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2621  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Olympics 2020/2021 : Discussion & Predictions on: July 24, 2021, 03:40:42 PM
Before this tournament, I hoped that Croatian tennis player Cilic could finally win an Olympic medal.
However, after a very strange and unusual first match against Menezes, and a tough win after 10 unused match balls, I am no longer a big optimist.
His next opponent will be Spanish tennis player Carreno-Busta and if he does not raise the level of his game, Cilic will not have any chances in that match.
If nothing else, at least Djokovic started very well in his quest for the golden slam  Cheesy
It seems to me that Djokovic does not have a serious opponent until the semifinals.
2622  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tokyo 2020 Men's Olympics Basketball Tournament on: July 24, 2021, 03:33:41 PM
For group A I picked the US team for B it's Australia and for C it's Spain, this is based on their showing in the exhibition games and their history, again US will be the favorite to win the gold here because they are fielding a very talented team here, even though they suffer losses in their exhibition they are still a team to beat this Olympic.

The teams you have chosen are, along with France, the obvious favorites of the whole tournament.
The American national team was very bad at the last World Cup and now they are looking for redemption.
The NBA season just ended, a few days ago, and because of that, the American team struggled in the preliminaries, but with each new game, they will be more ready and better.
In history, America has almost always won an Olympic tournament, especially since NBA players started playing, and it’s hard to expect any surprises at this tournament.
2623  Other / Meta / Re: How does evil fee makes sense? on: July 24, 2021, 03:20:25 PM
I don't think that it's so simple like "if newbie is really interested, he will pay the fee". Let's say that someone started reading about bitcoin, likes forums in general, decided to register here and get welcomed by the message that says he done something wrong and has to pay fee, while he doesn't even own any bitcoin yet and visited bitcointalk for the first time. How many of those will bother buying their first btc just to register on some forum? I know that I wouldn't, I would just say fuck it and move elsewhere, and probably many others too.

Pretty much this. There were times I searched for some stuffs on Google, came across a high-ranking + relevant site, accessed it only to be blacklisted (country reason).

Even with the email provided, I couldn't be bothered and just moved elsewhere when I could get my answer in just a few seconds rather than spending much more time + money just to register and start posting. After all, Bitcointalk isn't the only place for such discussions when you have sites like Reddit.

I think the decision to introduce an evil fee on this forum is wrong in many ways and I really hope theymos change that.
First of all, the basis for asking someone to pay an evil fee is the coincidence that some spammer used the same IP in the past.
Second, I don't think admins can punish someone in advance for something a new member didn't do and ask them to pay a fine.
Third, among the new members there are a lot of people who are new to crypto and don't know how to open a btc wallet, how to send someone a btc, they do not have bitcoin at all.
Last and most importantly, some new members will see the evil fee as the ultimate proof that crypto is a scam and will never return to the crypto.
This just happened to my two friends and I'm sincerely sorry that I even suggested them to register on this forum.
I will not repeat this mistake again and I don't intend to invite new friends to this forum until the rule on evil fee changes.
I'm sincerely sorry that theymos see no problem with the evil fee and the fact that many new and potential members have dropped out of this forum due to the rules of the evil fee, as most of them would not be spammers but responsible members of this forum. 
2624  Other / Beginners & Help / Re: How to grow into a hero and legendary member? on: July 24, 2021, 03:03:07 PM
Recently it has become a trend on this forum that newbie members give advice on how to get merits or reach a higher forum rank  Cheesy
OK, it’s nice to see someone make the effort to read the posts and experiences of older members, and to share their conclusions further but I don’t see a real need for that.
We are all different and have different approaches, thoughts and goals.
There is really no need to share the experiences of other members but find your way, give your unique contribution to the forum and then share your original experience with other members.
Personally, I find it much more interesting to read posts in which members share their personal experiences rather than posts in which the experiences of other members are shared.
I wonder what the real purpose of such posts are actually?
2625  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 24, 2021, 02:50:52 PM
I za kraj mi je interesantna Nikolina projekcija da bi banke u skorijoj buducnosti mogle pokupovati i asimilirati kripto firme, te bi banke mogle integrirati kriptovalute u svoje poslovanje (do sada sam uvijek smatrao da su banke apriori protiv kripta ali izgleda da se taj trend mijenja).
Ja isto isto vjerujem da je to budućnost prije ili kasnije. Banke su protiv toga da im netko uzme dio kolača pa se zato bune po defaultu ali vjerujem da dosta rade na tome da se i u kripto sferi postave na način da lova na kraju ostaje njima. To u početku vjerojatno ide sporo jer su ključni ljudi još uvijek stara garda ali kako se to bude mijenjalo i mlađi ljudi počnu dolaziti na rukovodeća mjesta...

