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1901  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: China inició una cuarentena de sus billetes usados, coronavirus on: February 19, 2020, 03:34:55 PM
Ahora mismo no tengo acceso a buscar y escribir cómodamente (estoy usando un móvil y me resulta incómodo). En el foro en inglés publiqué el otro día un enlace a unos estudios sobre el coronavirus y su tiempo de supervivencia fuera de un huesped. El estudio es sobre variantes anteriores, y no la del actual, pero son de la familia. En él se apuntaba a que en papel, el tiempo oscilaba entre un par de horas y días de supervivencia , pero más bien en en el rango bajo de un par de horas.

En el fondo, aunque cambies el dinero por cripto, siguen teniendo un riesgo similar en la caja de pizza, el menú chino, o el producto que compren. Por eso, no sé como de efectivo será la medida en la practica...

Se transmite igual que le gripe, donde alguien estornude viene otro como dices hasta 2 horas (¿días?) luego puede infectarse.

Y al igual que la gripe los síntomas no se notarán por varios días...

El riesgo mayor es si un infectado estornuda en un espacio cerrado, como un baño. Para reducir el riesgo lo ideal es estornudar cubriéndose con una tela, que es para lo que usan esas máscaras en Asia cuando la gente tiene gripe.

Si nos llega el virus hay que encerrarse, igual que en Wuhan. Evitar el contacto con otras personas y lugares lo mas posible. La gente debe tener mucho cuidado como y donde estornuda.
1902  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: ¿Cuál es la mejor manea de aprender sobre criptomonedas? on: February 19, 2020, 03:13:00 PM
El tema de las criptomonedas es extenso y se mantiene en constante crecimiento, y si queremos permanecer con éxito en el cripto mundo debemos aprender diariamente sobre el mismo.
Considerando la importancia que las criptomonedas tienen en el mundo globalizado actual es imprescindible mantenernos informados y con conocimientos, al menos básicos, de lo que son y lo que podemos hacer con ellas. Sobre la base de este planteamiento les pregunto:

1) ¿Cuál es la mejor manera para aprender sobre criptomonedas?

2) ¿Existe algún sitio en internet que prefieres para ello?

  • Leyendo mucho, buscando, preguntando y leyendo mas
  • Aquí, el foro de Satoshi Nakamoto: Bitcointalk.

Hay otros sitios de noticias y redes sociales para informarse, pero todo termina llegando a este foro.
Por supuesto hay mas información en inglés.
1903  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: Impuesto a las criptomonedas en Venezuela on: February 19, 2020, 03:07:35 PM
Si algo así había visto por las noticias, pero es difícil, creo que una de las maneras que pueden hacerlo es a través de, si llegan a decirles qué personas comercian y de acuerdo a ello establecen un tipo de fee o impuesto, en verdad, es una persecusión sin sentido, pues la finalidad de Bitcoin y las criptomonedas es hacerse cada vez más anónimo, nunca le he visto sentido a las reglas que establece el gobierno, son muy malas en realidad, no dicen nada del Petro porque están obligando a trabajar con el mismo, quieren darle movilidad como sea, y si tienen que recurrir a cobrar impuestos no les importa, lo harán, creo que las personas serán muy irreverentes frente a esas normas.

El efecto neto de una medida como esta es desincentivo de pago formal en cripto monedas. Ellos tienen la ilusión de que eso va beneficiar al petro por la exención, pero a la gente no le gusta el petro y a los comerciantes tampoco, especialmente luego que pasó en diciembre y enero que suspendieron los pagos porque se dieron cuenta que nadie quería quedarse los petros y los comerciantes estaban cambiando todo a bolívares para luego cambiar a dólares...

Contrario a lo que los políticos pretenden (como siempre) esto NO se traduce ni en apoyo al bolívar (la peor moneda del mundo) y mucho menos al petro (la peor criptomoneda del mundo). La gente no quiere esas "monedas" por la manera en que ellos las "controlan", a su antojo y con suma ignorancia de lo que terminan ocasionando.

