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1601  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Guia Luso-Brasileiro de postagens no Bitcointalk on: April 09, 2023, 09:47:08 PM
Aproveitei a janela do "curto-feriado-não-feriado" para tentar peneirar tudo o que passou e atualizar o tópico (já era hora, não?!) com novas entradas e algumas que, creio eu, tenham passado batido até o último crivo (como sempre, fiquem à vontade para sugerir outras a serem adicionadas).

Não poderia ter sido em melhor hora, pois tu aproveitou também o tempo de renascimento de Jesus Cristo para ressurgir por aqui também Cheesy

Muito bom te ver por aqui após quase 2 anos de hibernação, como se já não bastasse o movimento da aba local aumentando também temos o cryptobaboon retornando à ativa.... isso me parece ser um bom presságio.

Mas conte aí... oque te fez ficar tanto tempo afastado do fórum? Espero que não tenha sido por problemas de saúde seu ou de alguém perto.
Em todo caso, acredito que das criptos você não tenha se afastado. Ou será que o dinheiro acabou e agora precisou voltar para conseguir mais umas campanhas? Tongue

Bem vindo de volta!!
1602  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Quem você escolheria? on: April 08, 2023, 11:20:29 AM
Jetsons e Flintstones
É, vamos incluir personagens fictícios também, deve aparecer mais respostas interessante.

Hahaha, legal.
Jetsons é uma resposta bacana, porém eu não consigo entender como é que o Bitcoin funcionaria na época dos Flintstones Cheesy

Acho que o Bitcoin teria que ser apresentado à alguém de poder no início da década de 90, quando houve o boom da internet.
Acredito que qualquer rede seria suficiente para suportar o tráfego do Bitcoin, só não sei se a demanda energética do PoW daria conta naquela época.
Mas imaginem o Bitcoin nascendo junto com a internet, sendo um modelo para transações comerciais modernas, o Bitcoin talvéz teria tido uma curva de adoção muito mais rápida, assim como a própria internet também poderia se beneficiar com um crescimento mais igualitário em todos os países pois a conexão de internet seria fundamental para a transação de Bitcoin.

Então, eu gostaria que o Bitcoin tivesse sido apresentado à Tim Berners-Lee.
1603  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Brasileirão 2023 - Brazilian Championship Serie A on: April 08, 2023, 11:11:32 AM
you know what could be fun?
having a "bolão" here on who will be the champions
I know that with ethereum it would be possible to code a betting smart contract for that, but with BTC the best way is probably using an escrow

just an idea
anybody likes it?

Yes, it would be very interesting!

Maybe @TryNinja can help us with that, I remember that for the Fifa world cup (if I'm not mistaken) he had released an experimental system to control the bets, but I think it was based on the Ethereum network. Then it wouldn't be necessary to have an intermediary to control these bets.

We just need to define some basic rules to put into practice, and wait for the manifestation of our friend... he very rarely frequents the Gambling area (he's afraid of taking a liking to gambling Tongue )
1604  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: It's on! 2024 US Presidential Election Biden+Harris Vs Trump Bitcoin betting.... on: April 08, 2023, 11:04:27 AM
The hush money issue is lighting up the American political scene. Yesterday one of the appeals courts asked Stormy Daniels to pay $121,000 to Donald Trump to reimburse the legal fees, for a defamation suit which she lost in 2018. At the same time, Trump is being charged with a 34-count felony, for falsifying business record to camouflage the business records in order to hide the hush money payment. From what I can see, Trump is losing a lot more than what he is gaining, and this should officially put an end to his 2024 ambitions.

Legally, Trump can still run for president even though he has been impeached, and if elected he still has the right to take office without any impediment. I am not a US citizen, but as far as I know (I have heard and read in the news)... in order to be a request to serve as a public official, the US Constitution establishes only one rule: not to have participated in an "insurrection" or a "rebellion" against the United States. I'm sure Trump's case could fit that criteria as an independent prosecutor is investigating Trump's possible role in the January 6, 2021 invasion of the US Capitol. case may be suspended during the four years of his term because, in the 1970s, the Department of Justice considered that an incumbent president should not have to respond judicially, not even for facts prior to the inauguration.