Ma, kako bi Musk rekao, to je inevitable! Cilj večine komercijalnih banaka je da postanu 'financijske robne kuće' nudeći široku lepezu financijskih usluga koje će klijentima omogućiti da na jednom mjestu zadovolje sve svoje financijske potrebe. Zato su, na primjer, počele nuditi i usluge investiranja u vrijednosne papire (brokerske usluge) pa su i kriptovalute samo pitanje vremena. Nekoliko je banaka već ušlo na to tržište, kako čitamo u medijima.

Sve je to normalno i logično, banke su uvijek u potrazi za profitom.
Nekada davno su banke veliki dio profita dobivale od kamata na različite kredite, od oročene štednje građana i sl. ali sada su se te kamate (i prihodi banaka od toga) jako smanjile a bankama love nikada dosta pa su postali ''inovativni'' u tome kako zaraditi dodatni novac za svoje vlasnike, od investicijskih fondova, mirovinskih štednji, pa do raznoraznh financijskih derivata.
Mnoge banke već sada zarađuju od bitcoina i kriptovaluta ali ne direktno već kroz različite investicijske fondove koji u svom porfelju imaju i ulaganje u kriptovalute.
Da bi banke mogle direktno ulagati u kriptovalute prvo će se morati promijeniti financijska regulacija, a svoje odobrenje morat će vjerojatno dati i centralne banke koje vode brigu o poslovanju poslovnih banaka i određuju iznos rezervacija banaka za pojedine investicije ili kredite, ovisno o stupnju rizičnosti i naplativosti.
Za stambene kredite, ako se dobro sjećam, HNB je odredio poslovnim bankama da iznos rezervacija mora biti 10 % jer se smatra da će oko 10 % tih kredita biti nenaplativo.
Baš me zanima koliki će iznos rezervacija HNB odrediti poslovnim bankama za direktno ulaganje u kriptovalute i da li će im to onda uopće biti isplativo.

Inače, kada govorimo o kriptovalutama i bitcoinu, da li ste znali da je bitcoin ''ključ za svjetski mir?''  Grin
Tako je navodno rekao vlasnik Twitera, ako je vjerovati Indexu?  Cheesy

2626  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako Ukloniti Proxyban (evil fee) besplatno? on: July 24, 2021, 02:36:46 PM
Ma nije uopće stvar love koju treba platiti. Stvar je u tome da velika većina ljudi automatski smatra prevarom sve što treba platiti, a nije naručeno.

Kada govorimo o ciframa, ima jedan post od theymosa iz 2019 gdje on obavještava zajdnicu da je najskuplja evil fee naknada u rangu sa naknadom za copper membership. A copper membership trenutno košta 0.0007476 BTC prema ovom izvoru. Tad kad je on taj post napisao, prosječna evil fee naknada koja je plačana bila je 0.00116449 BTC.

OK, I reduced the maximum to the same price as copper membership, since it doesn't really make sense for copper membership to be cheaper when it includes whitelisting.

In the last 30 days:
 - 16441 users registered.
 - 4040 required a fee, and the average required fee among them was 0.00127297 BTC.
 - 99 paid the fee, and the average fee paid was 0.00116449 BTC.

I'm not necessarily bothered by the number of accounts abandoned due to fees, since many of those will probably be spammers searching for a no-fee IP. The fees actually paid (by people who are presumably not spammers) may be a bit high, though: I feel like it should be about a tenth of that.

Pa samo prema tom theymosovom postu se vidi koliko taj fee odbija ljude. Od 4000 potencijalnih korisnika samo njih 100 je platilo fee. To je 2.5%, odnosno zanemarivo! Kako sam i napisao, po meni je to totalna glupost ako znamo kako većina ISP-ova dijeli IP adrese.

