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2481  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How Much Money You Need To Win To Stop gambling, Is This Possible. on: January 29, 2020, 09:46:41 AM
..."at least jackpot in the national lottery"...
...I would stop if I won jackpot in the National Lottery. I mean if that was the condition of me winning...

To be honest, that was not what I had in my mind when I have written this sentence, at least not a condition of a win.

Many times, I hear from gamblers: "If I win really big, I will never gamble again".

So, maybe not a condition of a win, but a self-thought condition, which many (especially addicted) gamblers have (mostly as an excuse) to finally stop with gambling.

...since gambling to me, is, fist of all, a relaxation from the hard work, without that work I think I could live without gambling.

I like this statement because you are not saying "for sure" only "I think" and this is a huge difference in my opinion because one can never know if is not already addicted when already gamble for a longer period of time and additionally there is nothing sure in gambling and to stop with it can be not easy, as we sometimes think it would be.
2482  Other / Meta / Re: Save your nice merit records, here. on: January 28, 2020, 10:35:30 PM
I hope it's okay to post other people's records here...

What a coincidence, I just have written post in this thread, but my internet connection broke and almost one hour I couldn't find what is going on.

Luckily, I have saved a draft and now wanted to post it  Cheesy.

Of course, I don't mind that you published it and here is my saved draft:

I am happy to share another great number which is 1111

Slowly this thread becomes, such one of a kind "personal wall of achievements", especially if somebody posted already a couple of times here.

I became nervous lately when such a big number is near because am afraid that I will be not able to catch it on time, only to post it here later on  Wink.

2483  Local / Polski / Re: Prawa autorskie do BTC przyznane dla Craig Wright! Czy to jest naprawdę Satoshi? on: January 28, 2020, 02:31:12 PM
Po prostu ta wojenka, który z forków Bitcoina jest prawdziwym BTC spowodowała, że ludzie na każdy nowy projekt mający w nazwie słowo "Bitcoin" reagują BARDZO podejrzliwie. I chyba nic tutaj się nie zmieni, choćby sam Satoshi przemówił.
Myślę jednak, że ktoś się jeszcze pokusi..

Pewnie nie jednego z Was zaszokuje wiadomość, że BTC zostało juz zforkowane, aż 44 razy od czasu BSV!!!

Tutaj kompletna lista forków BTC:
2484  Local / Polski / Re: Prawa autorskie do BTC przyznane dla Craig Wright! Czy to jest naprawdę Satoshi? on: January 28, 2020, 11:43:23 AM
...  BCH i BSV to niemalże jeden i ten sam pieron. Po prostu kopia BTC i nic więcej...

Zgadzam się z Tobą, ale jako autor tego wątku, pozwolę sobie sprecyzować dokładniej obie kryptowaluty i wyjaśnić ich różnice  Cheesy, bo musimy brać pod uwagę, że czyta to więcej osób niż bierze udział w dyskusji (patrząc na liczby) i wiele z nich może nie mieć wystarczającej wiedzy na ten temat.

W lipcu 2017 roku nastąpił podział w społeczności Bitcoin, który przekształcił się w podział blockchainu (hard fork). Bitcoin Cash (BCH) zaczął się, jako odpowiedź na problem ze skalowaniem Bitcoina (BTC), krytykę wysokich opłat transakcyjnych i powolnych czasów potwierdzania, które sprawiały, że BTC nie nadawało się do codziennych transakcji o niskiej wartości. Tak było, ale aktualnie, jest już nie prawdą, ponieważ mamy Lightning Network, gdzie transakcje BTC, są praktycznie natychmiastowe i bardzo tanie.

Aby być użytecznym, jako „gotówka” BCH musiał pozwolić na duży wolumen transakcji, co zrobili, zwiększając rozmiar bloku z 1 MB oryginalnej sieci BTC, do 8 MB w BCH. W rezultacie 1 sierpnia 2017 r. powstał  Bitcoin Cash (BCH). Kolejny podział łańcucha (hard fork), tym razem już BCH, który został zaplanowany na listopad 2018 r., dolał benzyny do ognia ideologicznej debaty w szeregach BCH, na temat skalowalności i finalnego rozmiaru bloku, co doprowadziło do powstania Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV).

