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81  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: February 01, 2012, 02:41:29 PM
Potential encompasses reality.

No. Potential has the "possibility" to encompass reality.

82  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoiner Political Ideaology on: February 01, 2012, 02:21:23 PM
What if I work for you and need the job?  If smoke at work is harmful, is it OK to regulate it then ?

It would be up to the business owner or the property owner depending on their lease agreement with the business owner. If it was a good boss, the boss would attempt to limit your exposure to second hand smoke to make you a happier, thus more productive employee if you are concerned.

Again, you are talking about potential for harm, which in reality is absolutely no harm at all.

You have every right to work elsewhere if the conditions you are working in are objectionable and your boss does not share or act on your concerns.

If you have a verifiable proof of claim of harm being done to you, there is remedy available.
83  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: February 01, 2012, 01:42:02 PM
The difference between potential and reality is that they are 100% polar opposites.

The global warming agenda (and pretty much all agendas) uses potential like the ordinance and statute law system uses it to make you guilty of causing harm or loss when in reality you havent.

On one hand there is the potential for harm and loss, which in reality is absolutely no harm or loss at all.

On the other hand there is real provable verifiable harm and loss.

Polar opposites that just sound dangerously similar.

Its exactly like an interloper with an agenda whispering in our ears, planting seeds in our minds to flourish and grow, to separate and divide and conquer us, making us debate and argue amongst ourselves, to split up a marriage or a relationship between best friends, mostly so we dont concentrate our efforts on the interloper.

... and it works extremely well until people research the history of the groups and people and families of the people behind it all.

its time we come together against the interlopers.

They are stealing our wealth, freedom, liberty, and sovereignty because of this potential.
84  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoiner Political Ideaology on: February 01, 2012, 01:16:06 PM
Well, if someone lights up a cigarette nearby you are they infringing on your "right to fresh air".
No, but you have the right to regulate the use of your business, land, and your home. You do NOT have the right to regulate the use of someone elses business, land, or home. If I smoke on my land, you can put up with it or leave. If I smoke on your land, you can ask me to leave or put up with it. If you are in someone elses business, its up to them, not a statute law or ordinance.

If you claim this is so, how will it be decided whether they did or not? I still don't really understand the an-cap concept of a judicial system.
It goes back to the basics of injury and/or financial loss. Did you injure or cause someone loss?

The statute law and ordinance systems, or law system of POTENTIAL, has made us all guilty before we actually do anything to cause harm or financial loss, because of the POTENTIAL to do harm or cause someone financial loss. Its really a brilliant scam to create a never-ending turnstyle of money and bodies into the law enforcement, corrections, and summary and criminal justice system to control us slaves.

Its simply another form of taxation and the stripping of our wealth, to keep us poor, disenfranchised, unhappy, and mostly controlled, but not enough to openly revolt. They want us fighting and blaming each other, not them. The latter is key to their control. This is where the indoctrination, propaganda, and manipulation are most effective.

On one hand you have injury and loss. On the other hand you have the potential for harm and loss. They SOUND so dangerously similar, dont they? But in reality they are polar opposites. Injury and loss compared to absolutely no injury and loss, and the statute law system makes you guilty of injuing someone or causing them financial loss before you even do it becasue of the POTENTIAL involved.

They create and overblow tragedies to control us. From cutting your grass for fear of blight that they threaten causes lower property values, to the fear of accidental but catastophic loss of life for driving to fast or making a left turn at a red light, and everything else you could ever imagine.

The insidious influences know human psychology very well. Its another a way to control us and strip us of our wealth, while making us think we are free, becasue they know everyone is guilty of something when their control grid laws and ordinances are applied.

...and Massa has convinced the slaves to enforce these ordinances and statutes on themselves in many ways. Some slaves get special privilages. A few are actually given the honor of active participation in creation, regulation, and administration which make them fee like they are actually participating in a process of slavery masquerading as freedom and liberty, with lots of admiration and appreciation lauded upon them appealing to their vanity, flashy titles, lots of money, and well-controlled power. Others can order around and beat their fellow slaves with relative impunity. They have pretty cars with flashing lights. Special titles and well-controlled power. He gave them shiney badges and spiffy uniforms so he can tell them apart. And weapons for the worst hard case hard headed slaves who can never seem to learn how to do as they are told no matter what.

Massa also likes to divide and conquer us... turning us slaves against each other with propaganda, indoctrination, and manipulation through education, government, talking head opinion media sources, and the thesis, antithesis, and synthesis psychology of creating and overblowing problems, reactions, and solutions to real and contrived problems and tragedies, so we are always fighting each other ... mostly over ideologies, instead of coming together as a people and concentrating our concerns on the Slave Masters... with "them" always quickly and conveniently having an instantanious solution to any problem or tragedy we are reacting with outrage to... all to serve their agenda of maintaining absolute control and the preservation of their elite wealth and class.

