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1  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Speculation (Altcoins) / Re: Will 2020 be ETH's biggest year yet? on: January 17, 2020, 10:20:23 AM
As Ethereum forks its way into becoming a full-fledged PoS cryptocurrency, the new year of 2020 is expected to bring a rise of ETH's price across the crypto market. While Bitcoin is still the true indicator of altcoins' prices, Ethereum could experience a short boost in price due to people's excitement of the release of Casper PoS on the ETH blockchain. I have to admit that development has been somewhat slow, but everything has been done in a safe and secure way. Maybe 2020, will be the year Ethereum goes full PoS? Or maybe the dev team will delay the process until further tests are made?

Whatever the case will be, it looks like this year will be ETH's biggest one yet as it's one step closer towards becoming a PoS cryptocurrency. At first, it'll be a hybrid PoW + PoS coin until its ready enough to become a completely PoS coin. Staking Pools will be the hottest trend of 2020, as people who cannot afford the minimum requirement of 32 ETH to become a validator, will simply resort to these services. With a PoS version of the Ethereum blockchain, the competition will be fierce among other competitors such as EOS and Cardano. On the other hand, Ethereum Classic (ETC) will retain its PoW consensus algorithm distancing itself from Ethereum in every way. Maybe ETH miners will flock into ETC once the former does the transition from PoW to PoS?

What are your thoughts? Huh
Imho, Ethereum is forced to completely switch to PoS in order to increase people's hoarding and speculative demands. And that will boost its value. But as far as I know, switching to PoS completely is something that takes a lot of time to complete.

The Ethereum development team always wants everything to be safe, so it needs to take more time than usual. I guess we have to wait until 2021 to see that.
2  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Death of ICOs on: January 16, 2020, 02:53:39 PM
maybe this year ico will rise again, of course, with new strategies such as payment using existing coins such as ETH, XRP, BTC, and others.
I see several projects that want to raise funds and promote their projects to pay using ETH and BTC to their campaign participants.
I hope this will become a trend this year where all ico make payments like that.
even they operate again this year i dont think they can easily  attract investors to invest on thier project because they have already a bad reputation in world of crypto.
That's what will really happen. Investors already have trust issues, so I don't think that ICO's will rise again. Even if something new came out and will make ICO trend again, investors will stay limited as they will try to avoid this thing again.
There is no real ICO project, so it is not profitable. All of their value growth depends on rumors of a "potential" project, hype and leaders promoting the project as an MLM model. And because of these dark sides that caused the SEC to take intense action throughout 2019, the apparent result is that many projects have to appear in court.
3  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: IEO vs ICO my opinion, tell me yours on: January 16, 2020, 02:26:10 PM
Scammers always have their own way and always have many strategies to make investors believe and want to invest in their projects. It's difficult to determine whether the project is a scam or not if the person behind it is very smart in making other people trust to invest in the project and for me right now we have to be more careful in investing in new projects and if we don't want to take risks to invest in new project then we can invest in the top coins.

You won't lose your money by the scammer if you don't invest in any project, haha Grin

Same thing, different name. The difference is that there are more results with ico scam than ieo scam; yet.
And the scammers will rob a lot of money as long as their project is hyped. Just spend a little amount and someone famous will help them promote their project. Honestly, I stopped to invest in ICO or IEO since early of 2019. For me, at now, almost new projects are the scammer.
4  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Need suggest invest in small amount on: January 16, 2020, 01:25:36 PM
I recomended to buy ethereum, you can go all in in ethereum, buy ethereum right now wait it rising arround 30% then sell back to bitcoin and holding bitcoin, im sure ethereum will rise his valie before bitcoin rising, after bitcoin starting to rise, all altcoin will get danger situation.
I think the suggestion for all in to ETH is not the right thing because it is too risky if bitcoin goes up and ETH is declining better if invested in BTC or into other altcoins that have the potential for medium or long term investment.
It depends on which plan you want between a potential altcoin or a stable growth of Bitcoin. If the cryptocurrency market has a bullish trending clearly, I also will recommend others buying Ethereum as soon as possible. ETH has more chances to raise its value, and ROI will be better than so much Bitcoin.
5  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Mining crypto by walking on: January 15, 2020, 02:53:18 PM
It's a very good concept , at least it has instant use cases that is rewarding. There used to be a project like that also called Gym reward that pays people when they exercise. Seems it has also gone low. These are good concepts that needs to be handled by devs that are professional and passionate about it.
A good concept does not mean that it can be applied in practice. Many projects are created from groundbreaking ideas, but not many can achieve success. Most fail to implement after launched for 6 months and 1 year.
6  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Eidoo wallet on: January 15, 2020, 02:26:16 PM
Hello evryone

