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321  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: February 29, 2016, 08:34:25 PM
According to the Ukrainian media (Vesti Ukraine) the Governor of Ukraine, Joe Biden forbade Poroshenko to discharge Yatsenjuk. Currently Poroshenko is trying to find a compromise with his master in Washington so as to get rid of Yatsenjuk:

And the reason Yats has to stay. He voiced today the American demand that Ukraine sells 1 million hectares (out of the total of 27) of the Ukrainian arable lands to American Agro-companies (read: GMO). This despite a moratorium on sale of the state land, which was newly prolonged until 1st of January 2017.
322  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: February 29, 2016, 01:50:30 PM
According to the Ukrainian media (Vesti Ukraine) the Governor of Ukraine, Joe Biden forbade Poroshenko to discharge Yatsenjuk. Currently Poroshenko is trying to find a compromise with his master in Washington so as to get rid of Yatsenjuk:
323  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 28, 2016, 03:05:40 PM
Russia never propaganda. Putin always truth!!!


What's that supposed to mean? And what is the point of your public fap session here?

Bringing some reality to you delusional russians.

How can you people believe an ex kgb agent would not lie and use propaganda.
Im in lost of my words.

You are mixing two concepts: "propaganda" and "lies". One does not need to be equivalent to the other. In fact, while propaganda based on lies has the biggest here-and-now effect, due to sensationalism; propaganda, based on truth has a longer-lasting, calmer effect.

Of course propaganda is used in Russia, but it's the question of what information is used and how it is presented.

Sorry for shattering the brown-tinged imaginary reality created by Soros and co in the studios of CNN, Hollywood and BBC, but this must be done for the sake of the humanity in general. People who forget their history and let it get perverted, stop being people and become sheeple in the hands of the interested parties, as was aptly demonstrated in Ukraine over the last 20+ years. Me? I'm like a Pratchett's history monk - observing the history and keeping the records strait...

Those who brought Hitler's "lebensraum" into the discussion (despite the argument being wrong on so many levels) actually did a service to me. Thank you. You managed to draw attention to one fact that you are so studiously trying to ignore:

People in Novorossia (and some extent, in Malorossia) have been voting with their feet - in addition to the referendum held in Novorossia in 2014.

When Hitler invaded USSR, the only ones, who willingly moved in the Western direction and joined the invaders were either traitors, like Vlasov or outright bandits, like Bandera. Those, who couldn't fight the invasion, fled deeper into Russia.

In 2014, 2015 a different ilk of Nazis came and now, as in 1941, those, who could not stay and hold their ground, fled deeper into Russia - 3 million of them, predominantly women, elderly and children.
324  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 27, 2016, 05:40:33 PM
I did.  I suggest you study Hitler's raise to power.  I'm assuming you did.  One word: Lebensraum.

Nazis justified their move East by claiming that their countrymen are prosecuted.  Same way Russia annexed Crimea and eventually will annex eastern Ukraine.

Completely invalid argument.  When Hitler moved East, he replaced the local population - killing it - with the Germans. 17 million Soviet citizens is the death toll of that expansion. Crimea returned after an illegal annexation to Ukraine (1954). Same with Novorossia (1922). I presume you never set foot there, or the locals would have shared a piece of their mind with you. Violently.

I don't think af_newbie and criptix can be helped. And no, Russia does not need to revise history - on the contrary, Russia foils the attempts of history revisions. The following is a historical essay for those, not blinded by hate and willing to think for themselves.

How Malorossia Was Turned into the Patch-quilt of Discord that is “Ukraine”

I am currently translating a larger documentary. Here I will present two fragments of the translated script, along with two still images, illustrating the points made there.:

What is “Ukraine”, “Ukrainian”?

    The revolt, headed by Bogdan Hmelnitsky started in 1648. After 6 years of war, in 1654, Periaslav Rada was signed. This is a document about reunification with the Moskovy State of a part of Western Rus, including Kiev and the territories of Zaporozhje county. It was signed by Czar Aleksei Mikhailovich Romanov.