Mene u ovoj priči puno više brine razmišljanje od theymos-a koje ide otprilike u ovom smjeru: ''Nema veze što je samo mali broj ljudi platio evil fee, većina drugih bi ionako bili spameri pa bolje da nisu ni došli. Oni koji su platili fee vjerojatno nisu i neće biti spameri''.
''I'm not necessarily bothered by the number of accounts abandoned due to fees, since many of those will probably be spammers searching for a no-fee IP.''
Theymos uopće ne uzima u razmatranje činjenicu da su neki ljudi prvi put u životu čuli nešto o cryptu i bitcoinu, odlučili malo pogledati na Google o čemu se radi, preko Google search ili prijatelja došli do ovog foruma, puni entuzijazma se odlučili registrirati i pokušati shvatiti o čemu se radi, i onda ih dočela poruka da su na nekoj ''evil listi'' i da moraju platiti neki fee u btc da bi uopće mogli sudjelovati u raspravama na ovom forumu.
Jasno da će velika većina tih ljudi biti šokirana i jednostavno odustati od ovog foruma, a u gorem slučaju uopće od bilo kakvog ulaganja u crypto (kao moji prijatelji, nažalost).
Theymos ih sve stavlja u isti koš, kao potencijalne spamere, i zapravo ga nije briga što će nekim korisnicima ''ogaditi'' crypto općenito i što će ga ljudi početi doživljavati kao scam.
A pravi spameri će već lako naći način da zaobiđu ''evil fee'' i njih to pravilo neće zaustaviti.
Ovo jednostavno nije u redu, unaprijed osuditi ljude i tražiti plaćanje, samo na temelju toga što slučajno koriste IP adresu koju je jednom neki spamer davno slučajno koristio, i to od ljudi od kojih neki uopće nemaju pojma što je bitcoin, ni kako kreirati btc wallet ili uopće poslati nekome bitcoin.

2627  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako Ukloniti Proxyban (evil fee) besplatno? on: July 23, 2021, 07:27:19 AM
Nisam pojma imao da postoji taj evil fee. Ta poruka da treba nešto platiti dočeka svakog novog člana koji se ovdje registrira? Ako je tako onda se čudim da uopće ima novih članova. Ja bi reagirao apsolutno isto kao frendovi od Daniel91 - mislio bi da je neka prevara i odustao.

Ne, ta poruka ne dočeka baš svakog novog člana, neki imaju sreće i ne dobiju tu poruku.
Nisam baš sasvim sigurno po kojem sistemu se to događa, čini se da ima neke veze sa ''shared IP'' i da li je tu IP adresu prije tebe netko drugi koristio tko je zbog nekog razloga završio na ''crnoj listi''.
No, naravno da ''pravi'' spameri'' znaju kako zaobići taj ''evil fee'' i registriraju se bez ikakvog problema a nastradaju ljudi poput mojih prijatelja, koji nemaju nikakve veze sa spamanjem, ali imaju tu nesreću da ih zbog trenutne IP adrese koju koriste povežu sa nekim spamerima od prije.
Već sam ja spominjao taj problem u meti ali sam vidio da ''admine'' nije uopće briga za to, pa sam odustao, jednostavno nema smisla.

2628  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA Champions League Discussion Thread -- now at: 21/22 Qualifying Prelims on: July 22, 2021, 03:55:45 PM
As well as Serbian SuperLiga champions for the past four season, i wish that every team from a not a top league was regressing like Red Star Belgrade. lol

Dude, 2018-19 UCL: 4 points in group stage (plus beating Liverpool)
2019-20: 3 points, only beating Olympiacos
2020-21: Out in Last 32 Europa.

