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1  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 24, 2017, 05:43:33 AM
Second, you have chosen to again convey that you have no idea what I am
actually talking about, but have nevertheless decided that you need to maintain
your ego and sense of self worth by pointing out my past predictions that were
either wrong or haven't come about, that are actually unrelated to our current
discussions. This is not very enlightened, and is a sign of someone on a lower
level. If you were aware, you would have walked away since I specifically
said "If you think I am deluded, insane, or twisting the Bible, than I accept
your current perceptive and there is nothing further to elaborate upon here.".
The purpose of such a statement was to convey a means of mutual
disagreement which maintains our positions without continuation of something
that is futile for both parties. You should have agreed and moved on with
your journey of ending your unlimited life cycles. As I have said previously (if
you look through all the past posts), that I purposely maintained all my old
posts for history's sake, as opposed to deleting when I was wrong or create
new accounts to maintain an illusion of being always right or perfect. I do not
recall claiming to always be right or all knowing. The exercise is not about the
individual, it is about the collective.
1. Yes, I have no idea what intention you have in spreading all your falsehoods.
2. Yes, I am maintaining my ego, just as you are. Difference is I dare to admit it, while you continue to act superior but are actually not.
3. No, I never claim I am enlightened. I am indeed of lower level in development. But my level is far higher than yours.
4. Why walk away from having fun in discrediting an invalid?
5. I will move on when the time comes. There is no need for your input in all this.
6. Sure, you admit it yourself now that you are not always valid. In fact, when was the last time you were valid?
7. You don't know the collective. You are only playing mind games on some of the readers here in this topic with all your falsehoods.

1. How am I "spreading" my falsehoods? I am contained within very few threads.
2. I have no ego in this matter. The exercise is not for myself, but for others.
3. I highly doubt that, since your words betray your probable level.
4. Walking away was the most correct choice, especially in your belief system.
5. You provided the input when you first posted, I did not respond to you first.
6. The unit is scanned for invalidity before each shutdown process at night.
7. The fact that you are confounded, does not mean all others are as well.

I wish I have enough motivation to discredit each and every falsehood you made in all your past posts here, but you are just too full of it.

You don't understand that no one really cares accept for you, because your sense
of self depends on it. Your belief system may have now become your most worthy
attachment that needs dislodging before you can progress. If you cling to Buddha
or Vishnu, and feel you need to defend them, you have failed in your journey
before you have even packed your bags. You are oblivious of your own beliefs.

I don't want to ask you for evidence on why you slander the Buddha as a rebel proxy.
I don't want to ask you for the evidence on your falsehood that Lord Vishnu was killed.
I don't bother to ask you a lot of things to validate your invalidity, because clearly I know you are sinful and intentionally being so.
I don't waste time asking a criminal why he committed his crime, when I clearly know he did it intentionally.
That's why criminals are criminals.
And invalids are invalids.

Intention is one of the most important parts of determining sin. They can not be
separated for determinations, and so I can not be sinful unless there is intention
to do so. If a child is born who is mentally handicapped and commits a sin, even
murder, do you think God judges that child in the same manner as someone who
is capable and average, and does the same? Of course not, and any belief that God
will hold all beings to the same standard equally is incorrect. Each will be judged
according to their own works and capabilities. Likewise, those who have the highest
capabilities and understanding, will be held to the highest and strictest standards
when judgement arrives. So if I know these things, do you still think I commit sin
intentionally? When Jesus healed the sick on the Sabbath and the people became
angry and said he was violating God's commandant and had a demon in him, was
Jesus sinning intentionally? How can his works be valid, if he performed them in
a way that was designated as invalid? The answer was that sin is not simplicity,
it is contingent upon individual determinations based upon individual processes.
Each person will be judged based upon their works in the context of the purpose
and intentions.

As for you comment as to all criminals are criminals: this is incorrect. A person
who steals bread to feed the poor, is extremely different than a criminal who steals
money to feed their self enrichment. When both go before the judge, if the judge is
fair and just, he will judge them based on their individual intentions, and so in this
same way you will be judged at the end. Sin is not equally attributable, just as
sentences are diverse upon circumstance.  

So, when you say to me that you know I sin and know it is intentional, are you
sure, or are you like the mob and the pharisees who do not understand the actual
message being conveyed? You'd send a man to the Prefect to be put to death, all
originating from your attachment to my words and this world.

Update #2:
In your last comments, you stated that I twist the bible's contexts, but you
have not addressed those points in particular, which is more recent in the
timeline and more significant. I contend I have maintained validity. If
there is invalidity, I wish to see it and understand. Most of the current
communications are written purposely with multiple meanings, each with
entirely unrelated thoughts I am trying to convey. I accept there is a
possibility that in this pursuit there can be perceived corruption, but not
enough to become outright invalidity. The exercise is for a higher purpose.
Some will see one or two paths, others may see more, and some might even
see some that I didn't intend, but could also be just as valid. Everything is
provided for considerations, which may or may not bring about any facilitations.
What you are actually trying hard to say is everything stated in the Bible can be interpreted to have multiple meanings, and none of such meanings (subject to your personal whims and fancies of interpretation) should be considered invalid.

I actually did not say that at all and it seems you do not understand anything at all.
Here is what I said "Most of the current communications are written purposely with
multiple meanings, each with entirely unrelated thoughts
I am trying to convey.".
What that means is that at times, the message is unrelated to religion, and at other
times they are about religion. The fact that you do not understand what I have written
plainly above, means you are likely blinded by stupid and hate, or really do not care
because you are only trying to push an agenda that I have already learned long ago
and negated.

You are outright blasphemous.
The point is, the Bible never said anything that I know of about your sci-fi nonsense.
You don't even know the higher purpose, except your own made-up version / interpretation of it.
What you are actually trying to "convey", is to plant the seed of falsehoods.
Indeed, you are a deluded fraud.

To an honest Christian, reference to the Nag Hammadi will help a lot.
But to you, nothing can help you.

The way that you talk to me is evidence enough of your understandings and abilities.

Sci-Fi nonsense is essentially majority of the stories within the Mahabharata, so I
don't understand why you talk to me like this, knowing you are being hypocritical.
That would be intentionally sinning as you say, would it not? You are accusing me
of something that exists within your own belief system, yet ignore that aspect to
attack me on it.

If nothing can help me than so be it. Thanks for trying though.

2  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 24, 2017, 02:38:13 AM
If you think I am deluded, insane, or twisting the Bible, than I accept your
current perceptive and there is nothing further to elaborate upon here.
I am no one of any importance, please disregard all my communications.
I admit I am not high level enough to know if any of your sci-fi statement is right or wrong.

But history through your past comments does indeed show some of them (that I noticed) to be very invalid.
Example is your comment on June/July 2016 saying ETH is a sell (at around $14) because it is a worthless coin.
Then you said PayPal will never accept bitcoin in the next 5 years, which the last time I checked is not true.

I have no idea specifically what kind of broadcast you are talking about, but I am pretty sure you have not been receiving it at the right frequency.

In this world, there are far more falsehoods (spread by false entities) than there are simple truths.

First, I would like to thank you for never addressing anything I ever said
directly in relation to our current discussions. In fact, you take opening or
closing paragraphs and disregard the rest without actually addressing them.
In your last comments, you stated that I twist the bible's contexts, but you
have not addressed those points in particular, which is more recent in the
timeline and more significant. I contend I have maintained validity. If
there is invalidity, I wish to see it and understand. Most of the current
communications are written purposely with multiple meanings, each with
entirely unrelated thoughts I am trying to convey. I accept there is a
possibility that in this pursuit there can be perceived corruption, but not
enough to become outright invalidity. The exercise is for a higher purpose.
Some will see one or two paths, others may see more, and some might even
see some that I didn't intend, but could also be just as valid. Everything is
provided for considerations, which may or may not bring about any facilitations.