    My the way, the phrase “reunification of Ukraine with Russia” appeared first in the Soviet history texts in 1920s.
    The historians knew perfectly well that in 1654 there was simply no such country as “Ukraine”. Those territories were called Malorossia. While the words “Ukraine” – Ukraina (slight difference in stress here, both words are the same) was used in Poland and Russia about borderlands. For Poles it is the lands of the middle Dnepr – the central regions of the modern Ukraine.

    Anna Razhny:
    In Polish it is called “pugraniche”. It’s the border in the cultural, national, political, even historical meaning. Ukraina meant for Rech Pospolitaja a far away border, a territory, where different ethnos could live. In this context Ukraina no longer exists in the present time.

    For Moscow, on the other hand, at one time Ukraina meant Tula, Kashira, Serpuhov – that was the Oka-river Ukraina – the border with the territories, from where nomads came.

    The word “Ukrainian” in the Russian language of that time, is a profession – a border guard (or someone, who lives on the border). While a resident of Kiev or Poltava was called a Malorossian.

Still frame above is a fragment of a dictionary entry. Judging by the revision of the Russian alphabet used, specifically by the letter “Ѧ”, this is a text from before the 1710 language reform of Peter I. The example usages are from Ivan the Formidable's texts of 1503. Here is a translation taking the pronunciation into account:

    Ukrain’nik (Украиньникъ) – Noun, a resident of a border territory.
    Ukrain’nyi (Украиньныи) – Adjective, as in “Ukain’nyi baron” – governor of a border territory.
    Ukrainjanin (УкраинѦнинъ) – Noun, a resident of a border territory.

How and when did the term “Ukraine” as a national designation appear?

    Ultimately Poland ceased to exist in 1795, when the large states performed the third division of the Polish lands.
    Galicia, Zakarpatie (Transcarpathia) and Bukovina, populated by Russians, or as it was said then – Rusins (Ruthenians), came under Austrai-Hungary, while almost all of the Kievan Rus territories were taken by the Russian Empire.

    That is how a large portion of the Polish population ended up in the Russian Empire.

    The Poles are, of course, dreaming about resurrection of their beloved Poland – Rech Pospolitaja, and what is more, in the wider borders as they were before the partitioning.

    All their ire and hatred is directed at Russia. The idea is like this: sow separatism on those lands, tear them away from Russia, announce that the people there are not Russian, but close to Poles.

    In 1795 the Polish writer and historian Jan Potocki published historically-geographical fragments about Scythia, Sarmatia and Slavs. In that work, for the first time, Russians of Malorossia were called “Ukrainians”, a separate people, descendants of the Scythian tribe of Sarmatians.

    Potocki’s idea was very simple in its design: If Malorossian “Ukrainians” have nothing in common with Russians; if Malorossian “Ukrainians” is a separate people with its separate culture and history, then it follows that also Russia has no historical rights on the lands West for Dnieper, including Kiev. Then it follows that there is not gathering of Russian lands. It follows then that Russia annexed and occupied Malorossia/Ukraine.

    Potocki’s propaganda was first and foremost directed at the Western reader, who traditionally had a very vague idea what is Malorossia, Raussia, Kiev, and where all this is found.

    Pavel Kuzenkov:
    We see very clearly how neighbours were calling these “Ukrainians”. Up until 20th century they were called Rus. Poles, Czechs, Hungarians, Romanians, all who surrounded this territory, never were in doubt that what starts from Transcarpathia is “Rus”.

    But it was the Polish publicists, who by the beginning of the 19th century turn a topographic term “Ukraina” into a name of a country. In 1801 the Polish bibliophile and publicist Tadeusz Czadzki published his work “About the name of Ukraine and the birth of Cossacks”. It was a new phase in forming of Ukranianism as an ideology. Tadeusz Czadzki further distinguished that Ukrainian Malorossians are not Russians, rather they are different people.
    Czadzki started the history of Ukrainians from the horde of the “Ancient Ukros”, who according to him moved in the 7th century from somewhere in Urals, across Volga to the Drepr river. The fact that neither the Polish nor the Russian chronicles ever mentioned any “Ukros”, didn’t in the least bother Czadzki.

