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261  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 21, 2017, 09:44:26 PM
And in the interests of making sure the truth is not buried:

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« Sent to: Decksperiment on: March 28, 2015, 10:38:06 »
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A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

At least one, with 1000% accuracy, that being that the great flood could not have happened in biblical times, because the Sequoia, or Pinus longaeva are older than ALL event's in the bible, and are still ALIVE, captain Wink

The above was deleted, not because it was ON TOPIC, but because it is nothing more than the truth.

This site was so much better when it reflected the blockchain. Now that the moderators, suck. Like america, think they can delete the truth when it suit's them...
262  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: March 21, 2017, 09:41:42 PM
I got a nice reply for you BADECKER:

A guy says to me, what do you want..? I answered what I wanted, he says it'll cost me dear. How much? Oh, this is not a cash value offer, but it will cost you very very dear. Like what I asked.. he says one.

Now after 2 seconds contemplation, and my head sayin shut the fuck up, I chose to accept his offer, (knowing how to beat the devil) knowing full well, what happens to those who 'lose' their soul. As I walked the 6 mile home after, half pissed, I even felt like cryin, but my head say's, you have nothing to cry for, look at yur pore's. (<- tell me what this refect's, I already know.)

If you want scientific proof that god exists, let's get to the real nitty gritty truth.

The devil's greatest trick was to convince the world he does not exist. How did he do it? Convince the world his nemesis is called god.

Introducing freemasonry. The 18th degree password to freemasonry was discovered by me 35 years after 1st hearing an old '60's song,

Hoseanna. As you can see, I dont care about halving things, and it is not my secret to keep. Hoseanna, taken from the bible, Is the 18th degree of freemasonry's password, where the candidate learn's god does not exist, and that the only person you need to worry about, is the same person these masons all sold their own childrens soul's to, LUCIFER, AKA the devil. See, according to magic, and all it's teaching's, God is the light. The bible itself says 'let he who hath understanding, reckon the number of the beast'. I did exactly that. And with conviction, I can say, that when the bible states that god is the light, and that light is 666, then who is it that lives below?
263  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Technical Support / Re: BitCoin Core, Ver. 0.10.2 (32 bit) on: July 08, 2015, 10:06:23 PM
Do not trust anyone's answer's on this site, unless you can verify YOURSELF the fact's.. bitcoin is syncing, but is no longer confirming ANYTHING. Why do you think they do NOT host the application at the top of the main page where the three red diamond's are? It's really simple.. they fucked it up!!

Evidence: 3 month's ago I synced an old wallet I had not used in some time, and it synced, and confirmed it's content's no problem. Yesterday, I sent the content's of another wallet to this wallet. I then started afresh with the wallet I found, including starting the download of the entire blockchain using the latest version. it now has less than 30 weeks left, and yet I have NO confirmations on transactions over three years old. Excluding the transactions I sent to this wallet yesterday, the rest should be confirmed by now.

Don say I neva eva warned ya.. the dev's are killing bitcoin to force the use of wallet's they can dissapear with.. notice they all say use an online wallet, in effect, saying: Give us your btc, we'll look after it, and mess with the bitcoin app so much, you'll have no choice but to trust us, taking YOUR control of YOUR bitcoin from you.

Fork in the chain?

At the same time this site removes the bitcoin-core application link from the top of the page, the first time in this site's history?

I'll be back to watch you all cry when you see how much your btc is worth, when you cant get any.
264  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How bitcoin dev's are helping to kill bitcoin on: July 04, 2015, 08:30:07 PM
Pay a bit attention to the top line on every page: News: ♦♦♦ If you are using any wallet other than Bitcoin Core 0.10.x or 0.9.5, then you should not trust incoming transactions until they have ~30 confirmations. More info.

Your all just a bunch o loser's who know nothing about you being scammed.. just cause I deleted 120 btc does not make it go up in value, in fact, it fell.. Again. If it was'nt for the wallet being corrupted by the software dev's.. hey, just re-build app from scource.. what difference will that make? None if they want all the bitcoin's.. why FORCE us to use only the latest version? Because it suit's the dev's, who are clearly not interested in fixing any bug that has been there since the very first edition of the software.. suffer scum bag scammer's, the world's onto ya.. so is the isp.. ban p2p, kill bitcoin, if that dont work, leave it to the dev's..

Psst, 1 and a half million for a website? I'd sack them if it was'nt up by now.. scammed, the lot o ya.
265  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / Re: How bitcoin dev's are helping to kill bitcoin on: July 03, 2015, 06:53:15 PM
First of all, nothing was ever forced on you. There are several wallets you can choose from, you don't need to use Bitcoin Core.

