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1761  Local / Actualité et News / Re: craig wright aka "satoshi nakamoto" on: February 08, 2023, 08:16:47 PM

Si le vrai Satoshi Nakamoto était encore vivant, il mettrait un terme à ces polémiques.

Craig Wright, qui prétend être l'inventeur du bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto, a déposé une plainte devant un tribunal londonien. Par celle-ci, il cherche à obliger les développeurs de Bitcoin à intégrer dans leur code une fonction de récupération des BTC perdus.

Cette plainte a été rejetée l'année dernière, raison pour laquelle Wright a saisi la cour d'appel. Celle-ci a confirmé le 3 février 2023 que sa demande était justifiée et que cette affaire devait être jugée.

Le cœur de l'affaire est de savoir si les ingénieurs blockchain travaillant sur le projet open source ont des obligations fiduciaires envers les propriétaires de BTC. Les développeurs affirment que ce n'est pas le cas, car ils ne fournissent pas leur prestation dans le cadre d'une structure d'entreprise.

Wright voit les choses différemment, car de son point de vue, les détenteurs de bitcoins font confiance aux développeurs pour prendre de bonnes décisions en leur nom. Selon lui, cela implique également que les transactions puissent être annulées et que l'accès aux portefeuilles soit possible en cas de perte de la clé privée.

Annuler des transactions me semble contraire à l'esprit bitcoin.

Lui-même affirme avoir volontairement détruit la clé privée en 2016, afin que personne ne puisse l'obliger à prouver par ce biais qu'il est bien l'inventeur du bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Pas trés crédible.

Alors là je ne l'avais pas vue venir celle-là, et le pire c'est que ses chances de gagner sont à mon avis loin d'être nulles. Je me faisais justement la reflexion hier soir de la légalité des paradigmes de Bitcoin, notamment en France, en lisant cet article.

Private keys do not secure Bitcoin, they secure units of Bitcoin. Private key control applies to individual security, not system security. Whoever controls keys is the owner, and Bitcoin provides security for that owner, even if the keys are stolen. Decentralized validation secures consensus and distributed majority hash power secures confirmation, but private key security is the owner's problem.

Rien de nouveau sous le soleil, le principe du "not your key, not your coins" étant bien connu et accepté de tous. Mais finalement est-ce ce que le droit et la justice peuvent tolérer que pour des raisons idéologiques(libertariennes) et/ou techniques, un outil informatique puisse protéger, et donc encourager in fine, le vol?
Par ailleurs qu'en est-il des fonds déposés sur les exchanges et autres plateformes centralisées si on respecte ces principes? Ces plateformes doivent rester libres de nous spolier? Mais qu'en est-il de la viabilité de l'ecosystème si ce paradigme continue d'être sacralisé? Le cours de Bitcoin s'est effondré à cause justement de spoliations de la part de Cex et de plateformes de lending.  
1762  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Xor or multisig on: February 08, 2023, 03:06:20 PM
When you are you using a passphrase you have 2 things to take care of : the seed and the passphrase, because if you lose one of them you can't access your funds anymore. It means you have 2 times more risk to lock your funds, than with a single seed.
You should have a minimum of two back ups of each part, which mitigates this issue.

It's just like using this XOR function at the end, except you can choose your passphrase.
XOR is risky for the reasons I mentioned in my first post in this thread. Predominantly, you are entirely dependent on the implementation you are using being safe, secure, and not disappearing in the future, whereas passphrases are now standard across all good wallets.

If you use a split seed with a 2 of 3 scheme, you have 2 times less risk to lock your funds than with a single seed because you need to lose at least 2 seeds instead of one to lose access to your funds. It means you have 4 times less risk to lock your funds with a 2 of 3 split seed than with a seed and a passphrase. Without increasing the exposure of your real seed on top of that.
Which is the same as using a multi-sig set up, which again, is standard across all good wallets, and does not have a single point of failure.
It mitigates this issue at the expense of another one unfortunately : the exposure one. By doing that you are doubling the risk that your seed will be found and hacked. With a split seed you don't have to store a copy of any share at any other place, each one can stay unique. If you split your seed in 4 elements like what you have currently, each one can be kept in one single place. And the safety of the accessibility of your funds would be better in addition, because if you use a 2 of 4 scheme you would need to lose at least 3 elements to lose the access of your funds. While with a seed and passphrase copied if you lose your 2 passphrase back ups or your 2 seeds, you will be locked.