    These theories may have remained as brain games of the intellectuals, if not for one “but”. Czar Alexander I, a liberal pro-Westerner, favoured the Polish nobility, considered it to be more educated and well-mannered, than Russian. During Alexander’s reign, Poles played an important role at the court, in the Academy. The Imperial Foreign Ministry was headed by an ardent russophobe Adam Czartoryski, and with his support the Poles got full control of the education system in Malorossia.

    Czartoryski’s close ally was a priest and historian Valerian Kalinka, who wrote about Malorossia thusly: “This land is lost for Poland, but we must do it so, that it becomes lost for Russia too.”

The still frame above is a definition of “Ukraina”. Judging by the alphabet, and specifically the usage of the Latin letter “i” this text comes after the 1738 language reform of Peter I, when usage of double-dotted “ї” before vocals was abolished (single-dotted and double-dotted “i” and “ї” is what distinguished present day “Ukrainian” from Russian).

The beginning of the text translates as follows:

    “Ukraina – thus were called the South-Western Russian lands of Rech Pospolitaja. This name was never official, it was used only in private conversations and became common in folk poetry. It is difficult to define the boundaries of the lands, known as “ukrainnyi”, more so that this name was not permanent and at different times covered varying stretches of land…

Recently, some of the Western-bread ultra-nationalists took up Tadeusz Czadzki’s segregation banner to a new low and started saying that Ukrainians and Russians are different people genetically, stating that Russians are not even Slavs… This propaganda was shot down in 2014 by a respectable study. I first learnt about it from the editorial column of Argumenty i Fakty. Here is a translated text of that note:

    It was initially clear for any reasonable person that Ukrainians and Russians are brothers.

    The recent massive and authoritative scientifically research proved: Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians do not differ from each other genetically.

    Let’s say it at once: the scientists studied the DNA of the Ukrainians on the basis of the genetic material of the inhabitants of the western regions of the country, namely, the city of Lvov, with which we markedly differ in language and culture. But, as it turns out, not the origin. Thereby the allegations of the Ukrainian nationalists, who say that Russians, having moved from the territory of modern Ukraine, have so much mixed up with the Mongoloid race, and that they stopped being Slavs, is completely debunked.

    However, as it was initially clear for any sensible person: Ukrainians and Russians are brothers. And let the borders, ideology, economic disputes divide us now – this is largely a consequence of the geopolitical game of Western politicians, who have managed to embroil us with each other. One just wants to exclaim along with the character of Kipling: “We are of the same blood!” But now, alas, we are unlikely to be heard hear – until someone (both inside Ukraine and abroad) harvest their own political dividends from our “brotherly spats”.

Full text of the above (there is more!) here:
325  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 26, 2016, 01:35:39 PM
I don't think Russians will ever give up their claims to the Eastern Ukraine.  It is a good political posturing for Putin, you know "There are Russians in Ukraine that we need to help ...blah, blah...".  I think in the end Russia will control all of Syria and Iraq. 

You are right on one point: Russia will not give up its claim on Russia. af_newbie, study history.

Some short headline news:

During 2015, almost 2 million refugees from Donbass came to Russia, according to Russian Federal Migration Services. According to UN, over 9000 civilians were killed in Donbass as the result of the conflict:

Ukraine and Lugansk People's Republic exchanged PoWs using 3 for 6 formula (in favour of Ukraine). The exchange happened near town Schastje (means "Happiness" in Russian):

LNR reports that Ukrainians pulled 10 tanks and 25 self-propelled howitzers to the contact line near Artjomovsk:
326  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: February 26, 2016, 01:08:49 PM
Avakov, organiser of the Nazi punisher battalions and currently the interior minister of Ukraine, said in a televised interview to Poroshenko's TV channel 1+1, that Ukraine is preparing NG battalions for armed invasion into and occupation of Crimea:

Looks like more populism from the defunct former Ukraine.

Russian parliamentarian sent a request to the Prosecutor General Chaika to investigate TripAdvisor with regard to them publishing maps with Crimea in Ukraine:
327  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 23, 2016, 09:20:26 PM
Lean Peace. Why Ukraine is not fulfilling its obligations regarding Donbass?