Please give your opinion about eidoo wallet and compare Between Eidoo and myetherwallet
Myetherwallet is an open-source project and it has trusted by many Ethereum users, so I don't think any light wallet better than Myetherwallet to store ETH or ERC-token. As far as I know, the Eidoo wallet is just a product created by an ICO - Eidoo. Imho, I don't recommend to use it to store your private asset unless you must use it to store EIDOO token.
7  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is USDT Tether safe? on: January 15, 2020, 02:16:31 PM
Today, the tether continues to print 250 million tether, raising the tether's market capitalization to more than $ 2.7 billion to reach the top 10 coinmarketcap. People say that every time a tether is printed, the bitcoin price increases because the tether pumped USDT onto the floor to push the bitcoin price. What do you think about this and keep the USDT safe?
I trust Tether because it always guarantees its value every time it prints. The price of Bitcoin is usually not related to printing more USDT or not; everything just coincides. However, this moment may actually be a signal for a wave of Bitcoin's value growth.

Btw, your question and your title are not related Smiley
8  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: PoW to PoS question on: January 14, 2020, 09:51:59 AM
Is Proof of Work is going to lose popularity compared to Proof of Stake? Ethereum is going to PoS. Angry
You don't need to care that! Ethereum is just an Altcoin in the cryptocurrency world, we still have many cryptocurrencies using the PoW algorithm, included Bitcoin.

Is there going to be a lot of hash (computational) power idle because of shifting to PoS?  Sad
Where that power be used then? Will it address such decentralized computing projects as Golem, Storj, Sia, etc?  Cheesy
Maybe many miners will sell their GPU to get back their investment. Instead of worrying about that, why you don't be happy you can buy cheap GPU from them? Besides that, ETC, XMR, or ZEC are the best alternates crypto of Ethereum for GPU mining.
9  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Iran again want to make some dirty things on: January 14, 2020, 09:40:01 AM
today I read the news that Iran has warned about "more serious revenge" against the United States. such statements are not some kind of joke and what exactly they can do?  Huh I believe that 2020 began very poorly if you look at it from a political point of view.
If the disagreements between the US and Iran will continue, this could end badly. How will this news affect the market? can they start to sharply raise bitcoin at the price? if bitcoin will grow fast, then altcoins will be even worse  Angry
That's the fact! No one wants to keep money when a war happening, especially that is the war of the USA! But according to my knowledge, I guess Iran's government doesn't want to have a war with the USA. Because they won't receive any benefit in any case, even they win in this war! Without compensation, they still overwhelmed by the economy, and society will go down => Iran will become a lagging country, and that's enough to kill the people of Iran.
10  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Is NOW the time to get into Ethereum ? on: January 14, 2020, 09:29:10 AM
It was time to buy when the ethereum price was 80 dollars. Now again the ethereum price is very low. I think the ethereum may rise to high prices in 2020. I'm expecting it to cost $ 300. I invest with the right plan.