Por supuesto que es una medida inviable. En otro país mas organizado, ya sería muy difícil fiscalizar. Aquí ni hablemos, supongo que mas de un funcionario aprovechará esta nueva excusa para pedir soborno al negocio que se atreva a recibir cripto. Los políticos que impusieron esto tienen tanto conocimiento en criptomonedas como lo tienen en economía: Nulo.
1904  Local / Mercado y Economía / Re: ¿Qué prefieren los Venezolanos: USD, BTC, Dash, … ? on: February 19, 2020, 02:51:40 PM
A raíz de ver que, ahora sí, Venezuela tiene su primer cajero de Bitcoins y Dash (ver re: La Solución de Venezuela es el Bitcoin), en el foro en inglés se preguntaban si realmente la gente de Venezuela tiene apetito por el BTC sobre el USD, teniendo en cuenta que el BTC es un tiovivo volátil (un jugete al lado del Bolivar), aunque puedes cambiarlo por algún stablecoin si eres conservador.

Entiendo que, para gran parte de la población, probablemente el USD es lo más deseado en estos momentos, y conocido. Más allá de la facilidad/dificultad en obtenerlo, el USD carece de complicación técnica en términos de adquisición, custodia y venta (nada de Wallets, claves privadas, etc.).

Mis preguntas serían por tanto con carácter general, y no con un prisma de entusiasta o dominador consagrado del manejo de criptoactivos:

Q1) Aquellos venezolanos que pueden, ¿qué proporción de ellos compra actualmente USD vs BTC?

Q2) Para una persona con algo de conocimiento ¿qué prefiere y porqué (BTC/USD)?

Q3) Entiendo que el USD es más sencillo de usar en el día a día. ¿Cómo está el BTC en este sentido?

Creo que serán interesantes las respuestas.

P.D. Y una más de curiosidad: Q4) ¿Ya circulan bien los nuevos billetes de 10.000, 20.000 y 50.000 Bolívalres?

  • No tengo capacidad de compra porque mi ingreso es demasiado bajo, y lo poco que percibo es directamente en bitcoin. De tener la oportunidad de decidir, me voy por bitcoin para ahorrar a largo plazo.
  • Yo prefiero BTC, sencillamente lo puedo mover electrónicamente. Pero la calle prefiere los billetes americanos aunque se sigue recibiendo bolívares con tarjeta de débito o pago móvil; así que toca cambiar los bitcoin por fiat el monto justo antes de salir a comprar o hacer un pago de servicios en linea.
  • Pues lo dicho, en la calle se ven los dólares, ¿pero negocios aceptando bitcoin? Dicen que Traki donde hay un ATM, pero allá las compras en petro cuestan el doble que cambiar primero lo mismo a fiat. No tiene sentido pagarles en cripto con tasas de cambio tan abusivas. Cambiar bitcoin por dólares para pagar en dólares tampoco tiene sentido (aunque la tasa es mas razonable), mejor se cambia bitcoin a bolívares en línea antes de comprar y ya.
  • De circular circulan, pero si vas al banco a retirar, solo te puedes llevar uno por día. Literalmente uno de los 3 billetes, y no siempre hay de los 3... Demás está decir que un cajero automático es inviable por el tema físico, a menos que sea puro divisa extranjera. El de 50mil ya no compra ni un dolar, llegará si acaso a 75¢
1905  Local / Español (Spanish) / Re: Adivina el número entre 0-10000, Gana 0.001BTC on: February 19, 2020, 02:19:18 PM
Para garantizar que el concurso no esta amañado el resultado está en el siguiente SHA-256: 01139bfb4e595f033b96532f492ac6aa7c85296905bff5a1023169174ceebee5

Si alguien puede hacer un quote de mi publicación esto evitará que yo pueda modificar el hash en un futuro.

