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81  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Einfach und günstig Bitcoins kaufen ? on: May 18, 2014, 09:57:44 AM
Hi nochmal,

also für ab und zu mal 20-40 € in BTC kaufen, würde ich mir das als Einsteiger alles nicht antun wollen.
Also, das mit Bankkonto usw. ...

Ich persönlich denke, dass die Mycelium Wallet mit dem integrierten LocalTrader, für solche Anliegen, echt eine super Anlaufstelle ist.
Du kannst also auf deinem Mobiltelefon sehen, wer in Deiner Umgebung persönlich mit Bitcoins handelt und zu welchem Preis - und diese Person direkt kontaktieren.
Oder dir die Map erstmal am PC anschauen:

Dann macht man sich einen Treffpunkt aus, zahlt Cash und fertig Smiley
In der aktuellen Version, ist auch die Möglichkeit Ankaufsgebote zu platzieren enthalten.

82  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: Einfach und günstig Bitcoins kaufen ? on: May 15, 2014, 10:09:50 PM
Mycelium Wallet und das integrierte LocalTrader schon angeschaut?
83  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: gesucht: Script / Batch: "Automatische TX von A nach B"? *Hilfe* on: May 14, 2014, 12:38:20 PM
Hallo Shorena,

habe jetzt einen Programmierer aus meinem Bekanntenkreis gebeten, mir einen Kostenvoranschlag für so eine Batchdatei zu machen.
Die Herausforderung ist in diesem Szenario allerdings, das er von Bitcoin & co leider bisher keinerlei Ahnung hat.
Mal schauen.

Ich denke, bitcoind per walletnotify eine Batch anstoßen zu lassen die ein sendtoaddress ausführt,
ist der simpelste Weg, das lokal und ohne zusätzliche Abhängigkeiten oder Installationen zu realisieren.
Zumindest hab ich in den letzten Tagen keinen simpleren gefunden.

Aber wenn ich Pech hab, muss ich wohl oder übel doch eine Server/PHP-lösung in Betracht ziehen   Undecided

84  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Wanted: Script or .bat for "automatic forward a TX from A to B" *help* on: May 13, 2014, 04:30:49 PM

So, it is not "last part" 

Just believe me - it is - and i didn't even wanted to talk about that, exactly because of more questions raised as solved,
in this particular question.

The main problem I see is that you have to leave your wallet.dat unpassworded

No Smiley

I've tried to describe all risks to you in my previous message. It is good that you understand.

I think / hope I do so.
That is why i separated THIS task, and asking just for THIS to get solved, anyhow, finally  Undecided

Thank you!
85  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Wanted: Script or .bat for "automatic forward a TX from A to B" *help* on: May 13, 2014, 02:29:57 PM

0) This is absolutely useless for "normal" use - you only waste blockchain with transactions transferring funds from one your address to another your address giving fees to miners.

This is only the last part of a few "actions". Everything else, I have already solved.
If i tell you that the "receiving" Address is my Deposit-Address on an Exchange - this would change the whole "use", right? Wink

2) You do not need to have Bitcoin-QT running or even installed.

I do have to, as i don't want to rely on Onlineservices or other 3rd party stuff.
I want to have the "Magic" happen only on my 24/7 running machine, based on the integrated functions of Bitcoind.

The Magic is: simply forward newly received funds on my QT-Wallet - automaticaly - to another Address.
And do some Logfile-work, just for the books...
I'd have never expected such a simple task could "cost" me nearly 2 weeks to solve/get solved.

I am, of course, aware that there will be txfee etc.
Thats one reason, why i don't want to use BlockchainWallet - as they charge 0.0005 Fee per TX, while QT has standard-fee of 0.0001
Which sums up if you want to forward 5-10 payments a day, with a average sum of 15 € in BTC. ... for example.

