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21  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: January 13, 2020, 05:35:54 PM
Booker is out and Bernie is surging (at exactly the right time).  Warren lost too much support when she flipped flopped on M4A.  

The leader of the Des Moines Register/CNN/Mediacom Iowa Poll has gone on to win the nomination for the last 6 cycles, Bernie for the first time in his 2 attempts at the nom has reached 1st place in that poll.  If the last 6 cycles are any indication Bernie will win the nomination!!!!

The MSM, Biden campaign and the Trump campaign have finally started to realize that Bernie has a shot at the nomination, and all 3 are spending time going after him now!

Bernie is by no means a sure shot at this point, IA AND NH are absolute must wins for Bernie BUT if he can manage to win them both it could be the momentum he needs for Super Tuesday!  Bernie leads the polls in CA as well.  Bernie is very popular with latino's as well and NV should be another momentum builder.  SC could end up in play for Bernie if he can win IA, NH and NV.  If anyone other than Sanders wins IA and NH, Biden will win the nomination and Trump will win the general!

Bernie needs to bring out the "traditional" non voters as the boomers who vote in huge percentages still don't like him.  Bernies strength has always been in bringing in "new" voters and over performing the shitty primary polls!

Buttigieg is a non starter at this point, he spent his load in IA and is trending down in the IA poll.  The best he can hope for at this point is for Biden to win the nom and then the general so he can get a high profile cabinet position.  In a few cycles when the neolibs are dead and withering in the streets Buttigieg can flip back to being progressive and run again (this time he would have executive branch experience).  Everyone will forget how much of a neolib twat he was in this cycle.

Warren shit the bed when she flip flopped on M4A, she came off as another corporate politician trying to walk a line rather than an authentic person who believed her ideals.  There was 12434636 candidates against M4A and 2 for it, once she wasn't one of the 2 supporting it she lost to much support to the only other candidate that does support it.

40% of the US wants to vote for a "burn the whole fucking thing down" candidate, this is a big part of the reason Trump drew the inside straight flush draw to win in 16.  Bernie has been trying to BTWFTD since Vietnam and his message is inspiring to the people Bernie needs to win.  Bernie has been on the right side of history (anti war, civil rights, globalization etc etc) for 40 years and voters can see his authenticity and they like it and his 4 decade messages.

The GOP base is SOOOOO energized right now (hyper partisan politics at it's best), the only real chance the Dems have to beat Trump in 2020 is to bring out the largest voting block in the US (non voters...).  Biden (HRC 2.0) will get stomped in the general, he doesn't inspire ANYONE and he (along with Trumps campaign HAMMERING him) will suppress the dem vote worse than Hillary did! Bernie will win most if not all of the only ~8 states that actually matter

It's time for Bernie to go hard after Biden and Warren tomorrow night.  If done right Bernie can really keep the pressure on going in to IA.

In my opinion we should know (with about  90% accuracy) after NH if the nominee will be Biden or Bernie.

Hey Squatz what happened to it being a 2 horse race between Biden and Warren, what happened to "Bernie will never win the nom"....??
22  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: December 21, 2019, 11:23:35 PM
Me and some friends have described Biden as the candidate that the Democrats who vote Democrat down the line will vote for. The people who don't really know too much about politicans, haven't really kept up, but are voting for the name that is most familiar. Most of the time, that name is going to be Biden.

I really wanna see how Pete does in Iowa, could determine if THE BIG MO can drag him onwards. Pretty sure he literally put all of his resources there.

Its not a bad strategy, as Iowa certainly is important here, however I see zero chance of him winning the dem primary. Maybe 8 years down the line...

Honestly I didn't care for Biden at all until this whole Ukraine / Hunter Biden / Burisma thing surfaced. It came to light just how hard Trump was attacking Biden, and now I feel its our (anybody who doesn't like Trump) duty to rally behind Biden. Despite some people's assertions that Ukraine spelled the end of Biden's legacy, he's doing quite well in the polls, having his biggest lead over the next candidate since mid September.

Still, anything can happen during the debates. If Bernie pulls ahead of him I won't be upset, or surprised. If Warren or anybody else pulls ahead, I will be surprised, and somewhat disappointed.

IA's momentum building is real but it's predictive power for eventual nominee isn't really that strong.  Ask Bill Clinton (who lost it) or Cruz (who won it over Trump).