I mean that example would be easily taken care of if both parties involved were just polite. But the world is full of assholes and normal people who are just in a shitty mood.

There were assholes before ordinance and statute law. There are assholes during this period ordinance and statute law. There will be assholes after ordinance and statute laws are obolished. Welcome to life.

85  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Bitcoiner Political Ideaology on: February 01, 2012, 02:31:50 AM
I guess you could call me an independent.

I believe in 2 basic concepts.

1. Do whatever you want, whenever you want, so long as you do not infringe on anyone elses property/rights while exercising your own.

2. Honor your agreements.
86  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anon is hammering the Justice Department on: February 01, 2012, 01:49:37 AM

Let me pose a question for you: If I take a Montsanto sunflower seed, grow it, harvest the seeds and plant ten of them the next year, am I stealing from Montsanto?
If I build the exact same car as Ford, spending billions of dollars to manufacture my parts to their specs, did I commit grand theft auto? Cause I am pretty sure that is an implication of your stance...
Is it wrong that I do think this is theft? Honda definately has the capability to build a Ford, and I certainly think if they do obtain the blueprints and make one that they have stolen.

I am not talking about a huge corporation mass-producing an object, I am talking about people and fair use. If I spend vastly more time and effort to build my own version and I am not trying to profit off it, even if it turns out exactly the same, how is that stealing?

In plant genetics especially, there are a lot of different ways to elicit a mutation you are looking for. If I take a different road to the same result, somehow I am stealing from the patent holder. Fuck that noise.

There is no such thing as "Fair Use" for patents. It simply does not exist in the patent system. Mostly because patents deal more with the physical implementation of ideas instead of the expression of ideas. Patents bring thought to reality through a process, all of which is protected by the patent.

Even for copyrights, this would not come under fair use because you would be effectively replicating it in its entirety, basically performing an identical performance as the original, in its entirety, which you have no right to do without permission because the basis for your new plant is the original that is protected.

That said, Utility Patents exist for significant improvement upon an original patent, and you certainly have the right to improve upon the original, so long as your process is unique, novel, not a basic deviation of whats been done before, and most importantly, you arent infringing on the original patent its based on. In other words, its an actual improvement of the original that would be of some substancial benefit the original did not provide.

Huge corporation research lab or musty old basement is not relevent. Bill Gates started in the garage.
I'm pretty sure anyone can build anything for their own personal use.  Patent laws only apply when you start selling things that utilize patented technologies.

US patent law is a bit more strict than most other regions, in that it forbids anyone from making, using or selling the invention, even when the use is personal. That said, the likelihood of a patent holder bringing suit against singular personal use is rare, if not unheard of, simply for the costs of the suit even if they did find out about the infringement, whch is unlikely. I believe most european countries allow for personal use though. Best to check with your country/region though if you are worried about it.
87  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anon is hammering the Justice Department on: February 01, 2012, 01:23:53 AM
So I take it you are ok with those countless patents for processes and machines that current technology cannot achieve?

I am amazed that you don't see a difference between personal use and the manufacturing and sale of an item. You really buy into the current state of patent and copyright law? I am all for allowing those who came up with an idea to profit off it, but I do not think it should be a crime for someone to repeat their experiment for their own use. That's some christianity in the dark ages shit right there.

I never said I was against personal use. What I said was that fair use does not exist in patent law and what you proposed doing was illegal.

Will Monsanto visit your home ?


Is it legal ?


Do I care about people breaking statute law that flies directly in the face of common law?

Not if they do not cause someone else harm and honor their commercial agreements, but we dont live in that common law simple world that once existed.
88  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: February 01, 2012, 01:04:31 AM
Absolutely I am viewing this on a conspiracy basis. I study history. Go take a look at the history of the people and entities promoting those agendas.

I am probably a bit older than most of you. Here is what I remember.

In 1972 (at least I think it was 1972), UN and globalist backed interests had "scientists" warn the earth was cooling at an excellerated rate, and if we didnt do something fast we were in imminent danger of extinction.

next, it was the rain forrests being destroyed, not making enough oxygen ... yea more human extinction danger claims.

next, it was the ozone layer depletion because of cfc's from spray aerosol cans and freon, threatening again the extinction of the human race.

next, it was the depletion of the rain forests, but instead of the oxygen scarcity, it was their lack of using up and converting Co2, causing excessive Co2. This was the first hint of a Co2 issue. Of course, the human race was threatened.

next, it was global warming made by man, cars, factories, burning fossil fuels, causing massive excesses Co2 that was threatening extinction of the human race.