BCH prowadzone przez Rogera Vera i Jihana Wu z Bitmain, promowało oprogramowanie o nazwie (co ciekawe) Bitcoin ABC (skrót od Adjustable Blocksize Cap), które utrzymywałoby rozmiar bloku na poziomie 32 MB. Drugi obóz prowadzony przez Craiga Stevena Wrighta i miliardera Calvina Ayre, przedstawił konkurencyjną wersję oprogramowania BSV, skrót od „Bitcoin Satoshi's Vision”, która zwiększyłaby rozmiar bloku do 128 MB.

Rzućmy teraz okiem na oba alty:

BCH - tańsze transakcje, zaawansowane skrypty i wysokie bezpieczeństwo  Grin. Planują nawet opracowanie nowego formatu transakcji, który będzie bardziej wydajny i zwarty ( Huh).

BSV - (wszystko to co BCH  Cheesy) plus znacznie większy rozmiar bloków, bo aż 128 MB. Po aktualizacji z lipca 2019 r. obsługuje ponad 1000 transakcji na sekundę i będzie nadal zwiększać przepustowość, dodatkowo planuje opracować mechanizm umożliwiający górnikom wydajnego żądania danych (cokolwiek to znaczy, bo nie znalazłem wytłumaczenia  Wink), ulepszenie wydajności, testowanie nowych frameworków oraz szybką propagacje transakcji.

Czyli takie mydło maślane, bo dosłownie są setki altów, które oferują to samo i o wieeele więcej. Więc po co BCH, a na dodatek jeszcze BSV (różniące się tylko wielkością bloków)Huh

Wychodzi na to, że każdy chciał mieć BTC na własność, w grę wchodziły grube miliardy i nie mogli sie dogadać, każdy miał jakąś część mocy i wybuchło. Deweloperom BTC zależało na spokoju i bezpieczeństwie (pomijam teorie spiskowe o Blockstream), a górnicy i wieloryby mieli inne cele, szybko w całym procesie przestało chodzić o same usprawnienia i chęć stworzenia alternatywy dla Bitcoina, a o próbę wybicia się na sukcesie najstarszej z kryptowalut, a co za tym idzie zarobek (kasa, bo o to przecież w inwestowaniu i kopaniu chodzi), nikt mnie nie przekona (Roger Ver  Cheesy), że było inaczej, do jakiegoś stopnia na pewno kasa decydowała.

Dołożyli co się tylko dało do prawdziwego BTC i bez większych testów wypuścili w świat nowe (niebezpieczne) alty, kasując miliony na pompach i początkowej dystrybucji. Jak wiemy Bitmain to największy wydobywca BTC, a C.W twierdzi, że ma najwięcej BTC na świecie  Grin, więc oczywistym jest, że większość świeżutkich BCH i BSV z wstępnej dystrybucji, trafiło właśnie do nich. Oczywiście ceny zwariowały po wejściu na giełdy i oba alty załapały się na wysokie miejsca w rankingach CMC, zaraz po BTC. Bez problemów, praktycznie od razu były na wszystkich giełdach z bardzo wysokim wolumenem, co tylko ułatwiło odebranie nagrody przez bohatera wątku i aktualnej dyskusji.

Można przypuszczać, że wyżej już wymienieni z imienia i nazwiska panowie (co za dużo to nie zdrowo  Wink), zarobili grube miliony na tych hard forkach i jak by nam nie próbowali wcisnąć ciemnoty, że to dla dobra ogółu i rozwoju kryptowalut, proszę nie dajcie się oszukać, chodzi im tylko o łatwą kasę. Jestem pewien, że gdyby kolejny fork był możliwy i była jakakolwiek szansa na powtórzenie sukcesu, nie zawahali by się nawet przez sekundę, żeby porzucić aktualne projekty i zacząć doić nową krowę. Przecież to dla nich praktycznie darmowa kasa.
2485  Local / Alternatywne kryptowaluty / Re: (KOMPILACJA) Jaki jest najlepszy Explorer bloków dla Ethereum? (już 19!!!) on: January 28, 2020, 10:42:32 AM
Nie aktualizowałem tego wątku przez jakiś czas, ponieważ po tym, jak znalazłem i zrecenzowałem 18 explorerów, znalezienie nowych staje się prawie niemożliwe, nawet poprosiłem społeczność kilka razy o pomoc, ale nie dziwię się, że nikt nie był w stanie znaleźć jakiegoś, który by już nie był na mojej liście.