Thank you very much for your reply, but sorry Mate, i won't hand over my private keys Wink

inb4 someone writing a delete all drive partitions .bat file and passing it off to this poor guy.  Grin

Well, I might not be a developer, but I am still able to read and won't ever start any file on my "Live Machine", before checking/testing it in some secure enviroment Wink

86  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: gesucht: Script / Batch: "Automatische TX von A nach B"? *Hilfe* on: May 13, 2014, 10:42:58 AM
So, das wird nun vermutlich etwas peinlich  Grin

Ich habe mal gänzlichst Laienhaft versucht, das grobe Gerüst dieser .bat-Datei zusammen zu frickeln.
Als Anhaltspunkt, sozusagen - und mit der Bitte, ob das jemand in verwendbare Syntax "übersetzen" kann.  Roll Eyes

@echo off

REM check for balance on the wallet
"C:\YOURPATH\Bitcoind.exe" -rpcpassword=xxxxxx getbalance [account] [minconf=1]

IF balance > 0.000 goto fetchTXdetails

IF Balance = 0.000
timeout /t 120
goto top

REM write the Transactiondetails including the available %amount% into Logfile "Incoming"
"C:\YOURPATH\Bitcoind.exe" -rpcpassword=xxxxxx gettransaction <last tx>

echo %date% %time% %txid% %amount% >>logfileIncoming.txt

REM fetch the available %amount% from the Logfile "Incoming"
:_readfile logfileIncoming.txt %amount%
type %amount% to %availableamount%

REM and initiate a new Transaction
"C:\YOURPATH\Bitcoind.exe" -rpcpassword=xxxxxx sendtoaddress EXCHANGEADDRESS %availableAmount%

REM write the Transactiondetails into the Logfile "Outgoing"
echo %date% %time% %txid% %amount% >>logfileOutgoing.txt

timeout /t 120

goto top

87  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: gesucht: Script / Batch: "Automatische TX von A nach B"? *Hilfe* on: May 13, 2014, 08:14:20 AM
Hallo Shorena,

Danke für Deine ausführliche Antwort!
Das mit den mehreren Threads entstand aus der "Not"...

Danke auch für das Angebot, mit dem How-To.
Da Du gesagt hast, das Du sehr beschäftigt bist, werde ich heute erstmal selbst versuchen rauszufinden, wie ich "etwas in Python" geschriebenes zum laufen kriege.
Ich habe zwar fast die Befürchtung, dass das im Vergleich zu einer .bat-Datei wieder "mit Kanonen auf Spatzen" schießen ist, aber mal sehen.
Ehrlich gesagt, wäre es mir nämlich inzwischen lieber, das eher früher als später zu lösen.

Würde dann circa heute Nachmittag ein Statusupdate posten, okay?

Habe mir das nochmal etwas detaillierter angesehen und bin zu dem Schluß gekommen,
das ich mit Python (und dem verbundenen Aufwand ggü. einer .bat Datei) letzten Endes trotzdem jemanden brauche der mir das in CoinRelay scripted.
Das heißt, es wäre eigentlich ein weiterer Umweg.
Es mag durchaus der elegantere Weg sein - aber ich möchte es so simpel wie möglich und von Zusatzinstallationen etc. unabhängig halten.
Auch in Hinsicht darauf, letzten Endes diese .bat Datei für andere zugänglich zu machen.

Und zum Thema .bat im Dauerbetrieb: Das Prinzip von walletnotify ist das es ein Programm (oder eine batch) startet.
Die batch würde also nur für jede eingehende Transaktion "kurz" starten, in ne Log schreiben und eine neue Überweisung anstossen.
 Hab da auch Lösungen für gesehen, ...snip
Wo hast Du denn diese Lösungen gesehen? Kannst Du mir bitte einen Link zukommen lassen? Hier der eigentliche 1. Thread, vom 2. Mai
Ich habe bisher alles lösen können, außer dem essentiellen Schritt die Coins sofort nach Empfang, automatisch, an die fix festgelegte Exchangeadresse weiter zuleiten.

Mir wurden sogar ganze "Rechenzentren inkl. supermegaichkannalles Software" für nur 12000 USD angeboten...  Roll Eyes
Was ich für eine "triviale Funktion", die bereits in BitcoinD enthalten ist und "nur noch" gescripted werden muss ...für ein wenig übertrieben halte Wink

88  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / Re: gesucht: Script / Batch: "Automatische TX von A nach B"? *Hilfe* on: May 12, 2014, 09:27:39 PM
Entschuldigt, aber...

ist die Frage so absurd? Oder unverständlich formuliert?
Bin ich im falschem (Unter-)Forum oder auf den heiligen Gral des unrealisierbaren bei Bitcoins gestoßen?