Next, its biodiversity ... Then it will be our nature is in danger so we will need to have smart growth zones of stacked and packed people, the loss of personal property to save nature, so the animal and plants can thrive, else there is an imminent threat of our extinction.

Then it will be nature as the new God. Nature will be more important that man because we cant survive without it. the same extinction threat scenarios.

What my post meant is that man-made Co2 is not causing the earth to heat up as are the claims.

I do not believe we are in any cycles. The earth is constantly changing. Ups and down in temp and co2 going along with it, but co2 lags temp, so co2 could not possibly be causing global warming. I do not believe man is casuing any warming of the earth or cooling of the earth.

The earth is what it is and will do what it wants to do with or without mans help. Same with the sun and its affects on the earth. Man wont change anything about either. If tens of thousands of nuclear bomb tests didnt kill the earth, using a light bulb, driving a car, smoking a cig, running a coal stove, running a pig farm, and farting wont either.

There is no threat of extinction, and there never was, until the sun goes nova and burns us up in a few billion years. The rest is simply a mechanism to control you through worry and fear, and steal your wealth, freedom, and liberty.

Its called thesis, antithesis, and synthesis. They have an agenda, create a problem/tragedy or overblow a problem/tragedy, which they have a ready-made solution to, scare the fuck out of you, then hand you the solution advancing their agenda. The psychology of which has only been around and used for thousands of years.

As to the big corps not wanting to promote green energy, who do you think gets all the EPA waivers ?

Thats right...the big corps .. those in the know and working with the insidious influences. You know, like General Electric, who pays no taxes either.

Who pays the extra money??

Thats right... we do.

Corps could care less even if some dont get any waivers. They pass the costs on to the consumer, so the market argument is irrelevent.

Everything else is an externality, again paid for by us.

It's all about taking as much from you as possible.

Their best weapon is the ideological indoctrination that makes us fight amongst each other. This divides and conquers us so they dont have to. The just-in-case scenario. Many of you have that. We should listen to them even on the small chance they may be right. After all its the human race that could be at stake! Rubbish.
89  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: February 01, 2012, 12:04:16 AM
At the very least, the idea that there is "incontrovertible proof" CO2 is the cause is overblown and likely a political move. The correlation is there for sure, causation not so much.
Global warming deniers always try to deny the truth by using ambiguous words.
Idiots always believe what they are told without understanding it.
I understand global warming pretty well.

I understand that CO2 carbon dioxide has been on the rise since the industrial revolution.

I understand that CO2 emissions and Temperatures are correlating with each other .

No it certainly isnt rocket science, but what you dont seem to understand (and what Al Gore never told you) is that those CO2 level increases you read as some kind of bible come chronologically AFTER the temperature increases ... historically.

Go look THAT up, son.
I honestly don't care whether or not CO2 is the cause (in fact, I think others are more important), but ones who deny that the Earth is warming are denying that P != not P.

You should care because its raping you at every turn and stealing your wealth, freedom, and liberty by those with an insidious agenda.

90  Other / Politics & Society / Co2 lags temperature, idiot on: January 31, 2012, 11:57:19 PM
The main problem with concluding we know the cause of global warming is

1) No one really understands clouds, which can either reflect light back into space (cooling), or reflect it back down to earth (heating) depending on various factors.

I.e. increased heat -> increased moisture -> Huh net effect on clouds

2) The body of evidence that warming is occurring is actually showing pretty small scale changes so far (far, far less than what occurs during the yearly cycle). Whether the theorized positive feedback loop occurs depends on what the clouds do... which no one really understands.

All the models ASSUME clouds will work as a positive feedback factor. There is some basis for this but also preliminary satellite evidence that the opposite is true. Even a decade of perfect climate data isn't enough to tell either way since there are so many long and medium scale cycles overlapping each other.

At the very least, the idea that there is "incontrovertible proof" CO2 is the cause is overblown and likely a political move. The correlation is there for sure, causation not so much.

Global warming deniers always try to deny the truth by using ambiguous words.

Idiots always believe what they are told without understanding it.

I understand global warming pretty well.

I understand that CO2 carbon dioxide has been on the rise since the industrial revolution.

I understand that CO2 emissions and Temperatures are correlating with each other .

This not rocket science, and any discussion justifying why we should stay on fossil fuels for 1 second longer is idiotic.

That's what it gets down to for me..

No it certainly isnt rocket science, but what you dont seem to understand (and what Al Gore never told you) is that those CO2 level increases you read as some kind of bible come chronologically AFTER the temperature increases ... historically.