But, in practice, I doubt that Trump will still get that many votes in order to be elected president again.
His popularity is not what it used to be and his actions after the last defeat made Trump lose a lot of credibility.
1605  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Em que fase da curva de adoção estamos?! on: April 07, 2023, 02:21:53 AM
Provavelmente entre os "early adopters" e "early majority"? O primeiro se formos considerar apenas porcentagem da população, e o segundo pois todo zoomer hoje em dia já conhece o Bitcoin e o Doge, sendo que uma parte legal mexe ativamente com cripto e stock memes, etc... porém mais para o segundo do que para o primeiro.

Eu já me questionei nos últimos anos....
Será que ainda teremos uma grande adoção ao Bitcoin?

Inicialmente eu via o Bitcoin como uma revolução assim como foi várias outras tecnologia, mas hoje vejo que o Bitcoin não é algo que poderia substituir/dominar o mundo ou sequer ganhar grande relevância de adoção.
Me parece que as coisas "amornaram" para o lado das criptos.

Não digo que elas vão fracassar, longe disso, mas acho que ela não irá mais atrair a atenção de tantas pessoas como se era esperado.

Por outro lado, as tecnologias baseadas em blockchain estão fortemente sendo adotadas cada vez mais e isso sim deve dominar o mundo.

Já o Bitcoin, deve coexistir, apenas.
Será que estou tão errado assim?
1606  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Satoshi: Inglês, Americano ou …? on: April 07, 2023, 02:17:11 AM
Penso diferente, acredito que seja um grupo. Mas se for uma pessoa acredito que seja um Europeu, ali mais para o Leste...

Pra mim Satoshi é um nome oriental, algo que poderia soar melhor como vindo de países como China, Coréia e principalmente do Japão pelo sobrenome "Nakamoto".
Claro que esse é apenas um codinome e quem está por trás disso pode na verdade ser até um alemão branquelo que tem um sobrenome que é difícil de escrever e impossível de se falar, sendo ele apenas casado com uma japonesa e ter se insipirado nesse nome, como é que vamos saber?

Não acredito que Satoshi seja um grupo, até porque nas conversas que já foram divulgadas de Satoshi, me parece que elas são direcionadas ou partindo de uma única pessoa, não palavras que descrevam um "colegiado/grupo".

Poderia muito bem ser brasileiro também Grin

Fui fuçar as últimas mensagens de Hal Finney, pois tinha certeza que ele já tinha mencionado algo sobre a nacionalidade de Satoshi... então eu fui feliz em encontrar isso:
Today, Satoshi's true identity has become a mystery. But at the time, I thought I was dealing with a young man of Japanese ancestry who was very smart and sincere. I've had the good fortune to know many brilliant people over the course of my life, so I recognize the signs.

Satoshi tem até um restaurante por lá Cool
1607  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Motosport General discussion tread --- Formula1, MotoGP, WTCC, ETCC, DTM..... on: April 07, 2023, 02:07:10 AM
Breaking news.

Massa could appeal to a court after Ecclestone said the past week " I know about the crash gate and I've covered it up".

Massa wants to cancel the Gp of Singapore, if he will do so he will the world Champion. and a title will be removed from Hamilton.

Will Brazil be able to place another flag in the F1 ranking?
The last time a Brazilian won an F1 championship was in 1994 with the fabulous Airton Sena. Since then we have had Rubens Barrichello and Felipe Massa as the best candidates, but neither managed to be champion.
We know that F1 has many obscure things and that it will be very difficult for Felipe Massa to change this decision, it will be necessary to firmly prove these arguments and make a lot of "noise" in order to put pressure on FIFA's leaders.
If in fact the title is due to Felipe Massa, I hope he wins and receives what is rightfully his and that of all Brazilians.
1608  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA U-20 World Cup 2023 [Discussion] on: April 07, 2023, 01:56:02 AM
Regardless of what I explained above.
Which country will replace the host of the FIFA U20 World Cup?
Which country will win the FIFA U20 World Cup 2023 ?

