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1481  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 15, 2020, 07:42:17 PM
Daca Lidl are grija 100% si le foloseste doar pentru marketing, nu e asa o problema.
Daca. Aici e exact o parte substantiala a problemei cu datele personale: fiecare actioneaza, dupa cum ai spus si tu, diferit. Unii incearca sa isi tina clientii privacy-focused mai aproape, altii vad in afacerea lor doar veniturile. In concluzie, noi ajungem sa ne dam date unor indivizi/companii care habar nu avem ce vor face cu ele mai departe.

Acest lucru se intampla din lipsa educatiei necesare. O parte trist de mare dintre oameni semneaza contracte bancare fara sa citeasca mai departe de titlul documentului. Insa putem transpune exact acelasi lucru si in digital: o parte trist de mare dintre oameni, printre care ma aflu si eu, accepta niste termeni si conditii in mod "orb". Termeni si conditii care sunt de cele mai multe ori atat de lungi incat efectiv preferi sa accepti orice ar scrie acolo numai sa scapi de citit. Referitor la asta, avem la indemana site-ul Terms of Service; Didn't Read care sintetizeaza termenii si conditiile site-urilor si le acorda inclusiv un rating in functie de cate drepturi iti sunt incalcate - printre care se numara si cel la intimitate - si in functie de cat de "urat" suna contractul pe care urmeaza sa il accepti in format digital.

Pe site-ul lor observ ca exista si o analiza pentru Coinbase. Unul dintre marile puncte negative este "Your data may be processed and stored anywhere in the world". Suna bine, nu? Smiley Un alt punct, tot de pe pagina principala, ar fi: "The service may use tracking pixels, web beacons, browser fingerprinting, and/or device fingerprinting on users.". Daca ne uitam la site-uri precum cele apartinand corporatiei Google sau Facebook, probabil ne cam vine cheful sa desfiintam orice conturi am avea in mainile lor. Cheesy

Urmarirea online plus protectivitatea exagerata din partea statului, de care aminteam mai sus, rezulta un frumusel Surveillance State camuflat in falsa idee de libertate, stat despre care Snowden ne avertizeaza de multi anisori. Avem deja cateva lucruri similare pe care le traim astazi sub falsa impresie de libertate, cum ar fi wage slavery-ul. Multi nu accepta ideea de Surveillance State si a faptului ca pe masura ce trece timpul ne indreptam fix in acea directie, si din pacate am inceput sa realizez ca nu o accepta deoarece fie le e teama, fie capacitatea lor de gandire a fost inlocuita cu spalarea pe creier realizata de mass-media. E mai convenabila, caci ti da mura-n gura ce si cum sa gandesti.

De aici putem porni spre alte discutii, cum ar fi.. pentru ce mama dracului avem out of nowhere telefoane cu 7, 8 camere? Inteleg ca una-i pentru macro si alta-i pentru unghi larg, da' da-o naibii de treaba.. Despre asta am scris si un topic, intr-o mica disperare: tehnologia avanseaza, dar avanseaza pana intr-un punt in care "tele-ecranul" care vede si aude tot despre care Orwell vorbea in "1984" devine o realitate mai mult decat infricosatoare.

Trist. Pacat este faptul ca efectiv ne uitam cum lucrurile se schimba in rau si nu avem ce face decat sa incercam sa ne opunem noi, cativa indivizi, care la un moment dat probabil vom fi considerati suspecti de catre autoritati. Un fel de.. vrei intimitate? Vrei probleme. Smiley
1482  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: October 15, 2020, 07:13:19 PM
Crezi ca ai putea sa il incadrezi in formatul acesta?
Nu sunt sigur daca este ceea ce voiai sa fac, insa am adaugat la codul lui SFR si link .onion:

Name (link)Bech32 supported?SegWit-Addresses (P2SH) identifyable?*Usefulness (subjective rating  Tongue)Rated byComments
mempool (.onion link)Yes (10/2020)YES (10/2020)7.5 / 10 PointsSFR10Detailed and great UI