Ku memu wielkiemu zdziwieniu, nagle wczoraj znalazłem zupełnie nowy explorer, a niespodzianka była jeszcze większa, gdy wszystko sprawdziłem, ponieważ to naprawdę przyzwoite narzędzie i prawie nikt o nim nie wie. Z przyjemnością podzielę się i zrecenzuje, ponieważ nie będzie to tylko jakiś tam explorer, aby utrzymać wątek, tylko naprawdę dobre narzędzie, które dla wielu z Was będzie pomocne i być może zaczniecie go używać.


Tokenview - jest reklamowany głównie, jako eksplorator Ethereum ze wszystkimi szczegółowymi informacjami na temat sieci ETH i tokenów, ale szczerze mówiąc Tokenview to znacznie więcej, ponieważ jest to eksplorator blockchain dla wielu kryptowalut, opracowany przez zespół Beijing Elegine Technology, który ma na celu zapewnienie klientom kompleksowej usługi. Tokenview pozwala wyszukiwać adres portfela, transakcje, najnowsze bloki, wielkość bloku i inne informacje o setkach rodzajów kryptowalut, takich jak: BTC, ETH, ERC20, BCH, ETC, LEC, ZCASH, DASH, DOGE, itp. Stale wspierając nowe kryptowaluty i dodając nowe funkcje, Tokenview zawsze będzie bardzo potężniejszym i profesjonalnym narzędziem.

Tokenview oferuje tak wiele przydatnych narzędzi, że nie wiem od czego zacząć, więc zacznijmy od:

- Informacje Blockchain (adresy, transakcje, najnowsze bloki, wysokość bloku, skróty, podsumowania kryptowalut, white paper, najnowsze wiadomości, itp.).
- Dogłębna analiza danych (reach list, zmiany rynkowe, posiadacze tokenów, saldo tokenów, itp.).
- Centrum użytkownika (śledzenie adresu, uwagi na temat transakcji, dostosowywanie danych, system zaufania, centrum zaufania, itp.) Wymaga rejestracji.
- Wsparcie aplikacji (dostępne na iOS, Android, przeszukuj dane blockchain i otrzymuj najnowsze analizy danych w dowolnym miejscu i czasie).

A to wszystko, to i tak tylko namiastka tego co można znaleźć na Tokenview. Pełne recenzje projektów, wiadomości o kopaniu, najróżniejsze wykresy, wykazy i informacje o Dapps, Stabelcoiny i wiele więcej. Na prawdę warto sprawdzić, bo może się spodobać, szczególnie komuś, kto jest zainteresowany różnymi kryptowalutami i chce mieć wszystkie informacje dostępne w jednym miejscu.
2486  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Discussion (Altcoins) / Re: (Compilation) What is the best Ethereum explorer? (19 and keeps growing!!!) on: January 28, 2020, 10:03:20 AM
I haven't updated this thread for a while because after I found and reviewed 18 explorers, founding them becomes almost mission impossible, even asked a few times community for help, but I don't wonder that nobody was able to find any new once. To my big surprise, suddenly yesterday I found a completely new explorer and the surprise was even bigger when I check everything because this is really decent explorer and almost nobody knows about it. So, I will be happy to share and review because it will be not just any explorer to keep the thread going, only a really good tool, which many of you will find helpful and maybe start to use.