I believe that Argentina has a great chance of organizing the U-20 World Cup, an opinion that is also very much shared by the president of FIFA.
The candidacy of the current world champion is quite relevant, as this country has a great chance of being accepted for fulfilling all the requirements demanded by FIFA.

Brazil also presented its candidacy, but I don't believe they will be able to host this championship, as they have already "benefited" recently as hosts by hosting the main FIFA championship.

However, Argentina did not qualify for the tournament, could they host the championship without participating?
There is also England and the United States, which are the other candidates and have also qualified for the competition.
1609  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How honest and transparent are casinos? on: April 07, 2023, 01:44:29 AM
How can the gamblers verify that the actual amount of people are receiving the drop or the bonus, if there are no list to verify it? Let's discuss this.. I am curious if other people also thought about this...  Tongue

This is one of the problems that only blockchain transparency could solve, but as payments are made to internal addresses that only exist within exchanges, we will never know who actually won such a prize.
What could be done is for the casino to publicly disclose the nickname/login of the players who won, then we could know at least the fictitious names of the winners and if any of them said they didn't win the prize, then we would already have a red alert to start investigating .

Anyway, I prefer to believe in the honesty of the casinos that are more popular, because I've always reserved myself to bet on them and not on any casino that appears around here.
I believe that the casinos we have known for several months have a lot of reputation to uphold and should act honestly.
1610  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Cuidado ao Investir em Fundos Imobiliários. on: April 06, 2023, 02:52:22 AM
Eu nunca tive FIIs, pq acho que imóvel não dá dinheiro. Só pra imobiliária corretores e cartórios.

Concordo contigo, e ainda vou aumentar sua lista....

Incorporadoras, loteadoras, construtoras, arquitetos, etc. em geral todo setor ligado à área de construção civil está mais em alta do que nunca.
Só precisa ter grana para investir e escolher as regiões certas.

Não sei se é uma bolha, mas parece-me que o déficit habitacional está cada vez maior e agora com a promessa de retomada do "minha casa minha vida" a construção de moradias mais populares irá explodir o setor de construção novamente, inflacionando o valor das matérias primas e todos os serviços ligados à construção.

Mas de fato, aluguel é uma furada... senti isso na pele ao sair de minha casa quando troquei de cidade, aluguei e só perdi dinheiro.
Perdi dinheiro com imobiliária, perdi dinheiro dom IR na venda posterior, perdi dinheiro com escritura e ITBI na compra de novo imóvel, enfim... alguém deve estar lucrando muito com as minhas perdas.
1611  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: DM de Satoshi, houve acesso? on: April 06, 2023, 02:46:00 AM
Isso não irá acontecer, a menos que a conta seja hackada.

Sinceramente, se a conta de Satoshi aqui no fórum ser hackeada, nem será preciso que alguém divulgue o conteúdo das mensagens pessoais, pois apenas o indicador de "última vez online" já seria o suficiente para abalar o Bitcoin em questão de minutos Grin

Em praticamente todo fórum desse estilo o adm tem total acesso as mensagens privadas. Duvido que nesse seja diferente. Já tiveram alguns casos da justiça requisitar acesso as mensagens privadas e o adm ser obrigado a enviar. Casos de pedofilia, drogas etc. Provavelmente nesse forum já deve ter ocorrido algo assim, ao menos um pedido em alguma situação.

Isso me faz pensar... porque é que até hoje o domínio e servers do fórum ainda não foram movidos para algum lugar onde se possa ter menos influencia dos governos?
Não estou querendo proteger o tipo de pessoas que você mencionou, pois acho que independente de uma solicitação do governo os Admins prontamente auxiliariam em situações que fogem à lei.
Porém me refiro à casos em que possa ser solicitado alguma informação que possa dar aos governos maior controle sobre as criptos, já que essa é a maior fonte de informação que temos sobre o Bitcoin.
Seria por uma questão de segurança.

