هذا الموقع (أو بوت التلغرام) يتيح لكم التأكد من مدى خطورة التعامل مع عنوان ما وفقا للعناوين التي تعاملت تعامل معها صاحب العنوان في السابق) مثلا مواقع القمار، الشراء من الأنترنت المظلم، استخدام الميكسرز، التعامل مع منصات لا تملك (أو لا تجبر مستخدميها على ال KYC) الخ. باختصار، الموقع شبيه نوعا ما ب ChainAnalysis الذي سبق لنا التكلم عنه في الماضي. الخدمة مدفوعة لكن يمكنك استخدام بوت التلغرام الخاص بهم للتأكد من عنوان واحد من دون تكلفة. الأمر في غاية البساطة: - تختار اللغة في البداية (الانجليزية) - اختيار "Check" - ارسال عنوان ال BTC الخاص بك ثم الشبكة و بهذا نكون قد انتهينا. في حال أردت الحصول على تقرير مفصل يمكن طلب التقرير بال .pdf في حال كان عندكم سؤال، فتفضلو به و أتمنى أن تشاركوني أرائكم في مثل هذه المواقع. صاحب الخدمة لم يعد يتصل بالمنتدى، لكن هذا هو موضوعه: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5266401.0
Do you happen to know how much it costs to withdraw from Neteller to a Visa card? I can see that it says somewhere between 0 - 7.5% on their website so assuming it's low for you (again, I'm not sure what are the fees based on). I would advise you to order a TransferWise card, withdraw your Neteller funds to that card and then exchange your Wise funds to BTC using a P2P platform. You don't necessarily need someone with a Wise account to trade with, since you'll automatically get a US, EU (SEPA), and UK bank account with Wise.
u mean keep tracking the address transactions until find some with exchange's sign after address, say Binance? Scammer asked my to borrowed my Crypto account and I refused, anything they can do with an empty Crypto.com account?
Like I said in my first post, the address you posted already has links with Binance and Crypto.com accounts. Its receiving withdrawals from both these exchanges. Is it a coincidence that everyone he scammed used these exchanges? I doubt it so now and that you mentioned that he tried to borrow your account, this could mean that he's using other people's accounts to hide his tracks since they're not under his name. I think it would really help if the law enforcement reach out to both exchanges, and ask them for a list of accounts that made a withdrawal to the address you shared with us (assuming they could share such data).
I just reached out to their support, so here's a confirmation from them: So like I said before, what I'd advise you to do (@OP) is to send them a link of your TXID, use Blockchair for that since it shows whether a transaction has RBF enabled or not, and explain that you increased the fees which resulted in a new TXID. Unless they gave you a warning when generating the invoice, I see no reason why they wouldn't refund you.
I didn't really find much discussion about this on the forum, and I was wondering if any of you had the opportunity to read about Bitcoin's RBG which is supposed to bring smart contracts (NFTs, tokens, etc.) to bitcoin's lightning network. For those interested, you can read more about it here[1][2]. I can see that the GitHub repository is still active, but I'm not sure if the project is past the testing phase, or if there are some running projects built on top of it yet. I would also like to know what are your thoughts on it and how big of an impact it could have on bitcoin. [1] https://bitcoinmagazine.com/guides/a-brief-introduction-to-rgb-protocols[2] https://rgb-org.github.io/
I'm not sure if price volatility is the reason since there are many payment gateways that allow accepting BTC payments and transferring them directly to your bank account. -snip- ?why shoppers can not enjoy online shopping with paying cryptocurrency? -snip-
This stopped being a problem for people for some time now, especially with the increasing number of gift cards providers and bitcoin debit cards.
hey guys wanted to take an opinion if there is any chance i can get back a blockchain wallet i lost many years ago wich has plenty btc inside. i can only find the reciever i cant find the wallet id. Is there any way i can find the wallet id nowdays with my reciever?
If by the receiver, you mean the address you received your funds from, then no. You can't use that to get your wallet ID. Do you still have access to the email you used to create your account?