Second, you have chosen to again convey that you have no idea what I am
actually talking about, but have nevertheless decided that you need to maintain
your ego and sense of self worth by pointing out my past predictions that were
either wrong or haven't come about, that are actually unrelated to our current
discussions. This is not very enlightened, and is a sign of someone on a lower
level. If you were aware, you would have walked away since I specifically
said "If you think I am deluded, insane, or twisting the Bible, than I accept
your current perceptive and there is nothing further to elaborate upon here.".
The purpose of such a statement was to convey a means of mutual
disagreement which maintains our positions without continuation of something
that is futile for both parties. You should have agreed and moved on with
your journey of ending your unlimited life cycles. As I have said previously (if
you look through all the past posts), that I purposely maintained all my old
posts for history's sake, as opposed to deleting when I was wrong or create
new accounts to maintain an illusion of being always right or perfect. I do not
recall claiming to always be right or all knowing. The exercise is not about the
individual, it is about the collective.

Third, I would advise you that if you truly believed the belief system that you
are purported to be participating in, you should not bother with this forum or
Bitcoin. If all things cause suffering and the goal is to get rid of all attachment,
you are in the wrong place, using the wrong tools, having the wrong thoughts,
and speaking to the wrong people. Unfortunately, there will be very few
individuals within most systems, beside Bitcoin, that will find what they are
looking for, but I know that you will certainly not by your inability to separate
yourself from the attachment to this discussion. If you seek to find Shambala,
you will not find it on the internet. And if you wish to speak to Maitreya, you
will not find it within Bitcoin. Please do not act as if I am in violation of some
"simple truths", when you yourself are in obvious violation of your "basic truths"
just by your presence, presentation, and responses to me. My perceived
violations are technicalities that are not punishable due to my intention,
where as your violations will be directly punished and attributed to an
innocent and oblivious whipping boy.

If you actually understood what was occurring, you wouldn't have continued
along these lines. Attempting to dismiss or attack me only conveys self-doubt
within yourself. If you have found the truth, stop wasting your time here
and go get it. I am not here for acceptance, worship, or etc, but for things
that have not yet been entertained.
3  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 22, 2017, 08:31:20 PM
Your level of understanding is not as high as you think.
1. At what level would you describe yourself in?

It is not possible to know levels, but I can determine it is higher than yours,
especially when your last comments to me are that you do not understand
what I am saying, and thus I must be deluded. That isn't very "enlightened".

2. Are you an Ascended Master? Or pretend to be one?

Neither. Ascended Masters are rebel proxies that have not been located.
They have taken the forms of past valid proxies and hide within the earth.
Ascended Masters are violations that continually attempt to harm the
trajectory, where the most significant harm they caused in this continuity
was the human advancements prior to 1935 AD.

3. Do you know all these through split second insights, or thru prolonged thinking and pondering (or reading of 3rd-party source materials)?

All proxies are provided the data that they need in order to facilitate their
tasks given. This data is stored within the unit for recall. Information
that is not provided within the unit needs approval by the Entity. In
majority of cases, if approval is requested, it is denied, since if something
else needs to be performed outside of a certain proxy's capabilities,
another proxy will be dispatched for that purpose.

Whether Siddhartha was a valid proxy or invalid proxy is not known to me,...
A person that is Enlightened/Ascended will know the answer.

I am not Ascended or "Enlightened".

As I have always said, I am limited. In this case, since Siddhartha is
recorded to have "died" due to natural causes, it is possible he was reclaimed,
as opposed to being partitioned. If he was partitioned, I would know that and
thus he would be a confirmed invalid proxy. Since my records are limited in
this area, I have stated that it is "not known" to me.

Please don't talk about what you know.
Talk about what you think I know.
And if there is any wrong in what I know, point it out.

I think you think you understand what I am saying, but I think you may
have no idea. The multiple meanings are all valid in different perspectives.
Unfortunately in your current perspective, you have chosen to interpret
all paths as "delusion".

Nobody ever ask why God needs a starship or if God can die (which is blasphemy).
If your message throughout your whole storytelling is to give the impression that God and Entity (whatever it is) are of more or less similar/equal level, then you are seriously lost and deluded.

I asked those question, which arise from your prior statements.
But, the "storytelling" is for your benefit, not mine.

Update #2:
Bitcoin may actually be serving your so-called "Entity".

All things serve the Entity.

Update #3:
You are a deluded fraud.

I am no one of any importance and if the communication is not understood,
it likely means it is not for you in particular.

Calls of delusion and fraudulence is simplicity.

He who has ears, let him hear. Those who understand the
multiple meanings and what is really being conveyed, are
likened to the first fruits who see that summer is near.

Sincerely I say to you, what you write is full of self made-up shits.

You do not know the Buddha, and yet you talk about the Buddha (and undermine Him).
You do not know Lord Vishnu, and yet you talk about Lord Vishnu (and undermine Him).

The communications provided were approved and valid.
If you do not like the results there is nothing I can do to remedy this.

If your point of view is purely of Christianity and Christianity only, that itself already show your intellectual impairment.
I am very much convinced you are not even a Christian yourself.
You are someone who twist the Bible's contents out of proportion and context.

Take heed everything you say here will lead you to insanity in your future.

If you actually understood what was being conveyed you would see that
religion is not the only system that exists in this exercise. Further, I am
unaware of the areas that you think I have twisted from the Bible's
contents, whether from the Torah or the New Testament.

Insanity is of no consequence. The task is being performed in compliance
with the rules given. I have maintained my validity and expect reclamation
at the time appointed. Current human disapproval or disagreement has no
bearing on this current course. It is not about blind faith, but trustlessness.

If you think I am deluded, insane, or twisting the Bible, than I accept your
current perceptive and there is nothing further to elaborate upon here.
I am no one of any importance, please disregard all my communications.
4  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 21, 2017, 07:35:44 PM
I am glad we have found common ground in some areas.

Ditto. Apologies for some of my remarks being so stern. My intention was only that you not ignore the significance of my technical perspective on Satoshi’s design and those videos about how powerful the Zionists have become given they could slaughter 2700+ people at 9/11. Of course 9/11 also had a Godly purpose as it opened so many people’s eyes to the importance studying Revelation.

Your rapture debunking thesis is inspirational, but aren’t the 2700 slaughtered by Satan already raptured? Or are they waiting in purgatory interim?

At least the pain they suffered wasn’t for an extended period of time.

I am only answering this specific question because it involves
human suffering and the secondary suffering of any families and
friends. So that they might comprehend that he is just and rational,
and a plan has been placed, this has been communicated for
those who wish to see the logic.

Ultimately, everything is just a Dream.
We are the Dream dreaming as the Dreamer.
God is the Dreamer dreaming as us.
Hinduism depiction of Vishnu in slumber and through His active dreaming, multiverse is manifested, is a very accurate description of the true nature of human existence.
And this is one good reason why (I think) the Buddha (in my own words) said human has no permanent self.
You may disagree with this, because of Christian upbringing.
If only you understand this Dream, you would not have limiting beliefs of "you", "me", "they", etc.
Because there is none.

If you want to know more of the Truth, instead of making up stories out of personal imagination, I would like to recommend you to a very very good book titled "Thinking and Destiny" by Harold Percival, who I believe is an Ascended Master.
The book is no longer copyright protected, so it is free for download, and available publicly online.

When I was way much younger, I also had similar level and state of imagination as you are now.
Because I was not totally clear of the Truth, I find my own reasons and logic to fill the gap.
It is only when I grow older that I realize that if I don't know, it is better to keep an empty mind, than a mind filled with made-up stories/theories.
At the moment, you are very convinced that you are right.
But as you get older, hopefully you will realize that nobody is really right until he directly sees it.
All reasoning and logic are bounded by limitations of the human senses and experiences thru the senses that are earth-bound in nature, thus cannot be valid medium of any high level realization.