Multisig wallets have not "a single point of failure" as you say, if you are using them with other people not knowing them each other, or if you are able to use them from several places(which is not convenient at all) but if you are only able to use your multisig wallets at the same place, they can be destroyed by a fire or another disaster, or be stolen by a burglar, each time you need to use them in the same way as a common seed. With a split seed you have only one seed to remember(the original one), so you don't need to bring them with you each time you need to use your wallet.  
1763  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Un BTC coûte 38 771 dollars ici - l'interdiction tombe au Nigeria on: February 08, 2023, 12:26:59 PM
Au Nigeria, le bitcoin connaît un boom, car depuis le 9 janvier, les citoyens ne peuvent retirer de leurs comptes que l'équivalent de 43,50 dollars par jour. Avec cette mesure, le gouvernement a amorcé le changement vers une société sans argent liquide.

En février 2021, le gouvernement avait adopté une interdiction du bitcoin, mais avait ensuite changé radicalement d'attitude vis-à-vis de la crypto-monnaie. En décembre 2022, une initiative législative a été lancée pour lever l 'interdiction et faire du BTC un moyen de paiement reconnu.

En même temps que les recherches Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) sur le bitcoin, le cours BTC/USD a explosé au Nigeria, le pays le plus peuplé d'Afrique. Sur la bourse de cryptographie NairaEx, le cours actuel d'un bitcoin est de 17 854 255 NGN, ce qui correspond à un cours du dollar de 38 771.

Je sais pas dans quelle mesure c'est bullshit ou pas, je vais me renseigner, je trouve ça dingue.

Sinon les amis, on se fait un séjour au Nigeria pour faire un peu de P2P ?  Grin
C'est vrai que ca parait beaucoup pour un pays du tiers monde. Surtout que je n'ai pas entendu dire que les paiements en Bitcoin étaient particulièrement développés là-bas. On peut acheter quoi en Bitcoin là-bas concrètement? Il doit y avoir de la spéculation, voir de la manipulation derrière tout ça. En tous cas le volume sur Localbitcoins n'a pas augmenté là-bas d'après Coin dance

Les paiements en btc en Afrique se développe et le Nigéria est en pole-position.

Oui ils se développent mais ça reste encore beaucoup trop embryonnaire pour expliquer un tel prix. On nous dit que plus de 60% des locuteurs francophones vivent en Afrique et qu'ils sont même 3 fois plus nombreux que les francais, on devrait donc les voir ici, non? Personnellement je reste toujours très circonspect sur le mirage de l'adoption de Bitcoin par les pays pauvres. Un maximaliste m'a d'ailleurs affirmé l'autre jour qu'aider les non-bancarisés n'avait jamais été le but de Bitcoin contrairement à ce que certains prétendent, le système originel on-chain n'étant pas fait pour supporter le nombre aussi important de transactions que cela représenterait. Bref, en tous les cas d'après Google Trends le nombre de recherches concernant Bitcoin ou Buy Bitcoin au Nigeria n'a pas augmenté sur les 12 derniers mois. Donc je reste méfiant vis-à-vis d'un prétendu engouement populaire vendus par certains médias.
1764  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: How can i generate electrum-seed? on: February 08, 2023, 12:49:06 AM
I'm not sure I understood exactly what you were looking for, but BX a command-line tool can generate different Electrum seeds.
So you can maybe call it from your Java program and take what it can return.
Otherwise you can use its C++ libraries, but afaik it's not easy at all in Java (with JNI).
At least you can maybe try to convert/adapt the C++ code in Java,

because I'm not a programmer.
And no one will write a complete program for generating a new version of the seed to me on the forum.
I have a BIP39. everything works.
It just needs to be filtered. It should be easy.)
from this python example I took the line

 seed = u''.join([seed for i in range(len(seed)) if not (seed in string. whitespace and is_CJK(seed[i-1]) and is_CJK(seed[i +1])))])

