looking now even though Kane or Lautaro have been rumored but that doesn't mean it's just centered around Benzema I guess.
Brahim Diaz is now available as an option but I still feel that this won't be enough so looking for someone with better instincts in terms of goal scoring would of course be great for now.
But looking at this season's moves it seems like they're still looking to do some controlling with the youngsters because the two obvious players at the moment (Brahim Diaz and Fran Garcia) they're still looking for young blood for each of the lines they want to strengthen.

Just like many other players, Benzem chose money and he joined Arabian teams when left he is getting old to earn more money there.
I think Benzema made a wise move and Real Madrid should now hire an alternative player for this position. Mbappe is the first priority and I guess Mbappe can fill Benzema's position at Real Madrid perfectly.

If Mbappe's transfer to Real Madrid takes place, a football player who will play successfully for many years as Real Madrid Benzema will be brought to the team. I believe Mbappe will outperform Benzema. What he's done for PSG is obvious and he's a perfect player statistically.
Despite all the speculation now somehow I'm not too sure if Mbappe is going to Madrid next season.
The conditions are still the same as before and although some time ago there were words that indicated Mbappe wanted to go to Madrid (again) but I still feel that Madrid will wait until his contract at PSG ends given that it is also getting closer and it is likely that this season is not but next season it might still happen.
1177  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: UEFA Champions League 2023/24 Season on: June 13, 2023, 06:19:08 AM
This is the list of teams which have been qualified for UCL next season

2023/24 Champions League teams by nationGroup Stage (Qualified)

England: Manchester City, Arsenal, Manchester United, Newcastle United

Spain: Barcelona, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Real Sociedad, Sevilla

Germany: Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund, RB Leipzig, Union Berlin

Italy: Napoli, Lazio, FC Inter, AC Milan

France: Paris Saint-Germain, Lens, Marseille

Scotland: Celtic

Portugal: Benfica, Porto, Braga

Netherlands: Feyenoord, PSV

Serbia: Red Star Belgrade

Austria: RB Salzburg

Ukraine: Shakhtar Donetsk

As you can see that la liga has been sending 5 teams to the UCL. We are having some new names that was rarely playing in UCL like newcastle united.

Arsenal will be also coming to the UCL after it has become trophyless this season.

Im not yet including some teams that may be able to enter into the UCL through play off.
There are some pretty interesting names now such as Arsenal, Manchester United and Newcastle for the EPL, Sociedad for La Liga, Lens for Ligue 1 and Lazio in Serie A.
These are new names though in this case we know their capabilities but for the Champions League they are new contestants for the group stage now.
It's interesting actually with the current conditions for the Champions League because indeed with their current conditions and positive trends, there are still great expectations for them at this time. it's just that when talking about winning candidates, I think the probability is still the same as in previous seasons.
1178  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Germany League - Bundesliga Prediction Thread on: June 13, 2023, 05:54:18 AM
It's a bit funny but i agree with what you said because regardless, Dortmund's failure in the last match was a blessing for Tuchel and Bayern.
But even so now they have no time to feel safe because now the new season awaits and the holidays must now be put to good use by clubs in the Bundesliga including Bayern and Dortmund.
Currently Dortmund have lost Jude and they must think quickly to anticipate the leak that Jude will leave in the squad. On the other hand, Bayern have got new ammunition for their midfield. Konrad Laimer ended his adventure in Leipzig and next season is certain to be in Bayern's uniform.
Getting Konrad Leimer on a free transfer is a fortune for Bayern because Bayern's midfield is quite weak, but Bayern should be more focused on getting a striker to replace Lewandowski because it is certain that if they haven't found a replacement for Lewandowski, it will be difficult for Bayern to fight in the UCL next season.
Of course this will be very useful for them, especially in this case Konrad Leimer is also one of the players who had a pretty good initiation when he was in Leipzig and of course this will increase the midfield cruising power of PSG of course. As for the striker, basically from the beginning they still haven't found it. Mane is already there but his position in this case we know is not a striker but a winger so it does need some things that can make Bayern look again now and time is still long enough they have to prepare for this from now on.

Bayern Munich hopes are certainly on Mane. As a replacement for Lewandoski. But Mane has had a difficult season. Had a good debut, but in some matches Mane performed poorly and even argued with Sane in one team. But Mane jiga is not bad, he can score 12 goals and 6 passes. So I think he just needs some adaptation time. But I don't understand if he will stay or leave. I saw on social media that he was in demand by clubs from Saudi Arab.
Mane wasn't comfortable at all with Bayern Munich at a point he received a fine from them because of that. His performance dropped and he is getting annoyed to keep playing in Bundesliga in my opinion. I read weeks ago that he was thinking about moving out of Germany. I think he wants to get back to England and he might move to Saudi Arabia if they offer to him a good reward.
Her not-so-regular position makes her not too comfortable with this.
We know that sometimes he was always placed as a targetman in the Naeglsmann era, which I actually think is something that is too forced, especially with this, it is certain that he will be compared to Lewa who left, which makes the burden even heavier.
He is not planning to leave next season but of course for this Tuchel must be able to provide a good position, he is still very capable at the winger so rather than trying a new position that is less favorable for performance it is better to keep him where he should be so that he regains his momentum as a winger supporting the striker in attack.
1179  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can i make 100 $ daily from online casinos on: June 13, 2023, 04:57:48 AM
I even for 3-4 days in a row it would be a miracle when we talk about gambling.
Agree with what you said, because however things like this will not be possible if we only look for daily income there. We can do it in other ways but not for gambling because we certainly realize this kind of thing is a real impossibility.
Agree with what you said, the initial concept for gambling is to have fun. Doing other things and even earning a regular income every day in this case is an impossibility that can be done.
But sometimes gamblers forget how gambling works and change their mind to think of gambling as a place to earn daily income or novice gamblers who have the wrong thoughts about gambling, like gambling is a place to multiply money so they think they can get daily profits.
But all that was my fault even myself making $5 daily from gambling is so impossible.
There is no other way to make daily income from gambling even if it is a professional gambler.
It is quite natural that there are still even many who have such a mindset because in this case we as humans always want good things so rational is sometimes lost in conditions like this.
I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to the gym, but I'm sure it's a good idea to go to the gym, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to the gym, but I'm sure it's a good idea to go to the gym, and I'm not sure if it's a good idea to go to the gym.
In the end this goes back to the mindset we apply to ourselves and that's why gamblers often say self-control is important to avoid straight and simple thinking like the OP did.
1180  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: La Liga (Spanish League) Prediction Thread 2022/23 on: June 12, 2023, 08:19:36 PM

They deserve this number and I like what Madrid are doing now by changing the jersey numbers immediately.
If I'm not mistaken from the previous season Vini was also offered this jersey number but did refuse because in addition to feeling still not too appropriate, the jersey number 7 is also still worn by Hazard now no one wears this number and of course it must be given to him.
But on the other hand with new numbers for Vini and Rodrygo of course they must realize that with legendary numbers like this especially for Madrid then they have a greater responsibility now.
The season is still long enough to start, hopefully they can make a much better contribution than this season.
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