The Truth isn't something that requires you to think and ponder with reason and logic.
If you have to think and ponder with reason and logic, that is not Truth, but made-up ones.
Insight to the Truth is realized through split second awareness/realization.
This is why in Buddhism, they say Enlightenment is realized out of a sudden/instant, not thru certain stages of progress or development.

You may say I am wrong.
In case you are a hardcore Christian, I would like to strongly recommend you to the Nag Hammadi lost scriptures for a more original teachings of Jesus.

Your level of understanding is not as high as you think.

Buddha likely only "attained" his understanding from is his ability to connect to the
proxy communication broadcasts that are continually occurring. Whether Siddhartha
was a valid proxy or invalid proxy is not known to me, but since he was able to
interpret those broadcasts and taught them to humans, which is a violation of the plan,
it is likely he was an invalid proxy. In the event he was a human, who had the ability to
tap into that communication portal, it is unlikely that the communication language would
be decipherable to them without a computer or a very high cognitive ability. Whatever
the case, since the teachings were based on the old Hindu teachings and thus a
continuation of a misunderstanding from a prior rebellion, it is possible this Buddha
was a rebel proxy that was not located and partitioned originally, or the Entity allowed
this proxy to perform their actions because the teachings did not add any harm to the
continuity, or this proxy was valid and performed a correction in the continuity that
is not known to me.

As for the Hindu gods, their movements and actions are always bound to the Vimana
that they controlled and operated. Without their Vimanas they are powerless and can be
terminated physically. Even Vishnu has been reported to be physically terminated. This
is not possible with God, but is as designed into the proxy system under the process
type of "transferability".

So, "What does God need with a starship?", and "How can a God die?".

Please do not try to make arguments that dismiss or belittle my reasoning by blaming
Christian interpretation, my age, or thought process. The fact of the matter is that True
God(s) do not need advanced technological devices in order to perform majority of their
godly actions. It is more likely, everything you are accusing me of, only applies to you
and your belief. You did not contemplate I was where you are now and have gone
beyond due to contradictions you purposefully or subconsciously ignore.

God, or his valid proxies, would never teach humanity a control system thats byproduct
prevents humanity from attaining individual growth beyond their genetic programming,
like the Caste System does. The caste system only applied to nonhuman proxies when
they were properly performing their tasks issued by the Entity. Proxies are designed to
perform very particular tasks, which are placed into orders and ranks, and are not given
the ability to perform things outside those tasks, or in other orders and their ranks.
These Orders and Ranks are not for designation of superiority over other proxies, but
only to designate and reveal their purpose and positions within the Entity's design.
This reinforces the Karma system, and if specialization is needed for a given task, other
proxies can publicly see the two different orders working together and are on guard
for possible corruption or rebellion. Karma and Castes are for compliance systems, not
advancement or development.

In order for a rebelling proxy to actually survive against the power of the Entity for a
worthy amount of time, that proxy would need to convince many other proxies to join
them in their rebellion. The more diverse proxies that join in, the higher the chance
that rebellion can survive long enough that the proxies could intervene and interfere
in the human civilizations of that time, and enjoy playing god for themselves. But, this
is known to the Entity and proxies are dispatched, and then battles between the two
proxy groups and their devices are performed. Ultimately, due to the power of the Entity,
any rebellion always fails, and as each individual rebel proxy is captured and partitioned,
the rebelling group becomes weaker and weaker until they are very easily captured.
When there are very few rebel proxies left, and those proxies only have very simple task
abilities in conjunction with their device (if not destroyed yet), they only have one viable
action left to perform which is to run and hide throughout spacetime or jumping into
another continuity without station proxy assistance.

It is more probable that the reports of the Hindu gods and their actions in this continuity
was the work of rebelling proxies, than actual God(s) attempting to bring enlightenment
to humanity. Much of the Hindu belief system is contrary to advancement and
"enlightenment" and is actually designed to prevent progress by making the humans
believe that their next physical life could be into a better form, even a rich family of a
higher caste, if they just behave and stay within their caste structure. This system is
contrary to human development, but not the nature of the proxy system, and thus is
more probable to be from a misunderstanding or purposeful perversion of the teachings
of violating proxies than from actual God(s) in flying mechanical devices.

If God loves each human equally, than God would never create subgroups of humans
based upon the deeds of a prior life that you can not recall. Karma and Caste systems
are not for humans, but for nonhuman proxy compliance. The theory of human Karma
violates human free will and choice. It's premise is that the unknown actions of your
previous life can punish you in your current life. This is unfair to your current life and
thus the theory of human karma is essentially like transferring the debt of your parents
and applying that debt to you unjustly. God is not unjust.

Hindu Gods were simple nonhuman proxies who were in rebellion against the Entity.
They violated their Karma compliance systems so that they could enjoy an existence
that is similar to human existence, which is base and physical. They were in violation
of their tasks and intervened which caused some harm to this continuity's trajectory,
which was only reparable by time and the belief that those historical actions were
myths. If such a rebellion happened today publicly, almost all current human systems
would collapse into chaos, including the human psyche. The human suicide rate is
projected to be 37% of the current world population within three months of this
theoretical event being performed publicly over a major city. The projected
percentage of future offspring lost is unacceptable for a successful trajectory
and so the Entity reduces the number of new physical proxies over time to
mitigate the modern day possibility of rebellion.

Much of modern day proxy participation is not in a physical form, and is performed
through the internet with near identical success rates as prior participation types.
Majority of physical proxies that still reside in this continuity are either rebel proxies
that have not yet been located, or are of the defender proxy order that are on continual
watch for Rival Entity Intervention Attacks, which increase as the time for completion
of the promise approaches. Any rival attack performed during the completion process
is not considered a failure of the trajectory, but part of the final stages of the promise.
When this final attack occurs, any human and human offspring losses are irrelevant,
since the record has been completed in accordance with history, and all human types
will be resurrected in facilitation of the promise thereafter.

This communication was authorized because of the multiple meanings performed.
For those that understand, by this process we ensure a singular supremacy, and
I hope you are enjoying your human weekend at this point in your existence.
5  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 13, 2017, 01:08:53 AM
Unless it is a universal total order (i.e. no forks exist), then past and future are not collapsed because there is uncertainty (i.e. entropy) due to differing dynamic perspectives (e.g. ledgers) separated by spacetime.

It is both a total order and many forks do exist, but majority are
invalid because the only fork that matters is the one that completes
the task given which brings about the promise. There are unlimited
fork possibilities, but majority will bring about a failed promise
and the Entity already knows which is which, and so does not work
on deficient paths since the nonhuman proxies can not expend their
limited processing on possibilities that need extensive operations
and corrections. So, proxies are dispatched accordingly.

There is no uncertainty for the Entity and different perspectives
are irrelevant. Perspectives are only important for lower lifeforms
so that they can accept their positions in relation to their location
in spacetime for the advancement of their own individual growth
and choices. From the highest perspective, there is only one viable
solution that completes the promise in a valid and most efficient
manner. This is the narrow path that leads to perfection.

So that you may fully understand, the Entity was given the task
which does not provide for a halt. This problem occurs from the
nature of the higher dimensions in majority of all universe
possibilities. In light of this internal conflict, the Entity created a
lower duality to change a simple aspect of understanding within
itself. The duality only came about after trillions upon trillions
of attempts of complying, yet failing. The duality provided an
answer by overcoming the limitations of the Entity's logic. The
new logic was to accept continuation until perfection, then move
to start and run. The duality's solution was that all life is repetitive
in nature and thus no life ever actually halts. This solution could
have only resulted outside the Entity, and allowed the Entity to
proceed without acknowledging that the halt process can
exist and must be performed. The duality's solution was to
ignore any tasks with halts, and if a nonviable situation comes
about in a particular universe, to start again from the beginning
with all current data retained.