February the 12th marks one year of “Minsk-2” – Donbass agreements, concluded after a night of negotiations of leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine. Kiev is still not in a hurry to fulfilling its obligations.

Meanwhile, as “AiF” discovered, the residents of Donbass still have to go to work over the minefields.

They are still shooting

The main condition for the implementation of the Minsk agreements still remains a complete cease-fire, however not even a full “regime of silence” was ever established in the Donbass. The OCSE mission report clearly states: shooting goes on. Only on the 2nd of February there were recorded “514 explosions of uncertain origin”, “more than 100 firing bursts from heavy machine guns” and “more than 1,000 rounds of small arms at a distance of 3-5 km to the west of the observers’ position in a controlled by DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) railway station in Donetsk”.

The shootings already gave Kiev a pretext to close 2 checkpoints over the line of contact. For residents of Lugansk and Donetsk People’s Republic it is worse than the shootings. First, it is becoming increasingly difficult to legally “cross the border”. Second, the economic blockade of Donbass, which according to “Minsk-2” should have been removed, is on the contrary only strengthened.

“The pensioners who can not receive a pension are affected the most. Vehicles carrying humanitarian aid and medical supplies are blockaded. All this is nothing more than a continuation of the genocide of the people of Donbass by the Ukrainian government,” – Eduard Basurin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence of DPR, tells AiF. He believes that Kiev at the same time achieves another goal – protecting the Ukrainians from the truth about the life in the republics: “This is due to the significant difference in prices on the main categories of foods in the border regions of Ukraine and the DPR. Bread, milk, vegetables and potatoes, cereals and other products are cheaper in Donetsk than in Ukraine.” By the way, peaceful life – in spite of the disruptions of water supply and the economic blockade – is really getting back on track. Kindergartens, schools, hospitals, shops, cafes and restaurants are working. Factories have started up. For example, “Stirol”, one of the flagships of the chemical industry of Donbass, has again been started. And this means jobs and wages. The main problem – the sale of produce in the conditions of a blockade. However, entrepreneurs engaged in the installation of windows have no problems of this kind – after the war, the demand for their services is highest ever.

We must understand that the lives of many ordinary people, who find themselves on opposite sides of the demarcation line, is associated with the “enemy” territory in spite of the blockade. From DPR and LPR (Lugansk People’s Republic) people go “abroad” not only for pensions, but also to work. Thus, the press service of the OSCE mission said that the residents of the two villages near Gorlovka literally have to go across a minefield due to the closure of the checkpoint “Zaytsevo”: “They go on the mines to get to the controlled by Kiev Artemovsk, otherwise they run the risk of losing the jobs.” Not everything is simple with the pensions either. Some pensioners registered on the territory controlled by Kiev, and they cross the checkpoint every month to get the payments. But there are many of those who did not go to a compromise, and still can not get a pension. Dmitry Popov, manager of the Ombudsman of the DPR apparatus tells AiF that Kiev ignores the decisions of the Ukrainian(!) Courts regarding paying overdue pensions to the pensioners, who reside on the territory of the republic. Almost 15000 pensioners of Donbass prepared a lawsuits for the Ukrainian courts to recognize the Presidential Decree for the non-payment of pensions as illegal. Some of the lawsuits were satisfied by the courts of the first instance. Kiev said that while Ukrainian banks, treasury and financial management is not operating on the territory of DPR and LPR, the implementation of the decision impossible. However, they do not operate here not at the whim of the authorities of DPR and LPR, but because of the blockade of Kiev, which no one is intending to lift until the political issues are solved.

Why do they not want to agree?

Strictly speaking, all of the Minsk process has stalled on two points: the special status of Donbass (and related amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine), and the local elections on the territory of the DPR and LPR. Rada deputies, ignoring the “Minsk-2” agreement, did not vote for the amendments and moved the issue to the next session. Rather than comply with the requirements of Paris, Berlin, Moscow and even Washington, with regard to the ratification of such amendments, the deputies adopted some other amendments – regarding the rules of procedure of Parliament. Apparently, it is these subtleties of Ukrainian parliamentarism, which allow Kiev to sabotage the “Minsk-2”, that President Poroshenko was explaining last week to Angela Merkel in Berlin. Or perhaps he honestly admitted that he simply does not have enough votes in the parliament to fulfil his commitments.