[td]Name (link)[/td]
[td]Bech32 supported?[/td]
[td]SegWit-Addresses (P2SH) identifyable?*[/td]
[td]Usefulness (subjective rating  :P)[/td]
[td]Rated by[/td]

[td][url=]mempool[/url] ([url=http://mempoolhqx4isw62xs7abwphsq7ldayuidyx2v2oethdhhj6mlo2r6ad.onion/].onion link[/url])[/td]
[td]Yes (10/2020)[/td]
[td]YES (10/2020)[/td]
[td][b][color=black]7.5 / 10 Points[/color][/b][/td]
[td]Detailed and great UI[/td]
1483  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: YouTube’s sleazy decline into scam promotion on: October 15, 2020, 07:05:15 PM
Ever since the insane amount of Twitter giveaway scams I got to the conclusion that they're intentionally left alive in order to destroy the image of cryptocurrencies. Nowadays you hear the idea that earning money online is easy so often you get to the point where you may actually believe a giveaway like this - especially if you have never worked before with video editing or have much knowledge about cryptos to find out if they're real giveaways or not.

YouTube could've just filtered the ads, but I believe they simply don't want to. They're in the boat of corporations and the system of enslavement. Why waste your resources filtering out scams when you can just let them lower down the reputation of cryptocurrencies?
1484  Other / Ivory Tower / Re: Is Google different now? on: October 14, 2020, 04:33:20 PM
I am now using DuckDuckGo and it's much better, but I still find Google's engine the most accurate when it comes to results. The way their suggestions change based on what you looked up beforehand is weird though. I sometimes have moments when I say something (say Pug, the dog breed) out loud and when I go back to Google and write only the first 1-2 letters of the word, it comes up as the top autocomplete suggestion.

I am using DuckDuckGo hoping it'll improve in time as more people start using it as well. It feels like it did in the past year. It's just that I'd rather seek privacy than accurate results.

while writing this i just wrote 'president' and had to scroll down several 'feature snippets' before i got to the actual results.
this is all in the hope people click more then once per result
Most of the top engines out there do this - if you look up "president" on Bing or even DuckDuckGo, you'd find some "snippets" as well. I think it is more of a way to make their engines more user-friendly and convenient and a business gimmick at the same time, a 2-in-1, as a lot of people actually search using vague terms out of laziness. I often found those helpful tbh. The most annoying part with Google's search is on mobile, where between every few links you get about 7-8 other search suggestions instead of displaying the actual results.
1485  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: October 14, 2020, 04:11:43 PM
n-am vrut sa folosesc codul,dar am vazut ca in lista nu este trecut site ul este destul de util si competitiv evalueaza cea mai buna fee pentru tranzactie si urmareste tranzactiile efectuate in timp real...
Am incercat sa il accesez, insa nu ii prea place site-ului fara JavaScript. Smiley Tin sa adaug ca pentru acest explorer exista si un domeniu .onion: http://mempoolhqx4isw62xs7abwphsq7ldayuidyx2v2oethdhhj6mlo2r6ad.onion/
1486  Economy / Economics / Re: State influence for cryptocurrency on: October 14, 2020, 04:08:14 PM
The last noticeable recession was the 2008-2009 one (the consequences were felt until up to 2012 here in Europe). The data about Bitcoin from that period of time is extremely untrustworthy because it was a new tech almost nobody heard about, so any little growth at the time could actually be the effect of new people joining the Bitcoin market.