Pete to me is a lot more like Cruz winning IA than Obama just because Cruz was the establishment guy (besides good old Jeb) running against the Populist Trump.  The dem base doesn't want Pete I don't think he has any chance of winning the nom.  He got hammered in the last few weeks and at the debate and he has been shown to be the biggest newest flip flopper of them all.  Once the MSM and the other noms turned to pete his polls are trending back down.  I think at this point he is going to under preform in IA and Bernie is going to over preform the polls and win IA.
23  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: November 21, 2019, 08:58:25 PM

Here comes Bernie!!!

So much for the "Biden is the most electable" platform.  Feel the BERN!
24  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Republicans are now feeling "The Obama Effect" on: November 16, 2019, 05:30:37 PM
... but we know what happened last time to Bernie regarding the DNC fucking him -- I can see them doing it again to favor Biden. At least it wouldn't surprise me.

If the DNC is credibly accused of fucking with the process again or "rigging it" for Biden or any centrist the DNC risks alienating a pretty big portion of their base which could tamp down enthusiasm, this election isn't about flipping moderate republicans or indies as the GOP base is so riled up the only way to beat them this time is to turn out their base in record numbers.

The corporate dems are shitting their pants right now (see bloomberg and the former gov of MA joining the race so late, if they had confidence in Biden they would be loading him up with money rather than getting new candidates late into the race).  

They've written Bernie off (wrongfully) and have focused on attacking Warren.  Latest IPSOS national poll has Bernie and Biden tied at 19% with Warren dropping to 3rd with only 13%, Buttigeig is rocking a massive 6% (Although Buttigeig did poll #1 in IA and if he wins IA his national polling could go up as a result).

The best news for Bernie right now is to have everyone attacking Biden and Warren from both the right and left!!!!!!
25  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Republicans are now feeling "The Obama Effect" on: November 14, 2019, 04:16:44 AM
Hate to be the one to tell you this, but Bernie isn't going to be the nominee of the party. You're either going to have Warren or Biden, that's it.

WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to early to be saying things like above bold.  Bernie is by no means out of it already despite what you might hear over and over again from the MSM.  Buttigieg isn't out of it yet either (although I don't give him much chance to win the nom).  Bloomberg could get in and that would likely help Warren and Sanders A LOT.

I doubt Bernie is going to surge in the polls with all these other people crowding the field. But I'd love to hear what you think about the matter.

Bernie is ticking up in National and early state polls since his return from the heart attack, Biden seems to have hit a range of a few points and is treading water for the last couple weeks, Warren seems to have peaked and has ticked down just a bit in the last couple weeks ( maybe she peaked too early??).

This fight is still in the early rounds and no one can predict who will stumble and get knocked down or out.

26  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Republicans are now feeling "The Obama Effect" on: November 12, 2019, 04:55:53 AM
Throughout the 2012 election, Obama had such a polarizing presidency that he had cost Democrats many governorships, many state legislatures, and many seats in the House and the Senate.

This election Republicans are starting to feel this same thing. The Trump presidency are pushing many suburban Republicans away from him, and towards Democrats down the ballot.

Look at the recent Mississippi governors race -- where in 2015 Republicans had won by 34 percent. This year they won it by about 5 percent. That's too close for comfort in a race which is typically a lock down Republican.

Or the fact that the Virginia state legislature has now flipped to Dem.

Take this point from the article I'm referencing:
This turnout trend has now continued for three Novembers, and Republicans who try to explain it away are fooling themselves. The GOP under Mr. Trump is losing more college-educated suburban voters, especially women, than it is gaining rural voters or working-class former Democrats.

Republicans have to start picking up college educated suburban voters again, or this is going to get very interesting come 2020.

The GOP has put the Senate in play in 2020, by swinging so hard right and it shouldn't be...  Any republican running state wide in a purple state is looking at this and shitting their pants right now!  

Not only are the suburbs abandoning the GOP, young people are starting to vote, in VA 18-25 year old voting was up by 300% in a non presidential year...

Or the fact that the Virginia state legislature has now flipped to Dem.

Or take the fact that, Texas almost elected a Dem senator in 2018, KY elected a Dem Gov (although to be fair the GOP incumbent was incredibly unpopular and the Dem is from a well known family name), Orange County CA went ENTIRELY Dem in 2018 (remember Orange County is Reagan country and where "good republicans go to die"). And on and on and on!