That's what I mean by commenting in the UCL thread, regressing in the past two seasons... I MIGHT say differently in the Serbian SuperLiga thread but I don't know shit there =)

it is usual for Serbian teams to have tough time in distant east matches (Kazakh, Azeri), although I expected 0:0, did not expected Red Star to lose
eventually, they will probably kick-out Kairat, but it will be tough in Belgrade next week

home championship started with a draw as well, so maybe there is something to be worried about, nevertheless, it is manageable to pass through

Olympiakos has 1:0 and a red card, and live odds for Olympiakos is better than on the beginning, had to put solid bet on them at @1.31, with 1:0 in the hand

This year’s competition started very early and most clubs need time to prepare the players, different game strategies etc.
I was also surprised by the defeat of the Red Star, but I expect them to pass to the next round of Champions League qualifiers.
Dinamo from Croatia also struggled in the first round of qualifications, they even lost the first game of the domestic championship, but now they are very close to entering the third round of qualifications.
It is obvious that the players who played in the European Championship are tired and not completely ready for this competition and that is why their clubs have difficulties in these first matches.
2629  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Kako Ukloniti Proxyban (evil fee) besplatno? on: July 22, 2021, 03:31:33 PM
Moje pitanje je, kako to da oni imaju pristup toj listi?
Mislim, ne pratim bas dramu po forumu, bog sam zna da je ima, al sta su ovi postali staff ili nesto?
theymos je prije par dana ponudio forumskim veteranima da ce im omoguciti whitelistanje pa se izgleda nekoliko njih javilo

Only abused IP ranges have to pay a fee. The fee is an anti-abuse measure, and it is not meant to be (and isn't) much of a source of revenue.

If any very-veteran members want to volunteer, I can give you the ability to whitelist users. (All Staff can already whitelist users, as well.) Perhaps then someone could create a topic like "List of email addresses for people who can whitelist you for free", which I could link-to on the evil fee page. However, these IPs have evil for a reason. If it was sufficient for them to just solve a captcha or something, I'd have them do that. Before whitelisting someone, you have to do something to be pretty sure that they're not evading a ban and just going to get banned again. You may get the impression from complaints on the forum that everyone hits the fee and it's never warranted, but this is selection bias: the fee is more rare, and the vast majority of accounts that hit it should not be whitelisted.

Nelosa incijativa, samo je pitanje koliko ce newbie clanovi vidjeti te teme. Nekako mi se cini da ce vecina i dalje jednostavno zaboraviti na forum kad bude docekana sa tom "dobrodoslicom", ali unatoc tome svakako korak u dobrom smjeru.

Newbie će jako teško vidjeti te teme ili uopće razumjeti o čemu se radi.
Da sam znao za ovo prije, možda bi moja dva prijatelja ostala na ovom forumu, malo se bolje ''informirala'' o cryptu, i odlučilo se možda nešto i uložiti u to.
Na žalost, dobili su poruku nakon registracije da ako žele pisati na forumu moraju platiti određeni iznos u btc zbog ''evil fee''.
Radilo se o ljudima koji nisu apsolutno ništa znali o cryptu, s njima sam dan prije pričao o tome na poslu i nekako ih nagovorio da se barem registriraju na forumu i malo bolje to sve prouče.
Znači, nikad u životu nisu plaćali cryptom ili imali otvoren neki wallet i onda ih dočeka poruka da ako žele pisati na forumu da to moraju platiti.
Naravno da su odmah zaključili da je to scam i jednostavno odustali od cijele priče.
Nakon toga više nikoga ne nagovaram da se registrira ovdje, jednostavno nema smisla
Bio sam prije par godina postavio pitanje o tome u meti ali sam vidio da admine apsolutno nije briga zbog toga, pa sam i ja odustao od pokušaja.
A ako je poanta bila da se spriječi spammere da se registriraju, onda je to potpuno krivo razmišljanje jer pravi ''scammeri'' lako nađu način da zaobiđu ''evil fee'' dok ljudi kao moji prijatelji odustanu.
DAkle, dobre i poštene ljude efikasno odbijamo a prevarante ionako ne možemo zaustaviti.
2630  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Novosti on: July 22, 2021, 03:21:47 PM
Quote from: FatFork link=topic=1230285.msg57514940#msg57514940
Nikoli svaka čast, ima dobre živce.
Pa kako bi se reklo nije mu ovo prvi rodeo  Smiley Svi mi smo morali odgovarati na slicna pitanja samo u puno manje formalnom setingu i vec smo razvili otpornost na debilna pitanja. Mogu samo nagadjati koliko se takvih pitanja naslusao netko tko je javno eksponiran poput Nikole.