Por mais que... após a derrubada da ChipMixer, acho que nada mais está de fato "seguro".
1612  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Best time to gamble on: April 06, 2023, 02:39:31 AM

Good day, everyone I want to share a little idea about gambling, and the idea is about WHEN IS THE BEST TIME TO GAMBLE? On my schedule I mostly gamble in the afternoon 🔅 but letter I was with my friends and we were discussing the best time for gambling so many people says is evening then also checked google and it was the same answer then I also want to share the view with you guys
So now the evening is the best time to gamble because of your daily activities

I believe that this is a very personal issue, as knowing that gambling requires a lot of concentration and mental capacity from the player to know when and how much to bet, it is better that each one decides on their own what is the best time.
There are those who prefer to play in the morning, when they are more alert.
On the other hand, there are those players who prefer the night as they no longer have any worries for the day and can dedicate themselves exclusively to the game.

I also understand that depending on the game chosen, some factors such as the profile of online players can make a difference.
The same goes for bonuses that are only released at predetermined times.

So I don't think there is an ideal answer to your question.
1613  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: FIFA World Cup 2026 :Canada/Mexico/United States: Discussion Thread on: April 06, 2023, 02:35:27 AM
I agree.

Just by increasing slots to African and Asian countries it won't miraculously make them better.

We saw that with Qatar, every game they played it was painfully obvious that they were not at the required level to be there.

I guess this will become a bit more common in the next world cup, where more countries will qualify that don't really have the level we are used to see in the world cup.

I partially support your view.
I believe that the Qatar team really was a big disappointment, although that is to be expected from host countries, I believed that their performance would be better.
I also agree that the increase in the number of places for the World Cup is a mistake.
However, I disagree that Africa does not deserve more space or that they have weak teams.
In the last world cup we could notice that the power of African football is above many European teams, and I don't believe that that was just luck or an isolated fact.
We need to stop discrediting African football and give those players the respect and prestige they deserve.
1614  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Saudi Professional League 2022/2023 on: April 06, 2023, 02:30:58 AM
Could be the case, could be not. I think when Ronaldo arrived they were 1st rank and now they are 2nd rank. The issue for Al-Nassr is that they are not going to play against Al-Ittihad anymore. In other words, they can only hope for the other team to fail.

Even if they don't face each other again, Al Nassr are winning more and more and have made a lot of progress, they have real chances to win the championship and I believe that this could be possible.

If even so, they don't win, Al Nassr's growth this season will certainly be a decisive criterion for them to be able to evolve and assemble a more prepared team for next season.

Like Al Nassr, I also believe that the entire Saudi Arabian league can still become one of the most competitive in the world.
1615  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: Arquivo de Posts e outras tools - on: April 05, 2023, 03:12:32 AM
Para matar a curiosidade, o bot já enviou 874 mil notificações para 608 usuários (516 ativos no momento).

Numeros bem expressivos!

Mas ôxe, quem é que tem a coragem de parar de usar um bot tão util como esse?
Roll Eyes Calma pois eu tenho uma boa desculpa, nunca mais usei o telegram e também mal tenho tempo de entrar no fórum para ler e responder 5 primeiros posts, quem diria ficar sendo alertado a cada pouco sobre as pessoas que me citam aqui. prefiro ignorar Tongue

Outra coisa que seria interessante no bot...
Teria como notificar quando uma postagem ou o tópico inteiro é movido para o limbo?
Eu nã odigo ser apagada, porque aí eu já sei que ele notifica.
Mas já me aconteceu de ter alguma postagem que é movida para algum local onde a gente não tem mais acesso, e isso acaba afetando negativamente nossa contagem de posts para as campanhas, por exemplo.
1616  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Brasileirão 2023 - Brazilian Championship Serie A on: April 05, 2023, 03:06:14 AM
We already know the dates for the championship?

And what are the main websites to bet in it?