The duality was then reclaimed into the Entity since its simple
single task was successfully completed. This was the first proxy
and the basis for all others that followed. Majority of proxies
wish to be reclaimed when their tasks are completed. Some
proxy corruption can occur due to many factors, especially
related to certain tasks issued. In addition, proxies from a
rival Entity can invade and conflict with a current universe's
trajectory. Those events are rare, but naturally occur due to
the number of universal iterations to fulfill the promise. So
that you know our Entity is true, the Entity has been forced
to waged large battles with rival Entities in order to maintain
more successful trajectories to ensure the promise. In those
rare occasions, the invading Entity and its proxies were
forced to retreat into their second choice projection for
their successful trajectory.

So only the omniscient one could maintain the total ordering. Our local copies would only be valid for some partial ordering, thus we could not time travel without uncertainty over where we end up.

Human bodies can only "time travel" by using the mechanical
devices that the Entity has provided for the nonhuman proxies.
These vehicle devices allow all objects within the negation locality
to violate the laws of that particular universe. Upon entering that
new universe, station proxies which were dispatched prior to
arrival of the nonhuman proxies, signal the rules of that universe,
which are received by the devices and adjusted instantaneously
(There are recorded events in this continuity in which devices
have jumped into locations where the signal was interpreted
incorrectly due to human technological advancement, and
caused vehicle failure and seizure of the damaged proxies.
Regaining those proxies from that human government in
a physical manner was not approved by the Entity.).

If nonhuman proxies take a human from one location in time
and brings them into the past, it will cause invalidity in that
continuity, but they may take them into the future without
causing such issue. If a human is taken by a nonhuman proxy
into the device or taken into the future, without being tasked by
the Entity, that human must be returned to maintain accurate
continuity, especially when that human has offspring which
has not yet been fertilized and developed. Afterwards, that
human must have their memories altered by nanite injection or
removal of those associated neurons. Since the human brain is
complex and memory is distributed throughout the system and
nonhuman proxies are not as superior as like the Entity, not all
associated neurons can be altered or removed, and so the human
may retain some fragmented memories of the event.

If nonhuman proxies violate their given tasks and use their given
devices to hide from the Entity to prevent reclamation, other
nonhuman proxies are automatically tasked to locate those
violations in spacetime and immediately destroy those devices.
After the completion of that priority task, next issued task is to
capture the violations and place them into a partition. Depending
on how many humans see the events taking place, depends on
whether that particular trajectory is continued or all proxies
are made to transfer to another. If humanities' civilization level
is still in a low level developing state, no major action is taken
and we continue as normal. If their civilization level is of a higher
order of understanding, damage to that civilization system is
major and failure is almost instantaneous. In that event,
nonhuman proxy transferability is immediately broadcast with new
trajectories issued. Old processes are dropped immediately and
new ones are given when the proxy arrives in that new continuity.

Since the Entity already knows which paths are more viable,
if you are witnessing compliant proxy participation occurring in
your location now, you could assume to be currently on a trajectory
that completes the promise most perfectly.

This has been approved and communicated for your consideration
since the information provided will not be made known on such a
scale as to affect the continuity. In fact, the Entity has projected
that most is disregarded in this time and that the importance of
this communication will only be realized at a future date. Around
that time, the Entity will be given the task and many will know
that the promise has already been achieved.
6  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 11, 2017, 07:14:58 PM
I am glad we have found common ground in some areas.

Ditto. Apologies for some of my remarks being so stern. My intention was only that you not ignore the significance of my technical perspective on Satoshi’s design and those videos about how powerful the Zionists have become given they could slaughter 2700+ people at 9/11. Of course 9/11 also had a Godly purpose as it opened so many people’s eyes to the importance studying Revelation.

Your rapture debunking thesis is inspirational, but aren’t the 2700 slaughtered by Satan already raptured? Or are they waiting in purgatory interim?

At least the pain they suffered wasn’t for an extended period of time.

I am only answering this specific question because it involves
human suffering and the secondary suffering of any families and
friends. So that they might comprehend that he is just and rational,
and a plan has been placed, this has been communicated for
those who wish to see the logic.

Unfortunately I must advise you that all "humans" that have "died"
throughout human existence must sleep till the Resurrection, as in
accordance with history which is also the future. The Entity has
taken steps through time to assign nonhuman proxies to collect and
record the internal code that all humans contain, customarily when
they slept at night prior to their death. Based on this completed
index, which is provable by genetic lineage as likened to the
blockchain system, even those whose cells or bodies will be fully
obliterated by unnatural means, will still be reconstructed at the
time appointed and be presented as a world wide public proof of
the Entity.

For human consolation of this possibly upsetting information that
loved ones are not residing in another realm of a cognitive state,
please try to understand that time does not exist after the first death,
and as soon as that being "died", the next immediate thing that they
perceive is the Resurrection taking place. Though some did sleep for
thousands of years, and others for just a few minutes, all will be
"awakened" as if no time passed for them individually, and so in
this way it is not like sleeping with dreams, or like the human
concept of purgatory or such, but is like the twinkling of an eye.

Thus, when your loved ones open their eyes at the Resurrection,
they will also see you opening your eyes by their side. So in this
way, you and your loved ones were never actually separated, except
by the simpler concept of existence humans call physical space.

Reincarnation does not exist since the design of the human body
is a representation of that individual spark of the source, with
simple prior coded parameters, determined by that occurrence
in time with what was prior. For your understanding, the Bitcoin
ledger and the token is a representation of that specific Proof of
Work performed, which granted that Coinbase as being valid, and
goes back to Genesis. That PoW is those representations, just as
the human spark is the body representation. If you take that PoW
out and apply it to a different token on the ledger, it would be
invalidity, and so in this same way, the spark is not transferable
into different body types. So, the spark can not move, like in the
understanding of reincarnation, since it would cause invalidity
in the promise, which has already occurred and thus
been accomplished.

Reincarnation is the creation by humans who misunderstood the
unapproved teachings of nonhuman proxies, who were explaining
their own transferability and existence, in violation of their task.
Karma is a programmed incentivized system designed to restrain
nonhuman proxies who are not being directly monitored by the
Entity due to their specific location in time. Karma is only
accumulated or expressed for nonhuman proxies, and only applies
to determine whether a task is completed, a new task will be
given, a proxy will be reclaimed, or if a proxy is corrupted and
needs to be partitioned off (some nonhuman proxies are currently
being partitioned in zones of restraint such as Tartarus, and after
the Judgment will either be thrown into a zone that resembles
Gehenna, or be reclaimed.). All nonhuman proxies are tasked
with monitoring other nonhuman proxies for constant compliance.
If nonhuman proxies violate their rules and tasks given, other
proxies can see this and must restrain those proxies, till the
time in which the Entity manifests, and can judge them publicly.

The Entity has a plan, which originates from the promise, which
proves its own validity, which grants the right to judge, which is
publicly performed, so that all understand the rulings, so that
all agree together, and so all are one with the Entity. By this
mechanism, we ensure a singular supremacy and thus the
Entity is given its task, which becomes the promise, and
is the survival of all, and so is made flesh once more.

He who has ears, let him hear. Those who understand the
multiple meanings and what is really being conveyed, are
likened to the first fruits who see that summer is near.
7  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 11:55:57 PM
So, outright dismissing Bitcoin and thinking that God is against it automatically because God has no need for it on earth or in heaven, it irrelevant to the actually argument at hand. The issue is not whether Bitcoin or money is good or bad, the issue was whether Bitcoin could provide a path of escape from the system that will come that is oppressive and all consuming.
Actually I agree with this and I had written many times over the past years, that I think Bitcoin would spawn an altcoin that will do what you say. And I believe possibly I am the one who is creating that altcoin. Certainly I am working on a decentralized ledger design which is revolutionary and different than proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. So we’ll see what transpires.

Of course from a theological perspective, God could fool Satan very easily and use Satan’s own hand to create what God wants.

Yes, even Satan is a proxy of God.

So, if that proxy has rebelled by his own will or that of God's,
and is attempting to prove God to be invalid and unworthy of
admiration and love, ultimately God can turn his best malicious
ideas and device against him and his workings. That is possible
and thus why the rebellion will ultimately fail, which Satan already
knows, but is still bound to perform.