Tokenview - mainly advertised as an Ethereum explorer with all detailed information about the ETH network and tokens, but to be honest Tokenview is much more than that because it is multi-cryptocurrency blockchain explorer developed by the team of Beijing Elegine Technology, which aims to provide clients with a one-stop information query service by using the world’s latest technology. Tokenview allows you to search wallet address, transaction, latest block, block height, and other information for hundreds of cryptocurrencies like: BTC, ETH, ERC20 Tokens, BCH, ETC, LEC, ZCASH, DASH, DOGE, etc. Continuously supporting new crypto-currencies and adding new features, Tokenview will always be a very powerful and professional blockchain explorer.

Tokenview offers so many useful tools that I don't know where to start, so lets begin from:

- Blockchain Info Query (Address, Transaction, Latest Blocks, Block Height, Hash, Crypto-currency summary, Whitepaper, latest news, etc.).
- In-depth Data Analysis (Rich List, Market Changes, Token Holders, Token Balance, etc.).
- User Center (Address Tracking, Transaction Remarks, Data Customization, Honor System, Honor Center, etc.), needs signup.
- App Support (Available in iOS, Android, search blockchain data and receive the latest data analytics push anywhere, anytime_.

And all this is just a substitute for what you can get on Tokenview. Full project reviews, mining news, various charts, lists and information about Dapps, Stabelcoins and much more. It's really worth checking out, because it may be very useful for someone who is interested in various cryptocurrencies and wants to have all info in one place.
2487  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Anyone here dream of achieving their financial goal in life through gambling? on: January 27, 2020, 01:22:51 PM
I have read a couple of pages with answers in this thread and am really amazed that many gamblers answered: NO.

I thought, even more, was sure that every gambler always bets with the thought to win big. I personally hope every time to win the jackpot Wink, even with a single lottery ticket  Cheesy.

Despite everything, I don know anybody who has win so much, that he was able to say: yes, I achieved my financial goal through gambling.

To be honest, every long-time player I know is on the losing site or barely breaks even. This is the sad truth about gambling.

Still, the best way to do it is by using lotteries like Euromillions, Powerball or any national Lotto, where for the price of few bucks one can win millions.
2488  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Where to open an online Bitcoin Casino on: January 27, 2020, 12:13:06 PM
Today one could argue if a license for BTC casino is needed at all?
If you aim to open a fully lawfully casino whether its fiat or Bitcoin, yes you will require a gambling license in the majority of countries. As I stated above, even if you opened it in a country which doesn't require a license at all...

I fully agree with you and that is why my answer to the OP question in the first sentence of my post was:

Unfortunately, you can't run a casino without a license anywhere, even if it is a BTC casino...

When I already explained everything, just wanted to discuss hypothetical further if indeed today license is needed for BTC casinos?

Why? would still need a license if your casino accepts deposits or withdrawals from other countries which require a license...

Exactly, that's why because one can argue if license is really needed, when we use only BTC for deposits and withdrawals or even Monero, Dash which is fully anonymous?

Especially casino that doesn't provide any information about their geological location and the trust is established by a really good working and verifiable provably fair system.

In such circumstances, when the trust problem is resolved, again there is no need for licensing to attract clients.

If one would be able to find a location where a gambling license is not needed, then maybe it could be possible to start such a casino and to be successful?

2489  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How Much Money You Need To Win To Stop gambling, Is This Possible. on: January 27, 2020, 11:37:04 AM
... the biggest wins are gained for the price of mentioned above lottery ticket, which costs usually 1USD.
It's around $3, actually, for the most part of known lotteries, such as EuroMillions and Powerball, but your statement is still correct, the price is relatively small...

Indeed you are right, I gave a 1$ ticket in Euromillions as an example and I was thinking about the national lotto lottery, which actually is at stable 2euro for a long time, which is indeed around 3$.

Anyways, I am happy you get my point.

addicted gamblers don't buy only one ticket. In some cases, they spend everything they have plus some borrowed money..."to increase their chances of winning"...

This is sadly true and I hear always from such people that if he will win then this will be enough to live as always dreamed and to never gamble again.

Taking into consideration the above statement, I think the answer to OP question "How Much Money You Need To Win To Stop gambling, Is This Possible?"...