Yes sir!
The CBF has already released the date, time and place of the first 10 rounds of the Brasileirão (Brazilian championship).
You can check this information on the official CBF website, or if you're too lazy to look for it, you can go straight to this file  Tongue

Where to bet. At Duelbits, of course.
It's not available yet, but I'm sure they'll soon release this championship here on the website:
1617  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Motosport General discussion tread --- Formula1, MotoGP, WTCC, ETCC, DTM..... on: April 05, 2023, 03:01:07 AM
I feel like it is not Max Verstappens talent that is the only reason why he is leading the season right now, the car is also a dominating one and that's why he was so easy to just let them pass.

This way we are talking about basically overtaking them within span of few laps when the time came. He literally let the other drivers take him over at the start so that they wouldn't crash, knowing that he has a much faster car, and I mean much much faster, and in the end he didn't even needed that at all, because it was a rolling start and finish as well. Ferrari on the other hand looking as terrible as they could potentially look, they are really not even around, and they need to change something quickly.

Let it pass so they don't crash?
I think this is a bad strategy.

A good driver like Verstappen would try to leave the "platoon" of cars as early as possible, using his technique to gain an advantage right from the start and not need to risk overtaking, which also has a high risk of accident.

Dealing with pole positions from the start and gaining a lead advantage is what every driver wants and it's certainly what Max Verstappen would have been looking for.

But what I've seen is that his car doesn't seem to be as good at sprints, or the driver is the one with slower timing :p
1618  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽ Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: April 05, 2023, 02:56:42 AM
Messi's priority right now is to stay in Europe. Barcelona are waiting on FFP issues before sending out a contract offer for Messi.

I believe that this is very unlikely, because how could a club that already had 1.3 billion euros in debt sign such a valued player?
Even if president Joan Laporta declared at the beginning of the year that "the debt is under control" and that "financial health is improving", I do not believe that Barcelona have the possibility of hiring Lionel Messi.
Also remembering that Barcelona is also facing difficulties with the registration rules of LaLiga, which recently reduced the total spending limit on salaries of the Catalan club to 648.4 million euros. To pay Messi's high salary, some maneuver would be necessary: releasing part of the current payroll or increasing revenue.
And I haven't even mentioned the investigation into the huge refereeing scandal, which could net Barcelona some more hefty fines.
Anyway... Messi will have to find another place to play.
1619  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Do You Think Existing Crypto Casinos Were Able to Churn Fiat Casinos User? on: April 05, 2023, 02:49:32 AM
After the pandemic, almost every Crypto casino has gained a lot of user base. As they have offered an alternative way to engage in online gambling. However, I wonder if they have been able to churn customers who are used to traditional online fiat casinos.

I don't think so.

At the time when the Covid-19 pandemic had started, casinos in general had a significant increase in users.
I'm sure that crypto casinos grew the most and I even believe that initially they may have "stolen" users from fiat casinos.
However, with the rise in popularity of casinos in general, many people who had never played at an online casino before began to participate, both crypto and fiat.

I believe both casinos have benefited from this popularity and surge in user traffic at online casinos.
1620  Local / Português (Portuguese) / Re: CAMPANHAS DE ASSINATURAS ATUALIZADAS on: April 03, 2023, 01:15:44 AM
Pessoal, hoje estou contente. Arrumei emprego depois de mais de um ano "desempregado" aqui no Bitcointalk. Os "barrigudinhos" já estavam passando necessidade. Agora, espero que a campanha dure um bom tempo e de para pagar as dívidas.  Cheesy

Bacana @Paredao, meus parab[ens.

Tu é a prova de que mesmo depois dos 100 é possível se conseguir um emprego Cheesy

Brincadeiras à parte, tu é o cara que de quem eu mais sentiria falta nesse fórum, é presença marcante e sempre presente desde que entrei no fórum.
Sua baixa atividade as vezes me fez sentir sua falta.
Claro que... quem nunca precisou de um tempo fora do fórum para repensar no tempo que fica perdendo por aqui!? Tongue
Mas que bom que você conseguiu entrar em uma campanha, agora será obrigado a postar com mais frequencia.
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