Netko bi rekao da je svaka reklama, dobra reklama  Grin
Neka se piše i priča o crypto, što više to bolje, a razumljivo da su ljudi skeptični i žele malo ''provocirati''.
Nikola je već gostovao i u puno ''ozbiljnijim'' medijima i ima iskustva i znanja, tako da zna odgovarat na pitanja a to je jedino važno.
Inače, hvala na upozorenju, vidio sam najavu za ovaj razgovor na fejsu i razmišljao pogledati ali sada, nakon što sam pročitao što ekipa misli o tom razgovoru, lagano ću preskočiti i iskoristiti vrijeme na bolji način  Grin
Ionako se u takvim razgovorima rijetko čuje što pametno ili novo.
2631  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Zbirni topic za davanje merita za kvalitetne postove on: July 22, 2021, 03:13:32 PM
izgleda da je ovde bas palo interesovanje Sad
evo vise zbog toga sto vidim da mali broj ljudi zalazi u Altcoins deo, jedan opis ERC-725 protokola, koji bi mogao da bude novi hajp, posle DeFi i NFT, koji su vec prosli kroz kripto zajednicu, i mogu samo otici "mejnstrim"

TLDR: u pitanju je decentralizovani identitet, koji moze pomoci kod KYC na razlicitim adresama
Da tema je bas zamrla.

A eto, što reći.
Kada smo imali samo jednog ili dvojicu aktivnih merit source-eva u ovom lokalu i kad je ''falilo'' merita, onda su svi kukali a sada kada smo dobili dva nova merit source-a, i kada imamo ''viška'' merita, najednom meriti više nikome ne trebaju i nikome nisu zanimljivi  Grin
Pa je eto moguće i da ova tema zamre.
Čini se CasperBGD da jedino još tebe zanima ova tema i meriti pa sam ti dodijelio merite za tvoje kvalitetne prijave, sorry ona prošla prijava mi je nekako pomakla, pa sam je tek sad vidio  Cheesy
Ako je još netko osim CAspera zainteresiran za prijavu posta za merit neka se slobodno javi.
Imamo novih i ''nadobudnih'' merit source-va i raspoloživih merita, jedino još tražimo one koji su zapravo zainteresirani za te merite  Cheesy
2632  Other / Meta / Re: How does evil fee makes sense? on: July 21, 2021, 08:22:19 PM
I can also confirm that the same thing happened to two of my friends, who were interested in crypto and I wanted to help them register on this forum and get involved in the crypto community.
If this happens again (or if you still know their usernames), please post in Remove Proxyban (evil fees) - get whitelisted for free so I (or someone else) can whitelist them:
2. Get someone to vouch for you
If an established member knows you personally, they can post your username in this topic for whitelisting.

Thank you very much for this kind offer LoyceV.
Unfortunately, the friends I barely persuaded to register on this forum and learn something about crypto, after this unpleasant experience with the evil fee completely gave up crypto and never came back.
I can no longer convince them to try again and learn more about crypto, for them the evil fee has remained a sufficient argument that crypto is a scam and nothing serious.
It happened a few years ago so I don't even remember their username anymore.
For the future I will have this offer of yours in mind but for these two friends it is too late.
2633  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 21, 2021, 08:08:27 PM

Moj ''ponuđač'' baš nije imao neki visoki rank a kada sam pogledao njegove postove, vidio sam da piše samo na ruskom.
Doduše, to naravno ne znači da nije bio registrirao i koristio više accounata na forumu, i pisao na više jezika.
A kako bi cijela stvar funkcionirala?
Ili bi mu morao dati pristup svom accountu ili bi ti on pisao postove i slao na pp ili email a ti bi dalje objavljivao na svom profilu.
Ne znam jer mu nisam nikad odgovorio.
Ovakve stvari su mi bile smiješne i mislio sam da su to neki ''očajnici'' koji žicaju lovu od drugih ali nakon one afere sa ChipMixer kampanjom i likom koji je tamo imao prijavljeno više svojih profila i ''masno'' zarađivao godinama, moram priznati da su neki ljudi od ovih plaćenih signature kampanja stvarno napravili pravi, unosni business, na štetu ostalih, poštenih korisnika foruma.