Número Ganador: 2600
Dirección: bc1q5mh2u8jmk68h3xtudvp4c08h8v3lvgjecl05zv

¡Buena suerte!
1906  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A cryptostar in a galaxy far far away on: February 19, 2020, 01:39:17 PM
Just an analogy, somebody has already been selling land on Moon for years, but obviously it is less secure and ownership is no guarantee
Who on Earth owns a land on moon? I don't get it mate sorry but I don't really understand and can't see the sense of this.

I wouldn't bother to click the link either.

International law has something along the lines of "space belongs to all and therefore to none" so without private ownership possible. BUT, who is going to enforce that?

This discussion will return someday once more Moon and Mars projects advance. Right now it doesn't seem to be an issue, whenever you land and roam around you can place your colony, whatever. But who owns the Moon or Mars, or parts of it? under which jurisdiction?

What if i send a ship to the asteroid belt and find myself a gold asteroid? Who does it belong to?

Anyway the analogy with crypto coins doesn't fit really well.
1907  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin is better than your bank! on: February 19, 2020, 01:16:08 PM
Bitcoin is better than banks I would agree but not in all aspects. Bitcoin is good for investment yes but work as a bank where you save money bitcoin is a no no. Bank and  bitcoin should coexist because we still needs bank for our fiats which we withdrawn from bitcoin.
Banks are more secure than bitcoin we can trust banks more for sure for storing compared to bitcoin because we know anything may happen in the internet in no time.

Indeed the bank can go bankrupt after a bankrun, while such thing would never happen to bitcoin. Have you ever seen a bankrun? Maybe not in your lifetime if you live in one of those "nice" countries, i have seen it three times in my life here already, and most people lost ALL their money, all their savings gone "poof" Just like that (Southpark meme style: "Aaaaand its gone". It even happened to my family "twice" (the idiots) and now we live in poverty.

Keep trusting banks, and study what fractional reserve means, you are in for a big shock. At least Ponzi was caught...
1908  Bitcoin / Electrum / Re: What is electrumx server? on: February 19, 2020, 01:06:11 AM
Well, it seems it's kind of charity works, isn't it? Like, if I run a personal server (node) for electeum I am going to help other people trying to use electrum as a light wallet. For me, I don't need to trust anyone else as well. Then where is the different between running a electrum node and bitcoin core node? I guess nothing much. Both are same. Sorry for such question. It might be looking stupid question for you.

It's a mix between charity and running a node for yourself because you don't trust anybody else... There is a difference between running a full node and running an electrum node ON TOP of a bitcoin node: there's quite a bit of overhead, making the minimum specs for a full node smaller than for a full node + electrum node.

I stopped running an electrum node, but i still run a full node...

I have seen at least 3 different electrum server software, one is literally called "electrum personal server" and its quite light. You don't have to open it to others, you can keep it to yourself only, or your own network if you want.

And i clearly remember one of them not needing a full node, a trimmed node works so the requirement is a small as a normal bitcoin node (core wallet). The electrum overhead is pretty minimal especially when private and it could easily run in a raspi.

"Electrumx" is just one of the three, the other two are "Electrum server" and "electrum personal server" (just checked). This is open source, anyone can implement their own server (including malicious actors) it doesn't mean they literally used electrumx, they would have at least modified one of the existing projects or coded their own. Last time they tried a DDoS (when their spammy servers were ignored by newer wallets) i had my own personal server running and did not notice a thing.

And yes its voluntary work if you set up a public server. As with anything public, make sure your server is secure.

i strongly dislike calling them "servers" because it makes it look like a centralized thing you connect to.
Electrumx is the name you can use to describe bitcoin full nodes that have a more advanced P2P protocol compared to regular full nodes such as bitcoin core. they need a bigger storage space because they have to index their blockchain so that they can reply with transaction history based on addresses.

Actually I think that the last year's Electrum hijacking was made with a couple of malicious ElectrumX servers (telling that Electrum needs update and sending out the link to their malicious Electrum) and DDoS on the legit servers, making the users connect to the hacker's servers.
there is nothing important that a malicious Electrum node can fake. for example they can't give you a fake block header without having to mine it first! which is not possible since it costs a lot to mine a bitcoin block not to mention that you also check the header with other nodes.
or they can't tell you an unconfirmed transaction is confirmed without breaking merkle root's SHA256 which is again impossible.