Ich meine, wenn nach mehr als 24h - selbst unter Androhung von Bezahlung keinerlei Hinweise oder Hilfestellungen kommen?
Oder ist die Anforderung so trivial, dass die Experten sich damit nicht abgeben wollen!?

Die eine Seite der Medaille ist, dass ich möglicherweise nicht der einzige bin der keine Ahnung hat wie das zu lösen ist.
...und die andere, dass ich nun wohl oder übel anfangen darf mich nach Programmierern umzuschauen und diese engagieren darf,
obwohl die mit Bitcoin vermutlich bisher nicht vertraut sind.

Macht ja nix Wink
Ist ja Win-Win für Bitcoin und die Community...

89  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Wanted: Script or .bat for "automatic forward a TX from A to B" *help* on: May 12, 2014, 08:29:26 PM
There has to be a simple solution for this... i hope.

Like a phyton script?

Not sure if that falls under "Im not a devolper"

Well, after reading the features this looks promising.
I'll go and try to find out, whats needed to set this up - do you have any experience with that?
90  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Kraken Now Open for Germany on: May 12, 2014, 02:53:00 PM


Application Error

An application error has occurred.

91  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: Wanted: Script or .bat for "automatic forward a TX from A to B" *help* on: May 12, 2014, 02:19:46 PM
It's not feasible to do this with a bat file. You'll need to use a compiled program or a more powerful scripting language.

Maybe, but the idea with a local batch file seemed not so bad, after i have seen this post:

"just replacing" the email-stuff with a walletnotify loop and if confirmed funds are there, make an transaction to my other defined address.

Every suggestion or piece of code to solve this is much apreciated.

There has to be a simple solution for this... i hope.

92  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Wanted: Script or .bat for "automatic forward a TX from A to B" *help* on: May 12, 2014, 12:01:27 PM

I could need some help please.
For the start - I am no Developer or Programmer, sadly.

As I started to look for a solution, I thought this is a "everyday-task" and common use...
But it seems to be somewhat highly complicated (at least to me?!),
as I haven't found any useful help, yet.

What I am looking for, is something one could compare to a ruleset in an EMail-Client,
which just moves the newly received Message into the right folder.

Based on Bitcoin-QT / Bitcoind (or if necessary another local Wallet)
everytime, when my local Wallet, on my WindowsPC (running 24/7),
receives a new Transaction/Deposit,
this last transaction with that amount (-fee),
has to be transferred/transacted ASAP (after 1 confirmation for example),
automatically to another Address i own.
(and if possible, write all Transactiondetails in to a logfile / CSV or something)

I found a lot of informations and documentation about walletnotify, sendtoaddress etc.
and even some people that said "yeah, sure, easy stuff you just have to..."
But I failed to get it running anyhow, sadly.

Well, i need someone that has and wants to share - or can write, a .bat-file or a script (without setting up a LAMP/XAMP-whatever server)
to solve my problem described above.
OR can point me to a link/solution, that could help me (without developer skills) and isn't relied to a onlinewallet or shady 3rd-party stuff Wink

Of course i wil tip/donate for a useful help and also appreciate every PM with a reasonable offer in BTC, to write this for me.


93  Local / Anfänger und Hilfe / gesucht: Script / Batch: "Automatische TX von A nach B"? *Hilfe* on: May 11, 2014, 04:04:25 PM
Hallo zusammen,

ich brauche bitte Eure Hilfe.
Vorweg, ich bin leider kein Programmierer oder so...