Go look THAT up, son.

91  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: January 31, 2012, 11:53:08 PM
Great more ammo for the bone-headed global warming deniers...

By that, could you mean the same groups who now claim global warming, who were the same groups who claimed global COOLING in the early 1970's ??

By that, could you mean the thousands of scientists who disagree that global warming is caused my man ??

My question is, if its a man-made reality, which it isnt, then why is all the documented fraud and fakery needed ??

Maybe its just another insidious agenda to steal your wealth, freedom, and liberty ??

Nah, the elite of the world certainly wouldnt be doing anything as nefarious as lying to get what they want, now would they ??

You know, those age old royal bloodline families who historically ruled with an iron fist over everyone, who grew up being taught the supreme right to rule over all the little slaves, and have them grind their fingers to the bone scratching out an existance, most of which is taxed or stolen so the pharohs, kings, and leaders could get rich off the backs of the peasants.

Nah, couldnt be. Our business and world leaders are nice and honest and altruistic and philanthropic and benevolent and not at all concerned with raping you and taking you for everything you are worth.
92  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anon is hammering the Justice Department on: January 31, 2012, 11:37:59 PM

Let me pose a question for you: If I take a Montsanto sunflower seed, grow it, harvest the seeds and plant ten of them the next year, am I stealing from Montsanto?
If I build the exact same car as Ford, spending billions of dollars to manufacture my parts to their specs, did I commit grand theft auto? Cause I am pretty sure that is an implication of your stance...
Is it wrong that I do think this is theft? Honda definately has the capability to build a Ford, and I certainly think if they do obtain the blueprints and make one that they have stolen.

I am not talking about a huge corporation mass-producing an object, I am talking about people and fair use. If I spend vastly more time and effort to build my own version and I am not trying to profit off it, even if it turns out exactly the same, how is that stealing?

In plant genetics especially, there are a lot of different ways to elicit a mutation you are looking for. If I take a different road to the same result, somehow I am stealing from the patent holder. Fuck that noise.

There is no such thing as "Fair Use" for patents. It simply does not exist in the patent system. Mostly because patents deal more with the physical implementation of ideas instead of the expression of ideas. Patents bring thought to reality through a process, all of which is protected by the patent.

Even for copyrights, this would not come under fair use because you would be effectively replicating it in its entirety, basically performing an identical performance as the original, in its entirety, which you have no right to do without permission because the basis for your new plant is the original that is protected.

That said, Utility Patents exist for significant improvement upon an original patent, and you certainly have the right to improve upon the original, so long as your process is unique, novel, not a basic deviation of whats been done before, and most importantly, you arent infringing on the original patent its based on. In other words, its an actual improvement of the original that would be of some substancial benefit the original did not provide.

Huge corporation research lab or musty old basement is not relevent. Bill Gates started in the garage.
93  Other / Politics & Society / Map Makers Admit Mistake in Showing Ice Cap Loss in Greenland on: January 31, 2012, 10:09:53 PM
“However, experts from around the globe pointed out that the cataclysmic chart had no scientific support and was contradicted by all of the most recent satellite images.  Now the Scottish map-makers responsible for the disappearance of 115,830 square miles of polar ice have admitted publicly they were wrong.”

Let's see how this mistake could have happened.

Who owns the map maker ?

In 1980, Readers Digest bought them out, then in 1985 News International bought them, which HarperCollins Publishers bought in 1989, along with Collins Publishers (UK) and Harper & Row (US). Then, in March 2007, Ripplewood Holdings LLC led a consortium of private equity investors who bought the company through a leveraged buy-out.

Now, Ripplewood Holdings is a bit of a mystery as most private equity firms, but it's led by Timothy C. Collins, who has a very interesting background.

Sits on the board of CitiGroup, and oh looky here, he is on the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderburg Group, was a VP at Lazard Global, and is also a Yale graduate. Skull and Bones, anyone? Yes those old ruling elite and globalists we have to put up with...

All fits in quite well with the global warming Agenda 21 biodiversity scam to fake a map to make people think we are losing all of our precious ice caps.
94  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anon is hammering the Justice Department on: January 31, 2012, 09:26:14 PM
So by your logic, absolutely ANY plant that I allow to reproduce sexually is a unique creation that I did the work on, and as such is my property and anyone who wants to grow my varietal should pay?

I think you don't understand the nature of genetic manipulation and plant breeding.

No. That is not my logic at all.

You simply growing a plant does not alter the genetic code in any meaningful, intentional, or specific way. Yes, of course it is unique, as is all genetic code of every living plant and animal, however the "alteration" that occurs in your example is by natural mechanisms/processes beyond any control... evolution, if you will.