Electrum is something optional that makes the electrum light "spv?" wallet work. It is exactly as you say, complete with the centralization part. They ARE servers, and they do centralize things. But again, its optional, a convenience for the community, not unlike LN, except unpaid for the operator.

The Electrum wallet needs an electrum server to work, there is no way around that. It does connect to it and trust it to have current blockchain data and broadcast your transactions. Truly paranoid people should stick with core, or cherry pick the servers they connect to (yes you can choose).

If sets up a public Electrum server, its literally like you said. This is not p2p but server client. Bitcoin remains p2p of course, the servers are working on top of regular bitcoin nodes which ARE p2p.
1909  Other / Off-topic / Re: Linux shills: What's your favorite window manager? on: February 18, 2020, 11:08:00 PM
Strange, my XFCE tends to have an uptime of weeks and months and it doesn't slowdown into a crawl. Are you sure you don't have a distro issue? (version issue, compilation, issue, etc?)

My server's running on a certain Amazon Web Services hardware that rate-limits the CPU, to save money. I can only use 10% of each of my two cores without paying extra. It's always the X server that's taking up the CPU cycles but this mainly happens when I start a desktop environment. I think the DE was loading a lot of things.

You shouldn't be doing this. Why bother running an UI in a remote server anyway?

But if you HAVE TO, there are ways to run Xorg apps in a server client fashion. As for xfce, it doesn't matter if you use it, obviously something like flux, i3 or whatever will be faster and leaner.

Still, opening an Xorg program in your computer from a remote server shouldn't take too much cpu server side (the graphic work is done by the client). Unless you are doing something silly like streaming the thing teamviewer/vnc style rather than using the proper Xorg server client mechanism. Or perhaps something easier like X2Go/Nomachine.

You have your own computer to do graphical stuff, use it.
1910  Economy / Services / Re: [Open] ★☆★ 777Coin Signature Campaign ★☆★ (Member-Hero Accepted) (New) on: February 18, 2020, 05:49:39 PM
Two weeks with CryptopreneurBrainBoss and what we got?:

- he managed to fully fill the empty slots from tier D, which were empty for months. I'm not saying here that his standards are too low, while Hhampuz's were too high (not at all, since he already warned users for low quality topics or he even denied way more posts than Hhampuz for low quality); I'm just stating that he managed in 2 weeks to fill all the slots of this campaign which were empty for a long time;

- he already raised participants attention by not counting a big amount of posts, fact which didn't happen before, showing he is not strict, by very strict with quality; I myself had 9 denied posts in his 1st week, while I was aware only about 4 or 5, which were "bump" posts;

- he warned users for low quality posts, fact which also, AFAIK, didn't happen before;

- when he was in error he admitted and he solved the error (also my case);

- he ranked up in upper tiers or on their corresponding rank users which were waiting this for a long time (see nakamura's case);

- he answers; and he answers fast, but, most important - he answers PMs (at least mine).

Once again: I'm not comparing here the actual manager with the previous one! I'm sure Hhampuz did his best here and also I'm sure about his good intentions. Different managers, different approaches though. I'm stating just CryptopreneurBrainBoss took over from where Hhampuz left and tried to improve in all possible ways Hhampuz's great work.

Gg Hhampuz! Gg CryptopreneurBrainBoss!

In Hhampuz defense, i sent PMs before which were promptly replied to, i even changed my payment address multiple times, and had no issues whatsoever. Hhampuz also issued warnings in the google document, in the comments column (was to the right, next to payment), i guess this was a bit hidden for some people to see (might need scrolling).

Hhampuz was lately busy or unavailable, which might be the reason the former campaign manager wanted to quit in the first place, and in the transition no new applicants were being accepted. But a year ago this was moving perfectly, you can see for yourself in this thread, just look at the earlier pages and also look at the old google document. Slots were being filled and upper tiers could not be available if people from higher tiers didn't leave or failed twice in a row the 15 message requirement per week.