Ich suche (inzwischen leicht verzweifelt) einen Weg etwas zu realisieren, von dem ich dachte,
es sei eigentlich eine logische "Grundfunktion" die etliche User regelmäßig brauchen *?!?*

Basierend auf Bitcoin-QT / Bitcoind (oder notfalls auch andere lokale Wallet):

Immer wenn meine Wallet, auf meinem WindowsPC,
eine neue Transaktion/Gutschrift empfängt,
soll dieser Betrag automatisch,
ASAP zb. nach 1 Confirmation,
an eine andere meiner Addressen gesendet/weitergeleitet werden
(und am besten noch die Transaktionsdetails in eine Logfile.txt schreiben)

Ich habe über walletnotify, sendtoaddress  in zahlreichen Threads gelesen,
die sagen das es ja total easy ist...
Ich scheitere aber kläglich  Roll Eyes  Tongue

Hat jemand z.B. sowas wie eine oder mehrere .bat-Datei(en) oder kann diese schreiben, in der ich sozusagen nur noch meine Adressdaten A und B eingeben brauch?
Bitte gerne auch um PM vorab, mit einem Angebot für die "Aufwandsentschädigung".

Kleine Spende auch gerne an denjenigen, der mich mit einer anderen Lösung
(die für mich, ohne große Programmierkenntnisse umsetzbar ist) unterstützen kann, oder darauf verweist.
Drittanbieter- oder ähnliche Services würde ich n.M. aber gerne außen vor lassen.


94  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Qt Bitcoin Trader [Open Source secure trading client for Mac/Windows/Linux] on: May 06, 2014, 02:02:14 PM
Thx Ighor, keep up the good work!
Already asked Kraken to support / answer you!

95  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Kraken Now Open for Germany on: May 06, 2014, 11:13:59 AM
Hallo Yunus,

habe erst kürzlich erfahren (siehe Link) das der Developer sein Entwicklungskonzept, anscheinend aufgrund des Erfolges,
umgestellt hat und nun auf Antwort/Support seitens Kraken und anderen Exchanges wartet.
Da ich annahm das ist bereits irgendwie in Arbeit, und ich sehe das Du immer sehr schnell reagierst Smiley
habe ich selbst in dieser Sache noch nicht direkt bei Kraken angefragt, mache ich aber in Kürze noch.


96  Local / Trading und Spekulation / Re: Kraken Now Open for Germany on: May 06, 2014, 09:18:27 AM
Hallo Yunus,

darf ich Dich etwas bitten?
Könntest Du bitte nachhaken, wie der Status seitens Kraken ist betreffend:

Qt Bitcoin Trader [Open Source secure trading client for Mac/Windows/Linux]

adding new exchanges depends on their cooperation. I have contacted some of them and waiting response.
You can help to add them faster by contacting them too and tell to responde me faster.

Wäre wirklich großartig, wenn Kraken dieses Tool unterstützen würde.

Je mehr Requests an Kraken aus Usersicht = desto eher passiert was, nehme ich an?  Wink Roll Eyes

97  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for "small" Bitpay-like-Setup / Coders on: May 06, 2014, 08:54:53 AM

You said "small," so would the transactions be happening frequently? Are they a friend of yours or are you trying to create a service?

Frequently: i hope so Smiley
Friends, to start creating a service with - if it works as supposed, maybe.
At the moment, the plan is - to "create" something including a little "how-to" for everyone that knows somebody with a business
(in the family, good friends, people that trust you and you see every day),
to enable them accepting BTC, without risk or extra work to be done on the merchant side.

Just think of Bob as a very good friend, that would like to accept BTC for his goods, but doesn't want to have any more work or "risk"
than getting the € from me, next day.

Or think in a "everybody can be a local Bitpay"-way

Don't think about how I make my cut of this for now, but in a simple example:
Bob receives 3 payments in BTC from his customers, in a timeframe of 3 hours.
20 + 15 +15 € in BTC and our agreement is, that he gets the overall sum of € next day from me.
If I only get 45€ for these amounts of BTC sold on a exchange, due to waiting to long to sell them, i made a loss.