as far as I understand - they just remove all(?) spaces.
but still can't filter

hope someone in java can help me
No this instruction appends characters if they are not a whitespace between 2 CJK characters "CJK CJK" In other words this instruction trims single whitespaces between CJK characters.
But if you don't use seeds in CJK characters you don't care of that.
1765  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Thinking of separating my holdings into two physical locations. on: February 07, 2023, 09:59:05 PM
The hardship is about getting it right since there is no standard for it and generally speaking inventing your own cryptography algorithm is not a good idea. I basically got the inspiration from BIP38[1] but instead of encoding the result using base58 I encode it like BIP39 to get words. The salt would add an extra word (128-bit entropy and a 32-bit salt to get 15 words) which could be increased in size to get 24.

Are you encrypting a seed phrase with this algorithm and not just single private keys? Why not just follow it pedantically instead of modifying some parts like encoding? What if, several years from now, you forget what encoding you used when constructing your encrypted words? Maybe I am wrong, let alone I am not a security or cryptography expert, but I see many shortcomings in this approach.
You're right it implies to take care of your script or at least to be able to write it back again, even in several years from now, if you lose it.  
So it's maybe safer to use Bitcoin eXplorer and "your hands" instead.

As it is explained here in the BX manual, you can encrypt a fresh generated entropy, or your own 256bits one, with the BIP38 encryption algorithm by using this command :

$ bx seed -b 256|bx ec-to-ek "my passphrase"
> 6PYN8wh8nNr18UvTf78s95cwNAgdd3zBsiB1b1H3vdn7A5SHmUb7XnHjqd

So now, you need to transform this string into a phrase with BIP39 words, you can do that this way :
First, thanks to bx base58check-decode you can get the hexadecimal value of this string.

Now you will "just" need to convert this hexadecimal number into a binary one, and with your hands, to split it into groups of 11 bits, each encoding a number from 0-2047, serving as an index into a wordlist as BIP39 does and to find the word corresponding to the index(+1) into the BIP39 dictionary of the language of your choice.

For decyphering your seed you'll consecutively take the index(-1) from the dictionary of each word of your phrase, convert each decimal index into its 11bits binary value (with enough 0 for padding) , group de 11bits words into a whole binary number that will be converted into its hexadecimal value, apply bx base58check-encode to this value and finally decrypt it with your passphrase thanks to bx ek-to-ec "my passphrase".

From the entropy, you just need to use bx mnemonic-new to get the bip39 mnemonic seed.

1766  Local / Actualité et News / Re: Binance poignardée par Signature Bank on: February 07, 2023, 05:02:44 PM
Le géant Binance va suspendre les transferts en dollars.

Mais il va falloir suivre les mouvements cette semaine surtout que Binance, encore une fois, ne donne aucune indication sur ce qui a bien pu se passer: bug technique, problème de sécurité ou hacking?
Effectivement Binance "va" suspendre ces transferts puisque le 8 février n'est que demain donc je comprends mal les hypothèses avancées par ces 2 journalistes? Si c'était un bug technique ou un hack, Binance n'aurait pas annoncé cette suspension 2 jours à l'avance, les transferts auraient été stoppés immédiatement. Ca ressemble donc plutôt à un souci avec leur(s) banque(s) américaine(s) ou peut-être même à un problème avec des autorités américaines qui pourraient leur reprocher par exemple de servir leurs ressortissants. L'article indique que n'est pas concerné, or dispose de plus de 40 licences1 dans des états américains à l'inverse de qui n'en dispose d'aucune2 aux Etats-Unis et qui interdit aux américains d'utiliser ses services dans ses CGU.  

1767  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Xor or multisig on: February 07, 2023, 03:01:46 PM
Fair points, but the implementation issue is only a single weakness out of many and so it doesn't change the fact that SSS is a poor suggestion for all the other reasons. This mitigation also relies on individuals using that specific implementation, and not other experimental ones, such as the one listed on Ian Coleman.