Someone here on this thread even mentioned my name at some point, but you have to consider that if ranking user level meant lower payment (because only a lower tier slot was available in the higher user rank category) then it was the correct decision not to move the user unless explicitly requested (some did, but i didn't).

A reason I decided to move campaigns was to release the full member tier b slot i was occupying here which made little sense with my current user rank, so i wanted to give a chance to the full members who had been waiting too.

In the end I also think both managers do a good job. No complaints.
1911  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: A question about withdrawing BTC on: February 18, 2020, 04:48:50 PM
Recently I became interested in the feasibility to withdraw btc through the atm. I read a lot of information about this, here, for example, article on changelly.
If you guys have a similar experience, please share it. I'm worried about the anonymity of such a method. And all in all, aren't such things contrary to the idea of cryptocurrency on the whole if you have as much anonymity when working with it as you do with fiat?

An ATM isn't anonymous, unless its in a place where you can use it while disguised/masked. Regardless of the ATM requiring you KYC or not (which can only make things worse) the fact that is a physical thing means it can have surveillance (and should, since vandals love breaking the things apart).

Some people find them convenient, i find them cumbersome (and horribly expensive). Your best chance for "anonymity" is online, perhaps even mining, but that option is rapidly disappearing.
1912  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Curious About Bitcoin. on: February 18, 2020, 04:35:05 PM
What is BTC: controlling hashrate in China, but America owns the Internet

That's irrelevant to Bitcoin. Bitcoin doesn't care who mines it or where, new blocks are bound to appear every 10 minutes, if global hashrate deviates too much, it will correct itself every 2016 blocks (so called diff adjust).

Bitcoin also doesn't care who owns what, as long as nodes communicate with each other, they can use internet, a so called "darknet" or a community mesh for all it cares.

Only 14% is left to mine, and this is rapidly slowing into a crawl. Mining is becoming irrelevant, it has already successfully served its purpose, and it will shrink too, eventually. Thanks to Bitcoin's clever code (the halvings) it doesn't occur abruptly, but smoothly. Its all going according to design.
1913  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Is Bitcoin a Safe Haven for Your Money? on: February 18, 2020, 04:28:05 PM
Short-term thinking or long-term thinking, bitcoin is still a safe haven because the main trend of bitcoin is still a positive state and going up very often, so if we invest in the short term or the long run, we still have plenty of opportunities to exit the market without too much risk but this is only temporary safety when the statistics provide such a view. The nature of bitcoin is still tilted toward investment, instead of a place to store money, many potential risks can still occur over time, we should limit the storage here to ensure safety

Absolutely for the long term, I would never say short term because if you got caught out in 2018 or even some periods in 2019, you'd be looking at 3000 prices when most people bought then above 10k.

I would still store most of my savings in normal money though. I know my government is shit but they insure my money and yes maybe they can end up like bankrupt but it is a smaller risk than crypto losing it all (to me).

When your "normal" money goes from being able to buy one USD with 4ish in 2010, to require 7500000000 today (the same time bitcoin went from 0 to 10k) You will learn how "good" "normal" money is...

What you lack is experience. You have been pampered by your government, thinking they can never do wrong, same as we did, and probably same as every other single hyperinflation in the history of humanity.

"Normal" money can never do wrong, until it does, but then its too late...

I'm the opposite. Even with fluctuations (a sign of freedom), bitcoin is safer because no government can kill it. No idiot bureaucrat can make the dreaded decision to print a little more than usual, or get the country in hopeless debt because their budget doesn't fit anymore. As long as your "normal" money is in the hand of the few, this can happen to you.

If at all possible, now that i'm too poor to even accumulate savings in the first place, i would put most of them into bitcoin. People here go to the other fiats because they don't know better, but i do. Yes they are nice, for now... this "for now" part is the scariest part of fiat money, its a time bomb, and when it detonates, you cannot escape the blast. You will become poor overnight. Governments never announce devaluation, they do it, and then its too late.