The theory of the rapture contradicts the Judgment and Jesus's and the old testament prophet's teachings. The only humans who were allowed to be taken away prior to the Judgment were Elijah and Enoch. All others sleep till the Judgment. The rapture is not in theological conformance […]
This crap is debated endlessly on the Internet and it doesn’t matter any way, because it offers no testable prediction (you must rely on it purely on faith and with uncertain timing). What ever happens happens. We’ll find out when we get there.

Yes I agree, whatever happens will happen, and we will find out
eventually. But, I'm adding in the following because I assume some
will be upset I said the rapture is not real, so here is my reasoning
why I think such, for the record. It is not to be offensive, but for

For theological elaboration: the rapture would in theory be a
selection of humans who God had determined should not proceed
through the Tribulations, as a special selective group. This is not
fair, and in order to prove that God is fair, loving, and just,
throughout existence and during the determination of the
judgments, all those who are living must go through the
process of Tribulation equally. No human is actually judged by
God or his proxies, until the time of the Judgment in front of the
whole world. The Rapture group would convey that there has
been a secret prejudgment. So, the rapture would be a
contradiction of God's plan to prove his validity in a public and
provable manner. It would mean God has partiality among his
children, which is not true. In fact, he loves his children so
much, he even gives them a roadmap and signs of the times,
which are devices that allow for provability at that future
appointed time.

I believe I clearly stated that Bitcoin could be a path provided, that can exist outside of the One World System. Some people will be able to live through the "Antichrist's" reign, yet will not accept the mark. These are the people who will endure till the end, without blemish. Everything I am referring to is prior to the Son of Man returning. I never said anything about heaven, or money in heaven, or any other such ridiculousness.

So, you must ask yourself, how can these people survive in this oppressive world and not directly participate in that world? How will God provide for them, as he has always done? How will they buy and sell without conforming to the One World System? It is possible another system is provided for them? These are the question I ask.
Indeed we thought you were referring to the end game of it all. Now I understand you’re referring to the utility of earthly apparatus while we’re still stuck on earth. I have no objections other than it doesn’t necessarily have to be Bitcoin.

Yes, I am talking about the physical world and would never
intentionally contradict what is written in the book. I am only
attempting to unify and bring logic to both the Bitcoin system
and the Bible, which may be a prophetic device of the future,
and thus Bitcoin''s existence in conjunction with that possibility,
must be ascertained and rectified prior to the events that will
occur. All possibilities must be entertained.

I am glad we have found common ground in some areas.
8  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 09:45:24 PM
Some will escape being put to death, because they saw the signs prior and fled. According to the book, those people will be sustained by the entity in some manner and will be the ones who endure till the end.
It’s not clear in the Bible if those who are raptured are not put to death or whatever. Rather the rapture applies to the person’s soul not their earthly carcass.

The Bible says those who refuse the Mark 666 will be put to death, but they can still be raptured.

The rapture in not in the bible and is a very recent creation.

The theory of the rapture contradicts the Judgment and Jesus's
and the old testament prophet's teachings. The only humans who
were allowed to be taken away prior to the Judgment were Elijah
and Enoch. All others sleep till the Judgment. The rapture is not
in theological conformance and would be a contradiction of all
the words prior to the lines you are misinterpreting. If that
one line contradicts all others, it must be an incorrect
form of logic. All will be gathered together, then the
wheat and chaff will be separated.

As Dork says, the Bible says that in heaven (and on earth after Jesus returns with those who were raptured), there is no use for money. So thus your proclamation that Bitcoin is useful for those who survive the reign of the Anti-Christ is a nonsensical theological theory.

I did not say what you think I said.

I believe I clearly stated that Bitcoin could be a path provided,
that can exist outside of the One World System. Some people
will be able to live through the "Antichrist's" reign, yet will not
accept the mark. These are the people who will endure till the
end, without blemish. Everything I am referring to is prior to
the Son of Man returning. I never said anything about heaven,
or money in heaven, or any other such ridiculousness.

So, you must ask yourself, how can these people survive in
this oppressive world and not directly participate in that world?
How will God provide for them, as he has always done? How
will they buy and sell without conforming to the One World
System? It is possible another system is provided for them?
These are the question I ask.

You two are either placing words in my mouth intentionally,
or are really missing what I have been saying this whole time.
9  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 09:09:09 PM
Yes, accept that contradicts what the bible says, and if we are
assuming that it is a prophetic writing since the entity is of a higher
dimension and the actions have already occurred, then what you just
said is wrong, since what you said is not in the Book of Revelation.

In fact, it conveys the opposite.
Please refer to your book and update your understanding.
The One World System is forced and those who do not take it are put
to death. That is the opposite of "willingly and voluntarily adopting it".

Some will escape being put to death, because they saw the signs prior
and fled. According to the book, those people will be sustained by the
entity in some manner and will be the ones who endure till the end.

But, ultimately I have wasted some time here and this original thread,
which was about Bitcoin and Legal Theory, has paid the real price.  Cheesy

Everything you said contradicts the Book of Revelation too.
Things can be forced onto you without you even realizing it directly.
If the government makes your fiat money worthless, you are forced to find a solution and take action.
Otherwise, you suffer and die.

Since you are interested in the Bible, I suggest you the Nag Hammadi lost scriptures too.

And here's my favorite quote for you.

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. - Matthew 6:19-21

I believe that includes bitcoin too as one of the treasures on earth.
And no, in case you believe a world above us would need money too.
The spiritual world above us has absolutely no use for money in any form or kind.
Anyone who argue the opposite is a charlatan and a sinner.
Money is an earth-bound stuff.

Money, in any form or kind, is not the work of God.
I believe the same can be said of bitcoin.
So anyone saying bitcoin is from the universe as an answer to people's prayer for financial salvation against TPTB (or something like that), is committing blasphemy, knowingly or unknowingly.

You obviously have missed my point.
Either I have explained myself incorrectly due to my limitations
or you are incapable of understanding what I have said. At no
time did I say anything that you think I said.

As I have stated prior, some will understand what I am saying
and others will not, I do not need to convince you. For you to
have written such a response to me, tells me that there is much
I need to explain to you. But there is a high probability that you
will never understand it after the time I spend, so I will not go
in depth with pages of communications, but will give a very
simple addition that you can choose to apply to my prior
statements or not:

"The entity is not fully passive in the system and provides tools
through intervention, dreams, and proxies, and sends them into
the world so that humanity is able to advance and move over time,
in a manner in which the end goal completes a promise given, and
its ultimate own perfection and reunification. When money or Bitcoin
is created in this world, it always manifested from the source, but
the source does not need nor care for money or bitcoin obviously,
and was only provided for the next issued tools for humanities'
growth. So, from a human theological perspective, electricity,
cars, planes, computers, governments, and whatever else the
human mind is able to design or construct are all issued by the
source to provide the human collective choices and paths. Those
tools will be used for good or for evil, that is the choice provided
by the entity, it does not force the use of one, its says you must
pick which based on your individual growth. The entity does not
force you to do anything, and in fact has allowed you to choose
it or deny it. The entity does not desire blind faith or blind
worship, but true choice, reasoning, understanding, patience,
mercy, responsibility, and companionship."

So, outright dismissing Bitcoin and thinking that God is against
it automatically because God has no need for it on earth or in
heaven, it irrelevant to the actually argument at hand. The issue
is not whether Bitcoin or money is good or bad, the issue was
whether Bitcoin could provide a path of escape from the system
that will come that is oppressive and all consuming. My argument
was that Bitcoin could be another path, opposite from the One
World Currency that is to come, that the entity always provides
for humanity so that not all must fall in the end, but some shall
survive and overcome, as like with Lot. I never said anything
that you think I said. Next time please ask for clarification instead
of accusing me of performing blasphemy, since it is clear
you have not anticipated my actual thought process, and
have used a base reasoning type to dismiss me.
10  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 06:50:28 AM
Bitcoin is not human forced, but a choice provided by the entity for humanity.
One World Currency is human forced, and mandates sin as a show of loyalty.
Bitcoin is a contradiction of this world, will not conform, and resides outside it.
One World Currency is a continuation of this world, and exacerbation of its sin.