The point is NOT to do the trades manually, as I have the risk of some volatility if I am somehow busy for a few hours.
Especially, if this works as supposed, maybe other Friends/Businesses want to use my service
and could have even more more frequent receivings - or on other day/nighttimes... i don't want to sit all day doing stuff manually  Wink

At this point i solved most of the problems - except for
a "tool" or script, which i can install on a PC or Server
- that monitors a few addresses every x minutes
- if a transaction comes in, waits for 1-6 confirmations
- and based on the BTC amount of that transaction(ID)
- generates a new transaction to another defined address
... then based on Kraken-API trigger a sell

OR even better, I was in contact with Ighor from "Bitcoin QT-Trader" software.
I hope to finally get Kraken to support his great Tool but i am not sure when this will happen as Kraken needs to get in Contact with Ighor.
Looks like Kraken waits for more requests until they support that tool Sad

Important is:
logging the amount of received BTC and in the Conversion rate in € at that Time (like: received  0,06407721 BTC =  € 20,00 on 19:45:32),
Date, TXID, AddressID... and write that into a exportable (Excel for example) Database

So, i had already 2 PM conversations but no one could tell me an estimated Price in BTC for coding this for me.
(OpenSource of course, reviewable know  Wink Roll Eyes )

98  Bitcoin / Project Development / Re: Looking for "small" Bitpay-like-Setup / Coders on: May 04, 2014, 04:44:01 PM
Yes, of course. But the first sentence already described the initial reason for my question.
Maybe i forgot to mention, that I don't want to rely on a 3rd party/Onlinewallet either (except an exchange).

Meanwhile i was thinking about something:
It should be somehow possible to manage and control 1 Wallet from 2 Devices.

The same example as above, but without the transaction from Bob to me.
Instead i'd have direct access to the same Wallet, that Bob used to receive and could trigger a deposit to the Exchange-Wallet

I've read about importing/copying the wallet.dat and possible problems here:

Copying the same wallet.dat to two different computers will initially seem to work,
but if you continue to use bitcoin-qt to send bitcoin, the two copies will get out of sync.
The reason for this is the automatic use of "change" addresses.

Now i am not sure: as Bob and his Walletdevice will (probably) only receive and never send BTC somewhere...
Because that's what i am doing for him, from my device, and always with the full amount of available BTC ...

Suggestions anyone?
99  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 1,000,000 bits = 1 bitcoin. Future-proofing Bitcoin for common usage? VOTE on: May 04, 2014, 04:15:20 PM
Crosspost from Coindesk:

I totally disagree to change it to "bits"!
*text removed*
There has to be a simpler way: Euro/Dollar + Cents / Bitcoin + MSat (Megasatoshis) !?
I don't know...there are already enough suggestions and options to do so.
But for the sake of sooner mass adoption, please - do not use "bits" as a Bitcoin unit. Name it more unique.

my 2 satoshis

I completely disagree. There's nothing more simple than to explain to someone tech-illiterate that a "bit" is a small part of a "bitcoin".

Try it.
A "bit" has already too many meanings.
In the language itself but also in technical-everyday-stuff that Average Joe is already confronted to deal with.
It is another "obstacle" that leads to more questions in an "first time Bitcoin conversation"
and i hope you agree, that the last thing we need in promoting/education on Bitcoin, are more "obstacles".

100  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: 1,000,000 bits = 1 bitcoin. Future-proofing Bitcoin for common usage? VOTE on: May 04, 2014, 03:02:26 PM
Crosspost from Coindesk:

I totally disagree to change it to "bits"!
Most people I know, that aren't so involved with "that Internet and computerstuff" AKA the masses and majority of older businessowners that don't deal with IT.
They are glad, they can finally use a Smartphone, send an E-Mail, they know their SDcard or HDD "has a lot of Gigabyte" if you ask them for the Processor...
There are too many "bits & bytes" already in the daily life and the only thing happening with this change is: even more confusion!
If we don't avoid this, we are making Bitcoins even more complicated to understand for everyone else.

Most of them just recently learned, that a digital photo consumes 3 Megabyte of Diskspace
and are still highly confused about the difference to their ISP's provider (Megabits) Bandwidth and all that stuff.
If you link Bitcoin to "bits", the first thing to happen is like "oh, so i could store millions /160gigabits on my Flashmemory?"
or "Oh, but i have slow 1mbit Internetconnection ; only low datavolume to spend per month...can i transfer so much of them with it? doesn't sound fast/safe/cheap."

There has to be a simpler way: Euro/Dollar + Cents / Bitcoin + MSat (Megasatoshis) !?
I don't know...there are already enough suggestions and options to do so.
But for the sake of sooner mass adoption, please - do not use "bits" as a Bitcoin unit. Name it more unique.

my 2 satoshis
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