There is a lot of good news bell weathers for liberals in 2020. It is entirely conceivable at this point for the Dems to sweep 2020 and if Bernie is the POTUS with a dem house and senate it's going to be awesome to watch the GOP's heads explode!!!!
27  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Request For Help From P&S Regulars/P&S Meta Thread on: November 09, 2019, 02:14:06 PM
Or just make a serious discussion for P&S in particular. Wouldn't that be something that could be approved?

Anything theymos wants/agrees can be approved, I don't think having a super moderated sub is going to entice quality debate on policy, ideology etc etc like you think.

Honestly you have tools given to you to avoid anyone you don't want to interact with, feel free to make any topic you want a self modded thread, you are then perfectly free to have any kind of serious discussion you feel like dealing with.

If you're vision of serious discussion is what the sub wants your self modded topics will be the life of the sub!

You can also ignore ANYONE you want.

You have tools to avoid trolls and choices on what to post.  Is it perfect, FUCK NO but it's better than the alternative which is having a full on right or left echo chamber of retarded ideas which is what it will become or will be accused of being.

BTW me being allowed to call anyone I want a cunt is a big part of the appeal of this forum (for me personally)!

28  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Request For Help From P&S Regulars/P&S Meta Thread on: November 06, 2019, 04:44:24 AM
I'd like to ask for a 'SERIOUS' politics and society discussion section on here, where we'd only be allowing comments that add true value to the conversation and things along those lines.

I'm tired of this board being a bullshit cesspool of FAR OFF conspiracies, attacks on Jews/ other ethnic groups, attacks on the ILLUMINATI, and so on and so forth.

theymos has stated before one of the primary goals of the forum is to be "as free as possible".  This comes with some pro's and con's.  One of the cons is that everyone from the pinko, communist, socialist, libtard cucks to the xenophobic, alt right, incel, conspiritard twats have the same right to spew their garbage as anyone else.  Rest easy though bro, it's a dark little shit filled corner of the interwebz and has no bearing on reality!

Can we have a real fucking section where we have policy debates, debates about what the president / any political person has done without erupting into personal attacks and retarded statements from sources with little to no value. (Yes that means I don't want to see some stupid fucking blog spam or youtube video with no value)

As Suchmoon suggested perhaps try Serious Discussion for more "serious" conversations.  It isn't up to me or any mod to arbitrate the "value of a source" you're going to have to vet the value of those sources (and the poster IMO) own your own.

Adding more rules that are subject to a mod's review/control is just going to give the vocal minority more shit to cry about, trust me they have enough to cry about and a victim complex already and do so incessantly.
29  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [IDEA] Physical Bitcoin Lotto Scratch Cards on: October 30, 2019, 02:45:43 AM

Maybe some day a big Lotto company

No idea what it's like in the EU but in North America the Lotto is a government controlled monopoly.  Private lotteries are not legal otherwise the mob wouldn't have to run "numbers rackets"!

The idea of a low key scratch off lotto under the table is in theory doable (see mafia example) but seeing private BTC scratch off tickets isn't happening!  Until the Gov decides to offer them they won't be in the wild in any significant size.
30  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Zuckerberg's second privacy face off | Politics? We need blockchain-based SM. on: October 25, 2019, 02:38:39 AM
Block chains are not a fix all solution to every problem man has...  Completely unmoderated SM will of course end up being abused for profit or agenda's etc.  A censor resistant, borderless block chain SM will end up being a steaming pile of shit like 8chan or steemit by design.
31  Other / Politics & Society / Re: 2020 Democrats on: October 25, 2019, 02:30:48 AM
I'm surprised to see some people here named Kamala Harris as a preference to win.

There isn't much need to worry about Harris at this point in the race, her lane is overcrowded, she can't get her poll numbers to move and she doesn't even poll well in her home state.  She is not authentic and the base isn't excited by her.  She has little chance of winning the nom but she may think she has a shot at VP and so she will hang around and try to showcase herself a while.

As far as Biden's odds go--

Biden's best day at the polls was the day he announced, he is trending down and running out of cash FAST (raised a measly 15 mill while he spent 17 mill in Q3).  He has a pittance left on hand of 8 mill (Sanders has over 33 million on hand).

This is going to be a base/turn out election, flipping moderates from one side to the other isn't a big enough number to pander to the centrist of either party (especially in the primaries).  IMO Biden will not excite the democratic base and he risks being HRC 2.0.  The campaign has already conceded they won't win IA or NH, it's SC or bust for Biden, when he loses SC he will be out!