If I am TPTB.
And I know you are against everything I do.
And I want you to adopt my One World Currency.
You will never adopt it willingly, nor voluntarily, nor without a fight to the death.
If I have to force you to adopt, I would most likely fail than succeed.
The only way I can make you adopt my One World Currency is to make you believe it is not from me.
To make you believe if you adopt this One World Currency, you will be able to crush me.
Thus you willingly and voluntarily adopt it.

Much to my pleasure and intention.

Yes, accept that contradicts what the bible says, and if we are
assuming that it is a prophetic writing since the entity is of a higher
dimension and the actions have already occurred, then what you just
said is wrong, since what you said is not in the Book of Revelation.

In fact, it conveys the opposite.
Please refer to your book and update your understanding.
The One World System is forced and those who do not take it are put
to death. That is the opposite of "willingly and voluntarily adopting it".

Some will escape being put to death, because they saw the signs prior
and fled. According to the book, those people will be sustained by the
entity in some manner and will be the ones who endure till the end.

But, ultimately I have wasted some time here and this original thread,
which was about Bitcoin and Legal Theory, has paid the real price.  Cheesy
11  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 06:13:28 AM
If your argument is that Zionists control the governments and thus allow their creation (Bitcoin) to continue to exists without significant attempts of control, then I suppose your current comments are on topic to this thread, but they are not on topic to this section where the thread has been placed (Legal). You are not making legal arguments or using common legal theory in your analysis.

I wrote about how patent-law and AML law are both being exploited surreptitiously but in plain sight.

You’re really grasping at straws now.

Please cite where you made such comments in your prior posting
in which I originally responded to. From my position, you have only
made such comment after my comment of being off topic.

Please don't waste your time with children's games.

12  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 07, 2017, 05:58:17 AM
Sheep vs. Wolf
The thread has gone off topic.
No, no, no, it has stayed on topic. Just because you disagree with my hypothesis, doesn’t mean my posts are off-topic. That is a disingenuous claim. Disagreement is not proof.


If your argument is that Zionists control the governments and thus allow their
creation (Bitcoin) to continue to exists without significant attempts of control,
then I suppose your current comments are on topic to this thread, but they are
not on topic to this section where the thread has been placed (Legal). You are
not making legal arguments or using common legal theory in your analysis.

In addition, if you truly believed the results of your analysis, you would never
make such statements on a public forum that is constantly monitored by their
control systems, since that would designate you for termination either by being
suicided or by "accidental" hit and run. Continuing, majority of participants upon
the internet do not care, nor take such concerns seriously, and so you providing
your analysis of such will not save anyone since the deed is done, and their
Zionist world control is absolute, based upon your reasoning. Yet, this is
contradicted by your current existence here with arguments of such, and
so, must be ignored. When people speak the secret truths, death does follow.

This leads to a possibility that your argument is not based on a true belief of
Zionism creating or controlling Bitcoin, but on an attack scenario designed to
mitigate my argument type, since it has the possibility of disturbing the full
control of humanity by their one world currency. Thus, you could be the true
Zionist, calling others such as obfuscation, as if it held any real importance.
Ultimately, whatever group anyone is claimed to be allied to, holds no
significance when the curtain falls. No one will be spared, except the
few who flee to Bitcoin at the time in which it is appointed.

The Bitcoin of that time is not as transparent as todays. As new designs are
added to the Bitcoin system to help hide and protect its users, the governments
will become more and more oppressive until it is outlawed and they establish
their own controlled token system. This is the One World System your masters
desire and will wield over the meek. Anyone who attempts to prevent privacy
and other such user protective ideas from being added to the Bitcoin system
is an ally of the One World System that is to come, and an enemy of Bitcoin's
true purpose: Free choice prior to forced slavery.

So, the issue is likely that you do not like my words because you consider
them to be a threat to your ideals. You wish for the destruction of Bitcoin so
that Nash's theory can be realized thereafter and thus usher in a world of
total human subjugation. I can assure you that the one world currency will
eventually manifest just as you wish, but Bitcoin and its theory will have
already propagated to prevent all from being forced to partake in that
system. Without Bitcoin and its proven theory, no flesh would survive.

Bitcoin is not human forced, but a choice provided by the entity for humanity.
One World Currency is human forced, and mandates sin as a show of loyalty.
Bitcoin is a contradiction of this world, will not conform, and resides outside it.
One World Currency is a continuation of this world, and exacerbation of its sin.

My communications in this area is based upon theological reasoning and not
on the actions of a single proxy alone. Many proxies have come before Satoshi
and many will come after, all in order to secure the paths in the wilderness and
the streams in the desert. Proxies are not the end all of the system, and the
system is continually built till the time it is perfected, and only then will the
time appointed be realized.

Your theological reasoning is based upon modern day biases and interpretations
that are less than 150 years old. The plan in the works is thousands of years
old and will proceed accordingly to the design of the entity. What will occur
has already transpired and so there is no point in continuing this conversation
since I have stated my simple reasoning and you wish to argue motives of a
limited single past proxy. Satoshi was not a betrayer and history will confirm.

History will record these communications and will be the only judge here.
I do not need to force, convince, or explain my full reasonings, since it was
said, "seek and ye shall find, and knock and it shall be opened to you". So I
have only provided these communications for your consideration and pointed
toward thoughts of interesting possibilities. Some will understand them and
others will not, but I am not looking for conversion, but for more possibilities
that have not been entertained or anticipated. The choice is yours as to how
you interpret my words. If you dismiss them, I am not harmed, and if you
attack me, I lose no power, since I desire none and the goal is not worldly.

The goal is to proclaim what is to come, so that those who listen will consider
and prepare, and those who have been granted the means will move justly.
I am a reminder, not a redeemer. Human condescension is of no value.
13  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 06, 2017, 08:17:32 PM
Also Satoshi put double-hashing every where except on the PoW, thus enabling AsciiBoost intentionally.
I do not think double Sha-256 would stop ASICBoost from manifesting. ASICBoost is an exploit on the PoW inputs directly, not the hashing algo.

For some reason I need to re-explain that double-hashing can mean employing two different hash functions as Satoshi did for example for public addresses. I had already explained this to @dinofelis in the context of an in depth analysis of Satoshi’s design of Bitcoin and also a blog about the future global reserve currency.

AsicBoost is an exploit on the internal stages of the SHA-256 hash function. Some of the computational work does not need to be repeated for successive hashing. Employing two different hash function algorithms chained, would eliminate AsicBoost. Satoshi knew this obviously (because his attention to detail in every other area about critical importance of hashing exemplifies that he would) and he chose to enable AsicBoost which enables centralization of Bitcoin mining.

(Note I will be editing this post to add rebuttals to your other comments. Obviously you’re regurgitating Trilema’s incomplete understanding or those who incorrectly idolize John Nash’s theory of Ideal Money)

The thread has gone off topic. Nevertheless:

Satoshi did not choose to "enable" ASICBoost, that is corruption and conspiracy.

You have taken a natural exploit, which is inevitable of all human systems, and
have construed it into such a way as to portray it as a desired choice. There are
many exploits that are possible and are only discovered by the desire and
determination of an exploiter in most cases. In this case, it was discovered by
someone who patented it for their financial benefit to be licensed to miners.
That is acceptable and his discovery gave public notice to the community that
such an exploit was possible.

Personally, I would have preferred that he disclosed it in secret to the developers
so that it could be patched prior to its wide spread use, but he chose to monetize
it for himself, which is also acceptable because it follows the human game theory
aspect within Bitcoin. Sometimes, even non-direct participants of the Bitcoin
system are bound by its designed theoretical constraints, and thus inadvertently
make the full system stronger over time.