Will be: "at least jackpot in the national lottery", I suppose  Wink Huh.

2490  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Where to open an online Bitcoin Casino on: January 26, 2020, 10:45:12 AM
...I want to start off by opening an online bitcoin casino WITHOUT a license. I want to know what countries allow for this LEGALLY...
...Does using Bitcoin to gamble in some countries still prohibited by the government?... Enlighten me.

Unfortunately, you can't run a casino without a license anywhere, even if it is a BTC casino.


A few reputable gambling jurisdictions already issue licenses to casinos accepting Bitcoin (notably, Curacao and the United Kingdom), which means they accept the responsibility of controlling operation of cryptocurrency websites. As long as the online casino is following the rules and regulations of the chosen jurisdiction, it operates legally.

As you can see OP, unfortunately, there is also no possibility to ask for a license later when casino is already running and got decent traffic.

I understand OP concerns/questions because many BTC casinos work without a license and are pretty successful. BTC changed everything and also has a lot of impact on the gambling industry.
To be honest, there are many jurisdictions were obtaining a gambling license is much easier and many times casinos open their business in these countries.
The main problem for FIAT online casinos were payment processors. They will not cooperate with any casino without a license and here comes BTC with help.

Today one could argue if a license for BTC casino is needed at all?

There is no need for payment processors because of BTC, so the main problem is resolved. Additionally, BTC is much better as FIAT because it is much more anonymous and payments are very fast compared to any payment processor. "On the other hand, a lot of players think about Bitcoin casino in the same way as any traditional online casino. They want to be sure that they bring their BTC to a reputable and secure online environment and that their rights are protected by an independent authority. In this case, a valid gambling license from one of the gaming licensing jurisdictions becomes an important marketing tool that contributes to player loyalty and considerably increases the casino’s reputation".

To summarise everything OP could easy-open a BTC casino without a license and make it operational. The important thing is that licenses cost a lot of money and time which is a huge entry barrier. The licensing process is not easy because of requirements, costs, taxation policy and application processing time. Casino software has to meet the requirements of the jurisdiction. Licensing bodies in different jurisdictions pose various requirements to the software used by the casino. Incorporate a legal entity in the required jurisdiction, certificate of no criminal record from the police and much more.

Here all jurisdictions which issue gambling licenses.
2491  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] «Envion» Most Profitable Self-Expanding Crypto Infrastructure on: January 26, 2020, 01:19:03 AM
I applied for the purchases at the ico stage. can I re-submit documents for campaigns?

I am not sure if I understand you correctly?

Are you an ICO investor and already filed your claim and ask about the bounty claim now?

To be able to answer your question, you have to be more specific, please.
2492  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: How Much Money You Need To Win To Stop gambling, Is This Possible. on: January 26, 2020, 12:26:40 AM
How Much Money You Need To Win To Stop gambling, Is This Possible.
...I think the question should be: "How much do you have to lose to stop gambling?" because this is a different story when you are broke and can't afford to play further...
I think the question is formulated correctly...gamblers, especially ... addicted, use the lack of money as an excuse for their constant gambling... to have a chance to win a lot one should risk a lot, and that maybe it's not worth even trying.

I tend to agree, that such question is indeed a great way to start a productive conversation, especially with addicted gamblers, but I can't agree on the second part, that you have to bet high to be able to win big because there are dozens of lotteries and other opportunities were for literally 1$ one can win millions of $$$. Let's take Euromillions or any other national lottery as an example.

Of course, these can be used as an excuse by gamblers, when they are on the losing strike and already lost a lot of money, but still, this is only an excuse. This is true that it is very possible that one will win big if bet high enough, when betting on sport or horses, but in real life, the biggest wins are gained for the price of mentioned above lottery ticket, which costs usually 1USD.

...all the people... once addicted and those still now says they don't know that they are addicted...and many of them until now are not accepting they are addict.