E to ti je taj Polar91 kojeg sam spomenuo.
Znaci drzao je u gotovo svim kampanjama barem nekoliko accounta, a u nekima i gotovo 90% pozicija.
Cak je i alt bountye radio.

Pricao sam s njim, nije sam to radio, nego ekipa iz skole. I to njih 10ak. Organizirano, stalozeno. No na kraju je postalo previse, netko je pogledao gdje nije trebao i paf.

Pa čovjek je onda od toga napravio pravi business, gotovo kao da je osnovao svoju firmu i zaposlio ''profesionalne'' pisce na ovom forumu Smiley
A ne znam zaista šta reći na ovako nešto?
Da su se zaista dobro organizirali to im se mora priznati ali zato su neki drugim, poštenim korisnicima foruma onemogućili da se uključe u te bolje kampanje.
I što reći nakon svega?
Budi pošten i kupi mrvice sa stola ili se organiziraj i uzmi sve što možeš?
Taman kada pomislim da sam sve čuo, ovaj forum me iznenadi s nečim novim  Grin

2634  Other / Meta / Re: How does evil fee makes sense? on: July 20, 2021, 06:22:55 PM
I know several personal examples of people who I invited to join bitcointalk forum and they couldn't registered because they got evil fee notification and asked to pay with Bitcoin.
Keep in mind that they never before heard about bitcointalk forum, they never registered in this forum, and they don't own any Bitcoin for paying this evil fee :/
I even tested and confirmed this myself from different location, using different device, maybe because some networks are using shared IP addresses.
In the process of punishing spammers and banned users we are also punishing innocent newbies and that is a fact.

I can also confirm that the same thing happened to two of my friends, who were interested in crypto and I wanted to help them register on this forum and get involved in the crypto community.
My friends had no knowledge of crypto, they didn’t even have crypto funds to pay the evil fee, and they didn’t even know how to open a crypto wallet and send crypto funds.
Shouldn't this forum be a friendly place for new and inexperienced members, where they will gain the first information about the crypto world and get the necessary support and help?
I don't know, maybe I'm naive and I don't understand some things, but somehow I feel that something is wrong here and that it needs to be corrected.
2635  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 20, 2021, 06:11:47 PM
Neki od tih "pisaca " postova su se očito bili "zanijeli ' i htjeli proširiti svoju uslugu pisanja jer se sjećam da me neki rus bio kontaktirao prije godinu; dvije i ponudio mi da piše postove za mene u kampanji uz određenu naknadu,  naravno.
Ja sam ga odbio ali sigurno ima ljudi koji su tu ponudu prihvatili i ako pišeš za više ljudi evo ti odmah dobre zarade  Grin
I ja sam dobio takvu ponudu prije dosta vremena. Ne sjećam se više, ali vjerojatno se nisam udostojio niti odgovoriti. Čak mislim da je bio neki user s dosta visokim rankom i solidnim postovima ali je valjda htio još malo ekstra love.

Kako bi to uopće funkicioniralo bez da daš čovjeku šifru računa a to valjda nitko nije dovoljno glup da napravi.