In my view, in case of a recession Bitcoin will have a lot of volatility. People wouldn't know if it's a credible investment or not.. The market still barely handles news that are not even that important to its future; a financial collapse could trigger volatility similar to the one we had in 2012-2015.
1487  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is DeFi benefiting Bitcoin? on: October 14, 2020, 03:51:27 PM
DeFi is a SCAM.  It's driving me insane after all the scams we've seen in the cryptocurrency world and people still don't understand how to spot an obvious scam.
How and why did you come to this conclusion? The high returns only make it a hype, not automatically a scam. DeFi has just sparked a huge hype that doesn't make much sense, and it's the only reason it's going wrong. The fact that there are a shit ton of scammy DeFi tokens is a completely different thing.
1488  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin legit or not on: October 14, 2020, 02:40:04 PM
If Something happens with USA dollar at least we Can blame someone.
If Bitcoin then who??  Satoshi?
Nobody. That's the thing you don't get: there's nobody to blame, because nobody is controlling it besides math and codes. If Bitcoin ever fails as a project that's been going tremendously so far, call it natural selection - or the natural occurrence of events.

Bitcoin has a precise inflationary rate. USD's supply in circulation could be doubled, tripled or quadrupled within a day if the authorities decide to do so. I mean, the Hungarian Pengő didn't go well at all thanks to inflation. You could blame Trump all day long if you will - your life would be affected anyway. This is something that will not happen to Bitcoin. Bitcoin does not have a money printing machine.

Eur and USA dollars 2 kings!!  
But Bitcoin???  Well not Even close to
I'll repeat: we've been enslaved by the monetary system. I would call these two fiat currencies anything but kings. Bitcoin is our first opportunity of giving the people back the control handle.
1489  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Guvernul vine! ANAF si DIICOT ii urmaresc pe traderi on: October 14, 2020, 02:31:40 PM
Poate ca multi nu au vazut stirea aceasta.
In urma cu aproximativ o saptamana am avut o mica dezbatere mai aprinsa cu un membru in sectiunea engleza legata de stat si cat de mult ar trebui sa se implice in viata noastra personala. Eu, personal, zic ca ne putem tine si singuri de grija (insa nu dezvolt, ca dau in off-topic).

Ideea este ca masurile "AML" si "KYC" suna bine la prima vedere, deoarece intotdeauna ni se arunca in ochi idei precum "este pentru diminuarea activitatilor ilegale". Din pacate, nu multi isi activeaza si gandirea critica sa se intrebe cine ii supravegheaza pe ei, exact persoanele care vor sa ne supunem. Activitatile criminale cele mai de amploare sunt mai mult ca sigur ca se desfasoara la nivelul cel mai de sus. Acolo e vorba de miliarde de euro, nu de cei $200 nedeclarati retrasi de Ion din Bitcoin. Ei ne arunca legi noi, prostii se supun iar smecherii profita. Si la partea asta eu merg pe un principiu: ori toti, ori niciunul. Smiley
1490  Local / Presa / Re: [2020-10-02] Premieră: Statul român scoate la licitație monede virtuale confisca on: October 14, 2020, 02:04:16 PM
Intr-o vreme aparuse o moda la multi utilizatori, sa-si descrie drumul pana cand au devenit Full Members, seniori sau "from zero to Hero". Multi dintre ei (nu toti insa) au facut-o pentru a mai obtine niste merite. Mie nu mi s-a parut deloc greu sa obtin meritele pentru Jr. Member, Member, Full Member si Sr. Member. Nici macar cele 500 de merite pentru a fi Hero nu mi s-au parut a fi greu de obtinut.
De acord. E unul dintre motivele pentru care intotdeauna m-am abtinut sa creez un astfel de topic, insa am sa incerc sa il leg mai putin de "cat de greu a fost" si mai mult de experienta personala acumulata. Sper totusi sa il realizez asa cum mi-l imaginez. Smiley Drumul spre orice rank mai mare presupune doar sa fi tu insuti si sa arati ca iti poti rupe macar o parte din timpul tau liber pentru a crea o postare cu sens. De multe ori am primit merite chiar si pentru o opinie gresita, pentru simplul fapt ca m-am straduit sa inteleg si sa ma implic.