Now onto fixing your problem. The problem is that you are not allowing Bitcoin Core to shutdown properly. If you simply shutdown your computer, I think it will just terminate the process (doesn't happen on windows 7 but probably does on windows xp). By simply terminating the process for Bitcoin Core, you are corrupting the databases. These need to be shutdown properly. To close Bitcoin Core properly, you must open up the client, go to File > Exit. Then wait for the little window that pops up to go away. This ensures that Bitcoin Core exited properly and that the databases won't be corrupted. Of course, I don't see this problem with Windows 7 because I think it will close each application through the application's shutdown, but windows xp might simply terminate the process.

I think I know this, but this was NOT always the case, I used bitcoin for years, shutting it down whenever I felt like, and as long as the small window appeared, yes I reckon I know how to shut it down, the reason I use core version is to mine from home, and the fact that the dev's are ignoring xp, still used by the majority of people I know.. yes, updates to xp are still available up to 2019 at least.. I cant even copy the damn error report contents window, what's the point in that? I can however say the fault seems incompatibility issues with msvcrt.dll, causing bitcoin to crash, and hence the problem, created by ignoring xp. BItcoin dev's.. FORCING updates through changes in the origional concept.. the origional worked, the latest is like firefox, full of bloat and getting more useless by the hour.

Thanks for killing bitcoin for me, and my wallet. Now why on earth I would want to use some third party wallet, when we all know what third party here means, you lose your bitcoin's, one way or the other.. now same is true from the app we're SUPPOSED to TRUST.
266  Bitcoin / Bitcoin Discussion / How bitcoin dev's are helping to kill bitcoin on: July 03, 2015, 04:58:35 PM
Excuse my language here, but this need's to be said:

Fuckin idiot's, why do I have to rebuild the index everytime my pc shut's down? I have never been able to use my wallet ever since this was FORCED onto bitcoin user's like myself. I am sick to death HOPING the wallet will sync before I have to rebuild AGAIN. As for expecting those user's of xp to update, when some of us get updates until 2019 at least.. which in turn is FORCED upon us by creating new ways making old wallets un-useable in older client's, all I can say, is a big fuck off to the lamest programmer's on the planet, I just deleted 120 bitcoin's, have a nice fuckin day, and please, when you rot in hell, do it fuckin slowly, as slow as this fuckin re-indexing bullshit.. the dev's killed bitcoin, no-one else!!!

As I said before, over 30 fuckin update's and NOTHING has been fixed.. That's what killed bitcoin for me.. and I wont be the last.. still dropping in price?

Don say I neva eva warned ya's

Avoid bitcoin like the plague.

It's run by theif's and scammer's who want the bitcoin value increased by getting rid of anyone external to this fuckin shite site, using an app that has been messed with so many time's, I wonder why people bother..

Tata.. re-index that, idiot dev's.
267  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: June 08, 2015, 03:18:29 PM
Learn the queen's english then, for all are correctly placed..

Actually, not a single one is correct, except in the post I am quoting.  Although, here, your capitalization is incorrect.

The apostrophe can also be used to pluralize; this takes us into an area where there are few objective rules (always a joy!). You will recall that apostrophes are not to be used to pluralize a name (the Smith's), though it is commonly done in error. It is a proper use where it clarifies, such as in the Oakland A's; without the apostrophe As would be confusing or ambiguous. Other illustrations:
"The word �matter' contains two t's."
"Schools should teach the three R's."
"Computers employ the binary system of O's and I's."
Compare, however, the following where the number and letter combinations are so well established that to omit the apostrophe creates no ambiguity:
"Two 747s landed side-by-side."
"There are two YMCAs in the city."
"There is a serious shortage of RNs."
The preference seems to be to omit the apostrophe except where the meaning is not clear; on the other hand to insert the apostrophe in these last three illustrations would not be proper.

Spot the american remix.. I'll continue with the queen's english, you stick wi being a wank Wink Oop's, sorry, yank..
268  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: June 08, 2015, 01:21:37 AM
Learn the queen's english then, for all are correctly placed..
269  Other / Off-topic / Re: Scientific proof that God exists? on: June 07, 2015, 11:55:40 AM
According to anti-atheist's, athiest's do not believe in god, so atheism cannot be a religion for there is no god or diety, in fact, the general consensus, is that athiest's believe in nothing. In fact atheism and religion are two completely different entitie's, in that one does, the other does'nt.