A multisig wallet has nothing to do with splitting a seed in reality. Daily users of Bitcoin can't use several wallets on several devices each time they(we) need to send a transaction, moreover I'm curious to know how you are making a LN transaction with a multisig wallet? In addition a split seed can be used to store different cryptocurrencies, not a multisig wallet.
If you want a single sig wallet but with multiple back ups required to restore it, then I would say a seed phrase plus an additional passphrase is still superior to SSS. This set up can also be used to hold any altcoins which derive their keys via a seed phrase.
I don't understand why it would be "superior" as you say. When you are you using a passphrase you have 2 things to take care of : the seed and the passphrase, because if you lose one of them you can't access your funds anymore. It means you have 2 times more risk to lock your funds, than with a single seed. It's just like using this XOR function at the end, except you can choose your passphrase. If you use a split seed with a 2 of 3 scheme, you have 2 times less risk to lock your funds than with a single seed because you need to lose at least 2 seeds instead of one to lose access to your funds. It means you have 4 times less risk to lock your funds with a 2 of 3 split seed than with a seed and a passphrase. Without increasing the exposure of your real seed on top of that.
It allows you, for example to split a seed in a 2 of 4 shares scheme, in order to safely being able to store one seed at home, one seed online, one seed at a relative's home, and another one in a hole in the middle of a forest or wherever you want on earth(you will need to lose 3 seeds at the same time to lock your funds in this case).
1768  Local / Hors-sujet / Re: Besoin de votre aide pour donner votre avis. on: February 06, 2023, 10:26:46 PM
Moi ce qui m'a un peu choqué ce sont les vidéos de ces jeunes filles "à poil"? Comment se fait-il qu'elles n'en aient pas? Est-ce un choix délibéré de ligne éditoriale ou est-ce que toutes les filles qui font des stripteases sur les RS sont intégralement rasées? Sans vouloir employer de grands mots je trouve ça malsain. Ca serait d'ailleurs intéressant de savoir le nombre d'entre elles qui ont été abusées avant leur adolescence, parce que s'exhiber de cette façon n'est pas innocent.  
1769  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Xor or multisig on: February 06, 2023, 06:37:46 PM
But other methods like the Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme or SLIP39 allow to get back your seed with only a subset of the shares.
SSS is a poor method to use for a number of reasons. It requires the necessary threshold of shares to be brought together in one place on one device to recreate the wallet in question, which creates a single point of failure and compromise. There is no standard implementation, meaning you are completely dependent on the software you used to generate your shares, and without a copy of that exact software, it may be entirely impossible to recreate your wallet. There is also no guarantee whatsoever that the software you are using is actually secure, and the vast majority of users will be unable to audit the code for themselves.

Have a read of the following for more information:

A far more secure approach is to use multi-sig.

It is not meant to replace a multisig wallet since all seeds need to be reassembled by someone but it can be useful if you want to hide safely your seed in several places.
A multi-sig still allows you to hide your seed phrases in several places.

For example, you can leave one share at a friend or parent home, he won't be able to do anything with it and if he loses it you will still be able to retrieve your seed thanks to the other shares (if you used a M of N scheme).
Again, you can do this with multi-sig, without all the disadvantages that come with SSS.
Well, if you are not aware of that, SLIP39 is precisely a standard implementation of SSS in fact.
This SLIP describes a standard and interoperable implementation of Shamir's secret sharing (SSS).

Your article is a little bit outdated but it refers to it actually :
It is worth noting that there now exists a proposed standard for splitting Bitcoin seed phrases via SatoshiLabs Improvement Proposal 39. It was under development for nearly 2 years, appears to be well designed, and has been implemented in at least 4 programming languages.
As Jameson Lopp said above several implementations in several languages already exist. And FYI Electrum already supports it.

A multisig wallet has nothing to do with splitting a seed in reality. Daily users of Bitcoin can't use several wallets on several devices each time they(we) need to send a transaction, moreover I'm curious to know how you are making a LN transaction with a multisig wallet? In addition a split seed can be used to store different cryptocurrencies, not a multisig wallet.
1770  Bitcoin / Wallet software / Re: Xor or multisig on: February 05, 2023, 09:59:30 PM
Why don't you make it like the traditional XOR operation where you take two 12 word seeds (or any number of words seeds actually, as long as they have the same number of words), and then convert them back into entropy, apply the XOR operation on it, and then convert the entropy back into a mneumonic?

