Can someone explain how to combine all my addresses in the wallet into one large stake.
I have two receiving addresses, one from the Supernova pool and one from Bittrex.
For staking I would like them all together but I don't know how to achieve that in the wallet.
Any help would be appreciated.
Find "preferences" in the wallet, the go to view, then enable coin control features (experts only).
Then go to send coins, then click on coin control. Expand every address so that you see all the transactions.
If you combine it with the others, you'll lose its maturity, but at least it will be earning interest. By sending it to yourself, you will lose the 0.000625 (fee will vary by sending amount) SNR transaction fee.
To send it to the others, select it in coin control and send it to the address you want to add to.
That's the best cut-n-paste explanation I can give you.
Good Luck & Happy Days are around the Corner!!
edit; had to edit real quick. I said it was a cut-n-paste but didn't read it....should be correct now
Wow...sorry! That's got to be the worst example for combining coins to one address I have read. I just tried those instructions and it confused me to. Let me see if I can do better without the cut-n-paste stuff,
Not sure of other opsys but for the winQT wallet, go to options (menu pull-down) and make sure you have the 'expert coin control' checked.
Now go to Send SNRG;up @ top is expert coin control, click the 'Input' button. That brings up the expert window.
Expand the Tree/List (check box) and choose the coin address you want to send; ie., in your case you said you had Bittrex & SuprNova, choose the smaller (check box)[ie. Bittrex]. That's the SNRG you are Sending.
Click the OK at the bottom & that window will close to the 'Send' screen. Enter the address you want to send to[ie.SuprNova] and hit Send.
Done, but you will have a transaction fee and you lose the maturity of those coins you sent.
All your SNRG are now in under your SuprNova (wallet) acount. (-fees)
Now a pretty darn good explanation!! Glad to have helped (see below)