As for deleting the evidence that the flood could not have happened because the sequoia tree's are still alive, that only proves my evidence is sound, for only the church or it's follower's would like to deceive the world with their deletion of the truth. What I mean is this: Do not do business with religious nut's who would like you to be with them, so they can fuck you over with lies. (majority of members here)

270  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:39:45 PM
And yes, I AM decksperiment.. master of space and time.. master of what I say comes true.. by the maths, I am not only creator, but ruler of the underground.. it get's worse.. wizard of the impossible.. ( I actually quoted an author, and knew exactly what I said.. in the 'god' thread.. )

C'mon, hack me bich's..

So, a challenge:

Prove me wrong:


Feel free.

Everythin i wrote in last hour will come to pass.

271  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:32:51 PM
C'mon vod, u actually looked like you could speak for yourself..

Oh, I forgot, I commanded the end of canada..

No, i did'nt, it was 1000 days for america..

it actually means a lot less for your country

C when I said the bizzies are comin..

T'was not a joke..

Your countrie's on the verge of panic..


It never occured to you I make the law?
272  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:30:09 PM
All the evidence provided, here, and elsewhere is not good enough for a silly cunt that thinks 1.5 million will save a site from going down..

I got the news at my fingertips, I mean, ya gotta admit.. so far.. yes.. what I say HAS happened..

Albeit not n the timing of that expected by a loser..

If a kid has to wonder when his next abuse will take place, then so should the abusers website, even if he is not the abuser, by allowing such abuse to take place (resign and create new name).. yeah, we cant win us victims..

note, I am not us, but will help, by choice, using any means necessary..

Are you a vod sucker?
273  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:24:02 PM
Dear theymos, am i WRONG?
274  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:22:59 PM
Oh, I forgot, to the noobs, they're comments are allowed, but mine are deleted.. some would say due to foul lingo.. na..

They were 'donated' to, to delete said posts, by the paedo scam ring known as THEYMOS's BITCOINTALK PAEDO SCAM RING.
275  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:19:32 PM
Who's ya god now bich?
276  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:19:01 PM
All because of:

Vod/Oyo/BADecker is one and the same!

277  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:18:13 PM
When america finally takes heed of the fact the english sold them guns to make them bums that need nuked, who dya think will pull the trigger?

Those we taught so well..:

Check this:

Bitcoin Forum
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« Sent to: Decksperiment on: March 28, 2015, 10:38:27 »
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A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

Quote from: bitcoin_bagholder on March 16, 2015, 12:16:02
Quote from: Decksperiment on March 15, 2015, 20:24:59
At least one, with 1000% accuracy, that being that the great flood could not have happened in biblical times, because the Sequoia, or Pinus longaeva are older than ALL event's in the bible, and are still ALIVE, captain Wink


Going off on a tangent here...

No, but you just made that two posts I have created with 100% accuracy..  I did not go off in a tangent, now fuck off and swing yer bag bich..

No censorship on bitcointalk, despite being on topic, in, what is recognised, as an off topic thread? Ps, I c the abuse of this idea, so thought, weel, what's good for the goose, is good for the gander:

Bitcoin Forum
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« Sent to: Decksperiment on: March 28, 2015, 10:38:31 »
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A reply of yours, quoted below, was deleted by a Bitcoin Forum moderator. Posts are most frequently deleted because they are off-topic, though they can also be deleted for other reasons. In the future, please avoid posting things that need to be deleted.

They choose to allow it, because I speak the truth, not only that, but CAN prove what I say, the admins can read for themselve's who attacked whoever first.. no matter who is arguing.. what, it's ok for you and your bumchum to rain on others parade's, but when you get yer ain shit back you run crying to admin? You still cant see, you are one snails trail behind vod's butthole, and clearly dinae ken how tae have a fuckin laugh and make people WANT to read yer shite, at least I get responses that are far better than your's and vod's paedo predator like behavior.. shoe's on the other foot dude, it's your and vod's turn for sure.. ya gotta admit, I make people laugh, even if it is at a paedo's expense, you and vods make people leave, what do YOU think the admins want?

A crazy lost the plot scotsman in a kilt, or a paedo lover?

Yup, more censorship
278  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:14:59 PM
Shut up and join in with the crowd, this is live in europe, trance europe express material,Yeah?  like, gay, yeah, straight, yeah, bitcoin, yup, paedo luvers, nah, we're all gonna kill ya, just wish you lot could afford a ticket.. cause this.. is coming for ya..

Lol, u think u know the net?

Which one?

Cya, in a min..

Ps.. Camera's are.. on.. this screen, fuck yours
279  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:06:30 PM
Ps, I am LIVE with no less than 22 news channels..
Showing my hackin skill's no less..
280  Other / Off-topic / Re: VOD IS INDEED OYO!! on: March 29, 2015, 11:05:29 PM
My god, youtube is now showing vods post to the paedo hunters, the one he just deleted..
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