But then again, neither of these methods would actually provide any security, just obscurity.
I disagree with you, hiding efficiently your seed is the most important thing in cryptocurrency security. And hiding your seed in several places isn't riskless, since the more places you use, the more likely your seed can be found by someone else. So you can't say being able to split your seed in several parts doesn't bring any security. Unfortunately this XOR method is not the best one since you need to take care of all the seed parts "(not M of N, always N of N)".
But other methods like the Shamir Secret Sharing Scheme or SLIP39 allow to get back your seed with only a subset of the shares. It is not meant to replace a multisig wallet since all seeds need to be reassembled by someone but it can be useful if you want to hide safely your seed in several places. For example, you can leave one share at a friend or parent home, he won't be able to do anything with it and if he loses it you will still be able to retrieve your seed thanks to the other shares (if you used a M of N scheme).
1771  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Can anyone tell me what is the best way to gamble w/ BTC on online casinos? on: February 05, 2023, 08:59:37 PM
What have you found works best? What does not work? I guess I am looking for a sort of "cheat sheet" if you will. If that even exists.

"Cheat sheet" does not exist! And if you are trying to cheat it's not nice, to not mention it's illegal, you should know that.

There is no universal answer to what works and what doesn't work in gambling, different personalities/skills/experiences, and different bankrolls make each player unique in some way. So if it works for one, it doesn't necessarily mean that it will work for others... and if it's not working for many it doesn't mean it will not work for you. I guess you need to try it and find out for yourself what's the best for you, what games suit your personality and your skills and knowledge. By trying things around you gain experience, there are no shortcuts.
I agree with you there is no universal answer to that question but for beginners in gambling it's strongly recommended to favour games with low volatility, and low house edge too. And to start with a small bank roll and small stakes (or even fun money) to learn how to play and to test the games.

Choose a casino with low house edge. Wager as little as possible, so a few high risk bets instead of many low risk bets. Do the math. The more you wager, the more you lose on average because of the house edge.
Know when to stop. Don't chase losses.
If you want to win prizes from tournaments, interesting bonuses and to rank up, in order to get a positive EV unfortunately you need to wager a lot sometimes.
1772  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: February 05, 2023, 08:44:11 PM
Does anyone know if there is currently a convenient way to choose which channel you want to be used to send a LN transaction, when you have several channels opened, without having to freeze all the other channels during the transaction please?
Most wallet software will choose the cheapest path, which is usually the shortest one. What do you want to accomplish? I don't find it reasonable to want your transaction to be charged higher. I could think of a privacy-related reason, but even that is invalid, especially when you receive, because you reveal your public key in BOL11 invoice.
No it's not a matter of privacy or of datas shown in the BOLT11 invoice. I don't want to accomplish anything special actually, I just want to be able to do that because I have different channels using different trampoline nodes, and I want to be able to decide which trampoline node I want to use because some of them seem to work more efficiently than other. In addition I also want to do that to be able to manage the receiving/sending capacity of my different channels. If I need to increase the receiving capacity of one channel, I want to be able to select it to send my next payment, same thing for a channel with a low sending capacity.
1773  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: Electrum Lightning Network walkthrough on: February 05, 2023, 08:13:50 PM
Go to the 'Send' tab and paste your invoice. 'Description' field will be automatically filled since this information is usually provided in the invoice. Note that you will not be able to send all of your coins. Each channel must maintain a reserve for its closure fees. You can see how much you can send from each channel by going to the 'Channels' tab, right-clicking on a channel and selecting 'Details...'. You cannot send from multiple channels at once.
Does anyone know if there is currently a convenient way to choose which channel you want to be used to send a LN transaction, when you have several channels opened, without having to freeze all the other channels during the transaction please? Same question when you need to receive a payment through a generated invoice : is there a way to receive the payment on a specific channel without freezing all the other channels till you receive the transaction?
1774  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Interesting Facts About Online Casinos on: February 05, 2023, 07:29:17 PM
FACT 7: You can tip the dealer in online live casino games
Just like in land based casinos, some operators like Evolution gaming provide the player to tip the live dealer in appreciation for good service in case they wish to do so.
Huh Where have you seen that bro? It's just a copy-paste BS IMO because as ralle14 said, nobody has ever seen that. I often play there like many people here and I have never seen a dealer saying thank you for the tip. In addition when people ask if it's possible to tip them they reply no it's not possible, so it doesn't depend on the casino you are using obviously, Evolution just doesn't allow that to anyone. I'm surprised you didn't bother to check that yourself before posting it, I thought you were gambling at online casinos actually.