Moj ''ponuđač'' baš nije imao neki visoki rank a kada sam pogledao njegove postove, vidio sam da piše samo na ruskom.
Doduše, to naravno ne znači da nije bio registrirao i koristio više accounata na forumu, i pisao na više jezika.
A kako bi cijela stvar funkcionirala?
Ili bi mu morao dati pristup svom accountu ili bi ti on pisao postove i slao na pp ili email a ti bi dalje objavljivao na svom profilu.
Ne znam jer mu nisam nikad odgovorio.
Ovakve stvari su mi bile smiješne i mislio sam da su to neki ''očajnici'' koji žicaju lovu od drugih ali nakon one afere sa ChipMixer kampanjom i likom koji je tamo imao prijavljeno više svojih profila i ''masno'' zarađivao godinama, moram priznati da su neki ljudi od ovih plaćenih signature kampanja stvarno napravili pravi, unosni business, na štetu ostalih, poštenih korisnika foruma.
2636  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 20, 2021, 03:47:32 PM
Ma ja si ne mogu zamisliti da upravljam s dva ili tri accounta, a kamoli s tolikim brojem. Ali to je valjda ekipa koja se u životu bavi samo s time pa imaju "zaposlene" koji pišu postove. Lako kad neki u tjedan dana kampanje zarade više nego što bi zaradili u par mjeseci "pravog" posla.
Sve je to normalno kada imaš situaciju da se u nečemu može zaraditi neki ozbiljniji novac,  pogotovo za zemlje tzv. "Trećeg svijeta ":gdje tih 50-ak ili više dolara mjesečno dođe kao mjesečna plaća.
Onda nije problem zaposliti i ljude kojima ide pisanje na engleskom pa im platiti da "štancaju" postove po narudžbi.
Neki od tih "pisaca " postova su se očito bili "zanijeli ' i htjeli proširiti svoju uslugu pisanja jer se sjećam da me neki rus bio kontaktirao prije godinu; dvije i ponudio mi da piše postove za mene u kampanji uz određenu naknadu,  naravno.
Ja sam ga odbio ali sigurno ima ljudi koji su tu ponudu prihvatili i ako pišeš za više ljudi evo ti odmah dobre zarade  Grin
2637  Local / Hrvatski (Croatian) / Re: Pregled Bitcointalk Signature-Ad kampanja on: July 20, 2021, 07:14:26 AM
Mislim da je jedini način primanja dobrih članova u kampanje taj da bounty menadžer svakom korisniku provjeri postove unatrag nekoliko mjeseci. Ili da unaprijed ima nekakav popis gdje ima zapisane kvalitetne postere pa mu je lakše samo provjeriti popis i prihvatiti ljude sa svog popisa. Svaki drugi kriterij nije dovoljno dobar da razlikuje kvalitetnog postera od spammera jer uvijek postoji mogućnost manipulacije. Jedino subjektivni dojam menadžera koliko je netko kvalitetan član.
Bas to. Samo to je takva kolicina posla za odraditi da mi je jasno zasto vecina managera ide linijom lakseg otpora i trazi kratice. Da sam ja manager vjerojatno bi kao prvi filter koristio merit, pa onda moje osobno vidjenje nekog korisnika i tek onda bi isao u detalniju analizu za one koji su preostali. I normalno da bi imao svoju shortlistu dobrih korisnika i blacklistu onih koje vise necu ni gledati.

Zapravo sam uvjeren da "ozbiljniji " manageri poput Hhampuz,  koji vode na desetke kampanja i stotine članova,  već imaju takve popise dobrih i loših članova na temelju svojih prethodnih iskustava.
Primjećujem u zadnje vrijeme da recimo Hhampuz vrlo brzo popuni slobodna mjesta u svojim kampanjama,  čim se otvore,  a pretpostavljam da ne prima nove ljude "napamet " već čeka da mu se javi neki kandidat s njegovog popisa "dobrih i provjerenih " članova  Cheesy
2638  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Football Transfers Speculation, Odds and Predictions on: July 18, 2021, 01:16:25 PM
What will really come of it in the end and whether Kane will really leave Tottenham in the end?

to be honest i hope he plays at manchester city because i believe it would be the perfect club for him city has a style of play that suits Kane

Real Madrid will have to "put up with" Wales forward Gareth Bale for another season as they have not received any offers for the 32-year-old who spent last season on loan at Tottenham. No offers for Bale, what a surprise?  Grin Real just can’t get rid of Bale no matter how hard they try.

I don't know if in this case I should say that he is unlucky or if the real madrid is unlucky

Portugal forward Cristiano Ronaldo, 36, who has been linked with a return to Manchester United and a move to Paris St-Germain, is set to remain at Juventus with talk of a potential new one-year deal which could include a pay cut. Does that mean Ronaldo has decided to end his career at Juve?

i would be happy if cristiano ronaldo would play in machester united again, i am a fan of juventus but i think it would be more fun to see cristiano ronaldo playing in manchester united

Atletico remains frontrunners to sign Griezmann, but Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool have been made aware that he has been made available for a "low fee". At least two Premier League clubs have spoken to his agent in the past month. Which will eventually happen to Griezmann?

i hope liverpool don't sign Griezmann, chelsea is the ideal club for Griezmann

Chelsea can't get Greizman,they've got too many left footed players upfront.
Liverpool should be wise this season, I'm seeing Roberto not giving a hundred percent this season.
Ronaldo won't be coming back to Manchester United this season though.
Harry Kane should leave, rebuild the team when he's been sold will be the best option.