This is true because addiction is very sneaky. I keep repeating this same (already gambling almost 20 years) because I had never problems related to my gambling (money, personal life), but to be honest, only a close friend, family or specialist, would be able to notice or diagnose addiction correctly. Many times one can just afford to gamble and lose significant amounts of money, but this doesn't mean that he is not addicted. I think, these are the toughest and most difficult cases, which are the hardest and sometimes almost impossible to get help.  
2493  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: «Envion» Highest ROI crypto infrastructure | $2M Bounty available! on: January 25, 2020, 11:50:28 PM
will be deleted in24 hours, sorry
What will be deleted? Is this thread?

I hope this answers your question.
2494  Economy / Services / Re: [? SLOTS OPEN] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: January 25, 2020, 10:40:22 PM
Yeah, I mean posting style...

Sorry, for the misunderstanding.

I am little surprised to see such a laconic answer because I was fully honest (as always) and think that without the information I asked for would be really hard to figure out needs of this campaign, to be able to change/improve ourselves on time, especially for good writers from saturated, small local boards.

Additionally, I followed your last suggestion and started to write across more boards, especially Gambling and Gambling discussion, but seems like it has no impact on the final recruitment decisions at this time at least (to my surprise) and we already know that there is need for Chipmixer signature in these boards.

...I agree with asche...

I already answered to Asche and Mickeywith and it would be nice if you elaborate why you agree, taking into consideration what I have written as an answer?

Anyways, I will be very happy to prove that both of you are wrong.

One more time, thank you for everything, sorry for the misunderstanding and hijacking the thread for a while  Wink.

You're trying too hard and you're using 500 words where 5 would suffice...

It's always nice to hear some biting comments from you.

...I asked for DS opinion and did it openly in the thread (not PM) because...I think that such information should be easily available and shared with all members who want to get a spot here, to give equal chances to everyone...
2495  Economy / Services / Re: [? SLOTS OPEN] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: January 25, 2020, 10:38:11 AM
First of all, thank you very much for your answer.

Your posts are primarily in English Altcoin sections...

I always try to post the same amounts on all boards but indeed, I am posting a lot in the Altcoin section lately because of the Envion scam claiming process and that I keep managing Investa ANN thread from the beginning, as I promised to the team. They fulfilled all ICO promises and I will keep mine. Additionally, I am invested in a few altcoins (bounties, airdrops, ICO investments) and that is why I keep attention to their ANN threads.

Despite this is the altcoins section I never spam, even more, I try always to post something of high quality there to change the scope of this section a little, my posts gather a lot of attention, people thank me for help, quote and discuss with me. Many times I start new threads there, despite almost nobody awards them with merits and they are gone very fast between all the spammy threads there.
Here is the last one from a few days ago: Let's talk about backed (and not) Stablecoins - GOLD token 100% backed by gold..

Not only this but when I am in the altcoins section, many times I report abuse, spam, etc. which happens there a lot. I have almost 3000 reports with 100% accuracy. Try to teach spammers, as a Legendary member, how they should behave and post properly, many times put them on my Ignore list after warnings or even immediately for many reasons, so maybe such a writer in the altcoin section could be an asset for the Chipmixer campaign?

Additionally, I can post in many local groups if there is such need, but for me, all local groups are already saturated with Chipmixer signature, at least these once where I could communicate freely. I am already trading for almost 15 years (forex, binaries in the past, crypto from the beginning) and have a lot of experience, but don't post on the trading board because I already post a lot. There are many other boards on which I could easily start to write taking into consideration experience, knowledge and hobbies, that is why I ask for your opinion and advice.

Your posts are primarily in English Altcoin... and Gambling (which we are looking for maybe one more good poster in...

Indeed I post also frequently in gambling because I am playing in casinos, sports bets, and online poker rooms for a very long time already. I have seen the early days of many casinos and poker rooms and play further until today, I like to talk about it and share my experience. I can easily stop to write in the Polish section (so much) or altcoins and focus on other boards if you wish like Gambling, Trading, mining, Bitcoin Discussion, etc. taking into consideration knowledge and experience. I am already posting a lot and that is why I have to limit where I write and to better know Chipmixer campaign needs if possible to be able to adjust this on time.