Fact number 7 is probably the surprising fact for me since i've been playing at Evolution gaming countless times already and I still haven't seen that tipping feature. I would've tipped a few dealers if the feature was more visible or maybe it's only limited to a few tables or casinos.
No it's not hidden, or only available at some tables, it just doesn't exist at Evolution unlike few other providers allowing it.
1775  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: What are the origins of provably fair technology in gambling? on: February 05, 2023, 03:18:01 PM
Hello everyone.

My first experience with cryptocurrency was with a popular bitcoin faucet known as

A trusted site for years at this point, they utilize many forms of authentication technology, provable mechanics in all their games (not just the multiply game but on dplay and stuff too), and they are one of if not the largest distributors of free digital gold in the world.

They have a great business model too, especially if it has been running for the amount of time it has.

My question is, does provably fair technology exists specifically because of crypto gambling or is it something else?

Thank you so much for answering <3 everyone, I learned a lot Cheesy!
AFAIK the first one who has implemented this technology in its current form is Espringe in his famous crash game(the first one too) MoneyPot which became Bustabit later. Rhavar bought it and improved it. I may be wrong but I don't know older games using this feature as it is today.
1776  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: February 05, 2023, 01:59:21 PM
Would there be bets for the Oscars this year, cant exactly remember if there was previous but pretty sure we did bet on it in previous years.   I can remember being convinced on the Anthony Hopkins film but I forget if I bet the actor or the film or both.    Surely its popular enough to qualify on the major categories and get the volume of bets back and forth for proper odds.
I could remember there was a casino that offered betting on last year's Oscar awards, but I am pretty sure it wasn't freebitco, even though i cant remember the casino in particular right now.

And yes, this is a good idea I must admit, would be great to see freebitco offer betting ability for the Oscars award this year to their users, i believe we a lot of movie lovers who would definitely participate in the betting, including myself, so lets hope the freebitco team is reading and would adhere.
All casinos/sportsbooks offer markets on Oscars (Academy awards) every year including the one you're promoting so it wouldn't be surprising you've seen it there. Freebitcoin usually offers markets on this event too, but I don't remember they've done it last year to be honest, so I hope they will do it this year but it's already in very few weeks (12th march) so if they don't open bets in the very next few days, it would mean they don't want to offer bets on this event anymore.
1777  Economy / Gambling / Re:$200 FreeBTC⭐Win Lambo🔥0.2BTC DailyJackpot🏆$32,500 Wager Contest on: February 05, 2023, 12:33:46 PM
Sorry for the late reply, I completely disagree here. Odds always change, that's the nature of likelihood and probability, but if I compare books, I take the bets at the same day and compare odds at the same time. Why not? Everyone knows odds will be different the next day but the idea is to have a large enough sample size, exact same markets at the same time. In 10 minutes, odds will change at all bookies, never mind in 10 days. The point is to compare books at the time you place your bet.
I understand what you mean, but when you place a bet on a parimutuel sportsbook like what you can do for horse or dog races, you don't just bet on an outcome at given odds, you bet on an outcome at what you think will be its final odds(ie the odds of your expected payout). So it's not the same job as a bookmaker, people don't try to just assess the likelihood of an outcome, they try to guess how will be the pool at the end, and they only bet if they think the final odds will be interesting. Hence temporary odds, are not just a live evaluation of the likelihood to happen of outcomes by the overall pool, it's more complicated than that. In brief, bettors bet against the other bettors, they don't just buy odds offered by the sportsbook, you have to take that into account.

I used to maintain a daily thread that used regular bookies, crypto bookies, and even P2P markets (not parimutuel, just p2p) -- and every option has a variable. Some have limited market sizes. Others have price boosts. Others have promos. All these count towards value.
Yes it was a very nice thread, one of the most interesting one IMO, why you don't update it anymore?