Din pacate, eu am un mic defect cu care cred ca te poti identifica si tu: scriu foarte mult, fapt pentru care sunt sigur ca multi trec peste postarile mele fara sa le mai citeasca.

Pe de alta parte, atingerea numarului de 1000 de merite este intr-adevar o realizare! Pentru ca ea implica si faptul ca atingi rangul cel mai mare al forumului, cel de Legendary member! Si pentru asta, jos palaria! Daca pana la Hero (500 merite) mai e cum mai e, pana la Legendary e cale lunga. De aceea este de apreciat ce ai reusit. Felicitari inca o data!
Multumesc inca o data, si felicitari si tie pentru meritele pe care ai reusit sa le aduni. Tot ce pot spune e "tine-o tot asa". Nu vrei sa stii cat de mult regret ca primii mei ani de pe forum i-am petrecut in modul tipic utilizatorilor noi, facand spam fara sens pentru campaniile de BTC, timp pe care l-as fi putut folosi altfel.. insa niciodata nu e prea tarziu. Smiley
1491  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin legit or not on: October 14, 2020, 01:54:33 PM
Its time to hear if bitcoin is legit or not!!
Someone with good and legit reputation need say here if bitcoin is secure safe and legit!!
It's open-source. It's our own job to decide whether it is or not, through research. If you don't want to trust other members of the forum and so many wealthy individuals and smart tech guys who've decided to invest in Bitcoin and trust it, then you could learn C++ and analyze the source code yourself.

We Trust USA dollar because its Federal reserve are legit guys!!
If the system that has enslaved you is what you call legit guys, you should love Bitcoin. Smiley

What the Queen of England think???
Is Bitcoin Good?
Nowhere will you ever hear a governance praise something that is supposed to eliminate the need of governance. It's kind of a self-destruction. The Queen of England is 94 years old, do you really think she still has the capacity to study Bitcoin or understand it?
1492  Economy / Economics / Re: Show me shops where i can spend crypto ...crypto is useless... on: October 13, 2020, 08:03:30 PM
So cost to send 10k around 10%

User A has to send 11000 USD so that user B gets 10000 USD as fiat ... via crypto
Peer-to-peer has its costs as well. The fact that p2p traders charge 3-5% is not Bitcoin's issue. If you find the right person, you could trade at way better prices. If price and % is extremely important to you, there are even other options to consider such as centralized exchanges - the top ones usually have convenient prices, although KYC is mandatory and it isn't something I really support.

The point I'm trying to make is, there are a lot of options for all of us - you just have to seek them and accept that more privacy will from now on equal more costs.
1493  Local / Presa / Re: [2020-10-02] Premieră: Statul român scoate la licitație monede virtuale confisca on: October 13, 2020, 07:51:30 PM
In alta ordine de idei, tin sa-l felicit pe 20kevin20 pentru ca a devenit primul membru din sectiunea romaneasca a forumului care atinge numarul de merite pentru a fi Legendary dupa introducerea sistemului de merite!!!
Multumesc frumos pentru felicitare, GazetaBitcoin!

Sincer, in ultima vreme am avut atat de putin timp liber incat nici macar n-am mai realizat ca am ajuns aici. O "calatorie" interesanta prin aceasta comunitate, una care va fi cu siguranta si mai interesanta in viitor. Daca tot ai amintit, cel mai probabil am sa ma ocup in urmatoarele zile de un thread pe subforum dedicat tocmai acestei realizari.

