This is from the conditions of the escrow for this coin:
Funds release after a maximum of 48h of hold after the launch, and with the following respected and fullfilled conditions:
> Release of the QT client compiled for windows
> Release of the source code
> Overall stability of the blockchain
Means the Dev does not even need to do anything at all - just release the wallet, have people mining on Suprnova, and voila, the funds are released!!! Then disappear with pockets full of BTC. Dev has 8 posts, wow
! $5k is a good pay for 8 posts and finding few pictures of robots on the internet
An advice to future scammers - use Qubit!!! People like that by some reason (not sure why a normal human being could like an 'algorythm'
, but anyway..)! So if your coin uses Qubit, you will scam more money!
This is crazy. Looks like people have too much money, and just need someone to unload their pockets.
Well, he may not run immediately (could even show few screenshots of some TOR super-puper-hyper-market with robots in background, if he is not too lazy), so somebody could make some money, but.. well.. come on, why not to just get those 24 BTC, lay back, read another book... and start another coin! Except Asimov, there are Bradbury, Sheckley, Simak, Philip Dick, Kuttner, del Rey... or maybe Tolkien(!!!), Zelanzy, Le Guin, ... many opportunities for coins!!!!