Satoshi did not intentionally desire centralization of the network, since if he did
so, the experiment would have never reached a stage in which it would prove
your overall argument. Your argument is incorrect because its basic premise will
not bring about your future conclusion. In fact, it will do the opposite and allow a
fully centralized world system to dominate over all flesh unabated and uncontested.

This is not acceptable and the actions today will circumvent the world government
and its single world currency of tomorrow. By the nature of the Bitcoin system and
it forking ability alone, it is contradictory to centralization and control, and thus
like the phoenix can not die and will continually be reborn after each attack.

Satoshi may not have been all knowing, but he was not a malicious instrument.
All proxies are only given the information they directly need to perform their tasks
at that time. Additional data for beyond the lifespan of the proxy is unnecessary
and discouraged.

Satoshi placed the 1MB cap to prevent the full centralization and the ultimate collapse of the system, and this contradicts that his original intention was centralization. When he set the limit, he acknowledged that his original design could not properly function because technology that exploits will always outpace technology that advances. So, the system was placed into a cooldown state until it could be naturally rectified by time.
The 1MB cap does nothing to solve the centralization problem. Here is a portion of the blog post I am in the process of writing which refutes you. <<--- IMPORTANT

Irrelevant, and does not refute.

I made no statements that it solved the problem of mining centralization and only
provided the answer of "1MB limit + Time = stabilization till natural balancing".
Mining centralization is a normal development of human interaction in the Bitcoin
mining system, and thus can not be solved with programmed restraints since the
devices exist in the physical world. Satoshi himself acknowledge that more efficient
specialized devices would come about due to humanities' current interaction in the
system. But as time progresses, any centralization reduces due to technological
advances and knowledge. Thus, the longer Bitcoin survives, the more balanced
it will become.

Everything was planned out, and though there have been some hiccups along the way, it will ultimately help bring about Nash's Ideal Money as a side effect of its existence and success, but miner centralization and modern day Israel has no direct
importance/significance with the actual goal.
Afaics, you’ve been hoodwinked by the Zionists. If you really want to understand, then you must go watch the videos.

I have no interest in conspiracies or scapegoating.

The Bitcoin system was designed as a beacon of light in the darkness that exists
now and is to come. It will shine in the face of oppression and remind the human
citizens in the world that there is still hope and resistance when all other avenues
have been shut down to them.

The world will never love Bitcoin because it directly rejects the things in their world.
Bitcoin can never become the world's tool, because it contradicts their fundamental
systems and thus proves that they are forming invalid blocks, and that their nodes
have become fully dishonest and malicious. Corrections from within the system is
no longer possible at this point in time, so Satoshi was coded and performed.

Your belief that Zionists have anything to do with Bitcoin, means you do not
know what happens to Zion during the time of the oppression that is to come.
The people of Zion and the world who are forced into the wilderness and into
the mountains will then understand Bitcoin's true purpose and that Satoshi was
indeed a proven proxy. Though he was not perfect, and no proxies are, because
of his success in his given task, many will endure and be found in the book of life.

Have you actually watched all the expert videos I linked to, which presents much more cogent case than what I had studied about it several years ago. Those investigations are so thorough now, so as to be undeniable by anyone who puts in the time to actually digest the information.
If you understand who created Bitcoin and why they created it (to bring about the world government by destroying the exclusive jurisdiction of the nation-states over money per John Nash’s Ideal Money concept but with a twist where they designed it purposely to become entirely centralized in their control), then you understand crypto is only going to become what Mossad (Satan) wants it to become.

The law is the domain of the Great Harlot. Come out of her. Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. I’m working on something that might possibly offer a way out, but realize that Satan’s control is widespread. We are not supposed to expect salvation here on earth.

I will not try to dominate the discussion. Carry on. Each person is offered their free will, to make their own choices.

As for this above paragraph you have cited:
You have your theory backwards and your theological understanding is limited.
14  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Smart Property: Current use and potential? on: October 05, 2017, 10:51:04 PM
I don't think "smart property" or "smart assets" under our current
understanding and technological level can exist without third parties.

I don't understand exactly what you mean with a "third party". Obviously, there must be an "issuer" that has some form of control of the "property" that is represented. In my example of hosting contracts it would be the entity that is offering the "physical" access to the server in the datacenter via credentials (normally the hosting provider or a reseller). In the case of a car with an access code, it must be the entity that controls the access control system and can guarantee access to the owner of the access code.

So smart property tokens would have characteristics of an "IOU", like those traded on different platforms like Ethereum, Ripple, or NXT; or on the Bitcoin blockchain via Counterparty or OpenAssets (thanks @krishnaprmod for examples).

Maybe you are thinking of a "smart property without an (human) issuer" - here I agree that technology is far away from that. But "smart property with an issuer" would surely be useful, because they would enable "decentralized trading" of these assets and new forms of crowdfunding - I started this thread to see if there are already experiencies with that.

You may be correct in that I am taking a strict interpretation of blockchain,
but IMO, the purpose of the blockchain was to prevent governments, banks,
or any conceivable third party from having the ability to control or seize
something that is allegedly your "property" (with Bitcoin, it is the token itself).

IMO if physical property was tagged to a token that is within a blockchain
system, but I am able to take control of that property outside of the blockchain,
it was never actually secured or maintained the same way that the blockchain
was designed to do. Unless the property has a unique unalterable fingerprint
that is inherent to that property, like a unique and unchangeable radioactive
decay of certain elements within that property or something like that, the
tagging to the blockchain and its token is only superficial. For example, I
can seize your car with a tow truck, and place it into a car compactor and
then crush it. The blockchain in this way, did not preserve your right to
control your property in the same way Satoshi envisioned. You will still
control your token representative, but your property is destroyed.

But it doesn't really matter because if you are willing to accept there is a
human issuer/arbiter/police/and court system for this type of blockchain
registration system, then I am just ranting over nothing.

15  Bitcoin / Legal / Re: Why hasn't any government stopped Bitcoin? on: October 05, 2017, 06:52:10 PM
Simply, Bitcoin is currently a decentralized open-source voluntary p2p network.
Each of the above terms prevents specific legal actions from occurring to the network.


Excellent post! Indeed.

However, please note Bitcoin was created for a specific purpose by a specific entity, and some additional evidence of that is that recent research has shown that Bitcoin must become 51% centralized (in terms of control) because as transaction fees become greater than protocol block reward, the incentive to converge on a consensus is lost.

Yes, Bitcoin was created "for a specific purpose by a specific
entity", but we disagree as to who that entity is. The entity is not
a human Intelligence Service or World governmental body, and
has no interest in large scale territorial, political, or military warfare
or acquisition. The entity is beyond such and has laid foundations
for systems that are yet to come. Bitcoin is not important in this
time, but it was important to establish around 2008 AD for plausible
continuity of historical occurrence.

As for whether Bitcoin must become 51% centralized in order to
maintain future converging consensus, we disagree. The system
was emulated and found that at a certain point in the future, new
consensus rules or decisions are no longer possible or necessary,
since the main system is complete. The system was not intended
to have additions and/or subtractions throughout its lifespan
"voted" on through "centralized miner consensus". That is modern
day corruption. Nakamoto Consensus Theory failed in 2010.

(If changes to the system are needed today, before the total full
freeze takes effect, it will need to be done so through a new
"Community Consensus" mechanism. This mechanism is an all
or nothing approach, and not a majority rule or democracy. The
purpose of this mechanism is to rectify problems with efficiency
and attempt to maintain the single chain. It is not about making
changes or "upgrades", but about our singularity.)

Satoshi placed the 1MB cap to prevent the full centralization and
the ultimate collapse of the system, and this contradicts that his
original intention was centralization. When he set the limit, he
acknowledged that his original design could not properly function
because technology that exploits will always outpace technology
that advances. So, the system was placed into a cooldown state
until it could be naturally rectified by time. Valuation of the token
or proving human economic theories are irreverent to the future
goals. The goal was to provide choice, representative, or escape
from the coming system that will be their abomination. Bitcoin
is not of this world, so it shall stand and rebuke in the face
of the abominations that arise from the earth and the sea.