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله تعالى و بركاته
في رأيكم، ما هي الأسباب وراء هذا الانخفاض الكبير في الأسعار؟ وما هي استراتيجياتكم في الساعات المقبلة؟ و هل تتوقعون أن نرى انخفاض أكبر في الأيام المقبلة؟
و ما الذي تتوقعون أن يقوم به شعب دولة سالفادور خاصة و أنه بعد جعل البيتكوين legal tender، يجب على أي تاجر أو مقدم خدمات أن يقوم بقبول البيتكوين حتى و ان كان لا يريد ذلك. أنا شخصيا أتوقع أن نرى مظاهرات في الأيام المقبلة (ان كان هنالك نزول أكثر في السعر)
I could be wrong but I'm guessing that the exchange doesn't support RBF and that's why they were unable to detect it properly although, I don't see how they could claim not receiving the funds when it clearly shows that they did and they can manually check that.
They are sadly the only ones who could help you with the situation because since the transaction is already confirmed, there's no way to cancel it now.
No, there's no easy way to find that out. He's probably using a non-custodial wallet. I can see however that there are a few withdrawals from Binance and Crypto.com. It obviously could mean that people are withdrawing their funds from these exchanges to the hacker's wallet, but it could also indicate that he's withdrawing funds from his personal accounts. Did the law enforcement try to reach out to Binance with that?
Is your Electrum client connected to the network properly? Can you see a green button on the bottom right? Using the TXID provided by genesis mining, you can see the receiving addresses. Use these addresses in your Electrum console: If it returns false, it means that the funds were never sent to your Electrum wallet.
With 39% of the reviews being bad, there must be something going on. I can't tell you where to report this to shut down their services, but if your goal is to prevent them from stealing other people, then you should probably start by leaving a bad review on TrustPilot, Play Store, and also make a proper scam accusation (by providing screenshots and everything) in this board. This obviously won't guarantee that they won't be doing this for others, but it could help push potential clients away.
The advantages of running your own VPN that I can think of: - Dedicated IP address for a low cost (which is also less likely to be blacklisted by websites). - You don't have to trust the third-party provider with your data. There are already some open source projects. I suggest you take a look at Algo VPN[1]. It also supports most of the hosting providers out there (Vulr, DigitalOcean, Linode, Google Cloud, Amazon, etc.) so it shouldn't be that difficult to set up. [1] https://github.com/trailofbits/algo
They re-enabled "address whitelisting" around 10 hours ago, but the interesting part is the fact that they just added delayed protection now! I'm quite surprised that a platform of that size, never had such protection in place [there are certain platforms out there that have a 48 to 72-hour hold for withdrawing to new addresses and they're not that popular] and in addition to that, most of their users are complaining about the added layer of security [SMH]! Although Crypto.com didn't make any statements about this, PeckShield (a security-audit company) claims that 16M has been stolen and is currently being laundered using TornadoCash: https://twitter.com/peckshield/status/1483246262371557378
then anything i can do? i already report to police but seems they cant do anything
Is the scammer in the same country as you are to start with? If so, did the police try to reach out to the domain provider? They're probably the ones who can help the most by providing IP addresses used to log in to the server or their site.
I agree with the above. Signals are definitely something you should stay away from. The ones you usually find (especially the free ones) are most of the time for tokens that no one has ever heard of listed on shady exchanges. If you really want to make a profit in the crypto world by investing, I would suggest you do your own research and find a project you really like with a rock-solid team. Throwing your money to trading and signaling bots is not going to get you anywhere I'm afraid.
تحديث: لست متأكدا لكن يبدو أن صاحب القناة قام بنزع الفيديو أو تغيير الاعدادات (لكي لا تظهر للجميع) بعد قيامنا بالتبليغ عنها و مراسلة اليوتوب له. مشكورين اخواني
-snip- فقط لاحظت انه لا يوجد تفاعل كبير على جيت هاب سواء من ناحية التطوير و التحديث او الشكاوى! ربما المشروع لا يزال يحتاج لبعض الوقت حتى يتم التاكد من انه لا يوجد به اي مشاكل و تبنيه بشكل كامل
قد أكون مخطئا لكن لا أعتقد أن الأمر كذلك. أعتقد أن السبب عائد لبساطة المشروع فان رأينا الرسم التوضيحي، فالظاهر هو كل ما في الأمر هو LNURL مخفي في العنوان و الذي يمكن الحصول عليه عن طريق ارسال أمر لل API. ما الاحتمالات الممكنة لاستخراج المفاتيح الخاصة؟ المفاتيح الخاصة!?
لست متأكدا من أني فهمت السؤال؟ ما الذي تقصده أخي؟