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier suggested a possible compromise on the 19th of January, and it was later supported by Boris Gryzlov, the Russian representative in the contact group on the settlement of the situation in Ukraine. “According to «Steinmeier’s formula», you first need to hold elections in Donbass, and then use the emerging legitimate authorities for approval of the constitutional reform and other laws. But neither the Parliament, nor Poroshenko are yet ready for this,” said Konstantin Bondarenko, head of the Foundation “Ukrainian politics”. “Meanwhile the West is already barely holding back its irritation with Kiev’s policy as it is suffering from the sanctions not less than Russia. And if the ball does not get rolling on the implementation of the Minsk agreements, then, taking into account the forthcoming elections in their countries, Hollande and Merkel will try to demonstrate to Ukraine that if it will not abide by the agreement, then no one will talk to it.”

Not only the procedural matters complicate the situation with the local elections: Kiev demands that voting takes place according to the party lists, with the resumption of broadcasting (read – propaganda) of the Ukrainian TV channels for the whole of Donbass, while the Republics insist on elections by the majority system. If the West recognizes the elections, the Kiev regime will no longer be able to talk to Donbass using the language of force, consider these territories as occupied, and blame everything on Russia… “Kiev will be playing for time for another six months, while Donbass will continue the construction of its statehood, which sooner or later everyone will have to recognise. At the same time Donbass will be restoring its economy, which is quite powerful and self-supporting.” – said political analyst Sergei Mikheev.
328  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: February 22, 2016, 09:26:29 PM
Ukraine as anti-Russia: full list of goals for the 2014 Kiev Maidan and takeover of Ukraine

Some images from the article:

They start brainwashing them from an early age! Young western Ukrainians, 2014.  Written on the wall: “Ukraine for Ukrainians.”

HitlerJugend Salute, Germany, 1939

Lvov (Lviv), western Ukraine, 1941
Pro-Bandera Western Ukrainians in national costumes greet German fascists occupying the city with the same salute

Stepan Bandera, the UPA ukro-nazis’ tsar and god, after whom they name streets and whose monuments they erect all over Ukraine, in his SS uniform

Western Ukraine Nazis, part of UPA/ SS troops executed the massacre of Poles during WWII in Volyn, western Ukraine

These same dark entities, serving foreign interests, are killing today!

On February 20-22, 2014 the Ukraine Maidan coup took place, unseating Yanukovich. It established the rule of the oligarchic Kiev junta and ukro-nazis, marking the beginning of an open political takeover of the country by the USA and other foreign interests.

In my 2014 and 2015 articles and Earth Shift Reports I have described the goals of the USA in Ukraine. I also described on many different occasions how it was done, what strings were pulled and what forces were used as fronts for the puppeteers. For example, the ukro-nazi battalions were trained in Poland and in western Ukraine by Polish and Canadian instructors. Canada and USA supplied and trained college and school teachers, PR and media specialists.

​The trainers and supervisors were normally of Bandera ukro-fascist (aka, western Ukraine Nazi – my term: ‘ukro-nazi’) origin, whose ancestors served in concentration camps and committed other crimes during World War II, having escaped justice to Canada and USA after Hitler’s defeat. Consequently, they held enormous grudge against those who caused this defeat, namely, Russians. Some of these people lived in Canada or USA all these years, dreaming of vendetta generation after generation. Their unevolved and vengeful nature is being exploited very well by the puppet masters.


Full article at:

Also, make sure to watch the video in:

Dutch Referendum on Ukraine: EU Pressures Voters to Approve Kiev-EU Asssociation

Dutch referendum on Ukraine is looming. In the run up to it, EU and US pressure voters to approve Kiev-EU association. Various tactics, from brainwashing, threatening with Russia and the ‘new Hitler,’ to direct bribes are applied. Billionaire Soros promises 200,000 euros for YES votes.

So far, Dutch citizens don’t buy it. The preliminary poll’s results are: 44.5% YES, 55.5% NO.