If there is a major economic event, however, the status quo will not be what people want, and candidates like Yang or Sanders (and sadly, Warren) would pick up the greatest boost-- much more than a more boring player.

The dem base already doesn't think the economy is working for the working class which is why Sanders and Warren are both beating Biden in early states like IA and NH.  If the base wanted status quo Warren and Sanders would be outliers polling at sub 3%, instead it's all the centrists (except Biden) that are poll outliers

I think the biggest problem Bernie faces is the age and the recent heart attack, the man is in fantastic shape and health reportedly for his age but he is old and that can't be denied.

The dem nominee will need to energize the base and get record breaking turn out if they want to beat Trump in 2020, they won't be able to do it flipping moderates!

The economy could take a downturn and Trump's base isn't going anywhere, since this is a base/turnout election anything short of a full on depression likely won't make a huge difference in who one votes for.

32  Other / Politics & Society / Re: [POLL] Trump Impeachment Poll: Who's Fault Is It? on: October 17, 2019, 03:24:25 PM
One look at my paycheck and you'll see the root of my frustrations.  Like most working citizens, 40% of my paycheck doesn't make it to me. I'm tired of working my ass off to support those who refuse to support themselves.

You should be pissed but you should also place the anger in the right place, you should be pissed at the American Oligarchs running the political system.  It's the Oligarchs funnelling money up the pyramid that has fucked you in the ass for DECADES while you stupidly blame whomever places like FOX and the Church tell you to hate.

Feel the Bern American Oligarchs!

And just WOW, Bitcointalk, the only cesspool in the world (short of 8chan etc) where FOX is not far enough to the right LOLOLOLOLOLOL.
33  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Russia to meddle in US presidential elections 2020 on: October 04, 2019, 03:09:30 PM
The GOP is inviting all countries to meddle in the 2020 elections and the base is perfectly fine with it so fuck it I say all candidates should reach out to other countries for help, they can promise them all kinds of shit if they get elected...

What could possibly go wrong from asking for foreign help in your election campaign, I mean it's not like someone like a Trump could get elected LOL HAHA!
34  Other / Archival / Re: . on: September 22, 2019, 01:35:20 PM
Holy shit so many beautiful coins!

Lot 1 - 0.1BTC
Lot 2 - 0.1BTC
Lot 3 - 0.1BTC
Lot 4 - 0.1BTC
Lot 5 - 0.1BTC
35  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [Auction] RARE Set #2 of Lealana 3-coin Litecoin set 25/10/5 LTC (ICG Graded) on: September 22, 2019, 01:26:26 PM
Beautiful set!!!  GL with your sale!
36  Other / Politics & Society / Re: world Strongest leader? on: September 14, 2019, 01:29:54 PM
I think the Clintons are the most powerful lizard leaders in the world.... LOLOLOL  Grin
37  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Should Trump Focus his Media Attack on MSNBC? on: September 13, 2019, 08:44:42 PM
All MSM outlets are in a dying business model.  Cable TV as we know it gets less and less relevant every year.  As the boomers and gen x's become worm food you will see the MSM loose relevancy year after year.

ALL MSM outlets are biased by their profit motive, they all suck.
38  Other / Politics & Society / Re: John Bolton fired by President Trump - BREAKING on: September 13, 2019, 01:00:32 PM
just look at the fact that Pompeo is secretary of state.

Inb4 Pompeo is named the next NSA (Kissinger anyone) lol.
39  Economy / Collectibles / Re: [AUCTION] kialara hydra 3-bar suite #19/21 on: September 13, 2019, 12:35:32 PM
I'm a huge Kialara fan and this set is stunning IMO.  I'm super jelly of anyone with a Hydra Suite!!!

LOL.  The truth hurts.  As I previously stated, he exists to serve a role, and that role isn't being a good moderator.

People are going to start to wonder if your role is to spread baseless conspiracy theories against theymos!

Ironically in my "mod interview" thread I don't recall any discussion about my political beliefs, it's almost as if the important thing was my ability to enforce the rules vs my political affiliation.  Digiran did try to bring in my Anti-theist beliefs into the thread but got smacked back like the retard troll he was, immediately.

You and TS should try to look beyond your blind rage against anything not HARD RIGHT.

Since the hard left trolls hate me as much as the hard right trolls do and since I'm still a mod that is left alone, then I assume on the right course.  When I am informed rationally by someone who actually matters I can and will address as needed.
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