Woow, it seems like you jump to conclusions too soon. I am also an ETH holder, and it seems like all holders will expect the same thing as you. In my opinion, current market conditions are not yet stable to take decisions when entering the ETH. let's monitor the market together and look for information related to the development of ETH this year, so we know when the right time to buy it.
$300 is not impossible considering the recent news about ETH 2.0 and network scalability. The market will not go higher than $500 during the current year, the illusional predictions just kill my hopes about the experienced trader/investors. IMO, the $200-$350 is the best frame for ETH price for the recent year.

if an increase or a bullish trend happen this year, and also we know about the development that has continued to be done so far, then why do you only expect high prices that are only in the range of $300, is the ethereum with the development being carried out unable to reach new ath? i'm not sure the increase is only that low, because at least a new ath will be achieved if the development goes well
Imho, we need to have more reasons, more demands for the Ethereum market to do that. However, I saw many people only waited for the price of the Ethereum increase. They just wanted its value come back to an enough high price and sell all to get out there. Not many people really want to buy Ethereum at this time!

ethereum now may be at its lowest point and many people believe that a bullrun will occur in 2020 if you believe and don't want to pass this moment then please start investing now
You can't put your faith without a clear plan for a long-term investment. Especially you're recommending others go to buy Ethereum now! You should have more specific evidence to prove you are right!
11  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Teach me how to fish on: January 14, 2020, 09:20:16 AM
Everyone keeps pointing to trading as the best alternative to earning in this bear market but my past experience about trading was bad and now i am willing to give a try again, can any one give me good guide? don't just tell me to find strategy without giving me any, teach me how to fish
Honestly, no one can teach you all things. Today, you can learn anything quickly with Google Search, but to be honest, did you really trust that knowledge? I'm sure it just a half or less than that!

The experience can't share through some articles, guides, etc. You must become a trader, trade every day and get your experiences! That's all!
12  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Qatar Bans CryptoCurrency on: January 13, 2020, 09:23:26 AM
They are a rich country. I don't think Qatar's government was wrong in making this law. Many countries have done the same, and China has even imposed a lot of strict rules on cryptocurrency users. But that doesn't mean Chinese people can't use cryptocurrencies, there are lots of ways to circumvent the law, but it needs a bit of knowledge about security and the internet anonymous.

Btw, some of my friends in China are always complaining about this, they always compare that to me whenever we talk about crypto. Grin
13  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Danger that awaits few coins on: January 13, 2020, 09:14:36 AM
I agree with your opinion, there are too many crypto projects on the market and the majority of them have the same problem - no real use case. They might have cool blockchains, but if they are not being used by real people, such projects are useless.
This one of the main problem of crypto world there is alot of them and no one can stop them from spreading a lot of new altcoin are being created and no use at all. They are just full of promises and that's it is much better to avoid an ICOs since for sure they will just scam the investor.

And we all know that some of the altcoins are being deleted by exchange because they have no volume and just a pump and dump scheme.
That happens every time an economic bubble trend arises. Dot com is a prime example of how most of the projects that were created at that time were dead and only on paper. No clear roadmap and only promises, those things made an economic bubble and cryptocurrency is also a victim of this.

Honestly, I'm sure this case didn't only happen in the cryptocurrency now, it always happens around us, in other fields.
14  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: 2020 start of a fresh market for crypto. on: January 13, 2020, 09:03:45 AM
In this case crypto have to recovered first.In this bear market investors will not show Their interest.if old investors who lost their money they will not show interest.
I don't think the cryptocurrency will be a Ponzi market like what you said. New investors = new losers = new source of "the profit". And this form just happening on Ponzi pattern projects.

But if crypto do something in 2020 then we can see new traders and new investors.         
The cryptocurrency can't do anything! The demand of the world will make its value increase naturally, there is no organization or individual can do it alone.
15  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: High price but no volume on: January 09, 2020, 09:18:15 AM
It's back to square one if you are holding a coin or token for long term and finally altcoin season comes and the token or coin surge in value but has no trading volume on exchange, all your efforts and pain while holding is total waste, do not hold tokens or coins that have no demands, real use cases are what makes them very demanding
I only see this case when trading with ICO tokens.