Either way, probably not going to be able to do this experiment as I didn't get any response on when these bets get released, so not possible to easily test these bets.

All I can say is I'm almost 100% certain I'd gain far less as a casual gambler coming in to place bets on options here, than if I went to a regular bookie. I'd like to try and prove that right, or wrong, but I'm not incentivised enough to try. That's no criticism of the system here either! It's only to point out something (as a regular sports bettor myself).

Time weight multiplier? I don't remember the last time I took a bet even close to max multiplier...
I'm not sure trying to get the highest TMW, is an interesting strategy because one week or more before you have absolutely no idea of what will be the final odds. You don't know what will happen and you don't know what will do the pool so it's a little bit like playing roulette IMO. It's better to wait several days IMO because the more the pool is filled, the less it is likely to change. A high TMW is just a counterpart of a high uncertainty finally.
1778  Economy / Gambling / Re: - 🔥 up to 20% cashback🔥up to 20% rakeback 🚨 instant withdrawals on: February 04, 2023, 10:59:27 PM
Guy, weekends bonus is already send on our email. This time it’s a free 5USDT chips on Bombay Baccarat for every 500USDT bet on any games and we can claim up to 3 times. This is a very cool additional rewards to combo once again on the crypto crunch tournament. I claim lots of 5USDT on last week Blackjack Hunting but this time it’s much easier because the goal can be calculated compared to Blackjack hunt that is pure based on luck.

Check your email but if you didn’t received this, You can try claiming it using the code 3BHAPPY. You cam redeem it under your account reward profile Start slowly accumulate those 500USDT now until the weekends. Good luck!
Have you already been able to claim one free chips set at least by the way? I think you can get them right after wagering the amount required because it looks like a common reward bonus once activated. How are you playing them? Because if you bet on Banker or Player you have only one half chance to win while only winnings are credited. That means you have only 50% to win the $5 reward on average(or $2.5) if you play like that.

1779  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Best sportsbooks? (MMA and boxing) on: February 04, 2023, 10:51:32 PM
No offense Peeps Place but I think your list rated 'A' is kinda starting to become obsolete.  No way those books are at the top of the table rn.  Not shilling here but Stake is way better than the three of them by a mile.  Stake has the best lines, they accept most of the more popular coins and the site just looks way better.  No way Stake is just a 'B' imho.  Sportsbet doesn't deserve to be at 'C' too and again, not shilling...  And not gonna mention the name but there's another site that doesn't deserve to be at 'C'.  I mean with all the original features it has..?  Like clans, loot boxes, NFT lending, etc etc.  It's not just another book.
You should read the scam accusation threads and the ratings on the review platforms before saying that IMO. Stake is currently rated 5.13/10 on Askgamblers and 3.7/5 on Gambling Bro for example. So I really don't think they deserve a A rate, I think a C or C- would be way more suited if you ask me. Don't listen all these shills wearing referral links in their signatures and trying to make good comments to get bonuses from their BM.
1780  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Online Casinos Want you to Gamble Responsibly on: February 04, 2023, 10:29:51 PM
I dont believe that they would really be that too in concern and those guidelines and cautions or warnings are really just showing off that they are really that mindful or having the sympathize into those people who do lost up soo much money.We know on where these gambling platforms or companies do make money which is into those losing gamblers which it would be normal that they would really be that happy when it comes to see those people who do lost up that much.Im not saying that they are all like that but who do knows if someone is really that having a concern.
In most case which i do see that these are just cover ups just for them to make it look good into other peoples eyes that they do care.
I agree with you, in land based casinos, they won't let you play if they see you're too much drunk, they could lose their license if they are doing that but online casinos don't check that and allow anybody in any condition playing large amounts of money. If they really care about that they could make few tests and ask few questions before each gambling session.

It is also logical to believe that if they could assess visitors for gambling addiction, those who failed the test would be banned from signing up. Because they can't, they've created a section of their website with guidelines for responsible gambling.
I don't understand why it's logical according to you and why they are unable to assess gambling addiction of their customers.
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