Dutch journalists have leaked government plans on dealing with an upcoming referendum on a controversial treaty between the EU and Ukraine. The Association Agreement envisions closer economic, political and cultural ties between Kiev and the bloc. A ‘NO’ vote in the referendum would force Dutch politicians to reconsider the pact, which they have already approved without consulting the public.
329  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Documentaries: "Murder of Yugoslavia" and "Democracy of Mass Destruction" on: February 20, 2016, 05:22:00 PM
One down, one to go.
330  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: February 18, 2016, 09:52:36 PM
Nemo, let me know if I have this right

Crimea became an autonomous republic within Ukraine when the latter became independent in 1991. In 1992 the Supreme Council of Russia (not sure if I have the exact name of that body right) decreed that the transfer of 1954 had been illegal. The government elected in Crimea promised in 1994  to return the peninsula to Russia, but the plan didn´t came to fruition. And in 1997 when Russia was totally bottoming in the Yeltsin mess the Russians  conceded that Crimea was part of Ukraine after all; however I´m not so sure that they actually included Sevastopol in that concession. It seems unlikely, given the naval base´s huge importance for Russian national security.

Correct for the most part. Though it's the first time I hear of the Crimean government promising reunification with Russia - I don't see how they would be in any position to make such promises, especially taking the November 1993 events in Moscow - Yeltsin's coup d'etat and the massacre of the defenders of the Parliament - into account.

When it comes to Sevastopol, as far as I know, no written agreement was reached - Ukraine simply took it "by force". Sevastopol was not part of Crimea in any form - it was a "city of special Union importance" within USSR. When the Union fell apart, Russia was the legal heir of the Union, so Sevastopol should have become an enclave of the Russian Federation regardless of the status of Crimea.

The chronology of the 90s is interesting and important.

20th of January 1991 - referendum in the Crimean region of the Ukrainian SSR with the following wording "For recreation of Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a subject of USSR and a member of the Union agreement." 93.26% voted "for". Participated 1441019 people.

12th of February 1991 - Ukrainian Rada passes the law "On recreation of Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic" and makes an amendment to the Constitution of the Ukrainian SSR. However, said law ignored the highlighted part of the referendum question regarding Crimea becoming a separate republic.

24th of August 1991 - Supreme Council of Ukrainian SSR passes an act on independence of Ukraine.

4th of September 1991 - Supreme Council of the Crimean Autonomous republic passes a declaration about sovereignty of the republic within Ukraine.

1st of December 1991 - Crimeans participate in the Ukrainian referendum on independence of Ukraine. 54% voted for. However the 3rd article of the Soviet Constitution "On the issue related to the exit of a union republic from the USSR" was violated. According to that article, a separate Crimean referendum should have been held, with the question of Crimea remaining as part of USSR or as part of Ukraine.

5th of May 1992 - Supreme Council of Crimea passes "The act of proclamation of state independence of the Republic of Crimea". At the same time Russian Parliament voted for invalidation of the 1954 decision regarding transfer of Crimea into Ukrainian SSR.

6th of May 1992 - Supreme Council of Crimea passes the Crimean Constitution, which contradicts the Ukrainian Constitution. The post of the President of Crimea is also established. (This Crimean Constitution and the post of President were cancelled by Ukrainian Rada only on the 17th of March 1995.)

5th of December 1994 - Budapest memorandum, when Ukraine forfeited nuclear weapons, while the guarantor countries agreed to respect territorial integrity of Ukraine - de facto Russia forfeited claims on Crimea. However, the Budapest memorandum was not ratified by any of the parties and is thus not legally binding.

21st of October 1998 - A new Constitution of Crimea is passed. Pro-Russian sentiment in Crimea starts growing.

Galdur, I'll do some research into the 1994 promise that you allege to...

331  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: February 18, 2016, 07:40:41 PM
Ukrainian citizens love to make bus trips in Russian Federation.

Vika, I find this sort of glee disgraceful. Actually any kind of glee, whichever side it comes from.
332  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 18, 2016, 05:13:01 PM
Criptix, don't do projection - it's you who brought up Putin, not me.

Now back to the topic.