I mostly agree with your thoughts and have nothing to add but new, today’s football rumors  Grin

Chelsea will look to sign Poland striker Robert Lewandowski from Bayern Munich in a Ł50m deal - although the German champions want the 32-year-old to sign an extension to his current deal, which runs until 2023. A big dilemma for Lewandowski, stay in Bayern or try a new challenge at a new club?
Liverpool's Brazil goalkeeper Alisson, 28, is close to agreeing a new long-term contract. This is very good news for LIverpool, this goalkeeper has saved them many times when it has been difficult for them.
Manchester United are expected to make a formal offer for Real Madrid defender Raphael Varane, 28, this week, but are not prepared to meet the Ł50m price tag for a player who has one year left on his contract. Will the clubs reach an agreement in the end?
Harry Kane's England team-mates believe the 27-year-old may not attend Tottenham pre-season training in a bid to force a move to Manchester City this summer. Will this pressure bring results and help Kane leave?
Romelu Lukaku's agent Federico Pastorello has assured Inter Milan fans that the Belgian striker, 28, will not leave the San Siro this summer despite financial issues at the Serie A champions. Does anyone believe him?
Juventus have also expressed interest in re-signing Bosnia midfielder Miralem Pjanic, who has struggled for game time since joining Barcelona from the Italian giants in 2020. After a failed trip to Barcelona return to the old club?

2639  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: ⚽UEFA EURO 2020 Discussion Thread | Current Phase: Finals in June 2021! on: July 18, 2021, 01:04:39 PM
Yes, that would be a possibility.
But I still think it's a shame that Fifa has cancelled the Confederations Cup. Because it had a completely different goal. It was always the dress rehearsal of the country that hosted the World Cup the following year.
But that's just the way it is with Fifa.

I don't think that there is a need for the Confederations Cup, since they have already expanded the world cup to 48 teams. The FIFA Club World Cup makes more sense, as we will get to see clubs from around the world, such as Boca Juniors, Fluminense, Cerezo Osaka and Philadelphia Union playing against each other. FIFA will use the opportunity to expand the Club World Cup to more teams. Confederations Cup loses it's significance, when held after the world cup. Most of the national football bodies doesn't give it much importance.

For FIFA, the most important factor in the whole story is money and we should all be aware of that.
If necessary, FIFA and UEFA will present or invent new football competitions in order to increase their income, and they are not interested in what the footballers who are tired of too many games in the season think about it.
At the moment they had to change and adjust their plans because of Covid, but as soon as things get back to normal I expect them to restart all the existing competitions because they don’t want to give up the big revenue from such competitions.
It is no coincidence that in the last few years, the former presidents of UEFA and FIFA have ended up in prison for corruption.
2640  Economy / Gambling discussion / Re: Tennis League All Thread on: July 18, 2021, 12:56:55 PM
Very interesting final now with Krajinovic v Carreno Busta, really too close to call,
I think i'll go with the slight favourite Carreno Busta

I think Carreno Bustas experience in the final stages of tournaments will help
him through, for what thats worth.

close call, and agree that Busta is more experienced that Krajinovic, but it is Filip's chance to lift the trophy, and he will play his best today
match started good for Filip, took his serve after break points, which is always great for self-confidence, and I am on his side

Busta just took his serve, it is 1:1 in first set

It seems that Busta is very close to winning this match, the current result is 6:2, 5:3 for him.
Has anyone watched a very emotional broadcast from America, the official entry of Ivanisevic into the Tennis Hall of Fame?
There has probably never been another tennis player in history who has had such an emotional impact on his fans and destroyed their nerves so many times  Grin
Bravo Goran!

More tennis news: ''Ruud Cruises Into Bastad Final, Gets Coria Next''

EDIT: The match is over, as expected, Busta won, the final score was 6:2, 6:4
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