Your trust in fiat money should be directly proportional to your trust in your government and politicians. You don't have to trust anybody with Bitcoin, that's the beauty of it.
1914  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Curious About Bitcoin. on: February 18, 2020, 04:09:56 PM
Little by little each country many people become more interested in Bitcoin due to its unexpected rising value, that's why the result of demand of Bitcoin become much more increase. All of us have desire to have it so its not new if there's a lot search about bitcoin not only in one country but also around the world. We cant blame these people because even ourselves is curious about Bitcoin.

Probably some mass media did an article or show in those countries, which prompted people to search about it

"Do you remember bitcoin? Its still worth 10k USD after all these years"...

They people finally realize they might have been lied by the nay-sayers, those that always disregard bitcoin. "What if i didn't listen to that idiot and bought some bitcoin when they were 500 USD...

Unfortunately, people should expect such spectacular price increases anymore. Sure its still better than fiat, but don't get disappointed because the same performance would mean going from 10k into 200k.

But who knows if people are dreaming of such, especially in impoverished countries like mine and Nigeria. By the time people learn the truth, it is too late for spectacular gains. This is the investor's dilemma, always the highest risk gives the highest profits, once its known to be safe, everybody joins and the profit lowers.

Once upon a time bitcoin was seen as risky as your average altcoin, those who trusted it back then, got the prize of a lifetime. The rest of us can only hope for the leftovers. Almost all of the altcoin believers are waiting for a "second chance" hoping their bet would reach similar results, unfortunately it isn't happening, because the market is already there. Yes you can still profit, but never to the same extent.

Its like the profit you could make when building the first "something" inaugurating a market, vs later joining an already existing market.
1915  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Gaming Industry and Cryptocurrency! on: February 18, 2020, 03:46:28 PM
Lightnight looks great. If the gameplay and graphics are excellent it could be a good game to promote Bitcoin imo.

I think a game where you can get Bitcoin or crypto by winning a match/session is generally a good idea. The user only needs to input their wallet address, play the game and then earn rewards. In terms of marketing, a third-party can use their marketing funds to encourage users to do some specific things, such as building a good team with the sponsor name on it.

The minecraft mod also looks great.

In my opinion these games that involve money are very close to gambling. There is already the issue with loot boxes, being banned in some countries because it is seen as gambling (you pay for the box, and you have a low chance on getting what you actually want so if you don't, too bad buy(bet) again!

I have no problems with adults, but p2w and kids can bring unintended consequences (such as gambling addiction).

Many "f2p" games out there are already centered on shops were you can buy things with real money, or you use real money to buy their "token" and then use that in their "shop". All they need to do is accept Bitcoin as well.
1916  Bitcoin / Development & Technical Discussion / Re: Proof of Work algorithm in the public chain. on: February 17, 2020, 05:08:57 PM
So it is quite ok and safe to have big mining companies been ordinary compliant and regulated corporations imho
This statement contradicts the basic idea of ​​bitcoin. Bitcoin is independent of the authorities. If the authorities subjugate him, he will be destroyed.
As much as I like the idea of a completely anarchist Bitcoin, I'm down-to-earth enough to know that won't happen.
The Bitcoin network itself is not prone to regulation, by design, so much is true.
The Participants in the network, namely the miners, exchanges, maybe even ordinary users, definitely are.

But the end of n participants won't be the end of Bitcoin as long as n < all.

This "regulation" is external to Bitcoin. With or without permission, Bitcoin works. You can legislate and regulate all you want, Bitcoin is in no obligation to follow. You have to voluntarily comply, but you could also not comply and Bitcoin would work the same.

You think no one in Ecuador or Bolivia is using Bitcoin? Think again. But they have to be more careful, just in case and not expose themselves. Yes it sucks a bit in adoption, especially in the physical world (shops, street merchants, ATMs, etc).