Ukrainian Rada is announcing a new wave of mobilisation:

In DNR they think that Kiev is gearing for a new full-scale offensive. Ukrainian forces are pulling armour and manpower to the contact line. Previously the head of LNR said that Ukraine has enough forces for a full-scale offensive:

general Secretary of UN is appealing for donors to donate to Donbass, the the population that was hit hard by the war. He - and the Ukrainian government - are asking for $298 million. I doubt that Donbass will see this money if UkroGov is involved.

Better to donate directly to the Donbass Aid Fund (who also accept bitcoin donations):
333  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: February 18, 2016, 05:07:00 PM
Madhouse that is Ukraine is still at work. They now want to by law forbid the names "Rus" and "Russia". Initiative comes from the Nazi Ljashko:

Meanwhile Russia has filed a lawsuit against Ukraine regarding the $3 billion debt. Ukraine is trying to reclassify the debt as "bribe".
334  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: February 17, 2016, 10:59:33 AM
Former Prime-Minister of Ukraine, Azarov, said that Ukraine will have to acknowledge loss of Crimea:

Poklonskaja says Crimean Tatars continue writing to her, asking for protection against the false leaders of Mjelis:
335  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Meanwhile in Ukraine... Revolution. on: February 17, 2016, 10:53:45 AM
In Ukraine, a teacher of Russian language and literature got convicted for 3 years for "separatism" for keeping a language-related site on a social network:

Nazism at work in Ukraine.
336  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Cockroach blames more cockroaches for move to new palace on: February 16, 2016, 01:31:51 PM
Hope the Kurds can influence the border controls in Turkey, they've stopped many of the kurds travelling across to fight ISIS but done nothing to stop the ISIS fighters, if there's at least a more moderate group in charge then there might be a chance to turn the whole war against ISIS around without the U.S.

It seems a little late by now. The U.S. is still massively supplying ISIS with armaments through the totally useless Iraqi U.S.-trained military.

Don't underestimate the Peshmerga Wink They're holding they're own with the U.S airstrikes, if they're not interfered with the kurds could easily take out ISIS even with the weaponry, the problem lots of countries including the U.S have shat on the Kurds diplomatically which has made getting weaponry and supplies difficult.

I think this is the right time to mention that Western (Syrian) Kurdistan opened an official consulate in Moscow:
337  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 16, 2016, 11:26:51 AM

Two fun facts. Russia joins OPEC in the moratorium on further oil extraction.

And Russia started selling oil to USA...

The last bit is one of the reasons why USA was pushing the price down. If the oil price is any higher, US economy will be in deep trouble.

You seem to love links. Let me add this one:

As for Russian economy - it's seen worse during the WWII and post-WWII, and during the desolation of the Wild 90's. It'll persevere.

PS: Oh, and criptix, you should seek help for the Western-MSM-induced Putin-fixation. Russian politics is much more than Putin.  Wink

PSS: What criptix did, really, is just dump a bunch of links in hopes of creating a sensation out of thin air. Does anyone here say that Russia does not experience economic difficulties? No. Russia has been tightly integrated into the European and American economy during the 90s. When those economies feel ill, so does Russian economy. It's as simple as that.

Criptix' sensationalism plays on the fact that few read Russian press and assume, that the Western MSM publish something sensational that is "hushed up by da evil Putin". If people read Russian media, they'd known that there is a lively public debate about the state of the domestic economy, and what to do about the current recession.

So, the ultimate goal of criptix' message was three-fold: create a sensation out of something that is not; perform a character attack on Putin and (in his subsequent message) perform and ad-hominem attack on those, who play a bridge-building role here.

If we are anyway to go so much off-topic here, the following translation seems quite appropriate:

Quoting two fragments:

Today, the best minds say that the rouble is undervalued by a third. And if the rouble is undervalued, why the hell did it drop relative to the dollar?! With these missiles! Say thanks to Anatoly Chubais – he was one of those who developed the scheme, where the rouble got pegged to the oil price. Some villains turned up, who agreed that the oil in our major export commodity.
Liberal historian Boris Sokolov counted how many people died over the course of only two years – 1992 and 1993 – during the so-called “reforms” of Gaidar and Chubais. 150.000 more than during the executions of 1937-1938.
338  Other / Politics & Society / Americans bomb Doctors Without Borders hospital again - this time in Syria on: February 16, 2016, 11:18:47 AM
Last time US Air Force bombed a Doctors Without Borders hospital, it happened in Afghanistan and went on for 30 minutes.