I also experience situation like this. I hodl a token and then got surprised that the price takes a high positive increase, and when i see the volume it is very low. Now i just wanted to keep it and maybe in the near future there would be an enough volume for my good token price.
Could you tell me the name of that token? According to my experience, I just know DENT is the only project raised strongly after a long time it had a low volume at a high price. I remember that it lasted for a year, and just by rumour news about listing on a Korea Exchange made DENT token value raised so much. At least it has increased ten times the value of ICO. I remember roughly that.
16  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Too much projects, good projects cant reach crypto ethusiasts on: January 09, 2020, 09:05:53 AM
You are absolutely right, during this long bearish season many many good projects died forever and some leave during the initial coin offer. The crypto market is unpredictable so far.
We all could predict the future of trash coin, mate. Honestly, almost the ICO projects from 2017 till today died. Of course, that included hype or large projects like Eidoo, KickICO, Civic, Bancor, CyberMiles, AirToken, Etc

We saw what will happen for all hyped projects. We even know that ICOs or IEOs are just trapped cakes created for speculative markets. It's just that people forced themselves to forget those things before speculating on ICOs, IEOs.
17  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Just a quick warning on: January 09, 2020, 08:54:22 AM
No matter how promising a project might look, especially if they are new projects just look them as if they have nothing to offer and invest only what you can afford to lose. Do not keep your eggs in one basket, do you fall in love with a single coin, no matter how good they are always keep digging, many more good gems won't hurt than relying on a single gem 💍. Be smart 

A piece of straightforward and essential advice for everyone, it may be old but never wrong.

No gems could be found anymore,it could be a metal same like which is already existing with us so risking the money is not worth on new project anymore unless that project got real hype and can be able to make some quick bucks by dumping when it hits exchanges.

Yes, that is a fact. There have been too many paper projects created from ICOs and IEOs, where profits can only be determined by being listed on major exchanges such as Binance, Huobi, etc. to grow the value of tokens. That made many projects spend a lot of money just for listing on the large exchanges. That makes many projects spend a lot of money just for listing on major exchanges while that amount should have to pay on developing their projects.
18  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Danger that awaits few coins on: January 08, 2020, 10:01:47 AM
Every project has a different goal and industry, you can not expect all of them to make it as a global payment system. Let's say a pharmaceutical token based project, the project is limited only to buy the medicine and in this area. Does that mean, this token is bad? no, because this is what they are aiming for.
Proof of Stake is a consensus, the use case depends on the project itself. Why people love it?
It is because it is cost effective compared to POW in running the blockchain, you can get a passive income from holding it, the majority POS project are faster in term of transaction speed compared to POW.
It's correct! And of course, as mentioned above, Proof of Stake is only adequate for altcoins used for payments and regular transactions by a large community. PoS isn't wrong but there're many projects used it as a slogan to call for investing.

Ethereum will succeed even when it switches to the Proof of Stake algorithm. I firmly believe in that!
19  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Service Announcements (Altcoins) / Re: Mining on a cell phone on: January 08, 2020, 09:51:23 AM
Stanford grads find a way to mine on a cell phone.
500K+ downloads. Protected Google app.
Earn everyday.
Install a malware application to receive "a little amount". Honestly, I don't understand why GooglePlay Store still accept these types of applications. A hundred thousand times less productive than using a VGA or CPU to mine. Even, you could make a better amount if you sharing your data while surfing the website or watch ads on GPT sites. Tongue
20  Alternate cryptocurrencies / Altcoin Discussion / Re: Crypto history making year 2020 started it's journey ! on: January 08, 2020, 09:43:47 AM
Cryptocurrencies are an endless journey, cryptocurrencies are a great choice of investors, cryptocurrencies are an easy to trade, very safe and profitable when you know how to use it. use. Wink
Not sure, cryptocurrency is excellent, but behind its success is Blockchain technology, which technology I'm sure will be famous in the future. The idea of ​​Satoshi Nakamoto is also good, but for now, Bitcoin cannot become an easy-to-use payment method like FIAT. So, in my opinion, cryptocurrency like the original version of the currency uses Blockchain technology in the future. A demo for the future.

For people who know and understand about cryptocurrency trading and investing in cryptocurrency can be beneficial for them but for people who have just joined it is not an easy thing to do. But there are also many people who have been in cryptocurrency for a long time but it is difficult to make a profit because we know, we cannot continue to make a profit. Certainly, every one of us has experienced failure with what they do and that is a natural thing and can make us have experience more about cryptocurrency.
Don't put too much expectation on making profits from using cryptocurrencies, you should think of it as a financial market besides Forex or stock, which will help you feel better about the flow of the market.
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