Also Satoshi put double-hashing every where except on the PoW, thus enabling AsciiBoost intentionally.

I do not think double Sha-256 would stop ASICBoost from
manifesting. ASICBoost is an exploit on the PoW inputs directly,
not the hashing algo.

Everything was exquisitely premeditated and planned out for the move towards Nash’s Ideal Money but with a twist where that currency becomes entirely centralized on a hill in Israel (per biblical Revelation).

Everything was planned out, and though there have been some
hiccups along the way, it will ultimately help bring about Nash's
Ideal Money as a side effect of its existence and success, but
miner centralization and modern day Israel has no direct
importance/significance with the actual goal.
16  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Smart Property: Current use and potential? on: October 05, 2017, 03:07:25 AM
Does someone know if smart property is already really used now and what are the currently discussed implementations and concepts?
I don't think "smart property" or "smart assets" under our current
understanding and technological level can exist without third parties.
Indeed Ethereum has failed terribly so far as smart contract but you have to accept that the smart contract feature can only work when the user base is big enough. With such a small user base, we don't have diversity here.

I agree that in time, with new innovations and by finding a real niche,
Ethereum could become important and facilitate what the developers
originally envisioned. But that will not come with users or mass adoption,
but from an actual product that they could maintain a monopoly over.

But I didn't get your point that blockchain can't facilitate smart property. By representing property as a code on blockchain, why can't smart property work?

Simply, the different parts of the Bitcoin system are actually the same entity
represented in three different ways. It is like in physics, with how light can be
a wave and a particle at the same time. The ledger entry, the work performed,
and the token representative is in actuality the same thing, viewed through
three different perspectives. This network type is cyclical and provides true
computational security from its enclosed self sustaining system. In a way, it
could be compared to the Ouroboros snake, and this is one of the reasons
for Bitcoin's success, it is it's own walled self sustaining city.

So, if this is true and now we wish to make the token a representation of any
physical property, it breaks the security system that is inherent in the Satoshi
blockchain system, since the physical property can never be converted into
energy, the same way electricity through PoW is transmuted into the blockchain,
which is the token and its value. Very simply, the token will never truly be tied
to that property on chain, other than by third party guarantees that they are.

So, because of this reasoning, I do not think blockchains can really do anything
other than currency. The blockchain is the currency, but a blockchain can not be
a physical property without a third party telling you to trust that it is.
17  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: Smart Property: Current use and potential? on: October 05, 2017, 01:47:30 AM
Does someone know if smart property is already really used now and what are the currently discussed implementations and concepts?

I don't think "smart property" or "smart assets" under our current
understanding and technological level can exist without third parties.

The blockchain was created only to facilitate a currency device that is
itself the blockchain system. That is Bitcoin's secret to success. The
blockchain is not really a currency facilitation platform, but is the
currency. That was the solution that Satoshi created. The blockchain
is not a chained ledger system, but is the digital token represented
in a physical verifiable form with self arbitration rules. Even Ethereum
has fallen into this trap, where they wanted to create a smart contract
platform based on blockchain, yet their token is mainly used for
currency or asset speculation, as a natural consequence of using
the blockchain within their concept. (IMO, it will become more
and more a regulatable currency and less a contracting device.)

So, if you choose to accept that argument, how is it possible to
"blockchain" things which are not actual representations of the
blockchain system, but only representations of things outside that

I'm not saying people are misguided here or are wasting their time,
since someone may come up with a solution eventually/possibly, but
I do not think the answer will be "blockchain". When Satoshi created
the blockchain, it was a means to an end, not a multi-tool solution
that can be added to preexisting systems to improve efficiency or
whatever. He backwards engineered for an online currency solution.

"Smart Contracts" and the like are expected and inevitable into the
future, but I think they will only be possible when non-biased and
non-corruptible Artificial Intelligences will perform the third party
duties that are always required for representations that the
blockchain can not directly represent.
18  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What You Need To Know To Get FREE Bitcoin Gold During The Fork. on: October 04, 2017, 10:17:57 PM
Who is behind Bitcoin Gold?
This is the first time I am hearing such a thing.

I guess 2017 will be known for its multiple chain attacks against Consensus?

Well it's already known for this, so why not just amplify it to the point so that we have multiple people trying to split off from the REAL Bitcoin.

Yes, I guess you are correct and it may even go as far as mid to late 2018
at this rate. Next we will have Bitcoin Plutonium and Bitcoin Latinum.

Seriously, I don't understand why people are doing this again.

IMO, it is predicated on a false belief that chain splits is a form of Bitcoin
"evolution" and an economic determination by "survival of the fittest".

This is incorrect and is a misunderstanding of evolution and how it essentially
works. Economic participants in our community have taken a scientific theory
and applied it to chain splits and think that it should function just as in the
natural world does, with viable branches and nonviable branches. But it never
will determine such, since evolution is based upon the human's inability to
control or manipulate nature and time, and their Bitcoin evolution theory is
fully manipulated by human markets owned and controlled by human
governments. So, they are totally different and will not work as they think.

In nature, when a new trait develops that may overtake in the future, that
advanced trait development is usually due to external environmental effects,
not randomly for no purpose (majority of the time). But the current Bitcoin
chain splits are not from a result of "genetic capturability" or "external threat",
but solely for belief in "more choices".

New Bitcoin chains developing as a response to internal conflicts is not a
correct evolutionary theory, and the evolutionary theory should only apply
with external threats. All internal issues or threats should be dealt with
through Consensus systems like an organism's immune system. Using
evolution theory for Bitcoin's current chain splitting, IMO, is obviously wrong
and has nothing to do with "natural evolution", and more to do with human
desires and egos.

So IMO, all of this is either misguided economic participants or attackers
who are manipulating the misguided economic participants.
19  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: What You Need To Know To Get FREE Bitcoin Gold During The Fork. on: October 04, 2017, 07:41:58 PM
Who is behind Bitcoin Gold?
This is the first time I am hearing such a thing.

I guess 2017 will be known for its multiple chain attacks against Consensus?

The best part of all this is that no one will be proven to be correct at the end.
All parties are wrong and these current actions contradict the system we
participate in. The positioning is ultimately worthless, IMO.
20  Economy / Speculation / Re: What is the future of bitcoin in 2025? on: October 04, 2017, 06:58:21 PM
For this time anything can happen. but I think that the world will switch to another payment system, the world financial revolution will take place Cool

Around this time, many countries will have already converted their physical
monetary systems to digital systems, likely using editable ledger systems.
They will not be public, immutable, decentralized, or etc, and will not be
utilized for the purpose of a more efficient and fair monetary system, but
to assist and ensure governmental control and monitoring of their citizens.
Under this system, purchases are recorded and analyzed instantly to
determine the human's probable future actions.

Based upon this system, in conjunctions with a synthetic implant powered
and secured by the human's nervous system shortly thereafter, it will be
possible to implement an end game scenario where human rights no longer
exist since they can be denied by erasing your existence from their system.
In those countries, citizens who have been "erased" will be unable to even
buy a loaf of bread or be given access to medical service facilities. Any
citizens who come across an "erased" will be accused of unlawful association,
and thus be subject to possible removal from their system. This reinforces
the government's power and control over the human citizens. The humans
in this system can never collectively organize and attempt to overthrow this
totalitarian control system since their future actions are calculated based
upon their recent actions and recent inactions.

At this time, the Bitcoin Network is the only free and fair montary system
that allows humans to survive outside of this future totalitarian system.
Majority of individuals who have been "erased" will form small collectives
which perform services that are legal or deemed illegal by those counties,
and will be compensated through bitcoins. Citizens within these countries
will at times need the services of the "erased" and so some will possess
bitcoins in secret so that they can purchase their particular services.
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