My logic is that if the genetic code is intentionally altered to create a unique breed/variety that intentionally and materially alters any specific characteristics of that plant, such as yield, product quality, taste/flavor, longevity, enviromental survivability, resistances, etc, would be patentable and property of the developer, if they so choose.

95  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers on: January 31, 2012, 07:08:03 PM
In related news:

Janet Howell, Virginia State Senator, Attaches Rectal Exam Amendment To Anti-Abortion Bill

the truly funny (weird) part is the amendment failed by a scant 21 to 19 vote!

probably along party lines
96  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Anon is hammering the Justice Department on: January 31, 2012, 06:49:52 PM
I am not talking about roundup-ready crops, and the fertilizers and soil conditioners to be used in conjunction with RR have nothing to do with it. They hold thousands upon thousands of patents on plants that have never been cultivated outside a lab. Maybe I just want one that produces a higher concentration of oil per kernel than the regular old Burpee seed packets. I am talking about patented genetics...genetics that some may know as merely a store of information. You say that there are other sunflowers...yeah, there are over 10,000 Asteracea species, but I am not talking about them. I am talking about one.

Say I never take the seed...say I drop a cutting into my tissue culture hood and form my own plants from a small scraping. I do it regularly as a hobby. If I culture it, flower it, and harvest the fruit, how in the fuck can they still own it? Stealing involves something being taken, and not being available to the original owner anymore. Culturing, breeding, or copying, if you please, are not theft and cause no monetary loss.

If I build the exact same car as Ford, spending billions of dollars to manufacture my parts to their specs, did I commit grand theft auto? Cause I am pretty sure that is an implication of your stance...

I believe it would boil down to where you got the original cutting.. if you stole it form someone elses property, if it were given to you or yyou were allowed to take it, and if they had the right to give it to you or let you take it to begin with. If someone changes the genetic code of a naturally occurring plant, then patent that, its theirs. They did the work. They invested in the research and development. Its no different than someone taking the earths naturally occurring resources and manipulating them into the latest bleeding-edge "widget". If you use their patented method or product, you pay a royalty fee or invest in research and development and make your own. Making your own does not include stealing off someone else who invested time, money, and resources in my opinion.

97  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers on: January 31, 2012, 06:25:54 PM
What I want to know is how this would affect aid recipients' ability to use medical cannabis? Obama said he wasn't going to fuck with state's rights regarding it, but alas, dispensaries in California (most poorly written cannabis law in the 15 states that have them) and Colorado (most solid cannabis law of those 15) are getting cease and desist letters from the DEA and getting raided damn near daily.

Typical federal government...kicking the most down-and-out...

When you put into the context the fact that the federal government and banking interests participates in the drug trade and drug money laundering, its makes much more sense... They are not getting their cut.
98  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers on: January 30, 2012, 03:45:51 PM
Did you read the article?  The delay is procedural and the bill is coming back today.

I think that reason is smoke and mirrors... Proceedural... Right. I believe it boils down to lawmakers not wanting to be under the same rules as the average citizen. Just look at the supreme court ruling for the drug testing for political candidates as unconstitutional, but the average citizen cant get a "decent" job anywhere today without one... even government jobs like those lawmakers. IF this bill comes back with mandates for anyone accepting public funds to undergo drug tests, you can be your last dollar there will be severe limitations based on some bastardized version of "probable cause" required, and certainly it will not be a blanket requirement, requiring all of them to undergo drug testing to get on the ballot, be elected, take controll of the office, or to keep the office if already in office. After all they are a different class of citizen and not the average slave like you and I.

I have my own problems with the drug war, but thats here nor there. Whats needed is consistency with everyone treated equally under the law. Not different rules and laws depending on your class or job description.
99  Other / Politics & Society / Welfare Drug Testing Bill Withdrawn After Amended To Include Testing Lawmakers on: January 30, 2012, 02:09:59 PM
They wanted to drug test welfare recipients and cancel their benefits if they are found to be under the influence, but when it comes to drug testing the lawmakers themselves, the pillars of justice and the protectors of our freedoms and liberties, its a completely different story. Apparently, the little people shouldnt do drugs but its ok for the big lawmakers we trust. My question is who should we hold to the highest possible standards?
100  Other / Politics & Society / Re: Why libertarians must deny climate change on: January 30, 2012, 12:19:52 PM
Of course climate change is real. Whats not real is it being the fault of human beings. The earth is constantly changing. Its all irrelevent anyways as we know the earth will one day be destroyed by the sun, but what better way to control you than to make you feel like all life is in imminent danger. Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
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