...Gambling... we are looking for maybe one more good poster in, but I'm having difficulty finding someone who I really like...

I don't know if I understand correctly but does it means that despite I am writing frequently in gambling boards and could even focus primarily on this board, I have no chances because you don't like me? Sorry, maybe I am totally wrong, but I have read this sentence a dozen times and it looks like it to me and just want to be sure. I hope you understand if I am mistaken.

After a lot of thinking, maybe you mean by saying "I like" the posting style?
If yes, it can be still improved on my end and sorry for the misunderstanding (eh language nuances ).

I want to add that I know, that I would be not enrolled at this time and even if, I would refuse to take the spot because it would be not fair in my opinion.
I could widely introduce myself (or even advertise) and other members could only show their BTC address and post count  Wink.

I really hope to see answers to my concerns/questions, I know that this information could be useful for many members.
I do my best to improve/change and try luck again when there will be a free slot next time.

I wish you all luck and congratulations to already accepted members!!!

It kinda looks like you are trying to change your postings habits to match the campaign...

No, it's not because I would only post in sections where I am feeling good, which means that I have enough knowledge and experience in this subject, as for now, we know about Gambling, which suites me very well. I can easily do this, but don't have the reason to and of course, I am comfortable with my actual posting habits, like any other long-time member. I publish my posts already 8 years on the Polish board and last 4 almost daily. I can easily stop posting there (so much) or in the altcoins section and go somewhere else like gambling, trading, mining, etc, but I don't do it for a purpose, which is to help my small local community to grow and because of limited time. Despite my efforts and help of other members, there is no progress after so many years and my local is already saturated, as you know, so I can easily step back and post on other boards. Additionally, I am in contact with polish members on Telegram.

The other reasons why I can feel comfortable when changing boards (posting habits) are provided in the answers above, so I won't mention them again. Additionally, I already answered almost the same question one page earlier in this thread.
2496  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Tokens (Altcoins) / Re: [ANN][ICO] «Envion» Most Profitable Self-Expanding Crypto Infrastructure on: January 25, 2020, 10:07:49 AM
... My bounty tokens claim will be ACCEPTED!!!...
It took literally one day and I got my answer after I submitted all the needed documents and MY CLAIM IS ACCEPTED!!!

There is still time to fill your claims bounty hunters, just read few posts above for the links and explanation.

As you can see my Envion bounty tokens claim is accepted by the authorities!!!

As mentioned in the quote there is still time to file claims if participated in any of the bounty campaigns.

I will be very happy to help if anybody needs any guidance or explanation of the claiming process, just send me a PM or even better answer in the thread if this is no problem.
2497  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: «Envion» Highest ROI crypto infrastructure | $2M Bounty available! on: January 25, 2020, 09:33:58 AM
It took literally one day and I got my answer after I submitted all the needed documents and MY CLAIM IS ACCEPTED!!!

There is still time to fill your claims bounty hunters, just read few posts above for the links and explanation.


Obvious spam if you only read one post from the last page of this thread you will know that Envion is a proved by court scam and claiming process is already ongoing.

How can you come here and write that this is such a GREAT PROJECT? Is just hilarious  Grin

Of course, I have reported this post and WELCOME ON MY IGNORE LIST!
2498  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: «Envion» Highest ROI crypto infrastructure | $2M Bounty available! on: January 24, 2020, 10:39:07 AM
Thank you Wwzsocki, for helping us out. I will follow your advise and provide those to them.

I am glad I could help.

I wonder how many hunters filled their claims? If you were enrolled and have claimed ENV tokens, please comment on this thread to let us know.

There is still time to fill the claims so if there are any bounty hunters who haven't then I advise to do it ASAP.

Here links:

The main portal about the claiming process and Envion case: - read all information available on this page.

Claiming portal (here you have to register) to fill the claim:
2499  Economy / Services / Re: [1-4 SLOTS OPEN] ChipMixer Signature Campaign | Sr Member+ | Up to 0.0375 BTC/w on: January 24, 2020, 10:02:58 AM
...allow me to “ease your pain”...