If you do not willingly surrender your data, so they can associate your identity with your wallet, they cannot tell. Specially if you use things like Tor for your transactions, and remember to not re-use an address.
1917  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Craig Wright Potential Lawsuit to Bitcoin on: February 17, 2020, 04:59:48 PM
Such a long blog post by him but what bothers me is why would he even file a lawsuit regarding bitcoin when he can't even prove himself as the real Satoshi Nakamoto? He's just wasting his time and efforts because obviously, he won't win that lawsuit because he doesn't even have ownership of Bitcoin. He can't even give enough proof on the court. That's nonsense.

"As the sole creator of Bitcoin, I own full rights to the Bitcoin registry."
The audacity to claim himself as Satoshi. Since when did he have the right to own the creation of Bitcoin? I wasn't informed.

I just imagine the collective worldwide laugh from this. So sue us, good luck with that...

Indeed he has already failed to demonstrate in court his claim of being Satoshi, and the real Satoshi would never be this stupid or mean to threaten others to use his code.

I hope this Wright fool is ordered to shut up and/or pay compensation for making the courts lose time they could be using on REAL cases.
1918  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining virus on: February 17, 2020, 04:52:45 PM
step 0 is prevention:
- never download or install shady binaries that you don't know the source of and don't trust.
- always make sure you have real software by verifying their digital signature if possible
- if you have to run a shady application then use a sandbox so that in case it contained anything malicious it wouldn't infect your computer.
- never visit shady website
- and as the last line of defense if you are on a closed source OS such as Windows or Mac you can install a good anti virus.

if you are already infected
best solution would be formatting the hard disk and reinstalling the OS but since that is hard you can install a good anti virus or use a rescue disk to scan and try to remove it.
detecting this type of malware is easy since they have to use excessive amount of computing power so the symptoms are obviously increased CPU or GPU usage, hearing the fan sound (if your fan speed is adjusted according to usage),...

I would add script blocking, personally i use uMatrix (from the maker of uBlock origin) which is far better than noscript.

Don't let web sites run code without your explicit permission, one of such codes is for mining monero or similar cpu/gpu mining friendly altcoin while you are viewing a page. Yes, there are a few browser addons that are explicitly anti web-miners, but i think whitelisting sites is far safer than hoping the addon (or antivirus) is updated.

Big problem with malware is that on zero day, no one can detect it...

On cpu/gpu it is always good to constantly run fan/temperature monitors, i have these values shown realtime in my panel, along with ram usage etc. Any suspicious activity i immediately check running processes. I also catch misbehaving programs.

And if you are in a laptop or portable, blocking scripts happen to save battery too...
1919  Bitcoin / Mining software (miners) / Re: Braiins OS: open-source mining firmware [S9, T1]. New release includes AsicBoost on: February 17, 2020, 03:16:06 PM
I connect an additional 3 hash boards to ASIC Antminer S9 to get Dual mode (6 hash boards)
I want to control the power, hash rate and temperature of the chips on all 6 hash boards with two exhaust fans turned off.
What firmware from the list should install on the ASIC for the successful functioning of all 6 boards ?

June. Those with bosminer are still in a testing stage. There is a cosmetic fix that matters for 6 boards but you'll have to wait until they release a stable version this year. The cosmetic change has to do with the numbering of the boards (which may cause problems if one board fails but you don't use identical (or default) voltage/speeds on all 6).

They promised to undo their renumbering and use the physical position instead to cure this.

Yes June technically works, but be careful if you lose one of the boards the remaining boards may get the wrong configuration. Hopefully they will hurry up on that bosminer release now...
1920  Other / Off-topic / Re: ♻️🌐Anonymity or OS Tails🌐♻️ on: February 16, 2020, 11:44:47 AM
good work! how about Whonix vs Tails? Whats the primary differences ?

The main difference appears to be the desktop. Tails uses Gnome and Whonix uses XFCE.
(And Tails is from Ireland while Whonix from Germany, but that probably doesn't matter).

XFCE is lighter and much less touch oriented.

In addition, there is Septor, which uses KDE Plasma instead.

KDE is a heavy feature rich desktop environment, but still slightly leaner than gnome (Gnome is simply the heaviest).
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