This time, American repeated their feat and bombed a hospital of the same organisation in Syria - on the 15th of February in province Idlib! And if that was not enough, they projected their crime on Russia, dumping the hoax into the puppet MSM.

23 people died as the result of the American airstrike, 8 more are wounded.

Syrian ambassador in Moscow came with criticism of the American airstrikes on the hospital (it is worth remembering that the American forces are present illegally in Syria - only Russian and Iranian forces have the official request for assistance as per international law)

Meanwhile, Russia is sending radio-electronic and optical reconnaissance plane TU-215R to Syria. Looks like Russia needs to keep a closer eye on the interventionist forces.
339  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Donetsk, Kharkov, Lugansk - way to Russia. on: February 14, 2016, 08:25:34 PM
Europe's Convinced U.S. Won't Solve Its Problems

FEB 13, 2016 3:32 PM EST

By Josh Rogin

Europe is facing a convergence of the worst crises since World War II, and the overwhelming consensus among officials and experts here is that the U.S. no longer has the will or the ability to play an influential role in solving them.

At the Munich Security Conference, the prime topics are the refugee crisis, the Syrian conflict, Russian aggression and the potential dissolution of the European Union's very structure. Top European leaders repeatedly lamented that 2015 saw all of Europe’s problems deepen, and unanimously predicted that in 2016 they would get even worse.

“The question of war and peace has returned to the continent,” German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier told the audience, indirectly referring to Russian military interventions. “We had thought that peace had returned to Europe for good."


You've got to love how they still cling to the "Russian aggression" narrative despite all the repeated evidence to the contrary. Russia just exists - that's the act of aggression... They've added "Russia is to blame for the refugee flood" narrative to their Russia-bashing arsenal, also despite the evidence that the flood started from Turkey several months before Russia started solving the Syrian problem.

In the meantime, Medvedev said that Russia is troubled by the possibility of split up of Schengen and that Russia is ready to assist EU in solving their problems:
340  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Crimea on: February 14, 2016, 07:48:04 PM
In her re-blog of my translation, Lada added some additional strokes to the image of Khrushchev and the roots of his anti-Stalinism, which played such a fateful role in USSR's history

Read "Lada’s Post Scriptum" at:

In the defense of those who made that decision it can be said that the transfer was made in the context of Ukraine being a forever integral part of the USSR, and an inseparable part of Russia. It never occurred to any of these men that in the year 1991 the USSR could simply fall apart.

However, the responsibility still lies with those who failed to take into account the future risks.

In the huge power vacuum that came to be after Stalin’s death, the power struggle between two factions began. Malenkov, who seems to be made responsible by the author of the article, was a clown — a transitional figure. No one really took him seriously and he didn’t wield real power. This was obviously before my time, but I recall my parents’ stories, who were in the know regarding the Soviet political spectrum. The transitional figure of Malenkov was necessary while the real power struggle took place behind the scenes. He was sidelined as soon as Ukrainian (Khrushchev’s) camp was able to get the upper hand over the Georgian (Beria’s) camp.


In his urge to undo everything that reminded him of Stalin, Khrushchev also eliminated the one thing that kept USSR fully independent of the Western financial system: Soviet gold standard – the alternative system that made USSR impenetrable to financial manipulation. It was for this reason that when the inflation hit the West, in the USSR prices continued going down, while the country was actually experiencing tremendous post-war boom!

Khrushchev agreed to trade internationally in dollars, which destroyed the carefully built system and eventually weakened the USSR’s global bargaining positions, leading to future loss of reputation, clout and eventual disintegration. That act by Khrushchev, together with the Central Committee of the Communist Party, continued later by Brezhnev (perhaps because he was ill-advised, or because it was simply too late to turn back), set the stage for the relentless takeover of the world by the dollar, and later, petrodollar. When the USSR simply surrendered its positions, there was no financial alternative or counterweight left. The result is the grave global imbalance we are observing today.
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