I don't suffer because I have already become resistant after so many unsuccessful attempts, I will probably beat Chipmixer unwritten record soon  Wink.
The competition was too strong and I couldn't be accepted at this time, I was just surprised that I didn't make it to the finals (as always) since I matched the criteria perfectly.
I was concerned that something is wrong with my account (lately) and wanted to know what to be able to improve myself until the next recruitment.

...The scope of your local board may be too small, a language which 100 million people use cannot have the same “share” as another language that is only used by 10 million. There is also another factor; the boards which you are active in, may be “saturated” by other already existing Chipmixer members...

I think you are right and this is the main reason, because our local section is small, despite the fact that in Poland there are almost 40 million people, literally only a few are members of Bitcointalk. Additionally, out of this small number of people registered here, only maybe 5% frequently visit our local section and we already have two members registered in the Chipmixer campaign.
This is a bad situation for many people in small local sections like mine, but I understand that DS can't do much to help.

...the best thing to do would be to focus on the boards, which you enjoy the most and obviously, you are good at, try to improve yourself within those boards, and then simply wait for your turn. In other words: just be yourself, and let it come to you, do not desperately follow it...

I am already doing this for a long time, but if you have read the sentence above, then you know that it will not help much in my situation because our local is already "saturated" as you have mentioned.

...skewing in most cases is terrible...It is either you are good at something or you are not, you cannot force yourself to post in boards you are not comfortable with just to be accepted, it will be so obvious and you will unlikely to be accepted...

Of course not and I have never thought to do so. That is why you haven't seen me on the mining board in the last couple of years because I'm not mining POW coins anymore, but I could easily come back because still, I have a lot of knowledge from the early days when I mined BTC and LTC with my laptops. I keep following news about mining until today, new miners, problems, etc. I try to keep my finger on the crypto pulse no matter what, additionally, there are other possibilities. I know 5 languages and I think that I have gathered enough knowledge, so I can post in many local groups if there is such need, already trading for almost 15 years (forex, binaries in the past, crypto from the beginning) and have also a lot of experience, but don't post in the trading board because I already post a lot. There are many other boards on which I could easily start to write taking into consideration experience, knowledge and hobbies.

That is why I asked for DS opinion and did it openly in the thread (not PM) because first of all I have nothing to hide or be ashamed of and I think that such information should be easily available and shared with all members who want to get a spot here, to give equal chances to everyone.

...The above is a general advice to everyone who was not accepted, it is based on my own personal observations which may be totally different from DarkStar_’

I think your post can help many people who are struggling and don't know what to do to have at least some chances to get a spot in this best signature campaign on Bitcointalk.

Thank you very much for your opinion, it's always a pleasure to talk with you Mikeywith.

EDITED 25.1.2020.
2500  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Bounties (Altcoins) / Re: «Envion» Highest ROI crypto infrastructure | $2M Bounty available! on: January 23, 2020, 05:38:04 PM
This email reply for me on bounty claim :

Dear Mr....,

The data and / or documents you provided on the claim registration portal in the bankruptcy proceedings of envion AG are not correct and / or incomplete.

You have not uploaded a valid identity document in the mask "Passport". Please upload a valid document. Driver's licence are not accepted. Also the document uploaded in the mask "Sign claims form" is incomplete. Please upload all three pages of the document...

I think you should do it because I had to resend a document too. In my case, it was the claim which should be hand-signed and I did it using a computer signature.

As we can see they started to check the claims because all interested people start to get emails from them, so everything goes as supposed to.
This claiming portal is for sure a legal entity established by the regulators, so you don't have to be afraid.

Send screens as proof from bounty spreadsheet (with your entry), links to bounty spreadsheet and bounty thread, links to your profile, etc.
I did like this and is good and many other bounty hunters did the same.

If you have any questions I will be very happy to help you, just send me a PM or ask questions here if this is not a problem.

Here screen with the first email I got:

Just after I send a question and they responded immediately:

In my opinion, everything is in order and they are working as scheduled, just check all information on the page.
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