Traiesc in continuare cu speranta ca subforumul roman se va ridica in viitor. Din cate stiu, romanii sunt undeva prin topul natiunilor de hodleri de cryptomonede din lume - ar fi pacat sa nu se extinda si comunitatea noastra de pe forum.
1494  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: October 13, 2020, 07:43:19 PM
20kevin20, ai vazut postarea asta? Posibil s-o fi omis, ca vad ca n-ai raspuns Smiley
Mii de scuze! Intr-adevar, am omis-o deoarece de ceva vreme n-am mai folosit bot-ul pentru notificari sau website-ul lui LoyceV pentru a vedea ultimele quote-uri. Urmeaza sa raspund acum. Smiley
1495  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Government can seize company reserve Bitcoin? on: October 13, 2020, 07:38:46 PM
Authorities do not have any backdoor or access to your wallet. Your bank could be ordered to close or freeze your account - the choice and necessary power is at the authority's tip of the finger. But as long as your gov knows you're holding cryptocurrencies as an individual/company and they want to take it away from you, good luck getting away from that.

As long as the laws allow them to seize an asset from you and they feel like it's necessary to do so, no matter if the asset is decentralized or not.. it's going to happen.
1496  Local / Română (Romanian) / Re: Cele mai bune site-uri de explorare a blocurilor Bitcoin on: October 13, 2020, 05:20:01 AM
Desi i-am simtit din plin minusurile, am tooot folosit block explorer-ul blockchain.
Si eu il foloseam inainte; o fi avand el minusuri, dar in perioada 2013 cand am inceput eu sa ma interesez de BTC nu stiu cate altele de nivelul lui existau. Pana sa apara concurenta, era cel mai folosit si cautat din cate imi aduc aminte.

Eu prefer Blockchair-ul, deci pana soseste inca o persoana sa voteze.. am sa presupun ca va ramane in top. Smiley Apreciez faptul ca au versiune no-javascript - folosind Tor foarte des, e cam greu sa ma descurc cu celelalte explorere.. desi Blockchair are probleme de ceva timp cu Captcha-ul no-js (nu apare nicio imagine, deci nu am ce completa).
1497  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin Not User Friendly Yet on: October 13, 2020, 05:08:48 AM
Electrum isn't that user-friendly tho - at least not the desktop version of it. A newbie-friendly wallet means not having many very important functions. Most of the confusion comes from stuff like the choice of having lower/higher fees, multiple inputs/outputs in received/sent txs etc. We aren't used to controlling everything about our transactions, because banks do it for us.

It just can't be both newbie-friendly and keep a very basic and intuitive UI while having all the functions a wallet should have. The best thing one can do is probably create a wallet that has those kind of tips you get when you first set up a new smartphone.
1498  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 20-DaysAway4'Bitcoin's Birthday on: October 12, 2020, 08:19:04 PM
as I mentioned above on the long text, The White Paper's title, abstract and introduction would've been enough for anyone to understand what was Bitcoin, not even going to the coding part, electronics and how it works.
And yet, that requires a level of trust you probably wouldn't have considering that back then it was a forum full of members you don't know, created by an anonymous entity. For example, I do not have any coding skills/knowledge - I basically blindly trust the code behind Bitcoin and the peers who've reviewed it. Without them, I would have probably been in doubts about its legitimacy and rather not risk joining the network & community.
1499  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: What’s next for Libra? on: October 12, 2020, 06:00:49 PM
What's next for it? Well, I hope its death is. I'm not very sure it'll recover from all the anti-campaign it has received - although it's quite interesting how so many individuals, companies and governments opposed it. Libra will be an insane privacy concern more than anything else.

What? Libra? I thought it was renamed to something we'd call "Novi" according to this CNBC article.
To my knowledge, it has now been made limited to Facebook's known partners to use its infrastructure in building wallet(s) after approval from their authorised personnel.

Source -
Noivi seems to be just the name of the wallet - I don't think the coin has been renamed. According to The Verge,

Facebook is renaming Calibra, the digital wallet it hopes will one day be used to access the Libra digital currencies, Novi.
1500  Economy / Services / Re: [OPEN SLOTS] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: October 12, 2020, 05:49:39 PM
Username: 20kevin20
Post Count: 3573
BTC Address (must be SegWit): 39k74QRU6yd2HSe46DNQjJk7yaquzbk6cC

Best of luck to everyone else! May the most deserving ones earn their spots Smiley
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